Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Feb 1963, p. 13

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~1 . 1 _11 . 111-1 q o SGYNI NHIL NURSERY SCNOOL en Fice Sideeod sea h ef Mît- Rondo tries te kecome o junior Picasse as she teîMr a Rige eon' whieh aust epened k is mentb is bhe ceaoe mhy T mmYi the mter-enlees painting clous, white on the right es.Rd or grîrnîng front page moeo, is skewîeg the mîde emîle. He's msy hetps Peter mtith hts eîoy metdirg. Thr nem nursery seheet ene ef tise eilîdren attendirg tise nurery classes epeeoted kp mos fermed "te îeoch ehttdren to gel ateng wilh lise ether ehit. Mes. Jehn Ridgemay ard Mes. Douglas Green in the fermer dren befere they take the kig step from home se seheut" ae- Boyne Publie Seheel. Akove on the teft, Mes. Green is sheten ceedîng se Mrs. Green. The seheot aceepîs ehiîdrer aged (me te with seme ef tise stodenîs, enieyirg a "musie circee ard ctop- fîve fer haîf day oe att dey nurery care. The coorse includes hards eoutine. Ir the et pietue Bitty meeku mîish osbestes puzzles, mousie and games, caltdoor play, sieries, pasting, peint- clay en ene ef thse merkirg tables duri.-tg a free lime perîed. ing and building. .cccr. -e~ !F'o . S Cotlnaed trom Page Pour P. L. R. Girls Peb. 21 - Ladies' higis single, Yvonne Teasdale, 284; ladies' ttigh triple, Marg Hcatheringten, 634 (24(1-156-238>. Big Fine - Marg Healhe-ing. ton, 634; Marg Heipel, 614; Donna Grenke, 606; June Geeld, 486; Norma Kileheet, 584. Marie Murray tlook 7, Doetna Grenke tock 5, Lit Kaszveki look 5, Ger,îte Mostntein teck 5, Maty Heipet teck 2, Kath Cocoes teuk 2, Wiltie Witson tlaok 2, Dot Cet p took 0. Pin Dustiers Fnb. 22 - Ladies' bigh siegle, Joyce Hactam, 215; ladies' high triple, Ruth Davis, 20549,18.31 - 494; men's high siegle, Jehn Bas- sett, 261; mee's hige triple, George Basseit, 243-214-116-573. Dlhrr good singles, Greta Lee, 213; George Hasselfeldt, 201; Jean Hassetfelt, 1919, Dîher god triples:t Johe Bas- sert, 544, George Hasselteldt, 520; Amelia Basseit 477. Meps teck 5 fot- 62; Breom,, look 2 for l1t. HoIy Rosary Feb. 21 - Ladies' higb single, Mary Emtsersoe, 222; tadeis' kigh triple, Mary Emmerson, 550. Men's tsigh single, Frank Pedatîla. 278; men's higb triple, Frank Pc- dalla, 796. Dîhcr gond singles: Charîli Vaedeebroek. 276; Cornie Dp- stein, 244; Pete Vanîtootteosat, 240; Skeila O'Neill. 215; Acta Wiedmnotter. 213. Gîher goed triples: Chat tic Vandeebraek, 724. The Taas took 3 for 10t. Urs and Desees teok 7 for 97, Cottics tcck 7 fer 91, The Reekern tuait 7 fer 84, The Bombent teck 0 fer 68, Lucky Sîrikes teck 0 for 62, Tbe Jetsonc bobk 0 fer 58, The Choppers bobk 4 for .5 Ladies'Special Pob. 21 - Ladies" higb single, Donna Ketobote, 240; ladiec' bigb triple, Audrey Maten, 624. Other gond singles: Gtad Mer. rift, 202; Eysonne Dalgleish. 