Ilb. Canadien Chamepion, Ttarsay Feusry 14,1963 W o ne to M a Rturn Mrs. Harboffle President Day of Prayer AtUnted hurc Wo en Anual~~fl~1, CanadianwoLMp es a roie bmousesantd even At~~ ~~ Esititea igloosoenAn u ta pr4y for An ejoahe pt lchnapermotortal for gotetis for thte Inter- sare instaltedino a rrd edication, fond t ra15oieehoonfrien.vo o~tidlIe at gneataret mdial Chmir. Wardrcobes anti ac- service hy Rev Lornc Graham. Tise tirat Faiday in Lent la lte tn4 of St. Paut's Unitedi CItrait cestc -for thte chair conte are Hl.peietMs ii ae' oi a fPar Wadâen for 1963. Thea meeting alto beitag intatei. i Ho.peietMsi s WmosWrdDyo ryr thoen ajuneit ieflorhp At'aMetortae itn Humne' lMr.J. L.Graham; ptrsi- in tticis Canotions have Partial. ela rnein. th elov hci ng puIn o N 10 i iugl de, Mrs. F. W, Hirorttle; firai poteti fur 3 ara. rms L.b mactdc e n thc citattfrtse ta aing tri aacpaiat Mrs. W. J. Siaitzer: Thc thaema chia, year la "Mor tite tinnotionat. lthe tieme heing place lteit-naines for 'Ittanrs for second vicc.presidrnt. lis. 1< .O. Thon Conqrues" and the sec- 'The 'Power af Frayer", laiton apaciol Sondays. Gotr A Kir I mittacacodati h Mra. vc hhwi busD yail ira.mMaritheml6:verses -13. MIa. Anntacement was madc cd H. *R Kig; record aecreetaay, Mrs' courtrieaaaoaaoritlen bvoaOtcor- Jaitn Hittis framn -St. Poota, Uniteti Wortd Day aifPrayer ta ha elaI H. R. 'Magcc; a'orrenpaadenc micenad ,Mr.D-d Citarai. Oaevitte. -was garnI Marcit 1 ai Knox Pre.ahrtc:rs acrtev.'Mna Mr t . Jaisaingaý. Chiag af Kamca. onit. Church . Leaderraof Units - Unit, Mr. Mr. Chang came taÇanada in nhevarionnounitleadersagave Arthuar Lawacat anti Gar:y H. eaninga: Unit 2, Ma-c. J1956 iantoudy wnanenas mark la a shirt accourt of chat fier Wiciena, detegatas ifram St. ilut Hai n ait 3, M-rs. G.! e.o A' lit Uniî Ciur. af C daet, respective units hope ta achica'e United Young 'Peuple ta tlite Toc McEacitern; Unit 4, 'Mras. MiA' titaný acampacdnie 'hecr hoahantial for te foltoming nontits. Mrç. Alpha Convention itelti meantl Maion Unit 5, Mra. G. A . Kîne ta Yale Univeraity, where site N. Jenninga, ýUnit t, asiset for in Torontogave an accoont of Unit6.Mr.K.oa. X 0as' tutticiChristian educatinn. donatioans of materiat for quita taeir lecturca andtoubr of Har- .Aio e. she retaurneti ta Korea la 1958 teir onit la planning ta moite for hailte 'Miasion, a htome for lte Citairmen of Standing Commit- and now las generot secmetary of orerneas. Mes. G. A. McEiacitara. correction tof alcohotica. tras: Chtristian Citizenaitip anti lthe Womcn's Ea.angetistic Society Unit 3. anketi tac nylons aihicit Thte flt "Rim of Tomorrow" Social 'Action. irs. A. L. MacRait. titere. their unit plana ta cotteet for lte mas nitoma. Titis film is itoseti on Miss 'Mina 'Home; Commonity Contrtibutiona matie ai lte aer- biae. Mra. K. 0. Fostri.6 an- thte stdyi-book Rimaif Asia. and Frientiaiip anti Visitation, 'Mca. vices are oseti ta aid 96 causes. noonyeti a sitoscer caf itar aaap ittantranna tae prohîners of te C. K. Stevenson, ýMes. A. Gardon Titosa matie ity Canadian momnen ta ite itntt ai lte nextnu ait 'mari. Chisltian yott of Knrea. Tai- MatiNait; Chtristian Ettocation. are aseti maity ta bellp refaiee log. won, Okinawa anti iloe Kong. Mca. J. G. 