* Thse Cenadien Champion, Tiusuodep. Febtcesy 14, 1963 Liberals, N.D.P.s Scbeck ie N om in.tor Adrian Dingle Speaks Here Parties Gird for April 8 Eledion Adriac Dsngta ct Gaks ic. aacnotal tttpmi'oc. It ri castor Anosoet fccddts h Haltn Conty Liserai As- ander (SandY) Bent wa& rsioot notod Casaîtiao arist. spik acpitfgcaiay ayn plcns foi, ýmssmlaot hip campaîgos sociatton. cnnoooced thct c joint tnct9d te centent tise Helton sisasistsiWaono-ichfit.tats o uattoîi ns aPd piîtLealtralies, and a geua Fedetct and Provincal nemtec- Federci sertt fer tise 'Progresse Milto andi Distict ht-t tîeca. in vsîtat vtucraitao. Mt. Diogiea hauishofn pic oletoaon actis'ity tin meeting tsitt ho hetd tn tise Coeservative pcrty George Kcr Hi- toc ntt- "An Atti-t andt a-actad doosinatod tiesacelle tis wool Miltton Townc 5tFcIt, Thuroda of Burtingten li tise Tory nomne Hi Motivs"', Tisa Miltl Artt' i Atatidenha cadat as threo (and posihtt "aor)l ocal nigisi, Fahcstary 21, ct 8 ýclex fer tise Piciatl seat. tnAer CHate Cîcisbe ttaciet modernl 'e Parttes taise op a'imt cnd preaata Tio speaker wttt 'ho tise Hon. Wct- Brendcn Ahcrncm cst ec ftict1 'iaaud cta i ataidaentalism." vsisot for tho April t Fedotai electico. oer Gordon. tiens officier cf tise HaiCen New fille,11.paîint ildltiseatta isncaatd on -Planare aisehoisglccsltd Dr. Hcccy C. Hartey, M.P., titi, Democrctic Party, annuced te- aâit. Dinagi e Caîl, fau'a~aa~laoihcs r a possible tProvinciat oloctiaus of course, sook tise Federal nons- day fisat Cart Rkoulecu weuld not luiîtt Cittai as Ii saitsin Incil1h do -tiin it b ehb anns.Psoa - as yetiancaltatbtheisPremtierination again. Hc'snot epected carry the'New -Democrattc Party dici lCIt , flai tinte -a tan sait.' Ili hv a'iiun bat vitt in theisacoer staga. ta hc opposecI. s tLan d ard jei tise forth-cotning ilitiia îiîîîttîîîaîîaitt'it rý iuiut aai liia' unab hi,,t HaeeFive Named "I foot mv activities in tise Pedorc lecîtan. Forcafhst-io aa l tv"oih il.,c 11111 ti\ CI,at'atiitt. Ta dtata Conseratits tava HouofnCnmoosswarrant yor candidate, Mr. Roulteau madeoat l'aahiliitiIth Pintting. lMi. Diaglea iittttildcaA hos utanth FaAul andAPaui- rotatsiog measor rnpesenta-cecellent shosingin the jt Fîl Edecattenaltst Mis. Piîtip Aitnsan antd thaokaA al candtidates, wciile an anoattaa t, as a snmhooe of c new 'Li- orat eation whiwh socs won hy ML. DinfIta piciaiei Il -tisa' .11, is. F. D. Tttttpson cf isai met-iis wcaotnamettaosible'ttohoa gocctnmnt'hobcsidli Dr Hcry crey. aai, nuica tiiiiîcal o iu cd, aht,iia Maiitan',s Cluand tîn y huita, fat tisa NOte. FaAotqi Mayor Otwon Multin cf But'- ln c nter coecsed fcr pubtica- aaaiithn Pulicla tart.~ Cu. Mi. Firais Martia ofltica Milton noiminatian. Thte Socaial Crodit tingtan il, i tise mlotent, tisre lion todcy, Mt'. 