Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 1962, p. 5

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NERI1 Il A FUN WAY ta get enorpane jr the Ramily ta pontici- paie in the dasoatting oR the Chtistmas troc. Littie sisten con colleci the beods ard scrops oR Rait sa that mather car faeliaro the inished pradacl. Add up Rathèr ard brother la hang theor op, and poa'l houe the mabng aSof a ol treo came Christ- mas fimi. Write frt Madel No. E-8249 ta The Canodlion Cham- pion. Open $40,000 School ... (Conaimaed Rram Page oral schtual Rllaoed Raîarday's opar- Bnsa IlRullda *tî vice pnes.sdent oRg und tht, schaal was spots te ouR the, Ontario Asoito fur the parntts agrr on Sunday. Retus-ded Childorn, desrnibrd the schassl a, "cre aS bhe mest LIGNY-DUFFERIN thogbtlal scbauls fun nutat'ded childnsthat i huave srr." He Entertains Friends numinded tegathuring hascser, tlsat "s'scing %villte-utunrd chil: At Hallowe'en Party di-en is lbu moantaia slisehtg, ',le u ca .huagalssuteas By Mrs. C.E. Dveport tlas buildinîg, yens mass look Diur, Datvid andRicky Broswa un anud .sethessthns.hal- tsLtinesdasrtomber oS [bacin lenges bat arc ycu.te bccomseli.'[husfrierds a[ aHalarr'ts qsurd. He saRRestedtChat w.k patylstThtsdayn.[OriR. Et, cantinueos rd.. the s-ltirg Symputh s luetendrd ta Mns. lipe oR classes for pne-subual suI. Cltffrnd Brsown, Jao Irvng, Rs- dna ad udutt wankshsups. hurt Irvng and Douglas Jnnlag le Mn.Addsaapnenatd Mo.tEéleMénè passiag oR tbrir sise. Mr. ddisn prsentd sun. Miss Jean Irving, Tota Heles Huard of Milton witha oait MKezHomilon lire seembensbip an the, Nanth Hul- .stdi thebèR Muommuia, Haitr ton Associatiun fon Rttanded CEt.- sitt, la ht asemaiy na dra. Mno. Howard wsas or the hsuaod first nammittre, wsier the t,-on Sue~s9l Bse.t rbirr schoti sas iegun jr 1919 Tht, ladies of Boston Pnesbytr. andbats bernactisvae rr a theee aruhanch held asory maccesstlul Itiveand as as parnst tcnnmiruu. huaan ud teu or Satnduy uftr Uniqe Plce rut jr tbu Legior Hall, Milton. Uelaoe Pace hue uas a lasriy display of ape Harold Hunr, uhuirma aS thte 1su1s. qailis, b[one smade buklag pnnsfna, descrihed Ihe suhual it% as pine., hntad. relis,.usmbits ard a "niqtausubcio und auel cake'isuErcaudy, tssfruitslads eqaipped institution." and poatt salads. Aftenroar tea Anuiet Jt. M. Matin presn[ us ssautudu[.meraittales. nd the huas oR the, buildiag con- Miss Batrbana Brassa. Taranto, tracur Fred Z.a-gu. tuba in tant, spusut tils'susut'bs'r ai lernhome. gave llth té)tons R. P. EJef. Mr. andt Mus. Robt Thomson gaes, pinipal ofthe shod. Mers Su. ,nd mumbens of thbr fasei'y Jeffanes tienr turnad the buas ard Williasm Thamsan, Milton avectntaOtnnv Addison.lInRisng t-tsiglts, Mn. and Mos. Robent Mn. Addison tht, buys. sit cuir- Thomson r. n d Mr. Ed Dorer. sertd fibut 'a-itbaat bis brin port attended the faera of Mm. ibisScheelssouldan,ér rhave c- Jamues Thomson ut Pant Credit caste a nualits." Izst Thstrsdis. Daplol "Grace' Toseatl didtes, dnpiutirg a "Rn- $500 