Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Oct 1962, p. 15

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-. ~~1 THE FIRST unnLai boul he [h falion lovs loftm etitE und complnlning. t cue't imagine whp salme inventive genils huon't peoduced a giatit vauu olounor [buat toult oh. mintie [ho dittioultp utf pointollp rafting euch single [euftlu o cent. raI pile, tirent teuoeporlieg [hem oa location lur hueoiug. Cuelt peu junt tinuollue o gioetnseop. lr, at o muorrute couto coure, whiohîeg [ho touoen up oEE lutoot and lansoeputlng tihemt lu u cenl- rul hurning pile? * t WAS ton' encueuged hp the Lutme ut o letIor lu *îhe odilue bust oeoh tohon tho meitee et. peed snme tootI tuundod opie- uone un the toton. One udmunilion t thuught doneseode emphunio. Sho nuid, "IE Miltun isoever lu Au- caeaprogessnive and murth- tohilo oommonity thoen il in lime tue [hune et un whu tocr iu Mil. lue to stop tulhieg uhout [ho toton hoehiud [os hueR, nu [o speoh and lobe nume poitite ntopo in muk- iog Miltun u deoirohte pluce le tobich, to live, une le tohich me und 00e ohilden cona toton bonnest peido." I agree. * MILTON DISTRICT [[ig Schul wthouethtenof atoi- treie ucîlilptyon [ho weokond tobon [ho Johoonhos Winmou huld [ho tilo. Milton conteto * A LOT ut peuple ohuod cotideeole ioteetinoourttrait toit dioptup illuntroling hoto pic- urae ngruveo tue oir op peneoanco lu The Champion. Act- Lully toote heon ueing plantic ougeuoiegnnsconnnd otocteonioullp siece [95t mitn our on OOtOil- meut intlld in tho plaet in [[S6. IL etitI nooercerinen t[omz on 1001 iratol ns ucumptiohed in thn meied and mondeetut wurtd ot * DON'T KNOW hon muop muîneioîn mop have luhen tho CuestafDriveoourelot wooono t ton the cubers ut their heot hut Sa.3 aa4S e. M d miaana Sonnler or ltter, sermoonne e go- Iing lu onolize thrat toc Conudiant Ipuneen tho mont doudtp meupou in otho toed. When thin boppons, y ou con oup guodhpe [o [ho cotd citizenof utho nation -thul es about tiohecumoddominantinouedînmr. Our leaders buten't tumbnul lu tho deountutiog poluntiol ut thit noopon pol, bol I hotu, ood tmi miiting, toith ohl [ho friction lne ho rd theoo dope, lu loi them on un il, [o unIoosh il on the truohicoume notione, and lu pot onend lu [ho pot- plural nrongling omog thu major punuot. [l it a maooputirbot maireeuuc- ]car tourtro lok fibre cate-man etaff. [Ir ebuiloru peuple pbpci- coupy. [t tooncho iboto muruiip, mcntoiip andl omulioeotip. Mp oip doubhi leibis: bute Cueudues leadors the ruihtoooooe ecoeeorp la tutu IL Incs ou humanipO tmntreereingutofcurs, lu The Fbu. At I uI heru îoppiog oui [hie eioging cutilu aetrmer wtil nbnky tingenes, rto l deipping o seodp occumpuni- mentmphbodytoeocbudhbulo coul coid fluehes, t coolt heip ihiobiet it o ehumot lueic nuchoatvcinal;toopoo remoin strlclp lue hume cooooimptiu. Ali our Peime Mieisee touid havet oluditrunodu oi doe Connodiote tohuo eutterriog lînto The Fbu. Hte coud boAd thon, ut oop -lime uft he pear, in any numbert, in any port ut t cout. Put thon ut a ploaoad eou (hem ou olalo tioits tu Met- con, Waehington, London, Porit, Pohing, Beelie oe ont urler trouble sote. Lot thon mieglo .rleot ot diptomatie cockotait pur- lices. l'Il