Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Oct 1960, p. 13

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PundGives ChideN P't Te ed il desig e obecoipq an ln- U IC Fs oi n y budget that tegra t p rt sf hç pvFM -pneni e 0bg MIore than $2,oo,ço.itseif. lp 1939,couis c itatly f=ont Caîol. RUIçI i governptests. About 90% in. con- The fnd uiy atsstCé ti r ibnd1 this manner, the rest three major fields of actiyity: la toade up of gifts front argen- (1l disease control, Md nutr't-1 lzations and individuels. All con- ion and (31 maternai and child tributions arc volànt.Iry. Govern- welfare. It also provides many mental contributions are pledged forms of assistance to training yearly and there is nu assump- programs Wtlip te counttjes tionotivat the governtnfnt wtl su that goyertimenîs may denel conttnue tis contrtbutions front op t heir osso hcalthi and snlfarc year tu year, although n onsually projects. (foes. DIlegse Coqtrol In 195Q about 30 goveroiments In ondcrdevetopçd coontries contribosed 38,000,0010. Todair, diseases suçh as yt9ws, tcprosy, 85 governiments cnriuemlaria, trpcbhotrn§ansIdtubercul- $20,000,000. and about$Bt0 osîs cause wvi4ccregd death 4ndf cornes from private sources. T4e soffering tp children ancl eno- ltighest contribution cornes frorp mous destroction to hp'opap en- the US. mhich contributes ergy andI prddoctiviny. U hFt $11,000,000. annoaîty. It il inter and WHO pssist gos'ernpvcnls inc esting to note that the 8V planned captn4îs agaipit 905h i ernmçnt contribution îis -Sbaseçldiseases. WHO provis 4pperl> onpte gving of oter cupritrinsto guide the work cI !it.1 as- cônriutig.Thebihcs cn- in training »- l cers.a cotributingper a itaoresfcom- UNICEF provides insecticides, New Zealand; tiseir gif t works srao hmclsplefcç out 1o about 9 cents per person- eqipment, tr*np~prt qtiotaiçi for i the US. contribution ranks third traintng prog0-900.t per capita, aboot 6 cents; the Tisake, for pq1ppZýe 0 ç I51r1, Canadian contribution of 1650,000 1diseas0 e i1l lçrqç y thoni annualty, about 4 cents per cap- 100,000000 peppb ity qçç.Fat fita, ranks 7th. aies om1f bp .t5,O What happenst t iWsmoney? andI thuse watttodu ot11w ipcari- 1 Att ut the mnney cuntributed , tr il funded in New York. A 30- nation Esecutive Board compos- V0~.T,~.,. ed f epesnttiesorcontiesKe TIIrdg cotiuigmestiea year i vyb i g to set policy, considr requests, e d T ci h r evatoate results andI grant ftnds. VNtÇgF aid Is given ONLýy op The annual convention of the u the basin of government request. Hitton g~o. t Teachers' tnstiîotea The governiment wishing assis- took place at Toronto on Friday. h tance mont submit a detaited plan TIis year the inspecturane mon h of action designed tu remedy te divided andI the teachers from the c probtem for whîch il in anking townn of Oakvilte, Georgetown u the aid. This plan ets forth how and the townships ut Esqucning r UNICEF aid il tulite usrd, andI and Nasnagawrya were prenen t. C the responibilities andI commit- R. F . Bumnhuld is te i ospector r ments the goveroment wilt on- of these aregan, dertake if aid is given. Every tn the morning there wan a rr country recriving the UNCEF visitation to the North York a aid mont match the contribut- scboots. svhere tîne teachers hat ci ion unualty pruniding local SUP- an enjoyabîr tinte vsiigg differ- It plies, staff and numetimen build- cnt classroomns andI sisçussing the ti ings. 