FOR ýql3CK K.AeIOfcl. ÂD - »PRAISAL CAML mton, 001. Otricp Phone 511 -On7 c-t FOR SALE Large ranch style brick bungalow, unfinished, on wel treed lot, th9- line. Esqueulng. er 401. TR 8- 9862 Brian Î. MuIIaily RESAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 'TUR8-2436 Serving Milton, Oubvilte, Brampton. $1,700 Down Owner wlisacrifice 3 bedrorn bungalow fur $12.700, situalcdinl a convenient part ai Milton, rlose ta chanîn and tores, "lteully ecurated , mny c- tra. Cati now or aponts N.H.A. Resale Large faniy borne with attached i ge, treed lot. Price $15504. enpaytent ta be arragci. Invitation We Invite yout tailuito u cr office 10 inspet the plans of the serinas homea nom acier cosetruction os choice loto in the Mitn area. Pricesra rnge roie $13.200 ta $16.900. BRIAN T. MULLALLY REAL ESTATE BROKER ani GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 298 Main St. E., Miton. c.23 Farms, Etc. OLD AGE AND ILLNESS FORCES SALE 1 100 acres, 90 worhabtr, 4 bedroorn borne, al coveiesrrs very gond br, water bomîs, hydro, water under pressore, sew met- at rouf. pring, chickes bouse. schoot bue passes gate. Asbîng $18.000 full price. Mahe an of- fer. Watt tare 82.IC dows. $100 Per Acre Oser 200 acres prings, pond. Siurry for this ose! Cat MEt STARK MILTON 'Tit 8-9343 SYDNEY K. LAMB REALTOR & INRURANCE 8 0Mill Street East Actas Phone 524 Member Canadien an Otario Reat Ftaleseard Tune enta CJOY 140 on yoor radio dial Friday aI 9.14 a. or 11.50 ar. or 5.52 pi.m c_23 FOR SERVICE AND SATISFACTION CONSULT BRIAN BEST' SREAL ESTATE AND GENERAL INSIRACE 310 Main st. Miton TSI 8-6292 Town Properties COUSIT ST-Fer resi: 3 bedroom bouae, $05 mothiy. BELL ST. - t only, naew N.H.A. bunygalow, $1,10 an MILTON - t oeiy, outoce bouit bungalow with gaage.$13,950, loti iown paymesl $1.721. ESONTE ST. - 2 bedcoom apart- ment or ent, $75 ntly. Out-of-Town ACE Properties 10 ACELOTS - Carnpbeitvitte, $2,400 fel price, hait cash. S Siiereai Escoeing, $4.000. t oniy. MILTON HEIGIOTS - Grocery tore living accommodation, large loi, $14. APPLEBY LISE - Modemn bus. gatow foc rest, $75 ieotiaiy. Erin Township 200 ACRESE-160 acres clearci, ne- ver Caling creek, 2 gond haras, sai hat bouse, weti Ccced. A real boy t $25000, $15.040 dow, balance 6%. Cai Bob Laking. For furtter information cai Bob Laking TR 8-2710 Jim Seeds TR 8-6884 Brian Best TR 8-6292 Industriai Entquiea Invitai c23 e »M ISTAIt iSmoU»d1 LAU Fpu SALI(col.) Auction SMO For Sale Reed-Reodfern Limited eill y es, ss ceaim e us 0 5arroisC Cm b ho laeotuta e. 5 alado.