Da ong U J-tappy' imes OutdoorsWAAS 'We bafi suds thappy timen greattly ncreases lis fun passas ovl al ethrws ncnnIb onldoosswisen1 -as a chut in ltn.Even a sort bome-made jayed by thôse who f a se h sadi ou i hignhady liard. uaiwe have ladder in a splendid pince af oui-tM» alyadWorksn p et pae sa uitIle rooco for play material door eqipmsnt, Sametimes a 0enrhinpra fHlo n for Oui- boyilt Mes.Stuart igli' ciild iti tumble a shotîdist-te P reshern airWesd aithlHn s nd wng cd m~~~~~~-ce. But smatl cildren hasuav tb0 elme aLwul 5But a small chld muat have knack of "falingfimpy"ane United cburch, A film Sometising ta play wltis or lie avoiding grave injuries. -u Mrs. W. Brawýnaidge, assisied shama, giv will wander off!t"lber friend re- If a jungle gym si-ims a ruîbth- by Mrs. A. Harris, presided ut the glimpseso0 plled. ir ambitiaus piece of play eqsip. , maraing scssion, Mis. Broies-. sci-ing tli "Our sand bax la amatI, bat ment, ha sure yo douc*ect a ridlge ascii isvmn 402 unît u cuti by ission the childrtî-c avebusc a îcup uîn swing. Il thcrc is a large t-ca , Ilaworship tu opea the scssion istic i l an if!" illa sti-ong lainer limb, att and a cordial welcamne was ex- subdivision Setme tended la ait by Mns. G. Caul- hiispiials e you need is a stouti-ape and a MARRIEDSetmbr10 oaI ai iet f he local aux- wark hus Every chutla i different. Tise mooden seat. But if yau bave no G race Anglican Cisurcli mai- n ~~rada site of a backyard, tise lacatiofi suitabte tree, yaa can dig bollesa vr.thoghu and climate vary. But if parents sink Imo sîrang pasîs binti ant Mi-. and Mrs. Arthuor Maiyk. - tevoionaî Pem-iod lhragh.uD have money for anly one piece of tisen add rocks and cement ta Heais tise son ai Mr, and Mrs, Mrs. O. M. Brewstser gave a rcîai-y, gaiq play equipmenî, a saxdhox ls make lbem firm. A sti-ong cross Don Malyk, Main St., andthlie mosi inspiiing and upifîing de' sive and il, usaally a gaod cisoice. Keep Il bar can farm lise suppart for ose bride max Bai-bai-n Helen saliosal based on Acîs, chapser c ai-ien t Wn filledl with clean sand with saf- or Ima swings.. Diane Scisi-g, daugisser af Mr. 26, verse 12, mhere King Agrippa, supplemeati ficient digging ulensils within a Perhaps a parent miglit con- andst siFriank Odeipai, Rg g afler listening la Pauls defense, Ai cild's reach. ider a sesati piaybause, same- said "Almasi iliou persuadesme O ca sand-pile lu a neyer failing lbsng only for ltte girls. BalulteoeaChiîa. Wa Mrs. N. Wi source of enjoyesent and a weililial1e boys soon dlaim if as a - se.vnysru-v are me daing about those in Our Toombs pi- buili box wili nos ear ouI or "club-bouse" for lhier gang Oc- churcises tuday who are aimait butl iepful fati apart. tt can be ardered casionatly, tliree or faur cbild: Crest Introduces Cristian?" asked Mrs. Brewster, Viit' and fromt a large sports shap or a de- ien can have a picnîc sapper attl, Many arc, nol far off astI we comers ami parîment store. AlmosI any fa- by lisemseives in thie play-hoase Push-Button Coi or are bere tisaI Christ may be in anization ri tiser wha i is andy ai ts can a a speciai treat. using a ballon for lise colar os and snork lhrough us - ltl us Mis. Van gel specificaîlons and consti-ucî -Ta a smatl girl, a piay-lioase and finish of pint yau mant is be ready 10 wilness for Hlm. WCtlofvs one. A large box can bcasoverî- s a place of encianimeat wlierc the nem service inlrodoced Ibis in c lopitlvi ed mbt a sand container ilb she ian 'keep bouse sseepusg, meek ut Crest Hardware. wiîiihs bi simail seals and an easily adjusî- dussing, setling tise sable, ari-ase- Don Merrili lias installed tise S ~ 1' A l happincss ti ed caver la keep out the ramn, as ime the furniture, jast like molli- Mugi-Cote Colour sysîem ihat S . rP uî's A uuS peuaple. well as slray animaimlio migist er, Sise loi-es la bave a place in means wiîh a posh of a ballon, visit il t nigit, il far lber loy dishes, for bier a tare af a cran k and the Mags- I5ei Amblai ClaSer dolly and lise dollys