Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 1962, p. 13

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FIRST USE oft-Phbi hise Christian Edocafion Cet-fris os St. Poul's UnitedA Chut-th ws oo t-hn weneend. Tht- Ut-A Chat-ch Ma- mon hld thisat taie bazoor tht-t-t on Salut-dop and ou Sun- Itis Sanday Schoof afitized ibis rat-e fat-ilitins. An t-pan hause la pi otned is fhé nae contr t-oIis Sundapi. with dedicafian t-f Ihbuilidinsg bp tht- M eAnt-ot- t-f tht- Ut-A Chat-th in Cao- sedn an the followîng Sandap. Iqut hm. #Ummw Contrast in, Moods Bp DI. tAIRRY C, HARLEY, HALTON M.P. Sint-no art colmton rtt-ittk opa, fise Ht-ast- of Cammons lias htAd t-otraalit-e mot-a aod ot- at-ifiihrna. fa rauliroal, an touidup, the Hot-at t-P Corirors passed a grt eolta of tegistature lotiludiusg set-a- at-lai amenA- mentur on Taesday, ris third readlnof - Bill C-Il, o Bill ta Arnend t-ht- Catsows Tot-ilI. an amieadauet ws prupasad wuit-b lt-A la heated At-hale at-A Aitc-ta- uit-n whit-h lt-tk op rit t-I tht- Parrast Cet-its Bill C-78 - the Bill la Aweod Fat-w Ct-edits Cot-porton bas lin- ished t-fuse h y t-tu-a et-urina- lito. At- f riroio-rA in an t-r-t t-t-bri tht- Libera Foi-ty loit tisai tht- appt-oisJ lt-e loi- t-at-h requet-a fort 100 t-I 150 waa lot- hiph. As ibis was ht-top diat-u-t-td the Liberat m-eht-er Asi-i- brio. Hazen At-pot- peoposrd an ameodmet-o 1t-at wibth ii Tht- chaoges pt-tpt-st-A wr-: f. Wbet-e t-ht- lton appfiitoioo wat- rejeted the oppt-aisa Ire be $10.00. 2. Wheee tht- lt-ai applit-atiton wsapproved the Cee shootA ht- I-St-g1 pet-tetofllhet-aloe of tht- tan. This arnodmeol was hot-icalf I ot-cepird by the Mit-iste- t-g At- value t0 tht- Corser. put-ilfarlv ta the oioller lotrit-t- rio wipht bat-r lt-t-t- tht- 150 appraisat ltee t-au eapeoai-t. Tht- aîîîtndîOnt t- ft-r ratîii Ct-eAu Corpt-t-titon At-t iiisat-t-itî thol ut- Oppoition- Pat-ty t-at- ad At-rs pt-ot-ide a ast-l set-t-it-t in Fat-tiarit. Tht- Oppoitiot- ht-t-t brt-piug t-ot-ard an ini-tnt sehichl seit bt-t-ltrat bt-t-t-it t- Pot-ritts and il was act-ttped bv t-t-w part of tht- lave aI Canada. Tht- hills a -aiop wiih tht- budA gert resolation t-g Aprit have attl t-tctivd sec-ondt-t-diop andt-ow- milice upprot-ut. and t-to t-t-litr tbit-A readiop ooty. Tht- Bilt C-f ta st op a Wetgre Ctont-il as ptast-Ai qoit-bîp anA pt-opoases o Welflttr Ctont-il. iriilart- l ht- Het-tth Ctont-if att-t-Ap st t-p. The mato t-haoge fat-at- t-t-it Cake Icing Preserves Freshness Chrit-ias cakrs at-t rt-t aI- wopt- t-rd. t-at- thelfoad t-tpetl