% 2usp bk#lwîgoI açro a arlea. Faiull ~ ESI Meaafi4.0e P?1 1A c0~~ 0-5"ie, -bC le- . li ONu.e y%? gtp taOblus a Mi 0at%'IrLl rokbOs ilî orh mt cet _e dbs eqlf, F or Sale laehnba Itrir,poapo fSstao é10Eg~ey *g ACTON 1AREA ohiiet tiresmo.iro,àcark SA*lIfAT. OCTOBEl l art1t9 $8 -roiestae om, 5bemousa ui berkop igbs. Priced onty At 10 aie.ft lis miaso c-ron, stia bo5coe, Cutbadoos 10$ FR 4-ooreq c wita - 'iE 2 Ferusostrac huces liin roieuni0ii . NEW AND USSD It nai Y men, frnre brdas sshivwttira.,auiaitc eacndito International node 4, C mstn I t k the soit m.aeros pfreaace, hail aIde-I al ies st loîoing.I aio tSit taesu oretae is tionirr meadt ePconîy CO S -Se Jerac rom reah wparti ir $ttnllei.91ttr c r.iexcelleJtrco Ii 3t l eme Otyrerai. Spg en are e. li see te -ývinde motr. Piced On 6y Cute o ie-80 ain e mta lovr; ifCO S R egh . J rsco w, foot j -couru brikaee, battre a$10or.500 0 A$1,L9e9eeoi9eiNm.oiui 7hain mNl. VuNO CAe Set.I 2;L e g. b JarseAdR- huads dube ivngrotees 214 mraas ai oe.wor pme lbeai 4 btealltînt- h re 7 nArgu fat lr ; e~v or- usina ouie, eIra itches cor.Osi $t,100. S fati osaonition; miey rcntlic a. hleti e.Jré Luec sranet, tame u i 0 o RD o alseq ied2-iatr radichntal 45 b taieoramllthW.m.lAI-u seyliede, rANO P telaS- hit choe ree a le rîc e $000 mth 'u a uihefesad i tathoso-lor diis aes. 2 InterntOnl 0 SOT rgu cw dl ee dom po ce $4000 mtir tvroomieuiond o. tos, le- BaisY eramah atra, dc i aieuoa;i2 essde; 4 uggd o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Ol acelt.100,i795.dms ees n efc rodt o taon cehu ý eeN biannldateiO o R COSI in ull I*0 -101yu pamrî CTruON .Osy$140. Sane3httmptm6ie reaiooiIPLIsRNS-Jonrdi4t tese MON RCHiRichlieue4-duethoaandîcîur-bInt!nesm 00 ca ;h le tandar hwtra tar i o ei t- C1it8hanaisXqAptir setdaneutoredNawl n 7 allr Nw i ON Ford -foc blerack îAb nac, 4berootskiche eu -it radiomaaî as ei o, pumer dISuer t ailler O C -olto tilie e Corietela Dfers $0 a boads dm.l lvinoodenta st25,r0 mielponir bra e -t-nc 3owaber; treftiu5na OC (It- rc8l 7A -gu fa t caivLs, btI din rom etr kichn. cau n w i $1,i1tir. el 1.0. lrnatnal, o s te ond codit- io sCoudn. cdi e o; reg. Jet5y Laine vranah, lawn an 107 FRD usto, 2do l r tch atio 4 aiOC htirwt m iom fi. ceuNDeirise bt, For b4 MildeTON sPHOE TR10 0700 05 CHEV. 4,-doly eur, edlaith i ath- atcuir cdtond Itionnational 5Tom rai ulvtr .eîoUr doiesewmnt rooloafc rnsmsio, tair, ero- Furoos moorsl a;ir 3di tuish cutgevsto; 4MYonie ar paadauny2lneieirdont$85..ttiNo 8 pioo; lt cOliow on i 5-r s bander 7 il. r, in cucctent oni- ACON a HNl 2-JO 1956 PONTAC 4-do lue, go d o o r be ri; Ccsth 5m ion; ototey .ora2ia