MILTON G11ILS' PIPE BAND on their second public marching appearauce, added a lot of caor la Sonday aflernoons Remembrance Day parade from the Legicu ta the Victoria Park ceuatapb. The baud played severat ceiodtions ou the march la the service andth1e relues march pacl the saisting base at Kuox Pesbyterian Chsrch. Froposs.-t uses or bath the srm sînd the olsi Hallas Caunly Court: Hause asti admeiistratian build-i ing, sere resieseti birtly Tues- day ailrrtiscts ai tlise Navrmhr mceeing ai Hailoît Caaety Cous- cil. Magistrale K. M. Langclon suh- sitîrd a plans la use the preseet buiiling oic Brocs m St.. Miltos for1 the enlier couslys Magitrales C ourt anti offices lhs cenlraic- ieg tise fatili ies inu Miltas. Thei huildincsoticmilice rcommentied i no0 immediata action an the re- qarst cmtl fcriher infarmation is asaitahie. Move Reglslry Office Tice tammite reporîrd discas- sisg t6e services selich shaulti bceaceammatiateti in the nrm builiniig, stei tfor cees.tiae soon onaasiteaun 16e Base Lise north- cacl ai Miltas, anti ashedt Iat the Regisiry Ofice 6e masedt t Iis srsc building. Inclucte in s Ieir plan iv the mus ing ai t6e Cauniy Hraltt unit frum a canvarteti bouse. i111 16e former Rcgistry O1lfice builinîg. The Mittîsu Public Lihrary Boardi reqcîestect accommodation n t6e presen i Court Housse wben tbe nae buiding iv compirîrd. The request ciii 6e cossidered later. Gsod Esercise u;Bprlj.Qgya8 - Reese F. I. Ryçk- mas. ntigcacommitirs.-reptirt that a proposa-t for amnbulance service as a cttcnty basic bas bers tarneet dossn. woneired micy 1he Civil Drience grasp catîtt nal taka iis oser as a pri- jeet. "I can't 16mbk sf any hetter ecercise than carting hosies off the Oesn Eizabeth Way," 6e expianerd. anti atteti (bat coust- tii cacîls takc asiatasage ai Pro- vincial grasis il il ccas a CD. schemce. Tise propcsai masý erirrsedtu tbe cîsmnittca. Hoiaicv petiatis andi psîy sere set for ail scînlvt emptovets in al hy-iam passs.d Tuectias. The houi- days sire ose ceek mitb pay Liter sin mottbs' s.r-vce. tcva ithic psil aller ose year, tirer ilie 101, ycars anct lotir ilie 20 years, ait f ef«fectise Jim ary 1. 19W. The tiy-A lacs also se t sut stttiry 6a1: tiays andtiRerverAies Phîttips of Trsîisîgar scoîctereti cliv Reîsem- L brase.-Day w as sot alla ai thet boliiuayc incisîcetiis 16e licI. c Ansîher Day Off" Dakeitte Rerve Fiait Titicu chargeti Remembrants.-Day ciasr sot a holiday. but just intce1 day aff." Dhers frlits hoalti e1 rift sîp ta 1he separîmeut beatis,j cbeiber ea- sot lbescsvanleît(o 1 gise emptavrecnacgb Limce ait ta attend a remnembrante ss.-rc. Dniy the Imo Trafalgar r.prc.