Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 1962, p. 11

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RIGHT AROUND H Wlnat do you nom about ap- Tise appie actually bas been pies? heid in iif regard sinceneastiest Do you bom for instance, that timon. The firsi settiers hi North appies are one oft he ist hneath.s henerica brought seeds front tihe giving fruits avaitabie through. appie orchards ut theit- an lands. ouîttse yeur' Do you aiea kow Indiens, enisnionaricn and tradetn tisat appie tends wore aasang the thon cattied these presiaun tende fis ta bn pianted in eariy Cana- lita tht witdereesn, aod ta this da? way apple archards mare started .These fonts muy nat seom toci t acrans the new country. Interesîng--except ta wheî une's This wsa tise humble begtnaing appetite f or a bite loto a joisy ut tise vasi apple areisards, an w speelmon. Appies are like thot. koieth tnday. i.ily mithis Even ufîeranubstatiel meut, ery recent yearn, lnaoeer, have many people enoay muncbing an new nioage and packagig me- a finit, polisbnd apl - ve heds oabled eciacaut rpt wlnen candy or ailer treatn fait he preserved tar perfect eating ta tempt tiseo. pleanare tisroughaat the yerai. By offnrlsg appies ta ehiidreo Nase it es Possible ta purutnase a atter a meut -- or better nniii, by seide varity ut appies ut tony keeping appîns minere they ca ime fram.anc hareesi ta aeaitse. help themsieem- busy mthern cetencourage chiidren t0 pros- Spiey Pisk Apple Suce tise a gond euting habit. Appien Attd a tese dropn ut red food itelkeep teethailean andlnro»-alat-iog and a dosisoftinamaa svide vuluable ntimulation fur theo ta yaur awn or anned apple gnos. sauce. Chiil betare sene g B MRSLILHOUSTU item fo ths scialnew coumnare weleomnd. Cati Mes. Houeton et TE t-924. Tise staff of the Bank of Noa Claudetle Eiaine and John Mei- Scotia ntiended a pariy ai tise ein, childmen ut Mr. and Mie. hume of D. Dingman, Sydney Melaiii H. Phelpa, mho receaiy Ave. as Suiturday. - maeed huert Trera, N.S., The hemeof te paty aad Daniel James aad William Thtthee u tie priymasEdmard Thomon, tii suas ai Roariog Twentien uoad pestes Me. and Mes. Allan R. Tisampîtta, for the hesi cstumen wenl la receat ecomers tra His. Mura Pemirens and Keits Hlous, date; sere isaptiacd un isuna.y ton. Gumen mere piayed misich mueaiag ai Knox Preshyteritan lssiuded a nuaveager hast. Duos. Charcis, Miltoan. Res. J. K. L. ing tollamed salth tnaseila GarA- MGaisa uaatiaieA the cere. os and Mironiav Provassik min- mueiyduraif theu il no. service. rng prions for the hesi "Tmist- ers." A buftt unis cancluded î ~ cc tise enjoyahie ciet. g Mms. Murg Baitny aad Wayne ut Suarbura. turmeety ut Miltona, sere goets ot isaaae ai a isaisy tsomer giset iy Mes. Irene Barb- eai iser isome on Woodward St. tasi Wadtnetday. Maay lavei gifla eere receiedanda deilius lunchmwaseec. Fiee Cideen meee hapinauti Sunday ai Si. Pauls UnaleA Charcb. Theysere Joho Stuart Asnlltr-76-Auie Sled.: Kaihen Heieo Smsith, Klinritsa; iSietty Dureca Wilson, 373 Woodweard Sf.; Edmat-d Joho Wrlggleiseueih, 62 Malt Si. R. and Jetfmry Net- tua Wrighti, 118 Meadamheuak Dr. Tise utoual hazaar ai Si. Pautes UniteA Chut-ui mas field on Sat- ueday, seils a pleasng Ilicm- Aaace. Mes. K. 0. Panier piuyed Caod Save lise Qaeao/" ibro peay- e, elume and he offiia] pen- ing mure givsen sy tise preident of U.C.W., Mes. F. W. Hueisoltui. This mat tise firel haaaar halA as United Cisarui Warmen, anA aialiste firrelata fan the titis nom Christian Educatin Centre. Tise esîents miii go daun in hi- st-ry an a memaraisîn day. The haaaarmwatunenndisy Me-t. Alian Clemenis, and inuaded sia nte, Mr. atd Mns. Club, cait nthe C.C.