Ac~cpt 9.3 dTihe Canadien Chimpion, Thurs., Oclebe 20th, 1960 - NEWS POM selis Mrs. E PiresseeaM" NEWS.FRMchiam an d f.-C. McD*4À- County Selis $750,OOO Issue el as secretary. Ametn* Mitnplanne for tislanke"ktwlseW; HatnCounty Coonicil con- Wolf are Officer. Mowever, ince for $M.0600. Mr. Sauve was tise I. DIu ciool wisen teachse94 firme tise action of Its finance a large rportion of the work Iuw bldder. Ldîo Public Schools fom tieireed oi scisool s o n committce on Thursday of l w ll orginle tise Halton Hla li tse lciose heW .gogetsern ad ob su alon week in accepting the bld froasnt lennia1 Manor Board your bdder, was awarded tihe tender 'os"eetosa ieW .gop nsaio oia the Royal Secoriies Corporation £ommittee decided to discuas oaver four bidders, for tise supply- Dick school seere canducted lest Tentative plans seere laid for Ltd., and tise Imperial Bank tise matter furîher ai the nex I ng and iauling of granular base week, and followlng are tise ciieftishe celebratlon of Educallois of Canada fr $99.39 on tise five meeting of thse Manor Board. course malerlal for roads in Nel- officeri of tise four scisool bod- Week dwling Nâvember aod a and tiscer quarter pet cent.$750.- son and Trafalgar. les: Blues, president Jane Skln- banquet witis a specialspae 000 debentures as the cousiy Awrd Tenders Trafalgar Motors Ltd., Milton, er, vice preident Randy Gouge is being diseussed. AlIs ndr grant la tise Josephs Brant Mem- Contrait for lise construction rcceived tise tender for a heavy and secretary Patsy Bell; Greens, discussion was on open isouse orial Huspilal, Burlingtun. of lise MeAlpine Bridge in Nassu daly dump truck un ils bmw presideni Jennifer Riddell, vice sest week for parents. A luriser grant id $234,000 agiiweyii as let ta Isaac Sauve tender of $8557.05. president Douglas Foster and Pire Drills ilbumade avoulable isased o- secretar Judy Smith;: Golds, Members of lise Milton Fire thwi ll i no neta3 president Tom McClintock, vice Brigade visited tise scisool Wed- heds. president Valerie Makin, secret- nesday last week for tise annual Tise bid accepted by lise counîy DU'f nappiness ary Nancy Case; Maroon. presi. scisoul f ire drills. Ciief Cie. finance commitîecevilas tise isgis dent Elizabeth Vandecan, vice ment was isack again tbis Wed- unt tiseiv b ds $50 .ed presîdent Allen Glbert and sec- nesday lu present prizes for tise isue in G..ive $ 0 ta Save Ch ld retury Gwyneîis Harry. isome fire isazards ciseck-siseer WiliSSk rant Milton Kinsmen voied 550 lu land a jint meei6ýg ils Oakville siowsatiste points standing contest and pennants lu tise class- Wardn D Sagent Gerge clu inNu owsMaroons 199, Greens 188 es wiso took tise most parents twadeD. Saenmi eoe- atheir World Couscil save--hild cu ovme.Furtiser plans Bs 12adGud 6.Bail' t tise open isouse ai tise fire ladoi heneuarmadvgisedisusedfu ftisecetam lcommili ae eig al eiayatisaidy igt tise Georgetown Hospital Board fond ai lseheolar moeeig erdbcsdfoafaldceeasoraissueae in iaîFrayndatdyngst had filed ils firsi application Mna.Ts oe vuea --Stoi Pot fr ro ts many donations b Kinsmen - h 1 inrNv 6 Halton plowmen met October ph nofor eral g [overe povinal across Canada loward re- tIXiIi 8tu aeapoigcsmin INSURANCE INSPECTORS and local firemnen