-s latives tavoreti a tmction Ltsi-L ciode the holiday, su the.stebatc mac tirappeti.1 Recsîtiiug nu meetings u ci1 planning committeribhis cesse. Rer eRyckmansusggecmtt cuIter> a meeting bc catird jusi su %%ec cansil and loch ai each culer' mît Oes dishsînd the commîtticeu- tirely. Wr sicauldttlv u ocvt planeing prîîhlemrs helate ilites sire sn our-laps," ha smîgi.uccl mbrn aeohers.cns.iiiar sîstesti ibere appearesi ta bc nonet-tilor1 ,meetings Iis year. The cterk mas incirus. ed ta oh- tain a pricercn 60 Cast eressis for members. and la obtais a dis-1 coant parchace af nasy blue bia-- sers fur cauniiîmî s. Tice blazers arc lu bu purchaseti y hv6e imustîs- idual members: Trssck Tender The Civil Drirsceccomîciîece sîs- ceptrd 16e tendter of Rt-ettMîticis, Miltut $ I 2,757 on a sisîke truc.k, ansi16e cuimmitter ap prccesi iiL a resoluliufraus Fret Cîttnts ce- qcesiiug aniniceseis.- iii granis tmouc iaomiion ndcio vnilgct crumen s. A salaif llce 1960 Rt-icedit îî- mutesDniOntrio cess t hi' iurs. t, z,sed ti I$45, asti accunis ttl isg $6753225 sere .sppuîouct for payment. LOWVILLE 300 Attend Turkey Dinner Sponsored by St. George's By Ms. fHarry Richardson cals. tus. Bibis. rs..dimgasd Mus. A tsrkeu tisnner spassssesihy Dotic lbcs.h ssty booîk. Flim Si. Geoges s.trs.h ceas bet i n metr compteteti lteflictrekv KtIiiidr Hall osnlice eeenisg ai diener ta bch eisiauthe iîuttuuc- Nosember 12. Lpsartis cf 300 ieg Sauurday ctada urnte attendeti. Ecchre was enjayeti, appointedtiut make arurange- tise prize cc sucss hrisg ladies, menus fume lie Fedticu cicu sinuer Mrs. J. Bias.lkiîsh astiVersa ta 6e het ine St. Gs.-org's hallt Thampsau: gentlemen. Bruce sue December 6. The meeting cs SmaIt and iLrraine Harris. closet asti lunch sers-s.d h ie J. A. Hasdleratts commutter sn charge. The J. A. trisp fSi. Gerge's -Cusncils seemtle)be.-ttttlms met aI lise chut-ch hall ou Nov- eng tier ears as.tivticiec emîser . Tie girls dut hand- cisys. s.,isr.Tmuoril icir Ira- chiers, Chu s FHarris antiJuas -Fune Reusesîstranse Div ciii- Romuney, allicideti a teacher-s'dio- dispicys serre scnesflic training cisis in Hamiltoonaitpatmerk a leenutF.t.tutandt Numember 5 ceicîs mas very in WatIPst'ier, Coabes Fa rscîluc, îerrsing ant iinsîrucc(ive. Masgram's Ba-ber Sliosppc anti Aternoon flranch Meets RabI. Charles Furnituse. Mc. J. A. Stokes mas hosiess -Plans are heing tcrsuistest ta St. Georges Atrnoon Brasch ior the Sauta Claus psar. Have on Novemher 9. Mrs. Rumney pou gaI yuur [boat iras yct? SUN LIFE a progressivel company progressive industryi WM. W. QiRAY - 107 Court St. TR 8.2421 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COUPANT OF CANADA, Legion Nominations See Severat Named For Branch Offices AI lice Legios Braseh 136 cal snalions bnci Masday. 1tre t tacsiîg csere nomisaedu t( presisteut. C. Gervasis, L. Faits. A. Grahamc, R. Reeci: lisivis îsrsistest. B. Ditîgman. W. Bas* R. Reett. D. Beatty. A. Skisnn anti H. Hopkins. H. Hottpkins w; lise on1v nuaminiittsfor ireasu ersandl'L Sctziva.s the sm1 nomltint iotn tir sccteltary. Nctiinatetl tir exccalile tii mle ee F. Rasvcti. il Basti. B. Ditigman. L. Pape. Falots. L. Esans, A. Skincner,- Elliait, R. Bell. H. D. Coales, Relînas. Sports Chairman Spcorts clttitnîsî aîiîsiîti Dt. Rocsles A. Skinner, L. Es-a andc F. R.ssctki; Santia Clai olitc tiairmas. D. Rcssýt F. Jahsstcîî, R. Vetiali asti Ctitititles.-nominaitiotnssci suirviceîtllier, C. Aîîdessîî bosse atîciîcîpcr-ties. tchais mu. L. Pope; ss.