Darte Br ekers are off 10 a flyiva siart vntise dort voague and in lb etenigisn of play have amas. mcd a lutai of 30 po is 10 teod tise tenue. Last v gisithey ois 10 points from Lcdm tissSpec. o retaine tier totty posiion four poens ahead of Wldcois, et wih 2.mis gner olo nxai ,Ji rBg Bpper me a e u i-.S..al Tg p10 gs.p istil vaua e tks -r llmthtm uaple sganres EhTIN GamaTLEFidaOPMmbSIOf, tdeso Mlo isatri-sar colcmp ame Tisihrdcoacs tachrEmarDonUdahBi bis Fe, toîn haie ve mrie ionersaTes ail.don Cordil e irs intBai-i-y BnrnaMise cradate.Te n Jîm onk clia n sb il uriBuc rwn lesodlcîop lu cigan lîlu dece co' r. 1'.0 inthefir'nlequ cga v la t e' n G ilBo n W ele tRosMxtm rsie at-rnd Don C.'r- ritne . nk t he w ' the loup' stand Omagh Claims Rural Sofibal Championship Against Lowville Tuesday vtgit Omnagis sot tiaIt and Lloyd Vis ian siartng tise clo ifnised off lise softlse.a-lss. Ilv tacher games ,,n tise son in fine stylethil 124 vc- stries Omagis son tise f st orle tory oner Lowitte. Tise game isy a 2-I coui, ut lcte second wsns lis sisthinvtise finat round ?ind thisrd games 11-4 and 75, for tise teague tille and decided and then came hock t10'Lake a cruciat rouond ieîsseen tise 100 tiet in a row 4-t, 8-7 and then ctubs, Omagis winving four gam fivatly 124 10 rnp il att. ts to Lawviles l-O. Omlagis started off tise final contest wmus ticet cons in tise Three lns Row fiecî inning, t0 jump to aneartn John Witmotmas tise winving cad miicis iiey neyer reinquiis- pitcher once again mîtisAt Sisaws'cd. Boston Groups See HoIy Land On Slides Shown by Speaker Tise Ladies' Aid and Womev's by Dostog;y. Glad Tîdtngc prayer Missionary Society of Boston scas gînen by Mrs. Marra nv.A Cisureis Ocînher meeting mas ietd Tisovk otlerrtg sersv of worsiip ai tisehomne of Mrs. Charotte token tram lise Glad Tidivgctcas Turner siîi 25 preserit. conrlncîed isn Miss C. Turner. A President Mcc. C. Bross' open- isvml vsc dm. cd tise Ladies' Aid silisa o rd of Tise ladies cntaved a special prayer fottosned hc oaiymn. Tise treot ss'ien Mcc. M. Flem- usuantbusinescsnoas travsacîed ing (ltie Woods) of Deroit face afler miicis lie memiersoansmer. on interecîing bIh oni presente cd 10 tise colt colt, "A Tisanksgin- slides on tise Hoty Land miicis ing Verse." Tise meeting ctosed sise bas recenty isiled. K mils naisnmn. Mc. Nesin ctosed tise meeting r Tise Women's Missionnry Soc- wiîis ienediction afler miici att R iety opened mush a Tianksgining enjoyed a iasty lunch and social as verse isy Miss C, Turner fottomed hait bouc. 7ý First Meeting Deb-u-Teens Learn Sewing Tise first meeting aftie Horn- Mcc. C. Poltercon, earter, ml- isy Souths 4-H Homcmakivg Club comedi lie girls ond cxptoined was beld un Saîarday eening ul t i eurdfo ahfr m tise home of Juanne Paîterson msw rqurd rm arsta mush Il girls attending. tise unit, naoveiy eaîA"i girl musct noon Tise meet ing opened ils 4-H kepoarecord book, cîtui pa sesn Conn ptedge and mas followed isy tise ing box, attend h0 per cent of tht Deci eiection ut otticers toc tise ncw meetings, comptete ber forment ilOF unit "Sleeping Garmevîs" as fat' and attend Ariienement Dan. 2; Ioms: president, Beverten Hocy; na vice president, Donna Dolby; sec- Proper Measure lus; rcîary. Carolyn Pess'recs; ea- A demonsîration tan tise correct . Ct sucer, Herîha Brueker; press, way uftatkieg measuremenîs mac inv s Joanne Patierson. ginen and Isco of lise senior girls "una Choose Nama mcasured cacis memiser so lisev ilt' Tise girls