on sansW tent oilE wM csorth ton Ùianor mn4 pb-te N The Catiüdamise io hare u Teray, MAhy 9ob. 1963' Captalt Vut. Ite Lewis attend- -imp>s-âtnt JobM keFnl ln attending, aut the residents sud Uary mosuhero eltqildi cd and a short discussion perid _____FinaPlans___ KIIIEon Guide company prohiemts was Auxitiarp maintirn have hotu hting donc thsssWss4a entlrle 7 2 -fed r.Lewis anuounced that crab@5jj For Manor's Bazaar hasy for mossths, and the resi. ut Nomes for th 1 h XA !here would liea weknd camp.- ps o Ba y- it ers Tèewsafodatnac dents' work will ho on sale, various Axlal W e e d C m ,C o i../ay in rp ta Camp Rolamau Burt- Thr ~ ~articles thty have boe mahing showtd srrverait samplaro bo ndi- Lo a ude e d eîo uJurfrttGuides Doue you- hahy ster knw1Seshould have tht tlephoe preseet ast tht May mteting ot ai tht wetkly handleraft classes craft articles made hy o=t r-s.,to in.. A05w ue fet eeeted aiaehat ic o je ease of tire or oth- 1 ambers ot tht tire deparimen., the Manor Auulliary, scith Ms-s. held tvery Thursday aftreoon, et several homts aht hied visitaid O nI oca G.irl Guid Agha the c paey aupruird la er emrguenc? police deparîmneet. the fumets- Allen preeidieg. Final arraneOti aeder the capahle leadership ut and tavt some vos-y beîpto suffi By Mmu. Williams Watson Carl Ges-cale. hiddre scoruhre. eu 5cartons ot cohies Mas- If N'ou ucaeiueally bire a haby- data aeih hash th thesi for tht hazaar oe May 15 Mns S. Aliten and hier htprs. gesiones ta memhors. A social phd d r a etsay bc reached The autsreuueand ecseieatuh up MrBradford Clumeles Ms-e Rabs-t SuaIt Jresoesct 4. stells- vuashu ps-avis- he Bureu'oa attre thues- uther eat- muet ut the mreting, and thecu e Arl01 br of Hal- time wasetnjoytd ovor a top ot ltnAli ea. As-chlu MoKie Duo look ettu cc cu- The ullece tno alliaes-ue wiii seth thu ieluphueu eamhers eh tîse- bt heeoteCerellMerAsî a tandcooes. onad George-Logan -upruetiu and i eeue plaie lu sr e hud th th etehule o-uuics et a eeme _u wer- fouests ut C.H.LC. Radia c ibridu Humeanouc Sehool ;f wcs- o prutssluel humicrs bat et wsea eut sectiti wec if es s-oc mmbeceý ut Haltue Flic Kao the Sitte- cue*0"su s-tation ai Bramptou tus heir MASTER OKIILS sivîeaclie ulntnc urcl fume, t.1onacrtescrud.Ater hoahaecNvuld bc fild, Pseceetia Burseau. (1 Kn)Ke lictleuittr. Soeu ae- oseme ase-tss of rpa use adCue Hessdstttly-td atIS ehh lAss-ociiiiocecuss.l the laies eettu flicLidoSs- 1 Mrs-.Harold Jakesaeeconies !te is quaailiedtfortheuJob.ls ha, uhadh-uhaic uuammb-seeee i- cd youtaras-eeum eingttraied dnet uiue ng Mondin eveuse leuceul. cdl a cauluci a-hidi ees seou bu a sncua of aivsspueeibsiisv an lik - 1c Matches cd aun the air" ruasdiug the in sest-ed wos-hshop p-ogs-sms. at idei*chai sigle sdsoul. Guide &ssoolatlan 'Mre. Guaorge Robertsoau Cohuee!h, tes o Mr. ad Mre. Liasil us chiltirue. 