Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Oct 1960, p. 15

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AIo#.~ ~ A/loy' Holy qbhreay mc Otil1: Higb he ia:mn 1) DWilson 607; women, V. Mn- t.,od 598. Higps single fiais men, . Van Deeheovel 264; momen. S. ONeill 242. Plns Pis. T Jim Dandies ...... 7 23 Spuinik . ....... 3 20 TeKippers...... 5 19 4pitic ................ 4 15 TUs Higb Lows 2 Il W#hlstlers ....... 5 9 Rombers ............ 0 8 âtsamrucks ........ 2 7 Oct. 20: Three flat: men, S. Zeppas 701; momen, M. Emmer- son 585. Single fIai: men, J, Sos. nowski 262; wmrn, H. Emmer' son 207. Pins Pts. T Spoiniks .......... 7 27 'The ipperý ....... 7 26 JmDandies ........ 023 Gitic .............. 5 20 Tie High Lowu 5 16 Wyhistlers .......... 2 il Shamrocks ........ 2 9 1ombers ............ 0 8 Halton Junior Farmers Oct. 17: Ladies' ligb single Joy Hapseard 220, bigb triple Joy Hapseard 572; meu's higli single Bob Harshall 323, high triple Bob Marshall 592. ins Pis. T Tisornton Tasker 2514 4 23 4 o- Haymard . 2326 4 20 arion Ford........2339 3 15 flob Marshalli....2539 3 12 Oct. 24: Ladies' igh single, 3e ttp Royce 211; igh triple, 3arbara Btggar 549; mens high single, Ralph Cunningham 246; iigb triple, Ralpb Conningham 540. Pins Pis. T Thornton Tanker 2165 5 28 oyHaymard ....2143 2 22 Mrion Fond .....2152 2 17 Bob lMarshall ......2349 5 17 Commercial Oct. 18: High single, L. Gond- 2f ihtil.N rw pOs ereIgi momen, leavieg al the women and tome of the mec behind, Stan Hansb took high single for the men ut 318 and Jack Oooid came lbeougb ilb igb triple fsor the mcin aI 716. Pins PIs. T Poppees .............2624 2 25 Dogpaichers .....2628 0 23 Seapers ..........2753 2 23 Lil Abers .........3002 7 22 Jiggers ...........2809 5 19 Aley Doppers ....2920 5 14 IndustrIpl Dcl. 19: Ted WhitacXer dlaims a place on the blackbnard wilh bis 336 fiai for the higb single of lise nigbt. S. Zoppas iuuk the high triple iih 674 and mores mbt the first place for the higb average siih 223. Pies Pis. T TemnPesti...........2904 7 20 Little John........ 2972 3 15 V Ws........ 2600 0O1Il Robin Hood ........2947 4 10 Ladies Special Dct. 20: High single wenl lu Maeg Bannes 270 and high triple, Oyvonne Dalglelsh 607. Dihers wîîb ggod singles weee Mary l(iegdon 247, Fyvonne Dalgleish 238, Bert Vernon and Donna Worth 232, Audrey Mason 230, and Amelia Ranîll wit224. ins Pis. T Bee's ...............2947 7 27 Normas............2638 2 25 Audreys...........2766 5 21 Jeans...............2629 3 19 Giads..............2606 4 19 Thelmas ............2544 O 15 hh singles 10 date, R. Rev. Harold Marr condonied a Ohannon 363, B. Mouniain 333, Chrisiening Service ai Nassaga- Win. MeGinis 330; high triples weya. resbyîerian Church on to date. R. Shannon 857, H. Mor- Sonday, svhen Laura McLean, ley 782, F. Kaszycki 765. daoghter of Mr. and Mns. Donald Pins Pis. T MeLean was chrisîened. She wore andits .............3085 5 28 ily for 160 years. The dress was Miltionaires ......2672 2 23 sery fine embroidered coilon, Mor Power .........2885 7 23 long, and surroonded by a wooi feers ...........2842 2 21 'hassl imported from Scoland et ................. 