2The Canadien Champion, Thursday, November 8, 1962 TNE MILTON NION SCNOOL Saccer Club is doing mvelI in the district high sohool teagan. The tenm s cooohed by Mr. Sullvan and Mr. Litt. Front ram, Caria Marcuviania, Ed Mcl.eod, John Keilty, Ken Transom and Chris Eggletov. Second nom, Davcan Canrie, Lea tuttosson, Dace H-itIs, Alias Janes, Daag Parker and John Simepson. Back ram, Mi. Sullivan, Ken Mallon, An- thony Weykamp, Neit Dnoln, Franik Faimav anîd Mr. Lîtt. rl noauniar prahlems Bernice Moore, Top Graduate mast ha salvadi alar. Bati i 000e diffilalies may ha ai Gives Commencement Address wh'kncisldgeancorg Bomnice Meure, top stadeni in isalinf. On ane sida e hi blm is ilLo ciblai have bromeouO Grad 13lasi year atMilton Dis- plaoed eniey oilhheiroldns, thace pasi yers oili standîi ti-ci High Scoal. deliveed île .ad an the silier sida it is picr wdocsead. Aothe yeaes go commencemetsaldictr ouhr-,aaiirly soitflic iborcliro. ofîimmaî'ar ainsememb hall ni bier felamw siadenis Fri' coure neiîher of thesa cir- ar of nams m ayih davetvoning aI the annaal cm- completalv tacicai. I realin ihai acti one an ter dîsan eer mencemmnt esemises. Thnillasc'mac otaus did ncta'cehas haed Prfom ve a rge cier. Ham cr sg is thtestaoflir speechs: as wemigh hase,,andithalmanv urdiilei-eeareainhso "Toight il is my peloilego, an cf os kift ose stcdving onîil the y oanly behuif oi the geadaating caus ai end sohan il lia.nî an obsalcia 1962. ta express aar feelings as necesoity. I'd hesitate ta hiame Ian High Schacl. ltmwasn't long mationsm ailuad teaohars and I apa that me ffiest entered Miltan I hao did iheir hast ta belpi us high sihaandtibis evoning was pasi hefinal exa. By Carol orbe bui a date in the dira, dîslar: ' Wu. hoaeacîs aampletad ose On Wrdnasday a ibrosaqui future. Hum grauatioia hr brr higli suhoci carcrr. Alîhoagh cie mile coss-cocotry race mac and me eau hl haliece liai raerei leaving Milton Higb, the fi the filds hohiîîd dia Wili lhmehbas galleby soquihlo. jpicuiani mamris atahed to i Ave scolafer ail girls I "Mc enly regret ahout ihis 000'] and the fremds me have mode grades 9-13. Hamaorr the ningisuthai -oe onimys-lass- as-or lhe paot fice years Par sis did' sowamthe ioirrest ihail1 mates aeei rcicinrgdilamas. or sevon as thercasemayhbo),mrh ad,.andanly scru tookpal As ta ho eupertod thora bal bren airr Iching fara-rd la the nieu, the race. Darean Camry, 1hi maah specalaicas o la mby rte imnîliers ahead ai as. icimadiair girls champion geaduatig clas is sosmall. Tma "Euch ofus isasmmencing his lolird iirsi andmuas faIlov extrene apflà6s sellata bcdon- ahosen tash is life. Each oi as Diasise Duan wo plard c ooc~c .c o ' yo ~ nd. and Saiiy Dich saha pi: third LOWYIILE A renaaing lobishbeing car-1 Ai' Or scbaaiaotaaisduy re outaonshe formerrarsnagoamifinal scee gamtemas 1 Lo awtd ns shioh lias