Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Feb 1963, p. 2

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. Tiie Canadien Champion, Thursday, Pebrery 28, 19 63 CAMPMLIVUJ. 0Cubs, Scout, Fctthers PrSentlMA Ail RowndCoed Enjoy Chicken Dinner AtTrhinki ng! Day Proguoen By Mrsa1 MoCarron dw Ioa delîccis diner erv Mm. iI n m o aso e id Atexcelîrt meeting aril, l ed 'Itv tile Aeshgrotr latdies. ByMs George IngUsl i held ai the Capelcles notadMs.TmWsuleLnd U.C~,.wa edntehîm Tite president. Len Lister wsea Abcutl 22 Firsi Campiieliville seîth 15 men and Iwo ladies fromt Smith itrui the arch and sh e of Hornbv Uiteîd Churc, on ln the chair for the prîgruns Browtles enjyed a skating parte, th Ladies' Auilhtry prenant. seas presenled mith lier ait rotin Wrdnesdav, February 20, seilh an tuhitth follsed. It upeird srllh ai the htmr af Mci. Donald Fer- Douglas Agnere presided and ait cord. Mms. lamsB tonpe titenc tif 21. ýMi.. L. Saiep- ig-voîg led 'bve John Wison. lier on Saturday aflectot. Dur- offirere sucre re-eleeted for a.. sented hiec mitheaecrnutiun frot sn. peesident. was sn the chairi Ciea. -Austin. 'Mr. Lister and A. itg the social prriod il -dtp sica rîhcr tecmi as follores, prealdant unr'parents. Air. and Mca. -Arthuar and conducird lte btî,îine. parts Marelimeot cunducted the dov', wa rnjoycd aid arr rigemenîts Douglas Agnese, vice-resident Smith, and e cake fromt the Guide of the meeting. Dur delegilces dois. Teu duaets serti rrîdrred mtade for the varist* concert ut Thumai Mitchell, rerreaary- Company. Mni. James McLeren were apoinie t îln lte hbv [Mis, :Ria Venirca atd John APril. Gail Ferrier midi ai treirirer Konneth Moore, and presented bier mitb a Guide ring Prenhbvlrrial annua I ta h.- li Wilson avith Mare. Frank Wils-m j Brarriej Cake lu t uhe shape cf ri Icir mitiger trinurd Andrewrs. trin the Mufliers' Aunilleey. n rl M a i East Plain% Chaîah .1 the pianou. dap whiah ail enîaod. A giu-ertmet griof hs expected Brkgettu Van Cube preaented Mrmhers brought in uati Christ. Jan C.uîîey intoded tir Badges awarded ta the First souno ut thr Clubi H sand kit enîtted Pour Cornera of the masvo ards and stzntpe srhiet wi.] fur'est speiaker, Rer. Gerge Look Cimphellville Bricoles receetit Bireheci. World, ensisted hy Shirley Bila, he oscd laoiîtitk in the eis- tif Stîner Mr teck r, a frre- sere, Shîar's hadge. Laune Ma- Ars. Jack Wheetihun, treusurer Niocy Mahaon, LindaSmiuh, Mary sion field,. ir istrr of the Horuhy chigo Phai. Jatice Marhon, Nancy Me- of the Ladier' Auxiliaue', peesent. Dennis. Anne Wlneulihan, Laure, Mes. J. Wallace aid %ir. J. and pave an iesyiriog tlit on lte PhUil, Lieda Adller, Beenda Mii- od a cheque for $822 frirn tho Kentay, Mary Callans. ad Lutte Sns sere iu ctargeo h d evo hallenge ol the -men's aid er, -Merete Jeesun, Eliizabeth Ma- hooth rereipîs ut the bhuitgsorti Allilîn. The uiit waa mrlttenby ilots, selh Mrs Snowr cdtgamn rarpittiots if the Lirron, Pamela Hamhiy, leneifer She stresseai the unnual ipring Shirley -Bile who aise dreaaed the Scripure. 