t . t s:,. Nw SeysIde School. Lesiin Wdsesday aslhlwttfaiolng titrerfeel of es te soniir piaplis le grades 7 an ipran 's~t st e tlsry lear glass wldo long te aisd 9. A receci Teachers'Collège e7i îf._..sin Taci trepay. lisps oJ teital walls iisa i.lgeadus, ariyOaWkics f Ac- ers witen they tiia pesesflow or extra ligits la lie hall-Ion seeies gides 6 a ns 70itl the sownshitps lirsonsolldated may. lachitoards are te sewess Mrs.Margaret Barber, formrrly sciotu s Speyside. L. L. Skaee, construction andi lanted la a14 ut Oublis abld Lorle sctools, a former Halsun iCaunty scitol in readabillsy outhlit eaciters' teacites te grade 5st. Mes.s er nsupetar andl noin inspecter in italk toIts. Modern furniture nicer Okker leaches grades 3 and Trafalgar seitotls, ofticially op- cupituards andi desks are foune 4 alter leaching tree years ai ened te nets building sisuaird i ch actroom tuerte eoîves er t4urval. LasI vears Dlitti ca- un Higitmay 25 i sts a mnile mrtl of pltpilt ansd îeaeiers whio nec. citer, Mcx. len Rogntalclson ut te Speysile intîersection. &d -iaimacder n equiprneni ouitas eharge uf gracdes t andI 2 Fine outhlie tovnsiips onte- seurit ith on recent years. eonmid eitouin Cr itbttd suis Bas ierice is prtildrd hi Otiteretconnecird seit ite sunrimer ddsie ttudelilit fti l itrebue o *c lJohn Hep- Seloul ittlude suptily leaciter thée*ea t is l 65,ét-te at(lîn 5i i.l M d inMs. N. Cules, custodiain James ide gaîl ly I n utclasses as itee bits ù l Mxe taa p i clrisos, ninîle supeessueMrs. Slose, Waterlon and Dufferin Masser. Only about 10 utflite Nancy Macdiarmid, dental ityg- scitool doors losed nJase and scitools i80 ensolment walk leu miss Miss Dams Maywood, and sheir young citarges bid taremel tchadl. audiameter e chnician Mits Als. te sheni fhsurite ulcibuildings Aembet-ofu te scitoul huard )on Goud*in. R. F. Bbrsituld uof I s Ritere tele aneesluix Idarned miich ereecîrc sitescitool are M ito ite insperîce. f te, tircerRuchairman Clarence M. Cles. Altlougithlie citool ix unis 180 PapIls There vice-eltirman Res. . L. Rueai, tem montits ld, student aclis- About 190 upils arc housed inb srelaey-eeaturer T. Ers Bal hies are in fuît sing. Tite statff~ 1 Sbesysdes bights, new clans- Un a d trusees Art hue Roy and launcitrd a football tram tis res. Simple len cdllotrillall, ac SpI'IWl. ,yeae, complèeemit citeerlead- the blillong'u cliàsrbuffit sl- LitIStaff ers, andthesite ldents' couneil ix - chers'. oMtce UbsE masjtritsh aIe l5erclpai ýis ColIn Leiscit, tue. already ut woek planning xlud- Z1:1 diexilded inis alf by a long centre-it asasly nEIngersofll, and heite sacit- ml acîlitiex. six si Mrs. B Dai Barber OR" ES0fRANDt1#0 are seen in tiis pitolaoutoneot te ne* S~ol'ede Public Schéoi l nxsratms. Mes. Helën Rngn- vaidxdrt, fôitfis6ly a tâachCr t Dublin Seitoal, is titeir instruc- 10e andi té aludci sapeeciale itavinig abranci nem clasraam miterd 111y eân lears te hrée Ru te modien Way. The scitual was offftl lyaenéd,.laîl nightl (Wèdsesday) ina ceremany inason BtP ab . .. . SACK IN SOtMSIN a0ehitrl day îaw