tw ~~ hrc. ,equipp wit hituboanti ernotaustI rbire am, air on ; FoeyHrd ia urbe lid isore McLe tirradssiounsceadipcowrr Inerna2 -tionleC Fbteo Bassehlorre r n 4-c* etishreome Mc Seul EaoBoo oymr Iobte Irc-ýe onv- utc; 52- lrta tury Busei t-r; O.boytuedr; oyfuer; u Actas 225 ing. pos $508. tîaîcr1, ta5 n t3-eres ira g con ti- oîion; r eler tryr u b-M . wlltre. oin.ahnI P ;ttrnOimt uain os; oIpe; ln ec:u 10,00 uraunibaujoa nhe cn amena C Hurrie 3-onm wgn;Cnioi u rin 'criai cumtrtty efsiori. Prlci CaOe4sal 4-orsue rob; e carra ive rl CasfrS l niy ultwhteal tre r- osmrer hb w; O eHri3s oh ut forao; MpuUrye;Ss tuas moito n d 4-a ur,2- fsiabrice nl . 3btera r5o e. I ternaio al 5 îu maesr hyHfarru r is 0, bemtiut mbier brme nSma&r erdrgl;e o ksutri mar bnHarra 7 f.etlier ex celant cn-t ACTON ]PHONE 31-J beige,5vPrNT A bs - o s cd aia sOhing erisehriel r ath p4In- ick- o lura; pa arr is; 2 ietetrrleo r- T cpsiceasscgudceitaseiipueopjtactoramp obvr 7f.e; 0 tiresoao and sty040w Cslippmr msur 00eaîr Happ r i s be Outiehe ca e L I.. NOOO0CPAMET eQUROrs ecanditionriasi palnury; intel r- e hat oblua co oroe c A Tco 0 nOnOLE W$T8A5. OVE taernational poeti drag.crutv rrcarntsed rcar r ye 'adr;w e Il CLOSING ATE CREDT. us reon rW; a artir;Me aris aas; t Crie tn s in tk Nu. lle,-SOT aHoSEokiHOO 10 - Las- e 'Mpetel rofiisbe. P hoirr1e; I.Ï.C. No.45 ba ieraites a; ir-sa mit an ain e mi it SAT. NO .596Lieted tiaai; 5 w r mosur Hpredrspump oi r agronfer 10 coa; rin. Cars or S le 1 Maltas 4 ostr, ie d ins. arvirel e:bIteb.rnatnad21U îresils:i eyroork î5m îbcass; WIl4R OT M GALO S ayrif er-"' P..i Meoretan m; ctery raiter; îsIîrrssîa moe;atri e rtrapou; anpo is; trlra; bayi 0F a uraeFarmbund bai banckher; c ru ; ch ira eie:2re; m rifue Qsit besstty o tt baiirai ,___ _____0 __ ____7frrmaxr an Issle apuatt ?iaatoicaP ori; rosy ather anc pesiteauni sorneorlirer- abt cr ehair ciclera o; c rtl icauubors'hcsraPtt. U AL~ fcmrbeyan roe Preare se HAANONAe-flla cd. u h Isr t ISue pspt, _ meer;pnjr itudi, haaar hur bo;60501 0 tea Ibs Ftsiu I me boa O bre AYMn T E SHRD eoP TOilSd AiNO eQIte- 9ptrm .200 be. oref rry es gaes I aPatEOmpPy LE IAROMnatna SK0p.wriardetr r earn ,p asho: a-tîemmntwith cLo Sn otit DeAsTnl Er irsie  a * S a e D e tb b a; Ilnt .ern to nl 200mmrîr m a:. rIrrk as u r - tof ente INTOWNOBURLINTON a r; atetramm u er, MasinSHaras r tiro isat htern viau sus e lott eqipri. riss aiy ,00 intrutiosofaie10ir ramm ; 2rebe c mdcN OasMrMaio hue IHC o. iie;ra be ; 7 t on. pu unit Mtm e rierbmachne 16- muaS rayciri a it mur-.J5HN MieSNNON Cda auespedr ým .ndppsfo 8cws rh