Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Oct 1960, p. 16

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Ti lhe Canadien I>hemplon, Thurs., Oc1whV 2th, 1960 Mrs. HaRet RewJPlaces$Secnd At InternafionaI Ptowing Match ~ r.HelReid of Mrnby* was ffneIstp in the flesi Grs ire Cannot Oucen of the Forrow compeiît- Finalize Plans Improve ar~~ tort ci inconection w~îith r lotheM tc Lawn, -Yrd International fw.g MhFo PlowiinMatF Dotsar rass fire in the Mrs. iLinda Prong of Elgin Couit Final plans have been an- betftmtîprove vor tany was the winer. This was thenondliprscel.H.alo or hjekvat-d.The tsili mav tii-st Qtiwen of'th e urwm fi c li lltin Flciîmens Assoc- se e o c greene" ras-n i ptitoî and wXciii. tic t e i eation or flic1960 Hatton Ptosc- quieker-hut the disads'antages International on WednesdaIY, ing Match. This years match is far outweigh the advantages. October 12. scheduted for Fridiay, October Fields or other patches of Sixteen conlestants represent- 28, in tise own of » 1ýLt&on 9On dead grass shootd not be borned tng coonties in Ontaclo compet- the farm of M. Caisedjl off jost for the sake of doi ng il. ed for the ille. The setection years site is ideal ore te Ploe- scas based on general knawtedge ing match and facmi macbiogey "These earty fires des- of plows and ploming, and a disnay. lrny att near gromth and, if any speech on the actviîies of the %c it ls ort w plosele area is continoatly reborned, local coonty plowing match, match io year bas iteçadÇVlse saone noîrtents from the decayed Hazel, who was sciected by the ta an ail cash antÇ lçPisy 4Ç heaterials are lost in smoke, wilh Hatton Plowmeo's Association at ist. Tbtis yeuses pogaçu topI ýig, »e resoît shat the soit may he- the ývnior Match in Sçptenmbsa, been levisie(Àt.ti a lw pe l- come pour and support itte was tkç runneg-tXp toc "iatoia lsa a wgfl Ç4 soecueg growlh outside of weeds and the D*yPines opeiio hiss kep1aqwîh 11 hrush," they dectared. ai ;hg ÇChIE. W a1957. ucu,,. ncO-r Powiu -Phot byJimRos tALRlI FASMS, omned by Dr. W. F. James, mas awarded the Percy Sackville Trophy for the first prize get-of-sire utth1e receet Ontario Aberdeen Ang us faturily competitîon ln Loedon. Above, farm manager Jim McKay accepîs t6e tropby fromt Malcolm Baley, presitient of the Canadian Angus associton. Severat of Hilons 4-H club ies of Hulcr, Peel, Welington members achieved honors ut the and Dofferto. Erna Fait in the Itler-Catf Cub Show. ______________ tn the Dairy Day t Erin on Satîurday, Ocloher 8th, HalIons grouPs af thre'e took first, third The firsl prize group wcre ex- hihited hy Mar-iret, Ernest and Bilt Aexander,- rePresenitg 1he Hatton 4-H Jersey-Guernsey Caif Club. The third prie entry was cxhiied hy Sandira Carney, Jean Hunter and John Mece., white the seventh prize group was awarded la Delmar Fard, Keith and Lorre Elta. Be afClub Eaisy on your eyes c tn the iner-conîy Beef Cali onl your b d e o Club show hetd on Monday, Oct- b d e ~ ober 10, Haton was awarde first, third and fifth. cd ive your eyesight a break Exhibiîing in the firsl pcizee ternI ligting in every locali eraup was Carolyn Gardhouse, illumination is requireti. Cc John Hephorn and Jeffrey Ag- ncm; in t6e third prize groap, 0u Bill Jackson, Richard Kee and lati Rabbin Hepburn. T6e fifth prize 1 r . eff lu group inctuded Marilyn Sher. wood, Corîney Agnew and Bah The 4-H comnpetilors in 1he two shows were f ram the coun. 0ONE MORE 10 6 The circos strong man rode ot On horsehaek ta challenge t armer whose greal strcngth had gained hirn a reputation. The circos man ied is horse and tam the farmer. M * 'Ilcyl' 6e catted. 