Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 May 1963, p. 5

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Uit Mfiao id1 Pluym Pollowing are the liste otf play- Playern, Jim Barhey, Albert Cas- es Who will forin the Milton sonr,Barry Fergnson, Peter Marsh, Minor Basehali Assoiaier's Eddie BulleaS, James Crahanm, leagues for ii yeer. SÉephen Clarke, Scoti William. Croup I--Cuba ad Mets sotn, George Selle, Pau[ Portroit, Celai and Black Pool Johnson, Nigel Ferguson, Coaches, Ray Gay, Slree Martie Bradnhaw, Rohert Cr0. Treiles, Charles Poy. Players, honi, Bille Clarke, Davidi Ryan. Norman White, Wayne Debe, Steve lohnten, John Arnolai, Re- Steve Clemeel, Brion Waton, heri Lawarence, Rayonda William- Don Fey, Prier Broding, Merlin son, Robert Cheskev, Jinmmy Ken' O'Neill, Michael Aikenhead., Suir- ailick, John Hailiericy, Wade Be liag Beekey, John Hopkin, Ste- kar. Hogli Campbllt, Oaa id Crocs, plier Thonier. L awrence Whil- Richiarda Juhh. riîe, Bacmncoa Mai, Daid He"- peJohn Carohers, Ronde Hon Gtaap 4 - RedI Legs andI Angela priail iii ~ O* Bilc cai, White non, George RominelacreJohei olc,,rî- tu-î Wilson. Jck Ho-erîelali, Pal Botitle, Detîglan îallo, Gotrt Wti filg'e or h. Grnera-aix, t iwirriine Ctreîll, SrekpicM,9otMo Hownsard Wrigglescoiirih. Siephen Wic.eees-M.YLnMs Sie Marie, rasier Machae, Billev Phinece ia ileCe Clarritîge. l-oliin. Darin icîe, Lariant Croup 2 -Prates and Snators Dram, Joho Persan. Chrislie CGreen anai White Wordl, Leslia Wilson, Davial Am- Coaches - Mare Rock, Rvbrac isbe, Dale Deelin, Peler Me- Waîer, Nip Mardi. Cuala, Michael Winney, Cary Scorekeepero Mir. Borin, Mi-. Yoaag, Kennelh Rollino. William Pelerser. Bcoiler, Phillip Winrev, Benne Doeg MeLauglilin, Baht Henry. Nyhlînî, Brvan Kent, PairieS Oe' livdo Borin, Bila Martini, Leon. lin. Mats Falk, Bicherai Murray, aral Lauîghton, Peler Mardi, Mar- Roiger Batalai' Binall Gaon, tle Largedyk, George Preoniok, Derrick Van Deî' Vlel, John Kel. Brion Bock, John Jensen, RieS mer, Henry Brvnikuc, Beati LADY PIN SPILLERS frnt lthe t Figa, Jomes McBriale, A ody r.,ao. Monday nighi for tae "Ladies Trencc, Cerild Clark, Davd Me hsol.TeP*..lde Citnigle, Haro Lergeaiîk.. Billo Crnîîp 3 - Dedgers andI Yankees hnom TePLRlde McBriale, Hîîgh Marchait, BaliSe Coachies - Gus Maîthiav Pcr- holm are Kathi Coaen, lii and Ferrier. Bitlv Precoiak, Ravin ce Bare, Kart Mcltici ' MePhail, Donna Kiens aed Jan Bock, Jim Rbherton, Rbert Scorakecepeen - Mi'. Mat-lin, Mocntaîn and MarieMarray. A Evans, Ricke Pelercer, Boger Me. Haîîchînsoî. Haî mp. Patricki Motion, Brion Playerc - Maurice Caccide, Leor, Bill Tardifi'. Slave Welleorai, RennaiS Browni, aiT Carliai Wallcr Weîss Kim Grnap 3 - Rent Sas antI Cat-da Philip Martie, Robert Matlin, kfaaîitin, Beia teec, ichael17 Coîachec - Ltaod Smith, Join Stanley Heactip. John Francis. B. Orpen, Roaiocc Wattsc Georgc Perrîtit. Frank Clarke. J. Dîoaloisor, Barrc' Belan, Trc. Taft, Mark Cîcnkc, Bruîcc Laing, Setîrekeepers -Mr. Checke.v, l'or RherIs,' Dog Bave. Pc'ter Aiecandler Rialîcîto Pctrî Oîpcn Me. Tarallif lJacicho, Kerraih Camphell, Crag- BicS B,îrkee, David Hiiuchinctin. 