LETTER TO THE EDITOR iîocenifg Illeclog wilhout dan- OBITUARY Sh tiv n a climmbro O nrRsosbe Tiiltedaneir lor flic pro- M s W illiam sh i St. Paul' Prehîlterian Church, Ownerrt andos l bouiîle M rs.r cisn i Nelsonunlil the lime of her husi po ang yD g Te Ichua. ogs i. hindi îlecalh. Shie was a member For Da ag y o lc dg i Lifelong A rec Resident , ait 1 harfil m em eler iboard. Thi. dilrihmin Mio. Een lied Up dog il viited.d A lifl.lai uic .idel ofi Ti ali Janes, ail uI Milton; Edgar ol Fuliera l set-vi.e ras conducted Carir,a litie oi big souveniir luit bihiiid gir Tonshilp inho celebrated Burlînglon; and Mr. Jean Doug- Saleîda i rom her laie residence, D i u do we lic shruh' are propei.rv waii.î id ici 911i birthday j ut ccir live las of Milioe whli md wilî hier hy Re%.' Jackson of Waieedown. Homcidioalki an iiaYb etiu n the e.n i. sec motsao r.CrsaC mo e Th Slue was buried ie the iamily plot do%%r u co (i, dc %ou liai Yo rui oliuh k o thedget. eraf o ni Marshall ut Ash dicd Dec- te. Thie oec 25 grandchil ti St. Paul's, Nelson, with grand- yo r ake t fond t il h You shrub orîi aI ge icanno enîber 22 ai the Mairshall homne. dic and 28 great-granchildren. asn K. P. Marshuall, John Lind- yreuel. a ed il iîpl, [Cdh liae thîis kin suie tuatmicle- sicid, R. R. 1, iollowing abnici and at the fini1e ol her deaih Mrs. ley, Colin Marshall, Donald, Doug- q-i ilît, a -ee ai prpi - ,tai a i via1%rt tihi affiild ilIncs,. Marshall knewiîlîem ail lv name las, Robecrt and William Marshali eo-it-us, irpet 1 lie owier il rIcsponsihle loi- Wite oI flie tle William Mar- aed sous icry fond ut theini ail. as pallhearers. lnîîîl.îsiiî scar or e, Iis lîdîîg. SIioiiîlcii ait ecnr gel a lî.îll, Mis. Marshall was the da-___________________________________________ Ing Ille int x% cars leîorîs f lIL oi bcsed lo d.îîîages, ghîer olthe lateaetHendersol dog hi iiceaedtrrrenou- lin l l il on aut. and William Cameran, and wac, ÀL ETW HES FOR A wiio seull loîok alici his ilig 1hel Hamilton. BST»' prîlis a. oîcce 11e~ k icki. A îlîg ha. a tag hs îîlîIih Hamillon.W Y ogrlî.idyoo dal e i ta. l iiuanhbcli.iced.llilllasnoitag, er haihand predecaed hcîerrl. nr hi.l lane. ai er do ong- tl,î iu igîîl iidiolo 1952, as did a daaghlcr Janet.. ii discintiî ow eekaci e os IiaI ilîte logcaii.here. iih. She is lurvied hcsons W. A., il t- drk urig %eckaN. utRohcL". Cameron, Guorge and wcIen tle dogelîclîrs-' hîiirs ai-el Dii nîîî ihinl. a diig caniiii bc oner Tle Salîir-daîs and Suda gli i av li us omiinidiifr Dg Loveri.i COIsr '0 100f Damni ua e In Three Accidents- Aui uI $450 dmg a h W eaek of Proyer lesclc ofit accdentve. tu SERVICE TO BE HELD Kiiighls' Cleuniers. fli car dricen h'. Ivan Sticlei ini il Milton suas puliing acas iii an GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCHint ~iIiii îh al drîîen fiWED., JAN 4th AT 8 P.M. w 11I IR.. 3, Milto -ALL WELCOME-j l;i.iai ii . i ii ii ii - - - eî Iiîîî<.Ic ieil wa, iiii iiig n Il sine ol lie MILTON. I TN~S Fr! Sat Dec. 30 -31 A% au d iii îî. iiiiîcii lýI.il Si. S ,CIAI MA INEE MA FR1.1L l SAT. DEC30 . C2~fh l., i iai i iîielh Agi.0iiiil 11i. îîîîIll .ildaa NewYearsiSandayMidnieS andJani Hi ii i% "I WAS A TEENAGE FRANKENSTEINî L11:1iiii- 't1,1' ý'I i.;;. c tili also îîBLOOD 0F THEDEMONci in Color iiÏiic.iii .ciî .îi cilli SA RA HAI RRISON (I i iii v,-.iiiciic S7S. Ail Seal'. 75e 010>00 open 12.05 ar. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Ja.23. \BoRIEFSJiiM: RAPIB.îLSY-GRIiER (;NRSON - HUlME CRONYN Il .iiiand l.gi el, iei pu i IiSUNRISE AT CAMPOBELLO" in TechnkOlmr~ ici i MîliîîeaT un lle\î vite, Thiecîo of. 1-îtiii iiIiii,iiiD 1)Rii ci ili ii oilidodI,ei ilh iL ii oni Raîi Addiud Caiîr Cartacin SIhesw Starlo at 6.30 ilcîi, poîi bll. M.11il lit iiiulu i iIllee The door opens .dC..u.I.vur Ihwî linge l utî1llc Ici-1- emea1Di.a w4tae levaîts' w. araadv apprete. A HAMI' NEW VEAR Marris Stationery & Office Supply M 1 . T 0ON BUILDING R A Y OLAN CNRCOSLD FROM ALL OF UlS AT ROBT. CHARLES FURNITURE ANNUAL NEW YEAR'S DANCE AT Canadian Legion Ballroom SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3lst - GOOD MUSIC - NOVELTIES ---------REFRESHMENTS COME EARLY AND BE SURE 0F A GOOD) TIME ADMISSION----------$4.00 FER COUPLE