Attson, Robert MtMuffen Jr. mdiî Kilfride Church, out O(t. 1 Tite Rev. W. Wilkinson officiai- The bride is the daugbter of and taffuta, with a sabrina nerk- ed oveiý the dotable ring weddlng ~r and Mr.WlinAlçno ie embroidered wiîh sequins certnony at KilbrideI U ite o and tegroom Is the son and pearo. ChItrch on Saturday aer o f Mr. and Mrs. John McMullen. Tiers o lae e n hn Octgter 1, 1960, when Donna Milton Heights. Organist fur the oill laceaed na c ha on EiIýen Allison of Kilbride be- ceremony was Mrs. H. R. Me- the back and a hiaro of seed cs the bride of Robert John Donald of Kiibride, and Mrs. ershl e hudrlnt Mc ofer Jr, MitonHeihtsStewart 'Lockie of Milton sacg per1 hel ber sholesran oegt ac~ul n d rMlonH 'b Becaosc and D Pcrfect L ,i i n place.Ainestado Candelabra ad standards orfve pearis. a gif t of thc groom, com- pick anti white chrysanthemnums Lace Over Nul Itietcd liercensemblc andi shc car- decoratcd the village cisurcît lor Thte britde chose a tlour length ried a wh ite orchid andi stcplîan- the pretty ceremony. gomo of Chantilly lace oser net otis on a wuhitc Biblc. Shc suas g ivn inmarriage by her faîher, FW p 5 ad Miss Joyce Allison, sister of the bridc, suas maid of honor and Miss Jo. Anne Henry, friend of Sthc bride, mas bridesmaid. They Morni ng Slow Poke wure îttîbskirted gttsns of Iropie ily gatbcred bodices and off-the- by NncyCleversbootctr sîeses, suith maatchicg byI ly lae ishoes and gloses. Junior brides- "Tommy is a slow poke in the fresh air moy make aIl thc dii- maids were Misas Sandra Coat- morningl IHe takes ages 10 gel fercnce. es, nicc of the groom, and Miss dressed. t despise mothers who No Chehier Lica Allison, vister of the bride. continoally nag at their eilîdren If there are several children la Both wore similariy styled dres- - but whal rau 1 do 10 cure the family, the business of get- sces of white organdie over laf- hlm?" Mrs. Black asked bier mu-, ticg ready for school moy be de- ~t,trmcwibrpiwte ther. layed as lbey argue witb eacb norgauiza, and white shoes and "Don't worry too, mttch about other. Onu mother finolly made gloses. AIl the bride's attend. bis slowness in the morniug. the rule, "Wail Io tatk util sou at are oqeso ht He's ocly a litIle feliow . gel tu the breakfast table". *An- chrysantbemums and pick rose s, "But be shouid have time 10 other parent discos-cred that or- of lors adse pers cd ail cal a decent breakfast - and 1 rangiug for lu-o btotserv t 'f m or n eaian don't wanl himn lu be laIe for dress in difierent rooms speedeti ur ri nestones and pearl ceck- scbool. Dawdlicg over dressing up ibis process. If thes were larces, a gif oftebie may seem a omail fault, but tl is together. icevitabty tbey stortcd Three Attendants terribly accoyicg I' fooling around and laugbiug ai Peter Watson of Kilbride was Until a cbild -tarIs lu sabotai, earb other's achecs. Suitl anothur gcoomsman subile George Hard- the exact lime whec bis dressing Parent gave special praise 10 the Conne of iltussvand-rray Mc is completed does col malter firsi rbild 10 oppear ai the table. onlfMitnwruse. very much 0 is. mother. But Some rbildren arc col scry GThe Kilbride compacy oft ir once he bas that "[mne orclock destroîts with their fingers. A sr ie oupe as tesd tf or deadlice" for greeting "leacher", litIle belp tromn mother in lyiug eburets. dawdlicg oser dressing may bu- shoc laces or doiag op a ballon come a ceai problem in a busy may bc jost w-bat is needed 1u Aboust 75 gutesîs stere prscri.t boosebold. Il is a good plan tu finish gellicg dresseti MosI toc lte ccepîiou ai Kilbrid. eslablisb the earlier breakfast cbildcen's riothes today are s im- Conustntits Hall], allendice frosni bouc foc a rbiid