A The Canadtan Champion. Tbarsday, Mavamber 9, 1962 hihwtw s ' r"IýMrI.. tufy $Skslt HCIRNBY . 00-uvw To SokHor, l.culSh.whusts (st .150' Big C ongregation H onors Rector After eight maths of reheucrsals an ces have benghgWel ' club thne Milt Town Minîtrels male offic-i react n sett aus Church Marks 125th Anniversary ...fcîiorepernesaeast Dy bis, Edwaed Raberasn Softil icam iha waat the H.l- ThelcId tinia, iostrel Shaw Ofl On Sundaytictccmhacd4oaae tlu Rual Chanopta.htp Cap an ctPttatti t a el~E UWIgW W tatagcgattaa gatht.îdai. t Maadt v svetlg oNaccmhe te .tca-tcataaa3,n phetta Atnalican chttch ta hlai vhona 1h,. woan the gamno 1.2 sitt.pitttorchesttrail haaon the them ru.for, flic Rtc J. i. Ma atat Laa..tlî, ai the, Hacahy Cainsefi the Williams. Ana. High Itk C Irc catttanathe cc..anatfhicu.a maitlP.ark. Sh1aonaTht-cday. Frittav aad Wrh otnueas thi seehn plitîof aifte ttttar svcein Congrattalations taNMr and Miv. Salarda... tt'ctan ail acta, ai toatha layiagof thenenC.N.Rtruais h... ptîvha ,lbtaith th c ha c-l pcadatiaa. Geargetawn ta Milton, and Af th,~t ai ur cn- In ttîgi cbt citdtnannai Spoacacdbyîthe Si.Pat's Mr ta aaou tamilsof duble viitu tt utp[î Pîî, bo î.vtaNavbmhtcO ci Mcc. Cluh, the appearanne trukhaveheea laid soh fom met apatt.shhatlîciaonAi.taHon Hpp httha aul Bcad. Ihisyeartaiti ha the second il Geargtna . top lihe pcaple'c vatd.a c,. prie luthaî0ctidlayeacadtthe grtp. Last yea'shotilg Po sttd Ru. atnd Mr, Maxwell Nevemr .a.b edaunaIonihtcattratd mor rjtdrcr aJLCannlat ith a,ta..y bo hiasto Caattilia taNtr ad Mts. itan 800. Tanight (Thatcayl gratia of tha vaiaus sects TV hatte, tablesan .d a paî. i R, Nacýihlt an tti hicth of thair aot 45 residani.. foam Haitan of tht actesn tint fronm Mtttoa ta ttaoa li recognaition ofifils scri- '"aaaa Octah3 aad ta Mr. Mta lui- iltheinathe adience as Bay..îastAe. ranged front6ta lae. Mcd.r. Slaatc" y una thtec-attt..af the cluh. 100 pcc tont tampiete. Suh-bat. Speclal Cake hirfh ai thait daoghtt aa o Nav. 2. Tickesales.tt fac tht Perfoam. tact is heiag diatcihated oa the Mis. Aiant L. (Dafy) Sisaitb of Btifct lnch as otio bv illina hbctotan Milton and George- Milton ils oaa af the panelisin alas tfthe..hu.c.nîa ia BreaksnWrist moman latta. Tenders have beurt tatlnd to sili toisa part in adiscas Walec. pIît..idaanetaich WA und Mis.. Rohect Occ ht,îkea bore tac tis inrstallation a. asiamatit sian un cancer ai a meeting plan. Mi... Pal Flipp..îaa, pti.tlot aii l ici lat ît'cict tast Totcdav and Maurice Grimes sigatling devite. beimn Mil. nood tar Miltan Distrc High th Gil asinte ile Hsptl uratannand Hamiltan. SaFhant ait Noccattin 15. Tisante. tht Gai,. p ati ta. ,ta t. Jai utht Mti hapine tata also sie iteng iponsoared hy tht Miltan and,,îtcohi M , is. CVernontît Guetph icatHalospitoa icîart oSowSle Mc. Cana repariei tht fine wiil Unit aI tht Canadin Cancer ot Arche aîcatu h..c Mabe. Vac sit...a, .