T4'lh Canadien hamplon Thurs., Otob.er 131h. 1960 Commercial Early Birds St Pauls Mr.& Mr. Club High single, Sam Nadain 277; Oct. 7-High singe was taltet Oct. 3-Thc invincibiity outlthe ligh triple, Les Witts 708. Had a hv Dermol Gildea witts296 for gattoping Chirpers was cballeng- sligisi accident on aticys tland 2. tihe ten and by Ivy McCleland rd by virtu ofl their 52 tacs tu A teanit ook 7 points, and maybc \vth 260 toi, the women. Dean Whatnots. Hazlicen., entrcnched they should do the samne each Gray sith 738 look high triple fur their thitd place position by de- week. the men and lvy McCeland with teatiflg Tyrants hy a similar 5-2 700 took high triple fur the wo- soe. Gaie ........ Pins Pts. T ren. Ed Srand was the big gon for Grnts 3200 7 24 Pn .Ps T Hazbcen, as hc wrapped up the Meters............2988 087 s hig a nd gle conts Millionaires ....... 3159 2 16 Dopaîchers ....... 2796 4 '20 anig63 single atd triple wilh 276 Bandits .............3201 5 16 PoPpers ........2867 519 Thelma Bosicld also cap Fyers ..............2922 5 1lS1 mprs 2509 2 16 ttred bath honora with 185 andc Mrow . 2899 5 1l Lit Ahners ....... 2830 2 13 50)6. Jets ................2799 2 10 Allcy Doppers ....2804 3 9 Chir-pers ............2503 2 23 Ramhters ...........2727 2 7 Jiggers ...........3158 7 71 Whatnots ...........2671 5 19 18 713.................h294 510 lle, Ara Powell2238; Muebns......... 29942 011" Mens hstriple, iKen Couleon f0 d g~ A Wa Mb Tyata . 2722 ct.,6-Higb triple, L. Guniack 598. A hearty wecomne 14 Soifib Muiton Rapayers 654; M. Emmerson 673: biÈh sin- whisl now ielpln u t- potenewM Oct. 4-AIl dogs appreciate the gie, G. Yorke 272; V. McLeod 252. Parera out of ise cllar position.VU, 1 Pins Pits. T Pin# PIS. T A 15-year'old Georgetown sirl retreat to their wrm kennelaSun s........... 7 17 lyers ............2334 7 26 w lld n hreoisr e after a bard night's work and Jitln Dandes 2 16 Jet . . . 2405re1 29ay Laisbgsi. e ee Tise Kippers; 7 14 Bombers ...........2000 0 7 eeived mînor injurles Monday af- Meey,23 Ladies' htgb triple, Cetie............... 4 Il Paters ............2284 2 6 ternoon in a freakisis accident on Norma MacMurphy 602. M ens TieHlhLw 9 higsingmle. Jack Champoux 280- h ih u5 9HigShway 7'a "Wlldwood Corve" Men's iigis triple, Harvey 'e; Bombera .......... 3 8 industriel near tise outakacla of George- 651. Lgg Shamrocks ........ 0 5 Sept. 28-Higi singe. Ser fi tosen. Whistlirs ........... 2 '4Zoppas ils 260; higis triple, mill osac atd !7Wi Pins Pts. Ti Cole witb 615.Cosac stdof7Wl Greyhotant ........'2833 7 23 Hilton Junior Fermers Oclober 5-Iligis single, Sergio liam SL., Georgetown, mas kilied Wippet ;....... 2944 5 19 Oct. l0 - Ladies' igh. single, Zoppas 267; higis triple: Sergio instantly wisen se Was cn ov- Pointers ..........2831 2 17 Matries Ford~ 216; Ladies' high Zoppas 709. ec. police believe by a car driv. Boxers ...... 3015 4 1 6 ii. .îo Iiyssaît-ti61; îin Pins Pts. T en hy John D. Wright o Bramp- HtIs .............. 290 1t4 ti h 'iig i.,îotsMo .,.tt 211;. iit-. . 2767 510 ton. Const. William Bennett of THtskies......... 312 5 139 3 7 tO it ,pie, Bol)Ma ~is ilV. ............... 2769 7 9Norths Halton O.P.P. esplained Ter r ....... 09 3 2. ,ittteiitttt\'........2668 2 7 tlise girl mas a rear scat passen- Pinscercs ......2043 2 4'*pn is.'t1, Robin Hood" ..... . 2460 0 2 8cr tn a car driven hy William 24 Cub ario Fod ......... 174 512. Englehy of il Kennedy St.., 24Cu iatli t 13 2Georgetown. wbich ment out of Oct. 5-Higis single 238 Eileen Bob M.îtsb.il...... 1579 2 9> In 1959, tarse cash income in control on tise curve. It report- Downs; higis triple 609 Pink Teas. îyiimr . 29 bCntaw1276,7,0.tm el i iooat and as il dale. Thubon t.is asker . 