Badge Presentation, Enrollment He Id by Girl Guide Company ay mem. Wilm Waiuann leaders andi guides for the ttont diactar. Tise panai wat On Mod y ecenig, Febraary pIeutant eventng and wetaomed intradoced byMr. Logan and wat 18 a bade presentotion and en- Mrs. John Liii crapt, Acting tt.okad ha Mat. Clements. robtent aeremony 'mas hetd in Third Lieutenant niao tite ansp. The ailandance shicld and the nahooil auditorium for the any. ateard mare won iy Mat. trma fiant Kiliride Girl Guide Csp. Lunch preparadisa convceet Caattn'aarom,CGrads 4and 5. tory. Mat. -Normas Smith and IMas. Tha meating closad with the Titre girls, Susun Couinait, Fauni Coolsoson n erned bv l'a tingin-' ai The Garas. Ci4ifee and Carry Wilhunr and Jean Mc- guides and leaders. cake wer,.-eravec ha mathar Manus cereeenaolted as guidest 1 l5d.uî ni o Min. Beanstona rauma duaing te miie acompany (if 30girl. M n .Pnl a oilhl or Tae badge praaetutitns fa.- Tha ganaaal meeting ar the Kil, halhaa laýwad tîit the Hantent badga bic- 'haide Home and Scisoal Asscia-î SlelgMing Party ing pretetted to Geoagina Haad- lion ws bealdi Taesdan evniiigi Tise Yong Ada]] graup menat nanid, Linda Ailissa, Shalia Feisauary 19 on te nahool auditar- an a lneigh ridiag party at RannaIt, Loin Coulton and Peggy film. President Mas. Bradford Carîlal Wednesday evanlng and Ans Smitit; Singer badge ta, Clement, chaired tha meeting and laIea went ta the home of Ma. Lindu Aliinn, Peggy Ans Smith upened witit OCunada, followad aad Mat. Gordon Taylor, R.R. 3, and Georgina tiaedsand; and by the minutes which wera read Canspiellilla îahareaevane A-tint badge In Linda Ailinon. and napraved. Mas. Clements on. enjayed hot chili. Te Robain paîrol memheasnoutad that animnitaion itadl Tht neut meeting teilI he a each reeied aitote bok as aheen estended teothe Kilsride paaly and pieasocial alithaIl e'ard for their parmi. honing association ta attend tite GIes- of Ma. and Mrs. Mel Datiesn. titeitigiest numbier opoints in iew Homeund SholAsscia- 'Ms. BaryHunt andSteveaof tisa monts tir Jatuary. tion meeting Murait 12. Hamilton spatt Thursday w! itth . Pressni Tables& In camnemneatian of lte Paund. 'Ma. annd -Mas. Robhert MeMtiîat Tise Tttnkiag Day pragruen was arns Day a papier panpared ha and Brian. a tableau on the world guida 'Mas. William Trenteitit wau reaî Mes. Aalthar Lepard of Ha]' luws and a aandletighting cre- hy Mas. C. Stein fallawad by-s pentua fera days tait week vi'ih mony witi thte preseniation of singlng ithe home and tsanto Ma. and Mes. Bill Lepard.' pennies for tise Waald Faiatd saung. Friand andlrelativestuned in nip Pund. A panel discussion an Whai Tiny Talent Tima Sunday afler- About 30 guents attetded the Fiactors - Tite Home? The nan ani chantai elet'es Hamil- cerematiet and amnng titese 'acre Scisaut? Tise Citaris? Tise Com ias ton te se San Smith piaving -Mas. Henry Garter, tester for monity? muy eause thte juvanila his acanadion un tise pangrant. tise