îtiet.flacttantd ho coatltd bacentcalttraffit ait chtîas ntd liteofa tiblui. Thtnd %vil bc g h ad ta htat Fcanki cantrai. tacide tise bampi yard a Boca la Kansas Cipy, Missaui, u.hascclpaîb% minitre ît .,L Chisin.tî, is home tramt tht MIl comptes of taievisian, two-way U.S.A., la 19i0, cshe moted ta To- vîtr bok, eict. îittat tIhe cas 11on Distict Hos.pital w.heca cht raio, radar, tiettanit quP agant 1 934 asnacmeca haa.. iapitig a nna. a.. Utn a patiOnt or cacoia ment and comptes mi ha ut.l actict foc Watt Ditaey Eaietptises oîiand date,..ltait fiîît %,lit> louïs.. iaad ta soat out fceighi trains. is macrladl Aan Sisaith, a Te. hîa seccîa..this chat...tt..ioc-it. Mr. and Mrc. John Tîtîthac Samne 7,000 tars a day can bc ranianian, and la 1948 isecame a cRet. M..î, in 183.. iaa..t. HNRMNS and thair timc hitdren ac t .ay- handlad at tht Toronto yard. tI Caaadiao citien. Re. MiiNl vî'aal, O ha.STE ilh M.Trhttspants. s. npecid aboaai25trainscaday tht mas activa in volanner strp'lllan xpesedh nt e. J.UEMaxwell, pastor the Mcr. and Mc...Salntvcet. Thtir wclpcMtashnhn ork forisiamany yarcand il;nlo thands, fc tha gi.i. He eae haittat 15 peara ai Horahyns St. borîne i.. Ntc'ai via.. det.icayd hi tint iv ctimplated in 1965. caîicad on a fare niear Miltan, bhal t .îaezi..iin..it..ia - iSepbe..'c Anglican Cborch, tilt an Octaber 31. ________ happilycaurmoandad seiih animais. the t.,.,.a.a..Ia îtî Harnhp, is choan ..ith the The HatthrWasen'ctInstilot tractait oîcide accupatis are andbngr îal ba.,lin fî..i .l cahe preîcnted hy the congre. hut bî,ntt ai tht ploathîng n..a bctc'.tpaamit. -t [tattion... tnirsr galioa Saiidap daig the t.tiiaSt.ca.Ttahc panaI show "Court of Opinian" Mark1251 ttirih' 125h ainiteCar t oi,tti.ît ndvia valo Seek New Assessor tat îsîaîîîaliîî charolaic caîîia nu Triochuch s i flc iidý ofserices ce Du taillessandan xtededCanada. Tl iîtt'îb..vînriodiî eaît., ttti tS. t Aitc.altt . Opentlaîan anaanda thchcaue daaghiet, mariad il,125li l v : al. Lid il.I, oAte Hatieoi o ahscnca af the incîn acceccat this.11 iigi onra hfu tiia ah i..îpîîgii i.g.î. 'fititt [liatI Gat tv,.d lit, ntMnnday dacided tuadvrcisin uadngsco hrio p..lpit. On. N,,a,.bi l n.r . 11, ,.ii. Bi- .ui î i , .l i'...i. S.O n îî, ha fli citt. tfi-ca replatement. ' n hodn cal ao i aDî,.,.va.fN A,i, ...ta ......a. -ie ,îtîta. Caoa 11 'ao'. "Wa havo dicac..d ihiv with PARTY FOR O.P.P. trati t,.. lui,îiatht ficaî Wion Hatn Title tîct.aîte l b,.-uth visiti. tha assesat (Franks McNiveat Nnorth Hailon G.P.P. staff and c-hocht,...... Thunaun Naaembat Co.nfit.iat...îionn t.î flic Hanchi Stvita. concetîtt it ic thand hie agtaec," said coanicilior gaavic seid a traieta tion tart Hanh..United Chucchaontanda. MauriceJ. Grimas asharn in Charles Menafy. Mr. McNiven has Tor..dapaeaing forAI Cook,one v '. -- anîd cstrai afthettîîngrtfatioln Natta, Onaioi, and adacaied in iscan la hospiit and ai home,. af tht constahles on tha farce. iýtncethe ha tni'ttvîa. sevc GOttawa, aflar vcil c hoent inia andac doclarcs caca. datae tht vihl ic ta ha marritd in Tilbary E lctrcias N ed irs Ai ,a A..lî-.t...t Unitedt Cu,.h. seining anîd ttranaoitl triine. cnd of Aogoî. "Tisa tract ast. an Nattmhar 17. P.C. Date Eletrcan e d istA dUCW MacHs a..ing. hath ai wbich had grealy c...... seouid ctli ha avaitahietua Richatdson tac havi for tht Trioalleiiaî li ni oflia Hrcn- att..ol himseiice hic early lbu tiavn in an ad..inary tapa- pari... A sealat mac pctsenttdl ta Training, Says Inquesi Jury NaîUnite huctaîii aie edvuh il, adtecuic . PC ok "Jatînttmn Ittttt ict î,î ,eý î,,îbcd fli c-aî ario lit ti..bt iuig tte Wit naedi hseprut ..haotd lake a c..urs iîl, iî il a ...ii.