guurunet[bt mithit ton muotieni, 90 por cent et the peoplole [ho nuetd nould bute The Fbu. Woen nuould couse. [o- oornutîonut esuito noutd end. Steepbodp nuouldh bou buep niîh The Fbu. Persuooiip, Id rulier bu hrit hp a hpdogen homh thon by The Flu. Wilh tho tormer, pou coni uoip ho lown lu bits or borocud lu cindore. Wilh tbo bitte. pou die o thueud douibo. o couple arthitet a yOOC. tue lifte. Coo't pou tee boe Ruecioo moujiks reeiog aond nilh leve, roeepecand hcb- log cooghe. Tbop toootdnl hotu onough enegpltomormue Np- et l" ut the 'UN. Wo'd bote thont ou their fores hctoe pou cuuld nop, "Dniepronpetrovskb. Wbnn pou bute The Fluj-*ure juel not intectod le tightiog oophodp. In the tirel ploce, pou'on su meuh pou coolt lich pour lipe. Inthescond,pyou don't muni ctoughtor; pou wno epmpolhp. You mop îhinh oail sIa bit tuocitul, but 1 hot. Thic meeh. t botuolt 0000 hod the ciregib ur tho spirit lu figbl miih top mvile. Ioolood ut eooth- îoc oroutd me, top bide ot poeh me oui t i he op. I tous [hlemr moue considerrahle comment on theo tuon lune weehns Champion. Thin meoto the second port ofth ehorue conetodon [ho noonle [Olp. * LAST WEEK t wndeont uloud aouot pogreno oonnox- tion. Afte uttondieg tho meet- ing ut Milton Couricr ou Mou- duy t tinul IL dittieult [o hotiete onp rouI pogons toUt he modo thin pour. [les puonlp o peesnnl opinion hot thoone oeemsta [o hoou mueny dittoncet ot opinion ou [ho tohole pohtm [o l0eve maihe roui pogen. *I SUPPOSE il tounlh bu o long heturo the buop eound ut oclioliois gels on motion ut the lclEcn.Figore ohotieg hochey, puhblie sholig and mr huchet. Fon placet, ae un bop us [ho rea * WRITINO and iisleoitg t0 [ho mueid surie ous don'l min. Su lei ns [ho end. su toeuh thrat, tohon t tot chongieg the guldtioh. t noorlp toont flt on mp hock cîbun hc note o tiip in top huod. Thoisthbu physci *atpoct. nut tho ptpcbuiogicoIuel octctisete more huerible. You go oroood i0 o clouo ot depreccion. You dccc- lop o dccp ood biffe haleofc ceephubdpu pour tamiip. mAltA se rs orhrahi ucocrned hp the toct tOut pu'on dpieg; Fluoluto tiondo, cîhote idou uf sympoîhp ista tuell pou about lAc teeribl done ut Tht Fblbo bhehd lot upeiog; dodtues, toho tl[ pou tho ihiog lu du is go taluibo tueor toto dapt, tobut ile aUl pu cou du oa gel lu bed ut tight. Scaou top m plut. tut Cata- dot nuorid domnioiuu oilait thero is no doeeco, ocurrict tooopun [or The Fbu. Wiih thc tomne ideiout taooîtueoco, il souks outlhighuund luow, rich ond pour. Nu huma ohelice es ducp eugh lu peuici againt lî. TAis ]iille piau lu prudecc murid pouce is utfecd lu Me. Die- teobohor and ies bups (it ter siaouud mOe [his lu priotcdi tue ntiig. t dol' mat public aclior aiorgetnuoary te nord, oret n a hoi0bibuud. Ai 1 mat ic tu gel rid of top Fia. DowN(S) IN THIS CORNER WITH ROY DOWNS THE ANNOUNCEMENT thoï, turner M.P. Savdp Bct moould look hePrgrssioe Cueservotuvo nonination mbrn Hulun's PEu. Ociobte 26,cauasnsrpie t bicoîcul Saodp neeuld ho in tAc roooteg agfain. Hous Scotch nouughuund costiatiitenalt cV) eougb lu soit moncp on oic-cOu posters, tc At aed blu. paris oheru bot ba lui of t Arni ap afice the- Juoctvoie. Tbcrc are ailofbtricooudthcoecbp. APETION LOVERb ua