'Mu-s. W t,.creai. chireit. John Wallace thuned Andresi, 'Mary Andtres, and datce oa he held in Blrualvlie four Guidasinl different uniformis exierpt is lr, ttld serali-bt)ok, t th speaker and uns the singers. Judith teplis; Houe Ocderiy Hall on iMay 3 with Roy Len. ta represent tour colantiea ad cootaii serreons, radio, alks Le,, Sirepritn epresr a hadges oa Jili Watson, Judith tn- tard and hii hand, and huped mode theur laga ta. MI hhene and ýpieres. tua ed hr ail --ier I thaeke tof the gîsherieg oa the glis, Darîrîr Ferruer; Cotîrelor's il would attendA. pcujerts n ed Shirley Bila lier lady. Thiose sucre al th ie Ashgs a, laudies fie the Itîtele hadpes tu Nîc MePhail. laie -Letturîl Atndresws and Kenneth goid cord sui stil Poe pesnnt. Chrisiaît intt and aî leuî sec dînner and lits. Carnery rplied. Mahsc, Docrne Ferrier, Mary Moire are ce'presettisarit lhe ed la the nar future. îittocgitpattkt Rer John Hill clased the meettog Aedrews, Jeteifer Andrewes, Jli Park Board for the Comreunitv Min. Tom Watson led in the qu , l ber stchen tn th the hetledictian. Witsan, Judith loglir I Writer, Centre. candlellgbting cerereony and peni- Mci. T . Bouitielîl sere fitass Leaidership Farium Artist. Ohserver, lester aed Srem- ThMnkng Day presfo renîd. hi uoermiii anne and'sers-rd lunsh. 'Mes. Arthuar Drithssusîaîiele- mer hadges, Jeetifer Andrew.s; First Carephebollte Girl Guides Wreluiien, cakes t induS eb pataîo he OntaroaRural Leaer- Nerdlereorker. Darleee Ferrter; WhtorisPckjie nueyelhanpeuLnda mth Scai Starp FDrr- spsnsscî teusnd tisen th OtyMtintien ack Scut îglat siFou pntrcbyteFed- Secod Ycae terrierSis Gar- mit touoisPc ureuntdte wd t Na 1Wtenshs hrha 3ors f.tee ltod eies o,îîe a AgriCîftiire ai te fie Ferier ant Jeecifer And- tu ceichrate Thinking Doy, the he atne day se irlh- enad s ite pitien ieear ap- Site resi rckcac ~ rvr.iasion if speciai ceremonina div of Paunder Lard Baden- thd ai setther ad ce i bra-r îlstieg the scck ot Foi Hear Mînlener slressitp raith pennies the Guide Puowell. qheail f aItteorn id S, han- 1 ~ts 823. There tris a fitl St Jattes Anîglican Chî,cch mas Ideît of intrntionalt frientdshlp. Canapfire snna were enjapeai Scot' far tsdi roenCings Fid sehodate %viuh rscrrthicg planneî filird ta capiaiy oc ýMaedt re- i-hecn heif is given t0 Guide or. and Aira. J. Seyntan claned miii Seau. Wcliesl.ssceciup. el, iea ntd rigli ta recreasiat. ciii sehe Rer. R. P. Jeffîres gacealiiens in lime of dinanfer,GtiePar.Aulthifhr Halr . o ak Stchei Psite Tir, stctid ctrht seiredg s ront ail sur- and assistance seilh mor in refu. foilomed. 