Goes to Scouts tarded Cbild's Gurc vr h dornr [bt po[euo Tbn suttuis iIn M.R.C. Grant mur, Mn. Hýnons aisée nIrocseu'uc The Milton tResraior Cosemis. JudjtsuGoreuE. PtiI, Dr. Hsut sien mtrorTesdavnt'aaiag and Hunlus, Naion MP., andi Bill oitutl t Ra- tht, Bau Scouts oR Kinb. exu'uati'u siructor OR [bu Milona rnrof 1500. Tht, nom- Ontario Association aI tRetandud missiosraise discussrd the poos Cbildur. ubilits of [hein soppansiag the Faitorsiag the, pnogramt, nnînrmb- Milton Little League Pootball m wrm san'd. Tht, Coacb- Club. The clab jr lihaly la play men [Cnr ClubI mrmbrn dirctrtinj [bu litle Gres Cop acuiomo tIffir otsidne the muboal donri Tbanatd ir [he n buture. The th bsspenids onrBatrdavsand coîmmission aima votnd a $5R Bordas. suruo ta tht, Milton Arts and Opuo Eoastanid tour of [bu Cnaft cub. a _ i, Department of Highways Ontaro NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS 0e F CEDAR POSTS osorApt* SUPPLY CONTRACT NO. SA622358 Separale Setiodi is marbed Eauppîp Cartracl No. SA.b 2-2358" miii ha rocoiaed by the District Ergireer, De. parlemert oR Highwaps. Bas 279, Burlirgtar. Onrario artil 12:00 aorEoc Nomn, EST. MONDAY, DECEMBIR 1Oth, 1962 Specilicuicrm Infarmatian la Btddero, Tenden Ftrms and Envelaprs may e baamed b cain îr mail oil dresrod te the District Ergireor or the abore seortiared ad- dres. The lamest or arp Tender ret neessérily aoespld. Hamilton,. Ortario- Norembet, 41962. DEPARTMSN OF iOHAYS ONTARIO iIAMTQIWMAO Hallowe'en Party Has Costumes Program, Prizes, Films at Manor No party betd In the Cotp- appaaraaae ta a nscbshr dr+as adeac totned tourn erjay of Hialican darleg the Hallare'eo by ra Chinese coolies and close i alu trerata anoaotatd by Mos. festInils cosaM bore beer emone behliod bier cuase faaoai it bSR Bull, aoamje, oR tht, Enje- detlghlRat and rsnandiag [bat he prison grole rilb obi n l airsouant Catoitatl oR the, Aosi- Hatton Marier Hatissa-rar panty aaners positanl dislard jats. Es4bu yug grls~ ponsos. spornsared by tbe Marer Waseos' lbnse arr unly a feu' orasen fi est lilas, 'Hallossero ldigbt', Ion Ausitiany and hetd [r tho auditor- tha maryucostuses ino tstuuaen. whiuh 'Irs. Bull was [be aanarauo,I iose or Toeaday everieg Outubur Btar Allur, sttpucnitdnt aadl and Mt s. Gorge Narnîl [beuc 341h. tora. A. Bylues, bhe maîros ardi c.srpaist. Ali oR thesn yog Tht, fastivo nature oR tEe occa. rapenvsinig tnsrse, wrunt aiso in giîsscru popits of tht, J. M. siota wa, enharnod bp [he attnou-ý castame. There mono aiso a nom- Déis usul in Milton and IItI tise appearnce oR tho auditor- hen of hnautifolly luuauud gate sctetai scbaal euis. Tbty jase. osa-rasa oR bats and blacb ,ubnnlcbairs ta addtt te bu gamon. tasir suverai sangs. Tbnp badi rals had beea used ta desonat of te grand mrch. suritiss bue littit, play temsalses. the ratils and [ho stage mas ligbt- Judge Costumes At ta-a dill'ant timse. darnr ed midi a nom of jaab-o-lantns. The, judging, na easy tasb, a-as buhP prgrase Dtsnc Palani play- Grad telc peraumdby