MiltotOntrio i . - tevlr krcpmr teaaaionpsalett ____________________ by's WINNEtoi 1, ceS,0s GALLONSfrmrr rang lieamrmmarle:.resingaabe:pse[easgs- 190 FRD ueony $8 tasht N tas i T p.),sasrdos tr s er cri eainStrilmi selrr acha;- ol c wuitbsamusrtyi oto. e L in,2 miesaotdmcmixMl. e r aC n baaand en( .apint lse LEGcpb A Ld ay t tas, ongan smedeonrsI aich) n pstbier rapite m th rklýq menibuty, u ama tbe pelta CTIOm N §ALEt tSnaaroter, Esrnris greowor a esus- NceAto Creditorso apraciccit.250 AED N NUSCA m; art Itoti toanmdm. coce ANO bot20tnso 05, PT IAe4-dart disse us-Toplehcricoai.200sf4 bu.Stocfun Orher ois Setan mil ex eso'- ifncletive hebaisa na tai mO Ta stac; AiN uni Ocscb-tlmet i iye Ifa et a 1m me. .ootsCLARI.~ N i rut JKF eetic *nce Ir n day ofM a lre.O 5 E dourc'Qi obmeeinothe$45 rue.sgenru msemreb h rt allgsta an n dwHOtrie l fdsTwsii Auction anle to;pinbt smi e es-it csese No eea.taha a s lc Ail taanprssesurcitîosiattrimmrr;eaterrat Ib Soyarticlers mustelietrarteraashyimauai rnasoaty. ra~Ie. O N FULNTheOis esncedprtr mssm csr; Cmio ib ote sitbemeessa hmasn raim ao- an tEE TO A o e.lAee enbaiAgs oailler, tcipetor: a irt aieay driaen th lor iliRY JN tsM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pis FOD Caais. nmu He mcGrarLte ro baS sot Bluep Pontbvcalverîr TRNBOlorutIm esbd 1MOKA MA G IA oneribe, Tae 101 hrsi n Masreiv190 ,pet Sacopr essety r; w cm;e e-oHn t en. . Gadmc . ireAusi wba 192 00E stiis maes rm b heCshrbBrt O ridgbraii msuem Imra Hcbrasda.r Don rlabetb, 71 o sclyeq ipe.tdire. Ba ,W trcind rn oive rsisdrgaeir mhrle .T. ise s. Jalvi1960 arrre-clrd teb-ar- mis rty rdb etfl wr- JO N M pe Creer 1 t1 nrrîing r taer; trrBrai Irrat- praaaae ba i b rahacesrgecnito' o Ti~aolase w b tonet sg art. arr vebsrgrstem .cybartaleerpist o t Nciba' 10 î l t,cont. 6TBc same t Ibisf o t.e ratt; ma ies hatat chi; eveah i asintg ras b atr 1956 FORD Eorsmitep$3 scr hy Nelson Weethas E th3dou therBNe- ri amr iib sa, M 10 ati hrtsile srtm Taroeste dwn in,2 esN.. sc> 1057e, o ib ei tticia cStewatso ner h c e mtt iey bc ut tm e Fr e oa r wafrso s4erseeeeoaiare ntynao m trbaO ercobrrea yassd. e a etier as9 unr 0f iEs-8 cos i, P3- ashrcand osabose arifoa ut uir.batte cta. hi ur b 3hiy tfOthr moterras casho rlPamet ta heçnAsaaecnTcOaasg2 Peu: sapras; Heiraanap-osîaprsg psymv cetpI rc sac aOiat 1uro'aos, titl5eupsdrrota rsaeise.albiasb;t otce140rdio TRyG.cAmEDrENttam ANGUreAtt 207st Mars des M96POTAX McKr eluE. on TL-Th sad cosisa ofrscejeut BlackaDcBO ave 05a SorrANDe CMTtRS, n. utrcosst.15Smteas. asiTO arr e Oer -tas tromr;ban1047 Dalve- I ea.M arY