neyerai weeks ply mode and easy 10 gel i[10. Acttu. Bîîrîisglsn, Milton, Milo befoce lie or she gors 10 scbool But if a cbild is a ulasuder trio- Ileigbls, Wbilbv. Batrrie, Hamil- for the first lime. ther shoulul check that bull on. toIt, Kilhritie. Bramptson, ak Tinte Meana Little botes arc large cautugb asti zip- ville. Simce. Campblliville. ow Adulîs must rcmind tbemselv- pers arc eass tu bondie. ville andt Aherioyle. Stantdards es t alatboogb lime meanssa Scieli Remard t piîsk andtitie muîms tiecorat. greal deal 10 tbem, 10 a smatl A pîrasant prospectabali cdl the buildting for the rerepin cbild the passicg of lime means ta nueell iisisb os tak Tebiismîe vecy littie. Cbildrec bate 10 be like dressing. Wbat tins vousg- stearîse att arl Itjre burcied. Sometimes ose of the suer dorsalt cajov o cbeet-v gres- bloc d ress vs lb matchise liai simplesl mays 10 overeome tac- icg and a "înocuing kiss' su bu and gloses. blac.k accessories anti dicens in the mornicg iv lu cati bu comres Io breakfast. il pus- a gardenia corsage. Assistise the cbild a quarter of an bouc sible. gise Junuior a strait rhume suas the nîsuliser (if ilie gloons - cachier, sec, that bu iv ouI of bced mbis.b be likes, sucb as briugisg ssearing a flrai aceile taille and thus gise hlm a longer lime in the mnocîiug paper or the nsil k tiress îît lb tateiing bat and to put on bis clothes. A large oc ieîîing the pusv rat ossîsitie gloses. black accessoies anti a alacot dock on bis drcesser sviîb before be vils doms. 10 the table, gaI desia co.rsage. the lime mnarked mben bu sbould Viola Detroit bu slarliag on bis may lu break- Cbildrun do retisb a bit of fon Folis teîsepin h fast is usuful for tome young- ai breakfast. If more mothers rigtaucpio h murs wuld take lime for a , 1 cople lefI for a trip tu Detroit stucs n htlei owar'rsis do ltIle nos- Michigan, and the bride refI in a veuived o s cvg saotuquoise bloc suit wilb beige and layicg out bis garmeats on a abou urbooin lbai cn .ccevvorst.s aud a gordesta cr chair beside hin heçl the nigbt pcomptaussai shu' ersg. beforu is a practical suggestion. would'e hesus dawdiug! ' Pca stîgua.te edi Wbea a li111e girl iv sluupy, il Once an a mbiiu, the reol rua- suc Mr. asti Mrv. J. L. Weîbet-- may bu roaiosîcg, and taku ses- son mby a small rbild lingers rît ol Kilhrisie grasdparests tsi ecal moments 10 decide, wbetbec user gutlicg bis clothus os, iv bu- the bride. The organisî. Mcv. 10 wear the bloc drusu wiîb the cause bue dorsal moant lu go oft McDonald, ssas aio st Igansi ai white coulac or the green jumper and rcave mothur. Perbaps beisg the meddiag of the bride's woîb- and yellow blouse. Small sorks, ai home iv mucb more fus than er. short and underwear ace apî 10 goiug lu sebool. Maybu bu frets bu misplared under the bcd or in sby witb troche r or aira id tsi the uloubus closet or batbcoomn tome of the biggur childe? Il is in the procets of gutling cuady quile possible that be, îbinks bis foc bcd i Making a gome the clothus arr 'diffuceut", nighl bufocu of leasing tbum ail Hum bu utruads the sîther out in ruadinesu foc the nent day ýoungsters mokiag fo of biw 1 -Hi -bUE1 wockn moaders. If thuru iv a ceai rayuonmby be o -rEgWAT 16.iME' Moihurs should check on the is domdtiag ovur drus cigý moh b M -rlAi A~NJ S AE p physical condition of a cbild ur vbould try lu discovur mbati l'Bi.»1g mErE wbo dawdlus cocticoally. Is bu is, asnd do vomulbiag about t 6T LM slow bucause bu is feeling slug' - gisb? Perbapu be aecds a tonc * - or a medical check-up? A m BVELA grade sinus infection can make Tuarbur-Remember, b idrus bim fuel vuuy "loggy" in the [bat nu mon iv vo ig b eh mocnicg. I migbl he thai bis abovu the tam. IIdSTrALL OUP bd-ime ouc is.a tle laie - Spoe Age Totl-TuacNI- a 6<6TEM or bis sleep bas bes iulerrupl- mas in al rot ket mecl b k en. mcli venlilatcd? M ore ut and of gras'ily? THE BOARD AND STAFF 0F THE TRAFALGAR CEMET- ERY BOARD CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THE OFFICIAL OPENING AND DEDICATION 0F THE TRAFALGAR LAWN CEMETERY, AT THE CEMETERY, DUNDAS HIGHWAY, AT THE SIXTEEN MILE CREEK, TOWNSHIP 0F TRAFALGAR. 