I e - flàa JOQTTINGS- B Y JI1M D1LL S le TIHE 0.0 STIJMP, the folles tres, or the pilesof branches can't ha aqeelîrd by att the mont os- pensive playgesssd éqaipmtent in the mold, it seems. Coalds't halp eoticiag oser the neesed Inn diffarest groope of ohildres i tna midrly searaîrd sections aI tosso hsvisg a lot nf fon play- iag aoasd as nId stamp or- falles trea. Notbing neamo qsle sasver- satile. Tt cas he a fort, or aoy ssmber of tbings en the pliable imagination of childres. lî's lin bad thait as aduîts ne ls an of shnt satisfaction nilh simpr tsings. * BEINO goreot by a hall os sosasbheard of inheseprtshbut dons in Illinois a faom omplsye ssas gored and tratspledbyoa bof- fao boit. Apparestly the halli a ose of a emoîl herd of plains-type boffalo hept os a farta as ator ls trcias. * THEN THERS nos the stoy of the crib thel got lont hy tho oailnay express compasy and wao bound 19 years sutar. Nalorally the crib mas of ltll salon then for the 19 year-old-daogstar or for the 14-yeaasold non. * THE ABILITY to nomn op in a fonscard isnot antaysssiý dess in thono dayn cf mass cons- munication. Bat the ollownae snm osamplas that beuraCopying. For instance "Wlto a wia asbn ta seo nomotlntng marc os- ponsive, thon shopping; scbon obe Nnm that tht big shoa îîsg match of tha cessory appoars 10 ha posîponed, peohaps no cas tno ur attantion tb a mare per- tonal type of nboosisg thal 10 n tans tothai. bol o lot moro fun for ail concemned. I refr ta booîing. Each fait, I like ta poinit saine of the lips as hontisg nafris, especbstty for theareassoanco of tbe mvines. Bat 1 basen't huid the neose ta do il for the last filme yers. Why? Bocoosestha lasI lime I prondoad e naIsý basting cotomn there nasa sa rosbso pecuier rnts. Ose fallpr est aasshey talion out of o Ind, tahisg hlm for a paoboidga. Const ask me nohat ibis biodmwasdoingup a troc. Prahab- ly tabisg a heod n anothor bion- tee nho, Ibot sente year, shot Inn more honters 001 of a canna, cbaiming they mare mnose. lion- trt may lack afew of the finr thinge, hnt thora's sothing noong mimh thair Imagination., HoneserI thisk adeons is- emvat bas possedand huam ni tarion instincts driva mn ta make ose mare attempt t0 pro. semae the bossansnpeciee wnhite il ns otsempling ta eetingutsh a fan othos species. Here g oas. and evary mas for bluaseif. The borss and foremons mile of the hnsb is: neser mis alashol and gosponder. J est use gingor aie, coke or nhataeoe poor nar malmie s Befote yon stoot off on a bontisg trip, lob don tbe harrat of yor guo ta mabo ur snthisg han hut o neet in il 555cr fastyeux. If1btoo const sec tbongb thba brre,- pot in a shoil and firo the gos. This ntootby remroves any obstatles. ashn to sacsnomelbing ahoopar, shons hoying.' Or 'lins fosny hon tha stroogeomnwordo oftensohowc up in the ooalteet arguments." Thss tharons tbs ana "Nonadays nhen yo seo a tothor and son i gotherabhanres ore tbe ose ninh tho hoard is the vos. * WESRE OPTEN inclised ta thinh borh t0 tho 'gond old days" sohen ose of tha big oinler pro jects for groopo snas pssporing ptays for local prasnation. lmn inclised ta thish baeron stili an isiact inaaoct as.iitty if we coold collactisely gel sp off ner fassies and lok for enrichirent shroogh the follosnip thttse aeaets proside as oppoeed to the isalated fixation nnilh the hypsnt- ic TV oye. Osar the pasi fan noobo Inae enjnyed asponare tb a locol groop shat decided [n stage a second minselnshowtisneek. Tt nont he of 'TV qoalily sf cloorse, hot tbe fallnnship is pro. poraitin and tba pride of