05lRrmcethriofHrsi)vWamnes.In-.ruidig chiretherof al]drii lieamps. Armajor pr fthe tieti fr lte eren midi rltte bas herl ahasn. Mi,. ntllas toahrar Ree.David Poell fued is osed1htpCndî PadeCtre -ibleee Jhn B,,,c . sd Droth seiu isc i, fuil repie» ots if Grise Anglican Chureh en Mit- girls ararptinveitations ta inter- Gn Sueduy ahout 50 Campfbel- 2r e l-iTs Btt.eii teraîetis ,u toîtîn, W.t eta. t tel]and shawseaalird Slirs natiîoa compreand training ses- cille Scouts, Cîhs, Guider and sLithcsceic Hihrvicdsiand ssiriiesnoutuaofhirltripituthe misiantield sies-hih amterlo Canade ries attended theacharah utas L-sitîec ,slerstre tite caasu fa suis inoAlaskaîfast sommer. Alogeced fro riaed the eord euch yer. servieioSi. David's eeyterian iii c s rr tiii see ai lthe Fifîh Lice Es quarter ttc titis stuasa cmplote aid staîder At the -Maronc Hall on Tours- Churab, ieith their respectie C-, 0 R.Se J. E. Weîleeselay, Fehruirr 2f citeni a iti trtp ta cartit wes Ciaid dis- eceeiec Mn. Gurdon Sîrain. leaderi, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bar- rît nipa , , uk drieri hs Drap Leslie ant stiese help rs urgeotte oredei. Mitai. District Coîsmirsioner. ley aid -Mr. James Bombeo. aerdrisechýv Mr.Scott tfý Mrs. R .Jeffaresseir origan- mothtrs.tinl guestsswererled.v Donald Cicfeneoof Brantford s a.5L-tIctsatur mo l, itl coluito rît tes, atnd lecîlit friendlvineta Mr. lames Bytisiin Th -e hîd charge of the servce, tellieg -.o Damagrmiighetween5ilrdoctiaeatf il guesîs diriep te Otîticianduide priver. ail il le daegerous to sailithe F - Sx Ct1 aid $100 tris doee tohMr. Lestiesý social hall boeuc, sehee hiîchî -Mis. Donald Ferrier, Bromewn se ithoot Jesue Christ as yoor ci7Zý11 e tuck aid ahaut $550 ta Mr. Ihale sere moîled hy sheGiris' Oui and 'Mrs. Tom Watson, pilot. Shirley Chester ws or u n'a Scot*,scar. Grap auatiaeedh y Mr,.e.Taoy ostl literownies îegardetand adueleuirendered M,-ti Lcslit hort hie muke anîl Jefîres ,,aithl laids ta go ou mis- aekit and candletightieg cer- hr Lloyd Earty and William trN. Scott %s sraîd at the, sis. Mns. B. Young e-ar the mati toariehirale Lard and Lady Ellat. 5Drifting on the tri ai :.ccîsiîîIforsculs and abrsinis 1hîlder i lthe babyv chair. Loîcit Badcn-Paaallsý lauodiîg ai these Life" e-hiah seas eeloyed he ail. 'c -tnd tsci alîcrued tuaga home tca, erredhcS. Jhn'sW.A. arcoaiiaen Air. and hIcs. James Brydue. lithsaite ime tttattk congratulations ta Mr. acîl MmsCordnetrai thriisrc.,Gîeîphand 'Mr. andMrî.Roy B. e- ,cl oi lucre iituitcd ta ai- Mr,. A.T. Moore thehbirthitai ected proficiencasbadgesiasfol. Doavoee. Aldershut mere dinner _!- es .ts.sîect tic the tet-ectîs i grinsidtt lusffrev Alesxonder litas. secoind l s aues. line paestsmwithAMr. and Mrs. George - smee. a~. . LceSeuil Elsely. son of Mr, aid Tirehers. Elaiîe Smith, Dîm e lis ais Saturday. e .. ~ .-e.