'Purea 'Mca. M. Gi- anti ta poitfisit anti tistriitt Aid ta Choir The folamwing affinera of St. moor: 'Finance, Misa timce 'Citristian titeralore. Il was tiecideti la porehose Paot's Uniteti Chii Woren Damna; 'Plamera. Mca. Ron _____ a5655 - u55~,a aaflita~aaalltppirmaFeatitersione; Liaeatora antiT redo ts Missionary Van Travels Mrs. Stan Love, Mrs.K. Fay. McaMsssTii M. %soherry;Nmnain Mrs. à Jennngs;Perodicls.Mrs. H isC YO il Described to Two Groups Dnns Mermhersii Mca. H. To marc contestants mere Mca. Chifford acas itasteas for for lte pengcamn Ste gaea' n Coolson' 'eas anti Puiaitt Mrs. atiminateti ram lte "Miss C.Y.O.' lte WM.S asti Ladaes' Aad meet- larestang bihk ant i ntrodeîed the J. A. Francis; Frograin. Mca. E. cnesa rrccnttv ai Our Lady nf ings of Boston Prashctarîan nom saody hook entalleti "Tite 'W. Fostar. ýMca. A. D. Caarns, Mes. Victoca' Clacrcla, Milton Neigit. Citorciton Feoaey 6. MaisChar- Rtm ofAsia." Mrs Stuart Murray E . B. CIomenîn; Social Fonction, Landa;Brccn, Margaret O'Neit lotte Torner mas in lte choir anti ceai lte ariptarn meaiing, Afier Mr.oai t lmns r' ,adývnG i silrmi operiet ttc meeting sath a versa, lte aingiaf af annater hyme lte 'ale Steaardsaay anti Racait insthecuntcst. aciti Wititcrdecn fotometi ity lte singing ai ltae W.M.S. meeting closei mitit lte iang. tra. F. McNiaco. Mes. J. L. Van Geonsaca anti Mata Keone doatog. ca.G.Jeter ertiLors rayr.Grahtam; Sapplv anti Social etiminaîtid doxley. LMrs GJefernrea Lod'sPra r.Action. Mca. Campbell Witson, "Miss C.Y.O." %cit ie h chosan lte miaaotes ai ttc tasi meeting. Valtno verset LM-s. S. Huama, Mes. 1. Roîci- thia Actoaos Faitecara 15 ai ltae alsn lte treasoceras report anti Mca. C. Bromn orpened lte La- ton. C.Y.O. Votantina Danca. tlisccorrespondence aaamad. tie'imeigitita prayee McaH itiiti toitlit chieanti titrer verses ai a ityma. Min- motatAaa,.cvi otan andti e ltre asacer's report lM mare reati. Tite secretary ten OBITUAST ceud tanit yoo notes framn te THIS SUNDAY'S aii.Collection mas tahen op, 37 YemSIIwy M é eoclalmas ansmecedmwitha J.I..L WM.,IIL Miss C.Tuorner titen inirotiocti Lhr h C i n J. Ralpis Miller ai Clanason Miss Shirley Dretige feomn Emari ,Mes. Arcciie Milter passati amay atidea andti ld of itor experiancas an Mooday. FaiturnaO 4, 1963 in tavas'nling mt lte misaianary KNOX PRISBYTERIAN CHURCH MILTON GOS5PEL HALL titr William Beaumont Haspital, Freaityterian van atong lte Alaska Minister: 306 Ontario Sa. N., TE 8-2022 Royal Ok. Micitigan in hia 56ah Higitmay, Grand Prairie, Damason Rev. J. K. L. MeGoma, B.A. Citristiana gathereti in lte namte year. Crerit anti Fort St. John. Titis mas Mca. R. Wrightt, A.T.C.M. ai lte Lord Jeaus Chit. Hc mas hao in Creemore anti cery latereatt'ng ta ait. Organisi anti Choir Master (Matht. l8: 20) siteot ii ciilditoot in S1. Catit Mca. 'Micitie titanheti Shirley "0 come, lt os Worslaip anti LRSDY' ormnes anti ii taie teens in Stav' for aitowsing uteautifat stides andi ham dama; ]t os kaeeî itafore .ODSDY FES. 17, 1963 siec. H ent ta Detroit an 1924 gicing a greater hnomtedgeoa lte lte Lord car Maker." 10.30 aa.-ranga eti ati han iten emptayei as a yard monderfai mach titene girls arae 12.t p.m.-Sonday Seitool. conduetor for lte Newr York Ces- doing. Tise meeting lstaat sciith SUMIDAY. FEBRUARY 17ii. 1963 7.00 p.m.-Gospet Service, irai Raitroati, Detroit for 37 yeaes. repeating lte Miopait anti a love- 9.45 arn.