bat- gaie buolers miii bute ibeir dap cet Tuetdap aod Wcdnctdap, ithen tAc onioal post office toit oftuibaincul porceis mii bc hi in Hamiltuon. The meechandisa oa Au sol on 5m sepotate pece - coch colinig tanoneoteatix doe rils- cs unacu l- luen uftheb mcrcbaodiee cutîccicul in ute peur a01the Uodcticcrabie Nuit Offiio, Dttawa. Tht bluff iboptil toit au irona ol avoirCanada, aodnmo. is tanid ueto. Pocha ges contai everptiie front bts ba ut parts anduaifs,trnistor rdios Io ladies' girdiles, o dianonl ring tu o bos o utîoîo-picbe, a Roiitp- Ridu-Em Teifcou 1 ta i rish liou iublocloîh. Saine pou-Ols ain made up epociatip Pur dealers, ihc t ht one cuotaiumg BS pellets, siarO- cres pistoi, tieles gratce cal- li.0h bloc, duel gunot, Oudonicton e, liinuicînilAc unorc le- iticilît fui- liat, piil clii i l, hicud cooce, .Il soukhi betal]t coul 1US billiard out rifps. Tbore's a cpeciui jetootîet sec- lion ooith 000 ditcont parccit. mosi. of tiret coelbiîinb' a siogle wtooch, bol Somti beoeieg oucb nasurere as aodiomoodring.,four cildront moitchos. or a oleto ut gold moteu tor mou's aod laube' muiîbee. Wbp inoocb oeeece.torO Becuce moire o oboppy nation, tisat mhp. 00e don't meito plain- p. toc duelt porrt- ood Ouc pro- potIp. anditc.doo't putiOorrein adulons oe pou-oic guiog -througb [he nuit. TOutes hon ihe Post Officet collecrs il - onul tbulcs tohytouch anunuobut sle snc- carp. TOc Pot tOffice puisoupm oih lot on unaai erer, bol mhot coni tAcs do mObh e pare]i uddrcseed tu "Ceusn RInce on Turono or "Tht Tomn Clerh ut Ontoeio, Ca- nada" or "A E. Consente ain saaoim rerNoto Broun- enichO? ThontheOc was the top- pcr ut rhum uS], o porcel wmh the iutteiption "Picote Dolier To . uo. ad o maip indicoOong o ie cturop fame hooee i0 an Ont- ario cOpy. Hum otopid caoa wu gct O Weil, Christmoe le cuming. Hcrcts pounr chancet btc uic p e parce[ and mohre poor contei- butioe lu oelt peur's Post Or- ticc Suie, REVE DIt fiod out mhp Mil- bot's nabt consomption is sn luituon Jauory 2 ooch peur. (Ytu mat recul1 t puiitd out a lin ncbs ago, hum tAlc mas tbc dop onAwicA Mibbuolons use tOc oat enount ufth1e stfI) Mat Zimmormon. u Miltonma ,urtuiog as o PeIIp Otticce on the NuttNs H.M.C.S. Booaventure ut Haelifex, ha-. a tinilce prohittn. b got iL lutcr fretn hunn Seter- ieuni AicAi At cpi theA cucu il 1.200 an ibis ,uucrait car- rirconuemd20 tonsof dometlu wtir Ithut tR800 gailons) in un boutter-bo bu orhc toue Ou b- fmuon midoight onul t ont. toben nocrlp oeurpbudp Os oupponoul [o hoe in boul, sleepieg. Thet morbe ot t oor golione [or mon tue- sumpîlue ueetg -[he hur Mue eepboiee [hie ohips con- comptun Pigue te domrei muter onl - and duesn't couraittheosat muber o [hn boUe mucer ued on tht big ebipes cpuratuon. "This prohublp etuldot Atitu greul a profient in urdieeîp touns ut 1,200 peoplt. but mAe ttop arc flutit-i le c tint l of tht Atlantic ucani, tobtotre mucer le ai o poennion, ite a big probion," he scriles. ot hp map ut icreel, Max epjuioe lAc shîpos dailp cu- tumlplion ut donnecit %%,uloi- le [50 Iune, and tOc Aniiere taLc 75 -cote a dap. Ttîc arc ,, secsuoflctapotrte ibci wtoaer fromt nhe st, and ihcp caoi predocclfour bot ut beite,.ralet or île otlne of