eCanadien Champion, Thuey, May 9th, 1963 tCOL NVS CMlL~ehspontdwd~Phe SCHO O NES past years by the tan. Mi. P. AHDL Th nrde 12 students turoe Ibi4p IiV ~ d i onng Ware set, Iand Gordon NR in a successfui report on them ilg ei Ms fl oeJ n 8 coalter and Laura Iilowden won NRERY rsonmage nain isetd on Friday the Ineki, spot, chosen hiGo and KEIPhe sdný ge r M." o 'a' la. sý11I, i ing Man" was George Kem of Oa-rk K E and thev took in ,-officient pr Pln L s tforI lors LUCIIiIn tirl. 4 . ." cerds ta reotove ahurtt S3; <-s o ato n Mr% Dog Chire la, l R Parade tn Village YOUR LAWM frram the tare ai each %tsdent B Mrs Reober son, M The antiquse car sthow and pa- ~ OUS who inendq e go n lieirip Te Mavmeetig ci'the Cmp. Inlis vporie Bn te herBK yHber e H nArrshnCArch d C pr rade dthrd hro hththetillag tu ois ntea nd tît e n a golll oscisInttl who t-iine Mi mi,-ile ar w e re Gordon Agnew and Ms. of Camphettaitteoun Sonday rafter- "G O LF-CO U 1&1i8. The remainittf runmta6ëht ntefri faptlc ett Mr R.Meniswi a Henry Wigruve. voon and hey stopped un Pond ma lynt h caiMSCaH ai Mo t oca residentsaendedAene for residents tevawthe .5in Toroto.lnet no i bnac fi h. hr open teore a e Moawk a, This hattrdy, Mav,t dOCWynodyta Mtr an Mrs. Gordon Drby WIYH otasn ai the Northend Ciionts. gi yrwisprvdn vaded Suerai guhWosoapests ofMr. andtMrs Service station. Bath ginsa hh C haseram aaak.erhumer..- boy% are participating in the a r 'Ctt, Mir Gnoiy Wn ofre i Free coitee dnoghnut att sou Ft-iedtos .FrankhBlsl l .. .... ... . 1ye.G ore Igi, a i nis . a a ne of Msa ia ar is na n ttash and tsrs ctani tliat tis a poni "aA sonlde.rcIwo," iailam',,, ,dl-ncilttlthesCOOCes vntpts aithtsavnrtout. h ho plaand Io ers i outa of -pt-ires are ne-y reaisonahie. lire anl is ls the tntitut C O de and Mars IL Euc eSîn tav Mcf Thacmaui s Ho b a l a d Mcod nvlsn alr stodenîs appreciaîe actr suppiort Siealn Cattat t. Miss Katharine t re ' h t Io M .The aaHso ;eorM. an M% Haold ilnb I ThisFidytse a s t cio tian Ms.AT. atrietn part, a St. John Anglilcan Soindai, ni a deor hushand and o veWtr wn da se ni tsea r iihv sl tvtln Mas. Gaogritrish isatl wos hetd an Thnrs- tother, thse tate Thomas Hitron _____________ Tise dana ta htinaog zed isv salit ii clanl rac repotrt. Foliot_ a- tI atnint sciti pt-tees iseing ni Keis, who was bot-ted on teAheiClbadpcedSitto tisa ollîcs',, aanierene ai narlad ta Mt-s. Gratta Lee, Wednesday, Mayg8aM Eergren -am J tie g Aihieard C thean po aaso (tAC ., cicti Miss McPisadran.