lirFEc ta a95 ODFilnfrhr re wsolaisdtrurbr 1900tiIsiandaîiceutANpaTti-NS333 Cros ols ndSevie PNYNDIG-Citatati ig ongeîIe Hsatsatim- l____etthe________of_____ ___________________$745_______ ingbro raie; sre. artioe d u th, aî e o npnvcu $796lastweek Nomon1 clon Tuesn o soiesChaion Cr. goFFIanCE pEssrPtsterANOs PUL. IntC..NO IE . ta prvedcreit nd nly$32cas ste mathe 9 ys a iercr of UPPLES - a a ehic cihraI- eesd m.nly. Fair. tem e a nsair iay;2 Tues essurenifaceih.ebîab as half A- lpro. ai cam g in ER E rrody 10 pur Ic ri; 2 yas Versisch CI cl chuaril; qoa 0m drich air; i es tftenl%4 AlRY Au 1954cFORceg. t'srh uc , -yeheaain rfar. t i tsf;sutors taicul tmis; -durirs luas 'igbf ee rm OU RIGHT ThetV NO R A iN a, cf sid f ate aislTtr reaag aeSO aie7 lfte Towshp 5 ebeceRedcyauadrivba e o b s;ote s;s b;,hierspuch- ti. Nasagaweyai h . >nyo 1954 PLAMOUTH,$350. sstlbro t hu uborn har tey2,15,es; povrt eramty rster O I l. o, Wd w eesd h pratiall n ire. tiley, nIHarie aeai r taile a il a nd conetar se cnîis at;o ie 96,arbe rb gies thito ten Ves ilyeshaebt asrpr a bo;t100taed fn i hfine rshnsd i r CBsseodsg mrtiase attakl b er sasu b 193M ETcOR.Io 5,a esr as a;2 tea bi îsi;3 C.P osircrbrqs lcr ctr; Uni rTaua s ofip n i rescamyu eraa ittad mat ostisuerato, a aoe n1 î aams Ipwar; sen cmrrute b 1 s V ee soerr e sragboii onta ft'a te 'tMIhue LanwoEGUS r TILEg tet aas abarPre at 140 e aned on Sor-iaw etae cam -Chsminaaa asgonamote, n h a orgperc peoatr; bsicec Wamcc d atapf sp taut a 1960,iltare- tatrO rOOaiOtMat itedOc ta tesC.cTher oficabisrpugcosaomtra, itecatmisoe; r o- si ruldai tongase paytit esierns S93D DG aoies. old topts lb e riraithpecuR e yr idesjarck; aset c e1ts:ttMte Cn ranast a n dlthesd baes a7t see SnorC a mionc Bur l an d a ATS BwlinS ANud;2 ruble iln tbo ie. ep for N laOiutse bo y.To oo .. i DS , Mbo t l e T - b 104 l sa d eau y u- O i C u iu u ats , e ie d Fre Te g SE rw fOR CARSd Nu ea o ersc s ucoe bas actonpt- b;lre-on latiar ts m hicthect hfaie nbbc unde- on anomd pasitiars..hSouinulmaren aligni appresro7t 0 an- e401 a iocc 100.9 eIma thr n as o utm iTe rowsrres ros t a moti iSCELLy ANGUooS - Quitrc eatbeatet lieu cd be ai or 1900 FORD 4-door endos, ileastncm.ed f- s uaeigire-; 3 brut hsasit i gaa oialmateai a d blo aetor eVnta pl a bo rti e,5050. a.nd BSO. rauswiere asîîyr;ol t ce blL; Uoliy Isre of104.4 let9n60ac uphihl, isntiei eabc-.A n atyie l it thrieclis. time ni ittego; EtaOsRErE.aItItg TnuTherat- i ca. it-ieseco.Caisis icte r, ater h1Ail bRUC SA ND BAT 1-5tiritr ai________a____________andTBree__ dsaitia t hruk:147cylinder ccirolici it o b ore aid cutruai topros iflst tait ervauto. ACT IN S A hsnu papf estsi pipe fiulg ; q14al. rrir aSbi A t poywt i oeadtit. 