Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Dec 1960, p. 13

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MILTON PRIZE WINNERS Martino Scisizzi of HoIy Roury 55b0 1r spector for Haton County, andi H. Heery of ttc fields crops Jane McEucherc of J. M. Deepes and Sturt Thomasarie con- urancit of te Ontario Agricoîtual Deparîmeni, Guelpit, at te gratuîated for titeir enriinletIre Haton Coonty Wend Control banquet iteîd for te minners on fAonday aItte Milton Inn. tssuy Contesi by Renne Mary Peih, V. t. McArtharr weeclic- WiId Carrot "Halton's Weed" A. Martin, direetor ofthttcfield crupo branrit ofthie Otaia De- partment of Agricuture, spoke ta the prizeoinevsofatihe I1960 Hutton seed rueivol escay rue- test ut the Mitron tue ai a lunciteon heîd for tem on Mou- day. He uored that sevevat aI the prize ssi ners preserit oere bore lu roue îles aiber titan Canada and wîsty- rommented that ther counires ai thtemoment bas-e beitevoscc-d croaisysiemot tan Canada. Speaking ta te siodents vat- ci titan tte atticiats prescrit, bc asked for a-trefiiition ofai wseed and receied the unsmer. "A weed is aplant avalsing out-ato place." Ne titen relevved ta tise commun sierd Oueen Anu's Lare. more communie konsasswitd carrai. ratliig il HulirruConlys national rseed. Hanta tor Dlnenees In umore serious sein. ite said tai meeds le Canada cuse some $40 million damage and cvop ioss eacit eai. "Mauv meeds," ite said, "ave hasts for diseuses suc-b as rosi." He pulur- cd out titut a tom meedo arc div- ectty daugevous ru ituman belugo sucit as thte Watcr Hemlock. He descibed the wutev hem- loch as tuokiag ikean osevsized itd curvot wit a deudty pison- ousrovut. Miten wouviug ou anc ufth uSeuvtficiui takesurouuud Guelph, une of the lemates ut te Guelpit reformarors mistouk te hemiock for a sitd crrvut. Mtin 15 minutes lie mas deud." M. Martin pited outl, its- ever. ihut mot secedo aveeut poisunous but a lavge number cause irritatiounandl discomtori lu ituman beingo. H e reseated titut some 610000 people in Ont- ario alune sutfev us a resaIt aI oseed irritation. Outoth iis nom- berf0 to f5 perent.areaft ADurlikno aon sd adian Hait ut Fume ity-tte Ama- teur Atiltici Union ut Canasta. M. M. Rubinson, Burtingion. oigi ntautite Britisit Empire Gamas lun 1930,osas une utftrce exetisas arross Canada ritusen fr thte honni ai te anuat AAU meeting le Haifax. Mr. Robini son rececived ttc amord luir is tung-stauding cou- tribution tu amateur sparts and oulsiandineadiereip inucanuec-- lian ostit te BrithEmpi-e Cames,' said Miss Margaret Lovd, of Bavingtuu. secretrv u(iltae AAU and delegare irrm te sîrerri- wsestern Gntario hi uncitai te meeting. Hangn la Hall Site said Mr. Robnson would rreecise te sevuil utiriy lu intae near futaie and is picrure saoutd be hue itit uthers u inte special amateur aibiatie sectioneaifte hockey Hall trf Fame ai te CNE. M. Robitnson, mita arks lu Toronto setithtt elaritiFruit andl Veguitile Grorvs Assoica- lion, argonied and managerl lic tirsi Britisit Empire Games in Hamilton. He oas manager ai te Conadian Britisit Empire Gumes tram le Lonudon le 1934 und ufthlie Britisit Empire teamo in Ausîvalia lu 193. te addition he mos manager of te Canadian tiîu e taot te Oympie gamesc heid in Am- sterdam in 1928, utfte Canadian Olympie teum in 1932 in Lus An- geles and lbermus