MILL TOWN MINSTRILS wilt be back agnin this year. with a Oc. tion int the Milton District Hbgh School on Thursday, Friday and thon 40 thre local production, oponsrd by Si.P ' Mr ad tucilarge udiences. in rehearsai o'h pas eigh wee h thre one shown here including th nelctrad ed mn Inferior Work on Pool Apron Worries Co>nservation Group Repurtsn ot interior rork at the lur-ord dowo the Author-lly' or- Kelnu Dam ouuirasing pool, ai- fer. hamptu tu pur-ahana thre praupur- The Authurity raterrad a pu- ticui Oakurtîr, and a teasu raoute- pu.sat tor a 12,500 suif uludy re- lotion ruilh Gien Eden Ski Club purI ou the Ketru Dam, ru li uttiiacaacutiud meorberu uft he finanae aumotlen.,,l Thu tdy 16 Mite Crack Cunucrvation Au- wu'uld drlar-mie lIc aftara lhur-ty.taameeing ou Tburcday the dam and r-user-cuir un tira Galubar 25. groud croIr. Field Ollicer Dace Murrat' Glar Eden Ski Torur, ruhiat op- poiulrdut wo'rku a ew con- craesaaskiuclub onlhe Ketu crre aprun suroruuuding lthe Ketru Consratoion pr-uperry, war girar su-immiug pool ruas inturlur, au a 10 yrar troue ruith au addition- the blucks ruera nul laid cquar-atr, al tira ya option. a ouýd nuellaproed, and expansiun r 50mb ure crac sug- gar.ta.d payoraut un theauontroat M/lONG WIND uhuudba wilthbeld util the work A mac had an olaack cf peu- iu dune pr-opea-ly. mania and a dualur ruan altad iu. Pidird Plains Aller an ruominulion the doalua The uthrit hea arep r aid: "Yuu are a mufonI Tnhloo Alanlan hur as i-enr think, and play a ruind insiru- Gakuitte. Au ulr uf $2,000 lu lu c? bh made tua truc Depar-Imntut 'Ya'. Hrghruays pararlu îuîalting 1Il 'That aupiains avrythrng ilrr ace,(nKerr St. hoothar pro- r a distincat rr-amnine ut tira lougs party ba en Lakerruuu-by a nd h arynx r intîcrurd as hrnk andflicaAuthnaily is ruoiî rhougI byronreabotrl tracs ing raurd arr rnutter lu pu:r--cura. _Whut insruman urar yoo ahase. A bhird propry hou bran plotv evaaluated but the urucar houi "Thc accrdion." PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE DENTAL DR. G. A. KING Dental Surgeon satîluen luRoyal Bulding, ilîton O-O.p srvice TeL TO 8-9782 DR. H. P. GALLGWAY Dentul Ourgeun 15MainOS. onuatriclt lu Rira 9 tu6 pm. X-Ouy OSeri Tel. Offre TO "011 DR. W. C. P. WRIGHT Denîlîl 17 Mur-in Si, Phone 078-2491 Four Appoinîmeul OPTOOtETIOTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON 184 Ma i St., MilIeu (Lloyd Dnnis Jreeîlerpt Phone TO 8-9972 Oea. TO 8-9N7u Tuesdua andridoaymrnng Doator ut Chir-opractie MM. G. RIDDELL, D.C. 381 Kiuguleigk CourI Bp Appoinîmeul PHONO TR "-923 Durtur- ut Chiropruactie A. P. KENT, D.C. 237 Krngu CourI Cr-accuol Crnrer Martrin St. Monda.v, Wrdor-rrtay, Thorcday Sp.m. Io 9p.m. Ttueiy and Fridup 9 am. te, 6 p or, Solturdiy Il o.m. 10 3 pua, Phooe 878-2031 FSINERAL DIaECTRos McKERSIE PLINRAI HOME Binuere, Curenun Ser-nice PHONO TO 9«452 NIGHT or DAY ACCOUNTINO tARI G. BLACK B. Comm., 