4 The Canadien Champion, 7h,, seta Mai, 9 h, 1963 SP R M SItTAI I s IN4 TUE FISHING STORIES going roun ,cc,,1ii','%carI, the, cicgic- ha , eal o r ci l, 11,h 11 i, cil I 'n 1, l ci and cc-k oniii- ,- ,Ii he-od ihi, -,1 cc-c- 11, cdc-ai-I uic o ac biglc- ii c,,,,i I Iic ai,,, 'Icin il adatw -- cn ali k mi , ýir -ne%,, ih.c.iccîcp, th "i lo i .. iiiciitc- la o liihc-g ou u L'Ild ili'b l th.t h.ki il th iceI l le cr cl c- h, È, cccî' In1,,ia cîîi , i , î,,ii .1i a h icîk, i ceî mihI i c-c,',c, cd TSi MqFc BEHI\ÇD TuE F 'r cc -icic'P1cicce pd-e ltofhl Ich 5, ic saoa. They are three of the nw faces aîîendî,, the i **c-- ~ ~ ~ i ,,,-l,,,, c-, i-khcc rt Sa>Ihcpracices. Gearci Upic MiorBaleau hcci. Start Gro pn Syhee Moi wvii ic £ -LIN B M thee, ' out buth, i,,,ccccl H p Mio Hu lL u ci ch 1,,,cc,,,c- î,,le rithoc I h l -cc i , cci e h ,, lc,1 ELM ER H O R N IT mccc ci enoi m a a e s coach, cc'bai., El. J i ,i, S ,it ipi e . -icS lan I U I V Mi ,cn Re S l hi les , ccnd rn ex cut i l ici', i ,t b, cc-J 1 i l~ - R i,, P ,c h! c- In t ei"lchi d,,h','ion , 'c- i c.I i Ai S b, ,c- i,c l[ n,-h c fic B ar-h -"d c c 1 t,ýInII1 luri aeti ccit 'cii,, , a hc ill, p t i s. ',i , B',ic-c- h iîa chich U W ED P O Rl cJo tUE la BYS g ti,,.cccaî,--tl i,. ictc-, i,"1 , ccc , ,il îhave 1c c i,iztec c- e A ii l ci-cc- c-',c'cc'c, i .30, piîcIL hcchcc hcccc-.',ccpi,cli,ici uc )m ci, 1cc~ c c-n tc"A" tcua tp nd a i- lcl' i,, h ,,cccc- in ti '-cccc-ikoti i ri- hc , ,ia,c-c,in ccct , hcccccIt-c billet]cc- s,,,,, th-c-c dtf, d itah' of pcc - For NitS ig ra an ,ilhtc Rccc -Sconc an' ha' doni c-ME e ci N ccl ci. l il t c- e ito Bal vi n e ll pacc c',-c ,F , h lch-cc T,, l c-cc', ciflln hccA eicn Iau . Ll ch.- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lho [orllccc-i.i Monic lug ilAlM-,cciccciiii hi -T D YSE O R ccc- ,,l cndh ion. cccna Lc-c-c cori hi',' pi 0 iic-',nii',cciia ý ur . 11 Pu .11 iiliil clb P -1le Ile i e un t g wi i l A :od ic*c * i(c , e saia i rIg i -'nccc ,ci ,, l, hIlc Bnc dit, ~ Atin i ci Ic ,c-ccc cl-c- l manl Iud. v O ,cle cccclc hccak hli ccc, ch,, ',iccl,'u-'cc Thi' ci-,""ci1 'ci Bcn cc mucclccc icc pcct. ccc- liclcc ,i,,c cith , c m 'cil iicc-cc ch, c Aon T1 M O O nI c-cccchccccc-, c- ccccc-d if1,c ccc-g ,,ch',icithe3aimer',.i2fci fcchcc-iccccc~ c fcl.llccc i'c c clihoccpvlccflo i 21 td s hta ut] nd1 h, or ccccri-c,cn it r,l ný, - cc,ci -k.cccc cc- tccc', ',dffihb llsh n cc l t, icc l,,ci , -l cIII ,, ,c i icc i ccc1 ccI l acp hc-cc I p ed oth lnt. P o e ""Ic ccc,, h.. Fc- i'lic-c- cc Th, peratedg grease, g .on p e o p le, il h ainl