4Tile C..ndWa Champion, Thursday, Norvemrber 8,1962 Bruce Off to Referee In tnt1. Hockey Loop sBruce floori Milton sports, per- flhesatsca for the Milton soos ty slt o on Tossday ou Minoir Hsocksey Associtionothe bopto bts professiooa bocksvi MiltsonoludostriaHockey Loaigos carsruas aofficiel. His fmt as- and the Ceotral Ontario Hoslsos sigoieso esi bo i te Inlte- Lougu. secrctsry of tho Hoattes nationo uitssissLeaue, stuatd Coot sbit htLeaugoototo in he central United SIloes. theo Milton hinoor Basehott As- Beeso. srs on 1936 mosud toi socustton, rotsne sn se of htreh Miltson o l947 ond ha stoce that Tri-Cssssot Hockey Lugso aod îlts hoo bsss ativ in mri> Msttson the Million Roorros' Associatison, aod areo sports activitiss His, s ml s tohaio posestjunior recordt srsen, cssith sprts o-j ssskevsih OkttoC eorgtowns g.ozioos o oad acoood Mtt- and Bramptojsssenile sith Ast sssssotsods lskorsîoofsfor tt- osnsî ansomercial hockeoy in liga si ew.Bîssiîg sos. LIa tisi Record Beeraishuheofitd He bas ouslms r hi, tsrst Ittrosodiate hockov te, thsporis ouns for thoe oeo9tIsussois Champion; ptosod tor Milton 5. sen- s os' oo. s ior and j uoor hsskey cluss; hooo ijoess beitt, Socs sossoît & wsoroquirod totcus'os hegarnie lssiraskeoofkusor andî sJ ' cids.f lgtso s t heotsrst real y impuortant gaule shas I officiai-~ ed on." Ir. "A" Last Year THE HOCKEY SEASON is fost approachi and the Miltn Intemedi clb dic hed Lost yoor.Bruce os-kedhfil w Sprasce sessions. About 32 dffeen payerghaveaétnde dh w esii t fis-st tolt 50,550 as a ticossos in proms ngsesonin tho offing. John Finn, Don Anderson and Do Wisrds s e theoOH.A. Js-. "A" circuit. Hoet al o h eso odyon Edmonon yeso mai astems at A*aHckvNw, ecgie iton MIN OR HOCKEY NEWSÂI hookes publihtiton, dscrihobeId~L Y Brcasu tsitsig 'sttiosto N.H.L. ctes*eoîiig possotialt' HOUSE LEAGUE Despito hi, muos sports octs'il- s ois Bs-usce tîods lime tlosest1 PIE WEE NOVIC blîg. Maurice Msljour cossle si, sis tsf Jooono, aod ttoso Tho Pee Wee gruup otned sheý Tsco lie saines highligbled tbe:'file goals, Rupert Cetten, Jacsk stilisik, Osîîdt Kessîî Kuî its-. Sîtîs, stss ssssnissng Hou-s Leugusi Novice acstien. For lio Poali, Kioevo, Alun Walkor and Girahams L. nuit Matîlvi ouress. Bouce specss in tins stvto, silh Rss-kto Celhosk iJohn Hopkin trons Ricky Ormond 1Worses one eash. Koo Hilson te sisîsîs homo ahout tsso us csstiug the [ires hul trisk eftIho pcucided the single goal, nshlle'pislod rap clroe asists, Oin Caug- BRUCE HOOD shoos dots ossîs issu ss'oks. saouss, as Miltton Lssmhruor- Rishard Msrray eseord the courir hitl and Garry Wiskeossuoe e-psîsrod Fa'Plsmbiog bya 42,fr Renkah. apiese. courtI. Ait, Veille ssred tho IwoI Hasd skaliog Mille Prame mast Nosemher 12, Police test Tri- gosasls' ho uoser,. tho hig gaa for the shorl-haoded Ceoty, Koighl's eogage Sport & lnjf ic sondgardg eeJack Sur- Little Ficome., seo muoaged le Cycle, and Ledsci heek Up H ornby akes Th rd Titl hbel;sod Peter Marshscarricst Mil- hogole a t-t lie agalost the' sith Deparl. Store. H oioTkenh r T L ~ ss Pharma.sy Io a2-0 shueut surgisg Crost Hardwacre leam. 1 * tIT Pts W ins Ha!ton Rural Crown "üiý lns ..u itnLme hl onic anl ihFr-Dprmn 10 01 1 hall sieh %von thoir bhird tiltlet of h tousca îhssSudt hosomo Hai. Ptumhiog.PW T Kngts........10100 the yearschssîhey dufted Less-ton oCussRuraoltioe Ch.m-1 PW L TPs. Cst........... 10 011 Pulice........... 