1 5) Thuaue hu h!t uiir ahadiomm Thuugh disahlerd hy hsaie dam- Ms iatss. a iceleun Me-. Cordonla y slor onueacd Sandmiches ed desse sve Cooue ad hemite ue the paesis-:? (2) lulcadare ficu sfer la tlrucied la houp the cbildci ute hrs wue pries. Ms-s. Mur Hay- age- thes milI mérters usttul shiffs, , t e Kitessee asscaions- s-e hsom-. e tohe toal aossca e- vdb fli-cdh shhuelu. ait c eiu- b lai, Juetel eaclildeand aecpete aed ailt-hl-sewtavbe ass d at sseiea lacslycahe fac Support ibis mos-h throughthe- suo Nea an veý csine tion sol Girl Guides meeting an Colleut 144.23 Coule ai Hmtsltst. giec lieur a briot ps-clat teui lae oup matceise out 0i ihuis- lsecstg the ears btrsday us- arle hluenAs. aio o u iivis-iti h tuin i s fo lithe attereaSu ai Meay 2. Thues ancer fodameseigu lai Ssiisdae s-celiegs and b-1iacqased mitb tbum bs-las-s sau ruach. Ms. Marcaset Wilsoe mas -treiCids. ecPresiduet Ms-s. Locs- Willehs- ithe moatîs ai Aps-sl bau hus-s sui,-hes go ta bts-. J ou Heeryos tes. (6) Sus- la if eh.-s the sitisses esc ued miib a loeg playing s-s-- mgn Eaehce Club Bamîs uses le the chair and upeud tht easumplei Capseia Ms. Geau Mai 12. Shelie Cas-mou elobs- (3 Mae sas-c theseii-su<u- ttaebight la ue in coss-ut pesa- card tac bs-ieg acie in tht atit Onlttt5udutiaeetin tic l.e e tingucis the uide mosprei. willaest sud oases Msu. iag lscsecoudhsslhdas-oneMss' stauds tirat iu eae oftire, c us- tuilas-s. emmueits-ergaei-utiaes. Ctos- EE 11 1hsiahclub t.-.iisouTuse n wbrswi Ailiuoîî. Mes. HtuOij 12 ,cd HeeelstetS.aetMayl13 slsoald gel the chiideouta tli1)Tell iîlseýiîo ehet c uao d es ouhiemss-wes-id atsd a* a hMi lstes Sots hisse Ses-e-ai items of busiess e easc ksoni sud Mss Williiem Wtt Pitu Coolsos- eolehratistg ts flic huse quiehis-. the'cuti tie, es-c planning tu relus-e hum., eud plsesuet hus sejasd. a CHAMER OF COMMRCE ltsltrseipil e euau, lesni, Ms-s. diseasuil aund plauc lac the hss- s-ste culiected $44.25 en il-- stesis his-shdaes end Kes-Gu1Du r,-s- e- dupecimuat. the utly isustlphao bs-c tf pu es- delsts-d. Du Mueday atts-s-eoe April 22 11 ADVERTISEMENT ON M 11- ssotiti )rt. liteset. hine Mr sacs su he hield May 13 suuc s-litige. -eelusstinsg hiec list birtbday e-es ts- t a ib ordus-. (8)0 Mae ares eui las- Ms-s. Smith, tram the Dopas-t- MPAGER II ek'c tutigia. osThgu sslsaied ie coasnuasesis us-laces site Mtsc 14, 141 Showte i eilr (wu uteesueesîg the elîtur hame. muaint ofWs-tas- vsed ut Hal-1 à..*u* m u * TO THE CITIZENS 0F MILTON MAY 's BEAUTIFICA TION LET'S INVITE INDUSTRIES TO OUR WELL KEPT COMMUNITY!. You should be more than casually interested in keeping our community weII kepi. Milton waiI be vislted by many industrialisis in the near fu- tus-o. Every home-ownor and businessman must do his share ta make Milton an attractive location. YOU ARE BEING CALLED UPON TO HELP BEAUTIFY THE TOWN YOU CALL HOME. WE BELIEVE THAT EVERY UN- DUVIDUAL HAS SUFFICIENT PRUDE TO MAKE THIS