'Rocleau scili: riaiL loisi 1,tsitgî-faiat At, andulCraftsClub. Parttvil tcootd to'h-bc siianIvaantende fortthe Prcsin- 'i itlnîet cacndidate for iaul istitiait Anîlet Os-erseas Projeot a Cattidata, but isas madeonu an-niai Ltharal nomination. Thora ri ýNon Dvmocratic Party in tht-t i luita lia19401', Heaid', nîlîsi AI i hc'.taevsiltaatilg priaan norcamanta va-i. na-c on or0 Iwto toison nanmi Podocat Etection. Tise l cami- Painltilîlt tîui.i , li, (bc h ah- i the vpenai ltireacu (itttl Full seuae iad-sakisg ad atin- un tisa Provincial arena, paigntovesthan a yocrcgopro- ~'Irait -digilil saicliitll.tmualttttdotittllttitlsuitiliinil ntlaeacl-raking ahanid halit in1 bout itayaatc thing taire soir- cd acereat strcinOnMY heati, iotii il i eai. îiitiniCaher l ieiataignu- tise rieuar future. Seivttral ric tcsi. ioai worktasi sllat and onmp li' Iîgu îaîî a'lt a'iiiaaiîuru i on11 iiiid' Ilia' Cana iac LLiit- alubs in tisa aco iv tîc plaootig. iacs Id n ttikf o l Ici ulilu1lall ainlltig Ii,,a -il, Se-lr',vhitca Int%,uattiAiiia nghts. Actisels' Organlcl in anbcn 'is drn t th poit oulve% diiiitîun'iuii Ao is , e-1"u Mis. F. S. MaQua ita, (lie tos- Panay W. Saison. prosident of' 'Mata thao a maints ago, Ateit- ofm-hecitis [ partictt in ce- tuls ai- H u- t-a un (,t, %%'as 11clIx 1su'no1a-Oat ncictio mtci i titillr campaigni se aln a. Pr beAeeaaI.aI p ioto ndrcwct frontatv Pr b L n v aiUUabO potiticci lFtc but eroty a roliur- Hear Annual Report For Future Industries Ponofnt cTheictNe feocrai Party is stong eougint Haifon Tit aaitaittty cf indstiatien fortaootiatontapattof to disain good candidctes in sarbfta ansd aitar ann attan vs ist Il as astcpsod h y councit huis theo -Fderci cnd Prosinialtu F or ,ô~n honunda flo c nA t tas paliaat o a se s-i- iti hao tnt oardcd to tisa Cent- field ivitisoot bcetne depoodont on Fo n h n a o n l t tas proiad ins a lattai Io mi-tain. a"n singlo individuci," Shaîulîiiiut, ili Aîitîî,i Cia, of ail aller iniliti le,(, lt tlar Mitn Canniti Mcnîlay isv thlisa wa tsî-a.',gcstedttisoeannx- Mille Sesto Neanlnalon utîtu Or[ CtiiLt'Ciniii ta-t-, ilituiaIaul , -a, io Pres îî"îî i-v ltttmta Milton tncucttialliait Isaaittg wsa succcessful tisa Theo pcty ciso announoed tisas laiiii dui llaililuililta na' til III titintailtsa'it Cuit timisiatt. tuvissî %ocli toio tisa land Thomasltiila f Oakito'ii isa îaula lia.i l cti iîtîa irti hatnd fin ieiil vuiaai N ttlstiiato a ,N orn citsp htl anav bic ndavathin bon atic Hte NMii, 35 emar c Past ad iiiil, Ilctla'iiglv,lnti and 411 i,a 'ataalai, pucni Ille Ca îîîs,iîîîsolit otisaa,- tIesa lai acai' tioioikcd.kIio ýi\iliilq %%clsilthetînd11 pîtirI in isaittitt io adailttiatttithal. "Tli Planning Bocard shootd' plovod as Ciif PrsorhpyTans Ho,1iI" lieu, hila btan aiped(lt l;t il l ii-uinit f111111d t c~~it Tisa ail, ,i îî ,-ucai Io la mtaisa reaom mnaitioitns ta lc1Canada 'Airtines LUI Mctton, pur g itul'ton lt i fzlitpo'a", ~.iil, I-alaitittl pulaiiil piide 'iîiti informattttio~ vaaiîaiitontflic caursfortds'oopi Prier to isappointmient t roi! i,%ý(elui . ul%,a-ýitc n1,\Flle illicat' stt ilîtit TV .