setecled as lhiir club cou Id purcisase tiseir pattern and murl name 'Hornhn Sewtng Deis a- materiat foar next meeting. yer teens", Il mas decided tisatishe Patterns and sam pies of mat- fOWn meetings moutd bc on Satardays, trials suitaiste for Sceping gartw titiser evenive or aflernoon. Tise menîs mccc somn. Meîhuds ased next meeting mut hec hetd on fac pre-shrivkivg and straigien- St Octoiser 22 aI 6.30 p.m. aI Joanne ine maîcriai mccc also ginen Tise cd 2 Patlcrson's and lunch itI be pro- girls mccc adviced lu han sanfor- Mitu vided hy Diane Ford and Carotyn ized prc'sisrunk goîd.itpuscihte Pemîress. Ove ut tise ctub mcm- and tu avuoi loscely muen or Giz bers is in Oakvitle isspilal and materiai privted off grain. At lise ,eat lise girls voted ta end hem c e- cloeofthtie meeting a lunch mac il w0 memtravre froa tise club. sreiyth es. Kerri Con, EBINEZR mack papir Fcail Colors Highlight WC WlI. Tea, Sale, Program c% Autamnitom rs and caloru d assa!tahrfroeo ei len es decurated the So day heby'cas. r Scisaut rooms tnt Eienzercciurch Sueday, Octobcc 91htis ~ sel mgDa fac tise anvualtlen, bakc sale, aide fucasperial mîssionory aprons, and misceltoneans actirý collection, thece heing Imît Sun,- Pc les sponsoced isy tise W.A. ufthtie do ys eac h year sel oside ftc isf1act cisurce. A guod ccomd mac inval- purpure. 40 pe tendance. Congratulationa 1957, Tht eeneivg gaI uedecmay by Congratulations ta Mc. ao n cci Mc. George Thomac anvuuncivg Mcc. Douglas Andversoîn(nec Mac- tise senecat fuue doles la ieep in leve Back) misuse macciage mas bouti mind tac teas and sales en neacisy sutemnized iv Rocksnoau Unitedi Cana' commuvities. Churcei, Ocluiser aIs, ven t. Sieseoî caltcd on lise follom- L1,M@ ivg vumbers tac a delightut n teriaielva pcogram. Harold Kein, eitor selections; Sandra Blytis and Joy Hanmacd, HN r cordion seleceions; a ladies' tro frum Lumnitte aceampavied on Low Cort tise piano by Mcs. V. MacAthur; David Giffitiss, a hum oroos cea- Accident ding and Brion Cargiti, gitar ce- inctons. and A nice sum mac reaized frnm tise tea and sale. Tise Octoiser meeting lf eurs- Insureic crs and officers of Ebenezer Sun- " day $chool was field aI the home of Mr, and Mcm, Wynne Dunbsar E.B.i i v i Everyohe esjoyed tise usual isymn s10g. ecriseisusing a fan- E B C e e t orite, Mcv. I. Blytlis rad scip turc and H. Blytis led in pra- 225 MAIN 9t. ycr. Harold Watson mas appoiet til KILSRIDE SANTAMS mere named champions of tise Burlinglon tomn lvague minor basebail ecanîly. In front are Phil Sonslromn, John Hepburn. Ailan Raid, Chartes Twiss, Ray Parker. leur rom, coachs Stan Price, Richard Dudley, Art Robertson, Harold Robertson, Bobby Lewis and asistant coach Angalo Fallcha. Absent mare D avid Broalcs, OBi Jacksson and Donald Colling. High SchooI H hlhts itlton bltoc and mites cav ail r Strecîssitie Fritav llr vn in av exhibitioan football te at tise Martin St. chooîîl. pilte lisetact tisat Milton mas îrosing vive-m.în piavsit man pions, lthey vicabedtflite ,aers 26-0. nacis Edînard Udaill aid tisat view of tise 19-0Owin tîsecAc- avnt tis big dofeot ot Stiets- lMilton shoutdn't have fou1 .i trouble in tise league 11w. ir uless Geosrgetown tarît. 