Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 1962, p. 7

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tranior, itytrootin; F ergasn mnmeritufitulrantsr<rearmiut- ed); Fergason mannue loader, isy- drauti; Parguason 3-point Ilich gradear; Ferguson 12" 3 - eontt itti pincel i-may dise, tfi.; donable dise; Massap Harrismai ona speaden; natti-panker, 10 fi.; Jobs Osera titis delicery mise; boy wagon; nions bout; cemeat miner; 12 fi.grain auger witbnt- entrin mater; 2 secs itarrnnns; nprnag tonus naiticiator; groin nitopper; fannisg miii; nedar ponts; new anti uneti tusier; f ercilizer neet drui, t3-dinc; 24- lacis nbain sac; ntaigbs; tiay loader; 220 roteeti ocr 60 nycle; tanne ncminbher; putiey Notice f0 Creditors AND OTItERS In the Estais o! JO1H ALBERT HIARRIS, dec.sssd. AIt persans itaciing nIaises ail- ainsi te Escale ut JOHtN AL- SERT HARRIS, tataenifRiisnide in tise Towen ni Bantingn, in the Cnuniy ni Haîtun, Labarer, nia- neasati, wbn disi on or about the ternir, dny ni Marvs 092, aae hnreby nutitieti ta tond thiai ta tise andeanigneti solicitor for the Atisinintratain ai the noiti asiate, duty ceritieti, on or belote tha Fer Pctting Subdivision Na. 1 Lni No.t1 ta 10 inclusive, in Con- cessions i, 2, 3. Poiiing tocation, Orange Hait, Cosphatlicciti, Ont. Chsarles Ring DRO. For Pnîling Subdiisin Na. 2- Loin No. i ta 10 inclusive un Cea- cessionsn 4, 5, 6, 7. Pnolin otion, Oranga Hait, Camphic'ilr, Ont. Roy Wood D.R.O. For Poiting Subdiivision Nu. 3- Lais Il ce 21 inctusive. Pauman tocatin Brnnhniiiit Holl. Cyrit Rilinti, D.R.O Par Patting Subsdiviision Na, 4- Loin 22 tn 28 inclusive anti Lnts 30, 31,32, Cncssins 5,6,*7ndt Lois 30, 3t. 32, Rani Hait Cannas nien 4. Poling loction, resitienca CLEANERS 1 ELECTRICAL SERVI 1 HAIRDRESSING KNIGHT'S DRY CLEANERS LTD. satisfnntion Goananteati es Dry Cicauting e Shirt Laundering Sanne day servica id reqnurad es Aterations snd Ropales à Rails anti Drapasz asperldY tteanad a Free Pink-up anti Daiivauy * Att corS dune on promnises CALI TR 8-9941 n-itf DRAPERIES CUSTOM MADE DRAPES la Deticeredti 10 poo hume. retdy ta hong.in 2 weks. " Rspertty matie anti tininheti, " 3-ide urvay ni patterns fru-ns chcch ta nitosa, CAMFSELI-'S DEPARTMENT STORE 228 Main Milton TR 8-6021 getf PRINTINO TOP QUALITY COMMERCIAL PRINTING We design anti print distinctive business siatinery, oficen anti itusinass inrmcs. Dirent mail oad- vertining, bulletins - in tant, ai- mont any printiog ynic may base. Atinm un ta qunta on ynur mort. The Canadjati Champion DILLO PRINTING lit PitOLISE- INO CO. LTD. 191 Maia St,, Miltcun CARPENTRY *FACTORY BUILT *CUSTOM BUILT KITCHEN CABINETS ansd FURNITURE TR 8-6145 ce McPHAIL ELECTRIC * iNDUOTRIAL * COMMERCIAL *ELECTRIC HEATINO Complote EIectric House 6i Citarles St, Milton TR 8-9513 c-if PLOOR COVERINOS RUGS AND CARPETS Ouatity Broatilocina a Rocs Sizas a Walltau Wall "Entimatas Free' CAMPBELLcS DEPARTMENT STORE TE 8-6021 228 Main St. E. n-49-t! GENERAL CONTRACTORS A C. CANNON & SON GENERAL CONTRACTORS Castes Homs Repairs Atteratiins Modern Cupisnards Plans anti trea estimfaises Yeats ni