achiece- mont aach scill feel mont certain- ly otnsigh tha feeling that comes fromnaaasod eening in front nf T V. e OPENINO DATE for the e Hatton Coonty Adminstration hoilding on Naomber t7 ns oym- boia poohapo beoad gonoral raaliaatioo. Ih noa on o disonal dro.a-y day Nonhobr 16, 1961 bal the firsit sod aI ho non hoild- ing aas tarood. Now neva lateo aimant osacily t0 the day, tho huildinf nul ha olficialis IOtsometimesmrmoses theabaad of tho bosser aseio, bot Ibat neithor bora nom thora. It pro. hbby a uitie nI bath, Atmays hase yor gos taaded noben driving ta the honling groandis. Il thorens a collision and tboy cantcom ynoout 0f tho noreabage, ysa cas atwayn shoot yor sony oLt Besides, yoo0I gos a neuf bohly-taagb out nI the tank an tho dolcoos face nohan ho hîts a bamp. tho gos gos off, nd ho han socdasty aaqoioed a na iap convertible. Yan moy find ou aveos ta cltet fasse, sabe yoa gem lbmab lot of anîners are bitll od trymng 10 gem thoogh, or os- or, a fonce nohiba canrying shoir 000$. Don tek e chances. Goosp yor gos fiomty hy the harret, loa o shoot mun and sail seamly anar, osingîthe mankat as a solting polo. Non, hnn do ne carry the gun? Im sbotd ho hctd in the righî bond, tho horool paisting tanard tbe gooand. And, of course' yo otnoys carry it nimb the nofetp atch off, sn casa ynn base a gos a qaich shot amay. If the gon s hotd sn ihis noy, and son stombie uvra tout, yo0' meorety shoot off a foe. If yoa hald il mith the haossb-poislisg op, yoa mighl shootsyoo had off.Ansd osing a tae, oopeciatty that ne thot's had ansingron naim for yeaos. is mocb préférablhtolosing ose's head. Aek anynne mhn's dosa bath. Doncr nais tilt ynn stn the nbises of thelo ayas. If sie tbing monos in the hosb, blane anay. Os might ha asothar bos. ier, bot there's an aven chance in' a partridge 000a dees. Oro a former, opened. lncldestally bore aI the Champion notre heails' preparing a spocial section os the nignihi- canre of the mone than taites the oost fmom ils original boilding for the fiont time sn more thoo 100 voors. its as ioteronso0g n tory. * IF VOUSRE apset aboat yor taxes, coscerred hecaose >oar ditch osnt the nay tl ehootd ho, assisos that tbe Ion attraat more isdostry, set thal. yoor oiocted represessalines doas' do wlmai f00 tbinh lbny shnîtld, non ns the lima bo complais long andi lood. I's tha seesos for complais- ing and ito the season for doing nnmething about il. This montb yoo cao take a slab ai I onning for the varinas electad positions and reedying ail yooo comn- plainte. Bat donIt mail 100 long. Thora are ont y rire seals n rnttnril, Ibre on public sChoal board, and osa n hydre com- mission, Thot's est nery mony ta go am d amog th2,300toter on yoo'd better lise ap yoor plat- foron ond soppot right non. * THE HUNTERS are off for the nide openospoces agoin and ns, hon t onsy thon. Not bhat I aoold oser shoot a deer if I sans osa, hot nhat a nonderfotexus ao gai away froant domadisg rootina. Ioni suro haro areoathers, taa,nbaorefardtheanoot hn iag ospadimion an importasnt, mr for tho goltisg onay thon for gotling tho deer. Il's sld-fanhiosed ta wi tright mod alotbisg sn tbe honh. italistias shon that 98 potcent to tha hastors nho hase boas hot in the pant 10 yoars wr lad in red garmans. So nhy sot lieursomethiog that blonds nstb ho bush? You cas snoah ap os ha goarry Ihat murch casier, and borons a fair chance yoo a ocak past the althar hontors, aithoot baisg spotted. If thes do eyoa, geatney yorhî fnrî bon drap tn the grotnd ond ]t hem bang anaf. Tbeyll go home appy, tattisg