'cbool system in that erea. fi Wben you consister that Otd Esecutlse UNICEFs budget in unly $23,- n the afternoon the teachers 000000., itn staff unly 400, and yen assentbted at the Crang laza it isnonw asising sunte 360 dif- Auditorium tor a turkcv dinner. hi ferent programn in 104 coonîries Foitowing a sing-song "the 1960 tf and terrilorirs and reaching mure eseco tise %%s introduced, and iC tItan 55,000,000 children, it nu they were Itonorary pccsidcnt, L. st doubt makes pou wondcr how it L. Skucc; president, R. Mc- le can do su much with nu ittte. Keown; vice president, K. li There are three reasons. Truwbridgc; treasorer, F. Brown; Fc First, mont of the widenpred ecrtary, Mrs. S. Finley; orban a] diseanes of humntny are now represen tatives. Mis's M. Scarîct S comparaivly înexpensive t and J. Cuheey: rural representa- t' cur. Fr eampe, it nlycoss tveà,g. tÇibhop 9p4 4Mn A. Paut; f 5 cents for a single shot of pen- spçcl i istbjel, iss f. PC9t9n9k. iciltin, lu rid a citd uf yawa, lit Thf sflçaktaç W,95 W. Wnait tf M dinfimuring -tropical diseilne. The Wrtgpt,'oSSQtaçîîgnwq11poe cn Il vaccnne 10 protect a chilsI front te art off iteiring. çIcexflaitned hç TB colts a penny, the uintpept $00 reasotn why eople arc inulW 10 cure a child fromt traclspMsa 9994 titçnçrs anaI WPY5 lu im-si costs 20 cents, the PIPT t ro- Prove lislet3ii p pwers. i tect a family of Iftur fropitw- A;twsreeîç uMs aiafor a year conts QIt %iI Cçnblt f t as rclon, o , nMis c Seicndty, udrlt taÇItp n e retired aftcr many years of w prnitUNI Ef wilt nSppy fatbful service. I the penicittin bu; eut the shut, Ne Pffice.rs S the DDT but nteut entte ot spray Mr. Bsrnhstd ootlined the ni il, the equipment for a béaîi grownh of the tcach'ng area and h, centre but eut titenettre tsetl bte 1961 esecutie was then in- Many governimcntn cuitrilsute lroduiced. three and four tintes asnuch an They are: president, Ken the value of lbe UNtEF aidatVl rowhrdge; vice president, Mms en. Lastty, the fuît renponsibsli êWujgtcworth; secret9ry,çMrs. for the running te ntîtos 8ine'ly ctasurçr, V. rqwl; beatth or welfare project mon us rrErsentai ves, )As.Noble be asumed by te guvernntentn ndJ. Watson; urban reprenonta- in question, and in many coun- yien H. Howard and Mrs. 1 tries votunîary agencies witt co- Norton; peciaI subjects, Mrs.B. operate with the goveroment in Richardson. carrying out the projees. Usuat- The nrw president adjaurord ly the benefits uf a UNICEF- the mecting and a monsten oIt re aided prqpr.IM are permanent. and informative day s-as had by That i, tIie apparatun estabt sIt att. ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT 6 GROgRY STORE NO 1qNT491Q 10 LB. BAG POTATOiS -31c MACINjQ@P 134SKET APPLUS 59C HALLQtifgM KISSES CAi4DY 33c LB. qqnsway Brand s2( Brand TOMMTES Caibbage Rolis J ç Lg. 28 oz. Tn 35c Tin *MARGARINE - - - 5 Ibs. for 99c ]FE O XASTED- FORt SHELL OUTS PEANIUTS I W l I 2 lb. fqr 69c LUNMN MEAT *PR 2 tins for 49c LEAN PORC CHOPS - - 65ï;LBM BIEF HI6ART 1 frelh Sllced Fmah PQRK LIVER 29C LB. 1 39ç setter Lifo eot ork, ontet]pies for many ttIltt 4 bi it INIICEF lit eivuln abot3 per cent. uflisn qvailablc funds lu essint malaria eradicotion progrents, primarity io $outh Arneri a:,Ili Mçsico me- tarie affects mure thon half the population. The tam get for lte prescent