a panel ofjiuqs cdlirce cordiosaiast!LeBar- ARIen Mos. S. A. Ailes, presideri beadtd hp Mro. Art Wtlson as con- buta Polka, Ille Ntsiîatias Wolta,, of the o e's Asjiiary bad etr. Piaesrnnaaded asand Wbro tht, Saints Case wecoseed esarysse, tha gradjfollass Btst dtconateti whetl MachigtIn. Ms. Nta'nitras tbe search of tbose 'irnostume lookhchai, Mrs.E. ills andW. Becu accucapuistifor tht, [mat smo place. Maay of the residets. botte lp; betscueiecsumae, W. sulleiurnsca[d Mrs Paddy Wilson te sen and rvaies. more jr costume Smbs, J. Btglrp, Mos. M. Sep- ftaIhe icsj. Mu. Viggens plapuda ard thetgrand mornhmwaçnt oly ten; dnesjest costume, Tom the unesas fott e Suast sclesulia a amsulg but ispressire. Ared. Bsnhhbakad Ms.E. MoeT.as. J dirg porty ras nory praseiaert B. Sbanen. Miss D. Dnslir; most Filmota .0 leeda le and iacladednetoly a beatiai oiginaalcostume, H. Rsanp, Miss E. Mcagratushassndisaolnour. S bride ond abadsame gnoom, but K. Hill; btrt Hulootun cottumu. csd rticopicutrna îabrr dariad b aise dia oRiiatirg seitisten.jptJackbMacLarer, Miss E. Hanrast, a rucent trip ta Pîttrida. Io [lB maid ofRhonréa gnomssean,srs- Mrs. E. Elden. 1 actnmptreyiag ccmrinat'. Mn. j cralt hnidesmalds, a Riawr girl Enoyahle Prograo. Mogratu tsplinira [bu irposa. g b and [ho bride's parents. Hard or Alter the, iasgbtur ard rxcite- builtdings jt the[ Citp cf Washing. b theheilsaoftheeddig psp,setasdfiitbimputacuaiartonsad the isnlpsuensinsthe a lady of distiiection seade bonr gord seancb bad sabsided, the Suboshior St.stt ut Plonida. n At theclose of thepragn, 's~ . rcusMus. Allen tbarnd ail] base a-ha .a ' had cntribstete theibasungrrat i stucestcftbecrrnig. Relnusb. rets cosii jgo sardwitches, 1l s, jtrsenusvi bylhcuaiilary cd ti tacb punar pfert. tons. t, Halti,-rtup oas tbu nefnusmmntte ai The t stdn enoet toheb failTé [bis stratattOg and amseassg t utuniag and maop espressionsrrf tta u [atil sose respaasbli Iîrsitsere beard oailsidtsaftrc the parti. KCia Biogo, Sertes S Tht, [[tsi binocofwbat:te enoi det e lotue itl be a sut' en. asyablu roothlp stnets ras corn-r dautud tît tht, audi tarior os Wed. nsa vrig, Octaben 3lat hp c tou e~nsttlemuo reprent ing tht, f Kiasa-uo Club, Miltcon. Triissuset Clttb cutdc[ud a verp erlopabît, scsI tsi srtng and sathecsur- tuct settuatis Sciag auauti- ,iitatL>d. The preusiduat, Gaorge Chishbaîr -sta Ph, adl [ic tast pîesidettt Jotta Win- PIRS? LIPS MIMEINIP In tho NotE Haitsr Associationrf Rar v sucsst[uu htt[ prescrt. D. Bnash Renordod Childor mas prsne eMs .R Hln oad ls' toa te excllent celiear of Satardap daring the rese schoolis offitcial pertrg ceremsnp., hc-a last spng. Tba onrtE lOrs- bp presidoor G. G. Addisott. Mos. Homard, are oR the schaal's secs it attace osas M. Phsalpa. foardoers. bas boots active os a parent ard ososuuttae member Gaito Who.oer frt oOeO soron yoarte. Eigbtcer Ramer rere plaped 's a' a.usruan[b theoirreos oR [ho prizer, aIl] "M sn esadrg Mos. A, Collier, o wos ta-o 0MB Refuses Debenture Issue Tht, Or[aria Muricipal Bard The S3,600 is teu totuos hi M KI bas ntsidpermrission fr te of[hecs[of [bu ttate'sait A DW R town osf Milton ta deturaonaaPaobtratDrit[ttuutsi[ ' a' $3,00fonapropartd waenmaia bubcianorthe Dentl.Te récoantu. ieantd Mordap a uthi brio uar paid hp tbu Drparjmcrt cf Publicu meeting. Wcrbs. 