eraryna aboon tho ighuck thoy mssed. If yna happes mn hecome fans in tho hosh, don't paric. Jo-st mun in circles as bard as yo con, vcmaming et the top ai yaar longs and firing yoor goo as fastoasyoo can. Wban you hase mn ot of hreath and an- munition, sitldon qseslyord labo stock of the sitoatnun. Il tha ntnah-tahisg shons the abat- e vos ta be pretty buae, thoras o ose solution. It moohs bast if there's o gond, stiff hreoao. Jusî galber somne hiocb bath,t pila il in a ctomp of dry hro ci andnîtarî amroringhosh firo. Whes tha hirabghters arrive, yoo r osslngerofst. e Onetfastnord ofcauio. Wben R u0 hag yoor firsI hanter, dont b agl ahoot il. It 100 len't dosa. g hontiog ctces. Con't avn aI- n yaorsatf a small smioh of in tinfactin as yoe camve boat c; nI saon in yoo gos. After ail, ere's sothing s0 onsesl about di or feat. Asyna con shoot o nier, And qoite a fon do. i MDOWN(S) IN THIS CORNER - WITH ROT DOWNS A DISPLAT of tha girls' homo ecosomics orkmbhainsas uppos- asd ta bano bon an dispiai ai foi- ordapes Sosshîoo Ochoot offiiai openingocaosed o bit of ombar- rassiment Ion Garry Adabson andi nîbheos abs o-orbd bale Fr lis, ligbt prcpasinglfor thesopasias andi open hooso. Os seams tho gils in tb hea hasi sorbosi bord on Foidav. tire- pon fancy sandw-ichn ansi coobis ta disptlay fo e b neb- tend goasis. Bot tho orb parîp shal ssfd tbe sabît Foidas nigbb figored Ibe ibilsisso basi bocan tboaghîfol ono0b ta pro- vide a igbs lunch for Iha onorh- ans - Sa mhey oae tho plates aloas. "Ot mes o gond lunch, iao,sl mitbad presidens Goory as ho apsbogieed dnsing tha offica] apeoing ceremosien. HOW WA5 Halîco-son siaha ai poar place? Lonî Hallioen c' ny toirc and 1 liveil is as ops totos aparimnson mbasa anip ancens masoa long, narmow sel nI bacb sbaire. Sensi- iply, ne gaI faon Ilobon to.ck-sn-treaters. Tisa patr, bdsrtvtm mare livmng aM Woodward SL. sarmoasotto by mowsoaf Sobisoiision hantes, andt re asbalo have aen tise sienis- pY acdlcss poae af acoboypa gisas, waiabm, prttp lif11e lad- ien and clonns nbo ksocbed os ordoan tasbing for hadoons. My botter hall mas prapareot for aoansnd, she huid andy andgoma aplsnsp, bot tho parade of sbo1l- nators starsed sbortty aller 5 p-m. adby 6.15nener outsfeas. Nex osho raidesi the coobie jaon and lourdonogbgodinsatanma foan ooîer 30 on sa dosb-noch- rt. Whrn boit mas dosa, the aid mas bail la dtp inIa bis ponny saîisgs jon, and fotnaaty soc asly bauit aout 20 ca0oers ofbor bas or ne onight snar base boas abls ta pop fan the bouse haont my sacretssasinga départirent. Att in ait, ne boot tans ihon 100 collant, bot thon nas plenty. This non a paltry fen, appas- onîly, for ose lady in bossn cann- osi ban vsibas and tataltesi np 159 in theoana night. A mon I hsao- sapsrmad 130 aI hi0 dao andi anoibor lady stoasi ansi a-ttaba ao 12f s-bo osirs gob- hfeds op aira poossis of fcdga -aadasbsboad ppared. ins ibms gemling mnta liae las noah? Soins nI the bits mare noming bacb o second limer tdapending n sohat bype of geodias voa meme shetlila ou11. Ose boy haoo filicot and dompad bsn niS-gao bas- btS foll of treafs and mes nark- iag un bis tho-ot. Cars asnd tois weral Ponisg fiba ton fos tht nbaraa, hre i15 s tamfo ta nolkTranmdoota oar.I1gss the son and tha subdivsions mode for casier collectioans. O asen caagbsan adat dosss as a rhid, omt cobacsing sîtlter yoongstera. Annîher lady apperi od aI o local home pnetansiog ta bs a big cbitd, bai bas snotIdisg ring gaeora-ap Tboy came in oops of If, 14 and i6. Ramaneoosesctevn palîta osnosgb ta sas bthank