bren purchasect by the' cd tweMionadEn iselamet Ple acma.place, bIllon in second. Fr1: ain ihird, and Aalan in lasi pi W in Bursaries HwvrteEi em a By Min. A. R. Coulter Th atsa evc iteUnied Charoi isas aanducied hyý bv thaie cheeriradors anc Siadosis Prom North Baeiog- the mninister, Re. O. W. Himes. schol band dafratrd aur1 Iant wo ttenaded the Naîsca on Scnday maminf, ohen the' 2-1. The finals silinamble pli Hiph Scoac carrird cil many oi iclca-ing chîldeen more 'liristen- halocen Pris and the minne the hances uitihe Commencement ed: Janice Marie. daughier ai the Georertoa-Aclaî game. esorcis oncFridayonighi. A ch- Me. and Mes. Gorih Carter; Mary Iaeship awaaded hy lhe Welling- Lou Ana, dauachir ai Mr. and Ian Sqaare Chopie cf tJhe 1.0 Mec. Ras Cov-edalo; Helen Mary. D.E. wao %von hy Danois Johnon, apira e n e.E a forehigsschclarship and gcc ,dcgerunof MneyanMrE a- sellai citieischip. Dencis alca Mec Merle Gcisy and PaulHFier clc anosxcepicnaaijobochclecac- het, son ci Me. and Mrs George dhcory addrrss. McCoremack. Fred Doîhal wocav Dominion-1 Provncial Barsalry and Ri,-hced Soeral familles imom Lomili 0 Dudley, a former sladesi of Fair- aliended the aonicorcaey servcî.ces diem schacl. cared off a Domîc- ai St. Patls United Charoi is * LURICATIOO ion-Provincial Barsaey. a Bite- Million an Sundcy. SERVICE uary Prom the Aiîsoe Ch.îeii 0 TIRE RIPAIRS able Foudaton, a Univciiy ai $1900 EMT GASOLINE Torosto Engineering Alamini Bar- $190I EMT sacs .and the Kiioccis Club ci AI- Building permils taialing $1.970 UsYuRaaor ed- dershot Barsary aardad annoai- iceisscd dcin fic mnntbaofis orRdao ly t0 the stadasi mho oli:aics 75 ttoubir hc the building inspea- Lis os proparn yaar car f ae etoroe n the Grade îce'îîiic,hringinpithe tctalifor mnr lesta neggencone E XIII esaminations and a-ho ho ihae certo $428,820. Isoladed in avtilirne. shocon higli qaaliiies ai caaclar ihis monîhos peemîts sore the aad leadeship. huilding of lio garapes and the Frieidly BA Service ut MivJean Hunt, iarmerlluo erciion ci a cignDA E' CdrSprings, m'as vsne A E wmhheliSchaol Key as an .:îaed foc flie siaulc:: h.li lia-J iii.ol' I t csadn 1oiic ROBERT R. La SER ICE ionici herschoal in tha liai ci' Clientî u Oe7 a. ta 10 p. ascaeicuaceaciiii AIl îheca flRIflLIUM Sua 9 am ta 10p ceriiy ai the prescîl lime and OPTOMETRIST Ms. T -7 the ccmmonîîy of Loi,, Mîia os 8ONS tends to thosa hast m::ss for TWO (2) LOCATION canilaud saaaess. Geor-getown - 0Mails N. Hale Agb For Appt. TE 7-3971 ho loend ta trcha ho" liasl bFrionsd oh ICarncib Oc ti asii Guelph - 70 St. George Sq. Beaund om front H fic ichereh P a ppolî Sret TEOUbV A N ( BaMii mo hae Heospitl Jcserh oc Qapp tee SîTA468 hrwas canfinoifor six c-cis. EI MILTON MILTON Thtus..PO.Su. Nov. R.