Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Oct 1960, p. 5

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Va '-e 4iWT~4L 4~~YSTIhe. . cnqe? an c ape q heLe Ha ll Saturdes- (oceciebrate aàltt miri fine season, and 'qmoeso the qovaninga highighta' mare platentations of imu trophies. On the left, leQguc consofler Bruce Hqod pretenti thse Pred A5rmsrong oemorial trophy tlu Bill Hut, rapain oif he P. . , Sirftin soitrs- whicb Iccpped the cbampionship. On tI rgis, Murray t-obd honots the céagnes top scorer, ton Rhillipi of the PIR'. teomn, by presDnting the Robin Hood trqphy in memcryr of Moi-ras-s son, ôI5own i' lie s!hedule ftocr the industrei dant league, mhich ntsday'at 9 pi'n,' Team eumbers iii are d1) Brick rs, (2) Leinonaires, -sul (3) Mo4oti îeers, <4) Bige Bop-. pei-s, jS) Wiltcgts, 6) 0).S.. (7) n Firemen; (By Mis Fils, (O) Led- w wth Spec. (10) Juicers. se OCt. 26--"S, 5-2, 4-t, (-7, 3-t0. ope 0(11v. lu-01, 4, 3-9, 6-7, J-10. giv Nov. 9-4-5, 6-2, 4-9, 3-1, 7-10. wt NO)v. 16-l-6, 74, 2-3. 5-10. 8-9. cot -Nov 23-7-f, 6-3, e-10, 5-9, 4-2. 1 Nov, 30-1-2, 34, 5-4,7-, 9-t0, ai Dec, 7-101, 9-2, -3, 64, 7-5 asi Decc 14-9-, 8-2, 7-3, 54, 6-tO. cal Dec. 21-.8-1, 7-2, h-9, 4-10, 3-5 im Dec, 2--8, 5-2, 4-1. 9-7, 3-10. Jan. 4--5-1. 4-, 3-9, 6-7, 2-10. nc Jai>. lt-O- , 2 4-9, 3-, 7-jo, Jan. 816 7-4 2-3, 5-10, 8-9. Jan. 2--7-t, 6-J, 8-10, 5-O, 9-2. Feb, 1-1-2, 34, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10. j Pcb, 8--10-t, 9-2, 8-3, 6-4, 7-5. 0eb. 1 80t -2, 7-3, 54, 6-tO,. Pcb. 22-01-1, 7-2, 6-9, 4-10, 3-5. Mar. --S, 5-2, 4-t, 9-7, 3-10. Mar. 8-5-t, 4-8, 1-9, 6-7, 2-10. Mar, 15-4-5, &Z2 4-, 3-t, 7-10. Mar, 22-1-6, 74, 2-3 5-10, 8-9. Mar. 29--7-l, 6-3, 8-tO, 5-9, 8-2. se Apr« 1-2 3-4, 5-6, 7-. 9-10. m Apa-il 2&-&1t, 7-2. 6-O, 4-10, 3-5-- May 3--S, 5-2, 4-1, 9-7. 3-10. re .Mas- 10-5-1, 4-t, 1-9, 6-7, 2-10. e May- 17-8-5, 6-2, 4-9, 3-t, 7-10. M ày-4:6 7-4, 2-3, 5-10, 8-O. th May 31-7-t, 6-3, 8-10, 5-9, 4-2. Teaca members are as foluws: grw (Il Brickers: Captain - G. 0 Kiant, N 4hei-9on, 4.t rantz, B. l MeDoi, W, Hemeti, A.Walis (2) ftgiunnaires: Captain- L. Eveos, G. Twiss, A. Babenet, T.a Sctieti, K. Twils, P. 165111v. (3) Mountaineers: a tain--B, Mountain, DI. Roly KSeUliZ, G. Kendriet, S. Hough, G, Kent. tI Sef4) 4ig Boppers: Captai-B. Pl Seafiii, 'Wm. eratini, A. Gma-0 bamn, P., Rigo, S Rig, Wm, Boyd. (Si Witdcatv: Captain-G. Win- ncy, A, Skin ner, F. Johnson, N. t Gaison, J. reland, B. Rcid. 0 (h) 0,SP.: Captain-M. Capoto, J, Frost, Wm, MeGînnis, C. Bur- ton, R. LidIdell, B, Cairnes. h (7) Piremen: Capiain - G. Bundy, B. Person, B. Couisun, J. Patterson, B, Cannon, M. Black. c (S) Mis Fils: Captain-B. Bell, F. Barner, C, Wickens, E. Bette- jmski, L. Sabatine, H. Watts, a (91 Ledwitis-Spec.: Captain-N. t Maskeli, ID. &mdîh, E. Wildtong, k