Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 1962, p. 7

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-r - -o, El local Oea*eal ente.. J. A. ELLIOTT A. E. LePAGE RSRALTORS UMITW Membes of lte Tomante, Ontario ted Oaltndta.Trtlibgar ReaI RElate Bourde. 49 Yeams Coetieons Service. Campbellville 40 SCENIC ACRES 110,00 or bull casht offer for ltit attructieorer proper- ly. tome bush30 acres ofetoe suedy loamn, conertnirent 10 nem Contolidaled Sciteul. 401 Higb- wap and race Eracit, Idele for yoor dream hoame. We scuel listings. May tlets cailieg far foaits, stait acre- aget milS and wothool sîrealea and aider Some&l Urgent. CaS Tom Bradley Or ALBERT PEARSON' TE 8-9543 EM 8-4121 C-29 FOR SALE 3-bedmam ithoe, large itten aed livieg role. 4-piece bath, gris farnace, ptvad drivamay, ahuminiule eornis and tcreomre, huokperd fenced. Price $13,000. Domo payleel 02,100. Carries aI 098 per malle I.P.T. 5 - room clay bricit bungalow. Frite $12,500. 250 acre ferro. 230 ender cultiva- lioe, sprieg ladt sreal. 8-roulei sto hooaie, ol fierai, large steel barn. Price $30,000. 100 acre faim, Dakvillo, 9-roomn boure, lare barn, serp pen and driving sheod. Fritte $4,000. Ashing hall cash. Wm. I. Woods MILTON Phono TE 8-657 .Repreetnting WM. J. McLEOD Real Estale Broiter Aclea Phoee 833-2630 c-28 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1:1 1 Ip.oî. shaep. Dm ner rotiring due 10 fIl belth. The mammoth stockt, in the HUDE BARNS of lte largesu aud eti0 oeillet in Onlario.i Muny, many thooeandt of fine itemsttn the widet xarietry pos- sihle iectadieg antiques, wilI go ottder lte lemmor und mitI ho totd 10 lte bare matît miitoul reterte la lte highest btdder, t SWAP-SHOP Na. 6 Hieitmuy N. Mitîgroxe mu 9-1051 204 mi. N. of Ctappitoeas Cornert onHamilton Gueolpit Highmaa c-29 EXTENSIVE AUCTION ESTATE SALE Of Modem Faurniture The enlice cotetos of e 6- roomod homo, ieclading 3 almoat 000 hedoom toiles; clthes dry- eaed mother; tarte collection of cinia whal-et, ethor et- tiques; aloleblule eteneion lad- der; garden and cepoenter trats etc., aed ce assorîmeuli af n% toatiter glotes, hamnest. horae aed eom hallers etc. MILTON AGRICUI.TUIRAL HALL Milton,.o SATSOSAY, DECEMER lat At 1.30 o'ctocit. TEEMS: Cash milh doert on day of tale. By order of lte Eeecolort of the Ettate of Russell and Jean King. J. A. ELLIOTT, Aocliooeo, b-29 TE 8-9233. AUCTION SALE Of Goad maode Faslture, Eleetelei A1pubtetct. At 53 MÇLL ST., GEORGETOWN (formerly Barherns Jemeliertt SATURDAY, ISECEMBER fat At 1.30 shorp. A g0odtlo fliving, diningand bedroom fortîitore; etectricat ap- plianec inclading ironer. 2 deelis etc. This e ian extra gond loI of fomnilare. Several itemst ltkee. PFee ou Elaie oud 3 other god homes in Georgetown. Sellieg le itealed building. TEENS: CASH. FRASNK PETCH Aeetleeieer 1>23 ýz ÏÎFU8S à k Cancellatom of Public Auction Property Sale T.01 134 Approximalely 3 1/3 acres of land, more or lots. stlatod an part Lot 25, Contcesston 4 S.O.S., Tome of Dakitetîe, Cooely of Hat- tonbutngau e suleaat ide ai Higbmay No. 2, ai the corner of tho Thirri Lite, teeet Bronte ced Oakitaile. Proepectite porehaxera are herehy ntîified finitlite forego- ing Properly Sale bat heetecrn- relird and the Aitione sole wl ti bu hetd on the properlp ci 2.00 P.M. LOCAL TIME. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 301h, 1962. IIEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO c-29 N THE MATTER 0F The Mechen- ce Lien Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chop- ter 233, Setion 48 lit AUCTION SALE ON inetructionsteaoited front Allan Clemneel de Son, a 1955 Packard foar daor Sedan, moald by Ontario Molor Sales nf R. R. 1, Milton, Ontario, utl ho* sotd hy puhio aoclloe 10a the hlgheec: bidf- der, WITHOUT RESERVE, on Fiday. the 301h day of Noeleboe, 1962, at te hour of 10 o'clockit lte momnieg. ut the place of host- esee of Altan Clementt & Son, Be-onte Streel Soth, Milton, Ont- ario, parlent tthebprovisionseof Section 48 (1t of The Mechanicst Lten Act oit accooaît of acinr for mechaniot' lion in the som of $211.98 againsl the seid cebicto and omed hy lte aaid Ontario Motor Sales. TERME, CASH. DATED aI Milontibi 22nd day of November, 1962. 1. A. ELLIOTT, Aocîionoor, Milton, Ontario. c-28.2 N THE MATTER 0F The Mechen- ics' Lien Act, 8.S.0. 1960, Chep- tor 233, Section 48 lit Generai Session Couoty of Halton, t To Wltt i Notice je tereby gaven OSat te Court of General Seations of the Pe ce and stic thte Coooty Court of the said COIINTY OF hIILTON will be belli in te e Court House in the ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS Barre Lite, Etquesiog. COMMENCING ON MONDAY, DECIMSIR 3ed, 1962 o: tho hoor of 10.00 o.tp. EST, of which ait Justices of the Peoce, Coroners, Cootables, Gantent and ail othert coocereed are e qocsted to fotte police and aI- tend In do> aod peeforai ail dol- let xehich apperlaio to lbem. A. W. FRANK, Sheelîff Go. NatIon. Sheriff's Office, Milton, Nov- ember 13, 1962. c-28-2 Notice to Creditors AND> OTHERS tI THtE MATrER 0F lte Elate ef HORATIO ALEXANDER CA- VELL, laie et te Towe et mi- ton, le lte Ceoutr et ltoe, TarI Peoprletar. deceaeed. Ait pertons hoxin daoims Ir- ainsi the Estrie, of HORATIO ALEXANDER CAVELL, loto ot lte Towt of Milton, on the Coon- ly of Haltoo, Tati Proprielor, de- ceatod, itho died or or about the 4th day of December. 1961, are requeted to teodi parlicu- lart of thoir claimx t0 lte onditr- sigood on or before the 1916 day of Decomber, 1962, aflor which dato the satd Ettate ccitt be dis tited among tho parties ep. f ltled thereto. and flhc Adotieus- irator wilh 90111 Atttexed witti nt bo tiable fuar any clatola of wh;ch LumL(c*wnîilqi ' progress.Statement Daled ibis 816 day oftaNea- ber, 1962. 128 Colboarne Street SIte, Admtioîr.ra'Or mh Wtll An- ooted. c-27-3 The Ontario Municipal Board il lit malter et Section » Of lIN Plaenning Act (ILS. tOl, C 296) and la lte maller of te aPPllCallen bt ieCealn li ie Tae" afGktl oer ap v l tîl Riol d ni I ByIw 9247, laedt l OSdye AprOil, 1982. Appointment for Hearing The Ontario Muntcipal Board beroby appoints Wededay, lte 916 day of Deoombor. 1962, aI lte hoar of lent o'clockit 0e fore- lionoalltheCaadia leont aîîd- iloriaot, 26 Cbaecb Stret Oala- ville. Ontario, for fic iearog of ail parties ineeotd tin support- itg or appotite Ibit applicatiot. DATRO aI Toronto ibis Iti day af November. 