îataiia tniiiti tcti ivtiittal-zndl mt" Ranîn C. A. Mai-linoli !cT.C.A. spetvisorystaffOiMr. Milt ; ie irctîtaiiî,luvthacoi ait laand' tait aIlia Coinit ',iitaacait ga,ted. ima, Ptnsidostt of tise Ccncdicn .1l il ii a laîlta l til lli' iei,ît lia itedî st-ah il lit checak fle tita itltiliit, ni tisa1 Cî,îîîîaitlî C. Maîuaiy suggaxtoî Aictina Ftigist Attonidents Union. li, cuI*a19(,2incitirg il, Ni, 41i nî uithaiii in lcSpca- falli. anit itptasantaliveasoaet aitt Tainthis wife andthir tsr s8.34I.64ý 'ie ma il nov atis îlita 1.900 'Ille Commtsidon ai tlia nxt meos- chitdcen restde ct 1337 Thiseeiti Pt-îtii AîtîîîîSaîîill 1111inaiiiuutiaiiiaiaiii Setîd Report îag. iDrive. Oakiscitt. îtiitl,'î,iil liiio Ni 99ilîîiiaui îiîaîî lcul11 and itta,\%i- von- A atîli rit[ia caporttof Ma liai-1 Caite r iatamed Cotnait A Ajoint nominationtmeeting for utiai50-50ftia,i fi it,idicule tpîlauciig ve. J'aiPlanintigd',sitiat, itiplan CiJohsoîntît as lc cunattrp.Iitcitthe Fdercal ad Proincial Dcicliai,,tiiki nlî aiil' revu li> DaaI Lîîî' 1antit' raea'tttatise ta ie ommision . i'iditsgs stiti be held Thsursday, iîîî,îkt, and iiililtal O litic Tat falncai h Fttrr 28, in tise Pine Roont, itlre,ýtit hll ice hoked bri util)tii inlud Toy S.ýnckOakviill Arcna. Oalovtlic. at olgist i'naiiiiigs-ia'iionia in-l AuitipnailatAE.Woodt, n'ctock. îîîîlîîî.Tii -nIt utîti at Milton,. ataa-ptaeiAart: PC. Wai- Back ta, Committee bct Ilai i. O)cL o'p lier talli Oaao tîcît t DaIai, Iccan . J. E,,. Caalph . Tor N t Special Events Hu l ")in rt il Banfor ad . . .uhinL To Spray o tt Spray 'Boy Scout we nCnd hold, 1 YullNu.39 '",altracshogins on Sundcy, Feisrccry 17, Mitn Coucal' streets andltdicta'iitsnctotcah use prayinO wit Slcuts fromctit ccress tise tsaiisvaaitotttaa'iv tuiihoai a onît\, oi tisa toscn proparîy and Dominion shoring in tisoceichbra. i aaaotinaolii ci, wthciatc tisa Caouttittalr Wilsons pointed out theo tiens. George ýPcrdy, chcitmnna o! lm ~ nt t rucst lina, ilie ttsîttavit itîîtwimd huitt uisdiaticn Io spray Mitttî Blop Sccut Orout, coin- li, >,ari. ait plis ata' poprtit. mitseo, reports tisct n pc Àgu.çeain RéardJust Adds 'S " ýRaLpait tuaý\ bleau racaitaut Coacittcc G. Purdy acggasted activitieshaebn lndfo tisa City ari Mantircai. tra- saor ayn saineum ttimming tise Scout ergcerizationt c whisee letr H s Sh p ig L s ~ aDearrimnt of Landat and rcersuMn buttd crrndalIru l ln Toot, mertitl e asn c a,, lie nal -r pg. yig.pet re u ACiurnulit cîsoatlt ai chati-tAnlu- 1 1Mr l"l a e 0 tar. dain annoRover group apeating ln CaLit uavaat Bautil Ii p1 anJt t'Aaiiauiainnuaa a'uatHtada idto rap.îad ataiga tad î aca li ith litaî tnps (lie buis liaCrila saaittn Coiurirll ar Cococîior J. Bail] coin-. r Pryelmtdta ho Miiinî ii Stmiili ît 'iliiml. tîîttut irnuui or11 t,, er sî i i i te-,iiiiti. ofaan, ui i ,s'i gt , t i st a.ss Ac uiupa tin inotuo G u ou, Rcn er li Kaîilui'haon Milaagi banntit hail î it.u. pu. Nltîmias' iui- otaatacslliventtutcouletiP82tillutta """l li jliCma' prrvi ,iecat, and ragv. ai,îi i cittatcllai]\It,iatia, Andiultlaitficatrottie la nt' tedac a'tiltatia"l'l 'ie irsi%,, dttmit rvitoa bll oi fi oi 50 liakIl fictaanittt lta i ti, 'icliui antique.l .