st goal tif tenml Miltn t fouîr nt cet l cith an teDuffed ii, and ith an for the min t0 ptaying f fer etc ced ta Nigbt larger been n efer' quite eil- vel sal Early Birds 24 Club Pin Dusters reb 1-Ldis igh sngle Feh 13 - Ldie. high sigle, Feh 15- Ladis th sigle, Audrey Maso 272261 ladies Aude yLye 325;fcls 6igb ti- Cr Lee 272; Ladis highti h6gh triple Audre Man 737; ple Andrey Lyl 688. pie Gren Lee 160-272-148, 580; ni high sngle LenMaan278; FM taitk5for29,D.W nok 7 men high sngle George Baet mnshighntrple Jak G l fo26,P.R.nok0for 6 8MS.200 men' high trple Georg 709. tuk 2 fo 13. Baer 162-2)(-62524ý Othe Ge n gtes RegGray Oth godr sgles Wire 258; Lumeen Macsh 256; Etinne: Mr. and Mrs. League Basseît, 194; Jin White 187: Ed' Met<err 248: George Cartcîherc Ceh. 1ii - Ladis high single. na Burra. 177; Ceci] Jaenbs'173. 247, Jack Guctd 246, 245: Dean 1Thelma Beentielel 284; faciles high Gîthe' gfleod tiples: Cecil Ji, Gra ' 244. 241. Iltiple, Thelma Beancljetd 651: catbs. 479; Edna Berce. 475. Jien 0Olher Geait Triple.s. Dean Gray 1 enns high single. Larry Arhie !White, 468. 692;1 Lon Masne 687; Reg Gre, 238: mtri higb triple. Larrv Ar- Mook 21,e 3it 109. . em 640; Lorcn Marcs 636; George bic 643.iit2ttlq Carrnlherc, 628. 01îher Gondl Singtes: Herh Higgs Sia'ctek fr 8, ea",lc>k200; Bill Tam 224; Shirley Cran- l*oly R@saMy 41cor 8 , Len'c tank 70cor 79, Jack', Ltc 206: Rniph Fard 209. e 14-Laie'hg cil. '-.n1c lak5cr5Ra'cntk e,..79 Ghet Gnad Triples: PauilKent Marg Keiic.,233; ladies' high tri- lok fr 5,Ro'stok lr 5,Ê20; Bah Waikinc 619. pie, Mary Emmercen, 549; mec'c R00KIE OF THE YIAR, Torante Mapin kcaf defenemen Kmit Reg'c tank O tor 70, Eti tank 0 for 14, Hap tank 5 iîigh cing.fle, Pele Vacenheacal, Doaglas mcc gacct star Manday ai the Milton Kîttcmen Ciab'c o 3 alLo o 5,"o 5;n ihtilSri Hockey Night pcngram. He signed tmo dozen mmniature hec. 48 AIIey Rockers fo 23 fori tank Zapcp2, an2:ms, h trpe,2tr kcy ctickc for the membens cf the Kincmen-cpncored Pee Feh. Il - Ladies' high cingle. The ecdri of te Srd ccriec han Other gaaei singlec: Sergio Wee honkcy îeam and Kinsmnn'c conc mhn mccc gaccle et the Ruth Tteicc 315; Indien' htgh tri Paai's Lettn incing. Piasern an Zoppas 233-241; Letcky Daîcca. eeting. Abv c Knt in n tick frtmn of te ynnng- pie. Ruth Teniss 691. the tcam arc Paul Kent, Jaek 239; Stan Gienreccesici, 237: Akere, cice fn n 06r Gnnd Singlec: Jean Bannfieid, Herh Higgs, Rnfnrd Mery Emmersan, 217: Marcv Heu' Stccktny 236: Lemanre Roherts 236: Gardhnnnc. Miidrcd Fard, Rth kin, 213; Peggy Fntaine, 203. Joyce Hcnrs 230; Barh Gercaic Green and Bilt Tam. 016cr gond triplec: Mike Be MILTON ~~228, 223: Alherta Hackenhruck ~ .L .Grs sdt,644; Pete Vtuteieuthettt',at. 0i lie16r Gnad Triplec: Peggc Me' Feh. 14 - Ladies' htgh cingle, The Tnlaic tank 7 fac 98; Upc ~ÂC Phai1 657; Jnyce Henry 62Ï: Pl'a Daon Kecc, 283: ladies' high andi Docecc tank 2 for 90; Ceitic M ino r n o ck weyv N e w s~ Marcshait 594; BirO Gcecin 579; triple, Jane Gntuid, 617 (197-205- teck 2 tee- 84; The Rncer' tanuk Marlene Masn577. 