- Titi ladies cf St. Peter-, R. C. t Mes. Kritteîh Elsely. Miltin. Vaîhoskirk. seha atru recelîrd Wrdding aoniesary grectings e- ;17 CitUrit iteld a cachre at ftile -Mr. and Mrs. Leccîrd ild Firt Aidand Hostesr.iandtSuan to Mr.eand IMrs. Sitben Currir \7aNrthleTraflar ComeuirHill;iires, Mrs. Frank Oaiulîe. Mss. Cormacee-with Huetess; Pioneer fraudy qoAn s-eales s. S.urdi.. Septereher 2s. i Damue] Huiler and Ethr Heurt- badges ta Maude Bryar anti aMs. Gordon -Baserstoai of BER. Celebraitep anci esaric. on, Titere re lire tahles and prices 1 r lf hy pilair ut Saturdir lac Brigetta VicCatbe; Lioda Smith 3. Cimphllsiile mulls pleosuntly 27,air a'- 2 r' anc \t - ic l 'tir t Iille 1ltlit..rt Ms. L , tedeîd heurtas. ili Flutitta. trie pueeited srlth Hiker and eurprisrd un .Mutdîy. hiec buth- -s Bussel ac1 I,i. acd 'tr, > Catpi 'tIrs. C. Mav. ise Bail Club Muets Waadcraft and tiret claer. dis.. rhile mith cilher merehere Jeu Puenttri. Setsvith, i.ýMakeii.and Fred Wurkmiil haoa-etn.u t tRisCt al. - Theres will bc anuter in !.. Caetacl mîeting Cuite A il e-as d Purrd mt tg Gct cil wishes are exteiliecI week's lime. Cannentell Cindenl Club a.d SnUa vla ore it I ni, Mes. A. Lauer and her The first meetingof then'Hore- CnetCueSa n dauagter Marv mil are ill s, tuib, ity Oiliig tacts," eie heltu tir momps. Hoscied Bradîr, suit- ai the hume if Mr. J. Hill un 7-- s.LO CKSree - tan the "fiu*and Ciriteru Me. Ferrary 25, seith 1J merehers oI Dosmit. presen t. Thte nante of lthe club cuOO i Cnt. Ula Mary happy ctriins cf Itle dur, ws cahusen and ifficrs sera J.CO L C rte lo ta Mrs. Lydia Basse, Surah t, elecird. Tics ire president ,D Orsille G restau usd laite Feen- Sands Sauîtssaad; viar-preeidenu tE 76 sra Muarch 3. Cirai Hude; sesrrtury urcîs-1 Miii~ Leluogtisss-et rer, Lvndî Lrîrreacîh aid pressNEeý76 MidssLiloa Vauh a Mr repaler Valdi RarceA Joli-- .EEMtG and drs. Arctie King. ciouslunchtcis vec-dand the-BLO 346 Mr. and Mrs. H. Mann and mreîîi misO T "6 'tiilmer Humiliai hase rift fac a holidav lu Fluridu. -The lemperature hit 12 Hear Mldister derrcs irise- zera Tuesday mure. JOIN THE PARTY TO GREAT BRITAIN Thte SGT t.. Mciis lai tof theci ong. Harsih Pastirai ritarar ield a, -A car drien hy Roy t. Gra- 1963 For Senior Citizons and Pensioners rapper meeting au Asitatie homne of BS. 1, Georgetowne ce- "EMPRESS 0F ENOtANO" "EMPREIS 0F BRITAIcNs. . e<a Churrh an Fchruirs 21 Ttc ladl- s.eised $350 dameage Friday sn on ae le.,ssere inviteduuiismeet-1 ccidenton the eenth Line Lev:Leane: îîg and ahaut 50 persuir sas north oi Harnbe. NEW YORK - APRIL 8th LIVERPGOL - JUNE 11th i GBEENGCK - JUNE iJth e ~c s s Arrinsu Arrive: DRUMOUIN LIVERPOOL - APRIL 131h MONTREAL - JURE 8th Pnenided me can ebtein 25 people for tic ahave ost TaIk on Physical Education and arail tannd salngs, vhe minimum ralue. spaial teanisa ecean fana will be $325,50 per passenger. Given to Percy Merry Parents, By Mca. A. Bal] ung ced îîahugpaning -urus a lite CONTACT YOIJR LO. MILTON Thte Pecs Mert Home assî scitaîl Sîtordas eurucgý A put t AL TRAVEL AGENT T A E E VC Scituul Associan tuid tics, lask sapper tsaý r!o rsi c thc FORVE THEIC DEOLN-27 as T -21 r!82 mte-tgttingWelatsi.ttctnicc