carraed nul a succesîful bitîz of residentila d and drigvemnsadon lfug b lîren iCnadatisraris o Halowsel Porn.Csun8l tisne aroirogishamions.d commercial establisisments in Milon and Brlington on Mofldsy, ciecking ail pramilel carafully receipi ai approval wouîd bece the wor chldrWiins tsei r55,tse alo e' Dance A ilo esrCouncil ma -Pazhms raded and gravlîid and repu îing any true fie hazard lnta angcent.A aispecla îrean ut iac qseromtn he fisiqurtelygrniclub boys iappincss for sume At HoIv Rosary formed ai a recent meeting, and Iis wcek. Insurange and firamas Murray Ca ie look avec t ie bu er uperation I'thusCra ery alco fom vilsaie ty. 96 a-chid and iii re i i pot panied by Joe Etis ut the Creamery saff. Senen inspectors and 10 firemeniandled the sesntha b compîeîed on and background information on Wholl be ýpre e it the- Hoil- day bhi z O5 part of part of Halan's f e prevantion week activity.lsbasofteDMA. na. tiseir adopird son or daugister. laweren Dance? Jack-s-lanierns, pi, ~Ssudy Welfare Offleer A letier of iisanks mas reccived spoka îsdtu ack calse arne ail EMEAT i otngu neale rom tise Miltin Pee Wee balrayl aei iednea Reporinguon n cacer for tlie $150donation l'or Ho[y Rosary scisool (in Friday, OMGiMilton FatFier DieS gestion frorn Acton representa- bus fare lu a ciampiunsisip gamte Ociober 28.WS NM R E ara reopue EfljOY *~~* l'os., ise atapontd, leom in Kingssillc. Presideni Jim Watt The dance is sponsored joint- HR ULT -IG4RTA H RC 50 Y ounga eo le Enjoy CV..ese'b Shovel lticerbcapitdthcom- gave a reput-t on lise receni fal y by tise Holy Name Society WEEQAIYI IHRTA H RC A ilIon latiser of tireecild- tee ex plained studying tise Pro- counicil meetiing ai Sîraibord and tise Caibolic Womens Lea- re ied Monday mies ise as gramn in 12 liier conties. Tisey miicisb isendd u.Mscwl csple yW EV H ATED O Sc o l G o p H a rd rusised by a power sisovel ai ond only two iad a welfared. - gr HouwlbespidbyW SEV TEEAT NDTO SscNelsn G roupd StonrBu d officer un a fulil ime basis. Parade Nov. 13 Tiny Hopkins and lise Tomot- By Mms Cecil Paiterson ing s ta i bcild ai Mes. Sno oaNen. Cuie tae alng- '"Your cummittebave consid- Tise club agird ltu maris as a men. Prizes miliibe given for ROSS HOI.MES, PROPRIETOR More ian 58young eupleisomeDouglas Adair, 31, af R.R. .ercd ibis mraiter at tomne lenglis body inlise Remembrance Day fnydescsue iii r members aof lise Inter-Scisool Pesa Newlyweds jumped clear of iis maciine as il and are coninced tisai some c- parade Nov. 13. Invitations mere aptianal for tise evening. DIAL TR 8-6501 Cisristian Fellamsiip of Oakville- hietl ion sisold be laken tomards received la inter-club meetings ai Tise Calhioli Womcn's League Trafalgar iigi scisool field a boy- Tiseancigsrs and rends ai ippd ovrbonlse acin fltise appinîment of a Counly Ktiee-aeliadCitn iipruvde lise refresismenis. _____________________________ ride on Friday evening. Al gaIs-Hailn. eenely d. ced ai tise isrme of Misset Ruts gambrito)Baycnc scisul un Fri and Barbara Break and jaarncy- daytoc a prBoye stalon aey l cd an lwa iay swagons cdeamnoby an ur aIteseyan puple. A a ractar i n charge ai Garry hsoiatliemas njupedple. A Break. Garey gave îiscm a fine sca iewsejydb i longlci (aout15 ilct alerand lise gits-a