oa bsfo paon donation bonordn Iboir sosi moomboche. The tappan of thorn ali wit an mbe home in [ha soomh andi, oh-b- a gangofH14openadmthedaorand taipsed i-ouninnlrd -tabhe oans liing mont. Tbap halp- esi Ibomnelcas ta tba caady bsr sas hasi jt hnoagbbhome baom bs ronas. Mapha mbal the isis in ibis ltasn scasi s a UNICEF mîtogin -pansitrn-sby a servic Ios ans la nbicb boey cn cottocî pnsît- 10 aid ssfonbonata childoas sn othar lads, iasseadnofîboir on spled naInes. Ioni nos agais Hablome'en or trick-on-rreamisg, bot nbee a strsggbsng bomtams- te bas fa seh ont wlbh senarai dollars norsh of gnodies ba hida, noItplfoomhlsmbnlneigham- bond bot fom ol aveo bon and tht naosompeidt, ils Oti lie lise mae dsma. MliV We Ieemhert... Will o-e romember on Saodop, Nonember t1t, 1962 the eresîs that lad ta morhing that dop os one nI ramembranne? And o-lt me in sas efforts ns remember, robe lime bc pny a briol tribale at the cano- lapb or mili o-e onerlaob that aeeÈt ah sonne îbisg oldaînsi? And nili o-n loa tbe lime ond, tenable tb naplois tb thos of1 the saanaeding gos. erolian aust o-bal o-a ara remnmbrring and o-boî ltholue o-a are payinig, Ibot thry may bom snmnlbisg nf the sacs-lase mode and nf o-bicb tbny reAp a bonefir? Yesl, Soniday, lNnvember il is o day ni rememberisg. Fnrly-loor peain 090 trilaîns Prime Min- isler David Lloyd George rend ba a hashnd Hosn of Cnmmonsîtha tarons of the armistice agreement by mbicb the World Wnr bnd et faer bers brnagbî t0 O an en. Wbnsi ho lis- shedi ha said onlyt "This is ns lime for wonrds." te the inrvnng years, n sacsessive Armistine asd Remembrasce Ceps Ibere han ÀA North Huiit.,r Dran. A cocon o-tibocs dedîtaîtos han his hope fl nacrons. Thal toma caouse o-ib dodissîtas nd détermination cas snstsinglp nooercosos îslsld obstacles. Wr mosesi os ibms Ibis aînek as u boghîn tarsesi t0 the afficiai npenisg Salas- lap of the orwsochool for înlardrd chilsises oatald aI Horsbp. The fonshisie Sohool op- raîrd bp the North Haln Associotion for elarsird Childîrr, is the sesailtn o-bsîca le acoomplishesi o-bm shane o-ho porson a oal do ta o-fb e god measara of doer- sisalinn andi faiîb in the possiblînp thal il as becoma a sealilp. The sens $d8,000 ochoal han bars a sea inhe misdsnofîbase orkerso-bo tiaîrd the origtnal sohool, mho malchrd traînant gîso-, wo-h sans the froits of po- ont labso o-îlb those o-ho cn ha hnlpnd. il ns lakes faith and persaseranne in marI. gasneopanîrd obstacles osd sn odmisisr- g restrînîrd budgets. Sol on betordop o-ho osaIs sap il mas tait worîb il? The nsw scosl did sas fisd ils realias songnsnrnmennîdepaîînant orîoax sinn resi nrgavizaiss. Morn thas $30.000 mas isesi hp public enbnsrpîias, asd lhrnogb somerabîefr Isd-îaisisg proleots. A $5.000 orîgage is sîill oatstasdig end the balance me lrom gornons saport. Bar she cballengn bas sol heen lolly el o-fb tbe opnisg of tlîe nom Sosise tanl * Thbrmorb o-ilblbhereardelsostiusoap orday oand pear afler pnar. Andi as tbosa ors ga se sIsls-sîs tas rmain aI the sot nly osth[ lbep are 18. Wboî bappes fii h no a ya bean e plaîhora nI mords. sn ohinh soar andi ovragain o-e hase narnrsl assured the millions wo-b diesi Ibot îhrp bod sot dimd in nais..Ose cnald prbaps ho lorgiors for sag- grslîsg that the record of the past lortp-four feers oold bris0 ltll nomfnrî ba tha deasi o-ho pérbaps oold sooser sloop ondin- torhrd hy ail these pinas a ffi rmet ions of gond laith. Masbind's ombtrien, bomeans, hase naese hemn rasyns, rspeniallp those oo aoer bis on nature. The arta end mar dio sot