1 010 0 vileTigers Mods nighl inonsss dfleross.hsstsluioghed-,mos. 1 00 îosc . 0 1 Hiti v, 0..Theogarnepsssslden bsuO tsioRurSoiut- Phurmosî .........1 02Potics........ I 1 00 W .O.AAik M ..t lu ssut hier suitafoh r tu- oskv, halli Champions in the lneormodi-, Fay . Oii t O O Rehokohs . 1O nemdat okvrpee pros'dtu b heshi's ss-î fur aieC.slss. MsC g 1 0 1 00 MIOGETttredthokypos- Hornhy in ho ut t l its soc- Josquus Paqete huss-id Horn- BANTAM The. deurtb of gouls Saturday ltlices frons, Milton, Forgus, Etora. ses. h s fl ic Mosdass oîghs s-tosy The MilIeu Miaur Hockey As morstst sIas more îhao mode up 1Chcltesleom, Hiltsbergb aod Asi The sosrtos hod origio.siiy huco and sostrsbulsd Issu RBis lu sosiotioo tenders ao apslugy to's hoc Midgot Hues L. ge 550itedd ut luiui sialte o o tour- of sol en sel aid bis ou-o cause. Blake loglus the Hsud bruthers, sposors et sswun hao action on Moday meeting sulid hs W.OA*A - con-! bsst hoisoss of li s isltos- ypo ts-th Issu und Graboam Gilies tho Iedustrial Cateriog faim, fer csootsg. toueer Beb Mîshaît on As-Isa sea thes- holh cltubs dssided su wi1h throo ssero theouther Horo- nslsouming tlair teas Milles Tîso high scorisg ganses saod- s-Omnsnsnsy scentre Tbsscsto soin il s- uthc ofss-s This ho sleggors. Lloyd Vîstos tueS Cutering, in lusI week's listing of scshed the 1-1 lie hetnsoeo Tri- nigbt. s-losy mode Hurnsy the Hualien tise ous, toc Lenssile. tho sheil. Ceensy Athintis Supplies and Mil- Orangcsillo riresentatiso G. Asîlusmise. thens miens o eaietStr.I bstl Merison. unablo te attend, pilori- Oclose genres, as Canodian Tire pot Car-. enassisted, accuened W.O.A.A. leaue pondsng rotouse Lueph I rIigea b m ch du e sdgod Cols-ring 2-lu s Bob Beaty toc the points. [romn the O.H. fie isistd o th golshy Rud Me- Jins Keuo. wib tour guets and Perposn et the meeting sues tu Korsie and Jerry Duncan. Posîl tsree ossisîs, mas 1kv majortsesh outanyschags thetooage * 0Meentain nelsed theJlue laslsg otacksotuo ut the aigirt, ahly ahot- nsoetd prescrit tu tlio W.O.A.A. uit ,42 Teums a Tn4e-C uny 1017 9 tily. sud by Berry Fletckhs-, rinsu goals. theannul sossling in Wingbuns. Focîsîsso tuos ssil 1 -_ Josh Hon sunsredfor Local bhrou assists. and Deug Loumis Wrdnesday *o nd ta setls hsmr pote in Ts-CousIs hesks-s 49**070, su shuir hosltIe lu 1- Ilie s'ih eue geaI and une assiet. Thss dotes of oasI tuant htos-ssclon- thîs mss t ho es-s-usssse honldustrial Loop ,sib Gren Fuels. suhuso toits- trie poced Lednsitb's te a 7-5 deci- ingeposhedeie. assocition anuuncd at ameci' cameotrom Da'e Pottihuse., asist- sien user Knight's, nshose seoir- Atthsegh the morsadeon- ing inMito onSundav. Guph<Â Lti cI Ji odsOnSurhey. isg mus spcead amng Torîy tent et flisc W.OA.Assstoastsast- and Ses-tîngtos ssilt hsing th,, ightIi Fold,- 'J GreesFeouel okraplnsith Cus- Brkec.îmso goasone assist erun]cagnehssoua s hoovten set- ota oes s reprosoesod in tbe' adson Tire ut 7.00 ains. ent Sot Sîu Gos-sais, une geaI, ose os- lIed. soons-cr Bob Musrshall said asoito o.O Officiaois oft ho Indusîrsal Hoc- ossay, aod Calocisg mous Lusol isistI So.n Patterseo, une guet. oso Ferges. Milton, Eloso, Chotten- Hosoto-.Mîtos Bsamlesasd lsy Loue auc sonus-sns-d about 4970.