224; Thelma Bousfiolî, 230: Mittie Thomst, 211. Pocrtbcstries -Audr leok 7 (or 7, Tbelma teck t for 7, Gtads look 0 fr0, Donntatook 3for 3, Esteene took 4 ur 4,Joan rock O fcr O.' Pcb. 14 - Ladies' higb cingle. Audros' Mason, 280; ladies' bigb triple, Audrey Macen, 659. Dîber glood singles: Eyeonne Datgleinh, 205; Gladys MeKersie 238; Doris Lasee 202; Mary Cartwright, 216; helma Becs- tield, 203; Millie Thomas, 229. 49idxçy ok 3 for 22. Thelma teckt 4 for 26, Gladnu bois 3 Eue 40, Donna look 2 for 1, Evvone teck 7 1cr 22, Jean teck O for 18S. Playerc un the leate sinning tbe 3t-d Series, Gladys MeKorsie, Rap Sbields, Doris Lassc, Ireno Gilbert, Mary Cartwight, Shirley Nison, 48 Ailey Rockers Pcb. 18 - Ladies' bigh cingle, Helen Riddelt, 299; ladies' higb triple, Helen Riddelt, 698 (219- 180-299). GIbet' gced singles: Marloîto Macen, 262; Rutb Tniss, 260; Loý noro Roberts, 251-246; Ann Clark. 236; Marlene Morton, 231; Jean Sleektey, 230. Dîber gccd triples: Leoro Rob- erts, 695; Marlene M.eotan, 666; Marieno Masen, 663; Jeeco Hoorv 612. Scoîtlebums bobk 2 fcr 30, Peur Pitns teck 2 for 28, Ring Pies louk 5 for 27, Hot Shots teck 5 for 27, Drifters bobk 5 for. 25. Pin Heads tuob 2 for 21, Ke Rt louis 5 for 19, Head Pins teck 2 tee 19. Mifton Ratepayers Peb. 19 - Ladies' bigb cingle, PRESCRIPTIONS KERR'S REXALL PHARMACY TE 8-4492 K. H. ELSLRY, BOc., PisM. PREE DILIVISY Afeer Haurs Celi Il 8.6961 REVLON COSMETICS CANADIAN VOCATIONAL TRAININGPROGRAMME THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO, IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE GOVERNMENT 0F CANADA AND THE TOWN 0F OAKVILLE WILL PROVIDE TRAINING IN OAKVILLE FOR A lIMITED NUMBER 0F REGISTERID UNEMPLOYED PIMALE PISSONS OVIR THE AGI 0F 16 IN THE VOCATION LISTID BELOW. CLASSES WII± BE ORGANIZIS SUIJICT TO A SUPPICIENT NUMIMR APPLYING AND A COMPITENT INSTRUCTOR SEING AVAILABLI. Duration Homemaker Service d Monlis Training Couese Adlmission Requiremenes Ontaeio Osool' 8 ce équivalent. THIE FINAL SELECTION 0F TRAINEES WtLL BE MAGE PROM APPLICATIONS Tc BE PROCESSEO FROM THiE FILES 0F LOCAL NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICES THROGHOUT THiE PROVINCE. Prespective traines intereoed le this programme shooId contact the GakvilIe NIRS. Ofice et8130 Corge Sfree. Thes. offices wIS b. suppiel wlth derallel information cencerning this programmne. North Milton Youh Min Ith randa Ra g o Forms AssoCiation .,eilarY,1M rodWane Foîoson The nescly fernd "North 'i- et, P. ,î coan Civom h Ha lton Youts Association' oct lot; omlleneme, litor tît-slmet'ing lc.,lThuir-. i Thoe os,-oîlive orfîlcA,socia-i dl.îîeithl9oonshors pcserl. lionltio:o'olc.th îe,' ti ;Craig Rtîtîlol îî,s -llol hai,-eý IJî ccnot ntll.tng Il, b, Ilti, ccrvsconîd aook. Daceo,,and skattng paties ae1[iiet Ev'nne Fletcber, 249- ladies" ciegt lu tozl Kisg, 314; mcn-, bigb triplo, Eyvunne Pletcber, 627.1 bîgh triple, Cecil King, 672 (206. Men's bigb cingle, Roy Gray, 280; 224-240). men's higb triple, Roîy Gray, 695. Othor cucet singles, Irmna Cotu]- oJack King 243; George Ber- Bultdegs bobk 2 fer 