î.T. Ciels lahtng chsarge ut tise Fins Pond". Tisa Aitecît buffise mee sen ap ta tise audi- toeium, wite lise tea tablies wr in lthe Chursis Parlar upstairs. Mr. and Mes. Jlm GuIs attend- ed lise tatil convucaion uf the University of Toronto un Friday. misen Mns. Dilin' heaibor, CGuoage Rlitt wsea admitteA lu tise Augre ut Dastur ai Philacaphy. Dr. Riliait le prenenlly an tise staff ut the uhemnele Aadpartmcul uftihe Ontario Aaricuinral Coi- ee, Guelphs. Mes. Andune Peuntisa, Court Si.. etetted ai the hume ut Me. and Mes. Kennelis Craie ai Guelph an Sanday. Mrs. Ken Raiisr and tamili. Barban Rirent visited user tise meahesd miih ber siscer Me. anA Mrs. J. Letly, Peterborough. Congratulaions lu Me. and Mes. William Cuales, Rartn Street seha reli eleise iissi 410h uaddinf assieesnry Sat. ueday, December 1. Me. anA Mes. L. C. Jackson ut London visileA oser the secehend ai tise hume aifhler sisine, Mr.and Mes. T. A. Haicisinsua. Friends ut Campbelil Wilson. Kinastaifis Court teli ie pluased to bearbc has retured ome afier heing a patient in Hamilton Cenerai Hospital. Mrs. Fred Harbuttîs, Mua Sret atended tise escutive meeting ai the Haluen Presisy- ery Uritd Charsis Wamca ta St. Fautes Unated Charuhin ta Cahîttî laii Munatie RECORD YEAR Toronta - Pionner Villae, on tha Black Creeh Conservation Aeea, rianedl tue tise ynae cla- ber 31 with a record of more iban 1270i0 einitaes Aaeing the ues n a compared ils itai8, tant year. Tise Pioneer Festival, Dstahee 13, wsea tne sy Il, BIM largnnt atennda i ls Si OME Sauage-ppît Shîllet I lis. paris sausages, i medium uniaa, sliced filin 3 tuet apples, peeled and nîtueit 2 iissp. brassa sugar I tep. papeika ntep. tait 4tsp. dry tausiard 14 tep. ehiti pueduer t tep. Waruesleeishiee sauce !îsupiseci buillon !i cap grated nhaep Cheddar uit eese Heat orn ta 350 defrees. Broma saaiageialumwly inisea- ey sitlet. Drain off ait but 2 lhsp. ft and fitle !sausoges aif une side ut uhillet. Add unionan ofices lu ciller side ut shilIen andt uohkeeaily untitlenedr.i Cominea sugar, paprika, sait,j masnaed, citi pamdee. Wonseser chiescause, bouaillon aAd cheseP ]yodt por user Curceeh0iuteiis> THE SIXTY-FIPTN ANNIIVERSAEY ai Women's institutsin Ontario mast ctinisrald an Wednts- ittuaser puai and turil an heoit- day ut tosi reei by lise membsrs ai tht Moanlain Union Womees isituts. Memreis ai tht er tue abouti 5 mintaues. lestitt ailened a meting aI the hare ai Mis. Stan Chishalon, dîtnsod te tht cltîiss tisai Assam Saad Graeey usnd ta mear." Shome are tise pîtsideet ai tht Institate Mrs. Btrt Janes and Min. i J-ar. uroefalaed gutin Fati Cartwight, admrenîg tht carsagts thse ladits ontre giv duîttg tht meting. t'n eups ine aie toacpooa gratcd orangeetand 2/3 up ettupped apptc 14 up malautsIflX îar Vs uup sisupped ecec Knox puitoi at tstistte nupred gaeselialed and ACramnfatuyuriutanuicslice.s . ucded Arrng ta laye ofîns h,îtttf adscpF m l 2 slius pnasapplu, Araind and aple in p ristssti b rumag Tiss St Guiana a iys Lf ulu(Il"x8) pikewt rn Th Nocmber meetingof Knox Rouis. Tiss Cisunis ai Woeh tn coi apsufie. Repuat accers. Cisorui usenng aastltaey mae Setishs Caa. This uhapier mat Dissolegeilati n e5iisn tý Comie isufft- and oraage held