've hearti 4 0 E a lot aboot yo, and t thoaght Id tee which is the belter man" seized the intrader, hurtcd h w hodity oser the fence mb bth road, and relorned ta is workh Wben 16he oser had receive I bis' hreatb, te armer gromld, 'Dot anythirgctlse ta say tu me,, 'No" the cirent mas pantieti "but perbaps yiud 6e god enough la lhrowm me a gooci horte'. qý FINEST WORK AND MATERIAL$ Ynu'ree ssmeed of gmnd malerll nandîrd by experts, mIepan ptan ynr hume or anyecnnteae- tuon mitb Ray Otan. 10 Recatlon Reoms 0 Klçhn Cabinets 0 TII. FIe.,. 0 New Hom«e PAY QiP UL 4-2263 "X uUMM «TONratr la addition la iit rez"Ç# cLasses. Ima of 11W Spçciatsî Là ycear-LhE sosou swqpe toc Ptutsv Specistiandi 11 E99qs of Canada C"fnocap SO il, are bath awade4r tmuga- cd plows. The prograto this yç-ar wiL4 inctudc classes foc hursç plow- ing, senior campetiturs in tcac- tor plows. andti hruee jqpla) classes. In addition tth ls- ing classes, there will 6e a viràse Show. Directors aI ttw Iumu Plotmen's Associa"itshlave ce- pocled Ihat sevecal of fle tarasn machincrv cdealers in ftice arum wiii hc displayiog tmw advaacç- meute.in their fine af machinery. The conclusion uith6e ptaicing match stiti bc a hanquet ut 6.30 p.m. in the Haiton Agriculurat Hall at thc Milton Fait Grounds. The banquet i. al popuar evenu ant i atthis time ftcîtesetto ai prizes mili taise place. This sear's hanquct colomillen ha. ai- rangei a siseciat cnlertainmient pragrami in connection seith the banquet. FWE SAPETY Teaching chitdren hum ta steal scith fire in att ils farmi. and Ilie sale tise oif matches, mas' taise some of the acisenture out iii pkusing sciîh fire. If youngsîers are taugbt hase ta ligbl matches put them out and safely dispoise of the dcad match, anti also buscv ta ligbt and (hen put outla camp fire, thes' can 6e îcaiaed la reat- iee their respansihiitin regard ta lire. end )o "id s-'. - "-i. s... a kby lnlting us inistall fluore- ion wbere bright-as-daylighl ost is modest. ielectrical repairs andtinlstaI- cnt are always prompt aed McPHAUL ELECTRIC iCharles St. TR 8-9513 MILTON LITIR >m4tlCNAI N MORE POWER TO CUT BIGGIR TRIES Saper Ztp bas aIl the featares ofth1e farnons Hamelite Zip - PLUS extra power te handle the tonehest cuttîce 1061 Tet-proved und.rr1the Most severe condi- lions te give yen TROUBE-FEu SERVICE dey aller day. Quick-torting, full poweer le any position, low- fuel and maIntenance costs moka lh. Saper Zip yaur bout chaîn aaw bey. Oct and try the Saper Zlp to-deyt MILTON MILLING 1 A Division of Robin Hond Flour Mitîs Lld. MILTON, ONT. PHONE TR 8-9508 gIA jM~SUBS 4uUHIN tok place Salurday at the Hornby area farm. of Hall ~g4,li~sq~~aJe yer-Mssey steam engine mas stoked up 90 50 lbs. pressure and wkç.ep4# tf aao throagh a coople of lats of grain. A large crowd w as 90. lawq t4 Q ,ngne dlemonstrateti. Aisove, tome of the men seho hati a hand inl the t=n94lÇ»4tçs hgwn ith the engine. jÇ> yom ý,&as>wmt -e o4a 4he c ciNEED IT MORE 0aç o 4 q.sa, kff? a d IRL U Saut Arthor Godlirey on his mg ,Ilsk1t9a Iotaweçrjlv Articles for Inclusion on ibis ast visit tu Ontarios:,Let's ail tai9npage must bc submnlted before tic ta give mitre hicoocl la the &#i. s î~ç s~Q,»cMy- Tuesday non, please. hospitzals ... andi less ta the servp" Mç ijs. SUtoqt. , ..v .s-au CLTHES LET UT RAIN, SNOW OR btOWI DRY YOUR CLOTI4IS INDOORS ANYTIME YOU WISH Ant automatlc gas clothes dryor reoaves every wash day woalh.r worry. It aise rids you ferever cf lugging heavy wasii baskets end rowashings duo ta braken clothes lUnes, sat spoftod or dust soiled ciethes. On. step from your washer le ail that is necessary te put your clothes "Oufta Dry". ii tIi, roqvired drying timo and thç gonfle bout cf natural gas dries your clotheafotpr, sefter, mare eca- nqmicaMy and excictly the. wqy you want If for ironing or puttýnq oay. This voulher con on!