Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Oct 1960, p. 13

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Photo oy Lindsay JIII NIB~o f Wrexçler and REari Benttey cf Millen were married ut Strenisuitte United Church eot, etfimr 24 in a doble-ring eeon.lTe receptien wau hetd ut the Mosonic Hall,Streeluvitte, wfsben inner ,;has ter.vedte many gaets f rom this district, Streetsvilile Ceremony Unites Jtjdith Hamilton, Eart Benfley White ccd meuve glacis weYepearls andl sequins, wibh lits plaeed in Streeîssîlle Ulnited point stceees 1-er embroideresi choirch os Saiurday afemnoon, fingerftp lenith veit wus held bv Selemnber 24, for the double- a iera uof sequins and seesi ring ceeremoniy vicb osited pearîs. She eerried eacscde iof Judith HuzeetteHumiliso ncn red and white ruses acd hcby Euri Locksvood Bectly, Tho mums. bride is the daughter of-Mr, and The muid 0 f bonor wsa Miss Mrs. George W. Hamilton of IL, uneRencick, R. R, 4, Aeion, R. .1, Wroseîer, Ontario. The.h groom is the suofn r hate wi>e tbe bridesmcids were Gini A.ofeeiy R .1 Mihlon.'-Wend Lyndu 1-tmltloç -tf Wroset- A. L BenleyR. R 11,Miltn. er, sisiers cf tbe bride. Miss Lise The Res. Paul Field cf Siree- Hamilton, a yoonger sisier, wsu uvilié offtcialed witb Mrs. Lilie ftower girl. Coules cf Streeîsvitte playing tbe The metd cf bonor wore olive orgen. The soloisi wes Miss nlncifn hl h Margaret Devidson of Actue wbo green nlscifn ht b sang Tbe Lords Prayer end 0 bidesmaids store meuve, They Perfeel Love,.score swhite fecîber ceups, sthile gloses and shues, and cree Crrted Roses w-ile mums. The ftower girl, iii The bride wes given in r-r maîtve nylon, crried swhite niage bv ber faiber, and chose e mums. gown cf white siik organza over Bruee Barber, Aton, wus tuffele and net, feaîurtcg a groomuman; ushers stere Reilb bouffant skirî, ils sealtoped MeKescie, Milton and Jim Lis- neckline emnbroidered with seedi ter, Hornby. iiP*Ïià 17 WEPD1NO a t Hcly Rcsary Rectory, Miton, saw Jane McCarthy cf 98 Lydia Ave., Milton, become the bride ef George Jackson, RR. t, Milton. Father Guttagher performed the double ring ceremcny. Jane McCarthy1 Geqrge Jackson Exchange Vows On Septemnber 17 in Moty Ros- ary retory. Rev. Father Gallcg. ber beard the weddisg sows of Elizabeth Jase McCrtby and George William Jackson. The bride, a bookkeeper ai Milton Lumber and Coul Co. Ltd., is the duogbter cf Mr. and Mes. Edwurd McCarîby ut RR. t, Markdale. Tbe groom, who lises ai RR. 1, Milice and is a Hulasn Co-Opere- lice Supplies emptoyee, is the son cf Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Jack- son of R.R. 1, Hilshurgb. Thc bride wore a sreeî lengtb gowe of white sitk organcu wilb a fited bodice, the fuît skirt were ocer a crinoline. Her sholder- leegtb Veil ut embroideeed sel was heid in place by e seed peurl cormet*e She carreee a wie pru- yer book wilh a casca de ut red ishter Attendant Mer sisien, Miss Bernadette Mc- Carlby, was mid cf bonor weur- ing a ciet en eetbgcwn cf tur- quoise bise'sisor ga cu with- whte accessories. fer ftowers were white rowebuds. Bruce McCrthy of Mrkdele, the bridesbrocher, wus grooms- A receptios wus heid ut Huw- thurne Louge. The couple tf t ce a trip toe Ossiere Ontario, and for tgrf