asponianne. TR 8-4424 t-i RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD, *Home Isprncamentn *Renaotilics *Atterutins *Addtioins *Commernial or Industriat UL 4-2263 ts HAIE STLISTS VANO anti PAUL Beauty Salon 95 Mois Si, -' Miltn ExSupert StySng * Tiating * Permoann Waving Safi watar olsesys aseti For apPoina" raB TR 8 - 9931 c-3I-tr VOGUE BEAUTY SALON Spaialiingin Permanent Wavas, Hair Styiisg Hair -Tinting 192 MAIN STREET TE 8-241 n-t2-tt FASHION BEAUTY LOUNGE * uatitieti iair stytints *Indinitinat siyting *Cncktailisbaspnns *Hair nonditioning * Cnitieoving Wereainr-noniei isy Cnmonatin tinra Cresi Hardwaora Speniat stations raton TR 8-9533 Open Tues. anti '(brs, Evsnings. 171 Main Street Miltn DEAT -35-tf HAIR STYLISTS MILTON PLAZA *Modemn Air Cnnditinneti Sain *k Tinting *i Advsannedi iyting *Air-nnnditined dayars *Ony sotmorcisad Heurs I Mon., Werd., 9 -6 p. Taes., Thoas. & Fni., 9 - 9 ps,. Sac., 9 - 3 p. AMPLE PARRING TR 8-2501 JANITOR SERVICE Expert ond Satrsfactory CLEANING OFFICES AND STORES Watts anti Ait Types ni Ptanrn For trie estimates call Milton Janitor Service ORNAMENTAL MRON Milton Ornamental Iron ALUMINUM anti IRONERAILINGS BILL KELLY TE 8-98271 g-id AUCTION sDMU(.stUsd> sç U guoaoIs Is e "sIdss AUCTON ÀW1~ rFe"n tftci0o6e bsaeSi; twentisuihya Y nhkenlbftc, 1962, owuâunr or1JcMfnc a~6 hap anti ho distribcaiod, itaving regardi on- Of~t9 san OA #UEi5WO ttàs Anti 9=é".0819ti0io. ly un clonsa of mitict the saiti 80 puse Usss C5slaa Dtnner TEiMS: Cash witis serks, soliitor sisail titan have aotice. tl etc. Àcuitoniiý ])daetn Mitton; titis i7th day - HERX. m. REINRLOiPT ni Octoer, 1962. Éroperiv a Snltgrcca, RSINPTR Y. 01CR, 39Mm o Àk A ftf càma*n2 Sotciuot for Atiministentrin, 39difiah St, Gonrgaîa44n> où o6à 9 anS. SATtORDA &OVÉMBRÊ & Mffr on , 10tarMo., At 1.30 p.m. nitorp, EDRMLO. nai, t2 Sacoral nid pieces ni malman, TENDER_______________________ -mabogasy anti Fine; 5-piece mna- isagany betranmsunate; diaiogr rnntniing rmse anti iciea T EN D ER S Nassagaweya Twp. fniueanti applasces. cintas sic. Ctean anti inýgati condition- FOR SALE 0F SCHOOLS NOMINATIONS EnussnnitNo previaew antil Tendernmwiitle reneiciediy the 11.00 a.s. day ni sale. Tncachip oi Psqtweng S(rboni por»Roffl, Dsptl Raoa. endi TicRMSt CASEH. raBadN.ttu h oen hg ontIasfcls oîI PRANK -PETCN, Aucinuuar, Ae or o o h aeo ht onifln e h uii b-20 Tee thne87204 ib o ni asonts, miin are palisy of Nosoabaw.ye, andi Iwo ____________ 877-2864._ oeiuclsait Limnisoase, on 5is Trottinés for ISIsool As-os No. 1 CLEctEWM Lins beonc tisa village; Blue in the. MonlitpaIity of Nasaga. AUCTIO SALE Mouatais, nn Sth Lina, batoce Bat- Tendors tn a btietivenati ta thse MON,, NOV. 26th, 1962 0r Faon Madisssay, E.tt, i se Sreiary-Tresnrer isp Tuastiaya andi Sonse tosutiejsoid sfets mannn, 12.00 n'cinnk, Denember 4 a8 the Township Hall -anti sartoi "Tender for Sctsant," EROORVIELE HigfcI aschenaor anyutenderntnc . â sarity annopîtid. Nomiatiuons 7.30 - 8030 p. Lnt 25, Concassion 2 NOS, Tra- H. E, BATRIN, Sen,-Treas, In tisa oyant ni a poil being de- falgar Tmp., Oahs-itle, 3 mitas Sconian