ta schitOTEEALS.e ut.lets.al.iauitoarium. Tthesîs T.iiISC.F. ai OakilIet-Trt-ýi- 27Mi Re21o R822 tncondacedtsytcrsidlt.cmr, . guiht haeldîîit.aga J: liilli.tctsac upeird truthfl rsingr atsps i tehomesaitc.r- ssgal of0Cacad. A ,torr, Ici Hics Sîturd.ss.ecug. Mcciace0acBie,'das tu v film of Me. aidt Mrs. T. Aider. S T . L A W E C duii . Huier, phlise e-tett a 1els FRUIT and GR C R STORE dTlioniituctatry:lthstl,ul inlsgavehuirth itut-îamis. thac tcstutcarit el ihv AiP ut tp.tlst as eRODUCE SPECIALS cn secîs lus Sit y is exsten ird ta Mr. Golden Ripe No-t Macntash ar Snaw 6-qi. bait. This c-as hsluti Its lîur ci F u anîl Me. G. t.,iles. in BANANAS __2 lbn. 25c APPLES ----------59c mosrto e -n. ont ilci the cît.It ai ihctr rsici -, Mr, -rd frr .Ms.mil; Lausî Galbrasiih Seev Red Calîbornia Presi Crlsp 2-n.pg steon tlticked %i,. Hue GRAPES -----2 Ibs. 29c CARROTS ---..... 10lc s for arranging a muit isse-ecssinf priprure. ShwFl GROC38Y SPECIALS A film. "Treesarc ts.l.snd" mal Faay Red Caine ,iii. sase flic Sluknly faacy ereae. 1ua, liains. shuscu ah lte Pei c usrvscoe iALMON --------39C ýCORN ----- 2 for 29c on Friduyleccscpgandtî V ~ Satura% afirreaun. su-es G. s-tser iîl Spree.e 16ouars n- Sae loi charge. Prceode wiii te giStMxoelkeno we eîs 9 tc the Bed Criss. uewe ie iclso we Rls --2fr49 The prade 7 eltrs mt ther If ysa'na tacn wnlbsg teacher. P. Hayts.rd, teld a skit- MR. BUSINESSMAN 1 3-lb. bas - Sans 4 Ti. Vi 10 stato W. W i QUICK QUAKER OATS......-------........... 45c WSla ail senti bn peîlt PICK-UP Yack Brand 20-an. Tins PelaI dama tic bocks ASK ABOUT CepccyPORK AND BEANS..............----------3 for 45C auital face flet wlt taie& SEVC*ETSELL Oas moe tannieno IM 1ff N5 1O iioarRCa ad Tender Plue.p Pound JubiAle Pure Park lb. pkg. The aiaitrd:riieft IFYOU NE $5 OTIDf DELIVER C IKN.. 3 SUA E39c nthe iie air inîlthe Toit aVER 2 WffKS, YOULL fi iuek ta yoo tir saine CHCE 3cSASAE ed vaton a n si IWANT TO KNOW ALL ABOUT Murnlng ne Aflarareta Lran Peameal Bucak stlceaI neMileL prailemi. Thé Voiiîma CtftCtNT'S "MINI-LOAN" CAlL TR 8-6741 pince Mapler Ler wu bitinsautvile Barrow' $5 -, Puy OwACON.. ----6c b éOG A-- 3lI 1 Oaaly $60,47 DAVE'S 69cl lb1£0G A . ls 1 Cms.n L . SRVCE LUNCHEON MtAf&. 5 Varieties .. 4 Pks $i0 Finance MILTON ES ON! Ut Maints Mi. lotn ltR 8.2171 opean 7 ame. ta le Panu. am 54 w3 e h viVo i DELIVERY Snda B ntt a.MILTOI ce the feMIly as was wafclahg udwl0.... ~ $jea soel.W ne channel 3 Barrie TV on the bIW W U awoil~eka é progrann Studio #L. 1 er 'atr A bi e L UtU Il ceditheNs ati phav Mîias. R. $8te(ôfldyMs #9,11 aaadh ra dani4e Crh of O7Gaell le leu Wft. qe ie ak. nmota rems et 7blalop ofasrSp*hy *i . -Friday vils report card dey, Rd. ln aemiê,' Won an.electri» 0h.ei iti ja. n d caanard a contrant of frOwna aineS os a lamk dot rOue c tnt$ ~~ e, andste and mites among publie school. a hpy rl e or MloI..n r.