-10i "FOLLOW THAT DREAM" 11, col., Wilt ELVIS PRESLEY ANNE HELM Code' Curions - 2 Shows 7-9 PMO. MmE-SATURDAY - 2 PM hionor Hig ScoI tdet (Coosloed front Page il! e) for Grude 13 os atsul, lat e mt IL10 E. iSe ,oreuo iug ta mai eh woudersd. sootos b y OSherJahù Sirlvon. JOhn P. JorOt Mrg I hope. if yoa staud blle th Sncauury schon garuduafoi salln, IL Stsbn Ju et the future congatsilatini shg dipiarauh more uiardied ta Grade P. Jlosun, aiae Lt grudaunes of Miltan Disttlf 101g 12 gr bog y G. R. Ca"_çrt, "elhr La*NOoit, florol Al Schal, yau will ho abhe ta mel. vlco.harm oaf the hourd. They R. Bruce McDuffe. DlI: came themn ila a happier world. a-are: Margaret t. Austin, John McEachemn, Morion A.I ore shich YOSJ helped oa utaid," F. Sreocho. Joho A. Semais, Barbara C. Mackay, Neil hae sail on clasing., Rager G. Braon Banuie D. Brush. don, William J. Maxmwell. Pros. York Usniversity Betty A. Cale. Peler J. Cross, W. Merhley. Pauline A. Dr. Taillan li a Gography Caral-Rone Gallascay, Latia D. Judith A. Milf Linda S leciorer and dean in charge of Giasson. Victaria D. Goutte, Keith Goceusilyn Morley, Rn siadeai offairs ai Yorh Uuiver- G. Hilsant, L. Katbryn Hunter, Naycer, CuraI J. Nelluon, sity. He was inimoducodi hy John Eliahelh C. Jeffares, Angela M. R. SOewettr .êlfeigr J. Walhr andithanhod hy I.asrenmp Johnson, Jumes A. McKellar, Siephon J. Nions ROm Darlia, hîîib leachers ut M.D.H.S. Lyn M. MaKeso. CuraI A. Makin. Parc"fli, IJftuh M. Par Kathy Hanter presentrd flamers James A. Malien. Kenneih J. Mol. J. P Malcolm10 Phil for bis scife, fram the Studonis' ]on, Karen B. Overend, Robert A. nu A. pickott, SoutsI Cauncil. , Poli, Elda Presse, Siefania Salesa Crsphr Dl. C. Posas K. Y.Dick,aofthebigh schoal si, Gerad P. Solier, WeodyH. gret A. Prince. Joanne licard, pesrsotecl the hnar grad-. Saatbmaod, Gwondalyn L. Wil- William J. Robertson, J. aioan diplamas la nine of the sou, Gloria J. Latimer, David E. Rohinono, Joseph Semaos 13 graduates wha mere prosont. Jonuingu. Shoppard, John S. Simp They ocam Ji11 C antan and Tino Dessme Tropls chard H. Smith, W. John Krivienia, haih at Lakethoon A. E. Militsit, board secrelary- Gail C. Thomas, John W Touchers' Calloge; Ross Johnon treasarer, awordod the dramo Anthony T. Weyhomp, and Chris Kamshaso. Waterloo iraphies for brui maor and min- White, Garrett A. Wichen Universitiy; Camile Kirtan, Lau. ar raies to Michael Crocofis and W. Wilson. Kaibleen A. dais Bible College; Boraice Moore Elda Presse. Dr. MacEachon pre- M. Jean Wilson, Andrem and Cindy Presse. McMaster Uni. sauied hoard pmoficioncy yrioos ta lev. John A. Zappas, Fred versity; Sandra Gilbhert, ieacblug PauI Kemligbuu and Kaye Mamsh, Zylsira. la Georgetaown; and Marilyn Wil-. grade 11, and la Cimon Wilson Li10 asse SsIIrol son, toaching ai Porcy Merry and Vichie Image, grade 12. Priocipal R. C. Hanter Schaal. Gahoille. The George Dawason shield for mnes tromn a nom basn Absent for the commencement higb grade 12 standing mos recognieing the efforts mere foaralter toachors, Eleanor amordrd ta Cimen Wilson and mas dents in the four lames Hamhy and Besverley Nomoîl ai peesented hy Dr. MacEachený. She who achiev'od standingi Fart William district, Jim Kerr aisn won the KinetOe Club's $25 mnore. 