2631 5 19 pareiltu 10l,742,786,000 in 1946; rolied over, tise girl mas. tho_ îs.T tienof tise decline in lise ag- from tise car. Mr.Wrght.fl Crees ... Pin....... s66 P717 Lwville riieutural tabac force la tise per-. swing the Engleby vehiele. did Iroquois ..........2362 5 t2 (ctobter 7-1,t sie' ligi sinîgle, ilrcabh income per farm work' not sec tise girl for tise dust caus- 3 Hurons ...........2385 0 7 Fi Contait 212: t ais' Iigh ci-ras'$ 3,793 in 1959 and $1,371 ed hy tise ficat car, and police 9 Mohawks ..........2227 2 6 t ipIe, GladsHutmne 510; Mens in 1946. ,lbeieve is car bit tise girl. Bbc waa p 5omced 49t te -eee by eur-n- Dr. B3a99- berlalo 0of Gogls IF'it O 84!IATIN' . ~~MSNTALL A LJARA8JTEE 1WURK cliw JUST LOOK AT THE GALVANIZED CLOTHES LIME WIRE - KIDOIEs LUNCH BOX - - - - SAVINGS AT YOUR CO-OP OCTOBER 15 TO 22 REG. $1 .00 81/2, il11," WASTE PAPER BASKETS - .- 77c REG. $1.00 SNACK TRAYS- WINDSHIELD WASHER SOL VENT NO. 012 GALVANIZED PAILS OCTOBER 15 -22 BABY YOUR BUDGET WITIH -77C 16 OL -77c -J 8,SIP JOINT - HUMAV PLIERS -- ------ CHOUM CHIEP WORK GLOVES STURDILY MADE S TINE MANURE FORKS EASY TO USE, SAPE Doom DUST- - - - FREE WRENCH WITH POUR CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS Plugs Each 95c PRACTICAL SMAET LOOKING TWIN CAR MATS g amon ..- a..d.eeea.. e. !7c su h& f fm e Meigi 1MF220 Mad.t KF148 Nold 73 Il. o.8f mo. Raid. 43 1W . food. PAIR a.h . .... 319M' cca. $2e9.96 - 55C VISCOUNT CUSTOM AUTOMATIC DRYER $t Lw Pricesal -" Regulor $1,75 W - @ASTER il.ghft .e a Iem hi-h6egaof 1.ei. Y-0, *Id M. iehU4 l.f.*p -0. , ., Y- teWw.e-MI 0.e2*00a p.~ ... gd il.,.. e.h.yM.. .bh h-"n -t-v 108 h h lm. ..e.A." d...g.d te gn. y.. Dont Miss this OuffloanlngValuai CO-OP Prmufle v4' PLASTIC PIPE f.. 11a a tep p..w. £-y1,iea I.yîahie i ..Y..N .... b . ha. piad e-Wh h. n p-.ss-.t Md .. F,.a IR ipll 410P5A 00-'- aPm 99 Me, 5." 24otp-. 5 17o P.R til,, 294 p« ft. - $2.99 TrOP OUALiT1T "W TTEUlEs wl o,t .. a.ae.,ae", tgo n gd ligh ttn h..C.e. W-.1., -" mihJâ -~s h. . n . &a.i. h...hfl .oJe depaad. b.. fof e a * th. ewe ée p h lu. -------Mgd.lCI 182 8a2 Pnéel, à VON,24 a....ih g@- .m". 80* 013.06 Ca'p * Made, C-243.034 Fpit.. 12 Vot. 21 .W.h qg.( .t««. g $18 44 caç _ _ l. eue S __ . - $2.98 A Reel Sgrz 3-min g.Cg... m." aà.d. Ce. Fo 06 EEGULAELY $5495 HIGH OUALITY TRANSISTOR AUTO RADIO - $42.99 CONVEETIBLE SELF PIINOII JET PUMPS . . . . $118.88 WAGNOR CAPACITY START MOTOR Il H. P. - - $32.88 &DB IOOI!À op.', .d 5hop, i Pepl. ddiretpmu - 2paU.S.d 1011- ta "i fer.» .eh.. pe-h. Ih.. 20" W12 . -d. fr .. Ih1 'Ld.t. p t. 4800g. Poli Cleuancet eg. $69.501- 18E Dlx. Co-op Clipper ROTARY POWER MOMIIIE * * c-'p F.11 ..,...h 14.»0 *24 HP L«.... .n. o-R94 -Y«ta * . .5 .'t.4 0.1.. . tld.k .-d .,aOa a of " f'..#. . w h ".. ,.d fi . aht.ai.. 9 labe. di ILL h.d. *h tni g"P ..d .da'. diejh«,.h.t . unm a.e.h, f8 .et . Md i.Rnay .,hea mmh.o .8 v4 so F.. e-puuo hgh, 2W, J.. ." oW.hi. ad@ 1 20 t20 ft. d..p. i.ut0.. .H... P., h... F . 11 .tl .. 2 qe . io. ýh *10800 R.11., . ,. ,. 94.49 ..eAOUT e-P UGE: PAN--NODO NPSIET ' NTRST - IF ISUE iig..d .a..d.gp f..d. pee.tJ e 9. si"tta R g . t 0.la56i tgg $2263 o*IS-4 P)r 730 a 14-4 piF F.8 .I ... T.bahg.. Rgg Fl agi.. VISCOUNT DIAL.A-TRONIC WASHER DON'T MISS THIS SPECIAL CHEF-MASTER ELECTRIC RANGE FLASHLIGHT S h ma it.y ai. e. fd 32 PCE. SOCKET im4b t ".a % f.il Idl. WRENCH SET 3" 0."AtEoONe5 .. CAR ANTENNA EACH 79.00 s299.77 $16937 GREATER VALUE - VISCOUNT 11.75 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR 50 L. TRUE PREEZER "ACROSS THE TOP"' EPENDASLE 1/' SkIL DRILL Full 2.5 Amp Mtor Goered Chucli s269-99 EEG. $18.95 $15.88 REG. 25c 2 for 35c REG. $32.50 - $22.88 PINE RECEPTION - $2.49 BRONTE ST. MILTON SUPPLIES 1TR 8-2391 I t t G.E. ELECTRIC 2 OT. CAPACITY KE1TE -- -----$9.99 j' 'qý Cýp FOU S.W. ..ù M COBOP