Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Nov 1960, p. 4

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1- 4'r-Y t5"Ot"~O55"50~ ~ ~ ,~, dten C4ft1iàe ?murs., Nviîbr 14 960 urfl $Rs" uaite01 MAT AG£ OLD1 GAfdE of basebaîl rrturned 10 the lips of severat local lads Salurday night tehen some 50 peuple, consistiog of the players, the esecutive and their wives of the Red Sox Intermedi- aie basebaîl club vihich two years ago mon the Ontario Basebaît Association tille in Intermedjate "B" and the past sommer ment to the semi-finals ln Intermediate "A; as sueil as severai guests, ail ut whom were present for a reas on of une sort or another. Reason mas tbe ansoal banquet and dance hrld by the bal club as a windup to the past summers season ut basebaîl. Big evient ut the nighî was the presentatton of the Most Valuable Player award, wbleb Iis year ment lu Ron Philtips. Rus toits at finit base for the Sux. as mdll as being une uf the top hitters In the futU. Cerainty bie must banc a maillet alntost fuît of trophies by nom, having mon the scuring titte in the Milton todustrial Hockey league tou years and clainting a tropby on1 botb occasions. Rus shows is versaîility an as athlete lu inning 1 boîb a top hockey and a top bomebaIt award. In hockey bie ptays for the P. L. Robertas estry in the Milton Hockey League. Other big presenlation uf the night mas jackets wicb each player received, not as a direct resl of the "take" during the 1 hall gantes this sommer but nutsly because the fetlows were obliging enougb lu shell ouat a fent bocks lowards the venture su make il possible. The club bas a bard mrking executive 1 aod as well every player joins in to fixe a hand wbere 1 needed. Even the ives isome of whont coutil give me a hand any 1 day) help out, wilb keeping score, supplying moral support or any other may wich wonten are useful in these situations, al lu make the baIl club a gond complele operalion. Les Ste. Marie was president of the club, tbis year, as last. anti along witb bum mas Nip Cervais wbo beld the post of secretary. teeasurer as welI as bcbng tbe clubs top hurler. Abe PorIon tuba is better kuowo for is hockey endeat-ourings but bas also biait a finger in the basebalt pie in lomu in pasi yrars, was a menther ut the eseculice aiong witb the sever-tiring Elmer Hurnby, whbun I sumetimes ihink forms the backbone of niany urganiza tions in lown. During the soimmner lie fathered the Junior basebait club 1 afler il appeared tbey moulU daugle ino non-existence andI as wett as Iis, lended senerai uf the Red Sos dues wbre nccess- ary. Wiîb tbe conting of the hockey teuton Elnter is busx keeping the gale aithie arena for the Herchant gantes as sud) as istening lu the tremendous problents of the Milton Hackey dcague where hie is the league chairmas. Elmer is une of ibese felunis tuba is needed in sport and wthout bum thercsuculd be a if Itie ta futl in sportinf activities in ibis lots-n. IN THE LINEUP for the Red Sox over tbe past stmmer niere nttst of the old faces front tunmer years iîb tbe ntutt notable additions bcbng a right banded pitcher and an nace centIre fedr Tont Marks joined tbe club front Streetst-lite and masatauabte assel wilb is pilcbing promets ut tuas Duug Clin, former Watet- down Intermediate, niho nias weiconted tu the club for is strung firtdisg and is wealtb ai the bat. Tom Barreit mas anoîber addition to the roster ibis year and as sueti as pitching a f% innings mas emptuyed in seuerai positions nitb the cluîb. Aside