'they are : ai Brampton, and Silvia Keslive, peine Par high standing in Grade Grade 9: Lynne Dalla ai Taronto. 12 Fench, sohich mas presoniod Bomube, lait Wa tte r Fosnd Mentile by eresidrut Mms. D. Srusb. oc. Wayne Cullois. In bier valediciary addess. Bier' Mes. Robert Maahay, Relient, H=ly Richard Roudîll aice Moare poinied out the cIa' prfeted the John Milton Chop- Paddisnn, Kenneht Wils dents hald foed meories for Ir IOD.E. îraphy ta Paul Ker. y nn Fard. Peter Wood M.D.H.S. and loch formard ta nighan far high standing in Grade Haagb. Lioda Wilson, aria feantines ahead. The full test i. Beamnridgo Robert Poddi cf bier massage is roprelit01e- Islernsediule Certificate Grade 10: Hoasher m'heec. 'The inicemoediata ceriicates Jean Wilson. Barbara Miss Mooreeceived aMiltnsce pruentdta Grade 10grad- Gail Thomtas, Margaretî District High Sohoal praficioncy sales hy principal R. C. Hanter. Barbara Gaay. Patrick C prlue ai $15 and the N. L. Pichoît The stadonts more: John K. Bah- dena Cumnelia, Anlhoo Shield for bigh standing in Grade cac D Waye Bell, Lais A. Bird. hump. Karen Dredge. Sas 13, baih preeotod by Dr. D). A. G. 'Miel J.a Baathhy, Richard S. Jaseph Robinson. Ma Eachan of the board; asmwell Baolhhy Karen J. Brigdon, Car- Grade Il* Paul Kemnigh asteSoon anis n ec an M. beause. Heather D. Colla. Maruh, Julia Callahv, Arthur sccblarohip ai $25 for liv. Patrick T. Care. Thoas W. Robinson, Slephen Syso Grade 13 science, prosented hy Cassais. Poir L. Cartwright, War' Farbes, Margaret Hall. O.C. presidoent Kaihy Hanter, ton H. Charlian Margarel Ann Cindy Presse eeceived the Clement, Linda P. Coalsan. Brian hoard's scond praficiency pelue A. Craucefis. Androna H. Camollu, cf $7. and the Siadeni Coucil William J. Corrne, Frank P. Dec. Patti Doarinc schoarsbip of $25 lin. Imnte E. Draper. Karen T. 6 0 . 6 Par Grade 13 Englisb. us moîil as Dedge, Shirley M. ElIa, Liada W tho Russe[] Leadership Tmophy M. Elsmarihy, Miranda D. Fergu- peenîrd by toucher William sais, R. Thomas Fom. Laery R. BRAND ANTIFRRrn Tam. Gardhause. Lame Ritchie Gilbert, Reholurusîipu M. Virginia Gil bert. Barbara C. JilI C annon sous amuarded the Gua, Cheryl M. Hardy. Dianne ~ A Sarah Martin I.OD.E. $200 amard M. Hardy, Lotie M. Harris, G. i y g presonîrd hy Mes. Jao Nable, Charles Hondrichsan, Dianne M. s .s ind Cbeis Ramsbam receivedithe Hilsan Larne A Homard, Lois P. L. Rabertson $100 scbolarsbip J. Hascili. Geore W. Hume. Mar- SPECIAL SPEC boys !i: A YTI*1ME l by aced te YOU NEEO GASOLINE SERVICE FOR