[ M.irv Danis, Franks Hadtey, and Cemeteri,, Milton. < a j4 atsiti antmet orîh atIntn , ,ion ai todtes Frank Boacisk. Marathon pt-tans Vaie un Barr ming W O L"è nata sabo\vMat t e and flic toiat nn Jui2 atjtnata amardad ta Mr. and Mt-t. Aisout M0 inîerested residents O.A.C. C.olt Beatty for lise teOsnn. ni tise village ni Campiseliltî ai-g O- E atter re ports mare gitan out Prenant Award Mrs. E. Wolacotof Cambras tended thseopentrustee meeting % 0 1t on Wdsesas- isa at-b an Mrm J-ak Wheeliisan presentad'- stas a tceebend gaest ai Mits caiid ta tee if residents wet-e Rn nOangsa aan tiii t tisa reports indicatad ta catMtsWila Wehbb stiti a W.I. Ktars Minsdrn ta avor ni isorroming tones y o nonî hy stn ran siodant iost how mach mark hae ,tp>,tnti snarvtifann ratrement, Donald Otan of Camphelivtite, tramt tisa Townsip oi Nassaga- yaennnthean tn hgii* tll A lieit moisitaC do i ahsbrl o W 0LNadC -aun t-at or via osed h rat- vois e si nt, ant ilor thanked ail>îPuisc Scboat teacise at Mounts- maya ta finitsh tise village wit h - aur ~ ,-sn tn ordar ta pas% t. As motv ýýmm s as passqibir hacg, anîered tise mtdget auto. fluorescent tighiitg. A vote Wil co fat dS aos a TheN! Joipxmnain rInysoc I.UCKY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -r nie a otbntînsnsrP- a its Ts oeeamntOtOC cnctt Ion attendi tisa Hatton r ace trials mils bis M.G. an tise br ield Jolie 8.w. i Laona Clb chatt nt glst At-t Pt-cm ni Eindain a pasi fasr approacbinf. C ouiDistrct alAsettaiWotot's hl-mie dirt tracis on toino e Rayiaitanpreidnt a.c George Oan ine sad ne admirn zn- chat-mon ai Lont. as shows acnpt ng tiesatt tait, Itetr-mural isntebait snd boni [nstintt conetitoa an Lima-, Roatt, Gttelph. Enais driver taises Gntdstram gat-e tise secretar' bitoni charge ftea - 10-6-4ve t ft-tin Miton Liont president Charlet Gervais. millin batt aledy b'iu lttse Pcashistain Chttrab ai!tnisaosr the îranbttetimes and finuniaireportnsC Ros Ca plynb A itolvprv %lsplindlii.Do a e second mitis report, and Walter Hamisti mas R.R. lNo. 4 Milto A40FFA fu tir Ltnanaanena Ma no itr 1-060 ngrauld atise has.the vreigantyrcsitan Iwr FERTILIZER _____ini l a S .n.Birlhday Tia Tise annoal hast-hait ndance mas orb iii t enOPPAT t, îhoHalantntntatlnialMtttttt- a b6.Ctgreioians Fuo, tisaIA viepMidn.o b fisgM la 1 nnn' i',n xibaiiiin Sctm .Wann Naisnbld, Pitlip Maion duievenig mitis tise Wesrnatres W LA ,O O LS baptemiseaa Ch rh M m e Orchestra vapplyisg music fr 40 St Clit Avanue East, -n dancing. Tise davorations tn' Trni eGle-oreGAUAR ASbetatiitni, reiating to ail tise 0 IIEDS GRASS GRADUAI Y Roi Sings W ith Ewart College Choir Shower Dafaî .5eIVUS MAXIMUM GREEN. Oa DafdlTaINO WITN MINIMUM Ctntntttv On Wedncsdav esanina, Mai , iTise music was mriîieo hi, Mr. Miss Sut-jani gave the addnass% StrkShwe, flELU "oty tise chair ai Estant Cotiege sisited Patevea-. P.C.C.O., F.T.C.C. adl froto ibis Saniptana tvssan. aaA-Ziwk p n antio tise INCsagatteaa pcsisinrianusdor theaopeoiaiand ddica- Rat. Ftnniss Tisompano ai. Moaw Open Horuse i News 5 r LA W RI EN C E n 0 LBS. FEEDS U,000 