îs, iseans andtiu lainisenl. W. Bsîvd: poppului c ait. nF. Russ; publîtîls* %- Vs.iiall anidtK. Bales: psit spe.ikisg, Res. LD. A. Ptissel; nîctet s.încmîltee s.haiiac. Grabats. N. Giassos. C. Gers ansi R. Elili: sc nenîhersi mommilittcstirisn. F. Sb. ics; renisils n dniita L. Pape, L. Ss.hultz asti R. Rnc iuseslýgatittn. F. Johbslcs Baries. Need Orges Ai lite g.eiral sceliug a 1CIItMtttttlis, Cîtînracte Fie- cîcr fcs.î iîîlîsîctîsestStaîsl Allet, 511 ci iii cuitent of lice Il talc Cesiesîîist Maîur. Mr. Atl itcet ll liii s.,idert n .gises i)v lie meîîîbcship 1Br.î,s.ch136, ti lthe petict il sltallinil .tc-iît-ct.îîsce git t the lii u tsi .îof Il als ectetiel t, ogtu ît inthe Mai.îî Ibiscui l il s,,,,îiil tîý, a;il u litesecn B.L.S.L. br as îs lthe- l.itlies Asîslisi R. J. Veîtîll%%i pone a îcîc)resýcc.its.-ii of1te il ,:x branchetuloocîk istucil Nesi cetteissiistectino suitl IltiNltîtii 1cr 28. -NomitatinihIiglu, loi tîli N , ettu ccc 24. -Si. Joitii Nis.t.tsu. ,t sier, ilutltts higb lais. M MablcetItaîles: tiasllicg. SM V. Brîcltcs: tw, Mis. W. Ct sali: lhig ib s,,.Cotis Beaty; i 1se-ltitig, Cîcaîlte Rutg; lots. 1 ,Ctuistîs. - ~.i- - - F. lie [-l- in- îles ice il- vlis' lis. titi 1511- Guernseys at Auction LAZY PAT CROSS SECTION SALE Wednesduyr No vemher 23 1.00 P.M. aI the larm PALERMO, ONTARIO SALE WîLL BE HELD IN A TENT 35 REGISTERED GUERNSEYS 14 cows, 10 bred heifers, 11 heifee gaines ACCREDITED - VACCINATED - LISTED AREA This is an uouut csale, lu the cale are ail butonefl of the lait lresbenung bred heilers and ail bat Imo ci the toms due in October, Nouembsr and December. Lads of hoesing le th. e esfor seilng. Write for a Calalog Box 99, Guelph, Ont. The Guernsey Cattie Breeders' Association of Ontario dl - e ~~. ~THE TRUCKS THAT RIDE SMOOTHER, - ~ -a . eWOR K HARDE R, LAST LONGER! Just a year ago, Chevy cams up with a torsion bar indepeudent front suspension and hau aiready put some 300,000 Chevraiet trocks wmilh t out an jobs. The ride that resoits from Chevys suspension designu s making lite a lot easier for drivers. (Just ask them 1> Its taking beiter care of loadu, the fragile kind that osed tai cast somebotiy money il they mere bounced aroonti. Chevys ride also enables truck owners ta revise their boying habits and mark their truckus longer belore they Irade. Ibis loliamu naloraiiy. The trucks take iess af a beating. Theres lesui stress on sheet metl. Less abuse ta tires. Less pounding ta mear out parts belore their lime. The upsbot afi t s yoo either save money or earn mare ofl t, or bath. And you cauids't ask a truck ta do more than that. See your dealer.Ctni '6CHEVROLET STURDIm-DILT TRUCKS BELL BROS. LTD. - . 