onder ut thc Hamilton Oîympic Ctub. Seercery Ton Mr. Robinson mas aleit secret- ary ot botite Britisht Empire Cames cummitiee and te Cunuil ian Olympircummiltea for about 10 years. ed itsiagsseed. lunte middlte1 claies juci souatutfGOntario, milions ofpeopie sulier a- re suitai itessecî. WorstlnlaDominion 'We aie etcu ioa-rinig.' ha srd. "but ii. section ai Otavia s te mrst ratseeeeipllen aiea lu te Dominion ai Canadaî. Ho- miltenand Toronto ecridte freale-ri concentratioan rotpollen, arrardiug ta tets, uofcrus place lu Ontario. Tite branrit di recior rtf titi Ontarila Deparment ai Agi cii turc-saidtai tes-cuacrie abke Io controla aia-r rtlte sed n Canada bolttecru-rtru te deparmeut lui titeir routrai ut vagsead toecascete allen-.tio iteplant onueaiylîdy ssoattbc, aimîrsi piaitbitive. Tite licst relief trrm te plarnt casa, ha pointed outl,%vas a issu boni drive lu te Mu-,kokt eus- trict. Int iis area i is possibe tu gain rumplete relief. "IL 10 citap.- er ta du titis titan uce ail te medkÎinea itlIeysoel ai thte xr-a;I-esaid. War Progresses Inuthte cemicat tsar agarusi meeds. ite saisi tai bheybase piogiasscri rupîdishuom te use ut sait andicrude il itanet tta destructive sudrum chlot 1e osiicit iuiiuced sboitiv aller- osaie. ta the use oi sceiclisr seeesicarrtri cheiîeunr,tucit at- J, 4-O sideis usrd iolas He sarel ltes esper-ird tur ha-se a hn;a shri tarcî uuid ibescieris-e enaugi to tateve uniarmee te misirsusceptible ai plants, te potlr es and tomnaluer. Member outhttcfield cvups Special for 10% Discount onA Il *KETTLIS * RI S *RADIOS * COFFEM *HEATERS * * VACUUM Weed Essay Contesi bruncitoutflire Ontario acricîltt.Liîsas ty P.Rubc-rî Little; But- ure bracin GuelphFIt.HHenry,ttingtor E.. John Cockbutn ut n clusing i emarks cunrtrualateel Lrorie Sentir. Vater leEggerrsrr te sturetrs on iheir esscrvs and ofu Fairotero. Heidi Gansen of suggested îhrt a enîberai tem Ctarksdie; Barlingirre W., Eug marsbe used inrthe ne%%,spape-s ene DcszacrndoanaldIMcoug duringiIe summer tukeeptfresh ariof Central, Guv* yGlunnini (r n peopies mieds ttc neceso ils Gien niets: Esqueoirrg Paua iF rof seecontro. The purpseuti sherrofSpeysite, MartinWlreetri t e esocros. te pinieritrriias on Gien Wiliamrs, Rov Fiser or ta caseile chititren ta do te- Stesourtirisse Ge-orgetuevu Jor serrcbrand tern mrirabocirut HarrisoutH. Wiiggessvorth, Lar wedcro u. iv Stret tr i. Wriggtrsý%oirth Warden W. O. Sargent chirerd Paruine Armilîge ai Chape[ te program for te prior oril- Milte, M,îrîinrrScliii of tHîrý ners. oshîcit oas arauged bs V. Ror,trs Jane MuERctretu aif E. MçAribrîr. seed i irspectir lr M. tieries. Stia,e Tirîrur.r te caurtelsof ai ltre. Euieru:îr- lBrurce St.; Nassagatsev,.;ai ruent osas prasideet b. Jatck Ben- Smihunîdi ,Eri ietbetlirRoWirri netaditrodrtioiins %irepe.r- otriBorkilite; akîilite.Robr itrmd bvG.D. Brownucierkrrt MCuuaitie arndtDonarld Haî Hattrrcouuuts-andtA. Francis.ra urrmanriof tttriSrrrii Surci rrcuitrrirepresencrise. rofbr-.irrud.tal.rg.r, î Pr«eccî Award Lsuctri ofSt. Vircent's. Lii Jatmes Neil ufthtie Niagarra Rorss ret Merpie Crase. Paul Brand Citemictis presen ted the YoungîeotriE. J. James: Traiaiga oiuer olthe ssuscontest Eug- W. Siephen Cictrksrrrroft erl eue sera af Centrai1 ýîtbtic brook, .Annette Tudetiiebcm or ScitootlunBurlingion itit is Pinegrrrve, DonuKilgurorfriWott ,wrssrr. Mr. Sarvgent pre-reriecýstic. Mis,. Y . Sitepperel. trgce - comprositirrn iecber, seitn Gter preseuratiren-. os-c madee it Reere J. Grec-r rofAc- j~ lor., Reese F. t. Rsckmcr f utr lietirre. Reeve C. Sticlirîrf E-VOT E FORa quesiug. Reere Mvs. M.