Area No, 1, . sandoti, the batintingwl cie belit wesi ni 712n Lins, nn Bacot Cannas- Towenship ni Esqaesing,. on Monday, 3rti Dsnnsher, 1962, nionnRoad,i1mile nourtioftNo.5 R.ER., ergetowen. ai0- atheîntîncing pae. Higitcay, Onkaitte. -Pniin open ai cas 'cich in tise SATUISA, MOVEMUER 10, 1962 fonrsoon anti ctose at set-en Ait 555 Il.n ncck in the atierno. Attin Chaimers 66 comine, mith ea a nxli Fe n 20 5 LIST 0F POLLINO PLACES PLASTERINC BOB WATKINS FLASTERîNO *Latisig * Stanna * Repairs Cati TR "-581 Pur tmgo antimaies. 189 Brnnte St., ilton. - -il PLUMEINO AND HEATINO OlL BURNERS JIM MALLON *Ceaniag * epairn * Installation 24 Hour Sarvine Ail mark guronteradinsorei. TR 8-6797 c-27-tl TV andi RADIO SERVICE STEWART'S TV Prnndiy Prenants 1963 ZENITH Andtir *FLEETWOOD* TV et HI-PI le OTEEO Sales - Service 348 Riagniaigs Ci, TE 8-2452 c-tO-if DURNAN TV AND APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE *R.C.A. Vicr *EC.A. Whiripnut Franchised Dealer 222 MAIN ST. TE 8-44"5 c-tP TRENCHINO BACKHOE WORK Trsnnhing anti Waeping Satin Scandi - Oracri - Sioe PIN CUERIE - TE 8-6211 CLARENCE CATION TE 8-9313 c-id UPHOLSTERING Milton Upholstering anld Brighter Homo Cleaning Ra-upbeisiaring, re - stytiaf. Cucins buiit fureiture. Auo anti taninS scas apairri. Wr nanshompnnsnur rngsoand tarotucra in ci u sima c haine. Ccii Os 1cr trac, estimates ci 3.58 MAIN ST. TE 8-9094 n-18-lf WEIL DRIULINO WELL DRILLING J. B, RUTTAN ER IL Milton, OnL Pitona Barlington NElson 4-602' g-if ut Duncan Mottai. Art Viatssond D.RO. For Polting Subdivision pn. S.- Lots 30, 31, 32, in Concessimifan3,ndteWs l ofs to cession 4. Polling location, rs donna ni Hughi MacnPherson. Hugh Mac.Phersn, DR.O. D. H. MeMILLAN, Clark Naqsagac'nya, Oct. 30, 1962. The Ton Coliector wil ie bin titi TonhpHl n erpirttha haut ni' Nominations ta issue cas actifiates b-20-2 IN THE MATTER 0F Tihe Con- sesvatins Authorities Act, R.S.0. 1960, Chaplsr 62, and amnnsdmentso tinerecn; AND IN THE MATTER OF the exproprIiions or poas of Lots Nos. 1 and 2, lns Concession 4 New Ssssvey, fssrmerly Town-o slslp of Neismi, nom of thse Towns o! Buosilgon, ln tse Cossnty of Haitos. TAKE NOTICE Ihat Tisa TwleMl re osrairAutiturity pursuant tn Section 24 ut The Conservatin Authoriti9t Act abovermniinte, dnpdsiaid in the iOngistry Officn for ltae Rrgistry Division of tite Coustp ni Hatton on the 25th day ut Sept- ambar, 1962, an Mincettaneous Plan Number 58, aplanand ds- cription i n accardanno with tisa provisicons cf Snction 24 of tisa .said Act, rprcpriating anti vant' vg on tha aid Authnrity for fic useaofthe said Authcrcty tise lands shccsn an ther said Ptan, namaty: ALL AND SINOtJLAR thai cer- tain parnai or tract cf tan2 Ond pramiseansitt, lyinf andt baing in theaTon onf Buringtn in tisa Ccnnty oi Hattnn ad Pronince cf Ontario; bning numposeti ni parts ni Lats Ncs. t and 2, in Concansin 4, Naew Ourvrv. for- marty Tcownship of Nelsan, o ccid Tosnn of Burtingtn, narn- taininf an aranf8i aces or tanles, and nohici salid parcol or tractaif land and pramisas ns moeparticnlariy dasnribad as totinos COMMENCîNG at the esti ut