Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 1962, p. 13

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I- xplains Robarts Moan Uniersity Wom.n's Club r ton resident, spoie at he Nov pupiscoudonyhopeltcoffet ember meeting of the Univru y tho fue year Arts and Scieunces Women's Clnb of Milton. Me. Ste. course. wrnom Assistant Soperlonu.- Ofr isi Ponni the prcivincial Deparimeni of Ahbighaschool with 400ita 6M Edouîio, ant a eîaiedde-popila, th1e prescrnt sie of Mi.- suipion, ofae ca-ieie de ceoon District Higis Suchool can deipni of henariy dcofor0r he eoe l hn tb fferdl in tho prou bavc thoon pograuts. Tht-se nrs nince's high scboolo aoder the 11e fine and four year Arts and "Rubars Plan". Sciences, Business and Com.- He said lice nom programn milî merce, ancd the une year Commer- cause a sîil iempbusis camard cial. murebusinesandiecbnicaledit. In thenschool of 600ta 100 catiot. Canada needs more shilI. pupils, tht limited teuhoical rl t e adesmen. H e sam no car- course couidhe added. Thia wonid respnnding decrease of inierelt eat acileasîIw is iops faor in academlcneducation. The aimgradestcone and 10and an agre- ~ 1 h .~qoalze ment with a neighboriag larges and wili pmcide agood generaitrainin for gradei11andi12.The edocation determined hy iodieid- province pays ansemira grant per ui capacilles. poisil onder ibis arracnement. Tintat Briches Milton wili soou be in thia cale. Th Tcuresere r nthe pr gory. The~~~~ ~~ core feedbiepo aler ihis yenr the Deparimeni vine'n higb sebools miii came of Education wiii bce 'briefing" under three bronches, Arts ancd lrocbrrs frcm each sehanil staff Science, Business accd Ctmctttte, -, itcy mutl be abîle la fuiiyex and the Science, Tchnology rend plain the nm tourses ta the Pa- Trades hraneb. rents and fine guidance t0 sia- Each of ihese branches wiii dents. Th1is guidance woaid in- offer c fine, foor and tutu year clude the grade 8 popils eniering progrumn. Ail fiee vear profrauts btgb scbool and 1the grade 9 ira- miii iecd le grnde 13 as the fifîh dent muhing fils important ehoice and final year. There miii alca hetare coing lita grade 10, he a dinersified oceopaîlenai prou Teuhoa Attensd gramt piaoned for siodenin wbo Alvl usinpro olw did pert ofs grade lie miih dhis speech.hlrs. F. D.Thomp- 30 er entof he imewil bcson thankedthe speaker. Seeral apenti n sbop worh le service g otamre prescrit from the irades. Somne sehanis miii atailo n Hib eholStff offer a une year commercial Mita baiees meeiing StafR. course for ibene wo have finish. B. Fram reusine n meetin iMmgR cd grade i1, 12 or 13. le ibis ai hoam Bringieon icai men couirse 100 per ceni t of1te lime mens"c Cigo mh ierandyMra. miii be apeni on shilis. Thompaun badl aîîended. Reporta Grant Diploate acre beard frou th1e nferene Ail courses miii grani dipiemun eft ho International Federalion or certificaies. Encepi faor the et Uniersity Women heid in for year Ants and Science, aIt Mexico City tuai Juiy. There mere coremiii lead direcily taecm- if8 notieg delegaies frutm Canada. es pioymenc or oeinersiip, nursne. The pruceedings marc aeenmpani- ieaehinf, ec. cd bc simolianeous translations Grade nine wiii be o commen su bhat eacb delegule cooid foi. yeur for al] couorses, miib 2f pet tututho spenoeen e cuber Eeg-ý ceentofthe lime speni on tclcid lish, French or Spaisb.. sobjecis le the siadents% field tcf Dologates u ere eniertiited ai inieresi. Me. Stewnart naid "the the University of Meaicothe tirai reai choicomwili hu ai tte end ut on Amorica tu open ils doors, in grade tino." 1553. An a furîber stimulus le