3107 5 20 by the parens of Mrs. McLean. ""mblers ..........2874 2 Ilî Alto ai the saute serviee Wil- pers ..............2671 0 Il liam Grapi Manes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manes; Edward 24 Club Mark Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oct. 19: High single, Evelyn Keiîh Moore; aiso Laurie Diane ftogers 262; high triple, Donna Kennedy, daughier of Mr. and Worth 672. Mrs. Thomas Kennedy; Sosan SPiPs. T Lynn Thomson, daughter of Mr. Crees ...............25?1 5 27 and Mrs. Douglas Thomson; Iroquois ...........2453 2 19 Marilyn Irene McLeod daogbier Mohawks ...........2464 5 13 of Mn. and Mns. Mervyn McLeod, Huones.............2287 2 Il were ail chrisîened. Congratolations 10 Mr. and P. L Roertsn M n's Mrs. Donald Kennedy on the P. L.RobetsonMens birib of a son ai the Milton and Oct. 19: High single, M. Rasp- Disrict Hospital on Saiurday, a lterry wilh .1 275. Bob McPhaii broîher for Dasid and Anne. look high triple with 697. Bill ieforest and Bill Seoil had BaIl Teaut Dance triples of 661.,ý Wometis Basebali Auiliaey ins lits. T enieriained the Haion Coonty D. Rpwlep ......... 7 26 Championship Bantam Basebaîl 13. Deforest ........ 7 191 'D" leam io a record hop in the 3. Sprot 3 15 Masonie Hall on Fiday evenîng ~.Wsh4 13 wih Mns. Kenneîh Moore, Mrs. J. M. Rsprr 61 Gleason and Mrs. Stanley Hen- D. Wilson '-- 0 2Idersonl in charge. Mr. and Mrs. J. Peddie ......... Ewr Grisoid, Mr. and Mrs. B. McPhail ....... 1 61ae Baynion and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ramshaw sere aiso us. P. L Ro.rtsn Grls Afier uhe dancing. hoi dogs, pop P. L Roertsn Grls and cake were enjoyed and ap- Ont. 20: High triple, Lii Kas- preciaîed bv ail. zycki 748; higis single, Wimna .P.S. Cranta WTatson 292; b unn 648, Katb The joint meeting of the Nus- Coates748, t lna W64s, K643sagaweya and Camphellville Coats 68, ilaWaton 43,Y.PS. was held ai the home of GlennPins P627 . Tos and Muray Inglis wiih 26 in Pini KastyniT ttendance. Scott Campbell pre- lle Moonain....... 52827sided and opened wiih thee all 10 Portiy C nann n 2 257ssorship. Keren Dredge and Eliza- Plot Cann...... 2 25 beth Smith hud charge of the Ali c rosh......... 19 224devotional period. The offertory Atsc oals ....... 5 17 prayer mas reporled in onison. Mary Heipel ...... 5 16 Donna Grenke ..... 2 12 Early Birds Oct. 21 : This week Audrey Mason took both higis triple aI 701 and high single ai 244 for the FINEST WORK AND MATERIALS Yours naured cf gaod esalerlal iîandied = 2e.ert, hen 700 plan scure .me or n strue- tien sih Ray Otan. * Rcreatien ROOMS 0 Kitchan Cabinets 0 Tga Fluar *N-w Ifew ^Y OLAN quildlne Contracter. Umited W. 4-2263 4P AI!ey Rotis Oct. 24: Joaf teo remlnd poku there will be bowling ceci week Bp the way. 1 noiiced someone ibougbt lbey mcme bowling in Al- aska. High single, Jane Gould 338; higli tiple, Jonc Gsssîici822: lois single, Carol Crewson 70. ins Pis. T Driflers ............ 21 7 28 Scuttleb ams......... 2ý 3 23 Pin Heads................. 15 7 22 Four Pins ..... 16 5 21 King Pis........... 1 4 20 jo Ss o......... 17 ý2 19 llead Pins .......... 19 O 19 Koof Kals .......... 16 0 16 St PaPI'. Mr. & Mrm. $Il&> Oct. 24: Whalnols josi eqged out Tyranls by a close 52 score. Chirpees' 52 in managîd le, boid l4azbeens ai bay. A 245 high single for Ed Sîroudl and 678 triple by LAmncnce Prbic svere besi for the men. Thelma Bousfield caplured bath 1l.adjes' bigb single ansI triple wiih a 255 ansi 611. Pins P-ls.T Chinpcrs..........3271 5 33 Wbainois ...........2882 5 26 HIzabeens . 