MIAÉt-(Cossnu.d) MRAL <Cumfnus Knox Ordairis, Inducts Five - tise fnttnc'iog noarses and dia. t118.47 frai te anctbar infle' tonnant tharain; 1T l * EGINNut4G ai a point in the THENCE outis 38 degrean 53 T Elership of C...ngregation * soutisrascartyîimitis'nm. te ns minutesn30 secnsWest stH[cn. In a ccamccy detcnded facm adicitizenîocldiy and hanrecd Lott1titant 229.Oet masc-ed icnung logethe sat tact mrn. one ni ttc cidetac s utc aIll ho lii Miltcon fci' thc pont litocn saushstry aiung thr satit ticce ]finitt1838.39 feet tu heCritianttChi, tchlcic.c-atd war'c Hccîc5cc-ocdcwith the suuthnaserryt]imnit romthencn ospotofciomceoment. intaccllti occsucc c l iUnitdStates Acmy Air Forceain easiarly angle ibereaf; Tisai ficr saiti tands ara reqairetd Juida'niinhearticctclc band. WcrtId War 1i, hae n. no. cncck- *THENCE North 46 degrnan 17 fur tise pranaccaiiccct ci lha Kîcos Paanbcccc ait Chcrch fctsta tin r the Bell Telaphcca Ccrn- minucn te nss 10 a se 9766 s prings and fur a muiti-icarposo iSonda> ciî,îa c ca.o oi noclpcn c tco tees; cnsenrvation aca ici racrî'aîi'ac fic mon ca the cidnrnhcp ci 'he Mr. istckca, the iathcr ai THNEand nildtad fi angni-olîs fcrocirchcnd induct't asintblciîtcinl. i, arcctic figure inccm- TH ENort 38 tiegre2s 56h aland acvccns'rvition puccutheoldtc'hip ci tihae canreaolte mcciii tllir, is Vice Prasidavi mnus an67.2aaî a h icc h ,i le ai Achîcaîîyîvnl Alc'ccccc ac t-cor ao thc Kits .! the Haiane ai Sohccl mccc- piintnoacmmncement ci iha.tinrspdacc Se.sin ennvciaIoc.cnd t i motecif on the CaoniJlel senrvea parclcoftand inteatiat lu hac comrat la n hala u t h n h or o aaer i h descrihedbheren;Thrteoneofavldexnm neesr f-nI i6 tcary oui .hiirch and s tcigit Chch ,THENCE Northb49 egrces 23 requre a leadî nrtîtadn u tnc' btnrfie nhhclcch otc- tnOintesWsi586.34tfeat; r aqn ce toa aonicccci Ocra 'liecmerachccncfithica ngt-c- Uclik ches naKt'ncth Mar THENCE North44 dooreas .53 respect of tisa expropriationo gao votcctihsortcallotfoi nhol ablccchcvo hahclicdon'or minutes 2Oseconds East 258.04 nahadchctoclnni caahrcctccch t In iictlhsitcihhacp fttet; Aaîheritv, 225 Main Streot, Mii- tiis cfficea. lice ci tise cor Vars n-han hoe cTHENCE North 38 tiegmas O0 ton, Ontario, rot lacr tican une Siody Doctiine, Lawe sert i h tithe .C.A.F. ond a *minates 20 secondsn Wenc 773.68 meacis dnar ltae mailicta cf c Ossscîcciuîs lhcse clacied. u co arcc. in Eclacid ond tcdic. Ha t s; noticehyiheAihaiccl, math'oorciiifMcilcton aiecfnMilton ccplorale is cccecce tou tTHENCE Nortb 39 degrees 13 ccnaa rcacha bird publicacti occo stccdy oi dctrcne and c.hcrci scc.l Milioe ord hon soriad cn tha mioentseod Ec 30Ohis noticecwihchrtcini(haicr la olefrpac the m eoi rhoit Bcord oi Managerscand han minues 0 seond Eat 30.0 dnicia. This prccnn coma cu o loc0hi Chuch Sobcul. Ho hon nix tari moe or less tu tise top or doa. coicicnclso iha heancarcagcof c.hidrniaatincbacmcganaad- cetige et a rock pronipiar; tAE tMlaOtn. hic tiaordinaticn and indu.ccto Il.. lie latins Ili, ftcc tiaho.a cTHENCE Oouiheasterly aiengtcsdveOcor.9. queistins acd prayca in tisa pra- haa onîlhc Kirk