singer badge. Miss Plorene tn isecoma an affender. wsatha Salalad hiaihday greatita- go Mesures, tester for tite hantesç iigtig of the eccning. Maduara- la John Hepfburn. hadge; and Mas. Josepht Heaey. ina George Laogan aandaaiad the Siathd-ay gaeatingt andi hest lester (ne lte artint badge. discussions. Tht pane] canainted withet go ta Mat. Bill Aliisnn Tise guents were welcomei ha oif Ren. P. Jeffaret. racIna ai St. an March 3, Mat. Haraold Jack- Captait Mas. Roy Lemis and Mas. George's Anglican Cisarch Lant'. son, Sauce Carman and Juisnny Lettie Witlsiser. president of the ville; Mes. N. Smitis, S. Waods Caus tan Marais 4, and ta Local Asociatian tisanised theiatd E. Davis. Surtingtaa recrus- Beverley Jacksoan an Marai 5. OIMAGH W.A. to Help'Guides Buy Flags Area Loses Popular Residents Bp lies. Ceeil Paisteeisos 1 Our siseere nymputhis s a- lcal scisanîn mut hase a hIsaidavi Tisa Febisaay meeting afithsetetded tn tise famîty and faiens'whiteliseirtaciesaattend co- OmtagIs 'Preshyterian W. A. andt lin tiseir iseacanament. 'Mat. GuI- vention in Gakisaite. W.M. S.nasfied a thsehomenofitabaiti snlaidtaretin Omags Mesies andmumpnshav'eheen 'Mat. B. A. Nenin in tise mrante, Pretibyteran cemeteaf itaside lier iseeping many (rom seitaul class Miltton. Mas. J. C. 'Marshsall presi- iusisat hiis paedeased isea et titese att fesc mantis. naît aIent apeard tisa meeting raitisoanme yeat ngo. Mat. Galbraitis tee arcnaray tnlferrontataisanp- frayer, fattamehi hy a itymn waaadevoaamemieaaof magh'ingcai -ha'. camte lu theta .înd tise Apuattas' Ceeed. Mrs. cisnciand a inceandinitling parts. Joetott led in tise scaiptura rend- tenaker an tise W.A. and W.M.S., Word mas raaeiced isy tise Jar. ing andgnnae ammentnr'. Siemiitibemaah isisedisyaill1 vis'-famiyonniSatnrdat en .ng Tise searetary rend letiern a] misa knew liser. ,afIse patting af thisi tteî Mas. tisankt fna flattersannd fruit sent Tite pupln of Peray W. Mear Eterey ai Detroit. Sise mat tise IonIiuamrisite ittinspitalfronm sahoul and thisel familles andt (armer Margaret Jarcis anni s Moris Turner. Miss- Ena Canaier. friands eniaoyed tise fitm "'Trenne Inrîiced ha le bar iatisea Crcit K. Eat Galbreaitis, Mas. Jimt Bns ttlantfl 'aiiai was saman an of Mltoan and Misses Littie and and Mas. J. C. 'Marshsall. Tthe Frtday ecening and Satuaday Jasln Jarais of Toronto. mesiieas 'mare gladi ta isea tisat afteatnon in tise auditorium Sietisday greetings ta little att tise -fatlks ara watt an tise under tise direction of Ma. Fa-st- Ddisa Ransa sco sens tîna yeaa icastIorecveaf. er. ,Paoceeds af titis are ta go atdtiiisarais. tî wnndecided taentar tea ta CanndiannJunioraRed Crss. Man,îLouBaley safferaît aaadding. Reports weaa gicen on ables Warnlsg apaained anitte in a fait at lier tise Jitte tell. A latter fram tise Dr. Arcisie Butt, medicat officea home an Sunday. Little trieadt Daamquin Brusenietcas recudae- afheats.innued a ann bsI al h ssuiaotain qttesting finattcan