îtas# 1. ers. -Burlington. courit bas ais- proved a tiuai vote on April MILTON 29, to tee if realdttts favor the 5<I.), Y tale of iquer under o diaiarg itunge licec, tr a louage licence Only Thunaday-Pnîdoy-SateeaIay p.bray 20-Mnda 1-2 1 JUUIY LEWIS MILTON PLAZA IT'S ONLY MONIY * Smok. and Gifti hw 41n a Shop iMATMNS SATrURIAY - 2 IlM * DISCONTINUINO OUR M@aday.?e.aday.WdasadY Matci 4-.-6 3 DINKY lOY UINE IN WIDB SCIIEEN TECHNICOLbR * 25% OF i BIVIS PRESLEY 250/o UMIIOFSOF GIRLS 1 GIRLS 1 GIRLS 1 àOpels ta 10 pas. fuegl. Ssni elfer Cartoon - 2 Shows 7-9 p.i Edgar Howden's TIPS ON HOW TO KEEP BACTERIA UNDER CONTROL IH YOUR MILKING OPERATION PURINA Ict-DAIRY wun devel- opeu by Purinu Resarch Stienkiata to be the ideal dviry uaaitlzing agent for milking machines, uten- aila, mlk tanks, etc. Purina ln-Dairy la o effeckive tisat only 34 a tabla- spoon in nseded in a 1O-qunit pail of watar for o hurd-werking flank and utuder waah ant eat-cup rinae. PURINA Io-DAIRY is eiffeckive ini combaking practicaily ail forma of organiame; han a buiîf-in color indi. cotor thaï; telle you arben li Ou no longer affectve. Io-Dairy prevonta andu remavas miliakome and it ie ideosl for cold mail bulk tatnks bol- rous it la active las raId arater. PURINA Io-DAIRY in just ne of kthe mamy Purina Chowa, Health Aida and Sanitation Proetacta tisuf I carry koi hsip you bave hesîthier stockt andu bef lac ferre profits. For fasf, efficient feed servie call EDGAR NOWDEN & SONS F330 SERVICE R.3. 3, Milton TR 8-6238 Canadmons aho wat hoalhor profitsstomtro umse PURI NA SANITATION PRODIJCTS lodîy I Iow we vie added a bit more. fer a hliger Volkaei, Wsa bacc. Tic ceuiting îpced and tic tap apecd waegon. aes lic saine, 80 mitai pan flanr, yat fli, lien, tt's e Aisa petsaserar. coeaaimptian ancragai 33 miles per galbe. out and yoe acrgoecrciof 42 Standard squipccnt on tia VW 150 s705 lia. Aied lierai macs lnggage Itisiadea haniet seata filel ndlust te 49 iod. (Copaiy 125 ia.>) flur mouiatd gene ihift; fally synuimen qs.t lia statin wagon bei no flilîe. docuk; n sida viear mirrc; windield mou, tnpout of teia y. board and son nusr; hiice asiilraya; fu iiauk te ginse hamacr fraionu. lied itfs If ynuna mai e-waiiing for a iguer Voli if e-alec ta slireieatv noig apatem moire noiny) uts ai pair nearnîs VW nia gan fins vo nadiaine t hier cecin tnat drive. Andu he prnpnrred for nenmore This station matin huolas hrnd like a sp of tic VW 1500 n end contry gos 10 Statian Wagn diffecant pnsitionn; .iaed gencibo;a cri; paddsd dcliih. a cren resta. smagen (fac n ltine e-nom rady for a trpse* PLAZA MOTORS M PAZA ULEPHONI 1 8.2962 NARL audin Gi. K. Dark N Ha îlot îiayi 10 te[liei gli s Uiles ut haut B Gite ri Ciutuii ils1 Tow s Me Il senioa licnHi5 thitsie t i o Titi 'l luisit il, t-st 1i lie fo LOW.VIL Mfrs. Are# \1i,s al TR 8 By Mi flief lic Lau, lit hi t,,'cok _lit 1 .1M .eiiifit 1t ie 1~ ---- 1 1 sol ý

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