Sesscon for tthe said top nr otite ni the ron RALPH SHERWC3OS3 s'netr ci tha ac paic c ta pratiple taits intrsetion wlb Chairman, IOanda * marniof, osrice cpý On Boar-dFive Yeosn a tre dnsn un a corne ut 'Theicncine-Mttet..relck o- t.cit.ii Illcctcaatiollsttot-, A occof ai Breonac , Noaa N ort 39 degeces 42 minutes 30 sersotin Aothcrity, cd is support ocd niadiccace sonîlcota James Sc.hafîald. c.ame ccc seconds.Eastcfromtthe point of 225 MainOitreec,o thaacters. Ontio'ccniarc agooand han c ommentement. MILTON, Ontarin Raýcicd ccc tisa Kirk Oc-cino lic-ad la ilton for tiesa ont *THENCE ouths 39 degreen 42 NOTE: ccnearc titdalr tha caiti thon ccli tnt' nharinc tisa fuere sears. The totaci oaun docfhlc', mainutes 30seconds West alOnsgAcinctdsuamaoae.lsac, metcih ofcfnr.cfoiiin cci ie ta csmplcccd hy Oraado Etc use uiti tfico 223.0 teet more or tanant, occupant, pacson ,j.i'lris aspects. In addition, una p.'iicns l Mlioa,a buvec.crHe bs lestcathe pontt of ncmmenena-taoaiimicd esacaîor iataratandi1cpointaintlcayct'llnshorainthe'chtI' mccamhai'fttheBar'd ment. a gnerdin asecaairalministira iihicourtsoftflc c.hanh.the sal'Manatgersl Knox Chcrch fur The saitilands are requiredfor [oreor ironîtc in thon l.and or Prachîltv t ha Scnc.d acnd Ilta it-casacs ant isnpacaalscret- thepaenarvatonnofthie nprinsagnyintaaasilhern isanicc. (caaaralOAîaic cs is Board. and fer a multi-purpnne conserva- c-24-3 Odintfor Lita . Clmaton Wilson is olso a n tionnarlafor rereatiun and ilti-d____ Thic'ordc'tioniccisia oita1 cciutMilton. Hociides and in ficle and genrratly toi' ait 0ne IN TE MATTER OF Tics Con. 'llcîîh. shcîid chat' mata e Ioc ai ongate tin misait tormiaf on is oit conservation purpoes cehici ssrsatin An ithorcitts Actntltoac.nga ion, tisai ccii ccl ci-caot Milîcoa. Ha hon baccn a uha said Anthnrity may dram ex- RS.O. 1960, Ciatope 62 an hit a citi-'laa nt cii lectat caccaher ici tha Kncox choir siaca pedint. ctenrefntstherto; Illcc. 0I fliac le f 110i cl 'not. hî,î,îs tic ondin a ethlc' nictha phdiethe owtnernni ofetso chy os recoacd t liche is'siont, Knoxî Mia Ototlî Ha h an scri- Tltts m n and ANDIN THE MATTER OFtire a1 crie waiiioaci i'ccinsllhsN crloncthesoard ofMaagersnifor esyrepriatiti as above-menioneti expsoprtoion ofporr ut Lot Nu.'ochiPahi.caCîîl o hp5 ciiios aiaps inrquiatiotteataam 1,n lIn Concessio4, New Snvey, vas cositrfratcc'aacindccciiiltoprc.sideanttcri heMiltnad ail niaist for ncompennatin "I !onsseriy of Tonshaiip ati Net- the office ici Knox Cisocis te Hoitctc Juitor Faactis, hon rrspecitofte eprpriation et son osof thetaTon of Bouc,! Thomats Acmis ccl an c.ieo sr is cirmic of tisa Bord nuchtlandiiniisenffice ni tha litsgto,lnthte County of i ORcfhcEclacci cîhcccpc.cl oftcMacar and taelaa ofc saitiAutiscriiy225 MainOSreet, ton. t-taiccilcN. YkihCn.hhc. Miltn, Ontarionot ictar thon TC htT-yaso is-fl nNwYr'teCuc '.1 une monlb aiter the moiling ni , TAKE NOTC cho Ti Ct cc% ad coa c. Cincit I riin As a praceios ordiinati rider nnceyb ahrl ocbTwait'aMila Craah Conratin Enanlaainicars hgsneh-o i. Dicîcis Ptaahlateian onror the tbirdpubicationnof Authoricy pcrccaott cîc ain 24 cemief îai lio ocd t Chlîti. Coîtiiphalltilc. ihcre hc chic notine, whichasrr is the inter cf Tise Censersvatin Aîat ilions He han li,,d cn Mc ltccc for thc. usa cr andi ,i,,cd. Rahari LoS- date. Act aht'ic'-mantind, ticpccincl pasi o Ncci acs ond in emPîci- ingitaccnui coictaiibutiiadc- DATE atMitin~ niarn. 