1962. B. VICKERS, SecrolarY. SUMMARY OF BY-LAW 1962-67 Ry.law 198247 la a ity-law whleit adepta eaina ity.Iaw, 1961-101 aad 19151-11112, et lte forer Cm' peen t l te Tewnsaip et Trafalgar. By-lat 1961-101 is an amoend- ment t the 16e erai regolaiont portainfingtu1 Service Statiaes le the Soîbhero Planeing Area of the former Townsehip of Traral- gar. By-law 1961-102 ts at amed- Seek $15,467 to BuiId Pool Thte Miltan Commaelly Swlmmlang Poel ilalemet o Progee COSTS: On lte itetta of tenders reeeixed and itelodiet lte Zo0solfaelo tees lte ct of île Pool coeelleloe inatt respects b nte _ clodteg lte chenge Soute :................ ......... $46.465 A ftrm teneor bas beee reeived for lte chaege boate $11,700 OTIIER EXPENSESt 4" W ater Lie 10'long ....................... ...... 00 Surey..................................................... 1S250 Total Costi....................................... $59.215 SOURCE 0F FUNDS. If the projeelt s uabsidized under the wieter works program, ae eslimalod 110,300 te avattabte. Tisi a 6ed un the total dit- ect laitoureorte of $13.709. 75% ot xobieb i, cobstdied, 2504 Provinceial and 50% Federal............... .......... 115, 300 Total plodge reeolxod to dote .... .. . . $34.375 Totl................................t...... ......... $49,675 FUNDS TO BE RAISED: Total Coules................................................$59.219 Lota toeds 10 bc avaitable ........ ......._ ........... 1 49,675 Difference ................................... .......... S9,540 Colieaeec1)ie.t 1 alomie a taloîr mareit ai IGta of totail ,2 . _- 2151........922 Tis leavet a eet reqoiremeol 10 6e raited in a drive ibis opring ........... $15,467 Inoreiler to oiaine inteerttlorks sutidvthe projecttmust le eompleled letee eow and Aprit 30, 1963. In ordor hal too- tracts Indy le lot, il it eecetxary lthaI the Towno acoopt tille ta the doed of lte tite frore lte Rotr Cloub. Il t: realieed bhal acceplate of lte diecd Implice liabilily on lte part of the Toon for amaiu ef $15,467 derlvod as aboxe. However. thit comtxtttee gives an un- deeaklg toeetietand foiith and as pcvioaefy eetiooed raise ii tom in the xpring of 1963. I.RGLIAL (Coatlnaed) men te friereai regutattont porlainfite 10 Service Statioos Ie lte Norltere Plaening Acea of 16e fartoer Township of Trafit Thte porpote of bot of Ifîcto By.faws 1961-101 aed 1961-102 is 10 ecre aaeCommercial Zone wberein oîîtp Service Statioes moy locale. anod ta liov l olbor refereece 10, Service Sfa- tioet fromn tho Bp-bmw, exeopti n C.2 aed C.3 Zones. S. A. FEATHEESTONE, Clorit. Town of Oaboille. Nov. 191ht. 1962. c-28-2 SOON BE TIME Licence lime ccitt soora 6e here regaitnf The 1963 atomotire plates and drivers'tlicenecetgotondsal December 10 in Ontaorio, îbre meekseooeter tbctin eftrr cira. IIITS IREAR 0F TRUCK A truckt owned by Cbotter Ser- vice, RER. 3 Miflton, reeeieed otte 020 damage Fridey echetoa a driveo by Mec. M. Sacieeii et RER. 3 Miltonco elided wifb the rear of il. The car reoeit.ed $905 dcmage and Me. Service saftered a bruiscitbo.d doeilglthe im- pact. Nortb Halft O.P.P. report- et, -~ ~a4dueC44 9atde- AUCTION SALEI CLEANES GINERAL CONTRACTORS NAIUDRISSING TILING Alit Cemeei & Sona 957 B- ich four door Hcrdtop . occoed by Ontario Molor Sctet, of R. R. 1. Millot. Ontario, ccitt ho aold hy pablie aoclion 10 the bighesl bld- der WITHOUT RESERVE on Fri- day, lte 301h day of Noxembor. 