-is Ferli ici Milton,. Depuis Rec-te A. R. Set .ce rtofsrttsc, epi s R.cte I. C. Mec t ri(1a I10r cru e Gyal Reere F. J. Nearo O Liat Wlinneîn for 1961 Mi Amard sinners steve: Arr n Mrrs Grttc ,"sirt:Mrîa, rChristmas Ail Electrical Goods tNS *TOASTERS P RCS. * FRYING PANS FLOOR POISIIERS IM CLEANERS DRYERS *STOVES IG Indoor and Outdoor) Ail wnl known makes BERT JONES Electrical Appliances fCorner Bronte anct Victoria Sc. IR 8.9784 THANK YOU FOR THE CONFIDENCE EXPRESSED IN MY WORK ON THE MILTON COUNCIL BY ACCORDING ME AN ACCLAMATION TO THE POSITION 0F DEPUTY REEVE 1 WILL CONTINUE TO WORK IN THE INTEREST 0F MILTON AND ITS ECONOMIC STABILITY. John Chon WE HAVE WA ANNE W.hWage War on Weedspir ursîday, Decn*p 1, 1960 a 13i W o W Sle 'oron eed ifourneibbos se u dong ur rlandtitis woold b bgstçp Ea..,..e part, il mil ecourage ilsem to in the rightt direction. lrite o W i nin Es Cly gel ouI and juin the batte. If me Se corne on, evetyon* el c Oui of the senecral thousanel couod almost be considerea a aIl morE together, even îtough dressed in your jeonr, ftnd yooir essnys on mccci co-otrols»bmit. menacce1to te public, because fl- we may nul compleely vwipe ou% hue and weed kUlers, and pto teel by liwute nol shit sltid- crulv peaking, they breed'thoise this commuon enemy, we can cet, the artay mitich iot OIto malle eols of Italkn çt esy. bugene plants. beaides ruitring lte V- tuinlv betlr lu kecp il uder con- war un meedsl Biàea o f CiiP ublic Scitol pearance orthIeir own pvoperty,- in Sucîloglto mon the highest the oueds scatred fram lies ame a ite cnarany. weeds infest other peuples'lwn Ouneüth ults H. Henry, and gardiens. If no one tist acc:u atrcullure branch in sucu bclin possession ofru GepiriwdEgn hi elds, aw7 ad gth e nes.w d HA RLES W ILSO N Geuîpit pruitWeccdueinor i e-SmweIn,,las,,îar lîluls1 -rau. He taid t eritne r hcatth. Between mid JuI n lhit imsnecessury in mritiug Octuber ik hay fcvcr Season.SPCTULYSDICT un essay lu knowo their subjeci wc realizc hase seriaus ti l EPCFLYSLCT and tlu helleve inu miti ly vmere tlergv is? Il youubecane ave avtioabout. The luklomîei 15isim, your aves wuuld puf ci andYOUR VOTE li' te 4ssov lIhai mun 15e ignest run wa er, rosir nose olru amuvîlu inte 1%0 COUffiY 01aIncd sua eu Id even become au-FOR Halîcar vwved essay eompelît:au. calcil. Douwc tuIIy reati e ha WE WACE WAR ON WEEDS the boy lever rout bus gn Wecess, tehicit are described in 295crcent. justain Hamiloan tr dictiuourey as troublcrarme viirtv? Il wiîî probably cuetile MIT N C U IL 1 6 onpauiabîe grw s 0ar ànoue tu risc if c du eut Io samc L OeOU C L 16 use t al, gse~~is ondreathing to conirrriragwveedAnyune us t al andCe usg-. e a o n scititm itaillrwimodl l afrt. BA sont'r wntngtanag wc u - AKED BY SEVEN YEARS EXPERtENCE, A VOTE ihem. They spoitlte appeurance retIre htiwolbeaex ot tumes, fielsando miviusides ellen place la siart aur saur. FOR WILSON REPRESENTS A VOTE FOR SOUND Titey are ljuriaus ta beaitit and Anyune mitit as eci hud pai- Lhey are destructive, son îsy keoses bios mucit dis- COMMON SENSE