5 i tise Raginiry Offica for thecd In flia condica Ornaa.oîc ccl ita ofce.c' an Kcox Chaach. Ha 1th day ofOctober, 1962.-0 'sResry Diisico f theaCcivt Cccýparzlciicc rdoihý,ii bas IiitctincMilit or lic ao ofHaitea oc tha 2li da ni Sept.il theis Hicrn trasmillai' He ais îhrac. taon- silcea rc.crc'nc ircm RALPH OHERWOOO. amisar, 1962, on Mmc. ;laicauin onisocia mentcl. tii thecn- tc cinc Ha cii o,activeas an Chairman. Pan Numhr 57, aplan and des1 ciilt of Radie Eciîccaca He ralaestasitc, cinchis tona. The Twetve-Mule CasaS Can- caiptice inacocrdance itfl cili cias nen son, a Baptîsi ntîîîîniaî He a i a m îorctiii ofIChoi'r servation Autberilv, provisionts ni Section 24 ot flc li Noa hc.lia. inCîcari li tlte and is n nr'icsg 225 MainStret. salid Aac,-prccpioca'tcinOs In Mtitoton n caieîfonction herc.Heaicthe MILTON, Ontario. iO .1ts sAi Aithcc'.c c îa OlatMccknhiac 1 1i 1 cthaccut tuct cson ci Pacrin NOTEtnsnwner ntierithecutid usa oi tiesa nic Acltcctitc i, ha oclcci NewYorkci kwicatCian' Ric. Act jnlatis a o nrigagn, intct', lads chan ce tiesac.iîl Ptccc - trnant, occupant. persan antic!LcI camaelyt oa limiteti estase oa interait, ALL AND StNiULAR filial car- OMAGI4 and aguarion, esenutnradimira. tainycarl or tract of landand P _ iscratnr or trustes in ntnm, lanti promises siluair, Iyicia acid boicgý Trwoil oray ne abtthrini #cz-d « ite Towcn ni Bualingtan, in chai o G rs f ospitalized any iierên iheein -24-3 Cesniy nf Holin anti Province nif H _______________________Ontai; baia compnad of prt1 Fo i of Loi Na. t ici Concassinîc is'0' F w ing o ne Cr s IN TEE MATTER OF TIue Con- Now Ouat'ar, icamaalv Tacwt'ahcp Oy Mm. Ccl Pai~ or e r s cf Nrlsoci, nec snid Toena of OtîrnasnsdSm R 16, hptr6, an lntocnainiii an araojý c A aorccidentaiDccqn Tsaicdc.intcHry 9.76 acres marcr or 's, aci c ,nh ficne cid Ne. _q South4H cula iel on aai AN NTEMAT cO hichnsaidporaclcorctraacnioc ciioccoactaaciccicci iteîc e h c ANITE ATRF thse and prmisan il more porciccîa- cusnnillct ccc sani niais gting, rc.c.c cliii Ici mamis, ihra exproprations o! part nf Lot Nc-, ly danc.aihad a onclîcit' Io c ltnstit. Mrs. Mors Mt-Ke bittais acci one cicilcît accaading. 4, ln conceossion 4, Noew Sornev, COMECîO iapc csrCcccitag hanta i Sîtccî The meingt %vac îpanati sciîb the lot n o tise Tnniti O! e tnocthaacarlnimiiaoflh aiîclleanccd hat nîcîppe ori i aha 4-H Pldcicacller ci iitis the roll Ptieisoan.stosoitbe~~~~ Toeu O!g lat ditct20. ct a c acanna of tisa %il. cII "A cucul haalîh hahit i wciil Buringtno, iut tise Couny cf sltistanit'20. cieft trilt~ieIlc.clic ci lc n sac hcc. in oî ih'ot Bolton. othwasterilv iiacccg ireaa.scic.O' icia fliccis. Thi nl tsec ltire ..ccM'vas cs ci bnac TARE NOTICE tisai Tiesau atrl cilisat rFic .cîtical liia ttnoulailadcui h athc a.Oa