6000 at Mohawk Sunday Crowd Jams Race Plant Aernowd estimaeah6f000i- plainithe rurnigafhres -rs oîoateded ane ia încc vadeai Mohawck Baceaa ai la the manv "ýgreenhoro." îl the arti%,vinîthe Becaroallian di Camphnlleille Sundav ai erotn cisands. A fuî, scl of heenes. wac roam The Jockey Clubh ireateal lite an Open bouse atour oatf ondiicpky,andaademonsirin the viciiing renccmen. c'citiiai, 5the new3,0O0,00 hattcaraciIiptoinglthegear on ahrcracirg cotaîmniclo anal nt.ig.i' lir lacilities ereoird liv the . ac aine enloveai b he lhr dci finclofiferc le a detia'in hbol' Jockey Clubi LIAi, arc, Gliicialc alco soheitci file tl copper. Track phlici Jim Lampman gaîecic hau,.the laeiing gale anda Seeral localsevc itF anaimanager Ed Bradley aaiitphotofinish wrked. hiavehbeen ineiiea Ioiac na an rai îhev icere realle "aimaicl" Tor Mutuets ecantof ai fic yaick, The Jockey tiîhithe recpone Iothc enn. Toursofitleegraailailalavcc Cubhhacaltarc'aliaamcar1,rae 'Tlev had enpecea it fcc' [hui anai lice pari-mutuelatîiî cccrc ie thece clubs' haitrîina prît candand rarcshort on thece lietld.anihe croacaiaallowcl vicie a tîoptîc he clcuh pid refreshmrnicoand souve'nirsc lhatiaithe sle te, feai. scanîl denticon praccnitollthe iinning weeoffereai, when îhey sere pet the herses. "They cuo cPei'i- ilticri, sraiclird ep hy tha earlv ali rai dhe harsec." shraggeai pablie- The lroek is aet irnil ofaI lie lnoncronas. ici Lampman. Only ane horse acstcecfilfioanctali'entatclfor Hata Short llan't appreciale the 'intruion ni the managers, coliS air ia The vliitorsoblehhe op 416 the viiolis le the usualv ScaiIo toali hatiîr ai Il mliii; ai daan doais, 3,941 noit ains gardeai stables. He seeppedait wIninaiest of $140,000 a nigh cuir- snJl7cpectca.revelahittrrhefe otiil ingitlifrst flltteekt opra- pltely enhain tihe cairreraý maveai ihe boure 10 a niante and lion, April 29 la Mev 4. Croiorat caîpplo in short erder. A lhae- lied hlm op. rangatliroma low 2.30ai citta candtndaiarsihad ieeiipro- Th parkig lo wax ammed and vt evening carievin flic caîrea fer the childeen, hat tha salh carc ail alîrnîm, asc omecli la a record 6,0443 on Sai' copply fr11 fer chort af il h l stic eade flonw of irafic cer alorg orday night, seilh nightc h"îîî'in- menai - ihev disoppeaîad in lIa She Guetait Lire and Highwai tîrnohere front SI00,lf aooe lime. 401. t20W,000. Wecknight crncin Sia Ar exhibition rare ho to- e ir Hast Nenrames heer omati bot flic Friat tiaid idta ralers wa rate oit su Monraav eeniog ccac anaiher Satîîîd.v macsec have pulici vip manager EdBalycude-ýfc ih"[raot-U ii.teatnac n m tue i r - ~ ,~.gaires. 