duncebtîcîcur cacA. tThoprc note carrelai abut romovieg sait truin theb oiter wtair, hoeeploiui, becueait biac acorroie action liartoful lu boulre. Buifiîipotcest totit ut doiohiog natte, tu îlîcp focesoint lut) tI ocid pur cumuoccery ncch,' mulues tht Fritp Ofticr. tI cnjup Tht Chunpion and îouid fifre tu coogroturait pou oo the recent anurde." He is th buont or Me. and Mec. E. Zimmerman, Ru- AcrI St. SCIENCE HAS FINALLY tua- cd [ho oid adage oan upple a dap houpe tht docotoupwa." Slodeits ol o U.S. oeiccru.iip purltipatcd in l tihrce pcar ce- pobimoot tobich tondo Io ploie thel an apptt aî dcy retlp dci Anter othe M. t e ttadc. A goup id i,300 stidet culu. tc, c. Recordslu.uicl thuo ,hlî,, aîtuîtp applo matit onetIhirî leicî or culu ol the oeiv.treitp hlnhl tontre to cotoploi oft oppcrru epiroborp infections, [bon [ho tomne moero noe-upp roer. Aise, [hep boul tutbip tucer bue- sootpeuro trnubles thon non- indolging etodonte. ISN'T [T odtil, thecocîcer o gai 10 ta look a1, [ho hurer [ho tli toton ore? "Bird's Eye View"' hi There a Futqre?. e Mîlttues annuel Traedo Poîr hue cumpteteul ite loot pour avul [ho oubibite and crunul noce ut par nitb puel performences. 00e coulAnit bipa tonder, huncoon, il il might tut bo the lot niodoe loir in Milton for n wiît. Enhibiture bud chunigeu nuticeubtp and ail tise dieptup eputes boul tut boon tit- czed. l eonoduappantnîbuîthe nteneetuon tise pont ut mucp nerchunîs huA nuneul nu tise point nisere thep no longer lobt incined nu voont the big eftunt necoenuîp lu petiot- pute in tise thon. Tbe euhibine tube cuveilldeuble udtuoce ptunniog und considerebto teesi tmante pre- pecution. Thoro e o cortaîn oualp ubut ail nf thon the.t beepe people iotereoned ucd tuomies hooh peut utten peut. Il es ttîs qocti- îp, isonecer, lihut muben lbnrepeutuon of tihe ouhihite noce atd mure ditiuct foc tise euhibiture. Tho Trode Fuit hue beot o tremnoue, thougis intuogibte, hnuut for Mlon and Mil- Ion commence,.l tanou peur bieîunp bot ce- cctded eocceee uttertoocoîns. Tha uooett hune boon huAl onua ttonendcct amunn of couperotion oisunotlled nboug nise sponscr- icng Cisumber uf Connerie. A seeme enlot- tute niaut eush un etent cuncn gu on peau uttet peur. Thelnade Fair it,honoatn, nt asnteh in eod of o teet un il uppouro hume toho An 01<1 Truth... fise endor-edicuted o ut cden-tnotiedar îodupn cunenpuped in Cunudu ua cuit bctaonione. tl eens lu At goceîutlp ucbnontedged [but tis i tise note ut the enenpupnt pioblon, ua it seon lu bu generu0py uccept- oul bel tes soutinî le tt pruvcdo note or dutterent odeunaioti tut pungotene cuning cp irrta tise aoorcute plus notruîning pnngtune fut j'oblees aulte. Honoete, covcedîng tisut tehrisetonnsunreeechi ndpesible,utl must be uebed if theise tet need ton un eennooebictnttotne unecicutofno- spuct ton Ilu uict-tuutieiutci intes ut cetf- teliuttetad undcstntoest. le nsunrt, isucu ne tucbed uppnelonitp ton tuunning, ut ccii- bongnoos to nonb ut il? A recel tlt hp Or. W. R. Dpnnund, asistant depalp ninieter ut Onitunio's oison depoonment, todclret tf nup hor noreof uthlie latteor [suthlie tonner. In lise auct tubon fotce tudup, On. Dp- notA enunted, 43 ut ut 100 pereuts butea gnude eîisht