215). q or 77; The BmhercLook 5 HO SELEUESctitiiehmc ioak 7 fer 28, Faîte Big Fine - Jane Ganid. 617: lort 68: t uckc' Sirikec look 0 tnt HOUSE LEAGUE PinscLooki5tne26, HotShoits ,nk DonnaeKres.61:;Marg Hcather- 62, T6e Jetcaac tank 2 lit 58, B. ctkni nd . Buch 7.3 Jnc Hmpcc ad Gant4 for 22. King Piens iok 5 lot' 22. inttgin, 603: Donna Speake, 587; Tht, Chopipers enos 5 l'ie 51. By B Wakin an A.Bralla 7-3 Jon Hmpsn ad GantDritteen tank 3 fer 20. Pin Heatic Marin Murray~ 585. NOVICE Wiiiiamnon ted t6e Steeimrkerclook0ifort19Head Pins tnnk2 Donna Gréieklack5for 36: ýRnhekah Lodgeecanght theiJn- teithtIwcgoalscand an assîiteah, fnrt17,KcxitKatsiLook 2fore14. Gerie Monnainînok 3 for 29; ior Firefightnrn ctll aciucnp in t6e fniinwed 'hy John Menlkiey neih a 'WiliieWicac tank 2fîte 24;Hý ltt ow aptr 7.00 n'einek eariy bird game. nd gat and tIen nnnitc. Brian Pick. Milton Ratepayers Kaki tk 2lai- 2ý4 Mrc ef-,R w sCa tr drapeda 3-0 htnnketnver thom.eeI ontnd oand oniae, Rec Pb1-aie'bgnoiitik5e2:nhta Richard Murray neîted ahraelDnnmnee picked 118 n ak e.1 ais ihsnl, l ok5fr2;Kt ot tcith the hetp of Dan Lentie. Bab e, anti Bill Pren anyicî. Pnt GlehnintSeroiec 261;Shc ai ie look S fr2 3; Mcaritt2ot nua Tfouh Bradbury, and Pbiiiip Collent., Isgletn t.irv Andeecs, ann Mike Mihtpe' 1-i Khenvorr 70.5fi2;Dt2iptn o 5 Planoffs farth î BnîamnGils Crioibenjm coet cGiah wcretbec Polle marks- mcc' nhigb cingle. Ke r 68: fait Gtc.ct'. leen. tttpped Bowlng Lcaeua nctc vttcd S,! lar 16e nîercnre. The bighiighî mec. ens igh triple, Ras Gre.y 722. 1elaîeii ntiraotgtea feca t1eMlo ofr the game tath1e ceas Ray- STANDINGS Baiidagc tank 5 foc 78, Wbippetc the bhite piaictil spot. Bititiac-ay l'le Brovnc wnîcIll mond May turtcd aside ailthe P WL TPt,7 lookicfore3,iHukiesrlookt2nfo LowVille ieini eampianchip trephs. lv Fineccntien.gaioing hi Looî aeio . 3 3 18 bn ak 2 fcr 68, Terriers Fdb. 15 -Ladies' 61 iag i et c 6 eîb arc ýPaica Chai cannecclice~I khia. Ptt .. 1 6 so 7 fîte 167, Ccaien looik 2 Ici* Jean DeFateci, 220: ladies' 61gb H bten Tl anc Gw Spetticg Little Pontia fîrsi Cao. Tire . 13..... 6 4 3 15 ,6'eeniti9c6. tpe at ecet Hum ackie Meikie. N.nvGt perind gealiîby Johtn Hapkin et the Loae 4970 1 3 6 5 2 1 4 ,Ber o5fi-6. tipJanDFes 503; mens151. Ceuni Henens. Lintia Cîpain 35 secnd mark, Cen Hardw.are GreenFuels .13 4 81 b9 nîtn r Fre ig iei Gien Lecmîng, 275;1 inît i Sandra Hatchinon. roard'back Ioa 3-1 ictr. A Dept.Stoe 13 2 9 2 6 HatnJ. amr ilitriple, Bil DeForet, The second place censth StfnDsaiir i ueiolFe. 18 -tatiies'bhighcingle, 600. Oranges, tien icamenst rocî Stla Dciittie.Ji Rbeîsn MIDGET Betty Rance 177; Laidies' bigb tel- Cibher ganti ciogles: Bill DeFer.! bers ai the cltub arc ShcerilI Mr te Ross Alcock combinaien lieti, Sportîand Cyclemadi 'vcin pie, Jane Datitin 430; ots'i 5;Jc ig 9:Gebî0LeeMîesMeen ihecîne, îtttîcd b lit n i i mît an boav dciined Koigbt's tthigb cingle. Ottie Lîtekie 284; Le tel, 216; Ate Panîcil, 215; Ittr' lis, Pains ou5sfield, Cinda Carp, Ipeets ofi the ntick niý haetintrk. 