- asest; Ccoig Riddell. use goal, boin and Astios or- detîcito vo- Go ross Mlton hrpo n nsd tsho possihiliis o ut ho Leagos- P W L T PIs., und Gors Curp, ose ussist. tcies white Ocuopsuilio mous iikely Gergtwnvllhaetes i olg soscolo s-s John MoLeas Coni. Tise ........1 1 002 skiîbsegb Police Baiolns Majors musld enfe-r il their cossfot sus-h oftho Tri-tt's flc casîss i ouss-ciogTbs-Rom, Foos ."01 guclget-.icnslcceandsesbf.ATsfO effile,-ueos ansdl suos. sOsge- ss Oklîo aeu 4970 ..............1 0011 decsive factor. as Milles Sport ous ot H lbsgb bus notver eoi.oso-s sss-Oug ocd aothet prospecssuf e.Cste-es . ...... 1 0 10 0 and Cyle hndedtirentsa -0dru- heen eoh brd. cille. Okuitto. Prstonus and Guelph iss a o s-m cogutacîs. Alsbough ______________________________ ît boss- s-oms in ail flisc clases bs-s- boss- spossuruhip. o lus-k of ouspt opssslss andSBusilstonssiliîss--tniî-sosem ho s-oprsssssd b, midcs- ossd isisît inle mîglîs îlotstu d humlasn clubs. Ason etl ho s-se-P. L.ict Rhcîsue tsN u l . rcs ssîsî bu ssos-c. hontanm, msd- sP.sL.sRdbetsaeaîis-socs- get ait Wie r clunbns ceres m oustub.ac 01o t aeunshtn M ILTO N gos assîtes-s- sîo cîtîbu stus [lits fomation u olieîs ls- 0 In acos-osdues ssih a rscIsottison ssasupunsoc-d bu Gerry's Bokors by hol G.Mt-lA. h IbTi-Coscîls eius-î.tsk a*spuesIsfo te,-tboî seilmotraicîi m.sîsslu or ail Lou 1n sl s s-'soîsanssis proseosî Os bhautssp--sss sdsoîssi Osto QOucenstoo Motuss the se- osos- Wa bs-mtest. clss uksîis-e setsv sos-m, se ho 4., 307.30 Figure Shatiog Hawtbo-ss Lîsîlge. Miltîon, sciti esll [ss the somnssg seaso. . clh uDOtusuoft h Asss.1 Ps-s .ilbsbth isgarnme-oftesosuon , -' 8.00-1 .0 odestral Lg. en ,lsfnusro Ossmbos-1,if. st-'lî-Tessdav ss-ssssg. 2 Garnies- JGaot o gai 8 sebedrîle ,Is exhibiison as-tilln Tuesdas' tis The- ss-b-uis- fors Miltîsons ý, s-s--stoshe Rom, brut Ses-c, s lu Ts--Counis pli.v.tri o a an PLu' detof-ooî Gueesoe SATURDAY, NOV. 10 lBr-su , tt î~î tîîî ,~ s heule M or bto gom o 7-1.30 Minor Hockey titillass l BinPn ws,i iSatur-ls ssîi- o îop 2-d Public Skating-25u Bssspis ind 1 -îpslrinMls onb Bil.îîîoîslo i p r 8-10 Public Sbeing-50c Ws-slos-sdo. lbs-mîdg-îsssl 1u tusgfinhs stock in the coul ot ho eoilsu plo-. in Pîs-sîsî sîs Tbss-s Guks lis- As-s ansd L-atts plus-, SUNDAY, NOV. Il dus-, in Bramptson on1 Sîstîtos-a% "Fîtîs Assgel The show' sas 2 Pu ktn and Asîsîs ho s-s onî 'soîîsîo e s-ssssss-,d Tuesdos and Wodoos- 2- Famile orSktn Th oie cr tî,ia sn Sîîtmp- [s-tn oss lcoiglsl os the Piai TEtW B S H A IN This is on ouor fer tfi-i to nStrav u nOakiîle. TH as&Warn BES muaaN tics te skate enîy. Ne s-bit. GLEN EDEN SKI CLUB E AT KELSO CONSERVATION ARIA Special - '~%nar Pre-Season The Rates Inelado Membership Ail Towsand Parking Offer Regalar Prier to Dcc. I Family Mernbership $40 - $30 f inclading Att Cbitdna igi. Aduit $20 $15 tirql. Junior (under 18) $15 $12.50 SPECIA$ RATE$ POR STUJOIN GROUPS Wr4t box 957, Milfen or Phone 878-6071 YIilLM NUWN lu MMIN Nobody questions naturars hesting aystems-aad when it Cones ta home haating nathlng ia quille as pOrl as safe, depeadable Esso Ol heat Witb Esso you have Ihat teasîuring feeling thal you always ggt the very best; the very beit aad most etsonomical heating fael, the very bout und mosit reliable service. Cati your nearest Imperial Esso Agent tcodoy and lot bim introdoce you to that otondefful world of Esso warmlth. ANGUS A. MOWBRAY Milton ALWAYS LOO0K TO IMPERIAL FOR THE SEST parent. Conte and vnjoy e loottty eeIiOg. 