ut Macot-ttaid nstitute, Gut-ph. bot alotri- pot-ae at-A it-it-p oi bt-tp t- pt-et-tt-te tht- t-ake arA oAA a At--catit-e t-at-b. Apiaeway beoatA irait-ad t-I a lrostinp. To do thia. brusb tht- boked cake wulh t-ne pot-t stiplv bruten epp wht-ite t- tht-t-t patt t-I sett, t-t t-luth tone pot-t t-t suit-tt table rimoaasst-a ft- luat pott watt-t. Relut-n tht- cake t. the ave o a few riu sI art tht- glaire. If otriond ponte is rot-A. il aboutA bis retIrA ta bollitnrt- tbickot-ts oa meade tht- t-t-w shape at- tIht cake. Tht- cauke a tht-o brushed wulh one stipbit-v bt-att-o t-pt white anA twale-i t-pt-onu aI watt-t rioed t-pt-tht-t. htgroe iamn poste is polt-Ad in1o place. 24 bu-t-sht-t- etupat- ht-lt-e tht- icinp a uapplird. Blaiscl J pt-anA t-I shetted aIse- toAas, pot tht-ot-h a ptioder at-A wotk ta a poste. AdA 4 uaott-t epg yatka. J iruupoontro-t wt-t-itt- iý rat-pt-t- Sali. and pt-odull ht-tad in J pot-rd t-f ioirp t-up- tut st-rtn. Mor t-tt-trt-t mia bt- radeA il rt-tdt-d. Ta o iie orneetul Fr-tlug Put 3 unhrat- egsebitrt- t-to a lot-pt bt-wl. SilI on J pt-t-t- uf iciot- sot-at- oa ht vigot-t-aatt wiih a waudeo sprat-. AdA t tohfespaun nf feeois jaice ut-A brut uniolth Ibi Jo ht-tAs tas shape se-l. More st-pur rioy be reqiaired. This it-iop is traitable- ta kerp tht- t-ake trei ryintg and Car Aecot-inp seith o past-p1 luisi. i Arnttain the Amet-dmentaht-tught ltto-utAr by tht- bodpt-t t-t-atlt- lions. i anut inutrase in 50 Ibal t-uwit bt- uttuwed as o trili- Adodutin - taulis ir-t-uaio t-ut- dedatibI e altioworc- pet- yr pet- t-bitA rise $250 t- 300. Il bas bt-tn poit-iou t-at o tiai atiti trit-t-r 80,000 taxay-t- t-t-w thet- 10 at-tlia; ht-n-r- the- sot-tnp lt-t tht-te pet-plt- ta îoip frtrirro $1 anA $11 unnafy in ttas fIl wauimotly brorlil tht- tut-pt int-t-r t-omet-. Mot-t ht-r lit t-t-ad have bt-t- ohtaiot-d -quaottp-for-ail by increosingpfana- py atit-aut-t. Os Tat-aday the Bilf ta Arnend tht- Custaoms Tut-if At-t t--s ht-oîîpt t-p t-tr tiitd. rrodiop. This pt-tpt-iat- ueodit-g at-re t-I tht- tawa briaphi abolti n tht- us teriity pt-t-ptarn, and il wut- t-býit-l t-A t- ht-aase Purbiet-î t-toit t-t-t-t pit-ro a t-hanct-o t-IAtballot- tht- aatet-ity progrt-ose aue tht-rset-ts. Aooendmen wt- pt-opaurd st-Ait-p tht- Bilt t- tht- Cot-et- to Bankinp at-A Fi- oanct-rtlbet ho ptrt-uinp il. UssenisM toi Thle opposition pot-tien leeltihal ihisautet tepiafoat- launon stitotiuooi anA pussihfp uIt-pul tf basn ott-tr htet- sabjeol 10 At-haie oiib a possibfet-oterin Ihe Cari- rit-t-. oa îberrlat-e