supply teaccier Mts. Haward cales buslly reglistérind ber yaung charges et Spey- side. Original iénrlffiént at téehas climbeci naw ta 180 students 4nd théy keep f ive teachers.busy ai the nem fine- raam schaal an iighway 25 nath ai Spèyside. LER TO THE EDITOR Ail Members of Farmer Tour Impressed by England Trip Milton, Ont, tan Pactttc Ralways for titeir Tuesday Nov. 22. part in the succesuftIhe tour Dear Mr. Editor: and a eery special titanks lu Me. As you were kicci ecaugh 50 Arthtur Creigitlon ut the Coltîniz- enake mention ut the Canadian alion and Agricultural Develop- Pacifie Farmers tour uf Scotland ment Deparîment or tue C.P.R. andi Ecgland severial l imes in the who had tite responsiitility ut Canadian Champion perhaps you orgasizing the tour in the first will lie good enough tos print some place and who was mitit us impressions tormed on te tour. titrooghoat our Iravels as te The membres outhlie group leader. We ail enjoyed hiis hetp weee greatly impresse i mt ite and congenial eumpany. beauty ut the countryside, te efficiency ut tarmicg metitods Yours sincerely, andi aitote ail by te generous Edwin Harrop. andi graclous hospitality out liote who ent6etained os doring elsits tu te farms. One is struck witit te cleaclinest and leat appear- à & asce of iete luns, teiighwayt andi tefarmsleads. Large Open SpUe6a Mast utfte mar damage itat bren repaired mt new up-lu- date buildings neriteauitul gar- dms; te large openstpaces for 0 Weil Tii. 0 Septic Tanks te recreasion andi esjcymens ot te peuple in te saos andi cities was very noticýdble. 910*ulldozing O auhn As for ellig o t aem peu. dure in te v à. Ut straid 6sfd-6è»iàO ihere ix litlIe citance. The relail prires !iif ic flres 'are muets lawer tasnoues, timex hase ehangeul tram whe fooud stuft EDGAR I4OWDEN tram al oser te world was ar- cepsed tere. Their tarmers arc Ph. lt 8.6298 LI. 2i M*Mèl n0w praducing 64 percent of ail té food cansuitt. CampblviII. Sldomad Titaka are due to thée Canaci- Contractors Work On Speyside Schooi LasI nigitt lWednexdayl a large eromd allecdrd te officiaI npcniog of te Speyulde central sehoal andco negralulatrd te qcitonl hourd andi ratepayersoun thirinieituilding. Playlsg a large part siite er- eclion ufthlie nrw educational building were the architlecîs, con- traccter and tuh-conleactoes. Al morkerrxtakisg part s inte rect- ion utftee neitcoot plaveci as impurtant role in te projeci and mereeeongeaîulaîed during te ecenisg. Thte toltoming ix a lis t ite Custracturs: architleets Barceti andi Rirder; mais conleaclor, Scitiedel Construction Co.. Hex. peler; tub-conlraclurs, W. Go- ligitsly, masonry; R. Musselman. recasisg; Kaufman Lumiter. supplies; Desctî Vitro-Glaite, sup- lies; Titaekery lsdusteial Main- teace; Americas Electric; J. Rih ervipex Sitermooci Windotws: EinwecitC1r andi HuIler, paintng; Dominion Soundi Co.; Mesîfarcl Praducîs; Muckart Plumiting and Heatling andi Sarnia Britdge. OpnsThie Week iEAFF TEACHERS ut lte nene Speyside Scitoal have chtarge agof 8 nuionîth the tivit tleas. i n frantlthe