aîîhhomeoftMr. M. Cur- isasdaan ThireLttofa Famity". er. Site tn gingcr ale, Chili uttil tn. Pour utcr litut s. rie. Thec chaplue peosuA mouainalrcîn. Stiniteuppluuetue Trhyetut ah epcnasi7d5ru T meetngmwacupcned by the iaf as il AisusseA in Aciail the picappia. Poureietu idiuaO5î n'euntttclotu.Totpeitisuhop presidt Ms. M. Roiomhalir feua famiy ftrciwh it un et, bakng pasm endtled "Carey a Little towen ta BOrittish Cutata iaucoua- Taeîts Ae ituparid ,pptcc are Hauuy". AIt juined la sisging tise try Adirict. Tise suisaul sehics Candînd Ssseet Poatoo and xIust in trait ,aîlad.s. To pre- hymn 0 Cad Dur Help in Aies tise citdea aileaded ta tise cou- Apple Casserole ttetniscmntureliafdarlîspeioisle Past. Thisis-fllued by altry s delhe maagemeat Jpund peetd cohci mccc et 0%n moi titiuc.sisthe Food "Peayee for Peacc". Raspanivenuf lise Canadian Pesisyletian putatuci Dcyatienet itf Masdonaltd Ineti- reading wsea taisan frane John. Cisursh te Britishs Caa. 2 cape titoy sliccd, pîncd pil oic. Cusiyis. Juet isciorc-t-rs-iag Cisttr 14 ftram ses15 lta Il. Livie for Chureb pis drinîînd combnse witiisuppd Throittailm-asuaemeredhy Thestur ect onto telliiclt ns upieîoîîn sgr 1lry, oistemtr.shmaiiuts andlithenuord Pce. an impact theChreistian elitgion t. a c c. ceaeS rous ce. chargs ut seteuls aad uhose as- fiticA tiscir lines itu tise caitu iscniciiptureeeading, Johna. Cisap- dcpaetmuats ai Ciaruis tifs. Tins ter 15, ve-tes 12 inn i5. Ait juinedsi toif tel lit tits tic uiinitec ta etiiiniali tusn isaiBlet isc th, suat tise issip or tise Fecessvcisetot Tic Tittt BitAs'. Mes. Carrutiess chueshin t Canada ts eeduld in isa--sA he uommetaey oa sue Bitlish Cuicea fie aime ltrme st. tissai "Fn tuadsiisp and ait tise su îisn issue place ta Cadis hintg mute obligtionsadi juys tisai dom miii bu ni oic estabtisisd. tlineîîîît impiies. This isas tut- The mtusingt c-ise ish île luicsitisvye-r, afîce whiui siningf aiisma. DarLord nih, hyma mas -tuaf, O0 Master and Fausse ut Mahid' andA ait Lut Ms Watis seis Tise. eputtiaf the Mitycit eiscacttt. Heur Reports A stcial hait hau- futtused ta ti vaiu reprtsce re ps-. chtargt>Mî . M. Cunîts tans Mie. tsg..11d lite adoption, and thes bus- L. Armstrong. île- of tise meetinf mas Aiscus- cdand sited satiiatotil. Thii CaeaAi-an12001iion"t Mrs. Nulie Anderson si-as in teas hut aut La Haie NS., in 1h32 cisarge ut Cisapcer 4 of lise Snudv h tic Fetiocissat CrAse. The Canadien Champion, Thorsday, Hue. 29th, 1962 E.A. Shepherd, Gail MacMillan Wed in Grace Anglican Church Ceuse AngliaCiruMtin. Doald Fe ca tas gruatesmua maîscen icmar ritei CUc;ýi'"',s ad RuuaidiiandBre Bell Cuit Diane MacMit-lan, dougiier usce cassers. ut Me. anA Mes. iStuart MauMii.j Mr,. Stuart MacMillanthe [anofa R.R. 1. Oakises andî Fît hiA.ý' m.iiis,. iiustîsd ut the mard ArnlA Shepherd son ci cc-cytisen hield in lise Ltegiun Hait, Me.,asd Mes. Leacrdt Sheptserd Milice, ucariea a liehi blae hem, ut ikhoarn, Mantitb, an Ssp- utAdti de- and a cursafe ut yel- teriir 29. Ths itar of Griss 1nw o,su sis Banff hio chursis mii tiscurnid iti red cantionstaiîid wite cirseuiitiiistoMi-stidstptrtii ,moinsifurthedublse ri usesc r.Lnr lipirmt muay perurmsutisyttî- D Po- u the grouum, rcusiisdourina cil. Thscorganisl mai, Mri A. iiulik ssîisp je. iiisih iocc Ledmilis. suries andt a corageuof ed rss Tise bie, gie ta mati ifse b% U.S. Ileootnn her raille, we a breidai fuitn or trhir isuasymuua teip ta the of risoctitt icvlai, ovsit in tiis