1962. ai the itoor of 10 o'clockitn lte fordnton-,al the Place otibati- ieea of- aitit Clement & Sot. Brote Street, R. R. 2, Milton, Ontario, portaeto 10 he provi- sioeî of Section 40 (If of The Mechattot' Lien Acto con of ac daim for mnechanilien îlo lte tomr of 0622.75 againet tho sailiveohice and oced bylte said Ontcrio Motor Sales. TERMS, CASH. DATED at Milton ibis 22xd day of Nocember. 1962. J. A. ELLIOTT. Auctioneer, MIlîono. nlaria. c-28-2 Auction Sale of Land Property Sale T-3419 Approtimctly 1294 acres of land, withawo try, ten room sione bouse, senone haro (batik typet, frcmc tarage and trame xhed, boing part of Loto 32 and 33, Concession 9, Townsxhip of Poaliich, Coatty of Wellington, tocalod on the south aide of Higb- way No. 401, 100 aod ooe-hcif mites eastlof Morritton. Sale to be held on lte ProPer- ty ai: 2.00 P.M.. L.OCAL TIME WEDNESDAY, DEC. 121h, 1962 TEEMS: $1,500.00 Deposil aI lime ai ale (cash or certified cheque mode payable ta the Troccorer of Ontariot, balace payable vAethit thirly dayt. Sale sobjeet to a e . For farîher information picotel The Auctioteer, Mr. A. R. Lioe, R. R. 4, DoIt, Ontario, Toiephonel Dalt 3858-M. Dopartmeel of Higbmoyt, tbegiooct Office, Doccoîoiecc Ontario, Tefephonel 248-3445. Deparlmnenl of Highwart, District Office, 1182 North Shore Boulecard, Borlingtn, Ontatio, Telephoe JAcitton 7-9131. Sale subtect lo reeerxe bid. DEPARTMENT 0F HIDHWAYS ONTARIO 0-29 KNIGHT'S DRY CLEANERS LTD. Satisfaction Ouuraeleed a Dry Cleaning a. Sit Lauedeaieg Saine day eervice if reqaleed " Ablemraions and Repaira " Rage and Drapeeepteills cleaned " Free Piuit-ap ued Delivtry e AIt mocit dote on promîtes CAIL TR 8-9941 c-Il DRAPERIES CUSTOM MADE DRAPES *r Dotitered tu yoar home. ready Inohatta.ine2000hs. " REpertli made aed finished. * Wide arcay of pallerot front which 10 choose. CAMPELL' DEPAILYMENT STORE 228 Maie Milton TE 84021 c-tf CARMITU SFACTORY BUILT SCUSTOM BUILT KITCHEN CABINETS and FURNITURE TR 8-6145 c -25-5 ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC * INDUSTRIAL @ COMMERCIAL * DOMESTIC * ELECTRIC HEATINO Complete EIectric House 66 Chariot SI. Milton TE 8-9313 c-tf ORNAMENTAL IRON Milton Ornamental Iron ALUMINUM and IRON RAILINGS BIEL KELLY TE 8-9827 a-tE A. C. CANNON & SON GENERAL CONTRACTORS Custome Homes Repaira Alteratione Modem Cupboitrds, Plaes aed fnee estimaies. Yeat of etperlene. TR 8-4424 c-Il RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. *Hao lmpreets *Eeovatioflt *Alterationt *Additiont *Commorcial or Iedutrial UL 4-2263 c-I HAIR STYLISTS VANO aed PAUL Beauty Salon 95 Maie SI. - Miltot *Expert Sîplite * Tiellef * Permanent Waving Soft I atee alwapt usod. Foi cppointet clel TR 8 - 9931 c:3-SIi' JANITOR SERVICE VOGUE BEAUTY SALON Spocialielet le Permanent Watts. Haie Styliag Haie Tietdrit 192 MAIN STREET TE 8-2461 c-12-tl FASHION BEAUTY LOUNGE * l2alified Suie slylit *Individal stylieg *Cocktil tiampots *Haie coediîioaiag * Coud wanlg We're air-cooed by Coroeado froam Gret Hardwtare Spectral stadeat rates TR 8r9533 Ope Tues. aed Tieare. Exeaiegs. 