CAMPAIGN A SUCCESS!1 MON1TH HEPMAKE MILTON THE MOST BEAUTIFUL TOWN UN THE COUNTY! Do it nowl Don-t wail! If you've been planning that remodoîing job, that extra room, a garage, a new fonce, sidewaIko, new roof, or hundrods of home improvemont ideas, thon why not got them started this month. Be in step with the whoîe community in this beautification campaign. ALL THE BEST NAME BRAND PRODUCTS FOR YOUR CLEAN-UIP, PAINT-UP, FIX-UIP, LUGHT- UP CAMPAIGN ARE AVAILABLE UN MILTON. PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSMEN AND TRADESMEN. BOOST MILTON I LOOK AT WHAT IS BEING OFFERED TO MAKE YOUR BEAUTIFICATION CAMPAIGN EASIER IMPROVE TH-E VALUE 0F YOUR HOME BY BEAUTIFICATION BRIAN BEST REAL ESTATE 310 Mass- Milton TR 8-6292 FOR COPELAND C-1-L Fs-cm $5.95 Gallon FORA BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CALL . . . 0514 TOOTN RAKE LATEX PAINT * ROOM RAKE i ome Culas *GARDEN NOtE Ftrst Quart Second Quart 8 SRHEARS Yus- C c $.59eu ý$2.50 Ic McKIM HARDWARE & APPLIANCE l260 Main Miltos Bnjmi IL TP OUA LIT Y S PE CI1A L! S PE CI1ALI1 Moore ps-ts TO BEAUTIFY with FLOWERS f rom CO-OP EXTEBIOR WHITE - EG. $7.70 GALLONI CHAIN LINK FENCING HOUSE PAINT HOUSE PAINT $4.97 42" NIGHN 2-s MRSN - 13 GAUGI ALL COLORS MVIL TO GEEANIUlI< FER 100 PEET - $16.95 MILTON HARDWARE TO I&INJJJ HALTON CO-OPERATIVE SUPPLIES HALTON CO-OPERATIVE SUPPLIES 227 Matin St. Miltn PR 8.2353 429 Main St. TR 8.9501 MILTON --GEORGTOWN - EIN MILTON - GEORGETOWN - BRIN Holp to Boautify Ou- Town This Month and PITBATFE Evos-y Month In PITBATFE WORK CLOTHES GET YOUs SUPPLIES AT FROM S0U TH SID E MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE PAINTS and SUPPLIES 200 Maie OS. PR 8-9261 R>O 2, Ms-bot Aisc fs-sm the Hospital PR 8.9452 TRELLISES - FENCINO PICNIC TABLES - ARBORS PLANTERS -WINGOW ROSES Sortie set tlic Scesulillios Fielescb As ~LLT& OA CO. LIMITED 159 Miil St. Fret Delivts-y Milton LANDSCAPING - ASPHALT PAVING * Top Soul Ail Grades O Depéritbl Wors * Well rouned ménau 0 Saisfaction Asssred * Roskory and Stone * Compétitive Prices * Ferlilizeru 0 Free Estimâtes ETOBICOKE CONSTRUCTION FHONE 854-2645 * i MAGI-COAT HOUSE PAINT S5 ON SALE NOW AT CREST HARDWARE ~tosto~~s-t DON MERRITT, Owoer Auihotizod Dosier ar 136 Main Milieu TE 8.6011 ALLEY LOTS BACK YARDS CLEANA P VACANT LOTS WALLS - BASEMENTS t 'tl<GARAGES WINDOWS .tI REFUSE CANS CLOSETS FIREPLACES HOUSES (outside) ROOMS fAlluT FLOORS f u' WOODWORK lin PORCHES ur FENCES SCREENS a. CELLARS WINDOWS GARAGES FURNITURE LATTICES BUILDING REPAIRS FIXUP BUILDINGS Fi X p MODERNIZED STEPS REPAIRED FE NCE REPAIRS WATER FAUCET LEAKS SHADES and BLINDS CURTAINS and DRAPERIES FURNITURE HEATING and PLUMBING AWNINGS RECREATION ROOMS s KIRK R THE POU des-s Sks ACCORD -sye L . - BEAUTIFICATUON MONTH IS A COMMUNITY BRTTERMRNT FROJECT OF THE MILTON CHAMEER 0F COMMERCE Everyone Can HeIp - Make Your -lans Now i.- -