tlay. As YORCR REMEMBER OUR MODERN lae SERVICE STATION IS OPEN 24 HOURS 1 a A DAY WITH r f CITIES SERVICE PRODDCTS OUR MODERN Snack Btar W il serve you whille your car lis being serviced. or Feat ure - Home Made Bak ng fA WNEN YOU'RE OUT DRIVE INTO THE TE 8-9048 V2 Mile Norths of 401 as Ntwy. 20 ;ELIsTIc CRUSADE! WITN 1W., A. KUDRA, R.TN. NOVEMBER l4th - 25tk HEAR THE OLD FASHIONEO GOSPEL MESSAGE UN WORD AND SONO TALENTED MUSICIAN- SPECIAL MUSIC AT EACH SERVICE WEEK NIGHT SERVICES - 8 P.M. TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SUNDAYS - 11 A.M. -.7 P.Mé Highway Gospel Church IfL 1h. I fhs Ioanu Ethylese IBase. no-vprtn P eI at uîlree lt Wiln jtIse fonsong alyatera. t. hne . Me O oi S ea ho Jof a Mab e.2 il.. tnria Goge. Kuhl Ossof iecu umie uîae Sp 'a Àusl Joan Frerstis, Jennifer Rliddi4, Sr.OW55' uftd a . gradé il sac Weol Murphy, Judy Gmenfield, 5l5, 10 studeras lsciluidi ahp 1/sndtc Lynda Clorkne, Nsocy Casn, Do- lhn- BinI Wslio'n. Losal 4lO7 ss rn orpudy Smith, Oel i¶er sarij=senffl. byr pretideno C rlr-ý, Va.loràlMahin, Pools lit- iW M. rtaPatricks Care,-$25 cab, Donse Leminglon, Jannet loyd. for hWhstmandling hoa gft* 19 in- Graham, Jarre Sinner, Judy, Ter- T G. dustia arts and Jnan Wilson diii, Ellen Ledwith, ICathlpen Irv- r-tc ua Plais. S25, high lu ing, Mary Andnrson, Lynse GSalln- iaoald grade 10 homoe economias; thn soay, Leslny Paddlsou. RsEilcn M.e. Harris Stulioneny prise of a $50 Tour, Christino Hickis, Pas Sur- rhlny, voucher, presooiod hy Ron Har break, Sandra Oidfioid,Suel 1005e. 'ris lu Heather Cslisby, blghest Kehosg Anitrss C=b~lo Id L. lu grade 10 comorcil option; Jeanne Purdy SsfopuM*fuy arm the Csmphollviffe WoOnnsa Instd. 3.50, Osler M*yCOn. wton, tute pion a bok of the con. fil 1.pletemorks of Shakespeare, pre- Prrtl o5# éusèd Do- L O M s Duglas luglis ta Ibhost la é riu ona Plî,Lynue Galtoway for hIg stand- gcluebr s-nol0d Mor- in grade 9 Esslish; 110hudm slohr nsods*lit hryproficieocy prions presented hy oud ai attoisa g. cô ph j Dr. W. C. P. Wright aI the hoard to the on nisfNe hot K: ta Lynan Gulloway and Ronald sevd refreshtn*g ta the gseis nR-Bemhe of Grade 9 usd Heanher srer tze. Cullahy and Jenu Wilson of grade and s dance vrais hield *iod*r Use Se.10th WlrdCrar uhed direction of the souidOnS idîmce riioli, 10ommiotee Cn.ershel nE' preseooed ta Heather Collaby for ___________ ames high standinsg in grade 10; and 'ilsoni the Inglis-Poule transportaion 24 Chah Fiood. srophy for the high standing in ch Gi. grade 9, presented hy Mms. George Gel. 31 - Ladie M I $bile 'ugliu ta Lynne Galloway. Murg Wilson Muvis MrOI .15 MusIc Ps-gon Iodles' hlgh triple Maig dIlon, d the0 The high ochont glee club con. 391. roît trfaUtod ta the progroni with a DW Oonk S for 35, EN sok3 stua musical namber, and vocal solos for33, PRtlook 4for 18 M$Sbok oaes cre giveu