îîbeiiigihi.t'a, CîntiariTtt-at.Ithe hah- ai tht Canadia.n Cancan Socityî haitta recat.îîtg fil pîipai..* ti.,.. hi. Uic-han,id lu..cncc.lh ivta t. îaoiasopaotecvh the colaneli ' v c.. ene fa.îîîa.îl ilia eqîîîpsena t 0 tai t lacd har the îa p 1a flc-a.... ,M , L n fi al ou ai flhcinqagot io t e ha itai ai uas .î. iiiîaqt.îi a.. thetol tata so ita,.cd theniceting. htangilao i. Mturethani15 ya Vaogha.n Vereaîat7-earotI-,iî... age.t pM.Wc. h, Ms. Hiltnd M. a halindthtSociety as a Haseilton vott.t, tfit an Wttiia. Gaie Respiration S amp aofthe dethaat, olundpaîn ad ain 1952 cctiT rtlctoluteitlohing ri.,,ilcaltfic orett oftftlic-1.ct.li.t . fleaaa a'flicttnly flic-Gîîta.i..Go nî I high vtageaf wîî,. ai th lh-î,u%, citîî i ,301. .... G,. char Ii.ý hu.tiv dt.îc.Ttalt. Important Part R: SchuilfurhDatonaaGtthacWl lileu,hedtfic scact ha' lnoanasvvptnnt sing andhnil. Int1959Mc. Grimesîtan matie i 10. laoitd Va..îactiag onîh th i îiýnlg articles lac the aoaat. Mci. Uvtcotuti icor. Thengoveih. . Tht iony. aanciclîng of, Naji î...n..aîoio... "À man ta Pcaotuc Relisaitî tair Mcc. Lactit ctt'td .[theSocityhbashtaen phenont- M,.thait iocr..îan, Gordcotn bli,.., h. gitiag atîiaîtsito t uvialt ru.. 1 hopo tarit... i at and M. Gciînts tias playeti Len hie. Maria, Gaîîgltv Plutti.. % iîîlitî-ICID.MuaKav aait-BihTîtp.n apicili. .lprtantland iottcalipatin tait Roy Smttîh, iata..netrialtt lia ilt.iaîî l to.. ý*l* ia ~ir,..part,., M. ulad Mi,. Witnîaîu Ilpavt.WEASonipNaesrtetth,92hn ta thpes f otruci'tion inoh aton. lîHa..lîa Coanty aca c.r .îa..iiepalacdl.. an thetitahaittid'H a ltipltl try ctuna frntt e e sd saDa fRmmrnew ing htgh toitaga viring andith.... Dr. C. K. hlîa..iî ctri l - hum.tî.. Fr,.nhiin, Panr....t.aniî. Hl a titdihaghlt o.î îtanofarCntpasetetoeemseinO searc dequat tgîîtpaettai htp. lapai.. fliaie il..,î t.. itlîiiedIoiFanklin on Stinila CîeatteCnecthe... InMrnioa izesf uCunrtk imt eebr he aoitac,îî.ît.aît, iicl....V-iiattil.ial c-.li na ,,andîth,n lc-,filt crCogesi ..tct..as. whogave heir livasin thron wa, udfrpitCIZl os ai h i., ...ita',.lie t ,1,crv la .ter Mat"e ..îaîs Tht sean. c-att.. foc ltkv HRPR h nnî ittCraaino h Cîaîîîî Aliccati tP K. .,iýD.MK,-dilit"ada irMeeing and fltic '.ltig ai hi.. pic-itra..REteCuni fte oprtino h hum . lile al I .....i .u-. lieaito r, aeti t îcaus A %i-v,. plta...îiî diaaa..î.aiîî loin hi.. trip .in,. hi.. rc-ian.. Tnovn of Milton rospnatftly preqonss ai local citi iaqoct.. th,îî il,. paiptiae Ili.., ti dct îîîaîaîiîit..ttac-lca-. . itti \a e(ai[lie Sort Retat..,tnt tri.akptihacntt.aatoahhscain hatptcitîîC- iiîii..lît,. ,,it . , bl..iî,lIttiat.ila Iýi.,.1, ,.. ini Mittîta tu.. Wenata tin.a ia- ....t fihitv ha, id lî ze st arilsocain Mt Va. ai , Cillait îhila une te'l i ,.., I .at-agtaltî ..î.î la athtl hsin [ie m nb i, It ttl MliîI, Di,ltiit Hîgi Sahîtil un hetpîag l t,. tht lu, , 39 ounno'timc-. tu la t icl ha.u... tilin'. W A. andi 'c'ora .fondsit. Tiiota, Nocaehatr 5 îchan tht CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON filîîtiiitrdt.. flic îlîîîî Sc-î.