edicubion on lots und Iucb tcf- ticient bvnodge putticual ut mutiscut- lice, lu ft tieseec ton altiur jobs. Ecen in neteni peurs, hA uid, ubout 35 pet cent ut stodccle ontoniong eienennurp stiosot hotu mv JIM DILLS eeed nu ouhbit are. Winhut unp diffiotp one ouoicourien nheirn t he ncmhetof husiness-etioun morohuone to und the num t ponticipune thue pour. Con doutent, tee- vicetoutaduanundeeustnnuortoliedut tise udditiunut epuoces. Fnepanunu ut tiso ochîhîne tubes o grout deul of lint and mnn note unublenua gite tl ut the titi o equcoulf. Fcn nisun Maieun il ononît the octiro ecent tsu d ge aon t Weceu tuetîi fotk ci hsolding tl ucorp othor peur ua tis tnup ho nhe lugeol ptae. On poniupe tf ehuld ho nnuppod cp ton lhnee or foan peunt cntil tise bunnetiesof ut thciuenas ton necnurged. flue dclcion nauruflp neetc onunh the eponeorung Chunisen tf Commece, bat they nuli enduhodtp ho gaîded bp h nisecuo- etunces. Thop ate nell onute uisoudp ut tht diffiuctp in se0utg tise ton renuieing x ibn epuiot tis peut. Influt pte tf tise gecetul public nisu uttended, tht ocenu fon t1962 touta uce Tbtptuceîin godcencbersuandltecdîun of tise ocîibuts uttractîve. Sonse tovtt homen boutîcg priue. This e gcd anA aut xcl lot wu tu lotte tise Trudn Fuit. lis u unotisur peur, t oelul immagune, nul sbu cari lutionul on eccît tctnsdule ictunuet on tile pourt of cohbbtons. 00e dîdint Attecn nisut icteen t n incîuted. lfi ut cn etore grudo eigit, and uncti 35 put tent baco lott scisccl belote ubtuin- uug boit cunor nutiicelietiot. Thec norut bttn su atuwile ecisoti stediot ar tut hngtc Io ultou nase pructîcul jo1b truuicpn, etuennts cillbhaetlchanguietiioctstlaatiiftuueittIo b nopgaiun. Antier purt ut tise prchlet, uc but nill bu tote nunitat in tisa neor tatanre, ts theu retisttnco ttchantgeon theopatoflv plped aualts. foeuerc pruvse tiuthlie acerage, ncrrcurinolongeronypecî tncomncai- tîcufr tuntp uctucnd p3cruodi lna esingle ocplciwliagictu tutio uicbacgiug nilîs. Howecot, tout tisceghis l cisobicce ftishe cpgrudicig of luisut îuquîrenots ceadi lu nîduer oppurtecitiot uaud iîgisn pup, ut lisus poved aincet inpossible to peteadu uîplcpud atcîbnno oa ban ths kulle vouded ici bour anA note pettounent jobs. Al sortitl bu tise tutu tisut nt at ceisut changes muset ho maude 1cr tisnew ut c instol tptttnî or ttruucaing pro. piacn, lînsu ci ail nu cocA ta gui isuri tu flcodtruiu tisai et iitdiu.ilalt ut ut a nu- tion toc cari gui out of lite oilp toht %tu pet uni. J. P. EtuOtuin, Wî,dço unît Oc.. Aodîtti, Trc,î,oîct, wc Autyo î aturdiet aod Modup siguiog lAc dceolnurci lut, $18.000 fer guudic reade. Tbcrc toert 120oi [hen anA c onuch îrcalr numen r tI cuupon,. Thc tel ,cil cilvo eti TecdL te f'lic hait'. Aite Ontarit Auiîurili, Torotto, cnd fil ue latb fcon paid 50 YEARS AGO Tallin tonne tbe files et theo Cen- edtun Cbampton Dot. 17, [[12, The tuni ouppu ndu cnerbcio- ment te 10e Zinneman MoibuA- itl Church on Mundcu lat mat c decidel tucceets. TAc Chorch oct c rondcd tu 0t oinuu.i capcOp. The ladites tccud c spicndid bup pc. Thc pcoiinoiti-t ci mueit Mo. Fuionolt and bIts. Pîchard ut [Soanit, toan cd diutt, Chs.eucruand M.