1Men Wear' 54. Gals bv, Jim 1 tri higb teiple. Date Lîtekielnid Getîlecti, 213: Cecil Kicg, Jus~tice *Filipaccki anti Ts ieg John Sprnat. ancinieti ha Osaten aînd Bob Neneehi fîcm94.'0:SîeBeitnc26. deii GieeSti'be.icd.ttîiHip ' Rtupert Coifen knticd the lient' Att Bi looitteiiik 2 fîte 31t. HotîSbînlookîfoîr 84, Pîn, Iriitititaiaat'is foeinei sa STANDINGS peeind sccrc'.bîtîthe Robts iniik Ro a.nt,tiitd tcak 5ei- 34, Maii- etc n c 2 toi- 80, Ptîiiers teck O -eî'n bowlinig goluCa.îîcHeuii P WL T Piuenommand as Terry Brbet, an ]vlbigcýot 'r2 o 0 le okt ok7frffl igb average of 104; ar Rcbekabn . .... 15 10 3 2 22 ; Maurice Miljaci, cctnbind foi' a: Bob Raddeii ltaus 2 net1 13. 62. garet Bell fur t6e Iiîgi touble o Pnso:tc, il 7 4 418 italIy.opuece aod 8111 'MauresCi 'et 289 anti Anne Keulîs lac, t6e bifh Crest . 15 3 7 5 Il np Ccffnor arcourtier. TheTat naiea12 Fucensen . 15 2 85 9 ors kepi cbipiog avvaas coien single ofttidaac1 ncf62.i. PER WRR Gerv'aiscactented a yens trson f Idesnceeta bainivr s hpari. 'Mlo hriotatd Craig Riddeii and Lee McPhail ofdvere %ign db n Pafs 292r ubiiînePbaraeyontinte Mil oeteda dese eam ato, Ba as i and Sandra Hatchiensn for lthe tcoLnmhr4.3,nitbBcb ons ker'ccsoianeffort at 17.35 provcd i bgccini7 les dnking the 'inning goalncith . liena minutes of plan remauicig. 1 e the wnner an Gervanis i sigeC ofc 157 aniaa Peter 'Marnb and Noren Bigga r: taîs e' range apain. c'iîb t6e cdhie Cia n eo bad clil lied preiucly %et op Jack 0cr bheip ai John Keits ai 19.05. rem thn use fcthecoir lo rj sec for a pain, nhi le a Bah Kcaa 1 nrm ruentt on l tee ern " ofat Mirc' les ta Jeren Knsîies eff ors catnnat Let8nith'c Fond Maukein came Cresi and trcpbiesailItbe aurf cdtealiîer Pharmacu manker. baek cn t6e tact frame lta vce, cd iii the giels fer îbeei nttivida Siekie Ceibeck sîuînct iai ce for camre e 2-0 deficit. and takc o andsleasmeffttsnsbeaîgIUaIsa fla, Lîîmbermc't, and Laie cn the tns; 3-2 cuat ail 18.47, utbcut Gar aoentsî.so tdc isf shcat-lmvc ticing salit. Aihictit Supplies ta prostate the R Taceili patsed îuaa laie 13-3 tie. Bill Wecicc anti Wacne grni uts .it Fh ef o a icati lcad neiteti 16e liens paer- g;uei pîcnAlfy tbeip Rab Me at.i ceecAlite Jancs ta ppcdý Concee Cioder Siag antd Silo Heess, tm 'aic. cd acsbitastAllen Gilberti and Rick Reaitv Geo un Fay Ficmbicig cîthîoel Mc-alIsn lnt sattebi o] Cuaig Icsnrancc'3-2. Bab Cultce pisnu hetSuettbeiîatlleBL C K Darante pasned la Alec LeuwiJs apdhoeh sscn J. COOKE (Concrafae Bcs) uc oe 'McCnaig enneker. anti Jone rauc hom ' seTon Johbn Ceic biegeul in a rehaccl gluta fuam Renies. s 1,.L. fenen Pc'îe MeCuaig for the alir. STANDINGS YOUNG CANADA NIONS ai the arena on Fîîday csgbt, sceNEn-76 STANDINGS P W L T Piscebideen of convie9 agesclamening for the miniature hockey N 76 Pw W - pl,,Kcigbi'n 1489.51 17 stickssbiebnsccnîcesentd tn thefirsnî50 eildren wbo a- EVENINGS Cas 13849319 Tri.cItci 14 6 . 315 tended thegame accnmpanied byancadelt.Mn ord8elin McCuetig 19 7 6 2 1 i itl' . 