>' bu applied ta theb. parhoceof aafematic gag dryersaos ited below. HAMILTON INGLIS KENMORE MAYTAG McCLARY-EASY MOFFAT-NORGE PHILCO-BENDIX R.C.A. WHIRLPOOL SPEED QUEIN THOR VIKING WESTINGHOUSE ~i~957uFcii 9t1T~t ~.7~L1 "'777T~~Ï-,T DRYER AUTOMATIC SAS CLOTHIS ftYMR -Cqt wn thn hç4f as much taooperots as othor dryers. esuaami AUTQ#$ATIÇ OAS CflOTHS IERS -qlwfçiys tv'p oyt uudn4 tbqt Us aof4 çleoarî1fluffy and sweet smellinq. onmý AUTOMATIC OAS CLOTHES DRYIS -dry diapers and baby's washabhs la less time thon If tokes ta wash the% requiing muçh less boby's or eMdrmi' clathes than normal. -Mi.u1 AUTOMATIC OAS CLQYNE ORTIE -are sorvlced free of charge by Urlte Gus Limited. 4 ALL AUTOMATIC OAS O LOTHIS DRYERS--b.qir the. Seal of Approval of the. Conadiqrn Qpu fispgtI4g, USqE THES VOUDOHR ÀASq DOWN PAYMENT .....ON -YOUR NEW ,.o - - naaann uffle-m- le Villa -.1, ---______0____________l TH I TIME TO GET A GAS CLOTHES DRYER US NOWI Se. yeur gas appliance dealer or HIANITIDe OAS LIMITID H ItONe* ONEY CRIIK *DUNDAS e WATERDOWN * URLINGTON ,MONTE e OAKVILLI GEOROIETOWN * ACTON* MILTgt4 Throshfinq With St.um Draws Large iAu4I.noe Il heu been many yeacstmince zfng 60w moch the ocisool kids anyone around Hatton County kbom about steans. atiteti Vie helti a threshini bee, using nleam At Re&lIteai power. But t6e otd-fathioned A Saîurday's îhreshing demon- threshing mas cevîveti on Satur- siraltion, Imo loada of grain more day ai the Eighth'Line, Hornhy sepuraîed through 16e 1922 farm of broliiers Victor andti hreshing machine recenty par- George Halt. chuîsed t'rom John Meitride, Ste- tuarituime. Il i. a relie ilseli, but A 1917 Sasvycr-Mussev cuigget, S luil in guoud îununingoudrci. lThe îîuuttecl. elce l si'toke andc Halls uîseul un ancient maier tank mitîiîed ini the yard as a party ut ta keep the engine led, 100. It's men trieul vainty tIoîîcerloud 16e an (Id une once omned by Milton threshing machine and make the Brick hackisn 1he days sehen steamer stop. Il just moldn't sleam mwas nsed aI t6e hilns, and gîve in. the Halls boughî il ihis year fcom From Sawmlll tie MeCready seho osed il ta haut T6e brotiters purchased t6e aid mater avec his farm. A large crateti as an hand Cor machine f rom a man near Lang- the demonoîration, anti severaF staffe, otha gaI il from the cit >y of maie cameras tehirreti and clic- Betevite bic hai oed lsketi as t6e anicient steamer ment %team pîlseer our Flushing semers.hhis puces mithout a hitch. irortatht,16 egines histary tAraughe saudience mece a ew s faint, but uts elieveti il masm useti in a sammili somembere aid "steam men" mho assisled in daon ast. the aperatan. 'Il coutd tell a lot of sories _______________ if anty il eould tlit," surmised Vie Hall. He rclovenated 16e en-J gine la ncar-perfect oap nnJ.A. LLIOTTI lestet i up tu 100 ls pressure. Llcenaed Auctiasee Tbis pasi fem meeks, ait man andi Bill Bailes' sponsor- th1e engine's IEL ESTATE trips IluCatedon, Brampton, Georgetowvn andi Erin fairs mheru. PHONE TR 8-9233 il sirese crumtis uofexciled siemens MLO sciîo demnanuced ansmvers lui a ML multitudie ut queions. 'Il's ama-

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