it- taxatiot- wtithout trpi-t-at-tioo - (tht- taxaurris I-t-o 2 iliondollrts) - and basuott-t-t bot-,nupp-itt-i hv Potrirni. Tht- Hitiart-Io Contt- ciiuaitin- ot- the- t-lt- t-A îopirastuat-e ail the peupleit shubtîd b ht-ptn a t-hancet o0p pt-t-at t-t dit-pt-t-at it- i, i to ttrt-ugh norat- l Pr-io twtit- t-honrts. Tt t-tat- a t-atiou tipbt on ht- Ht-tt-t t-f Carirt-ot ta t-t-t tht- Gt-t-t-rt-wo tiîhautrinp ta pt-t- t---tt discauasiton an tht- t-bot-t oweodrirt. Tht- Gat-r- t- r-tili- 'busterd an tht- Pot-w At t-vit-p lu ht-tp t-p dit-st-.sion ta "itt-t tht- tloch'" In bit- wov tht-y At- nt-t havtt rei-t-tai- t tht- saunie lois-i util tht- uti tittiup il il b-' pt-oit-n t- houa t-out-ntiotuasu ilin i sk - Iotthe-G-t-t-t nt-t . Mâten Foster Parents "Adopt" Hong Kong Boy Joert Thoson t-f RR 5, Mil fT-. Munitroi The Iuiler pt-ensts on hos got-ot- o y udt-p t-A have p-orised luta oltite $16 St-g Lt-uap Lt-t-o 7-eurtAarionth twa-d the chid'ssup- pet-t lt-t-ai toai tore t-at-. pot-at-t Pat-ntsa Plan, whit-h boas trh-hiiitaird mrite- [hun 76,000 - -chidtron t-o a pt-t-anai baja store i ~ la lîtiiding in 1937, ta satat beip- - ng t-tt-c t-han 28,000 youogste-u on Girt-t-t. fît-tv. Pt-ont-e, Suth Ka-tru, Suth Vit-i Nari, Ht-up - Rt-uon, tht- Philippine.,aond Ct-fumi- hia. Th-t-t- cut-t- t-u---y t-atr 5, 000 t-ait-t- port-tut in Canaoda. Oa't-t the- pont 25 pt-at-s, mritte than 600,000 Crinadiaut- oa Aritricrits - b~avet liîrp-A rt-tdp chiid-enovt-r- sas tht-t-tgb Fot-i-i Fatronta' Pion, citht- as individuls or as rit-w Grasa'IsifuCr Ht-f1 p aW-tre it-dt-td ptrIai tu ri. Tht-ot-o lt-t pittnp Siup Lt-uop ihis atondt-t-l gi t-f hope and boip." At-lriat- Mit-s Gît-t-t Mat- tht.-- Exeuta- D7iet--îo- t-f Ptait-t Purt-ttt Pion. "and Wr SING LEUNG LEE pt-yrt--tliy hope ibai rions oet-ar Ada-sssad Tlsraagl alan atho i-tad, lita oi uit-t entenda t-tpinp tond oa a diat-enard Chiot-ar ht-p t-ri Ht-t- Kt-n chiid. Wr t-haitb ht-appy ta sentd lhrough Poulet- Port-tni' Fii-, fli inoirmatiton ou ht-w ta bc. Autumn, Winter Greenery Make Meeting Sparle O Mondoyrarnng, Nt-trbr Kihi-ide pot-i o deriontiatit-n f0, the- t-nihty met-ing ut tire t-t hot-a ît-rke Chrt-moas de. lîti i anîd Diatitt Hoicultiot-t-orotii tr rii-îr-ts lt-t mriotel lai Soiety ar fieldîibteradit- t-t-dîuîng mauin table. Mr. Grrtr t--rit-Io t-bt Matlin St-etot-piuitd aubewot-bedut-w the Hiph St-ft-t-. t-rot- p-inoipit-aopptird in tis Thia Oa tht- atna Christimaa typr t-I wot- as ta ort-onginp ritinop and wony decrîîtiv t-t-ot-t- dit-plot-,a. Ot- 10ompeai- diapioya