2- Ptrorocppugh C f i bat rsaitnd bitateeu proa y matir, obitematilires, me -tee;roder;Iretam aodka mthnrdueressca 1057 HEV.SieryseNovm . achS 2rs aniYerlsw.s urNov. 1; OsI sCiEsctEQU porNt;7AD. UBICNcIC grec 2-lne. stamlie. Lu ainus. SCeakerOutiamielf rr yS UPPn IEriSi-ak duble qaaity rt- mpsi B-o n ate am abe ss..a tcled uT tain o sI battrice.ds;a al;oks 196 T .SERu ESac i-donc an- EXCI2SAN lg Yrk l fis ce icha ir aiai haIi; Crrteofeart tir or igihel ofie as ruechrrda h oars3 mies. Yorkboani Beaiata as irgrrres c is Tst sosinbm; -dap r ail h cce tic eaitwe ols. HADGAN 200bs fseqel tg a bet;sat te m' s etNse6aome7elite Tonship whet;50bus o BantbaeC 1 lngerbisr Moliscori ta gaa8 Hsit 19onSIoAfErare4-der mest o730 eut cla ondto 'hi ar codtin ; Ntie Cs hsni m iii er le pre grers ctr rda îiiso COWB - 0 Hohateis-S ra a, r i cae nar adn ahn;T wsip O asg wy rps en aratu £rom sois erv1 e ote. s Sertoniof 0emiti aîses0 i. aib as tmr cheqe rte M e. oa r h.bso e ousi aii ri-gt ad -ill coninu t o asi e ie nl. slo dsrsnae4 saer;singdle a ati eso s alernthesy edeyo ve ei Wii acsiaueaia. HttIS coLa, en tARTIaCLESi selfiln cbnt; 16Iblbis a ber ta it an pre- seme uIr a fe nt i Itie -hamion ra inrri s r; inewt atisp ap unacla tastsy n ae adistootatrt I bca i eoigB Qtetrd Onaaim ititonuci Caro aotramB . eta-r e Jonc ooier;ita Poe a io, ns cexten si er te un i oieaopptca e I ic bruen. A aes tamc Cceeie aalh routire s, Aag.; i Hottill rcana ariexa c sar ma ils. ChaesonSioses. Sve 4 Tc S:Cah wthclrkon a HPATSB.S ADEHARTnth Towsi fN.MMLAs.* abE aas lFe.OES5C- 3HARSisbrC M ENT b 1007 a sll iterar, Cateri Tmtai Naugaea. Fch' 6 HaiIi.s tirifrs du s onisin TcINppox Mrs. ERE RGTriJesigo 20 une M te 8NsIrqis e le feld m u niyo ev at 5 is 01adsac f1M6 etms uitO ai. ooore iccase;f7 H altrck. braulhatel ao h Cliltori Pal. 75 Mitr Eî.. Mitai fer yearItsgaor Jersy rom, pun: TOPoQUAhIY Insur on - V18 automa cc, bck U r t. ir lime ut iner. uCOMMEofRCIAerl Piet NTIG c19 M îiht, indsiT o N rs.A on Wils utecn e dmsiesh ofut auichsi pand itts l haTeRlys8-2436sutwet c e a , o n -o w e c r . am u itn H tcI tye b rife ra a tI b -1 - u a nt- y o y h v,ul c l n s e l l m i of t e s d o r g n l o d *16cH V e Ai -orh rd- PCA. ytt f his utt iaur weck. cIas or atiua Sopb Autif E S ttukisg forauond r pe, anT Meftigs uni ecrbd i ceu A "II t mileag.un Of irst i o la tîri He-t h ai T s an dich; hquan t .i ofl G nc tenral Int urae auAigo Mnd ittoEle n e wb - e ie e rîg rove ate r n , 1 1 i. ltna. M Ilth e lausst.