2.......... 96 2 17 LowAile Oct. 21: Mens higb single, Hap Dates 289; bîgb tinple, Hap Dat- ns, 682; ladies' high single, Enicl Colson 278; igb triple, Enid Couison 640. Pins Pis. T Flyes. ..........2645 S 18 Jets................2584 2 24 Bombees ...........2213 3 10 Paces ..............2180 4 10 Doroihy Dredge gave the sucre- àlary's report. Nexi meeting sviii be beid aI the Nassagasveva S.S. 1Room svilh a 50c menlbiensbip tee, and a piciore of Campbellville or 1Nassagaweva church. Ali mm- bers are asked 10 make a cresi for the Board ai Christian Educa- l ion of a ring, pin or cresi. Sustut iBunbley had charge ni the pro. ,gram, svhich included siudv groups on the Bible. Bruce Evans elosed wiîh prayer. Dames and a social bahf hour followed. J Mrs. William Coullen Sr. was 1hosiess to a trousseau lia in hon- !îriof bier daughler Belly who is leing married ibis Salurdan. when sesergl ladies from the vil- age seere inviled. Mr. and Mrs. Charles MeNisen if Barrie speni I ast sseekend wiih Me. and Mes. William McLaren. Reonlon Dance The Smith-Bell reonion dance svwas heid in Brookville Hall on 1Priday even ing wiîh John D. Con- 1rie's orchestra and Calvin Me- Inlyre floor manager. A tahle 'amp svas presen led lu Me. ansi yMes. Tom Campbell of Goelph on he!b occasion oi iheir 401h wed- 1 iing anni versary. Mes. James Robertsonu read the address andi Mes. Bert Davidson macle the peeseniaion. Miss Kaiherine McDoogali ni Torontoî speni thesceebkens itih Me. and Mes. James Robertson and family. Mes. Andrem Pearson of Waler- down i s snes ding lhreesveeks vacation wiih her grandson Rev Harold Mare and family. AuxBllary Meets Mes. Kennelh Moore svas hos- ftess 10 the Delober meeting ni ithe Women's Basebaîl Auxiliany. Mes. Roger Mahon presided and Mrs. Jack Wheeiihan gave the isrnrelars-lreasorer's repsort. Mrs oJ. McGiivary gave a Stanley de- ymonsîralion for fund raising. A social haîf houe followed. TOWN 0F MILTON CLIRK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST VOTERS' LIST, 1960, TOWN OF MILTON, COUNTY OF NALTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai I have compiied witb Section 9 of the Volen' Lit At, 1951, and ihal I haue posied up aI mp office in the Monicipal Bilding, Milton, on the 26ib day of Oclober, 1960, the lisi of ail perlons enliîied ho vole in the said Municipaliiy ai municipal eleclions, and ibai such luIs remains Ibere for inspçclion. And i beneby cal opon ail volers le lake immediale pro- ceedings le have any omissions or errons conecied an- çording le law, the laîl day ion appeai being the 9îb day .of Novemben, 1960. Daled aI Milon Iis 27th day of Ocloben, 1960. J. COSTIGAN, Clerk, Town of Milton BADLY ERODD ANKS oi the Siteen Mile Cre ik on the Cisboim projecl in Trafalqar Towen- ship, wiii be saved f om faune enosion by Ihese "gabions" - mine boues h4nd flied withb lange rocks and bncked up iîh dinh. The Conservation Autborily speni $*I0 a basket Ïrid instaled 22 lange and six smaii baskets on the cneek, which crosses the Lomen tata e9 ppsnea the Fifîh Une. The installation is primanily ion demonstration parposes, but aiso previdas acces bo 30 acres of the Cishoim property which mas inaccessible. Resident Seven Vear5 James MçÇlure Dies A rnsideni ni