230 P.M. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1960 PL -AaN,ý £ v 13 Mem FA r4 er ho çciusband had taken a five PIrens rom Drumg"In and month four acound the morid Mrnby district juin.d thu Horn- au~ brouahi back somç sgont(e- hy Womens InsIhlefrIh. rfui pictu.cut 0 hora mlhfienda. ruguhar meeting on Oct. 12, buld As the piclores mure shoma, Mua, in the basumeni ai Horcby Uc- DeVries desurihud thuot. They lted Churcr. Mus. McCarron, tbe bad viitud such places as Cu- prusident, mas in charge of tbe foccia, Japen, Hong Kong, Ccy- business session and wuîcomed Ion, Rame, HoîIand. Spain and the visisoîs. The coltcot 'asothurs. Mcv.. Coutlon espcussc-d "Why lus glatIus> la Ca C.sîî thebuthaskvsolthIe ladis t0Mcv. sets . DeViiles andclsite mas pcested Mcv. W. Cîsullos gave the re- îsilh us guIfths hIfle Kennelh port cfibe direcuors' meeting and Dcal1h. Mcv. mecCaron gave an excellent A dcîirious luncrhmas survcud y report of theora conventlion the rummitîcu in charge. wbirb vhe bad at ended in Speaking Course Guelph. On Thucsday a cumber of the Mcs. R. King, cilizenship con- Hornby ladies atlundud a short vucor intcoduced thu gostl speak- rourse "Aids ta Effective Speak- er for the aflurnoon, Mrs. De- icg" huid ut the home of Mca. Vries, of George-town. Shu and L. Sampson. The leader mas CUTTîNG THE CAKE foîlowitty Iheir double-rin 1c%.t. O 'ibrd UidCh Oclober 1, are Mr. and Mss. Robert MrMuIIen Ir. Thse bride iv lise former Douce Alîsson of Kil- bride, doogisîns ai Mr. and Mss. WiliIam Alîson. Tise groom s teson ofMr.a rd MrsJohuMrMalecofltonHeghts ai, FRED MIL.LS ië Mena ,boyn' à Ladies, Wear 216N bu-ished I"kte I u-ns)irlBt I4dTol o omrth ac MAIN ST. MILTON TE 8-9S41 ALL orn c 7250 11Ite WORLII't Lsutc5T nTsc.PRIlîvoTALsuru TG MEASURIS LOîTHIE CONGRATULATIONS OUR SUCCESSFUL PRIZE WINNERS WHO SAVED THE CLIPPINGS IN OUR 1 I Afito I zI ALPHABET ADVERTISING First Prige - $15 Voucher MR$. JACK BOUSFIELD 395 ine S., Milton Second Prize - $10 Voujcher MES. LOENE W. MITCHELL Campbellville Third Prize - $5 Voucher MRS. DON STOKES RIR. 3, Milton F ourth Prize - $3 Voujcher SAM REID Bou 624, Milton MISSINO WINNER Duc lu circumsîacrcs bu- yocd ourcontrîsi, mu have lust the came ai the sixth prize wmmdcc, Would the lady mho hrougbf id the the rlippingv phease drop in foc ber pnieu? Who ha connece&bit fi~e1et of 4grhcuiture Iho Te"a(~a P mat Io., interus n allii6~. hs attunded fit il w ae edoel cl spent. A pot lochlunds ms en- joyed eitihe noon hot~. Mc. and Mca, $ ft tlerrpoct1 and daughtec of Pa gve aisllgdà wiih Mr. and Mca, fILearmnonti on Sunday. Suuancrcamp atg15 erlf arm id a sing. Site a4 tIbu i(ga>-1 munt torc ai play eithtie Pgrcy1 Mecry scisool lest Tbucsdafy. Mc. and Mrs. Robi. Rots, Mc. ,înd Mrs. Wm. Tollyn, Mc. and Mcv. Sussss Hasllusund Mc. nd Mcv.Douug Leslie atcndud the ssuddisg of' Mc. ccd Mrs. David M anus atu, Baliinafad on Satur- day. The Black Kuigbts tuipr a- ured by the 1.clfetf Horny Uinited Cburcrbmes beid et the Orange Hall on Priday evuding wilh about 70 atiending. Bichmu mas cnjoyud after tise diptier, foi- lowed by a dance. Euchre.. Dossu The Crystal Chapler, No, 40. of Brampton sponaored a euchru and. dancre ai Horchy Orange hall on Saluuday uuunicg. Thue m as an excellent ai tendance mith 14 tables of cuchre