t-i t-rio t-tase -l-t-ra a i ont,-ut-- htighi t-t-t tlt- ptuot-d in at- adjoioiu, t-tut-t- Slides t-t Trip t-t-t-w fn tht- cnt-iea t-ne- coiri- Ait-t dot-tnp tht- t-t-tninp, A. ooiitnar v t-I more ur itit-t- Wotdeyt-owdat-rie sidrsthat Cht-itmas lot-theu. Mar t-ut- tait-t' und nt hm b îdat wiooo rpnth t---it it-uit-t vitu5 t-o tht- t-te e btsielb bt-re oiîb an aîdt-d iroet-i t t-r o hercn usti h wrtda theit- ton bt-me dor-- wt-rs-ta d tahen lu Otta-wa. lit-nu. Tbt- neat metinp witt be tfhe cialiuect-eityoflteOntairHiii- aftet-ith- t-tpoti-t-tth- toit-a- tioutt-t- Societies, at-t-a rinomwrit-t-OOad-it-tion t-I jadge and put-t t-owt ritririci t-t-it-t--t- crAt ut-it br tuiyd. t-n trio-na lt-t bit- t-hoi-il ht- rtt-tutA i tht-titt wlert-i- WATCH IT. FELLERS ing. Tht- jadpinp w0 to pt-inta Pt-it Athurt- It- tht- lit-ti lit-e and the-Ituttwinpwmembers li dat-t-f.teot-t-tarat-r25 pr- tht- bipheat nt-rit- of points: t-ont-tt-tt-t apptrbhendrd bt- t-ton- Mt-a. Ation Cirwt-tts. Mt-a. Muie-t-t-t-t-o utt-lt-tt-a 20 ft-i ainp Milirn and Mi-s. E. B. Cit-roît-. oadrt-tAifit-a in oart-at--ndA btt- Mr. ndMr Ht-i-i-Gure i1ohr u ngt hunog. CUT RATE PRICES ON FARM FRESH POULTRY & EGGS Ladies! Does Your Family Like Fried Cbicken? WELLI HERE'S A SUY YOU CANT FASS UIJP Evisçcerated i FRYERS 30 l THIS WEEK ONLY I GOMEEMENT INSPECTED HALTON POULTRY PRODUCIS D.wss Gardon Lana, at-f Millf SI. TIR 8,4401 EL EC T GEORGE PU RD Y AS YOUR COUNCILLOR FOR 1963 SINCE 1950, MILTON MAS DOUBLED ITS POPULATION TO BECOME A TEEN-AGED CITY AND AS SUCH IS IN A VERY CHALLENGING POSITION THE DECISIONS THAT ARE MADE NOW MAY DECIDE IF WE ARE ABLE TO ENJOY A PROSPEROUS FUTURE IN MILTON I OFFER AS EXPERIENCE 6 YEARS ON THE PLANNING BOARD AND 1 YIAR ON COUNCIL s' corne a floster parent to a ruilA hiruplif up fIn a fat-sing flasvt The- Coaiar Champion, Thursday, Nov. 29sh, 1962 1 Tri Europe, the Far East or Colotm- on the Chioee a nind. had~ bia ta apyidividualschoot o-aouourosyrstduatio.lInu-ihooiyita proide ado t dk, Lodng ooladntec proup wriip taoFolt- Poirenso 98 etta tOOrtrlîCaon oanda.îîî-lho liii h iiIttro. irkryiîo tiic fan - sol oo-dci on the- Plan,.P.O. Box 6, latiiBMuont-eA as a craikt-r in a st-olt-i car ut tiroad daiît . ilen oi iaI-rit Kongîî0 llir reail Miss Matthews added. th-i-t. Tht-o, in 1949, bc c-ame-lt b ti on thou pi-t-trt inorirt-1 Threrc ouple rofr loftsordot- Ta encourage a t-o, prsona] HongKong.Sinrlrhis arrivai, al vhich -s no uio hî-ihu hoorta 1 heeliiig t-h-a-othe rhiidren- rrlaiioship ht-twist- bih foitr bas ht-ru