teaciters tram lett ta rîgil are Mrs. O. ftagivàldiati, gràdél ane andi tma; lernice Ditkker, grades titres end foue; Mes. H. Cales, tapply teachgr; rtSc ram, Oarry ns, grades sin andi senen; Principal Colin Leiteit, cgradetsenevn and difitt; andi Mes. M. er, gràdit tive. Belaw, Met. Dekiter, suads snou hec gradies itre andi tour stadenits sing-song. DIIDNI KNOW COPRRECT B' HAPlO Neyer change lanes tithout Driver liceccing is ose. of th4xlgnalling, te Ontario Salctv Oovernment's first inssof> de- Lea2u.. asks ail dixer,. But te- fence againt Irattic acidents, memiter that a turc signal oltefl savu te Ontario Salciv League' continues to link abter a g: ad- A mnotrist in Netw Castle, ld.. rial Lanc change, unies, ilt cor- has carne up with a new excusa.ected ity hand. Usinten iotiec for srving sithoul a licence. signal% confuse andc inconvience Arrcsted xchcn iis car rammed <liter drivers. Forexaile, acr a utiity pole, te man expiain-o inte pasifglg ane showing an ccl: "f dittink 1 neecled a -tnattltIun igîal causm:s licence, 1eau lmdtni ka, \%-llotsingtelticles tu ssvich nii: hov tm)drive a ar.' T te tivittg anc e cesiv Compliments... TO ESQUESING SCHOOL BOARD end Raepayers an thte apening of the SPEYSIDE ÈEItAL StH4OdL BARNETT AND RIEDIR - ARCHITECTS FIVE *NU BOOM tHOIOES Mère cibsed wllusthémLo5w Sphr- $ide itetocl apèr1ëd lb Stptérmb&t. Scitatl Prlitclo1dl Osîlis Leileit ènd Studénts Côuncîl Preident Fa» tOitharit 1,61111 té tite scituol's townsitip mnap indlcatihtg thé claséci sthsialx. th@V are Waterloa, Dublin, Stgne, Lamne anld Dufferin ane romf sehauls îcatiered in the narti utfte township. .1 ... TO stmooL ARÉANOi on their fire tiéw Esqueslnig Public Sthôil WÊ AME PRGUD TO HAVE HAO THÈ OtPORTUNITY TO 00 THÉ PLUMBlNÔ ANÔ HËIINÔ IN THIS SG-He G. R. MUCKART & CO. LTD, PLUMBINÔ, HÉAT114Ô &A EtEI*ItAL CONtOACOËS Est'ci Since 1926 Phone TR. 7-3591l 15 Mill SI., GebogtbWà CONGRATULATIONS on the ÔFèICIAL 0OPENING cf the New Spoyslde Central Public Sthoôl SERVINO ESOUESIHO TOWNSHIP IT HAS BEEN A PLEASURE TO HAVE PLAYED A PART IN THE GROWING EXPANSION 0F THE RATEPAYERS' AND SCHOOL BOARD'S EDUCATIOIsA. PROGRAM. American Electrical Contractung Ltd. 290 Eglinton Ave. W. Toronto RU 9-1 Me ANOTHER STEP IN PROGRESS THE RESULTS OF INOUSTRY, INTEGRItY AND ENTERPRISE SPEYSIDE CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL If SHOWN NÉRÈ IS TI U PSYSIDE CINtRAL SCHOOL SUILT fÔ MUVË TH-E CNILSUEN ÔP E9OUJESUtEO CHOOL ARIA HUMBE011E. LCONSTftUCIION GEORGE SCHIEDELCMAYLD 29 QUEEN ST. W. HESPELER, ONTARtIO Congratulations to the School Board arid Rate- payers of Esquesing township on this solid achievemenit. We of thé Schiedël Construction Co. Ltd., are proud tô hâveé bden chosen as General Contractors ýor the new modern Speyside Central School. t ham béh a Pleasure ta bè part of the growitig H*patlSlbn of Etqueslnig tdWnship. Another éèéiiiplé bf careful planning and achievement tàWard better edUcatioh. W. Wîlh <ô *hank the Esqu.uitt§ àèhcol motd andl Arohiteets for thiir wohd.rful ....p.r.tion. PHdNI ouv~m sM