171 Maie Steet Milton c-35-t DE'ATH HAIR STYLISTS MILTON PLAZA *Modemn Aie Coeiditioeed Salon Motieion * Adbvaeced Sîplie8 *Air-condilioned dert *Onlyesoflwaleroted Hourat Mo.Wed.,9 - 6p.e. Taes., Thare. & Fni., 9 - 9 p.m. Sat., 9 - 3 p.m. AMPLE PARKING TR 8-2501 ctI Expert and Set isfactory PLASTIERINO CLEANING OFFICES AND STORES Watts and AIl Types of Ploucse For frire esiimales cal BOB WATKINS PLASTERING *Lalhitîg * Stacca * Reputro Caîl TE "-581 fîac free eslimales. 189 Brote SL., Milton. o.1111 Milton Janitor Service 1PUBN N ETN c-R-tf PLOOR COVERINOS RUGS AND CARPETS Ooalty Broadlooma a Rouen Sicet a Wall to Wall "Etilmales Fret» CAMPBELL'S DEPARTMENT STORE TE 64021 228 Mule St, E, OIL BURNERS JIM MALLON *Ceaeieg *ERepeis * Insallaion 24 HourService Aitîmori gttaracrdit asrod TR 8-6797 c-27-tl ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS SERVICE IN THIS HANDY DIRECTORY. RATES AS LOW AS $1.50 AND CERAMIC TILES Bafthrooms - Kifobeot Repaie aod Remodellea Ceramic - Marble - Mosaic Terraeo aod Pfatteeitg CALL TR 8-2516 c.29-4 TV ted RADIO SERVICE STEWART'S TV Proodty Proxoole 1963 ZENITH And * FLEETWOOD* TV 0 HI-FI a STEREO Sales - Servie 348 Ritteegb Cl. TE 8-2452 c-19-t5 DURNAN TV AND APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE * EGA. Victor *R.C.A. Whirtpool Franchised Dealer 222 MAIN ST. TE 8-4445 CItf TRENCHINO BACKHOE WORK Treochitgand Weepioe Bedt Sand - Oraxot - Stone F'IN CURRIE . TR 8-611 CLARENCE CATION TE 8-9313 Cti UPHOLSTERING Milton Upholstering and Brighter Homne Cleaning Re-apbot:ing, re - xtltiog. Cuom-baitt fornifure. Aoto ced truck tflts repctred. We ent haotpocyaour rutand fortitore in yoor occo home. Colt atsb for Inc osttmot ai 358 MAIN ST. TE 8-9594 c-18-lf WELL DRILLINO WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R. R. 2, Milton, Oet. Photne Boeliîctîon NElont 4-6025 DIRECTORY ADVERTtSING IS AVAILARLE IN THIS SECTION AT ECON- OItCAL RATES. PHONE FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION4 TR 8-2341 Ch ristian'Education Centre in Use Sunday Moro birai 300 ebifîfeo ,tttt tîtif nulî ..ttoo file. Bît if thre tbeir 26 tecbers enicedfthe ne% ]cat-, t. iîî l atotilWf St. Paf t United Chuttior- t, Sei- lio,' îcy for the fielt lime. Ilttt,t.the fttetcoftheet n Othe philotophbvofthbe bild Christian Edî,cattton Co _e e%%* in îthe ninotcr sutaoesited il Saoday School cl ase,ttît S ,- itotttttîtctfîttfîGod andoîc- orioteodeet Fetcv Bar-t. i toî!c li nd tcle f ril .hidreo. teho Sitrenenetttteîftheot i o, liThe ttneitato bas picexcO litie'. tt Open Hoo, e ite nea (0,Crc Preching ticrief the Stnrf -c thi, Sundir% îttlh the dcdictoi Service, Rev J, L.Ct,,hoat crt-t1th.