8-9 Coptes Skating Club Il iotsrested phoen Syd Childu 878-6947. MONOAY, NOV. 12 5-9 Milton Minus- Hockey TUESDAY, NOV. 13 4.30-7.30 Pigue Skating 8-11 Induits-sol Leegun 2 ganses stos-ting at 8. WRDNESDAY, NOV. 14 2-5 Pubicu Skatissg Aduits JSc-Childrei 10e 8-11 Tri-County Hockey Hespaier vls. Kinîsmen (Pea Wnnîl Hespeler vs. Kinsotua (Bantamsl Actn vi Milton Manor Soals neseileil The Mlle a Iitemiedlote 1ai o f9 wao Itin tal bltn iu Area .-ngaa- hockey club tuak loto gutaea isfI -< idurs aid a, bitstaifip on Prdyagkt formard darîna the pa t =taI t *trf. Anderson, but oa Mo'dop lise ptapers ineoti. preparing fer the canine sa- Priai e, DIMi ad mure stldT4tiittimeon sou, rieo n i eaon eson te pretty rought, anc Clair officiais, prevîaasly warri- Gtond Fian, ild ployer gonened ... The Actasn est abeut tire prabtens oRf spon- Watt il ond T Irn lermeditî clair thon mîlI play sss-ship, wese tnforotnd lirai lIha CliarIn, . . Slaa HIa- la the rsque fague as Million, brut mîansagement et tire Chrarles ok an rm m Sales, thirs firaI wotn-et Suay mos- uses millis te spionsor îlot W.O.- Btil = anîl ing. A.A. nIsy andec lire nml od lire Bruce Bielu cy 51 "Milton Chartea."' wonb p ut '11 lio Ger-nata, ,T A second prarmn. flra of tnd- icDafge, B TR-CO iga capable coach irasasaone BI o ¶t5 flnt A N J C ben olvrd. Murray GIreite and Bob Starks star pl0905 wilh tes-me- MilitaS PLJ clubse, hins ags-eed ta caachr thse Dcc mle TaiS .. Beernt lo be "Chas-Ici' dartng the 1962-63 sua- qatte a bit if enthuasin, con u fl e son. ceniag Milton teria iang Milton Oficiais efthlie club wee plees- PIoPois play Intermedtatn hrockey Sa. as for a cemplatis line cd te sec, large ters cea et tire af club lankets, uniformes, fis-st Insu "Chas-les" orioîtso tropiles Ceid eqaiparee, Fs-iday and Mnnday evenmngs. monE ClIsE BIPTE sho and club spatiilts, flue- 30 prospactine players tuaSoi dilo Ios rl l las 10 Mt9tnla su tire tue un Pcidap evnng onne is tiily mottaags froon eoderthe spentalonagBfacn reTmam tffilithe Ltote as. l ?U47 Heed. On Monday eueslag Mas-- iosront. MIISOP ËMd fs-taids s-aui fs-cke JoonS oser tire rafnias ot tirepe Thateiduya ai 7 Bos______________ and paced the playcrs tirrougr a Tbe club bot s-eeoolly admiftnd muggcd sensioen, Agaîn abouIt0m not lady onemblers, aid anc. ullended mith sotce elaes. aiq ig sclspol sitants h.ane THE PROGRESS 0IF The tutloming plea tleed îoiand tire adttin ta toktl ET yT . matchesi. SPECIAL SALE SUITS s64-95 COAT AND TROU.. FORMER VALUES TO $ 100.00 t TAI LORED TO MEASURE 4SLACKS Foramer $1 191 Value Ta $31.50 BEST VALUE IR Tbese nlatbs arfatlp selaeced frons nue Paît range af imoted fab- tc.Tassefulle styled end tailored by à the EI I NOUE OF HOSIIEIN 'TEP' Teis te l Canadian Gentlemn Sioce 1885 KNIGHT'S IN" 202 Mata MINta TU 8.4472 stdns-iag bupr - toit a neot 1963 car yoa srouîd