80, Wbip- Iacelt 214; Bill Deootst, 220; polIs teck 21cor 75, Terriers look Dr Galbtaith, 231; Mark. Buc, 7 for 74, Pointers loch 5 for 74 210'; Gîth Catr-, 205. Huskies teck 3 lor 74, Bosors tobk 5 for 70, Coliestrotkdt orl Dîhet- gîoît triples: Stutart King 70, Greounds looîk0tfor 68. I6 hJacklKingb663. LowVille Paîshert 51101 51cor 85, Hot Stîcîs Iln t,,r f4, Ptlrs %von 2 Itor Ladtios' bigh single, Juan De- 72 1îîî Ailo R,î,kels %voirt 7 cor Fotrest, 208; Ladies' bigbtipe sî Juan DeFut ost,.500. Men's highl McKIM HARDWARE Il sý -- '-. 260 MAIN ýl TR 8 9?2,' 1 1 1 C) N TOOL CHESTS ON WHEELS If pan gave ibis toien te the lamiliar telephoe installien trucs yee: se ere In te, yn'4 988 the oeil righl en the When tbey ratl outEfte a dey'n week, tbeyecarry es'erytltig lrem crw drivers la shenels la iele. phonos. Getserally, Ihere are abont 400 tants and' piecen of eqtoipmet abeord - aIl] the thittgs oeeded fer 9bt the e- peeted and ssneupecei Here is an installer wet ko n in In taking eart otE yser the Milton arou - Rti Hotttctn. itepbeoe servlot. PHONE SAVES LADY IN DISTRESS We road a nse.s icîttr- centîs abouet a hocsil lo wsaehsilyecleaeing her kitchcn,. and suctdonty lund litt.setf Cr'I- îrapped. Sho secs Irving lua citait the space hetecen [lie cîfrigetatar anod ber kitcheît ourrnior. Witbot tlhickiog she botme e wvitotr .orwîot..ad m aged ta gel tharceghs' stock. Butol * rigîtt thero on the ai tovt the counter wsea ber handy hitoben extension phtone. She caltcd lte policeo slleni cutt iersu gato lho refrigorattîr a toc- hart icae adrelcascl the latte. IC, erte reont l, ttîîiit' t k:ttctti etn ionttat haît oce uus IS THERE SOMEONE ACROSS THE MILES? ls ihlere somecce yotes IlkUe te taIh ta ... smoesrs the mile yeohaven't seen forsonne lme? lt maybe the fotks haeh home, a son or dotoghter emey al eellege, or ant ols frend yeusve otisned oser the years. There's otttbg likre hcarittg the searith of tîteir Eamitlar nîtices ,sgaiît . .. the eseitemen ofResotanglg htmey bits ofttecs ...lticetttttttrt of noming lhey'm ait rigbt. Why net pa tibreut a persneal vst hy lotng distane telephtone? Ut contn less then yen thIeh. AndI rememher, long dsUtancee Arts Codes help te speed yostr calta. Theymr listed Itn the front pages tof yor phonte bomk. A R SCHUYLER BROS. LTD. "4' 459 Main E. TR 8-2349 ALFONSO FRUIT MARKET 176 Mili St. TR 8-2460 Head Cheese (Homemade) 3 Ibs. 99c HAMBURG - - - 3 Ibs. 99c SHOULDER RIBLETS - - IL 49c MUSHROOMS No. 1 - - lb. 45c BANANAS -- - 2lIbs. 25c TOMATO ES -- - 2 Ibs. ?5c BUTTER- -------Ib. 53c R A DIS H ES - - - bunch 5c BOLOGNA - - - 3 Ibs. 99c 2RUGS CLEANED SFor The PriceO for a limted tie oasly CALL VI 4-6151 Plat 54 Porsythe S. Oakvile Yoo Puy for the Largest Of the. Tmg Send as ma*,Yas yaotke, 4 ng you enlypat. eo 2, ec Rugs must h. rollsd op, esad for te driver ta sollect f ]BELL LUNES ~5V your telephrane manager Coure Milto, OWLING

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