-buildttngtcenfI-fhlt- !r phaited th îhItilttt-tttt..)oc Sutrîl %the ift~effthe of mctericlo. "The boildiri-t,, t: ai,, Clttt',t in C.anada. Milton Men Among Delegates Present Gov't. Industry Brief Three Miltcon men woreacmcog Reottentda icons in the m Unoited Auo Wtrore. clelg.to. ittfldf iadoptionof a naioa tîho presetetoaobriof ote "in- .ttt.odttt pulie, pal- cfattryflocato"tI PrieoMai teeotaller GreatBrttiiooad sIcr Diefenbaker ced nemîtor. of .thtî,.ti inflttoticing the reîc the Cabinet of Canatda unFrtd liontatd locttion of indtittries ioreing af Otlcoc. in at -et high tne-plttttooet Clif[Billond Marty Ciptrtat, and ttiodtltttacoo>poto. Local 1(170, ISettrit Steel, toit 1iitn luth ptittiii.tl jtOtot00t0110. Brace Lee of Milton, pto..iifen itittodot ttittg puhlictscrtin% ettl ,f Local 252 in Te , r, l th fîto ed.,,lause r.i- it pln e omong the UAW doleoaî. The locattion;, ot1ltte.ttf plan- Peime Mîittoir grcefod tho group tîîtg gitg -ptpe.c itc nnl but tofI befooii.ctttt hogoî. bck.ul tî tolininarc, tcîiîîg Labtît M tttt.tot Michaeol oite.1 ai e toui,tfo . adoption Store, Hoe. Eftoo F.tirclotigh. ti lîtîtte pto..lecg1,,ond , Paul Matfie, Heh Gttt, fTotît to-p Ilcoiii On.t at ho Douglts, Sicolo, Kaîttlo.. iani antdt .,tîttt -tiiîg tesoto teteetîl tîtho, NDF ,eoboîý t, octeittoj Ofl tif zttmtlctas At theoco ufintetff t l h .il itîtîoeîtf Id sentlionof ahigltth,ît:oeounr ,g tafurît-rk fber sta ble tsot, tait a generat i -,zi . and at t. u ideit f i itt onatae .bc petufîlotet tir , ,,,t,,,.0,î lab,, Purpoecoofthe briof %-lott roint ouit he natturean titlhoe M M MSUUMM sevoruto of ithe etepf ulool-n and Wifdsar, and pot forth atîttpî posafo 1cr the Fcicrzl goiltttte M aLrl na Libs M eet TiiCepneltsYaT* The 95t6 ceettat meoting of the ThsCuoMntte e a Liborat Asscatitonî ti Halol 1tt I rn Cott toilt b h efA in flc Mitl- Tec0alc uiF dt 0% DIS OU j to onHala .m iia ON ANY eveiog. Aodv Tttompciit, Dttîoîý ILETADSLIA coart M.P.P. NtilI addrecc tut- 1 GIBR AN>SLVA metig OPERETTA OR Folittnig tho cooit, reortt B NARRY SELAPONTE and the treacttercs statomenotho B AT CARNEGIE HALL eteettoof offieeceofthe Associa-M tion for 1963 citt laboe plate. O r : MUSIC HALL Harr Hareee Hfion M.P. îîitf Mili., TE 8-971 bc ai fli eeting1. ROlfor GCoud Tllf Sat. Oee. l5thl Discnat FoMI Pliy Di7, .1Blo (o WATCH North flfoe CP. bote dî ID tbo cadîtot deotb cf Jamo. Mor levof'e Milfton, %%ho îtled ,,. lie Fiia or,î a Sturdaî eni gareî bebted c Mltait district homo. Mr. Morloc îtiod of a corn De. G. h. Stottaîd 1tlfooîeg al pocf Marielit Ilo mot îîa doiea cotte laoOcoopîog bchîod the homoe of b. Thtomas, Baxo Lire o il c ai Mfltn, tîx Fridav aIteiotooc Mrs. Thomastttoit sbirt home front worh Frid,îo nilt a, if figaret hoe lioit gaour home. Saîidafterooîîe. Jao Popp ai R.R. 2 Rochctîîîî ocacoî k- itf on a truch in tho ord next daor ot en be 00foic àot mai 1' inefac tcîoo on the Thoteot garden. Police tere calleifan t f tat] Mut toc docid WINDOWS SPECIALS FOR EACH WEEK WEST END MEA? MARKET We Footaro Red Brand Beef Open Titu. aed Frtday tiil 9 Wile Rervenh E5 ail End, Tnt ROtS HaLMIS, ferai. TR 8-6501 HALTON SPORTSMEN'S ASSOCIATION ANNUAL FALL DANCE STEELWORKERS HALL, PINE ST. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30th SUN LIFE progressive compaisilý1 progressive industrl WALLACE GRAY - 107 Court St. TR 8.2421 Son LIPSl ASSURANCI COMPAN, or CANADA REFRESHMENTS ADMISSION $1 PER PERSON

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