hy Kathleen Wilson, 2 for 12. ardon Lesloy OPTOMETRIST Car- D5avid a MARCIIAND'S CREDIT J!W!UJRS, llay, mentMONDAYS arT, An- y Wey- on Plait, an, Kaye ilurgaret n, Caratl lE cil. IAL Glycol rimai uat bug Go yoar angie end csuebura. lier soi, foe trouble frins wiî.er siarllng aend teksaudvuuiuge of Our SPOCIAL P81CR ON Engine Tune-Ups sa Amy 6 $5.50 Cylhsder RigLse CARBURETOR CLEANING Aasy 6 CyBier $6.00 Englue. V-8 2-buccal erise $8.50 DRIVE INTO JONES TEXACO Main Rut, Millin nt T8O2981 For Appoisstment Phono IR &MI14 PRESSWOODS - SK1?NLESS GOLDEN VALLEY W I EN E R DES '~79c coi b ONLY AT DOMINION DOMINO 1-1. BAG DOMINO 8_0. PIC COFFEE CHEESE Countiry Gir Plus e Apple or Raisin »e 3 9< Idéal Plus Dapul GINGER ALE 9 -,bdtI Si100 I CANADA NO. 1 GRADE NUS. 50 lis. bs POTATOES sl.19 Libby's Cooked Spaghetti 6lýî-s99c Monaroh MARGARINE 4 pkg 8 9< Madroe - White - Pink - Aqua 8 TOILET TlliSSUE a ck69c Ali Valsies , nrlll hNGaat Effective liDMNOnSOE T Milton Untl - Cloosu - Sat. Nov. 10, '62wuI I NU MFE DOT A PROBLEM. Wl Ilii HAVI TO TAKI INVENTORY SHORTLY AND IN A PABRIC STORE THAT MEANS MEASURING EVERY YARD 0F GOODS. WEVE GOT TO CUT DOWN ON OUR STOCK BEFORE 7MAI TIME AND SO WERE OFFER- INO ATTRACTIVE REDUCTIONS. SHOP NOW AND TAKE ADVANTAGI OF THESE GINUINE SAVINOS. WooI Fabrlcs Cotton Flannoleffe KITCPIEN DRAPERIES 54" la 60" midie. Flannets 36" Wîdths, Peistnd and 'l 79c yd plaids. tweeds, checks uni1 Plain 9ga yd . .... steipes in mnights, suitabte n' for dresses, salis, catit. SHIRTING FLANNIL TEXTUREO COTTONS ste 6.9 yd.$2.50 Yd. COTTON PRINTS Regel ..... 98c yd. _______________ PERCALE PRINTS - -- PLAIN AND PLAID Ail 59c Yd. DRESS LINENS DENIMS SEE OUR i lira dered and plin n45" valeste 1.0 y. E UANTso :dce. Rieg $2.25 ancl $2.75. $1. y. 0%/ Off Marked Price 20%Y Off STOP - SHOP - SAVE TODAY AT Milton FABRIC Centre Dr. St. F The lii Poul's Ullt tSunday mi Ihe marni Gordou Pa or iniii ed as the seorvi c es. Gusss mas Leona momnber aI Spociai mu by the cha of Miss TP CM., A.R.C "Chi A large maroiog se spaak an He saffes: husy aclio, mhai is ru; wiih a par actioily cs ions masti hoe suggcsîc CAMPRE les a the. the C.impl Bramnies MoLao.'a ci Fe.iyer. Il flic lc,,i" Wiatson l. sacs. AIl a: the Districti Ian iii No,,. sopp.r field jMilton Ncv. I resegnl on John Whc'cl Laoo,.od Am: hAlai: Ccii sport. York î,:ih Olivea M.lîci Wlsapiai Kecen. i nter Camplll ili fic nt:îtîtyo. is replaci:,p ansI Candc Ptý ic arcai dae. iimadiatly ni "-C" Tecal preped Ps: ihele Tenda Priaer la thic ihair Cuh Il theie, -1k % Paiali ll la's Baidgea Dehatar's Ela Millan's a- lumu Police visiied tha M Novembr 5. un the oufaîl shoald hna,5' interest in 1h ]y shamn b3 the endaofth At lthe Rat OIANT DOOIL BEL 2 Rlg Nits - Doth in Colie "'LAST 0F THIE VIKINGS" wlth 5051/N PSJRDOM "ROMtML'S TRIEASUJkE BRUCE CABOT lb- - Il