campaigo b ring conducted by WHO and UNICEF in conjuncn- ion wiIth the Menican govern- men t in tuo nlcî att 16,000,000 persans inn tihe nynnaiou area.. The total entinatetl contut'flte four year ca'ntppign in about 550000-about 58,50000 fr.rooUNICPF end $16 -000,000 fron thIe Mesicaît povernmrnt. In p!nder$cvlopçd cot4ntre ltbe nast mpjoriny arc itungry tor qet fonds îbat gise Iite four- ishment, ur folIos- faultv food cunlstmsIdpetoaignîurace gr superstition. UNICEF , tico-uper- ation s-itb FAD, in brtping gos- rrnmenls te attack these prob- Lents ip neyeraI -ayn.'rtbf Mont :mntedttr way t10 bnp is ibrough nopptemenîary feeding. UNICEF ships powdrred milk and vitamins s-hicb are thon dintriboîrd Ibroogh schools or chilI s-elfare entres. Socrra-.ing- Jy il tien essioed gaveroimntns lu brcome self sufficient by prusid- ng rquipmcnn ta procenss Ieir as-n mitk-so for mure thon t50 plants of ibis type hase bren op- emcd. In clone co-operanion s-lih FAD and lte Rockefeller Foondation, UNICEF ins aos aiding research and lesting efforts %shicb arr îrtPing lu dr-eînp onew andI tigbty notrinios producîs nsbicb can bc produced lociilly, diinîrib- nIent ai tons cos nt dçlwiich. Most tmportant of al, tie a c- cepted Its local people. In tndo- lesta, for rsantple, a milIt-tike îrdct callesI daridceetait eine naefront soya brans, in CItile n "fisb flur' sns 0W brlng pro-> cesned andI is used ta make de- clous breait whicit dors net ante lihe finIt -aqd a "peantl tlour' bas hem devçtupesl. Basic Materlal and ChilsI Welfare Services InruaI areas lthe life ansd healsth of a l'ont nunther of Mov Ithem andI children are Ibreaten- 'sI Ity ack of adequale heaInth ervices, nsndespread ignorance, lcal superstition and Onsanitary lising conditions. Maçty cs these peopte base neyer scen a dîscîsr and s-Ill nevcr sce une, for in one sections lthe ratio of stuc- tors lu popultion t'. abou tsoce aorevrry 70,000, antd higber. UNICEF is hrlping govecm- 9Cnlta n attack "lae préblents m . yts trough asnistig ltent ta build andI rupand thcir net- 1045, or rural heetth crottes bp st pyin asts rquipment iedl. tnes, vtamins and iliter es- senliai supp lies. Sonte 23,000 centres are 00W Ossisrd in itis loy, Increasing nonthers of mu- h crs are tearning lu use lte services of lte centres for pre- atal andI pont-natal chrck-ops, horne detiverirs, spccial diel sup' IlenMe1A q3 a irnoPtuatIon. At te çaetetintethc loeve el plontduy bealth, nri ion, s.nit. aioilit bonmeraft çitucatlon. U4rèIC F -a ited pro g r9msn 191I 05- ,0 M0ttnoth. a, 'i t llrCn'Wrprotected gin .ntt t;14,0000Young pe-suns s-ere gise B G protect- ion againost luberculuaSis; 2,500,- 00cilre andI mthers were trealecl for yas-s; 2,050000 chilsI- ren s-ere gîven tratment for trachonta andI reteted eye diseas- es; 800,000 teprosy viçtints were under treatmen; 7,00,000 child- t'en andI moîhems received daitp mitk rations; UNICEF agreed lIn satipiy eqnnlimenltfomt80p latsn no pilsieorize, sterilize or dry mnil in jcoonectiçîn winh 'rrding progrants pnd suppliesl eqoip- ment for more thpo 800 rural braîit centtÇsi,1,750 itlage suIt- centrrs, antj 01 lhcr centres turbtan hçallh cen t es, ntatemity andI pediotric s-amIs uf Itspitats etc. Mçtîrent agninsl lIte 650,0()0,- 000 chilsIrns-lhs arc non s-rît rnough fed. non nypîl enough looked efier, non yrl rrared in an enviroomntn o shicIt basic es- sentiels of chitd s-rtfare are kpus-n, te abusve gccontptish- menîs sert verY smalt. Maurice Fsnlr, UNICEF-s esecunivr direct- or, is s-rîtasarr of Iis. "Hone- rver,' he saint recentpy, "s-e ha-se gainedsl omething in Ihese first peam'. nhicIt no antoont of monep coold banceIrought un se00m. TItis is esperience. 