1 - m il PHONE TR 8-6380 MILTON, ONT, --- -- -- -- ---- HORNBY The Qanadien Champion, Thurs., Navembor i7th, 1960 3 ASiI wilh Mr. and Mrs. Wm. AcFad- Park Detour as Bridge Built Viios on Weekend vl, dMbrs. Stuart MFde aies Sh vie , E chr in ISI'vvs 0f rueestin istictMrs. Doug Ford and Rhonda of SaesS ow rEu he nNe sBy Mes. G. Pelletterîo Rn iy 1 1 rBan Mr. Tasle Baries Mrs. Ren Holmes of Glen Cross by Mr&. Edward.Robertson Milo o rdayNovmberI.Deh who wilbc scerayears andti c visited Sund.ty with spent Tarsday wilh Mrs. Stuart A new bridge is under constrc-The ebak tblead the aeol nN mbe 17. Mr. and Mrs. Vigeo Faicang utol adn tion on, the sislh ine near the mas a su.s.sss. Gels Moose, Deer Peterborough. base ise. A detour bas been Cogauain fiMrai. ecr onwowshn-BuePlteifof kle madle lbroogh the Hornby Com- Cîsaaain rhr Dms b usbn- BucFietr asi akille mouil Park Mrs.J. D.Coy-dngith1e hjrib ing rsear Mindies lasi week, re- spent last meckenci wilihetisel- F IN E ST W OR K Rummage Sale ai Ibeir ssnu Maniay. Naseilii lurset home an Sucies altleris SI tpe' ul odi u-ber 1, shiciling eenu oc ndasIwociiMr..indi Mis. Wm. Mereieth l AND MATERIALS SI iepruvtiliiels.irim Biîlci.i kl-ellig s .ltiîîscîThe . rtsplne btîiuîl,îsisîfr adYistiri-.iucredot s naiertalsl 11aiii,-fd by ici,,us lis, enyua îeiittllii hule ci Iliai Lîeiiei ýMi. clMs IietcKiGun itcuci Rfay Olasn CAMPBELLVILLR ii y slîîîtille duel*. s it cund l laiJv 11 FP etraii Dîsg Lt-site, KenIt fries andcisîceit IS.îlsrsay reîng ilithrhe *Recreation Rooms Lt-c Robsin.sncl( Suclay for Mrdts Creation Story ToId Children jiitilin Isenti li-i ktseek Mr. andt Mrs. Grenville Henty Kitchen Cabinet. ry ilicir lus.k tier basting. iii Horniigs Milis iprîti Fiday 0 Tii. Floors MisAvril Jonrs and Mr. Con- At C. .C Thankottering Mveet tiiliv sisileti wiib Mr. and Mis. 0 New Homes. by Mrs. R. C. Messies 1ciiMrs Fîî"ks.î tilrcrlprlturi. joint, Bradley on Sussiay. The i batkollet iîg mtingsai R.aistss i.tcs. leaic 11crces s.ýýp,ý1s usan McssRefr sCItoalroani as Salsrd.îy altes. rerrs.r îtJ.R. Mci. iii Telile i linc Jtli "grt noas. Trpeieî ags.M..î. .c..î s.tîl.v. rcadi Chîîrclî hels li i nusc ali * Repair oalmks i Black, aprnrd tbe meeting wîîlî s; voasnts The rail ,"" S.ardîy .lieiîiîs irn e 0almks i a short puenm, Goti serste ibetls cati mas answered 6v 15 ladies. fîer 12. Thry hastsd iot ie, madeis Sparrow Pâli mas sang and Satan A ofai iprs.siatics tram dansce and report b tlnct * Rebuilding heemeticaiiy RA Y O LA N VasSiekie read a litl>r rayer. Res-. M. Zidmas wvas rrasl.alsa fuite a success, si sae nt Bidn otatr ýCaro Smitb reaci the Bible les- samne lbank yoa nsotes tramn a Mr. ansd Mrs. Jotîn Busseli n ele nt speciaity. Bidn ofatr sonotram tbh 1051h Fsalm lram hberravrd tamily. An initation sons Bt ian and Btrace s51c Ile verses t-o t attend a hazaar Li t Riibrislr weekestiLst Niagara Faits, New ALL WORK GUARANTEED Limited Mts Marr inrasisesd T e laigssiauncîY-o onU 4 2 6 MiIbritrdcdte gars st hafla read. Yatng ork . oerfor Bride Brigo NE 7.10184-26 speaket. Miss E. Simpson, wtîa milter wss appîtiect iisecuaie A nissetaneiitsslcccrvas BOX 569 MILTON iaok ber test Irasibe l4ib verse ilficers fur 1961: Mrs. J. K. Ma- fieldsit.1th1e hcoîe of Mr. saîndiMis. aii the tiesitbapterrai Gesesis,' boit, Mrs. R. Hurren andc Mrs. W. Jiii ,Hamiiltoniin uTesday reî *5Aiid Go acssid. Lrttltere bc ulR ing. Mrs. E. Dt. Mabîtît