ary Ha la To-di4r lii.Tha id llppo CaspaSa a0auegeo 23, 1562 «5od4t 7t& VBY Mas. I HOUSTON w emd Cal Mes Houtna TR89. We are e lattc epor Same Mran M on Wot and Mils MlS.Ila patetl Mi'anl nwüdCe. refnd toeititHsptl ews woe'atra Wle hlcd .Birhagree igs oMis Ma:Bch gae Pewrossi R 1woc Mran Mrs Harla and aci 20. Mitoc restdests, ae st g fcr a fccc weeks et t he homcof lieho Me. and Mcc. Stantey Lace otf mtuflir, Mcc. Rchçtî Sell, Manien Lacaster, Ecglacd, cicitod last St. mecS ceith their ccesic, Mrc. J. Arnold, Bancsn St. Sirthdcy greetiogo te Mes. Dose Titehers, Mary St., cche witt cee Mr. asd Mos. R. Cunnteghams brate ber 801th hirttwtay Toesay, Martts St. hase ostos-cd home Aogocc 28. A tou seUl ho hetd ai aftcr hettdayieg fer e ccehk at the hoeocf Mos. tred Timerr, Oraceshorot, Moshkek. Rohert Si., froct 2 pair. thil afler- Mr.and Mos. AtleueAskianeef O rofebadBt Lonedes speet Sceday ccith MrGyro HotIb cfMle acc Bitrll Sedo. Tc ieerRhr arc it otticycle trip thrccgh Si. the eec. Thdy ctafted Gcy'c cou- Mrc. Alite Ndehle and David sin* os Red Dcor and Sili-, cncle, baeeretcosed Ic Guelph afrer W.' H. Saes acd bis fcrslit.y, ein hclieleyisg sitb lier cisico, M r. Edtecscee. aed Mos. Wte. Cole, Victcria Acc. Mcc. Sioewari McNeoghscc aed __________________________________ 'Mr.andMrs.Joh Rosh iche cf Wisgbare, Mcc. Frock Mo.~ ~ ~~nu 0o o. eeRcecmc Foster and Mr. Johne Gaec of tcc meetcc eit he homec btler eedda Mc Jeb Mae Mr. sister, Mr. and Ms.W.. Kosk ran MattJacneMeuntdbrce ef.c ec. Y2rMitn, ace %virig fcc FldMich cias Sraanda shime atr. Si.2 Mt tn, ed îti frens beisW e ptcient ie Milttoe Disirict ce Pcct Crcdtt. Hccspiit.l Mr.cand MosDon Prgationmsag A tsrprisc Partyscet ctd Foi-J fcteily cf Csstteord, Ont., set dayl ns the hoeocf Mr. aed Mr-. MIL ANM MIUI, *ON SYBIMAN are shecco fcllcmîsg -sheir April mawddicig as Somerese tic cteekend coti Mr. cnded n Mo.. N. tacut, SCU. , Miltes, fcc United Cbcrch cn Lachine, POQ. The grcoom rbte an of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Specras of 3!5 Rocl Harris and tatctly. Miss Sos-esc Ssost. fcorter a Ceues SOr Milcs, asdi ta orkisg cn Mesceeni fer P. ft. SZobeosanMaecfoctericg Ce. Lsd., Mis Friedi. cf Mos. Dog Lace, MtoncMiHsetrcwillchicl.