10 h b a plîmeriostc. ITi e vext Wectveclan irîGeîîîge- in mviii tel]thlie tale. treetcs'ile, inviîievlaltc, ni 'cc- 25 men tor tiscg.aîîîessiile Ron isad ovly l6ivnsweaters. Anoliser Award ;rade lYc top cladevtltact *r isc on Ivrtiser accim, wsrepocîuttîic mecis. Briaîî rtigisaviscocra n $90prize ai lise Cov,îdiav Malisematical igrecs fur honing lise higitest ks in a Grade 13 ptttblems )r in Dotterin. Hlîtîn, Peel 1Simcoe Counties. Congrt-u vos, Brion. Veîtnecdan tise tramatic oe e ietd ilc lircl meeting oft lie aon, and tise deisativg solicîn vs lIt operole mnilisa O t- aI nîlon Ibis Friday. tnt îfrel lise îîtficiaîl open- and awardc vigisl. Non. 4. odnctivitn in Cavada's mon- tiuring ivdîîclry increoccîl is ve ent. iv tise neorc t946 III 7,vompored tu a 30 pet rleu. race iv fle Unitev i Stes. In came veurs. tise average rly mnf.îctnring mage it do ittercasevt iy 130 per E RS!I TR 8.95231 OCCIDENTAL LIFE "Term lamai ansontise Bcd Terms" JOHN M. BRADLEY LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE TERM - LIFE - ACC. & SICK. -GROUP - John M. Blradley Mortgage and Parlnership Insurance Milton A god lsurance agen t daes eut TE &"674 cdl i vucanîce is. e bacc tlfor Itic client TROOP B BOY SCOUTS CA R WA S H SATURDAY, OCT. 15 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. ut GREEN MOTORS SMAIN ST. MILTON Proceeds foc Scoulîng Activilies ANNOUNCING... MILTON T.V. CLINIC (WERNER WEBER) NEW STORE OPENING FRIDAY, OCT. 14 & 15 COMPLEtUNE 0F EL ECTROH OME * TV's * Hi - Fi's * Radios *Stereos * SmnaII Appliances * LUCKY DRAW 140 MARTIN STr. Tif 8-60241 Rot*y T4 Ê Transportation Changes in rail transportatIon and a review of tise hisOry et raitways made up thse classifica- tion talk of Bow Wisgeler, CNR agent, aI tht weekly Rotary Club of Milton meeting Tuesday night. The speaker reviewed bis work on brnkivg, despalcising and ag- etl. Ht slressed lise importance of tise vieselizattov programr as a fore-runner tu tise automation 110w bicivintroduced invftisaai "Il uedIo hel .'a giaivitrain was 65 units and nolv a standard train, ecn cver tise Roekies is ap so 200 uvils." Tise construction of aulomatic isump yards is 00W hting tom- pteted and tsec can bce operated hy two men %witllars hting risccked isy tetevisian. Tise CN agent noted comptetion of tise Toronto terminal mili make piggy bock service araitaiste iv tise Mil- ton area. Tise speaker was introduced isy Earl Black and tisankcd isy E. Gamrovski. Dnîîvg tise meeting Bois Me- Croie reporied on plans for a .sapper dance ivnN<>emiser. ravis. Tise mca t ants, 0.S.P. anîd Sputniks, hase 1150 vigtîts oft catît-, Io ratei ip. !bheCqonafacç: Ci*nplon,,fir. NEWS PROP4 Pùbti Siof Tiha i sa19 t inst o waekly (we bopf e iaprlp on tivltl.a aroaaad lIhelocal public achooh.. Contrlbbhas ioWàed thiscol- unin ai-e welcomed. Other than lise field day (misicis s repîorted elsemiscrel use lencis- ers are tise big vems this meeis. Tisen have cv-t Nosemiser 21 Oc [lite claiefr' it'Ilir-cirîai ral sees' i ti lî tOLII140 trviîh ris liaunt Hrllîîîî lspreîuaoe 4 and Wenwtmhî i aspectocutle 2 will rnvene ai Hamilton Teacis- cccs Cuttege on tist aIdte, A tour of MrMasîer University, Hamil- ton, ls ivctartcrtin tise agenda as mcli as tise usuat bsines. ItlaiesReporte Octoiser 21 tse iýteîrim reports lu parents ut publie scisoot ciild- cea miti ise issued, and un Orto- ber 2h parents milI have a chance ta discnss.tisese reports milS tise teacisers. Huurs toc tise meet-tise- teacher ccvi miii lbe 3.30 In 4.30 n lise aftlenoun and 7.45 lii 9.30 in IlIte esentîte. Festival Plans A meeting ufthlie North Halian Ucsan Maie Festiva-nîvscnîfield ai tht W. I. Dicis scisuot tactwmecS, premirlertoser bv Mccs. W. Wolfe ai Actan, precidnt. Dates set toc lise oînuîal leial aîrre liselas[ MUSIC