îîilîqtîîliC.'A. Matnsgeid concdto. c u î.uîîîiautie hî'vl u i li;i lm îaair m pluetinma n ct, th il oi ll hour 'II";. i J' .:îî fr-l miiiiiish, citi uict 1111 -a PLAZA -ile e li Ii v iotaii ag Imlii, Mistu paeopleatua iliacl . FO liceýcialdLd gait iomharcait11Iý M S I1 fll f -Ck tig'iaitcia Tai ton.it Ciaiuiil lr chci M .ha Prexy V L S 'S SI, Mi B.ii'it, Lianie l t a R lt. . .Mii cnar Cllarlk'ýes~ ~ ~ in at[mle puai! teim i in liai CI sl \ m il, i' I a Clam binî li l u a *,i, Hc(ti, ,WlGugiin I,, iio ta Mtlil:iM lt nIlelD m cr t SALES AH[ 1 I MNEW e Dmcrt 1 li epi, ul, t D,iiaiiii,iiîinofth, Mlu Neý erOcac P iarivmud nlntisianiditiil-io E itmtpnîid Il,', uti' * Coii ieil,,mtLtrt no Hal iliezlitah ias uî polva 1r isaîîaao flia Volkewegen Custom -- i~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I iitîlv.aliilti un1a1 liiitaaiî , c, i he lîmain bsis lia sa t.S.Aa i tia taand aadra Volkswagen DeUuxe ..... und Iirli i.lia,i i i it 'a- mi' Iua c0 l talc. tîntt o lt it 1.1* II î tliaId p la li adfestin t 15o0rcden ,, ,îmilîl o((01 ..a it vi, interîlai. ud aci i ,r pIiauiit Mcscav Kamniýg- fistubeiamtad av a poiaaforce 1500 Station Waagon-- ,Il ont, I appa, ' 111 i,.? .Matua WalnsIiv a'll:î t ian pi-iitc M Capata 1 in flt trnubla spcts arod fhlic îimuattili I donatinsadtc,1 idtc1'-m5;i.fmîmea*, ca-.,R. J. Vnctul; tiacaie. î,aiiî.caait[. Inî'i ilv, %a TRADES W sî oriiîgtcFront Burintii andAhaiaîi,iv'zail uiiii, 2 -7.301D OCiarc; cxativc i large Mis Nvouid makeatmurepsitveacon 1ii -scîa' i.0 It5tlmiibuaiv' Pag Fraser; truî,tan.îMcurrtuylp> irtioulin lt-aiAvsvc iod peaaa, Lew Dowe FapmeMt- lP'auI]1iii)i1,iii i l l a, ,u,, leil.i M L *Rouleau said. 50,000OMILE pild Saintit ,'riiuiithLc minqre îînt'ut aigai'tIttalin .uici ai-,î Chtocis Vîur Attto iaiot cduîaînd Iouit- and taes M. Capch.. C. Htuae ,îîîî A. Cl ianl -ill 111-1anja IL no hta . ) alle lr tu ec iiclcitaia appoi c ftt':ultic' Fire Destroys PLAZA Tii', a itttlaitt ut lita nba aeuit C.P.R Tool Shed ulaili~~~~~~ Rîahi 1ulaml iHi-I 1naami *ii N,îî,a aîî DI - Or FPhone TR 8.2962 te Our Reuders Wite MFI'DItAL PLANsS SU'LKS OILMAN 1) ld sii î ' , l ik i itr i ui diiii, l 1iîîî attliîtîgîtt.' pîîî,il ait,,i... tîliA îiWaîi Cataitafi f îîîiOiiii ai' f il'. Pr.itel li, 1913-14 itaiotn iiio Tot'- J i i ia [ I Cc.lsa t,, t. Buck I ta, h.m in li 18119 ,u' i11 i-Il c" ;I i Sisi 18 i( lit 11 l C 1li Ci 1it, 'tii, i li l ?wl i 'raou t t Une N ý '5 Sid,'îîad l [i tu ir ,l ait i t- Taîsîî,hi 1s a t algar. t gg l g ~ îî,îî li pu ti11e ilî I I a' 'Ctît I r t lvan lo 1 u'tt iîon h ia \il-M. tBuck and Ilivi ;ti fjoilio in l IL 1oul tell file avhicig ahuit ;It l t- 'i , i fc 'ae tit t i, Jîtio i î a 1 ltîtdt fiai ttfi tI, u ai l. i i" , 1 C a bouty Alla. CI ' i, al i i ," 11 Lsa-tacii ,ti lAc i% pla- Il, i ', ,i t, -oîls 'I, i sc ' a gT t Yauîs~~~~~~~~~h toit' b-,...t ttt i t a tc