145.54 141 cownsbandg outthbesticks tolienenucSales, Linda Sles MILTON TR 8-365 Pharmacs . 1 6 6 315 Rebets .........14 4 8210 anddPeter MacnasnFrnkSalesilooks on._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lîteaber 1.. 5 3 8 4 10 BANTAM Miloan Deparîiment Store ern' cdiilog a',i iuctcec'lisi sueek, apeodiegOGreen Fuels 3-1. Baris MeTracb ansstcd Si'e Kecce ca the fient canter. acd BE NGIC SUR 4/ N K ND tesoeti the tact ce ta pans fran BG S R Etddy FPerry. Ceres cacacnted a Paul Hotehiccon nomsy fer the tber. AR. Hatmnn rapped on a TIIAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART 0F YOUR iu Robertson rebeand far t6e M C tiseice's taits. NEW CAR PURCHASE . .YOU MUST BE SUREC E K Dick Ciemeci cpearbeadnd the ledanîrini Catering tlacs, cntting ap Dave Fenchb 'for the apeniog BE SURE OF THE NAME . s ma.rkeu. and tbnn:firing thenent shee tu gice Caterecsaclose 4- CHBYSLER PRODUCfS ar n owc and pronen cndusty decti'aon neer Caicndiac Tire Cor' lalr ihdpnlbecatmnhp hylrCr partition. Io t6e int periad. the cd dpcae aeaspCyeC Tiremen 'fcînght baek loie 10 paritoncheeven e bepnndabit pandsuperin iy tcasickthe issue,.asa Ducan' o nit pnodut -fo ar nboym nhcnfidene. Gardbhonse ta Wells ueiay pins a Fard ta Lawrence cambinntion peadned a 2-2 lie. and a Jerry BE SURE OF THE FINANCING BE SURE 0F THE WARRANTY Duaccan citi ai 19.28 kcatted 16e caort nI 3-2. Howevee Ciemeci's Wbeni yea dnol wvtb Traders Finonce ene deai eu:tb Cbcynin'tmnîrroniyinoan icdcntcy tender. it's 5yecc bamri ai 19.45 ciimaned the bri'l the nidest all.Cnndion finance compncy. Flexible ne 50,000 milesn pna'cr-tnoin moîasîaty and tbis s in ieg finish. plans ta suit yoec budget and Ions roIns pies inscu. addition te the ceqolar 12 mnnîbh on 12,000 mile mor. Scoop Situait, ane protection fatcres. ranîy that coecs ececy Chrysien Corpnration cebicie. In tIse lMnndny ni'gbt fitire. Loal 4970 ccapped Ibeir scng ciîump, cinbhnnring Milton Cohie BE SURE OF THE DEALER . .. BE SURE Forn49 yeons the camre, tD h eon6as been asociotnd Wbeni yoe eboose ai Jiohnson Bros. ccd bacc miles O pmn in June nssth service taothematnt:ng pcbîec Dec:ng ibat lime of eanefreecdr:c:nq pIcs the assuance ynun iccent. The KaitaoConservaion Ares cccciss cstomeavebound iîa plaeof sais- a-ntisneccre. mli b. oMeliaIîy opeccel on Sat' faction and faur dnolinig. oeday, Jane 22, meochersocf lte 16 Mille Creek Connerson Ac- tbortty agnel Thuriin at thete BE SURE -CHOOSE A VALIANT, PLYMOUTH OR CHRYSLER AT Fnbnsory meeting. Ttse MinInter cf Laeds andl Focesîs, the tall, Reis A. Robert, bnas ban Incited te cfficialiy deelmo', lthe park open. l ladaldca te Kelso Dacm, u lissiers mnuccde lake, and o sitncecig Sied wodlog parol.-I Tite Olca Rda, Ski Club and Hiat Counly Mutionc amrealan locoted an te Icroperty, 500f coust of iilsay 401 In Nés- cesaseya Township. 