0.1 A., C.A. Chur-liard Acouîotnl 103 Main Street Bon Ml0 Milton. Ont. TOlangle a-Vu4 LEISAL KINNETH Y. DICI< Barptlr Soliior, Nolarp Puhliu 196 Moto Street Tetauhor TO 8-0401 T. A. HUTCHINSON, O.C. Barruler, Soliuitor, E. 131 Thomras Str-ect Milton Teletgsune TS 8-651 SHARPE anti NICHOLS W, S. SHARPE A. J, NICHOLS Ourinlers, Soliciters andi Roturier Publia 207 Murr SI., Milton Telephane TR 8-2339 F. DAVID THGMPSGN Barrter und Solicrtoe 100 Muin Snreet TO u-oaOî Beuidîce TO 8-0685 -PUBLIC LIRRARY HOURS Monduy -........l2oaon- 5p.m, Trrarday ...... .30- 57 - 9 p"m Wednesday....... Cor-d Tbarcday.1.30 -5, 7 -9 Froy ........1.30-9, 7-9 ro.. Saturday .........9.30 - 12; 1 - TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIPIC RAILWAy Standardt Time GOde0 Eocl-9.30 u.m,, enaupt Suodayu, ttag; 2.40 p.m., fIag, 9.17 p.m,, reag. Going West - 9.25 ere., flag; 6.55 p.m. Glag daily, TO &-4471 -- Teachers Tour Kitchener Lggin tesÇ Thre Canadian Champion, Tbursday, Nouember 8, 1962 11 le the erlabauo, therHp-raarmad nthrhaosiissueofthe -, A I ~ uFadoyunmbrtlbLrpy Gang leodu ruiîb 30 points,!Champion. In tha ruterusî M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o litUI~ O l O lIO l 00r holding is norumal Ar-ml- aluuely loltorurd by bue Ar-gos ai dort leaoua Milton Laglun metact sticle Soppurand Douce, Wr mec- 36. The uther cru tromu ar-anar Bur-irngo ot Milton inutad ut The Halton No 1TeachcrsL I-. seeretar - Mac. A. Armsutrong, liunud tI arst rurek but rue foufar brhindrand witlak,rr0 Milton at Ac.ron. Truc weekr stilute held lIn annuel conven Geor-getomu; teasurer, G. Roc- thnugbt that o rminder otrutyr luron roatd ccp the irstrI uth riraraca, Milton goar ta Bualing- lion ou Qaluber 26 in Kitchenur. merucu, Georgetown; Nousaga belpu. Far thoun rubo connut ut- six sectionr. on. In lte murnig lthere mas a weyo r-epr-eueulaîine, J. Zoha, tend the nupper, butol ubu l uactdeorsto'N rntteboln nicitallun lu the Kitchenr Public Esqueuiug repesetaîtue, Miss M. tike to Lake in the donan tiakoru Th, do a au rua-uta Nonrr -e iebrt Saboou ruhere the teocher. lied Mun ergtrnr-p-e lrul be ar-ollabte aihaaa turrc1 orrao-drrrtutaua icra. auprtnil lupl teo grade tiur. Mas. V. Parup. - tha tad. Witdts anal Folîrro- orupeal subjeet miui mosl tMsar- Wr-igglesmoa-lh urged the eatg.upuut. h-rtrailidulrupa rrurdlkrrridb iulerested rocr. Aft r an eujuy- gruup ru aumember ruba a reat o. ma. D ort s aurar It r-rth tfha Fia-- tagian mambatribar the Ar-mi- clou, have rter usuttts. Kitchnr taarinth ary Ie W,.uld lisft, e, cc rt ha Fulluringoadetiaiouu teakdcin Mr.Wasnhe nem pcend aespouintee W ihuf rrc rnik kbu foi p to hiue nar. R. M. Dole, Super-tutenduot t u Publia Sahacîn, Kitcheoer, - bught greltiogu tarem the lu- upeosan-d tire Buorrt oftEduc- l-~ I ion. R. Gibbounu intr-oduced the KK o ~ loy D. Stewrut,- D. mininur ut KIDDI E K I S CONTEST 1Knox Preuhylarrian Chocin l