<.,e aduelcod Mr. Pcoc, ausoi. Mc, Bccdtutc Luuîîtic acuited ali Anc orgut. Rît. A. t. bîicue AtctîLl- fuflpcoiieincdlth bcuonotr anfe Aut cin utigue adArss n tiuoci "A Wuones Taciat." Ttnc tcun.dttna the tit isuo tAc attention nathfid tuithe s. The innilresohtut theaoie-orp nos cctp grtiping bu Oue trot tees, aboout $11 tocs rtutizod. Capîcie R. R. Rallier oftt l Guides, nîbb cillerofuticcrs hait beeobuev tht-.ucbguigaîtr aed encppiog flic gîauod Acuuoec Mîttot ccd Hanmilton, uc uhiîb sAc big niliburp moeunvres mili taire plaît un Tbeanb-gii îcg dap thec2lioeî Wcbneîtgides.and mape tAic offlices cn charge ut the coubîts 1.11 hc beipturto TAeLcotutir n l -lu, dc Ilt iie-tial.itiiri, ,iiil] Oc moret tfien 3,000 u.cldicîu. tl,'Iiita. IL i. nooîîîtatcd that thuugb tAc Ta- i(, nio conticgent ill detai a Canohetiv ilte, as acniiunc As -Poo shero Tayor utcob. ced t irccp humn Hamil- tue iii Au ou hure, oui ai Maote' vetd. NEWS,,? DISTRICT ACTON -A $2,500,000 icn,,,cit hcmc oto iansp ua tarmn clime kii la 1,1 Olai'Vrdichime bucogîcuoig opin gnouo ad odita frcîoi 30 vekr, urAciov llt îîisa cnoqourrytn teite, lvlipo-biliît o becoin cunof C,înaît' largest. GEORGETOWN -A iten William, aend plî .Iaitned the fle et kt bo .-îi lî vtrîncc,,nthe ghtlfout l tof aodeliduoff e, plii.botiig Ai and eL pluomutc. The oîlncr vuulb toudugot b, auotn, bot Parti Honcok mile ,m.tbheod ta deuth. Firoenon diucîlatîîc r.îeîîclp tu rébcul:th bhoyspbhtlere aflte BRAMPTON -TAirectme public scA,,,,t arr noodrd, and tho sclbud a zAuued perission tui go alhcadnih the uilding pioc on,. Contrucition of th«ce more îotld meutn cat of 10 1in1 Bramnpuoc. Thurt arc înresurtIl 3,731 poblc uchocl siium. ATREL100II LE -Il ec ' i olu Pull Bard ut Educallue aubut 01,200 iar cu îui c uîbîc,,,îo, I rcont chul building. Ofticials eiunnaiia lcai î,uîîciali.siî-ecîalnlv bycldre-cueio u pce5000 t, icat, wiîh Ai his aîloulc goine ter bonbon BtJRLINGTON -A une, iAndîîrreirt ic o, rcumncndod hy lu. lodi,, commisionu'.u ýIIi uait, alai lu Baîtiogionu. hndonacs fumr* . about $170,000 un, 1963 . C,u annmoreou use theAcs ico c1 .puiîgîaîc. Ahcucc Aerinco500 kiltîu fieur oamourih caould san about 1.7 per ycar. FORT CREDIT r A local ofui utur is naking at-ruhice îcunuî.tAcu. pet Walkerhnd wat ciitiecd dogmufthutig Aptin [lie Cado rlk, ka ndcpe- ohîphtnuhpa tîbifox, dlcors oîd, THE TURNING POINT Dp J. 111. STAR Dcci tc.i itnk ilial ccr Catia ; -ilu ll In tt idc l limeî c f a l At i ' p goadlen u it i l b ii i .îui c lr , a- j " biri [lie t-ui' and I lic, îra i tal, it Accu Ihinfrad Ou .aAccoi th,u 10ItuItu tuA d L ýiI. dl- 1 th'. ill It-, ituiuk t i lt.iitclili t ii 11c11Loicsi 11ci " B i 1t i l Itt il i k lu.g tutu tiittt t. 11 l tAc c ai îacc auhd n i itireril i' man, ,ho u.a hki calý a lau '.ld ni da,'onu li-..ic uiin Il . til Il 111 li ci , lui Liu,i lui mot. Irdan ilors,, I ' i ..î i iol Irii in liiil,, h iili ut li. . t ii .uîtui ,lkî lu liiui" tut I t i lit h i ti t ciWtu 'ait 'piS pîcIli, ndt cioi Acoue ba kioodcl ci c j ikur au1 ' ' llii ,e.i, fI -lc Itiittg i,, ta i, If i, lotc dlAi0 Aoohtctc cthte 111ICciaL iarcu Ilstiktutuu.