SQ. PT. nnnîttln Cishui an iv n itsit tann uts Johnaig bitt.'nraa iossaiGapnsn FRUIT and GROCIRY STORE 80Ib.... $7.40 ptlcl ananelient progaats. Miss Ada Adams, ilSc.. deanl vf prs tni srasd tisa hanta Abounct 15 lncitas attended h d ' ias th Aood nu ofm en andwo- tlia noltge intradacad thirs tt ut nIse cîeaitotitaitit sthtohntt nvMnang . Pttsoncatdaittocinton, anapetit mev r attended hissCet-sica. T heaand todseisere they w ent front T healast ttaooo m i stsha th e' I hnni - tnt Mn, D o agM onden. ndav nghttiisM . nd Ms. a d.Gid t ofsheilienn ti as-aia ani Naat tma, h t-is. vl W p1o i nttt c ' TaeUiTi ýoslc kc fTrno PRODUCE CI AcLî0Ibu $3.98 p ini lead~~~~~~~~~~~~u- rcai haene cnhantdMr.Gog tcke cnol Fnv 6q.bsi e -t bk.1lea ledrataa a body anti Miss Sirley Dredg, a cbeand -l Gd Bilnl tntt Th, Cnihl. - nann nv na-i nainc Minai Fns n-i bN qiai di eheusein fr h cenng o asagweaChrc, s egoHose"Ctngrtltints to Mr.and Mt-v tnt Pttslitn.hýis atstat isontay wtami A Lw-- - -- - 5 PDTT. 69c -b.ncs Ct-anc. Te Firm Red 2 poands Sttaa 5 Poanda t ntnsis A- Acton. Guelphs and Mnrt-natol the Bii Fiti ininia TsaT son prnnentat n [ho bavae shilt ttr Mn. andc Mcv, Cen bsai n v MvGv Pietei. T MA O S - 9 P T T I 9 w e e r p r ,ne . M r .H e n tv - si i - ' o o ,i a v s ae s d i t i o n .h i P l e t r ol i tIl an nt teet-r the dinastor ofmusaic for ta Canada, and tome vaontinan Thseladieas'aid sot-s.a thcoirt lI Itn'ttS.CnesAgiatsM.annnt M as. Oneno n i-titiAI 'ot n tbe soliaîa andnin n d c oir Iat-hairedtcaîinn. leadears act the bnas cm\e \viri To CiofSi. L tat t ntl-tn tisiraîni aonIia I N rntt ,nnn i ll OR CR SPCAS C yO asiit dînectat-of Giernstea Chosis. To- Tsa mat-t nomiens met-et-ien- a dinner on tisa churchschoo zttt, n Tsa. annlababa hidtti tnaa grntainiitodpM ale i arkt (5OERYSPCIASLYI>ip ronto, accomplavtati.tir, 21tciri, dervi CLiii Tiine Evet." andria n hvsae Ptri va i s loi e ain d Bnnn S len terdnvrad Qurs ls attirtat-' nç.6-z jarU.JE n pa ha tisa chirt. Tisca npenied tisa "Ham Loneiy are tht- Masseng- oas membhers, ot tlies I.u' st urst i ,l GINGERAL on forra $1er 1174,E 7 -eiii sannn lmbars et-s." tise nipisi with irisn theby t9-nna non bymeRAL 6 o $« C huE ........... 79s l>Cos "Ho bpri Oiin, ASn Y Mis Gal Rayao Goalni fedIýwi in Mottai. Tisav mt ai Saveaa peoplea tram ibis dz is lrLbyý1-z n y h 2-z is1 Lor"wstri oia n h atro S . Jhn t-ave bris 7adtertu 155 Oaaffrd Inîl ti tt OrnùI ant t ne o Fruit Cocktail 2 fr 49c PEACI4ES ... 2 for 49c oaa.a. v~]tlýzý all tS ohvat laSatnnv t ,tta osMoblv TR 8-9533 M.C - ,taisRaanasan amisliile.171 Main Et. E. Milton KRF APL KOX - Wallis Hera KOIt Cu Mr. nnnd Mns Canrad Mots Ii DNES JIEn n W h te r L 0 ,ntitttsa thse pavn met-b with 3 oitC4-0z. Tins 39c l'III de, Konas "Great Wht ahé ,cl.; Known ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 01 rane Mc ant Mt-a. MtIi isicit'i T L 3.39 fo huinei mini laits azsdatiale Leal>-4551N" MiCt M bTlCe Pure Pot-b Potnd 4.12-8 OTE /M BOLOGNA ... 