Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Oct 1960, p. 17

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FwdGivei There are ,qsanydsPence asnong men tn isarcui~r e SIgo:Iad fte ~îcsasize ias in thteir othic 1,4 fa ~t s4 çaç- cern for the neji of clildren 15. universat and b rings mes close r together. UNICEF, the United Nations Chikirens Fussdiý liv- ing proof af thse vitality of his concer anad a constant demon- sitian of how the govrnments or the warld, relîresening manv different kinds oi peupfle, eau anite and work ientarmasy tu- gether su give chitdren a better tire. 0f thc cstimatndi 10,00000 chilidrcn in the wartd, thrnn.qaar- ters aifthem tack adequate food, ctottsing, sheter and protection against discase. 0f the 30,000,000 childree bars cvery year, use- quarter witt die before tbny are sis mantits altO.twa-thirds ai the remainder witt die before they reach adotesceslce. In cauntries sach as ladonel a and ?akistan, the nes-bora c ilid bas oniy a 50 per cent, chance af survivat ta its first yçar as campared with Canada and the liS. where the infant martatsty rate is oniy three per cent. Ail Over World Untit ve ry recentty Iis strug- gin for survivat was an eternat canditian ai human liteail aver the wartd, sot jVst in the under- devetaped cogg .ri es. Haseever, ta this censuU lie revo0ýutian ai scientific and medicat techniqu- es and the devntapment of nnw druga and astîbiatics have beena cantrihuting factars ta the te- crnasing tile spart in caantries ai the Western Hemisphere, and ta- day there is the passihiity that chitdren ait aver the warld may nventuaaty cnjay the same advan- sages as far as bcalth services arecocncersed. This passibitity bas becs refer- med ta as a 20th century crusade, and it is a crusade in whicb many gavernmenîs and han- att. litsaua4 whc pssupontç fots i co ti aersarkndand aaderpad doctors., nurses ang goverement admirisirators, and which draws strengtb lrom the contribution ai many greet private philan- throapies and venigiaus groupa., Sa tise Unitesd Nations Child- ens' Fassil ibis crsîsasie finds, beraps,. ils asaisirect express- ian. lor UNICEF is an arganiz- attun wich eisis aeiy hecause the natons aitise warld wishnsf ta wage a commua iighi for ait heir ceisidren. Htstory af UNICEF Sa 1946, viih ehiidren ta Eur- upc sulicriag iram ithe devastat- ions aifa-ar, the United Nations Geserai Assembty crmsted the UnitedO Nations taternatonal Chiidrens Esnnrgency Fond ta disiribale emnergency reliee in the iarm in flood and clothing. This gresu oui ai UNRRA and tise work of the new arganizai- ion a-as ta be entirciy with chistdren. ta 1948 the relief a-as cstended ta Palestine refuge muihers and chitdrea and kepi up usti 1952 ashen the United Nations Reief and Warks Agen- cy iuuk amy iis branch ai actis-- iiy. By 1950 il ha became appilîs est tisaitishe probteres iaçinig UNICEF eoutd sut ise tackied and cunqueret a-tii a short spart aimasîhs ur ns-en yeaçs. Tbe hueger ai Europe mighti ie samerehat appeased, bat tiscme a-as isceasing arearenesa ihat there asas terrible isanger te aiher parts ai the glohe and tisai ibis h unger ras achron te condition ai existence itseti. The Gencrai Assemhty. therclare, direcied tisai tise[usd cuacea- trate mare and marc an these areas. assisttng tisgeu-rs menis cancemred antis heaitis and %ssci lare pragrasas tisai wouud sirike LIONY.DUFFIRIN Women's Institute Welcomes Haltan Pistrict Prmident By Pd.~.Dvqw Marsha Robertson haslt iseaoa HalItn distritpçesidet Mrs. ber ingers injurcd srhen piaying H. Wisan was the gunst speaker bau] ai schbautast arecis. as. the Octuher meeting ni Scotch Jubn Turner and Miss C. Tsîrn- Biack Wamens Instilute, hctd ai er attended the lanerali n Bar- Mms. L. Wilis' hume un Tbarsday ingio as tsisseek ai ibeir asîni. ai last wcck.