iandsame chair lonicitriseaag(abu15mls)galerdand blankel-mee emucis appret-- araundtha bangfor Ilse Bthreak iated isy Early and Judy. We juin arond payin ga es. Break n ss iie a ln ON H P 0 R F L A isame ta rnjoy singing iymos wilis lieir many friends in ex- andiappy marrbed flue.. TlîcyTO N H PF TRALR Pol Hansosuof Tisas. R. Ken- ii reside in Hilton. nedy iigisscisoal. Couksville. mas use guest speaker and gos-e Si ncere sympatisy is expreeved ang its ....cei afs ohr r.l-nGme inlecesting lalk as tise mean- la Mes. Jack Simpsson and lier ingotheogS.Cnd cide cseexed.f il-oterand sushvand. uIiC' jeIDir c er isis a piasanl evening, luncis of Milon, in tise pa-sing ai a dear Tise praceeds aflgr espesses are Patient Improvsg missianary in Sauth America. tisares. ieelBgaptepo t- - Blrîisdays kpeaving and sitt sooîî bc oui ol CO U N CIL ai Rager Deming. six vears aId on October 17, and Dase Anuzis Friends mili bc pleased ta os October 19. Icars tisai Mc. W. B. Stack ut REEVE ..............._F A. PHILLIPS The eguar Tursay nghtR. R. i, Milon.,i ishome Itume- Tisye rmeegiTlmrsday ngis ipig sexe ral eeks in a Toronto-- - DEPUTY.RUEVE ...._...... . J. NIAR byterian cisurciswilt Secield tib istiospital.1 meek. Rev. B. A. Nein is in WARD 1 COUNCILLOR J. M. WILLWMOTT WARD 3 .. COUNCILLOR E. 0. DULMIR WARD 5 .... COUNCILLOR M. J. 0000 cisarge. M. and Ms. William Delis Missionuary Writes WARD 2 .. COUNCILLOR A. PEACOCK WARD 4 .. COUNCILLOR 0. F. SOUCK WARD 6 ... COUN. F. o. GALLAGNER lef t Malt un airput on Salucday A otC n rul mucise la visil frends in Vas-A ou o ru l couver. Tisry weee travelling by Ms. R. T. Barber ut Woodm- jet and mould reacis lieir destin- wacd Ave., Milton. recentliy ce- at0ioni about fixe houes. cebvcd a gipping leilteu m ltee W.A., W..S. Meei sisîe. Mes. Edylise Rees, t-lt, DEPARTMENTS Tise ladies aoftimagis Presyt- vithi er hisvand is ciing mis- crias W.A. and W.M.S. mere en- sîos woek in tise C ongo ci. publie uiia ulig no uligFr terlained ai use home of Ms. A near Maadi. M ncplBidn no uligFr Gabraiths and Me. M. Turner Ms. Rees ild iusite tuc in Oakviile. Ms. J. C. Mashsall in tise Congo was ail arouumîtsci The Taalgsr Municipal Office is The foiiowing Depotmenîs ara The ire Depacîmenl is equipped iocolad nI Iha inlforeresecîioissifnNu. 5 i ocoîed aI Ine Union Building, 1074 S. ils lise hast aquipment enailahie and pbsiesniptreiedingse W.A. tmiviun saionan csprelainedHighmoy ond lise 7th Lina. The Darî- Servicehood. (East of 8îh Line.i tise Volunteer Fiemen ara on cou 24 given by Mc. C. Palleeson and iv ittendisg anOut0-lon coin- menîs located tisera ara as fOllio-s: ovîaThîîa înin or oucs s day. pcayer by Mes. E. Snovx. Many férence misen tise mulinous îî uops avleTaagrPann or lettees ai lhanks mere ead and pasved ibrougis îiei e area, cin~- Cerks DepI-.....S. A. ealiserslone C. D. Cisissaim. Sacretacy Pr iit G cgs I528 reports gixen. A bale iv being milling atrucilles un ail vs iites Clark f. Cumming, Planning Direclor Fr he .Wih I528 parn d oc tise SeuileMssmyiolied. 