assistance ta week ta ait residents ai Hatan hepttenmpurisne two flar. A nunty of the paccaecenf a- datation waa appaan'ed. tes in anisats. Scisaut ciitaren Armagh Meeting Icere inen anotice ta taise home Tise W!M.S. meeting wus chair- nu tisaI ait may leara of tise dang- att biy sice-president Mes. H. e. Heaatajnd ailte taad con. Penneit nnd Mint Etten Chapnn tact antis ait raitd animata. do ot An inv-itation la attend flic na ne anay pecien. and if isitten oar - nuat meeting ni Armagh sas rend. sacied ha animai, haie - ana iteany quilt top wan hnnd- paampt attentin iy lise faînity -- cd in ity Mas. T. iSnw, aise a pisiciun. namiser of quiltitacis. Memiesea Tis cmmunity 'mas nnîtdened are raquested tn hsaae muraeeeady an Wednenday. Pcbrna ry 2ff tau Ioa tise ipat tuait unciseon and] lcarn tint ssn-MayBaonaidge qnittitg bsec ta ha field an Tues- lia alla1 an Milton Haspital. t ay. Marai 19. "Aunt Mary,' as tse was nt swn Tise anti cati scard "happy" nana tn alin rtea district. tait serra insttcraibte13 ladtlenPl inekt agoandiseakehlertan., .sent.iMn. Snon nsa prgabtteijuypoeifum acnea nrnd nuitaista raadins folit thit dalic.ite lady tn tartina. scere gicert iy Mas. C. K. Jars"t, Mist Saonnnalge n'nutd bance ,Ma...Peaack and .Men.C. Pa- heurt 101yeaan yaungaon Apait. i Irns. At tise ctase ai tise meeting Oaa incera tymrpathy (n-ag a sale rani ield for nappty fusd tisa aen Mas. William nan*,tiso and Inter tite itostesna nluInch ad tnmity raitis mhm ase ha- CIpIlS SERVICE APPOINTMENT conmmittee Mas. T. Stowand lt5d.~ ina mass yeans. Cie Ssi.i OtCnp Mrs. MaKee seraed a daisnvCle evc i opn lusait, and att enjnved n social Ttiabing Metitudu Lîmitent ban nppainied David G. hlait haur. A voie of tisnis ta Tise PeIsrary meeting cf tise Suluic an manageraof tisa Oak- battent and lunchscammitteetcs Pecy W. Merry HnmenandiSchaa villeaDistrict. Thaanugity trained ianderedisy Ma,.E. Capman. înaahetdtcitb agoattendania. in ait phsaset a] sates adminittra- Nent meeting nilt hae belld at Ma. Hanter, -pisiint instructar tionMM. Ourgone bas iseen anus tisa isome af-iMas. Cait Mamia. tor tise siisntt, gain a taiS and Cillas iService tar Il aeaaaand Biribdsy Time demnntrated tisa teaahîng lias untit recentiv. asistant ta Siatisday gaaatinsn tbis nn-ek' tttetbad-aund in tlisa t-ai thlie Ganerai Salea Mantager ni Ilma Ionaaryauag friends nnteir cassesta tencourage physii.aiCnmpanv. -peciat dayn - Eric Boeneinet. fitne s. 6bysadan Mach 5;Waynet Caaiiesnand cnifea wastaamv- Asasenioradiministrative repaaý Eliti,g9 ntaacis5; David Mac. ed iby moties of gradets 6andsnailivetlaie itt-anperiseathe han, 7 an Marais 5; Jean Manisny, 7, Mra. Brnicnridge\ ronam. Campant'-. markseting neticities la Il an Marais 2; Donna Pranîige, Paidny, iMarc t, tise replis nfIlita district wicisnatles Gais tt an Marais t; CliiBard BraS, ____________ iileTa algar. Bannie, Milton, 12o eray26; Nelson Lawa- Fraettt. Catlisle. Suainiagn andî rene 1eisanr Mac ; uîD ot Cradil. Tis anppaintmeilt la Bone,t15ons ébMaaci 21;Pae Meet to Set Dates liait. a canning Wiam tHamin nry s 2 t; - aland tlic isc possiblte service Wiay n Martctht an2. iits Tri-Church Schooi nd ustme in tise Campanias Lttle Peter 'Ridgeway, yons Reptesentatinea taam Graca An- l'mre market. son of Ma. and Mas. Johns Widgeý glican, Knox Prashaterlan and Si. Ma Bargonecaaceisad isa tainý raay, 'mas ruthed tu Milton isaspi- Paut'n U.nited cimaises met tant îng mils Cillas Seatvie in a mari- ,ai on Wednesday marning fon eekra ta plan a Vacation Bibteci, ,, saes and adminiataivec treatment fnr toms. PeterisndiSchaat fur oust-ammura Tenta- Positions and isaninarsgaa- ctimised sap and pulld hont cat- tii- ate seal cinara Jua 2-12. ai,-o iIl.- Si.hnni of Bsineas Ait lucaveir isimself . Altioagi isad- Receipta e tuat icî mini',iaatini Uier.]îv nf Westt cv senided Peter is dam]g nîcety $214.4t7 and aspene miel-c $139 c 76 i-u Sain in Tnrnton, iec ta isospitat. Tise balance salt ha ased mn hailâ '7, . niah- snanGi Mes Galbaith Pssais op needed supplia-. seinia tis mlt ntak unnis afm tise Gais Tisn district tnst unntbea higis- iaittingasesin. Omea 100 csilitres i lt Chainisci* Cnmmece. ]y eniermed citizeen an Palday attanded la-at veaa.____ eening 'mien Mas. James Gai- iseaitis pansed away la Milton Mas. Galbaiths iad fatten abount five aeeis agoannd aIthanais taraya bal nal ahaîc na brakýn ('15 bansa-, fle lait had aphnareimilin ry Ca en a isjuredieri more tisas aas( y C l n C teesans, Herbhert, Wil] -___________ 4eand Eset, asn two daugitters Myatte and Lottie. Site i s surai- ed byr ber nisters Mas. G. Baily, Sunday, Marck S3 1:30 P.m. 'Mas. Fred Tuck and Mrs. Donatd Oocgs, id t rte atin THE NEW DAIRY FARMERS'ADVERTISINC PLAN Tise Marten Si, HtgnSbo was filled ta agiylseme wbeea a targe crowd attended tise dispînys and fasition show pro- sented ity the Malttaa Nigisi Scheet ctasses. fi mas tise teisonît t3tis annuel! disptay nigist. S)isptays in tise vannaus os wera ifitpected isy gossfnr two heurs. CiaianIert. DA. Wendanea watcamed tise gaents and Mas. J. E. Jaisnns gave hli tesaurars report. Tise fiant fasiin tsant acas preced isy tise matil ciildre, msanring dresses made in tisa nmnekiig clasi, andar tisa diani- tin of Mas. Helen Haigisi ai Gakcilte. Asatiser gaaup of sîailt aisildes diapiard etementary and ailîdrens elttiing itsgii isy Mas. Bates Or Guelphs. Perfores Danees Scottisis and triash dances waaa parfaemed isy Baarbnana and iMar- garai 'Maaisay, Dansa and Jean Puedy. Tise adanced althina class geew tua large for ose graaîp ibis vea and anexta teanier isnd ta b hiired. Ma-a Hasîtay's and Mas. Taylnr't alass et dispiard tise aintisiag made le tise year. Siadentn of Mas. K. Kiddell ia tise înilaaing clans fathioned iheir nama salIs. aliter Bell, saie- i, sang tisree sonfat nd ut li flita palgrant. Allen Green, Acton, is Master Of Courity Loyal Orange Lodge Tise-Loyal Orange Counly Luhige