40 Regiistear Fror Girls' Bull Muoy Maike six Teumfi Leugure Bcirtio for filic Milioni ivan 'mmc cai hcanciicecai Il icilco Cric' cfihali lea5or'tc hae en poseîtchac pec;l tclasc fnnI I ticn i %n el, Cbinn girls rîha hae neceretilincî hece- Robhrtsreporti s ihîonl A hllthefrcîcl c arrîgcal reai 4 registrationhehurt:c ,Miton, M.Robhctscnotal c - ie hhaiof lact eri 1 haeoil c al ia c i, i ri, Bciure the rcegritrai cta The ccicaulctctcccpac tailu hegin fnWedrecdav, Mac 15, Mr. lie tahic nîenih Rahertc eopetcanîiher 20re gistrationsc hringirg uhe nitalIta 6Gitt hselceaen Ic tfec tif nfic MILTON GIRLS' SOFTBALL LEAGUE aid 15, or celcutaiei ail Deccîn- her 31, t963, cil ie hc ritathi lai" haeleogae liai ladt ver llttie ai the high schoot. 't'tîic ver Me, Rbertn hope thai h lecage tîl iSe ahle ta povycala nighicltrdnhve10 c ani U IL Presenlly the leaigae c calle- Fiv Ssealters, Sputniko, Thunder- reirton caoni et if Between 10 and 16 on Dec. 31, 1963 polmet f helegu i) ix YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO ENROL NOW FOR THE 1963 SEASON 0F THE MILTON GIRLS SOFTBALL CAIL NADALIN ELECTRIC Co. Far INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING asnd MAINTENANCE SERVICE TR 8-2206 TUESDAY, MAY 14t h PLAY WtLL START LATER'tN MAY Play your parf when ftho Flyswafters, Thunderbirds, Spulniks and Saifan's Angels batlle folr tho Chompionship. Roturn or Send This Comp!eted Form to Either: ART MELANSON or GLYN ROBERTS Knights' Mes's Weae 78 Victoria St. hitd Ca ii Ii lie Signotore Iaret lo ydaugiter te envol in tic Milter Ciels' Softbell LetlOW PSinT CNSN Are ladies leagant le Milton enurpnird ai lice Miltn Bnmlamay a' Champienship Tîopicp" doiai by Bemiamap plepîtnler Sion re lice champins. licene reenag lice iîophy frem Mr, Cii aLi[ Kasayeki. le lice secnd row are MaiS Heahinon, Delta ce Knoxn, thie bavck are Donna Cienke, Mary Heipel, Carie ai 55 eg ai lice limn of lice pielaîr mas Shhiry McMlilen. Receives Fractured Hip Preparing for Taig Day MsJ. .DVarcnîn 1 Jtltî ofî t Mitn nTke ca a 110a1ltrcent Miltonîaîîabcs- pdt mekDlie ithe t pitaiacd Suata v ieneana t'n C. Elil f Gco icrlber carvsiititatta'minratriio iti%ti, eeocilnriiu- aaoliinun lice Basce Line .11 lle Sti-eclotlie Raid SET UP FUSIl Mrs e, arenoc atitiecedal Titerc aîle iîet ihanl 70 kiierci iiiill ttitret lti,aanicrcx.tiaraeli ntal ri.îadatiî iccird Io [lie Sîcpitalia.eci lii 'cScitne han Setît Io lind ma lre uor,(nir. Site litai lieti ticittef triiie mnctatins ii caria' ti-ta li titdo ii lice diticit iaid ,îîîinAcaîîii lau' Scicat icclîna oe foîr llia %vcken'îîîi' Cc hilairen cs catlliciii a SI, itctcl WA . liv, iaid i'li c flic lutt...ai lt p-itii i ;ci l lîpedasiît hcle reittn- -orai %oiik. -I "»' I EASY TERMS EXTRA 5%ND BONUS SOUPONS M-F 10 BALER CANADA'S NO. 1 BALER WHILE INDUSTRY SALIR 0F BALERS DECREASED MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES INCREASED 20% Ses hêni aasp tht No, 10 hantilas tht hapy . . . NO AUGERS TO CAUSE WINDING AND DESTROY THE HIGN PROTEIN LEA VES. ID SEALED FOR LIFE BEARINGS Sl Ats pontnenighbaae