Rer. Stwrtsou the WIEKLY MERCHANDISI CERTIFICATIES armarkedttrroucaty day aou.d hce anaiting tua the teucher luin A I $ O s 5 W E L praparingbferacfr tuh e Spar.e Y U C N W N $ O $ 5 W E Age. He cae sald tura otroaher rauobtoru puerbeomustrncbruge - r-al-uor-dajrd kuorutedge tram ber- 0 EACH WEEK this featina alunal an the Casaient Editea, snner ut at leant $8.00 In mer. eap uft he tiran parieipotinsg self ta ber pupitu. Sound tond- sadul continu a diternta *"pri* Canadien ChampnPl, 191 Sin uheedine e-ifitee. But i I laliis fte-, and your-ienat aneu t haveî mrit atttdenoeise yan ayPuua Si. Milin, hefare Moaday yuu hune attauhed a saules slip la the b est sent In for ihai andrsotidibeieu. Mru. Juu Eans irte rrmatithe baby lnaay. acon. Your esley uldbihe or-tirurof a pas-ulasu tria niait, yen caa suie nos lina tbonked the speoker. big or tilng, willbc sacnat. thon 00.00 and uan npportunaity -Inupearor ut Hotton No. 1, G. tirid thrughnut ahi adne&n lu min up lu 023.00 la uerOIf. G.MaDarurî goa kms oppralo- menti by lasir-llng an entan MILTON TIRE AND RADIATOR colin, Su the logical thsag an lion ta the inupealuar, louchern snrd aInn n io the ads. Oeil do le sain Iha yon allaeh a Fho adBado dcto u herteasfn h xr od NEW AND USEDTIRES - ALL SIZES nsae slip lu every entrp pais Il saute minutre show prudua- tionua uaacu. Ma. MaDuruelI ala anil whîsa ihey arn pa-npiip air. Flats Fiedt 75e. snt la. Don't put Il oft. Saturdap. Witi a caut ut mare rhonkad S. Jonec. Ganurot Moui- angithey sa-lt fmis ahe itl. Mus. Club ta enpnutod to play aro their Kitcheror Chambr CGMPLETE RADIATGO SERVICE o WINNER'S ane will hae shom wiît produce suenen lirb ut Commrcaa tur planning o hous a OnnI n a tliNmat ii niia pohîlahei ndir ahi plinue roua ufthIe aiîy. iosei o ouwieNwadUsdRdéosech wueek. Come au, thi affiua __ Norne Otfiuens a betir oe, thonsa otit TOt I 8-2711 191 MILL ST. for pur prloi. Tira nominaringacommillae Ibr __________ Frant 1951 lu 1961 ch - average pruuanlad tha aru ulla af aI- mooufaa îurtng raoge inCanada in- trarar au loltorar: pridet, J.TH c.aaud front $1.25 ta $1.90 an Watson, Nasragawruya; vcr-pr-ad- -THE_________________ houa, dent, L. MaDonald, Georgetorun; Ki ii iS ç t ri n p A THIS SUNDAY'S Church Calendar IMMANUIL IýAPTIST CHUOCH Cume-Lal. Street, Milton Minintr: Puclur Ctaylon Cules Telephone No, TRiangle 8-4473 SLNDAY, NOVEMBER Ilrh, 1962 9.45 a.m.-Sunday Othool tua aIl ogar. 11.00 a.m.-Moroing Wor-ubip. 7.00 pru.-Gopat Servaica. Moudayr, 0.30 p.or.-loncer Girlu. Weurrardoy, 8 p.m.-Orbîr Sludy and Pr-oyaa Meeting. Faidor, 8.30 pru.-Yarrog Pauptars Christian Fallucarhip, ar 419 Gaurua St. MILTON VOOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario Sr. N., TR 8-2022 Chairlianu galberad lu thenae ut tira Lord Jerur Christ., (Math. 18: 20) LtORDS DAY, NOV. lrh,1962 10.30 a.m.-Breaking ut Br-ead. 12.15 PM.-Souduy Sahout. 