Gn r xetdt i l Tac-,\, l' i Lon, the, cheak c.cc' cil, icccic iicc-hc, -1 t , h e c h ccarfc af U R 6 Sixla Team Lu Nîn BailL È,1 Play Thi\I ,ree Nuht Weekly.Thi l lrODA chca, boale Ileba , ' FIaggo finieeA J, -hl ,al, , iccc d c,f cccin c h rici la"I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~h ils il'N" t ae tne 2 Telao i]bgno I APEIIL Bccc-iiglc ,,cc, t-c-dc, nccilit c-ccc- 1ion, Centrin- Miton icc(jiic-ca 1c, c miic- 683. hll bc-anqoet, ti cthec pcc-',c-aii, f-cc Gcihci', i 257 hcid cf c-c-l', Accicd,cmu,-,c'ccu cic hic-h ccigic- fi the cd fci c-t,,, chaci,uhcicc-cccc OapL Vim , p h tige, thc- lidie',' c-,cc c-cc c , i 09 triple m-ail thc iclcc-cc an- Icigh il.gi-, R f Tcital pie, fil fil final O R E liap tunt illi;811 Lnd ASRBALL UNIFORMS AND fcJve', occ- i ccc amcci,Il.Pip ACCESSORIES Af-D BE func,-c' cccr iicc-r c-t,,ccu,c,i, RADY FOR Ruth Oren,, Milctcad Fcicd. c-ai,- OPENING DAY. tain Faui Kent., Jac-k SccnSieici TRI-COUNTY ind Harb Higgc- Shireyi Franois ted the iadlic-, AthI*tic Suppiue$ wich a high avec-cga of f67 acîd Baside Liado Restarant Date Brandon luppi the mien, 181 Main si. Miltan cpiiiing lb,, ins ai a 187 rate, Theima Bu'sfieid bcd che, cadi,,',' IR "4705 higli tripla for then yeac- wiih 6Sf, HN EssO PISTOLMATIC A ieb.cpabi, onhaasdaoperted geasetng compctez esc 12' iflnabeexctnnsin t.LacBEssa enaîtpi of 825. ynous nnw aia saing of $5.25 wbmi aapcalenne caon ta kep y~exeqipmt Oin top working conditin. Gel lone sorit front ynut Incpciat Essa Agentd.- NEW Ess0 CHAîNSAW TWINLUBE c Thebl n d calcyucicucccic -i c i Chaltas OU inaa Canada choc w,ii ci soc c jobs in ycur ohacusawal A. MOWBRAY 424 MAIN MILTON IR 8.2381 SOfiR AGENT ggg5RcîacacciB THTIMES Mî (9 0 IM*pEIRIAiw 10111 LIMITESIII tecf s sale look NATI on es Oon de- F See -7. àu John Bean Products LOCAL DEALER iMilling APANY PMENT DIVISION OF OUR MILLS LIMITEDý MILTON TEi 8.9508 pleasant. But ciii you gef a real charge out f utf Wa otter a suggesion chai cao tura lust another weat<-nighf inia a big- time thîcill nighi. Head for harnessracing aitincMohawk RacewainfCampbeiaiiie. The action staifs at 7-45 and cie put an ine heat-sf,,ppe-5 betore ct tut,, off Sppcaltiafe - ad admission deal front, Hacaiicic (Canada Coach), Toronc- t,,, Gueliph aid Kîihenuer (Gray' Coach) oriv ce 401 ici the Caccptcc-ice cit- cifi noith Y, ilie. 9 RACES NIGHTLY AT 7.45 Lak far the captive baliaaat1 and more and more ere switching ta PLYMOUTH h the 5-year-50,OOO mile power-tra-n warranty na car gets to be as popular as the '63 Plymouth, there Îust to be some pretty