pIayud. The ladies served a deiicious lunch and the dance foiîowed with the music suppliell hy the McDocaid group of Limehouse and district. Vicit Priends John Godmard ai Toronto visil- cd with friunds and relatives ic Hornby user the muekund. Many gathuucd ai the home of Victor Hall on Saluuday eflur- noon su malrb a slcom engine show. Tbcy bad tise steam uen- ginu runnicg a threshlng machine and malcbud whilç thuçu Ioads of oats mure thrcsbud. Congratulations la Mus. Jiîp Ruid mbo piacud second in the OIT SOME NOW AT FROSTIE FREEZE Corner Main cnd Bruce St. MILTON THIS WEEKEND F4ihiO een conteot au tise ta. cLaugilin ho Tottenhamt on hernallonai Pioughisg Match tlcar Sunday. - London hast week. Cottagert Louve for Momne Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leand Mr. and Mca. Merlin South. famiiy mure aethieir cottage on mood, Mca. Chat-les Solnibwood Christian tIand oser the week- and Aiiscyt Soutsmoodiment b encd. train 10 Monireai hast wuek. A;- hec a mocîh's riait beru. Mca. C. Dale Matt ccturned 10 the Soulthwoetd and Charles SoutWh:orne oi Mr. and Mcs. Frank mood lf by boat, fcom Monicuai Chithoim pa Sucday aftuc a for their home cn London, Ecg- meehut holiday* aI bit parents' tend, home ai French River. Ancivursary services mure buid A acu- fiomer bed mas planird ai Hornby United Cbuc on Sun- asti othurs fitird in suitb 275 lup rluî, Oclober lb. Ai the mîsun- buibs aI the Horuhs Commttnity ing ses sice. Miss Mtsnica Batrj Park. Mrv. tFrank Chisbsslm milb ard mas the guet s îsoisi ssndllie sthe belp ol Jack Oisgmall tlid the sisitiaf ministur mas Rus. M. J. plasîisg last Wedsusday. Aikun of Oakviilc. Ai lise usuning sersice the Knox Preshyhucian rburcb quartette o f minisier mas Rus. A. Higginhoî- D L&. Milton mccc the guesîs and thb bain of Muns United Cburch, Trafalgar. Thuechoir dcouated *ReSptirs to A lmokes, A the cburrb for the occasion. .nedels Siaccru sympatby iv uxîundcd 10 Mr. and Mus. Jak imnpson * Robuilding hormtiqlly on the dealbtaiofMus. Simpson's ~ Idui eqeii faiber, Mc. Ivan Gumbeut of Mil.i- e uit seify ion- L OKGIAATg Bicîbday grcutings lu Mcs. G. ALWR URN~ HQmdcn on October 26. Mr. acd Mus. Homard Bradley Buruington NE 7-1018 visited wiîb Mr. and Mus. Robu. GRAPES.. APPLES, ORANGES PRESSED MATY VOUR HOME OR AT OUR STQQE Our New Cider Press is now available for juîcing fruits. W. deliver the grapes, f00. ALFONSO #%ffCRISCI 176 MILL ST. MILTON TE 8-2460 MILTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB SPONSORED BY ROTARY CLUB 0F MILTON *DANCING ANND) 0FIGURE SKATING CLASSES TUESDAYS-THURSDAYS STARTING TUESDAY, NOV. lst ROSS SMITH of Guelph, Teacher 20 lasons $10 PRESIDENT - MES. ROBERT McCUAIO 40 lanents (2 a wm.k> $1750 VICE-PRESIDENT - MES. M. S. KERNIOHAN Famiiy rates for 3 or more SECRETAEY - MRS. GEORGE HOOD applicanson enquiry, TREASURER - MES. AUSTIN LEDWITH Peut payable ic fltincadvauru or un first day ai iusvss. PRIVATE LISSONS AVAILABLE MAIL EARLY TO MILTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB CUT ON DOTTED LINE. F0O. BOX 427, MILTON, ONT. APPLICATION NAME .........................-......................----............... ADDRESS ........................................................ AGE (if under 15)- - - --.................TELEPHONE ................... CHECK DAY AND TYPE 0F LESSON DESIRED TUESDAY- --............... CLASS- - --.............DANCING ...... OR OR OR THURSDAY-------------........PEIVATE-------------........FIGURES ...............- . ABIBIIONAL FM AVAILABLE AT M&LYON AlA Fifth Prize - $2 Voucher MES HAROLD MORTON 219 MartisnSt. Milton HARRIS Stationery & Office Supplies 182 Main St. TR 8.6962 MILTON "Everything - from A f0 Z" ----- ---- ---- -- --- --