* Mrs. Wisuns tapie Mrs. D. Crnie. was 'Nhat a wamenss intilute Hlglsway Signa member shautti be." The deparîment af highsvays Mrs. M. Faîtersua prnsided at bas erectesi crustng signsata the tihe meeting. Rail cati was an- camner af i Stway 25 and 15 swcred hy donations fan the Hat- sideroad Su insicale chiidres crus- ton Masur hobby ciass. Mms. sing. Neilsas doaaed a waui cumiurt- Mrs. McSenzie. Seith ansi er ta bc uscd bhy s he hraseh for Nancy visiied thet r cousins, Mr. raising iunsn Mrs. S. Mrray and Mru. J. Grmisi sud Dasid, gave the motta."Dant hc ike Hamiltton aund Mr. Ken McKenzie a racking chair, ait motion and is haidaytng in Bermuda. nu pragesu." Se Guelph Mrs. C. Service and Miss Ena Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dasespuri Chishatm wcre appainlcd lead- speet Sundèy in Guelph witis Mr. crs for the raalsed rug prajeci. and Mrs. V. Cule and David. airs. H. Michin enterlained with Mr. and Mrs. John Irving ester- severat tavly slas. The ment- taincd ai a faresueîi parsy Satur- ing clased and the cummitiee ser- dayninght for Arhur Farigian ved a tavniy lunch. eha te ares shartiy fur Engiand. SInSHospital Mrs. C. C. Burton plans ta SIrs. Betis Jases is caniined ta tecave an Salarday by panfor haspitat aitis rheumatnid artb- a ibren a-eeks vil'sit ta Engiansi rts. Wc wtab bnr a cumplein ta sec ber parents and ather rela- reccvery vnry saun. tires. KURSIDE United Church Centennial Hears Two Guest Speakers Dy SIrs. Wmn. Watmon Dr. McDunaid. Maron Cari- Kitbride United Church ente- wright, Laura Dinnand Wiliam hrated their tOOîh aneiversary ieketi. at Sanday. Rer. Wm. Wilkin- son conducted tisemunig wur- Sympathy is eniensied ta Mr. ship, speciat music asas aapplied and Mrs. Harry Biagden as tbe isy the Carlisle chir and Rer. passisg ai Mrs. Biugdens muiber. H. Carrne ai Hamiltton gave tise he YugFai iKird pastoral prayer. Fattuwing lishent lafr a bay ride Saîurday marnng wrshp a ufft Su- sight araaed tise village and aver c onng ws nnda buffthrîdn- suCarlisle, then retursed su tise ý eenina ses-i n icebwre bal. hame ai Mr. and Mrs. George The eenin servces ee- Robertson saiere everyuneens- ducted bv ev t1 . Truas ai jaycd bat dugs and bai chucu- Lyndnsq. v The O54tc was sapptîcd i aie. by Lusunilie miae qusartette and tise Oid Time chote. The dedi- Dundas Viators cation ceremany was canductcd _Mn. aed Mrs. Jouise Pgg ansi isy Rer. Keisfis eMilla chair- Danc visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otan ai tise Hatun Pe- er.Rue Nrhcutt ai Dandas un Sun- Mrs. Laura Dixo u Frshyer y boakint as tise isaîry ai Kit- Bruce Nicholson bas a bruken bride. The cursmiîte were Ger- thamh. He bruke it Sueday te MeAhar, James Aysan. Srs. whbie shuîsing tise car daur. lu B g 1 FOR BETTER USED CARS And Rluable Automotiv. Repaira You Can't G0 Wrong At Bt. ter Life- tishe rcpt af thei probtema. Thus ta193 tefnd ws paed on a conttWig arhq lanon *a tempraçy hasts ançI the namiewas c an:ged offilcialIý ta thse United Nattalis Chitdrons Fend. Hawevnr, no onetpi ts ta change the famoas saili which appeared an every eep and every truck, as evcry sip- ment ai puwdercd mitk and craile af mesicines cantributed n tihese countrtes rebere mast ut the natives eaatd nat read Eeg- lilit - but thcy knew what UN- ICEFeagt. As anc ittie girl assuret the drs*erof a jeep. SI tnaw what Ut.1C4t means - it s the Engish ward far caw. Meet Theîr Negel Taday. UNICEF is the osly internatiant.is itergavernaseat- at agescy devated ecivcty1 ta hetpisg