Twnlsce-Mile CaeeSCnevto atryagetecf ldd fintieartcan cKagati iiîîî sin Th cicanic a l Autisnaity pcrscanc tic Sction 24 THN ot 46i caid Wa sc 17 sad a hacca ilr hs aci. ilosc 1.15 icac Thic ciibr cccian ut The Cbnniervatinn Authnariiis mintes1 eodiet19.6aufrdaboe ola alpcsdI lviti n illo Antios-mentinnei uipspaitati teet,; huis acivedccicaagrac tin.icsc lon dIc meetinc tisane in tbe Regisiny Offine for the THENCE North 39 dafracs 56 mani ai South Pari Hocspital. hm iîcccaa.cmisl for Hatton. The Rrgistay Diciision ni the Cauniy micnatas East 676.02 tact; Thtstcrcier is dangarccs n c. litilidaisangccis angaaforn Mor- cf Haifan an tbe 25ch dcc et THENCE North 39 dagrars 42 anycoiiln silicechea ineantd focclie B tis thu itrasitict aati Septemnber, 1962, as Minceîlananan minutes 30 scnns Eaost 223.Q lccîioftrcfitc coimas off igiîcco ci gocii \visitesacicccid ta hanr. PlanNamber 56, aplan ai d des. fart morec o esc to the top ari401ûlnciuiocs soh ao Okille. Mas. Pattic.ccciatcaca îhcctiine criptintin annnrtane wtthehaadgf a rok preii.a, Friacîda hupeal tlir licicîcciti f- tha meetingandc thesnaqurs- pruvi.sins et Section 24 ci tha THENCE Souihasîccly aoneîciacli scoc fet haotter. tacns more iitac tc tic hapet an salitiAcespapriatingoand vct- thersaidtop or dre ofihrc",n BoyneRnabhe Ilicrecordiookh. ing in the salit Anchoaitl for tse pannipita Io is intersetio tac l-u Tht atîtit haî in Oyna Cam- Deoastrate use nicthe saiti Autihty is' h îssaidnscoitheosiiy liait he mnniit' Cecitre an Nic,. 2 tira Mr, icoutield ccd Mac. Kina- landsnhononithe noiti Pion, si oita; toirly larg ta iicoiano. Micii cocclaîcacsIractacthe cirlsibhe asytTHENCicSoths38 dgnci 341 clora Miss Jesaievilien Mr,. S. plceth cl ttrns theih ALL AND SINGULAR ihoincr- minuten 50 sccnds West aoccaCucltis andt Harold Dasnc anciof plîc ha pccaris. tuis mlichlude tain porcetnorctacofiland and theaoid sothasciyimir46.,18,Tictan Tankai'. Oaiîacshaîaclc sî~cîiOacîcccîîd premnisnnnsituat, lying andibein fnaîmorecor anss cta epcint ci tclnncoci mccnineat Jo-wd ancclccîcccîo makiags ofibut- in the Townn of Bnriogio)n, in tise commacement. Ma. anti Mas. Johci Bcciich ccd tos ec. Fcclîî ing chic tha girls Cunstynof Hatton anti Province Tbacithe saittlatinar rqit- famiv of HarriccacOnt. il-ra "'orlcbceiitcr.hcoccaat'ci oftOntari; being compseO d fotr the pannarvatic et ih&iSacidiistinitcrsctiih Mi,. Tcimca î juior ha pmaciai cari of Lai No. 4. in Concenson springs and inra nmoîci-porpesa- Scicc and taiii tui out i le tiisli iiccciiii 4Nom Survey, formet,, T- conservatian arco ifor reaaon Misa .cc ilti Campbel is t pa0 miccccl Nacc 1,,n .i tremcir nbip ai Nelson. onuie noiti Tonancidictgrratn'l îacviTncicGaal coscahcî acllîeactîsu cgiaid-o o Bortingion, cnnin n oarea ati ann cocnaerivation porpanas pittil. Friend, hurpe scca ciii csoc. lin - ncmlee hvw et 57.0 acres mare nr lots, anti shinh fitc scîid Aaiinrily niai hc feeling hotter. car oa ,,,kr e ccnv W iacci pla h-sc-c whinh saitipaceortacntaofaand tiraciespadirai. lIc report ihat Mas Jtohn Ecidga îe ac ci ha ispa' andipremlnes lnmore porticntorty Thaiihe