7.00 Ser-rice. Wednrrday, 8 pru. - Prayer and Bible r-radiog. Yuu orr hrartry crelaume lu lb eue uer-res HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHUOCH Atnloalasrurnto TUiE PENTECO TAL ASOEMBO.IES DP CANADA Paalne: Roc. M. Ckrrtteuamn Lor-du Doy SUNDAY, NOVEMBER IIîb, 1902 9.45 a.m.-Sundoy Saitool. Clasnes turaluit 11.00 a.m.-Moaning Wor-uhip. 7.00 p.m.-Eangeictia Ser-aice. Watned.rr, Noraubar lU-Cou1 ornien-maOI ut Erungutirri.. Casada cath Rau. A. Koda WaakonightuTtrarday thru.rgh Fridor. 8 p..u. Sunday, 11.00 a.m. anod 7.00 pri. Gospelt messrages. Sparcot musc. Prayar tua sc.k. AIl Welaume GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Milton, Ontariou Oectorr Son. D. A. Powell SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 111h. 1962 blt Sytrndoy ar-r Trinrîr 8.Il a.m.-HuIp Communion 9.45 our.-Surly S..baol and Bibla Clarssas. 11tt.00 .u.-Mrrig Pry-r. Inclin 5ou car oald carne un- 7,00 p.m.-Eciog Payr. Me: hucar-and roua soit] uhaît ccc Scut ru lira Lord, uctita He. cor CHUOCH 0F CHRIST, OMAGH bcround,..ctl yapn Hieruhia No5Sldurnndand 4th Une Ha lu ocar. lualair 55, 3 and 6 Trafalgar KNOX PRISBYTIOýIAH CHUOCH SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 111h. 1962 Micirlea: 10.15 a.m.-BibIe Sahool, Classes Rua. J. K. L. MaGacco, B.A, turaoit agru. 11.00 a.m.-Moruing Wur-cbip. Mrr. R. Wr-ight, A.T.C.M. 800 p.m.-Freaching ut thu Gar- Organit and Choir Mautar put. 0o' arma, lut on crrrip oad Thur-rday, Sdy. bor dur-c; lut or kocal brfir Rap L. Millr, Er-augullît hae Lord or Maker, 878-2060 - Yoo Are Almuyu Welrome SUNOAY, NOVEMBER flitr 191 9.0 5 -Sanior Chuacîr hcirrc. PARISO F _ _ 9.45 are.-Tra Thinker-r. Si, Gaege's Chral, Lomnilla 10.55 0,crv Serviace. 'War - Wîar C. St, John Chureit, Naîsangamnyn Wa Do?" (Note suioît haur.t (The Anglcan Chor-uh ofCanada) 10.55 rr.r.-Nuruery. Oeclor: 10.55 Charah S..haat un.I: PR v fae 7.00 p or -Evaning Liglir." Crurtle.Ontario Sound fire, "Tira Glr.' This Tilcuhuce Na. Illalor 4-2577 crotral i Ilm rrrtt prou-rda SINDAY, NOVýEMBER 111h, 1962 tard tu orapen discuassiout Tr-rnity XXI mac'succcwrcdrtrip aI ail ai Raeebraa Dar- lita. St. Giragits Citerh, Loua-sOle 0.15 a re-Adut Cirrr Ment 11.00 are.-Marrie0 Prayar accd iraip Cirrr aopcor. Au ccp- Sea"non. Sucrtay Sîot trcataitror tt a hrrk SI.IJoh's Chrh, Nanougan -epa about the ath. 2.00 pr..Hotu Commuenion ,ad Trrcrdac. Narueher 13, 2.30 pre. 3.45 pre.-Maeociat Sa r virc - Rertuson Aauitirr- athr Caoapîr. Knox Wureanr Mirriunrry barman. Suoday S..hout. Soialy, Charah Huit. Sorrday, Nacueher 10, Il are. - Thoekrctrarieg Servrice ut hali ST. PAUL'S UNI11ED CHUOCH Waren'r Mirriaoar- Soaiet. Main and James SImeras Gcrr.crrpeaker, Sac. Cîccir Micatr: lonLeuGuue Lurarrat or-ua.r.BA.. naD., C.D. BOSTON AND OMAGH 1Si NDAY. NOVENIBER t1i t,2 PRES8YTERIAN CHUICHES Il.00 ,, ut Remrucurtr.ce Sncra Mirrisrlr: Sec, B. A, Rrrirî, B.A. Service. ___ Pîcaca nora Sudar- Sahout plans SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 111h, 1962 unlil theonpaniug uftheb 10.00 o.m.