froin these îhree tl mas Piiips ut first, Run Shannon (mbu woutdnt banc any niurry about gettiaf a but groonder in the teetb aI pesent niuîh is choppers currentix heing reptacedi ut second and Sîn Martitant and Gien Dasce sharing shortstup dues. Stu Humnant took ouer front Art Melanso i uthIe bat corner, third hase aflter Art reived a brohen coilarbone mben that big buity front Camnpbetlvilîe Meruhants, Eart Cairnt, piougheîl mbt hlm ai third base jost su lie woutdn't bc tagged out. lTe oulfietd wsas in a sinsiar pienore nitb Don "Ed" South morkhsg te left field mal poition and Primo Rigo cus'ering rigbi field sue, Clly ia centre. Dusg ltyat, lasI year's MV.P. mintcr mas ini as catcher again. Of course there oere variations le thts lineup as tintes ilh hlidoys, night shifts, etc., interfering and as tintes ployers ron thie Junior squad sure ecen inserted ino the parent clubs playisg iiseup. Bosch Riddell. the clubs tel t-handet pkecher; Nip Cernait. anoîber hurler; Don Joyce and Porky Cernais, lieu lads teho mere used in the oulfield; and pitcher Murray Whisler joined coach Beaner Serafini lu round ouI the ctubs rosIer. Serafini mas caled uou lu terce in is otd rote as catcher on seneral oc- casions as vieil mben Hyasî wosld be niorking the aflernoon shifti aI is place of enptoymeni. t Saturday nigt's big feed and dance pronedl une lhing on bebaif of the Red Sun, and Ibol is wihite lhey can sure enjoy playing bomebait, lbey are no0 stouches when tl tomes lu the sports lbey delsed mbt Salurday night. As for nets year. niho knoms? As president Les puis , tI donst knom of onylhing ihat is happening right eom." That is usual for ibis tinte of year, untit aflter the hockey season bas jusl about run its course and the Red Sos mutl again stars ta unfutd su set plant for yeî anoiber seas-on of basebail in the Hatton County Buorbali League. SPORTOPICS Len tells un the Fair Board %voltiike lu tee the hait iamond as the fairgrounds grassed in - -This moutd certainty be a fine gesture but il moulU mean nu basebaît for une sommer, and sohat Ihen? . . . Ibn Forbea, loiling as a rigbl winger for Bra mpton Junior "Bs" toobs right in place in thal calibre aI hockey ... Iins is taking the buntps as meit as basding tbem out as la requircd in Junior "B" hockey and as a resuit bas gained imseff a regular spot iîb the club wbich is under the coach bond of Botby Savage, a former nelminder wilb the Brampton club tebo lutI year lendeU the Iine for Oakniite Daks in Senior competitian.. t refererd in Hantilton Sunday and son tshe Orongeviile Junior "B" club for the firsl ime ... Senerai boys mho played Juornile hockey for Orangenille in the Tri-Counsy teague have made the juntp lu Junior ... The gante mas meit ptayed mitb a tes minute onertinte session giing Hamilton the in 3-2 .. , futch Htyde a Georgetowon resident who piayed tbree years ut Junior "B" but- bey for Brampton is atîending MeMaster UJniversity in flanilton and is the top defencentan mith the seboni's hocksey club... Gen Dance, nom mith tbe Merchants in town played alongside Bosch in Junior "C" hockey ai Ceorgetown a lent pears agu . Gas is back on defence for the tocals and is lurning in a top effort witb himmîlf, Murray Grenke and EddIe Halett fornting the clubs blueline brigade . . . Vie Masters, ntbu bat fathcred Misor Sports in Actas for quise a lent years, is apparenîiy Icaing the tuwn for greener fields ... Vit iii bc nissed there ... He bas sorbed witb minor basebail onU bockey for as long os 1 eau rententer, nticb dates bath lu the days uf junenile hockey and Terry Tmbers, Ken Black and myseif ptayed juenile for Aubei mitb Vie as coach ... The inur Hockey Association is getting insu the swmn and iii aid the Reiarded Chitdrens fond raisisg progrant mith a munster- minor, hockey night wicb lhey are planning lu hotU Decembrr 12 . lI. t s a Monday nigbt and eneeyone including ptayers; officiais, moints, pops and enen the arena manager if they con catch bum, iii banc lu pay mitb the enlire proceeds lu go lu the 1usd ...