tE5%016 IN YOUR OWN NOME ACCORDION - GVTAR » PIANO TOWN or RURAL Oser 5,000 students throujthoat Ontario INSTRUMENTS INCL.tJDÊ F NECESSARY Anyone from 8 ta 80 can Iearn to play WHY NOT ENROL NOWI WRITE BOX 622, CANADIAM CHAMPION TIP TOP TAILORED TO MEASURE SIJITS Itere's Canada', largest tailnred 10 menant. o095E PR IC E ctîotct iitedinig many saperis, never.befnre- orfercd faries. Patterns, cnIvra ta enlesa 5 voniety ceete Poli'. ummit of .cleetivnl 50 MANY OF rTHEBEFAURIOS CAM BK COUSU B LSWHERC INN CUITS UP TO $128.s7 THt WORLD'5 LARGST ONt PAtCIL TAlOREO TO siasapa CLOTHIENS SAFE AND WARM thanks to £SSO OIL HIMAT Essa Dil Hi-at la o yane rest way la a wuem, pli-aons hume. Andithee'ua sale, tedaisle ' essail tat' esaàîy rigisi for ynîîr iseuîiîg =ovi1t. iee pas ose a upone iseatee, looar fuceace oaatematin facoaee, poui Initerial F9n Agent tas intradace ps au aruvniferfil t-nlotfvarish. Heu iseîp yaa apead a uomfaeîaisle, .caeresniinee. ALWAYS LOO0K TO IMPERAL FOR TuIE DEST E. A. "AL" 14ENRY 440 MAIN ST. E. MILTON iR M-381 STOCK REDUCTION SALE PITTSBURGH RUEBERIZID SATIN FINISH Reg. Price $845 Gallon $2.65 01. SALE PRICE $610 CAL. $140O QUARtT Ready Mixed Colors or Machine Btevded THE FINE ART OF SALESMANSIFl1P Anvone miso has es-cc ieen biamboaled bya fast talking knom misaI I meanscisen t sac tisai oppea- rances. con bc rtccering. shopper. I've seen il happes man limes ,vhere uise ros peci moutd tour anuIser of tomns and cilies un lit ise gt lise bcd otter lby about $50.0) and titen end up isuyittg a difterenînaodcl ai o mach hîgis' er price. Homs' îid il iappen? Ht simpty foi ialkcd ia i isy lise catesman. Tise $50.00 he mas "canine" jusl gaI lostinivtise suffle of ditterent model prie- cc. optianai equipmeînt, acces- soies and finance tervas. Tise trade stang for Ibis typ of hiit- pomeced settine catis it ".spinning" tise prospect. Fretin dceciptive 100 since il usuaIll cames hina dizzy anît contîîsed. Herce is e kieker Ihouagis out ai tie cîonfusion uf tise final vItal, tise bayer clint-sIo lise -httîoig,îthot domninaled bis mmd. dîciîîg thse misote rans- rîctiln. Tisa is tisaI se suas 'cav- i' $50.00!t la case coure ready ta ccoft, lt me a dd t'ncseen învneîlca ted aînd intelligent peoîpte tat]inio this trop l Ils not1 so sucpcicing thougis wian cari raîtremosIttfolks orent eeilacare tif tise exact raie or amtnît tif finance tîtey arc payng.îf Il is nur polies' ta plunly scailnutise atofuta sale, We tope cou checks 01 tise tacts. If cou do you'tt find lisere is vo comparabhie value for cour muven tison tisai ottereif by Tiafaîlgar Mîtturs, TRAOALOAR Ma 409 Mali SI. mlkim, «Oas. - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ltions slatedf or ail dy Wdes- day and Friday evenlng. Tisea.1 isert ittle SChsoll Atop Il#±* be used for the festival and nl day nlglst concert. Music supervIsors or tihe sebooLs will dei? on tise ela whtb the iselp on>prioclyali, Cm studenîs will be able to be'in practicing their musit six weeks heforc the festival. School ,flouua" At the W.l. Dick scisool, prIn- cipial Raymond Long bas set Up fssr schoot "houlses"ý and ea1is hîtuse witl have ils o.. teamns andenrati vritus schol shasianid alisielic evevts. Of- licerîs iii hu narurd in elections tiexi wveek. Slodents aItishe Dick scisool are working on lisir firsi issue of tise schoot newsPaper, and ilmli ie puislisd soon. JACK( HALL Concrele, Clndee, Slag and Silo BLOCKS - al J. COOKE (Cnr.t. hocus> LTD. EVENVINGS MILTON ~TR 8.6365