sol id reasons why. So try these for size. lew 5-year - 50,000-mile WARRANTY on the power-train pro- you against costly major repairs and increases PlymouIs re- value. Sleek new STYLE giving Plymouth ifs long, Iow, racy wins raves wherever it goces! The standard equipment ALTER- OR keeps your battery fully charged, insuring fast positive starts vent the roughest daysl And, for PERFORMANCE, you've got to a Plymouth to catch a Plymouthl Add it ail up-it's small won- lymoufh's going over so bigl Johrison Bros., Your Plymouth dealer todayl è -If,' Most Players Back Sox Meet Caledon Here Sunday The, Milton Reci Scx ,cii Playv oag Usaitt Don Anderonand~ ihsir fc-st game f he yeai W',,,, T imchcic il silure the noltLt 2 p.m. cocu, Ccci,,tcc, Thi veckGlen Daei, the, as ri's itc-1,,,ii,1i ýC" Ch- Recd Saxs'ikck ficitg shac-tstop, nîin.ictci i e wucld ct ho ackt ccilh ors, w d rTh, Sa-cine ci bc, onf exhibiion the, club iis veac-, but on a tOtO- Tiie Miltan Industil alit -otst laidtabel hcub ic.lu ch d halds. Glenn has bee,,cpull On bail leagu aliwingJette c- wchip i,,tc, ,hipe befc-c- the, 'ta-i an ,,vencigshift nt mark, icnd ion on Taaaday. Fine teta. I ci the ro a - efasoc. The Sca icili ikciv bc, ahli,,i, aittend ordI the iclyera, Steelara, Leglon, ric-c c-,cg,,tci- seacii garni is t- wek,,,Jgamsc-. T ,a and Canadian Mater ,il fur lv 22 aa,uit10~ Tt,',,oat-, ,c,,,, ,cecw talt in thse leaigua thia cili.gihlc î, pic-v ,,itheItcafc-i iIli, Mater diamands. Preffideni ai Mtcaa Are 1Backl ,',,,, , lhe league la HOVIallII HOpilsin. Mcc,î,tIicc',Oie d ,U1ill Tî,,,,'îtes , Red ctuîc Sali year six flamma operaled ic- hc-ctckci*,,ttidsa rnmhecof ,chdîî,, fi,îlag~ b.îî, the- laueeagaRbut iiul atini faces, hav, bheurt ccc-ic-ig foc- a chdlel lngthe Belairs dmopad out. spot in ifile',curting aille. Mosct ______________________________ nociceile amngfi e,1c1cconners and tihe V,,lrcn Art MelaIca, c- îîcaing ate an absece,liof oe fcr Ingl,,s serasl lIor i Still igso lt flisl base, and, Phil- lo lips ,ciIJ crc-ck th,, icid a c-cgiar. MuIcc,',ifllieaa.F ow able, fucr duccvci' jthe i,, lhein fiel or he ,,cîîfield. m any thrllls Ron, Philliti. las( yc-,,' lcimpia 1 .iri acer bs eut hemotW 111 you get centr fieder.slftlng around Hou, li u c ilei toast [ii-c- ait hom e 1 nic,c-',iît1ilcrce Joihn Hop- Wi, ieHililan Mi Fethe onlght 1~ r J Fnoi Minoi icga Ccil Teenc Nore Don lia8 ph,, a pc-i. J Hassc Crna, Sie il Clurti Groat Sco Peter Duc ca L Scia,, Ecua, McBc- Rock, Ha, c- Lvcia, Gras Mr-. f 60( videc Tc-a ad cf ,cad, Tntc and plet sccppl cc ced man Ru MB lIn