- hride ce acnrse, tfhe fermer Mary Claminse cf Wisdsor. Tbay are living nom ar Ville ta Scrah Si. ccitt bec srcc c hecr i g degeet 20 fer Baen, Gosse Selle, P. choiiacptiest inHsilceGee- ny, tcbccc.iemwilliteccffurîc . -- n. sce. iccfhc.e oral Hccpital. Wc is cie hccycors. cpccdy recccery. _____ Mr. aed Mcc. V. Mcltcs acd fccrlly cf Whichy, fcrcsecly Hele Teuchoe B,. koskiAfraKI Clarkeccf Milice, hae be-en cici iiiiwihhe mlhran liiiv «#yl ftS»tRICHI AKtJV NU HOME Mcc. O. Cl rke, R .K . M ic s Eicc M as-selle K ech i deeglrsor cf Mr. ad -Mrs. W.J1 sormnscavacoeo- Icei cf R.R 2 Miltcn, wcc mar Ey SHIRLEY rid Acgecîd4inPrcie., Blccdt bride iccagrcduaieto akcbcrc. icd lsiclcetciscagondtfineetu 2 caeo.lISeteatcs eachf, thcie cup secritýca ser.oTeicrs Catiege asnd scft con- clat bccicg aratn and fiti the cocd clne, sielf dracnied a itIle elmccdc and .dteced os. Many visitors mccu bier seacig cancer ai Scel flrocsc tcib lic crcma cf frelr t cttf seedioso isistitn Sic.Mare. liieccelccidier. t crfiedryhredlcraabl tract.Pcclodcncdogh Ste-e Iln W eek's News Fay oto wMrHsfandcc.lames strclh iccdebvcclbhi, sriga Ottp gict det nedac asdrl u noa 6ic qae ByM.Gog nls J a f Miami Shcrcc, Fîccide. icg il t ciS lilliep, ccd hakira. clccedc Alrsacli sciat tho t laMoespocan mets By Mes. Gorge Iag A Acrcdeci..cfAcmptioetjeic,,. Tccdiieclcitruelcmcdciîisceey t tcecsep lsccsdoss-ac t asso agrn.Sca Mc. and Mo. Doceglac Dc dcc ciii. lie is ecccccccod rcirh thecis ueci; but ce is cost-el-l1iko tacbiepece buttcr cr mas- bter-mrain.Sre arechclidcieg cn tic mcci cci Socii rec.rcchaniofinac c caem c itb yeecst-s-icd gc*W",ctc mixnre ccc,- dougs lc be eaiesi Sackcrcbctstc,, .e taMflieMc me5ggd in 1W55~ inch cf odgs LITs crs hecA&« rcieicc _ýano lie~1 -laecide and ost dmcrgh Frieds cam piocccd o biear Mics Roll frc c hebid oh d icc c cfise eocepto, éns Toc Meece ed r A Xre vas gece hec te mari&g. Johc lecsc c i ec ce Cda*bice tbe [fcer, Mf ceý fanMeen. Tenu cKenzc andMrs.Affecif Ryn gae lie in mrriae. Re. la-casie fortheahme leerat misiogbendmMUin4aiscbn boccc e aed*a s-end sndons-on ccccccare berne fronm bespi- T. J. Rclly cfficiccd. cr c ieccdeegi hctdc ec inl thc 2 tabilespoees chilcd cAti. Pilece cicoesodcs Mal. SereIgi eeO tbridet iccet con delîcci i co risins, choc- bercer or maargarine fteebv. Mec- dfegcoiicl cell ea ogie eclodn Mci. Gergtrees av Leies God ceiodc. Ticei ees cec aeecee largee Os-ase ccc, e., Macrk] trisioce ce tae reccie Togh bricde gocc a tehettif dc.ieleîed le oterl te îc"tl suepee u eai. Srate;sat -n th kie .c.. BrcSh wisth eg- oithchcrcetc.Reied(er dce'; 2ie becidoon oeils. mciïki bece fle, cridekle cciii the cisnais th oeo r,.,dt oito aideiec cu o irmeS1. Scldcciih; coeolc lke. rcMlecpeoci la.cert sci Mc.ecdlMcsWllcdGccccteec. ceecicccdh t e e of ali flce'ccel-cdc. Tren, Ofii.iiccccc Bcei cgg cetS Adddiis.ampec.-frdsÇ ibehcc.