bnweilladvised feot extra dat- far a qalit populoelit ahd are soot ta- sstljd ta 6.9 percent af ait coi-s on the rond, thoogr a good pereontane on drinera Ratisto use destm comliesilp. Nsliring otoker a irai bell hnies-cr testler thoant belng in an accidentmwitheat oefproviding you servivn, filet tsi. Medicel autborities ilote flanly tirat Set- ses- tirant une Ibirdeof fatl in- juri woeid be anstdrd il the cictiots hadl tues mering bilts. Ose greap oR drIvera wo aI- tapa tren ibeir bata beRfore drivng ayothare scre the test onalsnSro lu charge or saleip tests for ths major cor meislers. Watchtsg the retts oR a crackap agntoat a coscerette bar- rter aI Il MPR witb dluminse in tho caes la appocenilp quie a onsstcer fuac mone tncte- ed t o nmider a bell tac, ach trouble. News c ars cootepre-pascbnd Cor seat installation inomil and lire jaS ut listing pour cas- nitb belîs, ta ma teS thc uphirnlssry t, a fait and simple ane. i la important ta otear saut belia on shopping ta-tps mnd otbsr short dnives, as mail as 1 r trips. Tiren out on faonr insti Eotalities ocar otii 23 mil«s on home and more ftesa ose hlli oR ail tajuirpro- docng accidens tailoe place ta utlis re. Leuro te uec ibis uefety de- enm' bvfoes- sou irecote ceeuinced the bard scay. TRAFALGAR MOTORS Edgar Howd.n's Ti PO ON GETTING YOUR HEIFERS INTO PRODUCTION EARLY Pa'scalffasdng program ia de- , gndtora oet ofihst-noli consditioneaeMer. Thisatteintssavitua for yua ia sartor fendlaag tirs te pro- dactivtty and ap ta g menthre extra otilk proalaction par motr lter. In stable, faild ail tise gond. bay they mi las tuesrpi. onmt fmad sillage antl a year nid. Sillagae tue balsy,,if laissas tua, oach mrionuat tha MIa snua atoiask and doosisi give thsa "g paoer" yotae caillas naad. PIrom 4 montha af age ruatil 3 mos belfara freabe -n fond 3 poanda of Panth D & P hwpar bondi, par day. Supplentent yoer pIeutons. Tes show ftotraitera turndtepagute et6, 8 uor 10 nmenthkoof age and atlaownd no ruther soeof fend mode n slo grnwkk. slsknj gained ossly % of normal standard of lirewh ts prtinds of Peina D) &FYCho u tabretaig wg oismaa= t mrseiond münl build itaedy koifonrs the M extentofher brend blities. Breedaccard' taonIgt. BreadJerseys abînai at 8-O Iolâtoico andl Whot- hare ot 7501. TIe way ta Sonp Snacbi nfp isieferaWe w tet ta wutt o Poeawoght tape. If paiu don't hans na, wby net gtve meo a colt, Id ho happ3 ta drap ane.omi, Aind d fisa, ta loB yen marc about Psetoaa me - non-oae coRf fiedig progesa far fa8t, efficientt fend aertioc call EDGAR HOWDEN & SONS PEED SERVICE ILRO, AUb Iit TE 6238 âanadans who wn bgger pme temmwo fePURNAHOStod.: W~~ Ils aWsWWU se s paiRe ii potle i the fin pion. Ope (Conti Bs-ian of thoe theegbi fis cbldron di -n i, %lie, vol tosos bi qaercd. Se s-otio op et clu drvs aedc Ms-. As Helen Hu tes Asses direc. Ms- fis o -n sbine u-b and bus h lice anud s Haold a "seniqes nqeippvd Arsisilos vd the ho iros-los Fi goto thoni fans, p-m r Jettes-e laver te G Mr-. Addtr mnscntd t tIbm suboc tocdvd Chi mas, Mc-. Jedîso Gos Hars-s, t Kirk. ses Childs-en. Foi lemin mns s-Ca-r 1 trolfi-o tho busv s- oipen hi SA-62-, pas-tme 12:00 c and fis drsesed dreas. Hansilla Hovensi ---------- w -Wwummumiw ri-i.rl«rlm - . - se w a