-bg .f U.OFYu Ta t 1oasls oo teb"ro ls, outfs iyaq as -.U$O lnh CANADA #AVINGS DOP" S &aR"o saboat a"Y-tisa. aItac ,ago,. p inturoot. They ore rus- ike dahjsa sis urt TRIC5 PAS 14"EEST ANNUALLY-WU -h an ves-ld Of 4.11 par et pur s-ur for ton5 youcu TORY AIR AVAILABLE in imita rangi&M rm$W0 te $6000. ne limaot Ohe mmsui. 100 Op-r pamme CANiADA SAVINOS fONDS Meo oiplo tg bus--for cala or os-lms io ut ai mrret in-ao To miake the 601@ the beat yearaof your lite... BUY TH1E NEW NOW I AT VOUR 1044K, sAMUTMHOflg ?IitvEteff ?Po!+E KElt TRUST OR 44 Oit TMROUN CQMKPIPbeI Y TRSTPAVROL. SAINOis PLAN. Ï. ts s e lon e loaa à to t t. t 4$tCfllO experielce urteg n.Word W.r1- r1ttatgpaefo 14aee r à amntbcr of theUocrgr..I o iltngpas o hedna 8$ 1861 rge h o .bazuar ta 1e hèld Salurdot' Oct. c $ jtc a 5t~th orcs15werc servcd lenaber 22 and the pUtIle %ler S. 41y tfr.8taclovctj, buffet tunth- prty foç qtl amtnl ll4rec of the s rlu a- oaàda birtbdap cake with 1the pWrata aad týisrnirafie uo î i ~ chrIst-appropriaie fise candies au It f otobritinth %CdsOre P0 lwos cnjaycd by ail 118 s hetng Those rhristrncd wcrc: tDavid thc tifth anniscrsarv of thc estab- A comiliee mas irawa up ta ames so of r. nd Ms Jhnishmect of this branch of the mccl with mecrbers of thc Evrt- lrhardsao, Donna Louise, dau ..i h hrh n rnht opeepeai blcr 'of Mr. lied ro. hmos Plan Reac a tns bfo uukcyrsuppcr la bc lIs ale, son On Wcdncsday, Octohcr 12 the beld sn Navcmlcria Kitbridg It. ~ jarris; Afîrnooce branch cf the W.A. Hall. er edeta1 M,d $ rf tMr 114~~~~l ;t e.4tW candIR I WIedIn aght raso% 4. 'àiMis * eCI Long, petrdfi «Ptaand A LANT PI lit do . tt 18 Sunday _é f 4j:fiýrs*wrepr- ,AUTY TH$ FA nil frae fh rtroenbraerh f the W.A. framf St. John's Church in Nassagaweya. The Ottit speakcr for 1the esenîng mus ui Blb Hycnts Co s th Rcv. H. S Stakrcef of St. TlpBls H aIts Çou libans A ton, wha gare aii afois o.Met Frtlzr M OR, *w«oAIL SUIES ARE NO. 1 S"aàPO. diwçLv Plan now to fo.d your lawn for Ful !tetiaooal relations beiwocn Miation, Onel and MltasDela- ware, USA. kecp ftomcring, thansata somce gond public ce- IVERYTHINO YOU ID AT laions during this tome's Ccntco. niai clrroion bock sn 1957. Milton postimosIer Will ,iarnR. S.A DA M Randctl reccivcd a grectisg crd rom W. Hussard Carry. posirna avrtd praerand fricndship. Mr 264 Main St. Milton Carey rotr "Our Mayor visilcd ysar city a frss ycars ugo during tsar Cctennial ctcbraîion, and trporica% a ve f ihie tiffie. efaitauG~ Lediithi ator Sequi- entrb iin1957." L________________________________