-Senior Ciarcit Scheel. Wndnesday, 8 pan. - Prayer anti Ne maw ehr ai ste Bentiter- ly munch was çeret.94 ..ietntr. Bitte' reading. itotso aitrut T9.lme5 ____________e Yoa are iteartily anelcame tn He is Suraî'etiyhiimife, Mar- 11.00 a.m-Moening Worsisip. thassearviesa. jorie RandIl andi iis ailler, Mca. Néw Pa rk '"Tisa Bteasing of Affliction." For whita shal il profil a mn Harolti F. Witrettl (Marguerite) I Ovetapteent ni lte 125 or, 11.00 a.m.-Nurrs'. if hae shall gain1 lie aitate mîaetId ai Dakvilte. Draraqain 'Park ns erpealedti 11.00 a.m.-Junior Citorci Sahoot. anti osa h-s alto saut. or scout Thea fuserai mas iteti feomt lte hegin mititin aise yeoc. A large hall' 2.30 sp.m.-Adula Cituech 'Memt sfaft a min lav in escisange fuar MacNahb & Son Fonerat Citapet. boardi has h een ercteti on ltae 'heraitip Class. (Esnquiers wt' hassaut? 'Mach 8: 36, 37. Milton, on, Thuraday, Fehroary 7. pcoprrty anaouncing ils fotore coma, mititout 'obligationl.) MAUL8PITCUC Intertarnt mas la Evnrgreen Ca- ose. 7.00 p.m.-Ecening Ligisi. ECMMerciL Sirnen. Mitton metnry, Milton, muth Roc. J. L. Tise tond lies salt ai Belthet "Goti ai Work in Hialcav. Comria.'etMlo Grahsam ai St. Pool's Unitedi Uniteti Chorcis, on lte Secentis (7) "Tise Lagisi Drmcca." f A Minialer; Fastor Ctayton Coins Citaci oificialing. Pattiteaee Lina ait Dakiscie. James R. Blacksatudy caf Jatîn Calain ati hi, Tefepitone Nu. TRiangle 8-4473 mere Allen Suait. Daviti Looson Oaitte 'Pocha Board citnirmuu. influanceaon tisa Relurmatio U NDY ERAY1 ,16 anti Daviti Lawcrence caf Milton, aaid samaeaf thearstlndcoud and today.t .5..Aoaycsolrh Lester MillerofAStayner. Norman ho cleareti titis yrar, anti a bat' Mondav Fehcaryt918,aitSy.m.. 945am-udyShofral Scart caf Motanetiton, anti Ar- picol ta tena houl placaci Coconatian Gcou meetingai ut N ao.-ýMrigW shn thor Dickinson ai Etora. inctie gronada. aise homeofu Mrs. Chares An- 1.0am-MrigWrhn dorson. ýPIeuse note chancge otf 7.00 p.m.'-Gospel Service. - DR. O. A. KING Dm1ta1 Surgeon 'ton A i Royal Buldtintg, Milton Ç-Sîy Sereine Tel. TO 8.816 DR. H. F. GALLOWAY Dental Surgeon lIta Mata SL. on nrenel finie Tel Offie TO 8420 DE. W. C. P. WRIGHT Denlial 17 Martin SL. Phone 878-2491 Foc Appololinenl 0t'TOMETII5TB RTHUR A. JIOHNSON 14 Mais St., Milon LIoyd Dais JeenOryh 'tiaon TO 0.8-7 Rem TO 848678 rtantday ati fflday monnga Eranine hy appaintenet cHMOPRACTEoIS A.P. KENT, D.C. 237 Kinga Cotant Cresaetes Corner Mantin St. Mondoy. Wetinesday Titaraday 1 p.m. to 9p.m. Tuestiay anti Fritiay 9 a.m. to6p.m. Saudy Il aon to 3 pan. Pitone 878-2031 MeKESJIE H55EAIa HOME ACCOEI1TIN0 PARI G. BLACK B. Comm.. 1's... C.A. Citurtereti Accootant 161 Main Streeti Son 460 Milton. Ont. KENNEIN Y. DtCK Ucrril Salitnne Ntfoaey Pubitîe 196 Matn Steet Tethatte TO 8.448 HUTCHINSON AND THOMPSON Barcisiera anti Solicitors T. A. Ntchinson. O.C. (relired) F. Davidi Titonpson 189 Main Strent, Milton Telepitonea 878-9351; 878-6551 SHARPE and NICHOI.S W. S.' SHARPE, A. J. NIGMOLS Barrlslnet, Salaciors andi Notaries Puici 207 Mar St., Miltota Telepitona TR 8-2339 PUBLIC LIBRARY HÔURS Mondal .......,..... 12aon-5 p.m. Tueaday .......... 1.30 , 7-9 p.m. Wednesay ............................ Closeti Thtaratay .....1.30- 5 7 -9p.m. Fraiay ........1.30 -5, 7 -9 pan Satuetiay .........9.30 -12; I -S TRAvELLEIS, cuIlEs CANADIAJ FACIFIC 1RAILWA11 Standard Mine Gaesg asen-9.39 asi. eOgepi Sattdéye 11ag; 2.40 palsi., ftég; 9.17 Ilt, ftdg. QangW »"*251 -r. tl 6.05"P %Î1f*~Mj anti Taise" totit. HIOHWAY GOSPEL CNURCN THE PEtITECOSTAL A58IEMELS OF CANADA Pastoot Rer. M. Cisenen Lord's Day SUUJDAY. FEBRUARY 1711h. 1963 9.45 a.m.-Sotiay Achoot. Clases for ail. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Wocahip. 7.00 p.m.-Evangolisiic Service. Tuestiay. 8 -pan. - Bitte Aicaîf asti Frayer Meeting. Fciday. 8 p.m.-Young People's A Chorcis You Con Moite Voue Home Att Weicome Woaaasday. 8 p.m.-Baitfe Stutiy anti Frayer Meeting. Fcritay. 8.30 p.m.-Youag Prapteas Cisristian Prllowatip, ai 419 George St. CHUSCH 0F CHRIST , OMAOH No. 5 Sidalad anti tt Lino TNalgae SUNDAV. FEBRUARY.1ltit,,1963 16.15 a.m.-Bitle Sctoot. Classes for ail ages. 11.00 a.m.-Moraing Woraitip. 8.00 p.m.-Freaciig of lte Dos- pet. Titatstiay, 8.30 Stady. Ray L. Milter, Evoogelisi 878-200 Vou Are Almavs Wetanme BOSTON AND OMAON pRESBYTISIAN CHURCHIS Minister: Rev. S. A. Nevin. B.A. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CNUSCH SU000A a.m.-O Ait Worss19p Main and Janmes SIoela 00 .:- iagh Warshi Mgilon Scra ic and Norsoca. Mtiniainer Rev. J. Lorse Dratann. 11.15 a.m.-Dna gh: Sondlila y SA.. B.D.. C.D. Actool. AUNDAY, FEBRUAOY 17t1h, 19(,3 101 Sco..BabtSs 11.00 a.m.-Mcarning Wocahip. 11.30 a.m.-B asaon: Wnrsitip Gacs speaker Mr, T.A. Knoll Serca'i nd Nursery andiKin- of Toronto. dcrgaeten Classes. 7.00 p.m.-A pe c lo V ouang 8.1. p2m.-B atoet VontYa ao Pcaare'a Service. Wursisip eopîcas Socety. conductadity anemites of _________ lthe Voung Fropteas Union. PAROON DF Dorai speaiser, Mc. T. A. St. Geocge's Chuch, Lenvîlle Knoll, Drirctor ni Toc Ali- St. Johns Chuech, Nassagawapa plia, Toronto. ,(The Anglican ChuetahoECanada) 8:10 'p.m.-Friendsi-p Noutacns OmIor: ttc auditorium. A apeciat Smv. R. P. E. Jeffine film orf icomeodoas altert Conanietinllle ntarto anti importance oa y.aaaa Teira:hone Nu. U~aor 4-25177 'people anti odolta. AUNDAY, FEBRUARV 1th, 1963 AI]tpersas... youag people anti S esagesîma atolls ... miii findti hea.; St. Gecsgee Chureli, I.owvle sevcsofiifniirsvalue. 110 a.m,-Hoy Cummuniuonan SUNDAV AGNOOL Sro.Sna col 9.30 a.m.-Boya and cel. Si J1mos Sontioy Scoai.gae ycas (i ae ad ader 10 pýn-Cirit. Nanaaw ya 11.00 u.m.-Nueaery Doparameali Semon, itonday Acisool. foe al ciiren 0p t0 ant int-_____________ otaudiag J years of age. Baby cRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Nurnery mat Registeed Miton, Ontaltt Norse in allentionco. eetar: oan. D. A. Ponel 11.00 tam-Boys ani girls, 4 ta SUNDAYý FEBRUARY 171h, 1963 8 yeara caf age inclusive, entI 'Set on rina Saotiay attend Citarct mils teir 8.48 a..-Tfoty Comnmunion. parents andi proceeti ta tise 9,45 a.m.-Sunday Sahool anti Kindergarten anti Prraey Bibte Clases. Depertoren eta1.10.. 11.08 no.Uoll 'rayer. Ail Peran Weitaore 7.40 .pat.