snsd Mrs. iug, Ntiietsber 8 inc bcsar oii Mis. il- sn thefi rmament ai brases ta Mesaies serre appainird iii look Esîtt l cîillev. Ile tformier Judciths il, lci tîem bcefor signs, and fur Same sibrr itemss iiibusinîess st Illse stîtîcer. Mrs. Re, v Jet,- c-scacons anti tiriavss ancd lui, s1ee siseascrîl. sonas nchs arge (il the gamnes 'ci. î*tt.Miss Siiiiî,san made the vGo isîbtr on, Sicens idscl ebc ticstests. Lunhascbcswscrst-d Icr siol-y sa iîceresisgers t(ise Spent ccas salit. The metincg by the losIesýs. il .iîc Maasi-ry nicely lbattk- Menzies. Aller Grate cas sang on Saitcl.iy eîeîîliîîg ,it herOr- tiecdts Miss Simspson, daisîy retiîesbmcnîs me reserved .ange 11,11. Thete vcle ciglîl Jesus Bidssus Shisîrceas sang. anti a social tintec tjityci. tables (Ai tii is. The cri /es scere P A M C W. Aller tie lt-iîering mas reetivett _%von____ istî bS. E. Smith iof Ospinge L. il mac dedicaîti by sisgisg te lur lasdies' bigisanti tics y E. 222 Maln St. E. Milton R Ltîîcîlîgv. Fites inembers an- -A îlot-k of geese cîtis secs B. Kusîcîtir ofi Duitnt-ilte. The D. tchîciie Rolli C.ît. Tlie ncee . g01119sttt tier liit scils bhigli %ctLts vcctI cbu RasWILL BE OPEN itîmu i%,îs closest 6v siegisg the -'flcr Rîîv.î Wiîîîcr Fairiopt-n- Wlsîîsîaînttltwics csKets EII,. bssîn. Corme ChildreesJis tauccl Fîtîtvan Iittic il liitr, îcc ilis s sia utaaiitn etittîre bc- FOR VOUR CONVENIENCE cîsag Haitlejab. hvbitehers sîtic -i clibts aitti ildcîci cclcirSatuida.y STRA NI N ans A lw ldie enuve th se--competilions. etcin.STRA UTL9PM N Lis vite ss it tise Missiton Band,. alsa le, lieîtîeîesbmnenîs wbis c ver-THS UN A L. ccd bu the sitier girls.THS UN A ýl: Commlllee Namned'AARBS ELR 1.30 P.M TO 9 PM c; Mis. J. R. M.sbons ses FOR 'AAR S ELR'-MADE1 MR IFCITo II B an, ( [liIe Lasdies Aid LitiSt. D Lt IR 'F CRP IO II, BF (- Chut h on Wcstiestiay aleuit17,99 ETTER WîTH BUTTER - WRITE FROMPTI Y FILILt) BY A REGISTERED ridol atvck. he rts, AWAVRFIIARMAI IST.I Ml RiENCY CALI S FOR l.siseh.Th lpets M AWAU MARIE FRASER, 409 HURON FR1ESCRIPTIONS SHOULD 1BE LIREC. R . tE. CLîiî us. opesîcie Im * uvum TEL) TIIIS SUNDAY TO ce- Clay. Tise lvmi,. Sweeti s tiTRETTROTSTRol97 A. essît Vîite bai Catis thel Chlr. pes. ist-L W .T8-6971 ýas is iltlise Htuse (ifi FrayerwsONTARIO CREAN PROBUCER IIM lOENLBRi 47 hip sang flslaset ilhsibthe rdsMABEETIMO BOABOIOLPIOENMLRT 47 iii- pr.ser is anisos. The JJrd F saiEP soI 55fttCR555 Pt111ltt s___________________________ in. scas re.tti y Mrs. FassicLn uit: County Council Debates Uses of OId Court House PHONE TR 8-6538 For the Finest Cilles Service Petrslesm Products MILTON FUEL SUPPLIES BaeFRED ROBSîNS BaeLinoeta Third Lino ORDSINARY -555 FRONT CItEVYS IIDEPENDENT AXIS. Att tîiik, hb.d il 55 SSPENSION. tmh ehoel si.te i-. .. fi. d.p..d.sly.k..p. sign tIseS tanit#sied t. fk smdth.lad1-1 .hansd sibsetstknIe. ith th. ioed; iitis - nh..l ta th. eth., and ti. bas. a. w.11 .,. ar. unptath*stsi.ehssd and itrinsashauis and th. sat. ca. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE x-moi Mur