emiotd asi roc it-tr 00 a dii, flit- anoi hori- îlet-p. Roii% 11.23 oi patreot and "bi- thiid', th- tuai- in uudy. He crn ttabtoutl526,1this. A-sis-rttan is needd noril t-t pareot t-t-t-t-iaahiaaoiy of-the 30 aitmentir atnd hiçaIs-t. Tliorîht artu haeanvolruil 1i Sinto t rt-ria rgirt-loohkinp chiid aod aphotot-oph. and c- ritt--er t-rîteiotîi hoe adý th, ptra-tii ratdît tin îto . t-t-0t-&lrli tIr , tira autiflt trapt-ud-ut-t tht-ough thre tu hla wo-kiro long ht-uta ithonth," rîrîîîrîii --t- tt--i 111 the Orietaltr child, ha ut-îcoa taotald bth aî. rhiid-t- atre airrp adda $10i.60t il t-hurt tili. , h-t h,. Ai pco-ru i. hattend, This e-choiso rhtidgpra th pop tu the mriruhia ittrituit OSooli Home kioderît ir n the- Y.W.C.A. ht-tort-o astr- patrnt aod t-hitt Th-t-t rît-e t-r t-hfidren Shiogi The Lecotroiir hra, iin hall B.,,,' raod Gii-W Cth. hob cluib and git-rsthe îouozair the ocltt- Yuoo tSi2) the iiio 9-voru-t-d 1 î i i in îri-rL rîiri t-ee!lien r îtfc i 5 iotilh. Plari ri- gît-t- tiat-îîtof t se u iit-i hove b eda. Mt-i rt-ng arl- uud Siog Choiî, -lte f954, Tho pa',t-orî- Sine L'ur", the 1. L-uiiiit- l Low Icarne a ov h n tSin L .T-he ale!9 'x11' and i, r ihcI red a co hoo hoi SinpLungp lrthr t-thuwas on mnr ho11 rkdan h hh d el h -n icic hapvt kni h KIDDIE KWIPS CONTEST FOR WEEKLY MERCHANDISE CIERTIFICATIES YOU CAN WIN $8 TO $25 WEEKLY a BACH WEEK Tbis feafue wIlffcontain a diffnrntiprs- aine typs uf flais Fitre. Tise ttle, or seiat tin baby la uap. las uor tb'nblag, soifI be st-at. tes-ad tbr, dghout the advertise' mosat s infg un entra seard lu see ofth Ibisa. Rad tisa ada t-lad tise astra sourds and soiea tbey ae prupeefy onu, s-aoged tsep rilfrta tisa sIae e NOW, oe if pu ceut solte o trotter one, tbon tend bufb Knight's MEN'S WEAR 202 MIN ST. MILTON FEATURING Warren K. Cook Clothos NOW IS THE TIME FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING USE OUR I.AYAWAY OR Cr es t HARDWARE TR 8.6011 Miltson RAYTHEON 2-WAY RADIO ASK FOR A PRE DEM.OMSTRATION Sto BAILEY BROS. AF FLIAN CRI 179 Matn MJfton TR 8-9741 BILL'S AUTO BODY SHOP SPICIALISTO IN ALL TYPES 0F REPfNISHING bODY REPAIES bt-t- CL.ASt INSTALLATION TE 8.2721 1. W, Pisilpa, Frups VOGUE BEAUTY SALON Spet-falisis In PERMANENT WAVE at-A HAIt- STYLINO NEWE LOCATION 192 Main TIR 8-Ml6 HALTO N Have CO-OPERATIVE SUPPLIES Haut- Yt-t-t Frat--a-t St-t-t-td nase at-A gef t-ht- stfPro po-t heaiing dollar. PFs- this ses-iteanmd fumiée eil, phono TR 8-2391 ttlfa ta tise Cautoat Ildîtor, ss-Jofeotuttasul8,.0Otlnme. Canudian Cfhamplin, 19f Main