îl bt.îiigtit. ....a.. crnlaaineith..F.sitia Mulot tai Diîl elailt tî,îh tti gi,. itaî t Di. Stia.i..u.ui pi.tdiati..t ne.ii.îthevnattrc'. atiCadliaCtanc Soci-l.pno. ' GChiids, Mayor ta h at c ru s . .î î . i tt u î h t h e n i i ho o f e t r a b e r T ht. c n r g t.i tl . c- t a. i c-c lyl....yai.iG tc-ait.ia lia tri .îiit Vactit,î 'c iIt tu c l ic-i.. bouc a alianitihatca..iîlctti balla, ~ ~ ca "Cep c,' îîîîîîîa. i Wof Mî..o F.san Wll cliaitnoi..ail *1 pî.... ut..tdî Mc.. F....aht Wtt C A N C E R P ANI ELuD p ciî.l it ai ,\a, akina p.1 ,î,.t..î.a aîa.n.i M tc o it Ih cotait base. Polcern, t Ri/e PI,,'S.. n M i....Hoîtî ualan c whr lcsandard \, titlp c I ent riiro ii, do . T laies M.... Tat nlaoy.î lhue. ît>l Htîa, îaînîiedFît il, c. .C'..îiS'..t.rilac..M..Jî th u, iln luiee orai milO Mhi..,b Mc-Cac....n.Mc. T Rt.,n 3-tl i,.a.. lai,l.hnG r i toît,lu URSDAY NOV.k el 5t1RPN E ai.. hili[0alic5. gu.ia - ii rce has _________________ islih at..îl'î Il i :i. iiiil1l1i.iiiaaii'iIiJac îîîîtîalie, 6,u Ia,iitl ,..tll,,i..dO 41t , ulM I 'P11 jH nr oitr.... se B in mari on flicî.îa l . a.îstandard ai c- T,u li laiai aill tin ......~ ilT R tud ain, i.. r...h., 1--. c... .o. 'îî ct..,,.. Decoratn Uints FAeR N îlîîa,.îîîîtîlî,.'î,îî.ký iiil.îî,,î.. ,,,.1îîî,î,î..a By Alex Camnpbell flic l Ill lin ,,, LII ai,l 1- lc n The Cape Cod House t NEIL LEROY, Mvoiieraior & M.C. CBC Moderator of ""Cou Tli.a, ,f,iiuu.and J,k iiia.i.a .i-,iionithal,li.. Wiaiotat R. -" or c-itkigtal . iia i.auii .1~ii. 25, typn. uta hi.. RS ALAN SKITH -- CBC Panelist on "C utof upiniou i alt. oaulîîî,î bu. rh....., [Itatl M th. hatot nrrqe iii rlchaitL thbe i. i ini ai i - îîî.îîîî,.aî il.., Irit (ilai Ai in- Cit of. ilc fil MRS. H. C. KRUG -a- Chairman of Women's Service, Ontari printc, tînt- a han.... ..nit flic ruh in lta ao nti Dr. . .G MacEACHEN, of Milton - Representing the Mi SUN LIFE 'tIhfr oa..a Drle picol untî auttîl' MAURICE GRIMES -- Executive Director, Ontario Division of progressive t ttiitc- clhc-saa.tr ttic-t ic. tic -ngantatl Have your questions answered by a panel of ex- A glimp toutc- Lu i aura lhc-'maiîlc ports. Simply write your question on a slip of papler any- ntr iiaptci' allaill mti..ainte nd -c m th a, 1il Aseai time befote or during the panel session andi it wiII ho ! 1 al ik'.directed ho the panel for discussion. progressi îe Du , lilii il.i lacsta n haaepiao ii ADMISSION FREE -- REFRESHMENIS SEVE -- EV t ha .ctilnns anti drcaperies.se WALLACE GRAY -10 7 Court St. tcictl PLAN NOW TO ATTEND - FOR FREE TRANSPORTATI< TR 8-2421 CampbeII's Department TI 01Store 28Mi L SPONSORED BY ThREMILTON AND DISTRICT UMI 0F Il $un ILOP £SaOiANC§ COMPANY or CANADA MTtN *ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT AND GROCIRY STORE FRUIT AND VE04tABII VALUES Smoet Jidey Vaianela gave le. In W eR 5 ORANGES.,...dos. 39c CAULPFLOEe.25 No. 1 Ontaio SI-lb, ha. Fini. Grean Ontario lis. bel POTATOISý ... $1-09 CABIAGE -------- .. 10c' Canada Dat Ring Siae 1 il bus. Kraft, Saalt or Crmnchy GINGER ALE ..... 