'Wc knos- 005v s-al cao bc doner andI sontnhing about hos- ta go aboun doing il. Wr hase s-on peoptlen confidence - bath hune s-ho have bren dopoms antI th'.e s-ho have been recipirnîs o aidi. - and yen Iat -e cn a question s-hich 55e an UNICEF KIL~~The Canadiars Champion, .Pd hewoeîd lOsaIye clrn Mission I t,, ity e ndt tor a eaçsu ~y Pies.WllUana aton 27sîsoInv1l;,.tîo l tend a ren ago$psîtbecqo Th WMS.helsI hirr ntnhty a-ao tcuîr a tS bt illuiat eettng e the home Of M. John GerenÇtr,,4o-4I. P atsscesU1 ia Htlinswonlt. Mm e HenryorsIcont$ies-e18-.M-pleo a bl-Itilt prsîei -tI evnladies pre Donald and MMm. $hopMr.Mcsaepr aia rsmî.- Mrs. Hoîlingss-omnil read a Donatd i 9 11Pter esa les .c as a na prayer. M mn. Henry gave e Bible std hoo . Timeeing cflthedeaopmhltfr praedo. Ms. JHuitchrî led inns lblIe z-ion, fitms andI speciet lIedeoi n gt, olis-d Hy a OldR t pIa nmas bcobtaierd front thprauer M repHtign-th gane r e Hnas olnsn ,PIinin 100UNICEF Comm't litlrs.surcr". 1rj ,%epnInnlIle Miltoîn Diniric 'n'pislllNntn sn itn Mn"..e S'D,,înal 1iINt .ns 'în it' mmlin ninîmîken ' y L.L. vNna.2iioIlAîs i i 9', i lt' c ilan îhe Yonnîîip scils ImcmIinnl ()n[ n LowslieSepemhe 28,Mn. Mu-innch sapper asn qnuare danece ai 10 Donald rcad a Irîner insiting telte honte Of Phil ans 4I s'n Fisbei ladies tu a Tiînk oft'ering meet- tant Wentnensncsaening s-mb 20 INQ $N#g 1ing at Cemphrlsitle on Ocloher Prescrit. A person 70 pears Of ~'s~O~030P Iri'r'îe'"~t't" ,'n,, r"-~n,'re. ~ .~ lSIC tabout 20pesîrs sdu con anss-er atone. St ns a ques- raised $15,000 for te Chilsrens lion s-Iich te people ofr te Fond. s-orîs must hbnp os îtue'.sser. On 1959 more Ihan une qo rter 30e cati nevrr do ailthtIn ecsesîn a million chilqren on thous. to c dnc or he url's h,,_ nds of commortllnes front Coast lu h don fo nhes-old'sCînlu1 coosl parîicipaterdinte pro- ren. We can Onrly Ietp ihose s-ho graint ans inleMarci, 1960, ter seould Itel P lhent'.rtes. The if toi $200,000 ws sIvesetc10 puluf mooy ports of lte UNICEF inNew-York hy SandrT -oiIhase prosed titai, 55mb Ta -vîtr, a ll'yeam-otntCG L sisance, ltes con help ltent girl Iromntdssner, Nes-fount andt Sele. With Iheir essîmpte hefnare The cuntmitlrc alolî sponsosIll us, sse caonmose ahead fin a ls'.- snle of Ile ssel hnosso UNICEF ing pamtnernsbip tlteItenelin gro-ning ainsI note cnsc aI monkimîd". chtlstr-en." Fî',nnan monet-I hein e o Wlual Cas We Do to SieIp? 130,000pie 1950, molle linn 1400 In a nunther of cînnries, 000 UNICEF can'nks ern.- Id air groups ut ciizens base heen formen tolaltitheir colstltps about lIte s-nrk UNICEF dsI In Caniada, lte Natioînal UNICEF Curnmiîtee of te United Nation.% s tiqq Assonciation inCanantCa'm VqIee!14* the lait of 1955, te commit i eu .pos'ors-t I te tiî-dCanaintn f . . t2 u. a f "Hallowe'en for UNICEF" and, D, Thursdoy, odfahàe 22h, nar ansd gtruat m 10g mac- si More kquçýrter do atone, ý ordin 9W l Tile qj sîU12 * Pu@Idoflg lthe Nsst-*e nd Sip nin Can. 9f ge han ii îmning bis mppi ICnox Pu»vtnQIur 105TH ANNIVERSARY MILTON Sunday, October 3Oth 0EV. J. K. L. McGOWN, B.A., MINISTER 11 .00 a.m.