rie the bride wore s two- p fi ebge suite witbt chocolate- bavus accessories and a corsage of Teisynan rose buds. They are- î4alht their beige ut 310 Mais , Mflte., Guesîs ellecded tbe double-ring ceremosy from Mrkdale, Ifitis- burgh, Tborebury and Milice. Biljde 5bowered A sorprise kitchen shower wus held for the bride on Augusi 24 ut the home ut Mes. Med Pew- trets. Muety tovety gif îs were re- ceived. A li en shoscer wes held un Seplember 7 ut the hume of Mrs. Doog Derby, given hy Mes. Derby and Mes. Frank MeNiven. Bouquets of mauve and pick gadis, pick and white streamners decorated Streetss-itle Mesusie Hait where disner wes served tu guests from Dunduik, Wruseter, Streetsvitle, Shethurne, Turouto, Hurnby, Erns, Nous-et, Atswuod, Nesery, Ericetele, Oaksitte, Mil-1 tue and Actun.1 TIse.bride, mohet reei-ed sceuring a beige and brosi ik mette jersey dtess mitisa cout sage of bruonze mums. Receeisig for the groom. Mtrs. Annie Bus more Pate blue brucade accru ted with lace and sshite aecessuties. The brides gotsg-ewe'y Cost- umne wus te meusve acrneetitb swite feufber cap, wehite erres-i sortes and ftosrers.1 Mrs. Campbett Wilson andl Mes. W. J. Ker were bostesses for e miseelîneous uboscer ftu* tbe bridte os September t. Women Discuss Bazaar Project The Gsîod-Wttt group o f St. Peul's WA. ofthte Unitedt shereh hetd thir opesing Fatt meeting et tbe bume of Mrs. A. G. Mac- Neb sitb anecouregiof st- tendance. Miss Mvrtte Fietdaet is at litting dee-stion, tutiossetiby the serteetars',s report esn bttsitt- Tbe proteet of seting besti- notes wtith tbe beautitut pitole ofet ibeebreb un hem sasetis- cusdas weil as tbe turtlscom- icg bezear ancd other uminf j.vents of icterest lu tbe group. Gemes and deinty refresb- ments ctosed an enjoyeble meet- ing. MW., Mrs. CfmrIw R. -Dowlc>igFieon To Mbko Hffiom.Jin ftod,» 5pd~ekrieIy acd give rcs A doutylemrIez ceremosy aI Tbe imne you take mey cave Crists Church, Ciarkson, United A Chrstmas lice wtt! eut flancyorhoe cn mertage Sbirley Anse rwnu if kepi standing Ie weîer. yo oe and Cbarles Richard DeLong Tbe bride is tbe daoghter .f r, and Mrs. William Harny Brown, 1548 Soutbdowc Robid, Clarkuon, r74 e formerty oMiton. Tbe grooms - parents are Mr. and 'Mrs. Char-! les DeLong, 7 Creekide Lane, - - Roebester, New York. - - - White gtatds andsiwite ehrv- atnthemeîm-, sformeettbe settisîg as [lie Rer. Robhert Oiver, Clark- soi, 'l'cardhe ts nSattîte lay attet-tîtton, September 24. Mrs. E. Bites, Port Credit,, tlayed tbe urges and ueeom-ý pesird Miss Mitree Witson, Mit-, ton, wbo sang "Tbe Weetdisg Hymn uanît"Tbe Voire tbat Breatbed G'er Eden." Frost d Brocade Tbe brides priseess style svltz-lengttî goscs wes of frout- est wite brueude, the V-seeb- ise eserusted witb seeti peurîs,- und tircer-quarter lengtb steeves. Her sbouuder tengtb s-eu of tuile ip W--stofafubrhagrn ld fthth illusion ws ca etbya rown W meL fHlsug, rn ayo h ih ut seed peaetgbtOby er whhtrse entry ut Milton Pair, won the rpad race, ose cf the Bibte sbe cartirelswite orrhids cloing eventu of Saturduyus fuil fuir program. Miltos ftreman andt stephanolis. Murray Cornie, ose of the hoack supervisors, hotds the horse for the driver ut the comptetios cof the race. She ted the field Maielof tisser secs Miss Mer- and rounded the track in1t,09. tenu Cttapmats ot Burtisgtsts tubs> score catcattleegtb gîtu-I of wose-tislet tatieta witb as sîtetid sasb mtebisg violet hecelpier et dsboes. Sbe cr- riel yetto shsitamunis. Tîte hriîtesmcid, Miss Racttel- groom, wure at sitair suelte- tengtb fou-nin or d talfeta wsitb scsh ins ssuud violet, mateh- ~ isg urebid becdpiece end sbues.