itl. Hesepiainditheplanamiibcor iana understanding siand le eperotian aerosn Ontarioi te ho riendsbip. tbe l.F.U.W. ta aidy- tati of 1963. Lecal ieacol hucards ing the possihiiiy ut holding a wiii adepi ehe plan in pari urnseminar te Airica t0 enehie the in fuit. Sizcfe esholmth Wamoeof Atricaîtediscussncoin ce imperianitea ndlrme mon proeons reiatig lu their ing mhicb ccore ii eetrd adcaacemeet. Incitations for lihit; Library Notes The immediate war score Is nv- mece t0 deprive you of ail bookas, er, ycî the tbreat of mar tcous on you migbî indoed. be sorcy yen the horizon lOke an osuinous hadn't madle hetier use of your lihrary. But il is stiÏl flot toi0 laie i were received front Uganda and And nomist hetlime tostore li Norihero Rhodesîa. yoor ntind boks on religion, ph11- Ta Heu Choir osophy, tod psychology, fihait caln Mrs. F. S. McOnai, lnau tide yoa over difficoif limes i ehairman, announced the Decem- bhe olore ., wehe heoth ber progrant would incinde musicbeopoc by a group train the Qakeilie Value In Bible Choir. There miii also be a talk The greatesi of these is the by Dr. Richard Joncs of the Cano- Bible. Arthor Briobane, suho ai dian Coneil of Christiano and the lime of his dealb waon ita lemo. Mrt. f. B. Allient, Siody highesl paid auriter in the eorld, Groop Convener, reporied onlthe had ibis t0 cay ErÉerylocielli- progress oflthefour tly grti-ns. ceol mon shoolcl cead ail or Ioa- These are Great Books, Modern ah, Job, the Foalms ood the alti Art. Edorotion and Corret er Books cf the Bible. hcaolifcîlly vemit. criienal least oce ayear.' No Cofe mas served ai the close dut ycu seul orun a Bible. If of the meeting. nt, cour library cao supply yen clond. Ansd if that impendicg mart with the King James Version. the MARY ANNE FORD, a former stadent nom erngaged as teach. ers, helper, tries out the haie dryer in the "groomies ronut" where the children learn personal groomng and helth unre. Teacher Mes. R. P. Jeffares is shown -mill her. SUPPORT THE ANNUAL POPPY DAY IN MILTON AND DISTRICT BUY AND WEAR A POPPY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NOVEMBER 9 AND 10 SPONSOREO BY BRANCN 136, MILTON ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION POPPY DAY FUND Nem English nnd Philiis New Testamenta. Aed thore are alther acut ta npir ahaonaI boakn - Chancge Yecîr Ufe Throogh frayer, Modern Par. ahles, Gad's Fumer Within, and lie Wiegn ci tbe Word Perbap.. vao miii he intemnstedl in religionaltber hila you eue We banc a nom soiet hboka ou the Wtoldns Grent Religions. Ocln unphy And thoro am nom books on pbiionophy and psycuoiogy Se- Hely by Samuel Sailles is one of lbcnoaand is orbceac'eg and eo.îî.The Wisdout et locha antd Chtina, The Knach et Using vuSuhcanncieos Mind, Hum le Gcl Wbaî Yoo Wai Outof e Life, HouI Make a Hahil t ofSococes, flo t Cocbh te ce our Ahilic, tint ta Put Yoorscii Acroas, The Read ta Emotional hloirîy, Soucrd tians ta Soutnd Stcop, Dis.- cuver Yccî r tne Self, The Secret cf Scing Sautchodv. Double yoar Eeccv and Live teithaut Fatigua, Yoc'c c Bctlor tltae Yoa Thioic, Yor Mied C,îe Make You Sich oc Wcli. PlUt Yoao Job and Land It, Huitu 1 Chanecyoor Job Sac- c 'nltv. Crooicite. The Miracia coc%.U HiJdce Brain fumer, T. N.T. the Fomer wiîhin You, and The Techbnique et Geîîing Thinga Doe, are aIl cuorb meailing. Wbothcr yea are i8 or Sf, yeo lel wn tatia sortie ci lbeso occet bohito books. Ella Brun, Librariso. PHONE TR 8-6538 Fer the Fîceal Cltlcc Service Fetrcteue. Producu MILTON FUEL SUPPLIES FRED ROBBINS baise Lieu ai Pbis-d lies The Canadian Champion, Tharsday, Noeroer 8, 1962 13 A