Acian; Tyler, Bea. R. Tisnmpsn cfHaitîn hetd is anîsuat meeting 5iwatti an receriiy in Milton. Tise meeting -_-_-_------------------------ rassry'aI attended and ras .presided amer isy tise Contî v Master. Wna. Ban."Hary Plice. Leff iIf Notes Distiagniaied vsinsr prriet vveeWn.Bra. W. H. Daws-ann By R.i.Verat 'itimittan, Grand Tenurer nf AtI aci.cnt mei.'ngnof Bancti Gîtniarlît West; Wnr. Ban. W. Shan- C36nitatic Entýai Canadian Leain , lPa-alCllanty'Ma-aieaiiWntof is W .n Fergsn. isa fin- aoi-th; Wii.ano. James Sann, inca atfiar, praptisedt n Saaer Pal Conem Ma-aiea of Went.Gîniîî,îfoJ20iaîeaorphesans waris; Wîîa. Ban. 'Ren. Pasul iae dravvinliApriti5 Filaiher CaunnMaeaof Waterloo; Pat deant a-ili bc-ltisimisg. Tise istrict Masier. J.Tindd niDatai- phicaîaanîa Inatatanta. il vvit re lista anal Wnr. Brt. Sairi Thona pila thisa m nil caki-uii, baai.tsi Ma-aiea ofl L.Ot ?897 ,,al 'el -li huG er t iîinkiiting, Hamilton. ilifl v talai s adrw Pisk Oflaera plmabtle lt nt. mai11 ha tield. Fia-tisa etecîlan of afficera tise FanAi Inmesa ai1 ha aseat t-n Caiity Maaiea handad tise gamelt ilkal-. on il taie airait. tIî bnhp- tu i. Wor.Ba. W. H. taiîîahmnîm'-.miiinmaai Tise nffiaea etecird ara asn manîhatship ,îiiacdaaaa. tollývs:Plan Concert Caunnl Mier Wnr.So. Allen A variei.ncncertiiiiisbcialai Gren, Acîon Deputy Caunîn' daing M,îa ai tlic Williiam St. Maiea, tana. Ban. Eaai Brona , Thetiallicelioftibiscscat anti linton Ciinitaits, Waa. Bra. mviii go ai a tanisa, doatonaîa tu NorinFi-yeraAitaa; eci Scret.îîîaisui m «mig PoolîtFnnd. Fa- an, tan,. Bin. W. J. Grcabadtt 1 aait-iiia Sîîîiigtn Fin. Sacratr W ": Tua cailsaliger. Si.. laie Geai, Sacliîýngin aaiîiiet~ ,îist.S Trasatrer tana. Ban. Parai HîhI'v u l'l-let .HI"n,.R ilton; Mae-aat tan. Sait. Wi- Eaataîiiîi -K. Maigo and sa W. Baui liam ýMittigan Saaîîie: Fît lait. Lectataci. tnt. Ban. J. MGaGnm',m tMillait; Secnnd Lecturea, Ban Wl, Limia-a lian tbamp-n Stewrantinna l'ca ,iia, o ,iiiliii nia i canîmiliimii Ban, 1).Hî Tise Canadien Champion, Tisursdep, Peisruaep 28, t1963 At C.W.L. Meet Give Beeuty Demnonstration Tthe Cathotit, Wamon's Langue belth Arden heauit denmonstraion of litnl Ensarvs Part-h. Milton was- pre-.aslad h Missa Peggy Me. hediergeneral matîthiy rnaai Pliait, hiais a., of great inter i it! n Wedesday evesitstlaning o j.-aVaand ilai teadie. aa-ýk in lire-atlanI. Mta. Jisn Sanlri pte lc HOME ICONOMICS ing were .vd hy Mrt. Sanlr SU ENTSI ni tireabsencat Ms. Mer]t'. Carrespandaenc an reacf bc 0E'O.1 GL OGDS i.s McCann and a h.spiral YARD»~i SEWSM P.: J. CaCn.(tiawMrhctok SUPPLIES [lla laldies conninlath re I ust Prmunt Youe gionsI meeting toh lde utin Student ldentlftiatlaa Calrd Hia titan anad the import.ance ot MILTON cgknnd taadn ta I DEPARTMINT STORE rovit g f.lic neijngIn Eliza 200 main GERMAN-CANADIAN CLUB 0F HALTON COUNTY ARE HOLDING A D ANC E AT THE CANADIAN LEGION, MILTON jON SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 8 P.M. A' -I