-"N.tc Timon Cqnsurnebatur- 7.10 p.nm.-"RoformsçI end PresIbyterian" (MARKING ALSO THIE fOUR HUNPRfI3TH ANNIVERSARY OF THF SCOTTISH REFORMATION) SPECIAL MU4SIC BY KNOX CHOIR AND MR. WISHART CAMPBELL, BARITONE, 0F TORONTO We invite our friends andI neigirbours tu juin as in a day ut tt'rnkt for a yeur of blessinq MILTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB SPONSORED SY ROTARY CLUB 0F MILTON z> S DANCING AND 9FIGURE SKATING CLASSES TUESDAYS -THURSDAYS STARTING TUESDAY, NOV. lIst ROSS SMITH of Guelph, Toacher 20 lassons $10 PRESIDENT - MRS, ROBERT MeCUAIO 40 lossons 12 à wesk> $17.50 VICE-PRESIDENT - MRS. M. S, KERNIGHAN Fantliy rates for 3 or more SECRETAIY - MIS. GEORGE HQOP oppiicunts on enquîmy. TESR -MIS. AUSTIN LEDWITN Fccs payable te fuît in ocvance or on firsi day of lensons. PRIVATE LISSONS AVAILABLE MI AL TO MILTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB CUT ON DOTTED LINE. P.0 BOX 427, MILTON, ONT. 'NAMI ................................................ .................................. ADDRESS .................................................. .......... ...... ............... . AGI if onder 15) ...................TELEPHONE ..... ... ............ CHEC DA ANDTYP OFLESSON DEStOEO TUESDAY-----------------------..................DACIG..........--------DA CN OR OR OR THURSPAY ............. RV T .............FIGURES................. ADDITIONAL FOIM$ àV#ilAILE AT 5ILTON ARENA r' i Tuecý.nçiay Npv. I at8p. Agrcintorl ffie, îan St. Milton Ouest Speaker MR. WpOiS, ALLISTON Director Zone 3 LADIeS' DONEGAL TWEED REG. $5.95 VALUE 4.099 kl Tli Minin ivrcvrd t i ia p rpce. si/. 2 to J ; 4 lite etslcin w 1d sh' &-TaiIored Blouses ,ctiie-sncear ouit cn- Reg ai , lis oofcr these tait ored %13.98 1 4 ose Io 55151a th lIn', e )%ton pie nluded in the gronp are pli olrs and printet csign.$ I9ç tit t nn va;lue, ths-e bboçsen * 'oua- ,,oldt for $2.908sand $3.98. Szs1 o 20 n the groap. Ench BIG SAVINOS ON RhiZ Il ýj (f Ile Wnnl Il" l"' titse-ns l e n ani 2 ps.ce '.nn sn n a nb na hsng. Uu.snili s 'h se cnn ear C, lons rc(Red. N.t,NsîBronnandI Royal 1 PIECE STYLE 2 to3X 4 to6X s7.99 FLEVCÇ LINED SLEEPERS ChIldntnss 2 ptce'.tIceperq cof lînîsîs kit soton ssnth worm itlvsss lineng.Isai tfor ts. colsI litthtsttnsînt Si.es 1t2 and 3 Colons Bluts Ysllosn $1.79 PR..- BATH SIZE TOWELS Large ttînrsîy. IigItin'absorbent tel- th ttb 1055c in isendrd colnrsnoT bloc, velloss geen, and oîrat Sîae 22" x44".Stork nîp tos vanthsbse %vprîce. 99c EACH 5s" WOOL TWEED Tht', (twnnn eed s Is dal for wsnîîeî'.kmîs, coats etc. for s-ter %%,car. 58 inches s-ide il conne'.in colors of bloc. broson, gît>. Reg.$290. $i.98 Yb. Msn's Long Sieev SPORT SHIRTS A '.nt'nl gruup of mens long steeve sport shirts redoeed front eglar stock. Plain col- ors only. gi-tv btueveltose and Itlack. Reg.495. N0W. MEIS WIBIT98 COMBINATIONS A sntail groîîp of a fartons me- ken 's toe duasticetîs redoced tn lear. Long steesec andI long ;c ss'tt douîble beck andI fi-ont. for extra svorntIliReg. 8.25. Suzes 36 10 40. 50EN'S SUBURBAN COATS A staîl gropp oC mens ubur- ban cls apd taclets specilly reduce tplua ors- lits-picç. A good rtlpIl of izeq ýnÈctalqEs in tejpuplje te îoday. REBU~ED levi 0 Fin1 IOWDIN e. tMI. 119umi DoieyRISTIYOS $ e84- 1

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