ehuudfse t-ertfPtttes. Buat If St. Miflton. ImPact- Mauday pot- have atta-ied a sales slp ruent. Yourenotep coufd ise tisa or Peot-CtC of at-et-hase Cern MILTON TIRE AND RADIATOR NEW AND USID TIRES -ALL SIZES Plats Piaod 75c COMPLETE RADIAT-OR SERVICE TE 8-2711 Naew and Used Redisins 191 MILL LAST WEEICS WINNING TITI.E "i'm fard op being garnd fas- SanIe Clîuf' Submltted by Ms-s. Ralpis Kingalan, R.R. 4, Milton HIDDEN TITLEt "Sisos genre kiss mea." For that Special Gift... SHOP AT Davis Jewellers 18d MAIN ST. MILTON TR 8-9972 SELF-SERVICE THOS. LAUNDROMAT DEAR SHOESWASH 25c SHOESDRY lot: 221 MAIN 191 Milf Sit. Milton TR 8-6902 MILTON BOB CROSS MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN SALIS AND SERVICE Atl as and Eso Ps-adonIs TR 8-2373 MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE AUTHORIZED AGINCY THERE fI NO CHARGE FOR OUI SERVICE * AIRLINIS 0 STEAMSHIPS * Ct-liSES-TOURS 0 PESFIVATîONS * PASSPORI APPLtCATION POt-MS Reu: ELLEN CASSON Offce- 978-2327 tpt-tp.) 878-9211 BAILEY FUEL AND SERVICE SERVICE STATION Â GAI - 0f L - LUBRICATION B~7 A Fuel 011 Doliv-ered Wlton You Nead Il TIR 8.4821lias Baife-. Pet-p. MILTON PLUMBING & HEATING GAR WOOD Auoaffr:l Hératiag CRANE Flosshlng, Shoot Maria Woek 39 eedWav ta 8-9218 an- t-t tht- ft-ms paliipatlng la fhlo Cnatare, and pt-ar entrp lis tht- haut set-t lu Ct-e tisaI setk pou t-an ela u-t fest thas 18.00 sud an oppoetnty Iaol ai p ta 12300 lu crt ICI. t-oit-s. Sa tfhe Japtoaf tilg ta, do Jo st-t tisaft pt-a atta-I a sol et slip ta aeery ette yt- send Jis. Dat-t ptfit t-Cf. a IIRER'S rame elf ise pahîlohfed under tise pîttra s-at-h set-. Ct-me ta uhe at-fi-o -ST. Ct-e t-ar Prire, the fler sheppe Ladies' Wear GI FT CERTIFICAT ES THE- GIFT THAT ALWAYS PLIASES 12 Martinu St. TIR 8M482 BEFORE YOU BUY .- FOR THE YOUNG FRY Lookhorer oor lat-sIossort- mntof nI docalit-vol gans 'anA tops. HARRIS STATIONERY 182 Main TE 8.962 MILTON LUMBER AND COAL CO. L70. PUILDIRS' SUPPLIES LUMBIR PLYWOODS TR 8-2337 119 Mill Il, Milton THE COTTAGE DELICATESSEN FIIN AND CHIPS SALA PS HOME BAKING FAST ~TrOt TR 8.6530 f93 Main St. Miltos MILTON GREENHOUSES Bah aid Nrasa Blrown Flaoaers Pur AIl Otuasios Wtt-t- Aupia-titre TR 8-9501 431 Main E. Miltos MILTON PHARMACY ME STOCK VIORIN VItItNARY PRODUCTS PEE MOTORIZED DELIVERY Druit- 9-h Phot-e TE 8-2343 14 Martlin St. PRINTING I5 OUJR BUSINESS Po- Qot-atuons on AIl Vou e -tdu Caîl THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 191 Mais la. TB 8-2341 Wb"os 1

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