îCdeccJamsfMrshl eare cfuqe o it tic olvod ced st lecccci iclccnduttllinsrd ed in buk -ire cc'cy tue EatC ificS nroees. fci long ie ite clt relit g ccoclhtIoleecmixturecsccîc an . îe ecrmds lice ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nt bcis Mtccceec2ecltccc [tur ect.cdegirecceicc cice- aicl--celOs Mcc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hl ilceyotcc eccicdLkeecccl Ille i. irudlrelceiicttvl] ccecrcrccatrticcmrI-,- (350 ieccecc--er 30 eei35 uPortli Ci cil rel dughà Tbuere tc, geîdtgec, ______ OcîCedcc re helrcccengcisbeecoeîeecccceofpece iicg tccc-lcl nie-cle deegi I crdc cecse Mr. and Mirs.RoertElii. dccsicee iclrisciritlrcdytoc.cci cclcc ire crmcciiedioie -Acicceccclcle Mcc. George Gcidcîrem ced Mccrcs cieiccu 1ce ,h,,, Fi-sS e PoogisLdaSS Peel cce c.Gccccp cifrc p-rii Mercce MeFhil ecemed tocaI est mein sucs c Lec Kestadccl Gos tic poles mddteg ceeicccsccc Jeros Niecicl e-cc the csr dicta tIsne Labo, 56 SLsna U et cis isc le o icc picelIcael ocecrshic? i eld lice dc ccl Me. ard Mcc. Gordo ccr h ui I A ,eeic ci, ciahucri e-ife) ci e ficciri drcii, ccii itcbile ici ce cflcic cie heci," aEdec Mîis occ Setecdec. ticiel fliieed fc cer Ïhe iei-ciec4cciece ieemomd ce-pctent "Gel mcc MccLl tr- e Mis cielyec i Icclleit circcep i- celcd cegar Mea lire, comince re Wecil- scscciig ierteed.' --cie MeCîCliaof cIt-ccilicir l e icycci. Wiconcsin, tutui)i andcilc lrce ici IocWriik te Vac uer ce Mon-: tndianac o ici licu eddci., ÉiiIilc u ro ,,av ýThe, cciii lice ci Aî.cccccimi i l Mis. Regicclil Austin. Beuce Ede-cîr --e-Mccci. 99 Pin cSiei.:EAT IA RS Y I T and Johncundc i-elativeil'rm Enc Ceci Sic. MarecccailiiIIIVr ji; ri A R Sr lST clid cli Mcc Lh c 2ie iicclc ccdccciiO LZ toit ce Teesdoî1or if dccc leMLTNPL Otiho, -1,ý mi.. and Me-. Regicet Tmis PCA fîfil a c'Pec ee campinsg le Orsetec ECA WaWflfBSE RAIES cnd ciciied ilicc places m A cscrprse pry mes fid fer» - BokTBé l Alece Witcibcc ci the bco ofi With A New Noir-Dol Ccrol Hccdeccee ce lie occcs 4... ccl Asnees Crh i hida. Ticce MVR PARKING T8-2501 .ciiediegcccc Mecy TeresaeOccr. L cen, Loto Auctin. Liedc Smsith, Seeclo lsgiic, Liedo Sacc Lecre Hcedee ced Sirley Eiic. « Mccy gificeandecds ccc recci- ciÏr. ccd Mcc. Arthcr Smith, Lcedc, Jaccos Weisos, and Shiriey Lite, speet Secdoy ciiicig miii Mcc. E. ilscn le Chathacc. Mcc. Keneti Mocrocentcctms- cd le becr cf licc sec Coi-cy -ce Wednesdt the ccasion cf is hîccidas taxi cceb. Mcrly picsý Gordon Col celelcied tii FRUIT AND NUS LADEN ROLL ifib bictidey Tuecdey cf test M.adMos. Gent Tmiss, eand limdc, and Mr. acd -Mcc. Rogi- r iv cccid Tmis cc ccitcd Ferctasy ts- CU A E P I E ODPC ANR 29 ancd inNewmYork Scte loct ee ON Presercccs fruiand cssmo vcns-r Desicg 196 fet imer t ,«O acces, 2 cezes -----........ $3a95 Illeos folles-esy ancd tdi sUe FARM FRESH POULTRY & EGGS 1BLANCHER dois, a deccoase cf cigt par cees aluie er, 6 quart sie. Casi aIse c $.9 liom tic pececdisg ferc. ROASTIN GRADE A SMALL osti fer tie0 fryicg ed 1badic50 NUR N EFOWL E GG S Enscel. ........... $4.69 I s I9A sîo PRESERVING KTTLES $a4 4 MREADY TO COQK FRYERS lb..... . . 1 39c R SZ~ F00 GOVEENMENS INBFECTBD II CO NISMITO R. R. FORD HALTON POULTRY PRODUCYS an aar Coaies HARD AR MILTON, ONT. TR &4357 Dama Gardaon Lana aft MiII St. Si 84401 AVAILA8LE AS R81ý ... joîn the KENmW@@D CaLUB! Att ycts do is cliefic sidresn Kio. ilclu o %vaut, lc eacsclteeoei, Jlvl- I .ýv L-1e h balace dscicide tilt tlcc ilktctn Wicte- yc reoeIirîcccc ctt ce ,cii te ccci i-clfell-rtil Scotititictis firercii t e cr ic iiii , . clii, Sy- -ewe pli isdsge o oi oicieie ilc CAMPBELL'S DEPARTMENT STORE 228 MAIN S5. MILTON SU 8-621 CANADIAN AurIBJJIEpU NATIONALToR0oI10 TUE UNWCB 0F TUE NATION EVIINIIIIS GRABDSTAND OPIENINO THIS YEAN. THE NEW SPECTACULA* "BISSER LIVING CENTRE" ,CAPSADSANA -621 prded b p Jack Explore ibis ewo esoti-mredes dollae CNE Arsbus--featsristg FO DR TOEMENOES Busiig desigced ce reolticearp tee ercc PODUiCTIONE NUMf5BESf OVES FOUS linsessossaisisg 21,000sqarefeccofesuiibt HUNOBEEt SlINGESS, DANGERS AND space tee appliosees anti hoefeeccccccgc. MUSICIANS. ... oriti morld-actaited Canadin soprane Tes-anc Srotas antd eaentaeatienalp Taffed acte siers. VISESCOPE W5 Sec ib seesaticeat Fistaes-ls Fnale] Moder osseterieary reedicise-its practice, resarch aend imeportane tc humain iealtb WIN A NEC leug as exptocce ccd dsccccsrated bp Ontaric CHIVIýOLES BEL AIR soterineeiaes. 14 FREE CAPS. orle eacb ntgbi ai the Gracdsaadt ShtiSa S:1S p.te.--Acg. MANIPiCEnNT 9004180! 17 tc SepL. 1 . RORAD BANO os the Ncorth Acces-loge Ai- Detense Commard TNE TNNEE ISCOGES IN SHI entes-talcs le troc cencerts terce deugy eithe GRAOSTARD "MATINEE PUN-FIET" gigani CNE Bacdsiet. Escey pccagsteal facourtta iV fa-teatas ati bsae arsega ti 5Mb d-faneas aa- NATIONAL NONSE SHOW fats, clowns asti tic reconet HaSSaeoti feoseres bes-ses aed hersemanstpof et mrlU Famity et aceebatie rideraI rescmn in breati taig ce petîtieci. Aîg. 17 Perforccancee2:30 p.te.Aeg. 20QtSet. t. te 23. Metîcces Sec. 17, 15 and 21. cubes always at your finger tips Party-, picncc sur faccipy dincer . . .adccceed mre ic cues tia sue saIl Its simple, eust droup iniece oticciru Soc anti pi oil, o iag We'l ho happy t csecr-ce pce. MILTON DAIRY 16 MARTIN !S ,jirL r n ie cnty eceptito te M ti. Omagh '..aurcn Ladies visiors ttNhAei-nAtrqi menct trie