59C 12-m arn Suve Sc Plus dep. PEANUT BUTTER.... 29c Sapreane Pantp 2-lb. bial Quana Royal SUned 15-ain FROZEN PEAS ....49cI PEACHES ....6 for $1 BAVE. ON THESE SPECIAI.S White Swan Tallet 4 rala WagstaWs Asi 9-ai, jars Whitle nr Colored Jams or Jellies 5 for $1 TISSU ....... 49<Peuh Prean Digestive fila pk. Pet Ioulant Laege 3-lb. boi COOKIES .-- .----- 39c MILK.-------------.-- 89C Sire 196 Breakide Whit la lad Ideai BREAD._. 2 baves Sic GINGER ALE 9 for $1 Ps dep. Atatfard natta la Chiakan Naudie 2 pklis. Allants 48-0. fin SOUP MIX .......19C APPLE DRINK ..... '29 ____________ Rohbla Hood ave 10n Green Gisait Penny Sure l7n Roal asoanat uneo. box PEAS ........ 6 tins $1 CAKE MIX ----...29< SPECIAL MEAT VALUES Freuh Lean Park 1Canada.Pathers Stieed Shouldor ROAsT lb. 39c SIDE BACON .... lb. 45c Mailte Laf Lemn Peanseal Siard an Plna WIENERS. -.. lb. 45< BACK BACON .. lb. l9 Phone F'< RIE, TE 8.6043 RESTIV S DEIVR I4SCUSSION AT WILLIAMS AVE. HIGH SCHOOL, MILTON rt of Opinion"" io Division of tihe Canadien Cancer ilton Medical Group fthe. Canadien Cancer Society se behind the Iron Cw-tain wiII be an es- esting filature of the evening as Mr. Mau- îcounts his rocont visit andi stay in Moscow. ERYONE WELCOME ON CALL TR 8.27,53 NE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY At mbWN *àfr MWe rio" p Airan, alli. PSS.to Paiuit lu JanIlon The Netson higli snhool stnior We are "o0 ta repr hat commencement exefcises were Mci. Elgin PýZtteon a ain iseld at the ichl iast Fnlday ln Hamiton Genera Hosital.. niglt. D. L. Taugb, MA., Super- Litte Donna Lytine Rithardson, attendent of Senandary Schoots, dauglter .of Mr. and Mii. Glen North York was guest speaker. Richsardson was chrlstened on The Valedictanlan mas tiennis Sanday at Zimmeretan Uilted Johnason. Munic was supptied Il Chac. Hier grandiparents, Mr. the Nelson High Subaal Senior and Mm. Edaramieiet- Concert Band. taiaed atibetlthomeilier on- Win iuoiaio ar. Thaxe present were Mn. and Congratulatians ta ila Mai- Mn. S. Richandson and Shsaran shati and Mariaa Hanter, 'ha afos atian Mr. ua n. Da. coereasuccensfsi in winning tise Cl astrndSepfilon,Mad Mrs Battan Juniar Faniner DbaeClf aesfMtanadM. Iet at Bavar Schaaie. ie and Min. Gîta Ricthardsn, lt.d- Mr. and Mis. Tam 1Saater and aeyand Donna Lynne.. aans af Oaisvilte visitad Sonday snith Mr. and Mri. James Mai- KITCHENER SPEAKER shah. Dr. Finley Stewart Kitchsener Mrs. Jean Doaglaaaof Grimsby silthe the speakser aîthe anual fil;apending a fevi daysibtis week Wamdee's Dianer acheduted this aith the Marshatis. year for Naremben 29, Wanden C. Mm. Wm. Meredith telebrated A. Metni anaauaced thia wemis. hiem bimtttday on Sntsrduy, Nav. 3. The dianer, iactudiag Balton Little Lotie Lee Anne Haganth municipat officiais asd frleisds .,alebrated hier third birthday on viil he heldi ut the Rialera, tueday Nacember 6. Narval. ~0 - . 't' a-- To Tise Hal soatiin speaker, a patient Ith, petitian. The proi OnarioJ 1 ain. ta taunip se campete 1 petilauns t tpublia sp line in la ptoseing el Runne-. fan public of the Mil hie auiiins suit appa tian. ln atidi drain, eaî Haltanst soieciei f ing camp Marshall tht Paer. Nurse an the Nunni the caunti Smo E