cloihes. In Cale ausasini paint blender pro-Ne Hi-C I-.roup Simple sand ptaythings, sbov- fuite a different svay from bier daces exactly the shade you Someîhing sew isas isuun added els. waoden spoons, aid siflers brother, se coniiders a Play- anti n seconds. la St. Pauls United Choisis in or caaking equipmenî sucb as a h ouse ose aofitha best lings a The machine bas been testadi len-age organuzaton.Thenw funnel or sieve, and a ian wiîis chit caomn. and proven in counîries araund esti s caled tlis H C gru7 botes panched in the boîîom, Ose af the least expensive the wartd. If made is first ap- meels lwsce wek y Sun sisould al bc kept in a basxai- on pieces af play equipmenî is a pearance behind the Iran Car- morning in the b bh'o s o a sbelf nearby, If la canfusing large cavered bas in whicli are tain as pari af the US. exhibit bible sludv andiTuedayeen g for a small clild ta sit domn is kepî large and small blocks ai ai ibe 29th annual Poznan tnt- in the churci se i he a sandbox amidsî a cloiler of ail kinda and shupes which mY cinational Trude Fair in Poiand. homes aI' lhe membesl'rd- yesterday's loys. be oblained from a tomber yard Throagb precisian dispensing cusioiand unitailtv1 It is goad training for smalt wbere lhey are salit as kindling. and scicnîific formolas, ait cal- At thc tii-stei ng a h chldren la be encauragei tol put Tis raiher adit, unpainîed cal- ors can be perfecîly miseit uni home ol Mi. unit Mrs.HeBa away iheir ptaylhings at the endt lection of mood is mocli mai -ciemathed in a varieîy of fin- Lise ruastihe loIng fies E yc af play imie. Tise sanihoxs sioutit popalar as building malerial for isises M Mertexlid. wcchsnSadaGlbtfo be placeit, if passible, misere illise litile boys lisan the neal - - M-. Mei--itt exlaiseil seei-echfsrnoSa it sili be in the shude duiing tbe "sore" set ai painteit blocks ail icecsien; 'ni-iy C imo bol or in lise laie marning, lise saine size. OnIy Child is Lonely fo e-tsricftay rtll G fl Y bul wili have sonsine eiiher A ltte wagon, a trcv ws clctdiiri- aclor e Giey a -ie le "uook~s are us-s sîcci H early oaiae in the day. An ait- vheetbairaow, war e tu"v rin cundacîcîl thcdevtoa o h i jastabte awing sisade is sert- sîhich neyer lose lhier chai-m A youngstei- who must spenit meetia1. A wie ncr ottpoi- ilmié usefut. foi- the "smul fi-y".« An eni loscit mach imcîîiîhauî pluvmuna est ihe social drin An oIt fashioneit hammock play space s isu.h' ucal thing fori- iis own auc sisaulit bc encoai-- An initaution is xeddI l anîd a sîaedv swiung, orai-a eeter- smalchititren. Sa munnv ai ihem agcd latuit coumpusiuussiip in teen-agers raflliae %t toiler, ai-c ait grand fun. Sa is a gel hai-lis trâgic liaiFie accid- lise books asailable osnlise shu-li-- lier ciiuiciscsgoluin hnu jungle gym, miichis a simply enîs. A ias- chilit i-ns out on tise es ai public, school or cisur h keen ainil i enili% rop cansîracct climiing îappîaratus highav aafer a haillanunie may librai-ies. His Icaciser ai- lie lib' witis four pasîs und it eit round- be knacked dams by el-en a cure. - aiian casiep him la forsi a Inthie psî 10 erfivau eit cross bai-s formigusortaiffatiîdriver. Bal mothers meust faste la-uresiraiste litei-aturi-bv ofy aiCnaitus mineriotu a double gales, il is a mai-sellonswaura iseur chilitres la keep off ssisîing iim a in is sciectiasi. luueaseil [%%o and atlme place la climb unit blance! A the ioad. if tiev are aId eogh Weil t ites books sisal wilil boitn 1959 ieac-hing i-i.