- Dos Contie, o railler lentp' eramntnai lad mben il contes lu tabing part in a hockey gante in the proper manner, t 10o be contnended for the fine sbowing he pus on Monday nigbl mben the big lad ptaying for the Milsas Sportsmen juvenile club scored a goal and assisîed on aother ...Top hockey nten in Milton stated he sbonted tonte of the poientialthiat hockey scouts front near and far houe saiU be bas * but failed lu show ...I tilt apparent be bas cbanged bis attitude in the gante and ibis should go a long may lomards mahing bum a fine bockey player . . . Oui for is firsi deer boiti over the meekend, Rboy Domns hagged a medium-sized bock north of Bracebridge Friday, Others fron tlomn in the porly mere bis dad Emrneraon and Bob and Rie Ford. HOW ABOUT TIIAT-The only esercite tointe peuple gel is jumping 10 conclusions, running domn Ibeir friends, sidestepping j their reponsibililies and pusisg their uk Pete Dye and Bruce Marshall of town and Rus Cash ut Ceurge' tomns cabed in an a llreemay splitai tise Laglns 5D ochre tourney on the meekend, Al bheoe rack.d op 72 points lu shaoethe ntonthly cochre in- ninga. -ta bma hs.ty tbt. J. A. ELLIOTT Uemnad Agalets and RIAL ISTATI PHONE TR 1423 il MILTON 1 P#.#I'nspuut Good Stauit, But 104Vktoey LocalsLose to DBc àt ràm àf Since opening Ibeir C.O.H.L. Georgetowin Fridayan Barrie Th Bi gWis of tise murni ng St' sehedate mith a resounding in Wednesday evening. pl urdax in mincir hockey mas a 10.0 over Ceorgetown Raiders - bere Fritiay the greensbirted squad dy facd a li-5 defeat inGer' mn he ea eesposed ueeastmee, Nck erri's Hilton îomn, an enact replica of the Sprtngfield bInbthehantant series. Merchanis havent been fartng su scare by nthicb they trounced Aside fron thIis lopsided contest meil and drupped gantes lu the Raitders bere last Tuesdoy. Br the gantes mere fairly euenty matcbed. ~ Bostton defeatect Ciag -0t Pu ft Wl, nment anti Cary Nayler tcutti, st1r ittthun tktts anis îthe Baeti heitbDnnyens anks, Sepe Ci1v taritt tt S tit wiîes res Detlscsrgistered sins. The nuvie cotuuer e s -ti t thrteant bomed 3-2 lu Ceorgetown Ling hwo goals and Pool Martin ut v H a sngi. onn Heniscoreti pe meers meannibile mon -5i ah L single. l cr heir contest. Craig Brusb tcr- What staried oui ta bc a bock- In th e fEingl RE et ivfie goals in the nin niilh ey gante Thursdlay night endedb Number four teant coacbed by DîgHsr ddn b te. upsuith players Iront îb ttîusin Fred Leaner defeated the nom- Cary Nayter anti Danny Evans .ingng sticks and ti nale ' ber une teant coacbéd by Harnin trored lor the Novice tram wi Id brasu t rsuen Otieenston Sine 3.1. Wayne Arnold scored subite il tuas Richard Rneit Halurs oft Hamilton anti P. L.t Iwo and Bob Colles une in the niiî tIno and Don Christensen Robertson ai Hilton. Final score b- ii. Ray Tongili scored the ose a single for the hantant cause. in ihe gante suas 8-5 in fanour for Sine. of the PL.. squatl but 051s ai Teamn nnter lhree hy Ed -Be ai the Hilton nontination