- * gt foton tAc ncuobu ho iidtcIred b rhuit touert 1piîcu. licipun. Th ila cou. >c1I of'l lAl jt, b-zAr ofd bur l suoudc ulit vuics oodr di%,itoo aftt acccariulcos il i inîtî iiiti Octbbr aur, anud tnt suit nnounut ut nt ,,,,k c , .il u.ip., tibe tîquîd Iiii,,--iIl emo titindote- ou k., I iii l the ti , ai a aiîd nd cli ii >rod c nîneicacotîty duai htd anad ci incA, gui %it wau. tttuiau.-,iiu flcuc liîn titi c a anid te tu dleoiv tra o cai ii ru 0 tnIt p tiz% Tii i- iuu e aitint- - Ianatdno efrcscurc, idTtonassie, cnoer- cn le LirItl coloani anul t filtlut du,îucil .1c thp pi,. liu h it la' îcuilicd ctititg Air' db tA, .îvccd olines 'A tacdieau in t cAf aod lu- ie arittinigo! Nadthng mnebas ah siece iu. hit abn hemn finie -tslmehil,,-tnoi cIopetht ci ail btAbinge'accop - tqire- tilhithets.g tuli ho M-11~~~ ~ ~ A1-o n lcsteppng t î,li h-d îcod Aru- co tic. cilc t. se nianv ta 1ý illul lu. I tic ccbît..Rondwhieud.ac >tut 1 it. ,lts Op, ibrough [ho bp- ut uite andîc coulnui, dtluting tlic fragtan t ctin 10 asciootieg abodace Ib cou hice teve tanod inuboh oiidiuo iile ofttonultuoon u uiv lfrome dap onul jonC %acbcul atu libeiceu Lu the [cot- tes fuit, voue oolp hove miseeu (Cuontiould on Pago EightemoS '20 VEARS AGO Taoen f te M"o tite h CRn- udton Cbamepion, Oct. l, 1942. LoimooEvans,startotguutofMil- toit lueur chunapuoship hockep far s training mîbO tho Mopbe Lcau. in Si. Ceihacinot, Luone le slctcd bortheb Meriboîno joniors, but itodr-cîute a tpoutoih the sicioui tuituteaunigsi ol 7.30 pt..nbmhcb o-lt bho0e officiai licre ternfu e lowst of Mil- Iibcie ons ua chiou mAoeo a retîclou. tutc e ac heurhaen anmrcc ucrs.uiîlabceooud lu bc vcry Acolu. Comtcgoeoilp amonnmilce unprisiog Augi- tact, Freebvîcoîco coul Unitoul C hautbch auikr hnias boe Atreu ie spontout Ar. pi bi.Begiooieg ntoi Mondai Aunes in Milton tout btc isicA and quetons mli ho anhed ttegcrditg tcigiu atfibia- duons. Tht btuimpy cu-oipcrton ut tAc homo ufl Suid bAechchboeso icnhcîci îti-itotîîcodarîogîtoe c iieg diuic Faoncr. et tOc distit timl misai abut 50 pur cent, of the cou- -ue'spfoaleuttap bas hcor snob- icuccA op Au. tbc Atight. A d.alw Z n n ocroc! o church nuvicri c r net. bo tPr sieh d is,îecaicc iAccîei, ,mn oshor aipiccduiti andtobnspct,u"one touanictoutvetuo. Du. - Puccie Ricin, oteul bot- trar ntpuperctc trepcno cd1tbnthc speakerto theupn- cng tuncheon of the Milton Con- atiat Club btiet heult ai the Mil- lac ton un FAiday Octoher I6. The speaker, ,h u , Au c o erseul 10 Rcuapcan and osceotn firsecîl sptch un Rutela anul bAc future. Mtnbt- cii bc intooncicul bu htcacbthspeaker.c.,pocialptobuo Rusme ts situgclico bAu-ugO ber procrnit couttîci. He cnu igl icotî,ouundcd ho the Centc ici Ottice cnou tut oihu port cvitb auabondaceofiorm- îlot, =THE GOOD OLD DAYS= -m The Canadian Champion CiE t N a tl ic luita it. rt liaicu C i AS AN'Aci-uu i 1luu î i . Aii-iiuin Cý.N ultiancr. S3,00 un Cautia [4.00 in Engiaud anA lle Coi,,ncctihi Couniicsu $5.00 lu tht LIbSA., eaul thbe Foteign Etciu.Acîinicd urt SecouA Clues Mail, Pot Office Dcpiimi 1, Ottama. O. A. Diii-, RAite -ii-Chiii Jcaces A. tille, Maocgiog hiditir Pnahtishtd in fic Heori t ofHottot Pnbtnbod bp [ho Dîtto t'oteeteg nd Pobitnbtig Cu, Led. BUSINESS AND EDITORIAL OFFICE TELEPHONE TRE-2341 M

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