N. Lewis, G, Pension, N. Loomnis. t (lO) Juicers: Captain - C.a Deans, M. èeireI, B. White, R.d Etioli, O uling, P. Etison. e Sparts -Andy Ke is-y Steve Ke-ne, Vnet Cannon, Watt W i- sqn. Piesident, D Roseiey; secretary- treasut-er B. Muntaîn. ulloimng a revisian ai- teams, the fuloming aie tht inups for the Branch 136, Canadian Leion cichre club: Bluc Sunoc-Captain G. Mimne, B, Hamilton, Wm. Kelman, P. Gervais, A. Martin, N. Giassun. Toppers -Captais K. Schultz, B 5mith, H. Patierson, A Penick, J. McLaughlin, E. Pice, Arms- - Captain K, Bales, W, Haltes, tF. Wright, A. Onesonile, . Cote, W. Woudaci-e, Tiger - Capain D. 5tuwley, A. Bahork, R:' llioti, B, White, F. Hadlcs, G Tmîss, Old.Pros - Captain H. Couisun, K. Couixon, O. Coolson, E. Coul- son; G. Jackson, R. Robertson. Canadian Tire Spriec-Captain B, Ciemeots, L. King, 1. Persan, O. Anderson, G. Presnick, A Kerns. O.S.P, - Captai-n 1. Smith, C. Taytur, G. Miljonr, J, Couson, D- jo y e, M, * apo. -W _ýàt Wm, Sera fi. e s" i, R. ýfsan- Spaies-G. Stoner, H. Cas-nl, S. Ros, B. Anew, Wm. Coats, A. -N " wclt's population dan 4, i Egqteslg'n rose' a" W-è,re sp c 'ie Tht Robertson Auxitiars- ut McC,oiwn wse bth1e bspeaker on noux W.MS. meét fui- the fi-st lbis ocrasion. fne cncle- Ils nese hainetast Fa1111 Topis .iesday, adt heid a Thankîcîs-- Aitbis tint members mere ng meeting. There mere15 mem- pla anwlcm h ni-s and two-mavisitors prnsnnt, P tI l uaai meue th hen the presudeot, Mrs edustrictlviueprnsidcnt, 15s stened with the famliar Tbanks- HW eylie g ut aStreisie. Mna ving verse "Enter loto Hus gaies Wstegveavr-,nprtoa ith Tbanksgivune, and inio His message un "taiih". Failth, sbt sorts wiu5b Siaise". empisasized, is a substiance uf thmngs boped for, and must bh Tht bs-mo "O Lord ut Heas-en, indlebrmah itcu snd _Enrl, and ea" mas sung, ,vurks. if me ai-c lu succed ie and ail pendlng business taken brmneune abut a "Oonnnss in are of. uncluding tht thankaffer- Christ". This "Onennss un Christ' gn service, mbich miii hne heid0o vse said, is neeessary fui- the very andpy, Nus-emnber 13 at the existence ut ail peuples evnry- îtiining hourofu worship. Mr-. abere, seho I-uts- accepl Him a- - 111c Savioni-. Afler Fsaim 118 mas i-cat i- spuosivel-, toui- ladues louk part Baseb ll B ys 'n a short.- Ihankofferin pi- gi-an,.Hi-s. Robertson, Mr's. An- çj e tIi-sn antI Mrs. Bell nach spot' Plan Saturda n toi-n on th1e givixg ai lhaxks for te "Bounlifol Harvesl', Bottle Drive whith especialis- Canadians en as-. 