the gantes end the ttîtcltubs t "Punch"ý Strood mon 7-4 oser meeting ibis cnening lTburstlaul eiashed antI suspensîtîns mere teant number two coacbed by L. in the tanin hait. melcd ouI la tour ai the partie-S Magnan. Barry McTracb nias a thrre guil man for the winners - wiiib Andy Berry and Tony Barr scoring Iwo goals each.John rs BleMlo Ernin scored isco gîtais antI CarN r a rm s Be t M lo ry Andrest osd Brion ilea tir cd anc eac.BN Player Suspended for Actions Buffalo edgdd by Cleveland 32 Nervali mon 8-4 oser Hilton Murray Suapesded E mith Terry Cairns sconing Isua Junior F.rmers anti Atton aînd Donc "Peanuts" Marras a-as up s goals and Tondul adding the uîh- Palerm Litetd t-t nnthe Junior lu bis tîtU actiotns in te ata C. Charlton and Bell scorcd the Fointe, Hockey Leau ague gameat le en Inwo Cleveand goals. Pittsbuîrgh piayed ai Hilton Arena Mundax cgegm n fe en shut oui Rangers 2-0 nijîb Lee nigbt. Tom Ross tired a pair ut hoalcd ouItiof the gume %rvas sus- th MePhait ond Bobby Hetherine- goals Ita cati -Narval in Ibeir pnemoa tent t eiîc bon getting une goal each. in mith singlcs cumiîîg iron t - hs en c u Craig Brush scot-cU lise goals Earl Wilson, Bilt Richardson, Tuesîlas's gainte and bis club 'I in leading the per mecs in a t0-0 Jint Richbardson, Ken Richard- inanaged a lie ntth Actan. Har in oser Springfiield. Dong son, Ken Hesra and Bill Dtn- oltd Wat son scitrett the Actun Hearas, John Forbes, Richard aitisun. Terîs Heclersbat. Nîsrnî singleesulie il suas Bat, Mar- Clemntns, Pete McDuflc and Pet- Ficmingtun. Crahamtîn lChus anti thall ss-bacournted loi, Plermott. er Massex meret-e i her -goal- Clarence McCann shareU the Acton rese, lite ninar petotiv a getters. scaring for Hilton. lu Pale rnttîs lbrecton the niglît. e MIDGET Each club Ut-cm une pcnatbn Ttnu more ganîicsof Ietgue Jt Pharmuex mon oser the ban- in the fistare o-bic)> svtîs the irst acion wiii be planeci Tuesdan tl tain ail-stars by o sutm margin gantesieu thc nigbî. niglitt startice sî cigbt ouclottk. tc îshen John Bigstoche scîîred the unîy goal in a 10 gante. C S"5S c"" Borden Wecer scored bath SarSuvn goals ta enable Knigbîs iii nose __________________ inoa sî irsi place lie, ainning 2-t oner last nars chantps, Leil-.1 wt s. Murr.yIngis scîîreci bbc Junior Hockey Possible Here NOTES: The teague etecuise The .possibibi lxtif a Jo tîttîr i,rî n arît bas suggestbd 1ha1 eacb boy Hisitn et ttîbenguorganî,ed ita Tîttit.are,î loi i l pt.ttNtîl o shauld nicor a proper beadgear Hilton toi-thbb1960-bt1tst son ws sJuniotr .ge tutu are ut gatîs for hetter protection . . . The anntonce'tiIbis sseckbvhnArt Io i avc - cîînîeîîtc.lMn. Sn.îrt goalkeepers inîthe ieagucs a-c Snarr, seteran bîtchen srgani- sen qtetionedtottttdcîittt compelîcd la mear matsstir dv. s%%bu bas piaYed oahig parti"We'se baUsevei ai bits sgoa as e ibeir protection . .. Sescrati of in the jutenite hockey happen- the juneroute tgclitt(lite pa,t bbc players anc aireaîly tocaring ings bere. He mas aisît instru- couple id neans anti()nîttine, beinets anU sublîr il is mut net mntnalin baîming the unix Jan- Jim Foi bes bas gune titilu play caenpulsory, il n fcblIt aI ail enite hockev laurnantent belU in Junioîr hoches-, IJir is a menther parents tsoutid ntobc aseffort tu Catnadla suich iii again be belU oftihebcBrampton Sescît-Ly nn gel une for their lotis: hene ibis tpring fi-thr e c iird Junior '"l") bilchite t lir ciao ~~vc uw -c ~houent been able it gel tint - bAtecompetibitîn." The locaîl clî ub totllikcls ___________________________________________ enter in Junirc 'D",îand toîtît a dcague beitte bigblnutîtihels lit _______________________________________ bc oable tu bc tîted aiIbtiis laie date, [lite Club ss:îî iii b 7, """S'foticU o lu pi xhlibibioîn gaintes Iottgelttrgattie ithtat-t0tt -' -' - - >1 enîering tbbcCH.A. pedtst - - ~ aî-~ on a be. - A meeting ssilt bcfe ld ll Iis Stitinavil the' attrtîtolena lxi *ns interestîcîlin plaving Jtunitor btitkevnhldtui attcend. Mectinsg - -Cice gencritutîtw acai c .'v- -. asser catis an icblloilrtad --EtnsPht.t TH4E FINAl. GOAL for the P. L. Roberton tquad nias fircd inihy Ron Pitlips in the second periud outhtetr Tharsday gante against Queissiot, Motors oit Hamilton, to mahe the score 8-3. Queenston Molors garnered Smo more belorg the end ufth1e gante, allowing PIb.. an 8-5 min. M 41 M Il 1 1W O Nw Merchunt Schedule ladtudes Oukvie Gaimes Wit thlie inclusion of bbc Oak- ville Oaks imb ite former fiuc- leant Cntrai Ontario Intermetti- aIe hockey icague, Oaîîni schcdule nias nccessury CAMES AT HOME Fni., Non. 25-Bradford Fni., Dec. 2-Port CoIedil Wed.. Dec. 2-Barrie Fni.. Dec. l-Dundas lvi., Dcc. 23-Oakville Fni., Dec. 30-CGeurgetunn Fci.. Jas. 6-Bradford Ici., Jan. 13-Port Credot Ici., Jan. 20-Dundas Wcd., Jan. 25-Barre Fn., Feb. 3-Dabuille Wcd., Fcb. it--Geurgetttmn Fni., Pcb. 17-BraUford Fni., Feb. 24-Port Cm-dit WeMd., Han, t-Barrie -Fni., Han. tit-Dundas Fci.. Mur. 17-Oakvilk- C AMES AWAY Sat.. Non. 26-Bradîtird Thons., Dec. i-Port Creit Ici., Dec. 9-Dundas Wcd., Ddt. 14-Oabnilbc Mcd., Dec. 28-Ceitngebown Mcd.. Jan. 4-Bannie Satî., Jan. 7-BraUlord Thors., Jan. 12-Part Cîecltî MetI.. Jaît. 18-Duhxilte Han., Jaîn. 35--Dondon Fni.. reb. it-Ceorgetoisn Mcd., Feb. lt-Boni e Stît., Feb. 18 Bradford. Thurs.. Fcb. 23-Pont Credit Fri.,HMti. 3-Dindas Wect., HMar. 8-Cstbnille O.N.A. INTERMEDIATE "A" HOCKEY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25 - 8.45 P.M. BRADFORD MILTON MERCHANTS AT MILTON ARENA MIJRRAY'S VARIETY Groceries, Uight Lunches MUJRRAY HDOD Sème Lino Romd TU 86028 Miltons r~ Il MILTON ARENA Thuesdmy, Nov. 24 FIGURE SKATING 430 ta b.30 Ptm INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE HOCKEY Slarting 8 p. Rarns Vu Clen Williams P. L,. Robertson va Burtînglon Fcldmy. Nov. 25 INT. "A" HOCKEY BRADFORD MILTON MERCHANTS Sauuduy, Nov, 26 PUBLIC SKATING 2 iii 4 pin. Monday, Nov. 28 Minor Hockey Night Tussday, Nov. 29 FIGURE SKATING 4.30 lui 6.30 p.m. JUNIOR FARMER HOCKEY 2 Contes stoninf ut 8 p.nt. Wadnesday Nov. 30 ADULT & PRESCHOOL SKATING Af lersoun 2 la 4 p.m. PUBLIC SKATING Êenning 8 ta 10 p.nt. arrie, o&t pte stacry nctiidi by Fred' I te 'W' chnbq Ip tIts ai boum dy Leaver, tise locais losI onttinI uesrim .L*4 , d ~ le, Oas. a7-6 squeidker. Ia forere#Sça& t'haN1wu &m4 Hm s. Pekbr mitted to thse lealpa and ltheses Ncxl gaine se aei tohu »Ut Iud sehe" iti lafonSU ie Bradford Frtday, miten the MIl-I mbere i hi bIsissue, 9 with Fists, Sticks lands Out Suspensions ipnis by the league esecuive. Timfbers, Lbonet Magnani and The second gante of the even- Wayne HcCononil a cored for ing mas a mId affair as Ranis Ge-ry's. Con by a 12-3 coVnb oser Gerrys. Bill Huit and Rus Pbillips lè Dicb Ready scàred fixe of the the Euhbertson aîîack miîh three seven goals the Speçlator Icam igf fouis each mhite Nip Get-vais scored but Ibis mot stîl nosn- andt Tom Barreli fireU use ap u capture à mun. Bruno cc. Jue Prasson mas , alto a =e .Izr,Scias MacMillan and brice goal mas in tbbc olntst ilus scorcd tImo