6MAN5 Butîtheosufuaiseelse[bcal Cssscii astd the ,molitatu-1c mslsaderotasdlsg, salicitan K. Y. nctip the Muniuipal suntrl DisE rtspiaicod. "Tbr aust [binE ste tsowa's vnrrt tutr orauditor's repont shoms [bat wam s ingod shapa. and pusaa rtarine aig eaghseoaoy [hcaopproal aI tise duhuajausu jr on materoorhs depooart.I ISSUe. bie soid. Bat tEe salicitan espiair _______________ ed [bal [mss years s tEe lasso bad Rioaa[d a $15.040 capital ex- o perdilane for ra[erwrns oat oR suurnoreneantd Sorpls, THE HIGH-POWERED CHAIN SAW with tise AIL-PURPOSE ACTION Trse. poeé« Jug pecéel Use =1. .. tort, lob. thug o Tosagher ...obhatt pag »W MouscIl l h heurt of yourengin@.. " New Miîeo-Moth air Alter lbad. direar oo .raa. ... c. oo...ll.eonai ...toa.s laien longe. " Lighasweoght ... eoy 1 hancille. lmg TOUR 058 lin.. TEST SOON ... At Million MIling C. Parmti Eqalipmo..l Division oR Robin Hood Flour MilII LIMITED Akrelon st. TIR 04M0 TRA VELLINOD Ser fauT OANADIAN PACIFIC AGENT for Scenîc dan'r rail [rave? AiI-iRlaive flles (incIadiIR mtalî, hsriS and tipi> Grîap discounflOres Tranî-Alaniiroieamship serice Great Labes and Alaska crOtOse Hatlssand rescrits acrîta Canada Airliî seraice actais Cuîada-linbing 5 conltinenfts Winîrcrisîalo he taiflWest lîdies Mcdiierracrar an d Graab tisls i9E3 cTaiiR Information and rasercalîvîs itosu: T. W. CASSON MILTON, ONT. TEL. TR 8.4471 or TO 8-2527 TaVI6E/ [The Canadien Champion, Thursday, November 8, 1962 TED KENNEDY Mn. Kennedp, 21, is the nomé- est memben oR tEe Milton Police Panse. Ho camas botre Rrotm Belleaille. luaes, Miss E.* Hanoars mobo a-or spsucial priz oroothe lait gara.e rd Mns. V. Massn, tons. R. Tie ne, Mr. M. Partes, Mnr. B. Hart- r. Mos. E. Plausear, Mos. M. cteas, Mos. L. Piapon. Misses iManap, A. Rtid, B. Richardson, IHainsein, M. Thomspsus andi lu'aura. E. MeKinnap. M. MuCants, .Viggens, E. Dur dle anti JacE lacLain. I ram a-elusrne oea-s [a [te rsldents finat [he Kiasmer la. enod to cama as tEe asuting ai tae [ast Wudnsdup its aaanp raiI tcsuduta bingo. Decorate Areo Appnapniase dtcaraîiors a-te Ioa e sena in manp uaes ai [ha Mur- n during the Halicscetrsesuel. bie Caoseos Rsom was desuaas d ritE a iigied jasb-osianten, rauRe and black papen Restaos TIdJapacosailanternes.The dioig cas hait lis jacb.a-laotna and stostop, as did oitilararaa s tEe bailding. TEe nesidets wene remembn. d once again by heir fieds nthe o maet's Cbnch Yerof' t. Christaphen's ArRlican ChoncE Il Bsnlingtos. Theme air'aym aougbtfal friords ans ided et'unp rsideattcithuadiie curpduanat d wi[h a papler pompbio crd led a-iEh candp. [s [bu Iistj oR tht, gusts of Yoa d îhnk It Was OurCart tEe ai veu e. ar fibat spesial ltc. [bkisd aI senvicu w