i and_____ L t i:____ lea'î anaîdidtat i i acive-, tiraeitot uktt,,ot*aorii strov- tio ta ddt*aa.a'A Ile ia taiîg andA ed a C.P.R. tcct shed ai tts, fiaaîaaa il ,bC,, iaaGacIpis Junicon staticon aî-caod quesion af ni itca alilc ta, 84 p.m. Monday. Isciotted scihf Cunada, cro1 it t r.,ca ftr ilia fli ta',' vvcc cira, fouis, Piltes il, tIlttCanada sIloutia 11.1 jin 'îi fic shedî. Ilt noclai club ,ittMiin Fire Depatietaotîîe. Mi. Roulau'aaltcîid oui tuto (tie 0allonatcsofscttct' siîcd rite stock ofMiittnii ..B.M.'s ia icoperand iad ta t un lefe i o Paolai b r ,hac ris c o ra scontdtJoad ,cii re il flic disposai cf tisaicý ttc tirccwa pot oct. Thcy USAi, al sutiiini ai n cni tanagcd tunlaveaoathl ,sced dcirrcit u anulca "',r.1Ti acn.tainogaahbles and contrats foc. n îînibtc.tat Cnuia , sairaitcviltgoaiv.Damagciasonot ciala hc aLCLýptigteleu ttamis, vat icc hastmatud. MILTON PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY l5th, 1963 AT 8.30 F.M. MARTIN STREET HIGM SCHOOL - EVERYONE WELCOME Sku49 MWkb (11IIIIIIe« Mtllton SeMôer Citines held Tise mteeting cipeterd wlth att re- M2 ea vrn erae 1111 =0 nlnIssg Otnda S I ght tise scootront of Kssex Cissrcis, momers »Il (rlecdt. prenanit i sptte o! tisé inctement wentiset, - 'Ocwre WeCece a isy tise President LIII Frank Thoecpsec. ____Mr fd',Iutebtesen who liau atun- Shower for Couple ed. tise rol of Directot' oE a Hock ,Triat te Se presented et a lter Held at Boyne Centre date. oilutlinnd tise scenscand Dp Me&. Glan. PeBletteelo ate tiste audience ccd teliciffert vebunteers tnd tise reuponsre wsoc This community isotd c missel- tpiontaneous. lanecu shosser ai Boitne scisonI A ecariety table oE hume isaking, [ast Satcrdcy nigist fet' Miss Jucn ond fancynork socs sel tep for ttîis Mutis ccd George Stockner whio meettng ccd netted the Clueb $26.- are ha bce married nuce. Tise 65. Tise Clsliss Rhythsm Banci, con- couple lIccisod many lovety gifts, dcted isy Hrs, Robt. Ander'son, for wisich they batS expressed rendered seyet'ct familicr sangs, their cyprociction. Lunch 'Oas marches acd jigs. sorrod ccd c foso folks ended theo Tise iightight of the evenin-g eoningt sitis a fesc roonds of score Bilan Mtiln Duels, tmo Fcn- cuchre. tcsea "Tise Mary tisat Once' aed Hume Frens Hospital -Blue BReits of Scottand" hocoli- Ecr- Galbsrcith is tahome cgat. fulty t'endered Sp Mtss Nancy fro CieoeHopt ncn Beoty aod Douglcs Powcell pcpits tu isro h oedor sasnn sur- cf iMiss Mignon Telgman. Thcy get'y recenttp. man.cupnidlipMstTt citl EvtettSto o hne in Survey Shul-Ino Fixs cre lent sceek, su hoe wtlt ho Rooentlyr o commttec uf tisa weoricg c cctit on li foc tise next club made c sut'oey cf cli senor Bruoo Rarnes ix confined tu isx_____________ hume this sceek soiti the mutmys. Blrtisdcy groottngs to Ccrol Ho- HOME ICONOMUCS garthsdo celeisoctes lier 121h ST D T I irhaonScîurdap, ced taCol- UD N I leecnMeredit wo wil btc 17(fon ON AIL TOUE Peis, 19. 