-.oIy eoanmunon, HALTON CO.bO1ERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES 96Wl ace.pting enrolment in COMPRE HENSIVE MEDICAL CARE PLAN SURGICAL NNEHS INCLUDE 'MEDKAL IINEFITS INCWDE -Surgical operations -Hospital visits -Fractures and Dislocations -Home and Office Visits -Bumns and Lacerations -Injections -Services of Anaesthetiets -Health examinations -Conf inement -Examinetion of eyes for correction of -Diagnostic Procedures vision (by registered optoimetrists or <lncluding X-rays> opthalmologists.) THE ABOVE PAIO FROM THE FIRST DOLLAR EXTRA -MAJOR MEDICAL BENEFITS 10% of the annuel premium ie used ta create a Major Medical Fund and subet to a $100 deductible the following benefits are paid, according to how much le in the fund: * Semi-private room care, in excese of ward rates as paid by the Ontario Hospital Services Commission * Ambulance charges when needed in emergencies * Nursing car. ordered by the doctor 0 Laboratory services * Prescribed druge and medicines 111 Appliances and therapy * Limited amount of chiropractic, osteopathic and psychiatric treatments ALL PAYMENTS ARE MADE IN ACCOROANCE TO THE SCHEDULE 0F ifES OF THE ONTARIO MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. 1962 REPRINT, GENERAL SECTION, AND SUBJECT TO THi ABSOLUTE MINIMUM OF CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, EFFECTIVE DATE 0F PLAN MARCH le 1963 RATES - Only $10.50 per month for familles $5.00 per month for single persons Terme - Quarterly or annuel psyments, as desired Directors In Your Area Wii Be Pîeased te Give You Further Information BURLINGTON NORVAL Miss Flarence Meateta 2477 Olanwaed Or, NE 4.9536 Mr. Albert Hanter, I.5. 2, 865-8662 Mr. Rets Segwetit, R.R. 2, Walkae's LUne, NS 4.6030 ACTON OAKVILLE Me. R. L. Danids, 5.R. 2, 853-0498 Mr. Harold limace, R.R. 1, VI 5.4094 Mr. Oea. Roertson, R.R. 1, 853-0329 MILTONMr, Wilaed Brittan, R.5. 4, 853.1179 Mes. Rap Wilson, R.R. 4, TR 8.9487 GEORGETOWN Mr, Wrn. R. Hume, R.R, 1, IR 8.9892 Me. J, Norman lied, 48 Maple Are., W., TR 7.2560 HORNBY CAMPBELLVILLE Mr,.CSom RL Finale, R.R. 1, TR 846260 Arthur Haeris, Il1 3, NE 4-2923 SALES REPRESENTATIVE for Acton, Georgetown and area: MS. J05. ROSS, SIR. Ne. 3, GORGETOWN, TR 7-2895 SEC.-TREAS. Mrs. Roy Coulter, R.R. 3, Campbellville, TR 8-6176 A NNO0UYN CIN 6 OPENING 0F NEW OFFICE IN MILTON 225 Main Street, Menday, Feb. 18 Telephene 878-9172 CUMBA Co-Operative Health Services invites enquiries from Credit Union off iciers e CREDIT UNION DIRECTORS CAN INABLE MIMUERS TO OBTAIN THE lEST IN MEOICAL-SIJSOICAL COVERAOE AT LOWSt COST. " CUMBA's methad af geaup anealmeet le advatttageas bath ta tb. membees and ta thete Ceedit Unies. " Cedit UJnion mambers can astuce thoasoeen centinueus caveraen fact Haspital secvices - basic O.N.S.C. navecage. itapplemental itaspital sereines - oearaae to e ml.prirate level. 90 Tite hast in medical - sstcgicaî coerage - includine natansseef specialist serviees, eneepie only canfinemenis and psychliatrin ieeatmant. 0 CUMBA alto servas emptayed geaups, null eansidac peafessianal tac ather associatian geaups. WRITE OR PHONE CUMBA Co-Operative Health Services 32 FRONT STREET, W§ST PHONE EM 2-1623 TORONTO 1 4 PROEESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS'0 GUIDE An tiarini lthe Marke App lthe po molt orspef lit dus taurei IMari Coue laminE Toron atitili cd ta aitititi Pd, mng tht Branct Agrieuf Titis ht one ye mnag Tise clodati Agi SuF Hatun the Dit lion ir dorera moagal llie Dat iag ta Tht g.aies t, stip Ta Faits à salit hae t, Huri RAE. 4. lthe Ageicul co-spue Coafer, ail Agr t icas Pl t aduot i lea cd Halton campai actitis leaul