boni mati ha liban bls Na, 10 MASSEY. FERGUSON SALER THEN COME ON AROUND AND SEE CANADA'S FINEST BALER FLA SHN! Phone us for a special cash and carry price on famtous erantford twine during weekc cf May 13. Milton Milling COMPANY FARM ECUIPMENT DIVISION CF ROBIN HOOD FLOUR MILLS LIMITED MARTIN ST. MILTON TE 8-9508 HOCA AIR DRYER Deluxe CAR OPENER Loi Mont enoy tarfeternanal. Stir-rire eit Aneilîr lime saver for Moikeel Camplely home' i-nec lieai saitef gi- Acîlemolîr, Clip-bop, aflety ronoeaed eut. ertera praitrrtnian 1. iigr'rcionironiirtittipniottyhrdened 8fto.fcord andcflood iea-t.eet cutioghlaie. For inctoîtra rcase exinai .. ,10-120-V circits Cocdai ndi Toolîred Leaicereile Cervîtto Cane - pleg intîcaid .......... ... 12 9 Doaches aa ongSt kg ......._2.98 ELECTRIC KETTLE ELCTI HARO MAIXER Attractivand prtal gtfor Mom Tri- aeuipn n iigabez n pineh oie plainai repper e 1h hlock halte Mk h po file hardir Pnwerial 150-w ailfascikraieg siradaof achaort hspwru euy etemenît 2-gi., rire, Auttorotîn The ranv.ia.nleao healers are nlely ýht-of.e Card and-pca l crîdh' ri 1tentî lhemh in let rd ......... .................... sittri . W îtlî criai aîîd picc9a 7 "~~/SCHUYLERR BS. TD. 459 MAIN ST. E. MILTON TR 8.2349 mi i The Caradian Champion, Tharsdap. May gah, 19635 offr, lie groap inserance plan IA L .s iit lin open io aevnew na o (huaiber rlnoues muenrnersnip der ti eiescei h menis, irregardecsofn heolth. Openus Croup Insurunce Plani Chineiio huipes to odai 20 e Ncn wcckhoasctiendeclac1ad oa rlaîcrdpîicaiaîncclcci mvtioenthein, "mmeslip wck" hy Miltan Sctogs tu flicChamhr charoi Cianiheraof Commerrccocxcatiaae merar. ticit Naîcia Hospital anodiiitgtgheaeek bunitc'cci Aa prcaetmembshp vei Dan SIc la re i Milton mutl he peronalin' conlacîdai ona afeed meniherý chip in lie rwnogau. Memiai'chip vitairmar Brr An Crocs exphaino "ecery* heoiraro tueili Iobcme ameîiher cf Milton Choniler ail Coînnîaen aiie. ~ A L The promotaaiîon Se Se, I ioe anti a, Milhuai fiiciaoai,,ldu- busiessTO CONSOLIDATE DEUTS AND TO REDUCE Seccroniol proirclsoef Ir Chamic'r icade a Troda Faîir. MONTHLY PAYMENTS mSîch han brrr a big nuccecs fit' lett e oar'; tua Beatitilicitin'u0l 0 EA NO. OF MONYNS aaepoîgr In May, whlici tîipc hrigblar ep the tomn ard en- $506.94 $22.00 30 coragec people 10 ciit lite, sop anai mork inl Miltn; lthe: 1000.00 $41.45 30 anroot Chrictmac tiehtîing et tir soppirg district;' 1hr f roap e-. $1525.00 $58.88 36 srnepion efiertng compot, 20.0 $72 3 camprelierire medicalcue $2 .0 $722 3 age te aro membr and hic clati; $2500.00 $96.53 36 lice arnaa memcernsip lis[ tiai caanifîcal clirriav, lii'itiica lia ait meraheco anda :ld in Loans cf $1,500 and Up are FuIIy Insured Against cirrrOth ai tirepp urau Sickness - Accident and Death aI No Extra Charge! a OMRE met, inance * A IRSINTN : Phone 'cnan c ~ a Phone a AGERTSEN ON n-tt a Mata St., Milton TR 8-2171

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