ADMINtISTRATION. Are ihese the pan.s wc want ciflurt lIis wme can cause if ta bcauiity aur srrrundings? t saur sEi coules in cantuel witb bhinE ual I But t aka 5mb nksalue iis s'uses. DîLsIers miii appeur, POILS OPEN 9 A.M. - 7 F.M. MOMAY, DIC. 5 peopte drr no ari-ehrrîsmach caitlg cur Ilesi tulit lcit oed grief tirev cuuse tbase wha iry I sueit. If nul tretealt, il ma5 kecp baurtittri gurdcns andsrft'd oser te Irody. These are ____________________________ awssi.! Sueit carele-so peuple aust imo eramples of heutit pr-ublems caused its meedo. Perbaps farmers realty wstck Wron Tit. te tardeot in oui wai ou meeds. turîrrcis icignce MlTiedoknum tuat meedo inteirî P 0 R V A M Inco-reilvdesinatd a Mil fildssteul foodi and space tirm P O IE VI aM K ion District Htospital W.A. secret- their crups, su tbey are atmuys artsin a coie ppearing inlat cri mttrk le aeeffort ta dcsiroy ovesisesas Mis. Charrles them by culiating, u-rngu em n EIL wI IAndtersoir. Mis. Anersire s the ciremivul meed killers, or b cul- jr rr o thI e tirgarizaiionanduni l:g.diggingthem otand bure- SMrs. G. G. Hanmilton i s secictry. ing tem. Nom is te timg b gel yoor Ir- You may think, hecause me ut -A Sandly Hcpbtirn uf Cam- lire te a towu, taI oui part in soif elteil andif t tatable mee .e ielilite ivas te innecr ot a sceel crînirol k ual important, il Rrbert A. Siesitr rtirsrrisycai tire Irai Idisagec. 1tihink me shouîl w Il sitowyo o to emake rg O.A.C, Gurelphir tir-ri ck. LiIl enlisi in the figiti. t arn sursepl ig-1 o Fi c' TO TIIE ELECTORS 0F THE LnTOWNSHIP 0F ESQUESING:$10 .0 P R A E b.th I RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT YOUR CERPOI J.VOTE and SUPPORT by growing our Speciaized. MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1960 1V.IN IL O For Detarîs Write to Tv1961 Specialized Growersl Association s- WALTER LINHAM 130 BROCK STRET NORTH, WNITSY, ONT. 10 YEAu MUJNICIPAL EXPERIENCE___________ _____________ REID %ilton Council 'ATER - WE NEED 1EXATION GUERNSEYS AT AUCTUON KINGSHOLM SALE AT THE FARM, OAKVILLE, ONTARIO SATURDAY, DICEMBER 3rd, 1.30 p.m. 35 REGISTERED GUERNSEYS 24 COWS, 3 IRED NEIFERS, 6 OPEN HEIFERS, 2 BUkLS Accredited - Vaccnated - Area Listed 20 cows fresh or close to fresbening GEORGE H. KING.- GORDON KING, Owners Write for a catalog The. Gu.rns.y Catti. Br..ders' Assoc. of Ontario BSOX 99, GUELPH, ONT. UN THE TOWN 0F MILTON ON MONDAY DEC. 5th POLLS OPEN 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. Voting this year wiII b. to choos. Six Members for the. 1961 Counicil VOTINO WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE1 FOLLOWINO PLACES: NORTH WARD-Atthe town hall, Wilfred Crozier and Mns. M. Cullion, Deputy Rturning Officers. EAST WARD-At the. Union Hall, Pine St., Frank Cr.wford, Deputy R.turming Offkcer. SOUTH WARD-At the Agrieultural Hall, Fair Grounida, Charles Laundon and R. M. Clements, Deputy R.turninq Off icers. -.E. J. Costigan, Roturning Offiker for mil your potroleumn needu ((sso) _______________________________lis I Lil Fete 28 Winners of TOWARD THIS END 1 WILL WORK VOTE REID FOR COUNCIL FOR SAFE, DEPENDABLE HEAT Esso STOVE OIL refined and proved for your heating unit ' E. A. "AL" HENRY 440 MAIN ST. E. MILTON TR .2301 .1. pwiqý - - - - - - - --- ÀM - ------- - ------------- ., ---l

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