ial M etsnace If a dataimnaliaadrtgacctardenorlocalagrctura amwiidanimal appearn ta besick rcîltcsetattto sboldhbc tiied. In M anyArea S crhlchaesit a Otanici faictot, Dcac c' aliitoho stild animai There are chul urean en Cana. ta is osoal bobat or, tIbo . tota l d tb oce ihbr da mbere Ihere is danager teomi_ ________ rohies autong mid *aimas. Ilf tbe fautily dog and cal are tu ho! tahee lu anc miid or ral ameas, NSURANCE L. W.EMMS the pets shootd 11e nceinaied agaient the dincase. Tbe do o . cntrai ad be oe sdae ta t arataali dcutesîic animals font a bibt'dSe-lae t rom a rahid animai. R R FO RD* The danger extends let hutaes M !LON, ONT. PR 8.6357 Phoe Miltos TR 8-9731 and tberefore anyeenetc]mIîb cstld attitîtainavohaotd bo accidoti NEW SYSTEM FOR SCOUT PAPER COLLECTION Milton has been divided int four ara: ARRA 1 - Boued by Mastin St., baie lice, Ontario S., end C.PI, It-achi, t-e. uposiebllly ef C le.ap. Jie. Au ger end Cabmaste- Fed Naywat-d (Pat-eets of C Pt-oO.p C Pack). ARBA 2 - Soeib of C.PI, Cracke, damen Nighwuy 25 tu Rusd.Rsdfut-e, Wakefield Rd., Fae.sc Orone, Oak Se. t Cuomme-cial ea Maie St., Caot St, ta C.PR. A PT-uop, A Pack pareneti. ARIA 3 - Noulup Rd. soutb oe Thomas Se., Williams Ave., Aeee Bled., Meadow. booh Dr., bock Bell St. te Ruber-t Se. B PT-aup, B Pacb pareets. AiRA 4 - Victoria St. ta Robert St., Be.ete Se., Maie St, aed sauces-y, roe.p Comeittee. PAPER COLLECTION SATURDAY NOV. 10 9:00 A.M. Reneoaea Sm.ith PTraesport, 9.00 ara,. secsond Satrdapceach entit. FOR ENOUIRIRS TRLRFNONE TR 8-2525 or TR 8-9504 The follamico danate the aie oftoirt ve- hisloet Smih Transpoat, Bell Brau., Trafalgar- Motors, Billus Auto Bod, MsDaff's Fut-m Mé. chicot-y, Robin Nood Fleur Mille, Vie Morgae, Naleon Poult-y Proalaca, Keilb Dat-eue TV. Fapuro shauld bu huneds end secut-uly ll*da Ploaso place your papiers et tho Street by 9.00 a.m. for collection DIANE LOVES COOKING, and a save and hitehen olcnsils et the neut Sanalette Sehoo are fan for hcr and ber clasameîca. The bitchen is almoat eompietely eqatpped. The IDIEA IMMK heyond CoMparl * If tanh 6 manthe 10 photgraph- wo yaaru tc prodase. " Ead, racm cmplelely daasmealo wMIa plase diagranu, lamplalue. * Ovar 100 id.c-ockadd poMssd se Aclssiemwr n rte romec caihinn lihe il hefnce. $OO FOR ALL YOUR RECREATION BOOM $3p)ecr BUILDING NEEDS copy CALL THIE LUMBER NUMBER unionoýTR 8.2337 0Ç.LTON% LUMBER. \-& COAL CO. LIMITED Free Dsllvery 159 *tIlf S-t. -- Mlku CUSTOM DRYER Imagines1 This delince clotes dryer fl a regafar' value ai $184.95 A tccmcndoaa savieg nf $21.00 Cbeck lbe Quafly Factares * Si l bic selulantiae battis * lllnied tîs.- diali *Spual S»-nat "Cool Domc." *Sntsl-l.tcb an i.sniulud dubt.poatl 0 duce *Tap-esaned nploe lintsi 10cr * luteice light Wllh ve-y parchose of CO-OP Visccn Cuisons Dryer c $29.95 Vain. ELECTRIC BIANKET ABSOLUTULY FR111 ACT NOW THIS SPÉCIAL IS At HALTON CO-OPERATIVI SUPPLIES »WBft lit Miltes TIR 8-2391 HOiW MANY WbNT TU A BANK FIRST? Probably moaf of them /Exporioncod travoîlora have learned that n chnrfered bnnk cnn ndd grontly f0 the enjoyuient and contontmont of trnvelling. Heme you cnn got answora foi currency questions, beave vniuabicn in nnfekeeping, obtain leiterso f introduction. Traveilers Chequen ure ideul for day-f o-day expences. For larger sumo. you muy pinter a Leiter of Credif, or arrange f0 have fluide forwarded toi Fou/A chartered banis hns many waya of carlng for your travel nooda. See your local bank before Fou go. THE CHARTERED BANKS BERVING YOUR COMMUNITY -J 'I 1.

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