cia ur O canrI Wc babp oucar, tus uaneultp check vrt fittie dutail ansd rabu tnue-t's inotp-ap A-i curdi- itt. Driv [uit tcis. Open Delly 7 atm. ga 10 p. Seigneay 10 amo. tc, 10 pio. $lem lI COL -No BELTS LISTEDR PanS eia a e car sous huits wrsur nu( a, saI At Merry School te safety af Ihsiuctn huila. quosi, cn Tbasday Naseeu 15, Bu oaubmenCar ClubthaMil-i thsu;capatnl of epets -sl de- [on sembera. suha «cv 'ussutîs baIie as[lsu lpié,. "A leaibp Msttd cite 200sca bel, i 0 ýn,!a Huatltpy Body. s[ftsutcaspaiRs a[utut[erIo pataulcasîd puoîaism fsR2 foncd bshi[d[bui citsito Illeît ,tsiuî.hsave renintu ligit sut tiecttusî Tîu bilts sud bue Caaclîrsîca lo cclé, Ld [plllied Patetuinemrhr tuili be Do. Gold. [totîgh te Onti.tt NEt,t busg (i [he1It Lonsdott Pspuhiatrie Lragan., aidtstu 'd Su tc lisai. rs,dcuratar. Mn. Pull cR mhspriu r[ st ttp é 5,0f I il jeu- Brtaastuî , a tuas hen o[ higbir rn- sur. eiîîgent sta[eis '.Mrs. R. P. E. oftiuusu Carpbcliille, prin- t iraI o uth [hunshines Echout fan hnr a utllet Ocîchur birîhdcs iusutatdsud uhîldoca Mna. Baor. an punis dusuuihud in ast [ssaa5iIiat tlass [uuubsts'fromaksOc. isseIw naurs tanna attttttu tilSe; and Harold Hnry, mEs ticonals amittud. Tbusstsuîu Mis. isueashua a prgressivet sulil ln M. Baoytht, and Mus. B. Hantîsua.1 North[ Taconta. CUSTOM KI LLING f ý] AND FREEZER SERVICE MOOSE and VENISON CUTTING AND WRAPPING BEEF.- VEAL . PORK -LAMB FOR SALE CALL HORNBY GORDON LEE & SON Put your prescription in qualified hands .. . Tour rogistoeed pharnoacist uses th. skili bar of marri poes of sxacting training in. fil1in9 pos prescription. He k1Ip abrouit of pharntaaotiial science in. ordler aIwaps t. oteot your doctors'nautile. Kerr's Rexail Pharmacy K. H. Elsley, BSa., PHM. PRESCRIPTIONS FREE DEUIVERY TR 8-4492 Milton, Ont. W r e ai yu service around the dock! TR 8-2229 THE SENSATIONAL 1963 PLYMOUTH LIKE A TIGER ON THE ROAD ... Stop itio Plymouth and GO! GO! GO' And, man-Ihat goirg is greati Swingil around a corner or two-feeissýhat i's like tbe in acar that goes for the Run, of iti And sa smoothly. The brand-new '63 Plymouth is libe a tiger on the road. And mhat happons mhen you encage ihis figer aust has Io be callecd sensalionail Trotte oR the motter is, the oniy way you'Il catch a Plymouth is ta oser one. Il's a veny appealing thoughl. Specially eri pou've heord the Raill storp from us! THE HAPPY-GO-LIVELIEST CAR 0F THE YEAR -"PI;r -yY,1 ~Iu 0 N 1 1 HOMELITE - The Bible'a Neationoal Mesage- We hliose fibat tEe Cettaxaos peuples aenth descendats aI Godte servart race and natisîn israci.' tbat aur ocscat TEtara is [te continaon sf t Tbrao of Djavid; and, ins ttttt of presrtord cnditiors, fibta gesenal rtogrition of [bis idetty AND sts rimpliatiors es a anattr ofvital ottd urgent imrtance. Fcr Vauto Casr sut Osé, nREE Bocauet 'An Intrud,,isur ta the aiisE lasol Evnrar" a-..te ta tha Sesrotarv CANADIAN ORITISH-ISRAEL ASSOCIATION P.. o 44, St.tsao . 0,OOOoe.Ot.

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