-O moagiIL Wur-uiip Chistilan Educulin Centre. Surcr. 9.30 o.m.-AIl boys and girls or- 11.15 a..--Om ag h: Suuday ar-eigbt earc nI ae cr11 Salîcol. reel in ite Charah Ounatu- 10.15 a.m,-B os tour: Sun day 11 . r-Ibesudgtcr. Sahul de- ine yearu ut og INca- 1130 arn.-Bo lnt I: Wur-hipl sery, Beginneas anti Primary) Sur-cicr. call merl In Ie Martlin Stret 7.15 p.m.-O m or gh: Young Higit Sahool, Peeple'& Society. ViciIons Warmly Wilcomged MINiS WEAR 202 MIN ST. MILTON FEATURING Warren K. Cook Clothes VISIT OUI RECORD BAR Cres t HARDWARE Fonay TR 846011 Milma RAYTHEON 2-WAY RADIO -ASK FOR A PREE DEMIONSTRATION Sels BAILEY BROS. APL lA N CES 17i Sin Miltn TO 8.9741 BILL'S AUTO BODY SHOP SPECrALISTS IN AIL TYPS Ce. REPINISHING BODY OMPAIOS GLASS INSTALLATION TO 8-2721 b. W. Phillipi, Pr-up. VOGUEdi BEAUTY SALON Spec a isu nr PERMANENT MAVE and HAIR STYLING NEW LOCATION 192 Moin TOt 8-2461 HALTO N CO-OPERATIVE SUPPLIES Haom Your Faîrrace Snr-ricnd nom and ger thn mccl fOm yr fr-ding dettor, For ihia ma-vce andi Oumato cil, Phone TR 8-2391 LAST WIEE'S WIHNING TITLE 1cnto any Mahanalinh" Suheaisti hy Mrs Irisai Sommiers, 0.0., HorHnsh. HIDDEN TEPLE: "Sue I saiti 81" SOO THE NEW SELECTION 0F FALL JEWELLERY Davis Jewellers l8d MAIN ST. MILTON TO 8-9972 MILTON THOS. EFSEVC DEAR LAUNDROMAT SHOES 221 MAIN Mihasa TO 846902 WASH 25c DRY 10c 191 Mill Si. BOB CROSS MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN SALES AND SERVICE Atlas anti tEsae Prodet TR 8-2373 MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE AUTHORIZED AGENCY THEOE 10 NO CHARGE F00 0UR SERVICE * AIRLINES 0 STEAMSHIPS * CRUISES-TOURS O RESERVATIONS * PASOPORT APPLICATION FORMS Res: ELLEN CASSON Office 878-327 (prolo.) 878-9211 BAILEY FUEL AND SERVICE /~SERVICE STATION GAS - OIL - LUBOICATION BA Fuel OiI Delicia-ot Wheî Ynu Neeti Il TO 0-402t im Boiley, Prup. SHOPPE LADIES' WEAR FINE ROTANT WOOL SWEATERS Long Sîena Pîlnee $8.98 Cardigan - $8.98 12 Martin TR 8.4482 TYPE WRITER nI AÀDDING MACHINE RENTALS mee.ting~ HARRIS STATIONERY 182 Main TO 806962 MILTON LUMBER AND COAL CO. LTD. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES tOMBER PLYWOODS TR 8-2337 159 Mill Si. Miltona THE COTTAGE DELICATESSEN FISH AND CHIPS SALA DS HOME BAKING FATuTaie Ont FAIOr-dira IR 8-6530 193 Maie St. Miltona MILTON GREENHOUSES Bob and NormeaBron 1 ric.a Flamers Far AIl Ocasios Wicad Anycaîra TO 8.9501 431 Maie E. Millon MILTON PHARMACY Wl STOCK VIOBIN VETIOINARY PRODUCTS FREE MOTORIZED DELIVEOY Darly 9-6 Phnea TO 8.2343 14 Martin Si. MILTON PLUMBING & HEATING PRINTING I5 OUR BUSINESS Pur auotatirru n Att Your Hnedi GAI WOOD Aulsaniu NiaRing COUl r pou CRANE Pîamblng, Shoe Maotel Wchk THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 389 Broadway IRT 8.925. 191 Main Si. TO 8.2341 Mih r?