'RIGGEST CATCH 1 EVEI CAUGHT" said Me[ Wbitney, Mill St., os bie decn:ed Ibis 14i e lb., 35-ineb Lake final he taagbît ice fisbing tast icnek it Oie Station n Lake Sîsane. Mnl, csejbî, is nbomn holding tbe 8mbh cîith his poltier Baby Gonton. This nsone 'cibopyi- Ibai dîde i gel avvay. The bail wac a Wil- liams Wohhler. SOMETHING EXTRA FOR YOU IF YOU MUST BORROW 1 If poc mont barronsclame ta CRESCENT. W. bae ex. clanive paoent Protection on ail Ican avner $1500. IF YOU ARE OFF WORK DUS TO SICKNESS OR ACCIDENT YOU HAVE NO PAYMRNTS TO MAKE! LICR INSURANCE AVAILABLO ON AIL LOANS. CONSOLIDATE AIL TOUR BILLS INTO ONE EASY MONfHLY CAYMENT EXAMPLES 301 Mttcths 36 Monttîsq Barrotu Repus' Botiti Soepas $506.94 S22.00 P1525 . 58.88 $708.13 S30.f0 52000 . 77.22 $860.71 ...... 36.00 S500. . . 96.53 $1000.00 ......... 4h.45 53000 .......$115.83 Lcisssc Obîsit Cuesteot 3-Wes Puoeschsn Phone TE 8-2171 lOt Main St., Milton I aat ONLT 0.88 ncotct cLm Iaosaacp thon..0 Otn ntrd. Oa Aid $1t10 for UN. Cciti Bon..ciuat llue FREE INSTALLATION coc S. c ona SeCar OifT ce I 0 5551 TEIMS90. PitoneI TE 1.11ISHYLER, BROS. LTD. 49 MaIn MIton TE 8.2349 Hlow f lameless electric heating makes ail other heating systems out of date! * Ils the world's safest hîatiîg system -does flot use flammable fuel, * lt's Elealer than any othîr heating systîm - cannot create dust, smoke, soot or dirt of any kind. * Yeu get custom-comfort in every room -electric hEn allers you a separate thermostat in each raom. * Easy ta install-no furnace or fuel tank. * No enui maintenance costs-nothing to cdean, no filters ta replace, electric heating is truly a carefree system. jReducui oporating costs -in many municipalities the rate for ellectric b eating has been, reduced as much as 3"% during the last 2 years. Cati your qualified electric heating contractor or: your hydro LIVE SETTER ELECTRICALLV Pt. The Canodian Champion. Tbaesdàp. Cnbraery 21, 1'963 5 Q ak jille Capt Gakaiihc'is seeretary and District nmed to ibis pont bp lte Pire Cii R., Hîntil of BRlningian Mansbni'c Office. M utual Aid PreS. Cad-ep Chiof Bilt Williams Plan Reîresher Cus Captain Dan Cbnnningio ah 0 Aitan were camed atuditari. William O'Sutisian of fh0 Dakittle Pire De a otren aAncîoeain caînitten ni us F.M.3. aitnded the meeting and nae rsDe tepa an a named. to inalade Dmîttset Cbse natif ast aitespt wac heicg made caed -eidcî Steît i- Gîege Wrîgbt acd 1-. Wes 'Mii l ha% leî careficîber course 1cr lire. Coud5y iMtaînAid Fil tia , fîchiui sut Oakîiiie. tieite'. tItis tai in Hatn. tic Association Ituendas nuglit, iilIMhnrr he .F l-o Bicip' 'Muta titi Citeg Citie A.r C. ,ng auaivd the Gnkciite, Act. gtctp'c scnuat meetng ;t Iuse tmi Hattou Fie Peentin ington N.a5SStation. mc iiiti reittecadptc Oîuucuuteirt'eceeeîncinnin 'Lu. Ivan Clarridge cf Mil tutti, s tusdînasar. Co-Ordîac he .toiciln vîce-preicuent.bEldonPerkunsaof Doitts. Wilson iii Oaknshhc i j a6 nhî nationaled mcit ne' ncic.nru'su il a"mu.atcntnacnsa . wsîek's MniaiAid'-Fire caiît thc batonn mil] un Miltn, and Cbi Cicmceu ratscd tbepompt epcne i Actcn andGerge. nu. a ifor heip. Slid cs nîere cbcnn lbhre in it ru t ai ' fne. INSURE TODAY Wu ltae actait ,lis w&,. A. T. MOORE INSURANCE CAMFEELLVILLE Phtono ULster 4.2271 ý - w- a - 1 1 1.1- z