5ers. vairs fslluwed up ssiI] The Little Leagun Basebail As- a fituis-sfry rotilied "To (Jo. sudtioin 10pnj;sctoýiwiîh 1the 1bethc Giors-". Mil to Mnor Hdi eVi Association Mars-est Reading cit buttI a bottin drive ibis Sal- A ihani(sgls-ine Psafim "Letls ùrdas- to iise fonds, The imoney mhcasm pn" uim nheded lu offset' xesitses incor- th acrne ' ad",' f ouw ced durinà the past surmmet's op-,Thonght coiued "Ha-vesl-Tit', eraluon mhen some $1,2M \vsen 00111 i»,ppi-cbasing eqaîpmeoî for mas rnad bs- Miss Elliai. tic il teamns sponsared iss-thteHi-s. Bradley- direcîcd the piu.Tht balance mil go toa- stods- un Eastern Nigerma, and card getîing tht miuar hockey sIatetI that each une sbouid bh 0 i-roluon sisi-Int for tht caming ibankfol for 1the privilege ut heing N60-6t seasan. part ut the mai-k ihere; nspc HerbHigg, prsidet ofbot ilys- snce independence bas honr erb Higes, eud tent eai 1hdeciared. She praied 111e gi-et anduus iibe, Ie piSiOScontilbution hoein matIe bs- Mi nthsined up severailtrucks, Agnus Golian andI Miss DoraIth which ai-n bnmne donnînd lu mate Buimer, Imu mussionaries mi( the pickups. Residents ai-e asked lis- n u aplace ca lied Ohafia to put iheir bolts on tht fi-uni These taishfsi servants iravel ir soi-ch sebere possible bol if nul, a landI rover as tai- as 100 mile! on ufthIe yoang bail pinynr i-t iiibothti uilbantI soulb, le urd. ukeis- cai aI s-oui-lbouse. toi-eacb thn villages out 11ei Dominion Stores LtI. ai Tai-on- ai-ta tu take tise battics oai-tihe bands Tise meeting ciased wilb il( sf croup after ises- art sortI,. singîne utfbs-mn No. 147 "Nav H!ave 4qildlng Ibank mn ail aur GoI", antI pi-a A buiding ai 1the fair grounds er bs- His. J. McKa-. Thé ladi-i bas bhenrtdanaind fur ibis pur- nîoyed- a socal hait hoor ove pose. 1au otu . Botb hockey and basnbalt taches in 111e minai- loups sel EUCI4RE PARTY heout0 driving thse tracts astI Si. John's Anglican Chureh aidixe in tise drive lu galber in Nassagaseya iscit another su( the boilles, seitb Ithe soung bue- cessi-ni nochre parts-fast wmn: kcs- andI ball players coilceing and minners mcme, ladies hi0i 111cm. Pop boilles, milS bailles or M--. Beas-: travelling M-s. Jer ails oiber kind of boitte marth nmngs: tom, M-s. A. Maîbles depasi mones- mut 1bc appi-cciai- men's high M-. Babcock; trave ed bs- 1he gi-ops, luxe, Don Small: bm, Mi-. Gide L*~u~ muaT h 1L't Afiu7ù tise ccl o tha n iduale andI C ;jsrTey tav rdi'o ti eenthei cla Btt't4 tIVdiO leâts dertc artqefotto otc~cburcebIpntontj1sve ços t backward villages.o~0 t~ b r$t*pg R e . . ; 5 j lm s i L w v t e O s r u p o e n o ri g ft i r ât urse b rag1 tIc - ' ý a q f s s u dn edncstrc prs Uitd !ca was to f l ouiaou he v5cw.Comqiists ety T I h 'ti~igs txe eetigpeucple, tfselr wgy ut lite and *ent ItoAfrica $10,100000for asa lecueb D.J.C. Sib- probtems, to ment Aficans in scholarships for study in cues *' f ase.d. Tdys Àrica and Y.un".usr QWf aed ater professions, munist countries. Andth ere thte M Dr. Sihr ws une of 1 7 Hamil- andti u durntlc hatever skills black men mecl nu uour bar tonians vhu, aler a years pre- cach ul us had a a gsture outand are rled ih rcspect =îrain