goals each uitb Brian Hachaitlan and WUJ- mith Armand and Jor Frasson eux gctting singies for Qacen- aUding une each Ion OHM. John siten Haonos. Tucb onU Dune Hurray fircd the Rama Leud Thm'outbout other Spectator goals Bob HcKay ond Deug Black NOTES: A league meeting icaned ap ta, net a bat trick mas bebU Hunday nigbt lu iras ctch ta lci D abnittc Ranis in ouIt onte of the difficuîties seci in ai vher Cerny's. Othen which have arisen ... Af i. sut- inrbers for Rants cm oibactory accordlq 10 ail reports the sticks of Bud McKay andj ... the I3ueestSo Motoni goal- Fd-i Kii A . -iih q., tah1keeper bas Iteen suapended again Singles camet f m rrySit and Carry Hughes. Harold Tinibers, D)on Wilson and Wayne McConnell polted the goals for Gerry's. Ssàday Vletory Cira Williams won yet iflothel' gaîne is Milton hockey action Sunday afternoon tehen bhey defeated Gerry's 9-3. ln lte other gante of the day Quren. ,ton Molors mon 9-7. Doug Ward and George Webster scored tseo each wilb Haeold Hilts. Jack Ititge. George Judge, Ron Rit- chie and Stafford also scoring laid îhe C.W. cause. Harold JuvemM To Saiv4ié--re mut" sjiaveiLes 'tw Our ilion., Mite Pedulla and Sob Bell macla seored once ln lte firnI mo peeb& ods10put e ltaos ouI in frant 4-0. The viitors guI us- deemay in lte third trame how. even, by notchbsg four goals ond fatling shunt in Iheir hid lu claim a niciîry. The other jutîenile gante 0f bbc nigblt am Dabvilte overpasuer Branspton by an 8-I caunt. Mtdgets let...1- Georgetownmi4l~gets too.k a 3-1 min over te Hilton nibdgets un bbe saine cRwd. Ross McTkersie mus the unly goal geller.. for Miltos. The uther gainte of the, nighl ment to Brantpton by a 7-3.çounl mith Qabville the Inter in Ibis Neat big osinor hockey nigbt milI he hekd December 12 milS the estire pruceedstol go lu the RetardeU Childrens fond. Ibis ycar, ibis îintc for Ihree gantes miîh a bond lu bc pusîcd as mcii . . . Thrce obhen O. and P. L. Robertson playeni mccc suspendcd for smo gaines ecd -. .-.Tootighs Rants and Gien meet at tl o'clocb iîb Gerrys meeting Burtinglos in tihe other cuntesi. OCCIDENTAL LIFE -Terni insurance on lte Be.t Ternir" t JOHN M& BRADLEY M TERM - UP! - ACC. & SICK. 3dm M&a~, Mort~ and Pawealdp lsumace Mt. A gond Issurance. agent does not ~lie bsys it for his client à. .page from Sant&%'ssce of OUR SHIELVUIS AIE LOADID OUR STOCKROOM FULL ssbit ons thîbdrn isîfl be sig fub isChnrim. Et in oun catalogue coudn' itbl h ty ch Stop in today and hrumse aund a ourliue s furu t f yu dont sec i.Yuui buIesdwt h birgest îon stockbin tw nlu rcs utcm part bu any Big Tutu" Bagis I IOODEN DOLL CRIS Dio i( i uI s- att ractiven I tiettî detorabian, pis- MAJOR TINKERTOY dutît panet . Stuinel t'as- te% H hrssan um' 144 Colurlul parts ond pe iihied ge 31. uggestlionton tehal tu ceil. Simple anUcoont $8.95 pics project. Ages 5-12. $2.98 Prep Tinkeel.y $1.49 TRI-ANG ELECTRIC TRAINS iAll the tlnftI fspical "action" n a Tri-osg ratl may ayoul Walch b s cnes t gisi sp w ne opens hisonin electi Irain. Complete catalogue of irains, synuis, accsssonl s is avattable. Start hbi yernwilb a Tr ang Railmax I TRICYCLES I On Sont a isSec te ine range ofquali trcylesalt asonabb price.Houartof- flu oryongqc ,on Ibeir $95TO $2495 These w ao rnso ktshave becs proves by Inrtoso kaesadhce players. Our stock of Iace ESIPeNts tauiKS,....HOCKEYsff I MILTON SPRS & CCLE U 20 MAI ST ML O TR 04751s S .9 Tin. o-s-Gr-s'-A flw - «- - J..$34 Ai" 71 ý7 '-7 m

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