'W(t e oig old havume-resurers Dept. ....._ J. T. Whitie, Taiepisone omber - VI 5-3816 Depatyire Ciief G. Bray VA 7-1730 isand liem in. focrlise grace oi God, se wrtles, Treasurer Dpt ititPr iif TieW schsaege ai focrlise mission is-on lise Matadi- -Bidn npcin A .GagDistrict Na. 1i........A. Elliat peesidcinlMs. Paterson. Glad Bomna ruad and iertainiy lise Assessment DapI ... E. M. Dunisam, Znn diiîao .W rmnDpî iîitPr iit Tidisgs prayer as by Ms. Char- poliical dust bas nul settlcd asAssessmant Commissianer Teisadmn iser VID.W.5-3873 utDistrict o. 2 - . Packin les Jarvis. Thanksgiving readings Yet." Wnifaca Dept- --...........J. D. Gray, Dieleorlnd usîiabenelopmentDsritNo -.. .......E.Prkn mccc giren isy Mes. T. Snom, * Weitace Administrator Drco fIdsra eeomn Mes. M. Turner and Mes. J. C. R. J. Coaksley Marshall. A special liankoifer- Lagai DepI- --...........E. L. Moore, ire f mergency catI aniy VI 5-1151 isg service ai moship seas fol- SlctrTaiepisona Bomber - VI 5-3562 lumed. Those iaking part xere Lcnin et - - .tSolts, Mes. Nein and Ms. McGill. LcnigDp ..........J .Cts Rail cai ord as 'misdum. Licencing Cammnissionar 22 ladies ansmercd wiii a verse of sciplare. Ladies arc eminded Telepisona numbars for ail tiese ta gel qabt block prepared foc Dpartments: inaking ap lalec. Also small jars Gkii I545 ai jam or jeiiy are asked foc for OavleVI545 lise hale. At the close ai tise *' Milton TR 8-6469 PraadCmfra Public Utilities mtetingMlis Chalesis ando- Tise Public Utilities Commission is mIie a ts. C hrte Jarvis sevd ad- Tisa Board of Packs Management îacaîed on tise mest side of tise 7îb Mouelc. eeu Javi. emrxe mdlet- Ra- , oks Egnerigand tisa Cametecies Board are Iocatad Lina, apprauimaîeîy one-isaîf mile iouslunh. iseNavebermcc- Ioan, Woksengneemnin tise aid Public Scisool an Na. 5 saulis af Higbmsy Na. 5. Tise Roads, Wocks, and Engineer- Higismay aI Paiermo. ing Deparîmenîs are in a saparale Parks and Cemtaries Superinlandent Ciairman-.. ..Gen. H. D. Graham building, soulis af tbe Municipal W. Bataman Commissianers: G. leaner, H. Laiquist Buligo h etsd f7hLn.Tie telepisone number is VA 7-4311 P. Blondy,. C. Hilîmer itoad Superinitendeni ...--J. D. 0cr Genacal Manager-.........R. Barlaow K E R R 'S Chisif Enginear ,......G. N. Brisca - Tisa lephone number is VI 5-3461 Telapisone numbers toc tisse Daparîmenîs: PHARMACY Qakuille VI 5-4253 212 Main SL Mlton VI 5-3821 Police WILL BE OPEN MiinZn -70Tise Trafalgar Police Deparîment FO ORCNVNEC s iacated on tis earsI sida af tise School Board FOTR YUCNEI E .MNEowg Disposai Senentis Lina. aust belome Higismay No. Tise Traalgar Scisool Area Board SATRDA LITIL P AN Seage5, and adjacent ta lise Trafalgar is locaîrd on tise mast sida ai tise 7th Tise Samaga Disposai Plant and Municipal Building. ina adjacent ta lise Public« Utilitias s0 UC CILfA office s iocated on tbe Lakasisoce Ciief of Police -P........ . W. Oliver building. Members ors: R. Campbeall, T I U D YHigismay West, near Cranatian Park. Editis A. Taylor, D. f. 0cr, P. W. Merry, 1.30 P.M. TO 5.30 PM - 730 - 9 PM Tise elepisana numbar is Branle Tise taiepisona numbar is Docotisy mvine. YU PRSRPIN WL BE.. VA 7-3141. Oakniiia VI 5-1631 - VI 5-4253 Business Admînistralar .... E. J. James YROURPR LESCRIPTION WILL E Plant Superintendent.......G. Enans Milton TE 8-6469 Tise telepJhane numnbar s VI 5.1761 PHARHACIST. EHERGENCY CALLS FOR PRESCRIPTIONS SHOULD BE DIREC- TED THIS SIJNDAY TO HOE ROE8IMBE9T2 -92