and study, went un a conceýrflaiWners. Wlsnw euead i u goodifl ourut' frict. qor. i 'M erry %souku s tuo Da -spplies it, sendipe çwyt as weill - Il ou ? Aria.. lcnirn ié kat, Chana, then hy bus throngb irqined anb dedicated personnel.1s m'lmrii-11 He spke a Wi lwsd-Tloto Lhn eos' Çpr ipIe (n 'bIe Afrlcan c5'sis Ht a spe as ntuos: t iliéïï Nietaà, he sèèlt c an ouf omIs bouse in the ua deep and slncere convicton t mOn fa n the French arq- tel o lrace relations; t encour- S A N R S I Y that what bappens ixn frIca io- erouns: Thtroup tben splt, bat ooln ntercbanie Of slu4efits, day, lonfurruw, andI in thé neni vitihg Dr. cwetrb Lamt- Ir.d1 untnts, bsnesmielma ttve yeats, vtaly côncerns us btréne, andth te ot4ier 115f golidg politicai leaders and profestuon- lii Sraaâs-îte inth ie French Con- I peuple, on an eVer îlsreaslng * 1 . IPP te nite n1A4gplg ad sen~ t .Accept Challenge R I5 1 Evergreens Need lwo weeks, woriing prîpsaiily ";There-is àcrss'fiW'i.I NAinter Prç>teçtlprs thméndicalt missonres in that ciisisthen we baie taken h6ld à Evergreens are nul i-aly c éuiti-Y. olu f uthe greatttolpuortun- "iru O(n" f lie hipe O}lsds. 5,00 ie tjes pf the '201h' cénlury. Tbcy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a eewntrpoht, qt"f-cha'l mris Pr. ibînys lecture w t oi- ike many other tes-hardy plant- Sil, Otaecsatsd 250,00000 loieed by 4 question and anser ing. orepie, ut w4iom gril oco er jiod, then by a filip "The Se-. Looufor dryie tnerQi- w, W.Ils q 4y .-tof tht Gifi', a releage dit6 $.- p-F winds as unutof n ncauses the ppulation expetoube in t he Missiunai-y andIMaineac uf wtnter injury. Wben there la the1e xl 25 yeai-s. 5Q,M,0OtO Af- Department utfth United 9' - $-T!ilin. Fe«. lit tle knosn and the 5round is ricans move each year frulis Weli"tu' Canada, Icaling with . 1.c frozen, tht rouis coolt talte uopttstir roi-at, tri-bal biackgrounds Ille malter 'of Chiistan steward-12 - 726 o.Fo tht water lbey lose, Areas iwhece into the bewildering, industrial sbip. the ground bas eeto bown cIri-an isti mmcon)lpîex ut an ci There is hbit hat Or. Sibley ut 5110W r - c H bmr. -lttF a(' ihici a nj - p4nihg«urban socieiy. milI a ats-esa tcoi- 14 t pii ls aeaeanuai income of regaoat2un t ~,P&ul snited Bright, sunny weatbcr utten an Atricqn n 0$70. Incidenice uf chure -Milonin' about six -« ladslo inIer ini-y. Tht pro- t55te4sla sbeyqfd'tbè kopeepl uf weeks, etective snow cliver wii mciia- a Canat5lian. Tht avetrace mottaI- -pidîs- and 1the ground sl dry iiy rate is fromt 500 lu 700 deaihs L iii or frette bard at nigbl. per 1,000 bjctbs. 