( SÏ chutd can si-amble op tisorîly ta bc li-asicitun a sidewalk, lhey a chitits attention miii belp him billion; mnes, cmp[Nm)enl afler hie siarîs ta salk. must be on lise laakout for a car tu develop is a sni-e souries up- slabiliied ai abut Z0109,0 s Later a smal aditer ut one or track backing out ai a drve- (in whlch lie ian rcty for enter- aver use per cen.oth tta end andt a site authlie other may, îainimesî uf Canaiianssiljs.h ~nIWorkshop vjlle Church' ar fruit if He is flot in A musical Interlude wau then ýsbauld be our earn- enjoyed wheai His. Swallow of' that we can influence Lowville sang adeIllui solo, thase who k n fot accmate ae Igrace."c Misioniey Ms.uulan ,,Fim Sown rs.H 'Monaghan, the can- ýeyond fMe Bell" was didate secrelary, autlined the ving mostinislresting need for missionary doclors, ol how the church i s nurses, teachers etc., lhraughout roîighi Ilie world mission fields and unlicî that Al bout', siucni min- the W.M.S. keep this betore the th prairies, in new young people by tlks, films and s, mi sson schoats and allier programs. "Make il your etc. and wtiat greal personat responsibiitly in your ýsbeen accamplished ama communily," stressed Hi-s. iCanada. Monaghan. . Mitîs, lileratre sec The affering was received and ve a mast comprehlen. dedicaîed by members of Car- inleiesiflg coerage of liste auxiliary. A mail appelizing WM.S. titerat arc and luncheon mas then served and tary readiag. Mrs. H. Curtis of Georgetown Amuslng SkIt mas'cd a vote af apprecialian la iimaanily fricndship, the ladies. ili and Mrs. E. C. Afiernaun Session resesîrd an ama'dng Mrs. A. Harris apened thie aI- skiî an "Haw Nul lat ernaon session with a cati 10 "How lu Visit" new- worship and made several an- d thosc whom tise ai-.nauncemenîs. Miss Marion Tham- nighî inlereit. psan, field secrelarv af the Do- nEiciy of Clai-kson minian Board, Ilica looik chargc l sýin , mental patients and the lrst haar lias stscni ia a ad Institutions Bible sludy. laigiaf mach jîîy and Groaps wscic fîirmed and wcrc t lîcsc îîfîîrîîîaîc askcd to sta y Bile page for-20 minuts.Whenas m- on your sysand >ur budget too ou- eyesight a break by letting os instali fluai-e- ghîïng in every location wbere bright-as-daylighî 0 o e,1e c c al11ýe pa ai n dins, tai1 1 l a ons ae a wys prampt and ef eMcPHAIL 6ELECTRIC at e- 66Charies St. TU 89313 MILTON 'Ut Tii@ Cadlmn Champion, Thur., Otbrls,16 bfed, eacls iiadot- ses. guked tc0WE(-Ie wIh tise gB;+ reper obenefit o aprto î~~eue~o ~a reevddurlng the perlod. O Thiu wan followed by a Then foliowed a discussion onl lion and anuwer pet-lad. AIr' carentsloy ook an o- ent felt that more and gas may bl a ntions 1iss Thogépon then clone6 a aedw cnand sesajlax mtl '01ye Most Advanced No-Iron Shirt! With Double the Wearlng Life! Sale in Bleachi extra premiam broadclaîh 1 Na-Iran Shirt by a Famyýth sbexclusive Persan-Tex collai- and caiff double he wearng lfé f your shirt ... resist saiing " Foesylb's impoi-ted extra. premnuiasabmadcloîli n safe in leach. Resists discolaratian. " Exclasive Polar Whit finish stnys white. " Farfased, ar soit collai-s milh Pei-ma-Stays for lasting neatness. " Sanforized lie Wh îie ' Jaat waali... -Drip-drr -' Wearl Litteao n rn'nagreqnurd MAIN0 MINT. 8 9 è in The Heart cf HîltonsI AT CeLHRWR "'o9 OFRGOO] DURING THE FABULOUS GRAND OPENING 0OF (,tW tHARDWARE MAG;I-COTE COLOR CENTRE Bn sure la visil aur aloi-e and sen lise amnzing new Magi-Coîn Aulalint Calaur Bender durinig tbe apening ai aur Calai- Centre ¶LIA AA YOYý MAYSTEA $50 WORTH Or MAGI-COTI PAINT tiHARDw Don Merritt, Authorired Dealer, Own.r 136 MAIN ST., (Ki-br t's here in our townl L-J-UNUITED (0101 SELECTION Now you can cisoose fromt thousands of lovely colora, keyedi ta modern tastes and trends. Get the exact color yau want ta match rugs, drapes, furniture-a,,the Iouoh o a buttent Being in a swalchonfmaerlial- and se'ti snw ynu lise l euliing MAG - COTE machines sl sis-prablema qaiekty-- esiltY . .. iisVenienly. A sebte ni- woserd of deeoating m a g ie l u y a r n t a e n i r- - a n d u s ae t n a d v a n t g e in b e a u t u f y ing ynne hanse! y MAGI - COTE i-atm-a are availullia ny of the fattnwingL finishs - nemi.clîisn bigb glaa, rauser, albyd. liat, ltis-n. teiour haus Paint. Addition af tise Mugi-Cote Calai- Syslem compliments Oui- compinîn Giidden Paint Lin. and makes passible a complet. i-ange af colons and finises for attractive decoi-ating. No A , R E calai- aimai-e thon 1,200 MILTON TR 8-6011 -Don Morritt worth of MAGI1 - COTE Paint v c nom" F - EE mm