USA, hthe bide,. hoie a o ie a chupe leegts traia. Her hsid- kaittsd sutit iti iseige aucssr deis. a tiala auf pc-tels, tieti her ieî aud a corsagf t n ioses figsei-ip suaish ssii She cîtitie Ou their suture, tise cuuple louk a csadeubouqueit ofrd.. eus ' l eidenousinOakiill.Shei msh misite satin tihsua and sutru soîptond ai Maitory Ratiers, a poti1nekassctu and matuhiag Oakisite and tise groom tris ai etirriafs, a gfit ai the grnoom, Carpetei Ru Co., Milton. Aoata Attendants Tise crooms pareais, hruiisuî Mes. Mastoc Feu ut Milloe. iand siisr trou Elisisrn,Man taut oftise bsride, mas maîrua uftlois., aitened tise îssddi.a balon Sise more at bie nyton id tise hrides graudmuts, rs and lace goua oser tauisia aad Jsan MacMililan ted ...ri, afr sarricd yetiuu and hreun as mi ch MacMililan of Truru, ý, inuaaoagai. Mn. Faye Bet' ot Suttiît Milton, ai su au auet uftihe hrid, Tise bise t scild hiach Ai- was hrdemotd andmwoe vc-ituîcahaepsarusuiiticesio e al nylon and tacs oser tattela. Sisi fendatîs anit tise groom glve the aiue areiedsiabouquetlofiytoi hest mane.and uîhes uigarette andibronzemoim in a a . I gs. S P E CIA L ICE CREAM OFFER BIJY A BORDEN'S REGULAR GRADE ICE CREAM BRICK FOR ONLY 1c WHEN YOU BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE! TODAY, FEIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY AT K ERR'S Phoraiuwgcy K. H. LSEYRSc., Psm. PRESCRIPTIONS FREE DELIVERY Ste Our Nem Caais n iailmaeh Card Settutian TE 8.4492 MILTON COUNT DOWN ONLY 22 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS LAYA WAY NOW * PYJAMAS * SHIRTS * SLIPPERS * JACKETS * TIES * SOIX * BELTS * SLIPS * SLEEPWEAR * DRESSES S HOUSECOATS 0 DUSTERS * SWEATERS * GLOVES * SCARVES * LEOTARDS * CAR COATS WE INVITE YOU TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT * JACKETS * SLIPPERS * SLAX * NYLON HOSE * GLOVES * LINGERIE * DUSTERS * PULLOVERS * HAND BAGS * SLIPPERS * SPORT SHIRTS S TOWELS * HOCKEY Sweaters * PYJAMAS * SCARVES * BLOUSES * SLEEPWEAR MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 2W0 MAIN TR 8-9261 =111 EASY TO DO and tanite stiltolu giot, itis istîutîi tueiciruaeo sel ca ise eiiher a Chistsmas uift aoaloteysaaaeitem.oeyemillappritelifsmdernuhere ad usefunes. Leaf- lt No. E-4632 is avaitaiste tret if yuu nend a slareped, stit-addrestd attotiope ta Tise Ca- natanCsampion 191 MaieSi. Milton ONLY AT DOMINION Williams - 9-tz jars SPECIAL -ôilfr -atz istîs, plus deptoît ASSORTED JAMS 5 for $1 GINGER ALE - - 8 for $ Carnation Iastant - J-lb. ban SPECIAL Dures Ciseice - 4",r. tits SPECIAL SKIM MILK -89c APPLE JUICE 3D sl Kmn Tilul - Choce Cransted isPECIAL Tnrry lSisefi'si - Il-et, tins SPECIAL PINEAPPLE --2 for 29c DOG FOOD --6 for 49c ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIXES CHOCOLATE - WHITE Heina Canhed -15-at, tions PC DÈVILS'FOOD 1940,- phg. e0 SPAGHETTI_-- 6 for $ CHERRY - ORANGE £10 $1 <beer - 3le off King SWEET PICKLED EEGN pcen$10 COTTAGE ROLLS Ili. 59c e TEGN pc u 1 PEAEMANtS - LEAN - EINDLESS - SIDE Kent Chalco Pented -15-talions SPECIAL BACN_59c TOMATOES - - 8Sfor $1 FEARMANtS AYLMEE BOSTON BREOWN 15-OZ. TINS Beans with Pork N BOLOGNA 3-s1l AYLRFl CHRISTMAS NEEDS!1 Fancy- Peaus, 3 R 9c Baking Supplies --Nuts Arl Values Eftven lto 'lintI Ctosing Candy -- Cokes --Pickles Daminian Stores Limilasl Sof Drinks --Biscuits A7OMIN*ON Open Thur.-Fi. 'fiI 9 pa.. EEYHN IAATE 0? S STRETCH SLIMS ID SOX

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