end os Nosemher 11, 1918, flot niîb V-J Day sn 1945. The sîraggle is slill o-ilh as, and avilI ha o-ith an for yerstscame. On soleon days ltbe Sosday, Nonember Il il n flot the mords thal noaslt bot the faaî maskind remeonhers and pledges anm o fresh dadicaon ar lep aiîb nitb ail thbse wo-bns the pasî hase bath tored asd dird ln mabrmansoncensîdîramnof poucnroome Will mn remember? ta shan thos? Shlteasd morshope arr n pnssihîîîsp o-hors tbe sladens map contisn cîolls asd a manre ofousefolsetssthot migbt sîbwsio ho imponsible. Phare is o oba 1lange las, sn the arna af pr-sconl sorvme tbat bas pnî t bch deabl o-fhbhy tbe tonal so niolios. Undoohîedlp if the some dedisatias ansi pnrsenerarlceontiueris the membrs aI tbe associatios, aooomplishmrsîs in tbese nîber amaos map olso maloriolie. On boandfndop mare sisitrsfron dis- tant points tube Collisgo-ood, Heo-marbrî, Hamilton, Kitcbener asd nîbar plones. Tbop came ba rrjnicn is tbe culminotion nf tbe North Hobton dream nf a no- sobool for rnlarded shildrs. value Of Cewunfce... Wbita tbe Rossions are herpisg nbe West ollaasy o-fb îbeir tbrears nI otomin marfaro, il ns mors nhan tikeîy tbas as mach anrasisns is beng genrratnd bp tbe West on the fnr- ther nide nI the tron Corsais. Il is profitoble tb recaît a rnmark of Or. Johsons s i 1778, o-ben the French were maimies nI Ibe British andîthereeoerefeorsuinfsglondnofa rench Ose gentleman basisg remarbesi aller o sisiîlsOosDukirkhîbaîîtherenchbbadte sme fnnrs of the fsglinb, Or. Jobnson said: "It is lboîbhaî mal oo-rdioebreepsa us peson. Mers osn-half of maisi brase aad ose- hall camards, the brsve osld olnops he bealisg tbe cossards. Wara ail brove. nbep nnald lead asverpounrasplile;ofl onodhre cosîlisoolly liobling- bat heing att conards, o-a go on serp o-af. The Canadian Champion Plîbaîl( air Tîîsrsbap as Mais ai., Milton, Ont., Mesibar aI ta Aut Burau cf Circuatios, abs C.W.NbA ansi tbe ftaria Qoabar Divsiin C.W.N.A, Asisontisisng ross an roqorel. Sohncripmlons payable is adn-anas 83.00 in Canada; $4.00 sn Eogtand andiallier Commonweathb Coantrios; 85.00 ln the U.S.A., anot sîer Poreign Coontries. Asthoied as Second Clans Mail, Post Office Dopattnnt, Ottawa.- C. A. Ditîs, Edibor-in-Chbaf James A. Ditbs, Màagisg Editor Publisheot is the Heaes of Haltn Fuhuhil thle DiBa Prlintco and PcbBoita Co. LtL ORi 1AL OPPICE TELEPHONt TR8-234 1 BUSINESS ANO tOIT TH&ào~ &b A*Imo T20 YEARS AGOwaa d c ClhaPloo, Non. I, 1942. 'the sinmul plowng match, for Halos Coossy null 6e beld on liriday af ibis neeh, Nosember étb. on tho farm of William Near, tb lione, 'Ssqoesiog, just ebose the hase tise. The members of the Hlorsby Wnmas's Insîlîsîn nili proside dier ond ssppsr. Mrs. Diobson and two sons, of Prince Rupert, B.C. hase been spesding a neeh vsiitisg Mos. Mc- lnlosh, Mrs. Diabson s anal. Mrs. MaCaron, hanse lise, gave a lia. tonnesn perly lest Setordey ana- sisg to a merofseigbors and friands. AI] report honing had an enjoyablo lime. The St. Stephon's A.Y.P.A. hold a dance on the Orange Hall os Friday esosing fast. Three of oarlcal yoesgmen hase resposded 10 their coonnîry's cell andlhave goailoote Woods of the fer sorth i0 egage ln lomberisg operations for the scinlor. They aro George Leu- mont, John Bradley andt Richard Weller. Cor local boniers report hav- isg hadt onîy foi r socces; in Ihe pheasant boss this yea-. The hirds ssere noneltoploslifl andsery shy. Dance, onder the auspices of Nansagaeya Womenns Institaîn on Broobsillo Hall, Toosday, Nos. lfsh. Music by RSs Coeighlos band. Proaoeds