eidren. UNICEF aid ta designnd bath ta ment the chttds mast urgent and immediate needs and ta hlp governments ptan Iang-tenm improvemnents. In accamptishing these ob- jectives. severat difierent ap- prapehes mast be asnd: (I) sidcsprcad di5nase must becaso- truttcd and esÇaçicated; 12) per- manent heatth services must bc dcvciapcd; 13) isunger must he attacked; 141 mathers must bc auagbti the praper way ta cure W~ >their citdrgn. haw ta pre- parre naurishisg meats. haw ta esercise simple rates ai sasitat- ian; 151 Most important, mes and wamen mut bc traiscd ta iring att ai these serviçes ta . thse peopte.1 Remember, mastcgsumicaIy1v underderetupcd custrics do suti have the resaures ta achieve asv ai these guats. ISis aheme that UNICEF step in. bat it dlues sut stcp te sith -gise- awav prajects.. St sleps is wtth materiat assistance but tbe country heing alded i s epc Io do ts pdr tun. (Tu becuntinuesll Electric Light Bug Is Giant of Waters Nase its an Etectrie Light Bug! Ittsa species aif iant seter bug andi aas recently braugbt ista the Gugama District Office af the Ontaiot Departicent ut Lands and Furests tare hy ds- tun mechanic R. Daguay. St svas idLotiiicd as "a type ut insect lîercety preduciaus. de- saartng dragos fîtes and yasîîg iish asheres-er they are avatiahie. St ta un record hat one ai. these bags captured a pickerel hrcn asd a bal incheaSang. Tbey du nut besitaLctu ta ave the water, samettmes fliing cassiderahie distances whcn marin0 Irare pond to pond. The adait. whtcb measures one toaune and a hait incites lang, sststers ta the baittm mud and trash ai ponds. The species s nul tua plentifltisntis dis- trict. EDGAR HOWDEN Ph. TR 8-6258 .1. 3, Milton Compb.IIviIle Slderoad CRAY<I~ with ose head" and four separate "bodies" s dipod yPaisy and Nancy Verraii, Court St. N. Tise dadc i ze ma and à haif was 10 taches higis, over seven incises a-tae and aseigited nearly four poands. C.G.I.T. Initiates Eight New Membersp Tise Casadian Girls a Training initiations service meeting suas spesed anististe C.G.5.T. hrmn. Tise initiaton service a-as cas- slneted by Mr-%. Coulsus. Tise ful- lodieg girls reere braugisi tt ~,ieCG.S.T. frasa Explorera: flqr- ara .IcBiaek. StJ Jenses, Mari- anne Fuy. Bptsy Thosun.Coren Fard. Ssdy rVenfietd. Curai PI:estias and Barisara Delareal. Tiser sucre isucieseits CG. S.T. and preseiesi astis pies isy Mrs. Grcefeld. Tise isîiiaasng seniuor girs i r alsa presentesi anitispins bv Mia. Laing: pîcaiient, Virgiia.îGi- bers: sccrcîar v, GaiTiaua ireasurer, M.rg.stiPFince; Carai Deiaoresi. Linda C,îuiao,.Bannie Keiman. Lee Josiitlls- Pal Hller- manis Edna Basseti. Duanne Mc- Doalad, Liada Deiureai. Mrs. Cauissntislesnduriesl tise huainess alier s-iicistise rall ;TO REDLJCTIN SALE PITTSBURGH RUBBERIZED SATIN PINISH Reg. Frice 58.45 Gallon $2.65 Qi. SALE PRICE $6.10 GAL. $1,80 QUART Readr Misesi Cuiurs or Machine Blended waa eaited. Tise Alier Gagera hd cisarge ol tise gumes Ian tise es-en- teg and tisey sacre en iayed by al] presesi. Suaday., >g 3atts min iag servpzç, cotusPOcug as 1% aclock. wwn tise mofaitise (-.rcu 4o<iA bgve tai ehaep ti9 tise serviýe. Murray Iersigisan wiU bting lise message. A Naples gutdc. shçwing aTen- us hure Vesquntus erupts, asked il tiscre were anyttîing like tisatin Tenus. "Nu,, suid lise Texan. "but te Hoaustonue acgoa afire ilepari- ment tisai cauid put 10 out." Lou Sal.Oub849 ppit.d dio k:,d - - - - - - - - PION! Tt "333 MILTON, ONT. FOR SAFE, DEPENDABLE HEAT STOVE 7*e refined and ~ prvdoyuheating unit E. A. "AL" HENRY 440 MAIN ST. E. MILTON TR 8.2381, for «Il your petrol.um ,i..de

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