3 lb. $1 SASAGE-........43c 31RDIN ni Late Dr. George Darby Honored cetre frntrLtno___ ER Ilr siona iro n the ol in i t senOt-Pun ema lcePudIIZ R u 28 EheerCuc a fld on Wtn tise at-m chat-ch at BelaI me amyl q ttiataetttti. PRKt-CHOPS --.-- 59cý BACIC BACON ----69c FErRTLses an te I,1 sudyeeig hn tiue Relaa for whici th nisa s lad merl a____ habit. _:an, Rase aadth rok wa àdt h aeD.Gog a it-t-rady i, l$4,0,i pnt tinsg whala peoplei o Gnnni. -Ca.aPikr lwrn lnsli v aiDryi pca nnuilcmltr, r ab' a iu hr ih cn e d in '\,ivt, can tsa Graitos- CcldPabn Pautbls nd s dPaaaed ýýd gevc.ailb ha e mr ted i145M th huc Wat alwug ihto th vhrh ian- Rindless Side Bacon ---45c lants Ibie me RnH acc nrdcdrmeed De hs t n m il c m Ion tînt thyae a a aninna vs toai isa l riaIait, iva th ýv araosMs.Mrayeece esd i.wthtemevs.I aCrst"'-mtdaonisnveivvyrctnintitta Pt-avirsh Pond 50 LBS. POIDS 1,650 SQ. PT. La Mhn n Mr Malom t- Tise angregatinnaprncie cmmuntw er e v in~ sionora tor bts latisl. Il vont atre toit, sa gava inhnlists ai Dr. Ren Mr. Hadeocas nfiorts ios adtC ii Chii.ts m'n or wmotsnnbv okSole os 7 50 b.... .$3.50 h ot Dat-iy's canin fle. He ma% hoan rongiaf ibis service, inpiinn nsadsuson a pasiai fonvaionan partoant à g ~ 2 Is 1 in Nottatonts in v1titi An an minis thise ttnty of this iruiy irs. Wynna Duabar espliinedl miseiiss'r lay tc ord PON iv2ed... .$19 Nem* York blata. Ha tock: pat Uncior, tise lat-DGog . cahlc apsoi due MlW.tttOdioRn -. iR-ta K~U~ D ofat- uivesiainnginmoeiorrtlao- ab.chrn ltis holapm,.tntis MaCean tant a da ntv otisitt-naasiintaIlnnihfmtit-hy rente isetoa bis tatirou,moe ,W Meetinsg consecraind ta tisa service of os__________________________________ t acueTise regoint- May meeting ni Go; coîisoiic ratars ta tise ssorIni TieTc n-t Mr.,. John He asa an ordained ministe- Eheneen U.C.W. mas ht-id on %videaniversel chancis; an ea ry iiatvyr iîd a ti nid s c atis- oaniastoUiaiocanaMY oronoMr.A.H. osl is oneasis sent Tisa cd lt-mn tisa t-eteat spper. Plans isegunbiamnt-is aith tishen Fran. 21 adies answered te chhisedtafreinth misiee comie dorIs Ma A D *** *51 yn- primiiva Mvtisodivt tosion t-oit cati, using a Bible ners oin mais oi the api, s eand and babe al vo ha. hd ilM ~1 U N hntpiiat ai Balla Balla, B.C. ta contaminan tise mod'Wy" heretora Chist' a s mnb 1- a Savates on Satud, A P - U N T* Lt Augosi, 1914. Wlinn mat- braisa Tise pnesidnnt, Mns. Murra t-i v pon ilt ymutb harrd oanu o t. iîtirst thougttî ws ato n- Haymard,mais n tcai r.M ont brough p-Oe' lies Mr JohsnHnrt5 ansed fi fiit Hnntaaar. hae- an s issnmd is Sheidon Trousdalea nd Mrs. Har issaion