50 per cent,.i of ;aulm.iiuM ilWometimes smali branches on African chlldreo 45e uof measles.aet tu bite cedai-s suddenly tomn "The need and desii-e for ed-» . brusen andI dit in tht spring. This ucalion are communlrogul - - c o casdbysallbnxi etht continent. Thère ix an avti- -riciscen OU ibe£wig s tutoed y d-yig oi.age of une bouk per 1,000 people. Teebekma11threotBut tht icommonisîs are nom -_ý tr lhr.ugh a bedge. Sîrèt storI "u- prycsonce îi ma. aiso cuemaIh b-aks ertialistes Nrie rc.bdel Te S fkt t su ar u d p n t "Se r ar e q eiio n s e r e gi eedou t oDpri to Arcl tulige.o ap arei i nsul retra, Tkepsasverie aodernho r iC tur Mucilchssil eal mssug- atb er m ation polcy ilh ie-n e epandfr a o gstiow nur.Thss:cilbevgrdlurin s, evcen br rel eqimcnl and iancsun pro- C_ arc S olhc iheres ti Vitlent gtett l dixs! Airicans aperlyt Fi-te sestima 'tnuw lis S eet uao. Tiskodat bo utedwhiagu au. "qMr n- se snw rncie fr potCnd-e fiilattd aifraHueoe aig tetinagionwjdan a patedisot Ar.,Sinvirn a' ei EIlrgi-co branh eatIdiscar- imirtonIlcyi SId Cbi-isimàs trees piev suapowhr forUaAlCEou s se . anrge. sire s axy nte ardt -rdns ve'e, et nLontonpo in tre 'supporet an ris iap e fto e Indians! AIicans pgOO MreeN Si Til» n- psnowtuct a a n. Oe aur ii rç. k Eailabout h at - I d -Halistse may reonsalha Ised *arget my ee !d -hra e mii 11e$064ian csh ArlTop 'for. n Iont Cbnc- ioi gro, un 11oeHi 51 hezcoce 0 s. ri ei' j~wTpag, -3 l ae m.Ilpicb Line id'y lw'n aý,r psae R .F R hs i- ,C b, ls: ci- Hilton Comrnty PIowing Match ArID F4gM MACHINERY DEMONSTRATION ON FRIDAYI QCTOBER 2Sth aIt arm ut H. CRAIG REID, LOT 8, APPLEBY LUNE, BURLINOTON COMMENCING 10.00 A.M, BANQUET 6.30 P.M.' Agrlculural Haill, Milteon Stornis - WlncoWs - Screens Doors - Awnings -Canopies Grilles - Folding Doprs $UMIN A aNS Cii ÇQI e % Ç417 Là »f, Why lot Vour children waik le seheel on these mîceraeilnter deys? Cail ROYAL TAXI WITH 3 RADIO DlSP#-ç yÇl$C! --TIR 8r9721 4 reasors why it wIIt pay you to TIlDE wiýTIACTOIS NOW! Th; wor!4'a Most modern tractora are here rItenwl1 he International B-275S, for exam- jll-sol lprov-ed, years alsead ut tht field. Gelaà bigger trada-in aiiowancel1 We're trait- ;ne hh-we need yue ur-ded 5ronw, o cee ikon tiM. ikefo.re6 net epintg. ý a y e ime end mpney on toit job% IYou'Ul btllpaigger fall work echedule, wikhà nese =V ratr. Save un fuel, hou I qaet pot for a test $tart on an y p1oJectl1 Traite nuw qnd 11e rently for any jo -tlila fait,, tl %yinter, next apriof.dmoa,< S0 mans- hapspy fe!mly piallqj o qMs wyithjs rýaçh jndeç tht> B cf M FnsnI fii1ance Plan. If s-ou have a stendy incarne and esso nqccrd ce uar n>op tIby payesenta', tibs lowcS tt-instirec pîp mqv 90>wf f ail tht credit needs cf ypur entire t4mily. S Tatk avec pour nncclq witts s-ciscfrienilis neighboui-hood B cf M'brnnch 'soun. lkp0i s nal mo rdn ~~~~~~wt 0~ nlhalanis gi snal ls o oput copy ofou ontlider 'Hid le con peut incse. endsitos-il' WORKINO WlTil CANADls.14 ! 5*41.111 WAtt OF tIFEStINCE 1817

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