Mllon for sesen yç'urs, James hMeClure passed asvay suddéuily ai. Work ai flie P. L. Robertson Mfg. Cu. Lid. on Wed. nesday, Delober 19. Me. McClore, %chu lived ai 104 Barben Si. n Milton svas born n Apsiire, Scoilauci un Mav 4, ï 922. He scas tesno onM- Until almusi the lites ef the lore ideceasedi anîd Mes. Jean Amneianienltie itseasflat McClure. He came la Canai.s. n .neforrcertain wbelbee Asia 1953. and NorthAmerica were separate He s%,as a member ofi te Kncos runtiernts orreueuented bp a land Preshilni isn Cliureh and a nueni-lbridge. Actuaiiy, Amerinan and ber (;i the Si. Clair Lodge A. F. Eosian teerilunies are only aile and A. M. Na. 135. spart in the Serinie tirait. wbere Wife Dauhter the lwu adjinine Diemede istands Wtfe Daobier are oned respelively bp the U. S. Me. McClure Inases la malien and the U. S. S. R. bis mufe AvnecMClure, (nlun- ______ giami and bis caugbinr Ansci.s, iMrs. DarrlEze aadi ai 233 Ris- Soaiiiissesi Ais ic:s. s el rAI- e Place Crescen t, Miltoîn, Ais:i ii:c Coast is s:5:nctiimes cailed survis ing arc tisa heollicis andi[lie Sheltit ss )ii t ihreensises ini Seoilanci A Masonic Ses ice scas Sfilci.s________________ the McKeesie Fune,îl lissieson Otbr20. Funerai Sescsscc N U*A C held on Deisîbni 21, the Rens J.K K N U A C L. McGosve ollicialine. Piiibc'ai erssweei.elîsow memnbees oi the Esiablished Agency Si. Clair *Lodie. D. McEscan J. Bell, A. Campbell, L. Smith, J. Ar nold and M. Raspheeey. luer ment mas i eregreenerem R.R. FORD tery. Milton. Soute paperboard is mààa-adf MILTON, ONT. oued puin and some is made in whulc or in pari, f[rom sins: or[ Plioie TRiangle 8-6357 from ee-plpcd paper. z*9SE oir e. FOR BETTER USED CARS And Reliable Automotive Repairs You Can't Go Wrong At foot the need for SCOTIADEBTZENLUMPER?* *Iow-cost cebt consolidation through SCOTIIA PLAN TF19 BANK 0F NOVA SCOTIA M4oncqer: Milion Branch, M. Creos. W1< UFFER COI.D tOUR 4EATN '~~ ALWA4'6 I4EAT WINTER TIME TABLE Effective October 301h, 1960 LEAVE MILTON TO'TORONTO 6.40 a.m.-nsc. Suin. & Hot. 3.101 p.nî.-Saurdsss only 8.40 p.rn.-Sun days & Holidays STANDARD TIME 1kfreut, asd Iiiforiai:n ai Traynor's Variety Store & Restaurant Telephone TIR "8-92 B. Traynor -Agn Anyone owing money f0 the lote MOSES ZENER 18 CROYDON RD., TORONTO KINDLY CONTACT I. Z9IR 30 Crestview Rd., Toronto 12 HU 5.2030 Our Services 40o ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS R01,4, & à YEARt GUARANTERD INVISTMENTS 41,1% ON 1 TO 2 YEAR GUARANTIWD INVRSTMENTS 0 Eseculor and Trustee under wills 0 Adminisîrator where there is no will. or where Esecuior does noi wish in aci. 0 Truse for Pension Fonds 0 Siaedingby Atorey lalook aftrr financial afla irs in case of iliness or absence. Your Local Trust Comspany HALTON & PEEL TRUST a Sayijng. Company "suad Office: OAKVILI.!, 112 Church St., VI 4-3216 BURUNGCUON 431 Ilrant Sîrçet NF 41028 MGR.: J. E. WHITELOCK N OPRICES LWER ON FUEL OIL MHAN ATr B EL L B-RO0Se LTD. MILTON ESTABLISHED IN 1931 BELL BROS. HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE COMPETITIVE IN PRICE, TOPS IN SERVICE AND DEPENDABLE IN EMERGENCIES PHONE TR. 8-63 80 MILTON FOR SERVICE AT COMPITITIVE PRICES PROM B EL L TR ý8-6380 MILTON, ONT. CAMPSELLVILLE Weurs Rehe 160 Yeurrs OId A t (hurch Christenipg Sune

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