Sîlclon ofayln x " sapaintnMlo i- B11 ndc othc Camp destribeti as taiolls c'apsia icid Miiî [tcehal 'ocat iaitica tenais et COMMENCîNO at a paot n proitida abav -tî mentinc Fier Misitial.tmacac 5 frucit lri, tbe soîheosierry iimitaofthenaid cny climormtcmpeaon in ltocanrs iii traoiningaFal rIhý Allr-ci-îtciclciiatn the tntinacid2. tnimatiatrespectnofthe exprpriato GtalofPitcPctlnic st hse o bi nt nnrtbeosierty alng tho ntisn.nh landiici henoffic f h iisaciuiih Missitcccia Paarsc acs.ctsiaicticai nouihaasteracvtimitifrnm tho vnat saitiAcîhaiin 225 'doa Streel' idaitov. Oakitnuue Patient Sort% Ici raport choc Miss Leilu snuibery angle charnel; Miltn, Ontario, ccc lair thii Basting Panty Facticrsicca is a patiet in Oak- THENCE Nonsh 45 icrfian 58 oe monîh ale tîtiha mailing cfdc Tisa Youîcg Pcopias cf Oiaegtc cilla Hisiclal sîhaca c.heanciir- minutes Wesit 42.5ife; notice hi tr Anîhnriiy ta sci Pîoeshiaîîci-i Chtutuh eîtaý(lci c ocejccaistick. THENCE North 38 derfcs 5n3 onr orite hnicdpuhlioccatio cîcclccc, Li an Wetietlleytcin R. R. FordctondlS. ocf iraen smalats 30 scotnds Rosi 27.6 tant; ihisanotice, msiohacari tis thlar Oaioclle on iSoaciosa acicci. Al jinicct, trip cn Nirihean THENCE North 45 daurnas 58 dota. larigeiiemhci oaitate 'ndi t'a Ontioihis ssnaa minntes West 684.66 fret; DT a Milton, Octarie, tbis cciitid t gicicc ci mn Lcaici he _____ THicNCE North40 dvrce 1tath aof ctotier 1962. o i n accicc chas gzîhadait-i tha minutes 30 secondsn East 1197.36 RALPH OHERWOOO. hoîtme ofMissenst oveiln Jecin Deputy Governor test; Chaiccecco Marshatl fer fomeandn raiass- THENE Nrth 4 dgi-cs 1 Th T.ove-ile rec Con me s.Visits Milton Kin THENE Nrlhid iagna,7 Tsc inana-ilaCacik ee Htappy hiritio te Miss Amcie Dapuin' ovncror Bilt Stevnas minutes East 198.85 fat; cercatin Aclhariin Peac.otkIL ni \10. of Hamilton niciti Milton Riis- TEC Not56dges.1 225 Main Otreat. i' idMs Gordona Robinsona miaulas 40 secondts E-coi 1003.07 MILTON, Ontario. cîccav cotaig shi ccit reat asicatnltitcta Actcci Finide ahti moriiiio licc,- s i Sic Rin i oroti o Sti la tit.tck usnesrotono ciTHaNCESourth79cIegltc-cci01tt ,,. ponetlo a iciidcicv.dictlti.l.cc Pou îîCc;it tic fca lt; iacîuoirîîceche otlitit -,ci hlt cin Pict -ý tirrs iSchuofi. ia Parcs. MLmtlitrn mntesN50 seondsh Wes tcaang or cacn intnrnni thraia i n vesiaci. tnih n nici The porcs cacan. tgiscnat racta y parade ibis Sae- uet tatnheoiort imit ofarckprnt0n.a]rpota5odr day aitarncan. pracipins; fli cime th coin ni fot.te mt a wlonda THENCE Souths 30 degrens 39 Congratatioins ta Ma. ocid nant membea ndt Bitt Jonsoan minutes West cnninuing atooz Ms.ac l *iaivr Mon on the hirtis et cas graunid o ibrea snnth caava tesaidtlasi meninadtimnit ofatiaugisr thic pcsstrh ______oabsnce 180.0 feet un an angle tisereis t Mr. ond Mm. Carcan Pracisea THENCE South 39 dagaes 04 nîooc andt dougisiar Misn Ji a ni -nn-a, iotase arr due isy Nov, minues Watt nantinuing aong Bridtgprt wnre undtavvisuril. 0a r paid Yousntsfrfta Mu6 Isardi fant Manulti fiBttt sciih rotatives in titis district. yetf

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