oa Minis t-y boeUs Cmienin n v u td no te î g tae e-îsP natiiy tilinU thonittisai ai a day- îaig tht- tapie tramt cisapter i5 distansion on tha to nist ci h a ihanng. fica coaCt Then Chut-ch. Christianiti, bas n Greatasi Horstr meumna sport itoto tise chut-ch .FESLAN N In t945. tht- Ciinook lt-dan As a huain institution, ilhbas%?a i~ WO FAST. KLLS N R AD triha cani,-rnan inini greo esen gitiyof crimes, aatts weWEEas hMmoa chiet Hns tifr avos '.W, thingo. FW"" '"SFE40LI Ya-Co', meanivi 'Tise Gneat Mcv. Sonage Insis tisa topi$59 W site at ier . T his %as t-l- W hv is t se Chu t-ai N ces ar ? gA E S A T4 E . , 0 O i fthetvvintnrsnng fiilm Tise chanchis staie misait camp- 59 ni Dr. Darnis flt nahicis mas avv of GoUsq folks gathered fin sioa i gsEenneen chnin sang "Son ut T u n e -U pFRC V S MY Seul." Mt-. Hor-ace Bivtis led _______________________________ Theola ig. i t bcUf CARt lte Hailnn thePurina Fa-m caive 4te Maesn alfasnuld have clarn mat- RII Tise ~~~ ~YU CARit a1 insntI FOR 8Bmonlhaalsead ofave-age Tat meraae ad eonaïfsai avaitahia freae t-haine. In heu, carry an tisa maris etaI f a io i WEEWOA'. NARO r TO t isai ast ilsn 3,0ti0 Ino nf milS In 10ffm s-oGs nteat Beita, misant Dr. Ian Cishso iv EARN OUR RQEPuTA Y»N RUBEFE bellns ramcat baeeahvavaat 5.s ided PuOinad nltaa fima N tahing Dr. Danbv's place. Miss AND SHOUTiT LjoLA À S TRULEF penducng Wby do vn tre 4s dt-y ai ba,4i mnthe din. rgt e gnevnrs d nt-r.Dth,-UIN1oa MottaI, tarmerts ni Nassa- T/lE NATION don't ou tr St Anasna esSo 2 ArmentheasenPr Dr.v Cirsist uneItr erb otI N O pt-eavantor ant2in ebngiems te4moir nete la nS nM Mr. Hadcnsb raad a miro e rvn nfcin h Snet titS misa Ghmhorerope ig -t appreciaiton tramn Mits. Derbyv. . rDrive in this week 2.For the 1lmst wdayOlaetht-e anda m ore il the how Peioadfaed Septeber. t hisreque natcolit-ram malk hS tb l pe antegulate ing ban seas paying ont-fo maio the Graheg E. Da-s dieU fast * tise digeative syutamt MaS O ten ast-rna gihbours.EESLWN N the sshes nir hiakIdn taiter presaare la ail 4 quartiers but do not KILLS LALNSCT AN llD Msaies mell Beta heitempli, nddat- complotely. Guged calt fat' faot, efficient fend servce cail4 KLIS -L 4NET Ful t-da ai el.agaut deaugisls and dgmpniaaa.4 R.- ,0 Q r *.UUU..UU...M~ PHONE TR 8-6538 3. anorstheditovaciaan Ralpho&sHuat Ltd.i$65n Par the Plaini Cillas Seat-ice bdo a ais n ewt-achot mn o ap &.. OHnbiiiet * MOTHERaS NanaerisPodcs iineCint b ca -ois at-m Sn R R.64 S Hai DAL u Pelelasaa Peo55ainAT 4 OnMiefZiatttyustat-feeadmgPatnna Cffls AmIOIPTS 1MILTON FUELI MILTON pSesgimt Cnaainut- - U S R MITNPAA* SUPPLIES PMOTOR SALES 9NUSEY iz aSmoke and Gift . RM sEIVICI DUPARTMI Canadians who want biggtr profits; tomorrow feed PURINACHOWStoday Mwill2eaSut Pliein At thai Cillas M a te 1I al TR 8-6422