0I / YARD 000110 Mr. cnd Mrs, John Fe lettertu AND£41 SRW1NG and Vacoric cnd Berete Laver- 1 0 9 SJPPLIEU idge of Toronto vsisted Sccdcy Zest Prenant Tour with Mr. and Mrs, Bois Wieel- latiniset Ideoslfleatln Cerd AI band and fcmilp, cnd Mr. ccd Ms B. Otes cnd faitlyLTO Mr. citd Mrs. R. Pellterie, cnd D)IPARTMENTr STORE Donna of Dosrnsstocw spent Sat. 1 ne Maun ardcy scili the Pettettertos. andt Margto visitott Sonday wit Mr. atnd Mrs. Tott DeJoan and Eatnity of Etota. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Vtahos of Guelph sc Sunday vsttra nf Mr. ond Mrs. Altan Pattcrcon. Claimi dont stop water .*@but GET SOME NOW AT MITO HARWAR ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ I RO OR OSERVICE CARS ............$1 795.00 -----------ý$1995.00 ............$2495.00 ..........-$2730.00 iELCOMID Balance Over 3 Vas WARRANTY At MOTORS FLAZA Arrange Dernsonfthaon SOMETHING EXTRA FOR YOU IF YOU MUST BORROW I If yeu must berrow cone te CUESCINT. W. have ex- clusive poliment protection on li lians over $1500. IF YOU ARE OFF WORC DUE TO SICKNESS OU ACCIDENT YOU HAVE NO FAYMENTS TO MAKEI LtFE INSURANCE AVAILABLE ON AIL LOANS. CONSOLIDATE ALL TOUR BILLS INTO ONE EASY MONTHLY PAYMENT EXAMPLES 30 mente 36 Menthe Borsotc Ropyp Barrcc Ropay 1900l.94 , $1 22t1lo $1s5 911 I 58.88 $708.13 ..1.... 30.00 $2000 ..$77.22 1860.71 - 36.00 $2500- - $96.53 $10(000 ............$41.45 $3000 - -............$115083 Exclusise Wits Crescent 3-Wap Protection Phoene -OFtam~tsm e PInass TE &-321 lai Meinset., Mateas TE &-211 TH ENg JDHâNS ON TUESDAY &FRIDAY MORNINGS EVENINGI $Y APPOINIMENT MILTON 'MOf-072 OM TM 04678 184 MAIN ST., MILTON Un Lloyd Davis Jewelloey Shop GRAND OPENING OF THE Lori-Anne Shoppe MILTON PLAZA UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, FORMERLY SUZANNE SHOPPE ON WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY IOth AND EVERYTHING IN THE STORE GOES OUT AT 1/2 Price or Less TO MAKE WAY FOR THE NEW SPRUNG LUNES COMUNG IN DON'T MISS THIS EVENT' Sit, Iii g, cueatd atroelsetel 60. 10 la tise Inter=tts of dms CIE ta, or- !gan vitte% otsnte ei greet4ngs front thse t. Tise mensiers enjoyed an heur le. gaes bfore lunch et tond- liehesccd toc 'Octa seovedi hy thse social convenet aed tit cein- rnittee. Tise meoeting closed wtth tise uteging of Thse Oscen. MORE WUNTER COÀKUNG CAN TOUR CAR TAKE UT? Den't tek e chances. Get tisai midmvinter check-up todep te pre- . vent wivter demegei 4 09fKWIHU IF ton tht Undotit thse rust amazed on htgt passet 'Oas t'en car. -Lit ntccht1 df ttnit hearing le El paltn. t sOtmett systent wrttng woutdti Day hct Thc ide foc exp Ita meo uAt a hards My~ M and t C use Scthii qtte ws that tht hona ty to ho. A hocacto disconcc lTit. iow di cctce slavc a, wap facepgn shrîggio apporter lirccgh 'Wh, ct j no [lie vi hitfl "Oh. r tu h o tNtî io iH Ta,,v il itanadIii. ' WL' ii aittakbe, Dormit i hoap Pi tdhtisatc 29 centis ing truc filtia pi liaeni DURES Ontario, I DIEIP.H. Danots, à tttcther t I t heat cd t, an D, fittral? poentfi sDes tnt ted seec