t-doczil olecciou ai leact Missionaryf' 5peaKs ai Boston mn1 h c %h, emte The Acgost saaeofulg of Beston ey fie cpeaScr le 8er bcmc sthco oemecccevccer- Prosyteciae Gpas-e mes field sn ccs ec ad sttid cf rie dccc ccoef tcFciW-iiiKtecec tho êbec parloir Misa C. Te-- living bhere. Sic he iucc W-M.S. prestdeet, cpeoed lie von, cctcrecrisg clidosec o ici-c e t meeting cciii a gondi eteugi, fel cn Bt-it-Ah Geice.. tec-ed bu siegieg tho deattieg.. te A troc rie cisgisg ofclhe absnceofethe secretay Mct.lhicem Mr. Andre-e-ccleeed tii. Clarece Caticn was appcieccdl cceeting citb pccccr.i ceeey fur tic meeoting. i Ornag Progea dfoiegrsgc byalms, rie efici TSi- Jdio. Ad "est4~ ttJ PARC4 W/DE WE SLADPP icg ccc tiSe-c op andt dediccîcd creet by Mcc. E. McGittice. tadA# lO BRINS rHfiifa'S h0 Mcc. Ecees Mc-Gibbce. Tte vie pcocideer. cciii o ietc eci dcý ffA rIz 55~ preccdontclefctoteie. -letteelconi - o.. c .,- INta0 Andrews, c fcrmrcpectec scie i, Lcdies. ci Occgi Ciuci Mie,. nwmiel-,e rie the Prcchccerietr1Ccccceco Macshall ccci the cair cuchinl Mîptc Heoepeeit cis i, thce irric partcf thcce metinug iiinrcec- 1 Site ccutci n Mcsti.P,cck ei ]cdio isdeohsocHecth-îcel gccc sccctc e clie0 c-i - er (Mrs. H. Sosie- whc 0 t-icotinence-t ird ocit ciecemocclc. ber PfifSy's eoporlceeoce asc Iitrer-h, o%,e e.,,c il ccc che Gi-ici- sionssiles en GcGagttrewe, Briti cI Gcd, ccd ente..- ccci c c)rut - Gelese. HeMISos- proord tu bt a vc. ~ee-- ecorpoc~e-,Jef î -smn1 Virttins atstrer- gît eb i,,uc aedsg ieLadies Ad, zi,, PHONE TR 8-6538 Dair Prs-ess rd by; Mses. W,,cc Nai-ct1 Fuc tbe Piacst Ct5Oos Sarvice Daîrys Prn eRSo er te d cie-cal ic ii-c Petoleons Ps-accto C.N.E. Monday Bt""i ewictht"0%'it IT N FE Ntsc ~ ~ th MB1solrfg,~ceost de- ulecceci- tiegccs, Hotuttes 1962 Oeicy cd cli tic firegi Ledit Ifcr ic Prineca, "I te ttceiCcadice fiepceccte tSe-ciecgi Natonl xhbiio cntet or Mr. hoasSe-cvcelcicc thv SUPPLIES flic Gntario Ocicti Fci-cec ccci mc-ie-%v c uru v pece d a-utý, FRED RaBBiNS Mcedcc. degeil 27. titre cees e-Oicf-d ccii ac e1pc }fctosentce anct miii mcci fou e toc cca deNl*tiLl Iicîli . Basa Liae ait Sbled tans cubec girls ce c pre-licccnes ece-. bs rie EtecOn a Ides ____________ cesttb ,e eccce. It sio suies,________________________________ soeIt go ce mu the "mei-finel, s te oinclas enAoccec 30. li Ahtetu if On-tao girl caco ienfe- cd is the C.NfS. crmeotise. Bug .gur Miss Hanctez cas ciamen liai - trac Prnccssnsi ine rcenHor- K ageisa foer allier gils. Site ic E W O the-Uaogitres cf Ms- acd MosnLN.T due-t Humcer, Ri. I, BmaISsgtoseL NK T Pollock and the1 11,Cmp .I HIiO GRADE MENAORIALSi c-