on aid of Nasy L.oaano. Thora bas bers pichod a baîf bonhel of Northoon Spy applos cosaaisisg 30 applon, nobicn ssiànod 27 poons, gran sn George Seodhaadns four - acre orahard soaur Lonsille. Mo. Sead- boad hadl lots of 1-lb, bes the ameaisg part of il is this haîf boohal non pichod foomn ose roog cf the laddor. NEWS ~&DISTRICT BURLINOTON-A portion of Baeliogton's ltistory, the nid "towas boit' whkch nos fi rtt tond on 1894 and for many peors bas boas stored anas ond almoot forgotten, bas hoen neaethad hy William Gilhert. Ha fiopes tu hase Tt permooetly moanted on the îihrary groundo, and haonntarld a foodtoraie theo$1,500cotof the proect GEORGETOWN-A pt-opooed Nioth Lino dam is definitely otated on the Credit Valoey Cosernation Anîbority's programn for the fotore, but il nsay take I5 ta 20 yeuro. Georgetownot dont, to coet about $I1 I114,W)l, coonos allrr other projocîs planoed for foor othner taons i tIsa naorshed. TORONTO TOWNSHIP-Cooscil rrfoed the resignasione of ens coosiciltors test week, and gare hoîls men a solo of oodonce. The men sohmitlod rssigsoîions when they diocosernd, tlpy, 5sed inad- s'aritaoty hroachod the Monictpal Aut hy holdiog deottogo nilh the toanshp. * WATERDOWN-Tempesr flarod asd charges of tliar mare hortld arndîthe cooscilahamhers Woneegay esening offastwek wnsaosaiil caltsd a spécial meeting to discess a "disagreement" baina acoosicillor and the village oterb. ACTON-Cooncil's affor of 56,000 for approotmatoly 50 aoros of tond adjiiton t ho tawts cemotory, has hoo accopet hy tho Wool Combing Corynf CaaJa.Theanmpsyhas s.edred is chartr and th. ou i îaipcid alîthechclte t bay land fur ostoding the THE TURNING POINT »Y J. Mi. STAUR The allheo day samassne ashea me, whot oneoultaansidootac ha tho trusi roo-oodiog pari oi lhoyg art ofs ny bsam, hao ans baguas ta ha a ans*itar". Watt ibis braaghîtuMy midnsain intaoostinp observations, an t basa, bnaown aosariaiy oftariara andi aaths. To hegîs niih, I hotiaso ihat nostors ara onatt aorcod ta focs, ooolicr thon monst, nha thay ors esacsty; Ino rmain haro for oiding theogoiso of"oamhody ooheo's grandsani); whero thy ors go- ing, nobat ilîcy Cooso ta do) o-fb brior uniqua pan-ors andi ahîltis - and o-bat boey nnilt chas ta do o-ban bort, frigbtoedec, or angry! Tbcy nlroggo to saab oat the 100 graiat pao-ors io homos tifo, andi fîssi thoon ta ho mmsuh" and "loso. Ansi thon lhoy goory an ao ohicb is tho strangor. Thay siodp the 5ao ost naconseon- s- a grdaents for happinsos o-hiah cny ootas being sef-acompieb. mnns . . . (thoro ara ns .mty bopy idIt-si . . . osprass-d ins sobtabo, norb and "loe, once mora. o-tich ns anoobty manifant- cd an faonly tifo, banh as o chibd andoas an dtIOr sefrsoaî naîfrs il proparfina the Ibla--h ofsthose to o0h afte o in ponitos of happinonss nbioh cas bcaours;ioussasscnrd pacaoan ha aos; by propnriy denotoping andousing thnnndefot moaser- ing pao-ors soith nbiob the Creat- oýr ban andoned on; ansi snhioh, lnne tbe brgissing of ime, hase boas tba boy t0 atl mas's pro- Waitisig ondor o "nom-dr- plaina" uchast1do, asflln tci. u or-lins liba liing ancurai liii i Chiarlas Dichens isoa tnailr the ram Sazoforalng boto. Mark Twain, MichaelPa.iress aod Geogabadsand manymay altiers mare pcs sautes aoed by norfers nho nishe ta1 romain nost aI the timo.lighl, aI tastprii- maoitp. Writng si atone gond map of gesming to bnon yoooetf, ando maoy reabise Ihat tbe majnniop of as donst hnom nhaî me realiy 15mbi or fael msst ef the te t When yo basaet alenat came le t the poins of pottisa a lboaghs r or a tonmb don in moisisg, yoa t con sosit -b. wicborts somte- imes. But being able 50 s l or fore il, gîsos ose the slrengmh ta contrai itlo décidenbich ofmtheseoeal emotionson ay fue al a the lima, is the ose w roaltynans lo chonso ino-domoo oct an. This bs leachisg surseh. vsnsot ta bo anictim of oar om wo-sng idoas, and ibis il Irua rer. dom!I Pao mighs oeil il "geiogmon tho naad-to-nomanhere" as fions ..-. bot as toast yoo are mnsisg. As o Inachar once said 10 mot "Nnr si and ssare aita bank Page. Pas something doms. Asp- thing. Stortnith yonrame asnI oddreen. As non an pou stars yoar posci masing; if youaregoing lo ba a soriton atl al; ailler morde wilcomar . . . and scon paon lboaghis niti onceed the motion 5f y000 pos! I I lied fil. Os nnrb os iftba a charria. I aseot l os enams samotmesmto naIhaut any pohimo "gasbing things dlon." A place of scoop papas and e movisg past asnd yoa are oaply!But 1snwhbe anohar proiabc. Iîis atacbaofbreis. Butlf1ainaas hooais a cure for bhat to, if sort s nilibig tb look l Masy peopla stars on a mnlling cancor bocanse of family bock- gtoundiun the professin- COur tamity harboons nanan on eigbs nitessteaches . . . orsaah wiesin seara fields. Toach. ing ns a most remandisg pofos- siniad thog acolmnsch as ibis I haped tu affer asevc tno t basa progrssednfih my roadoon tbaougb ibis media, for o a-sbt;aonfwlldincor-is for. ail more ibaiii'rosi people aaise a drep looh isbla bimself, andi ta belli aliers ta a haîsor aio-r smtding of theonsolvse. ln orden ta benefit poau mast fael [ha r&- ncard of accompbithmeass ni as servicen 10 hm yoa moita. The hat books basan't beaen non-ftes Pal 5s0 ory, nonst pool Lngfellom mota shese binas 0f inspiration mbinb I sffem ta 700 'tilt me miens ait Ibroass tsming Point. "Confidtnt [bal misas the fatura pirlots miii ha rigb.sh, ooItse My long self be nongl I T 5u 0 hualh Bs ohtitCia Os Soindap evnelag e led an- bibitad a dynamite cartrldgn, nhicb he bed anidrOlly pieked a on threconstrdction lise efla sn eleotrIn rond. Ht mas ronflaib- yv enideesoclngI te esllodo the ponerf-fartesicle by peocasslos nben ensîher yoaeg fgllsw vol- antroreêd to set il off. Ho aPPlied a match and the explosion mas leoriflo. Ore yssg man bcd hie rlgbt lbomb, ppiifally laodrated osnd sosoroal sters were-si clrî nitb pleces of tha shel. Tri mirocoloos that more serions o-. Jres mare sol sanlalord. A sombar of lonal Orangames attrsdad Oisie serie et SI. George's Crarch, Lomnil, Sun. dey eftarsnon, nhen the Ros. Mo. Bort preached o spécial sermon ba the hrethree of Camiphrllvllle Lodge. The seron ls hlghly opta- han of. The big nom hlgh losol bridge bos prsgressed su fer that semai people ara cresslng it. The pouo' ing of the Crment jeta the oares wscomnrncd lacst wenk. Ths mooh le hnlng esshrd and rlnotric llghts have bren isstalled 10 horrp on the mort, sol shan nrah or paoaliltisg, tha bridge may ha complated Ibis yeae. It let oamared thaf W. J. Mc- Clesahas of Appleby, han recais- ed the appoiotmonî of Saginîrar sf the Baroogats Coart, for the Coosty of l4altosccendisg the lame W. A. Lawrence. Sas. Mo. Watts mîIl ocopy the polpit sn Mansemsod U.P. Charch sent Salarday. Sas. De. Mac- Issyre, nho bas han fIl witb psesmosia for the past meab. is etl inasery tom conditios, me amossory toste. J. O. McOihhos etcf as Mondoy fortheoNorth insearch of deer. AR Pninne Il WM 3gt P Oa A 237 S C To Ratari omncem PItONS T U n $0,4.<#<$ BY BIL 800511 MLI thon Saa ltins I thet Octaho chaso tePR tic n- faltlait S-Biai OR i] lhortyT O T.b FedR