- Her bouquet lias eomposssd ut s yeituwsc sastet titims sitb swite hîttion munis. Brother là;Page The tristes brotber, William D E Arhur sîsîvis - eteelas page. The etherstî-eîe William Cbitds, HaLmiltossi, anal Peter Campbelt, Toronsîs. GLeSeS erre preseni frîîm Hamiltosn, Toronto, Rochestet, Miltton, Winghani anet Ottaws, andl tttes-rteneted ithir hestneal eao urhs tishes ithtb5receptton is the pX- An ney saon po chas Merigsstd Roum at Christs Chtie- qP e F ne que opmCU cth. For the occasioîn, the brides%ce htm ntstbrsssse aciasetteer peau setsleles to hoose fom in soie gusen %i lbscîsset islet tlsta(s-$1695 value. sage ivnss.stctîng lunes. The gro«om's msitîeî chose isor the LADIES' HI4BULK ocaina glatin ut mauve sitk seih m,îiehingeseccessîriet anet a corsge f vllo roes.CA RD II Aler et iotevmoîntlu Aigus- qutini Park, the couple witt make lImre in issît a nî See lite 551 ibeir bume is Rochester, New ILS' LINED o* tiesCe petla aîdies' hi-hetb Yuork. Th*I ere isa mide coebof t sies 1 M ç ~in t artets il knîîs. Vue tll it WNuRI IXCEILENCI l5 DUBNBA&U BE ASSURED OF PERFECT QUAt-ITY AND BRILLIANCE. 184 MAIN ST. M 1L TO0N fo r.. i zt ou Cottus coctîîrus-lisscs sîsiii Cýhoose l - insplaîtn co,ît orît-l 0igi.B i %%It.l,ls SH île green- Sues 7 s.. 14. The(%rpp 2.98 PR. An'vv. oL SOYS> CORDUROY i eî JOAN SETS Lite boy'ja l l ar s *8 Sial ETn l * BOYS' FLANNELETTE PRITE I PYJAMAS HEADSQUARES * Smarît conîtîssisisr pv - A %v -erage f rad ta lstli a iamis rbv la ,,vs Ili ot- designs i hsseil p * ehton nleitti lîss uIt Ix- _e goil , Ik c tu 12. Reg. 2.9f tailte. SPECwiesîettAibes l 2.271R __ a Tt Cafnadlhn Ch.rnplcn, Thurtday, Octotihr 6fh, 1960 1 tihe workn agat1 This tbne il's apple bcssomn urne te the fait ana lu prove it,, Hianry Pnudh9m, ILR. 3, Camp- heilcitie broîqahi the Chamspion staff s few b ranches with new Snw apples togethen wills eew biossomu, Tuesday. Someone bad better nudge Natinre beceuse in the pasi feci weeks ibis nesspep- e haîs ptiiîrîla vreiv in ,ealP hallt agi ictîttîsît. Sassîs, Ile apv ae tsi ounîtistutev, maissly lie- ceuse teytuerecrtets-vet-y lcsty fo, 1', was neported ihat Clore Houston cf Mili St. picked twb pints Of r4spberrtes ce Monddy and enother offietel taster rr. Ported'-tbey were "very gbod>. SALES LT!>. Fras vraw - Rsfmehesonts OPEN BOWLING THiANKSGVING MNJGT MNONAY, OCT.I* At 7 P.M. MdAL PURIAI 1 CAR COATS s12-88s e enobles us f0 offer these car coats ut sud, a low low n that sssvether rsisat, in panfin ish orcoded. Fully cuifs. Trimmed with fur fabric on colar and pocket.Two ishadles ot brown, grees, beige or sand. S ces 10 to 20 MANS te setectisîs k cardigans. sandi culot s tisI the lice 7.95 te 10.95 ýG PULLOVIRS ~' t- cshg npull t rnt Chu c fon , op nek1, o ur 1 ie,k to', w SeuIle, 7.95 tîT FUI FABRIC Eser popular lur Fatt andI Wtt tetete tiî ths fine qeatity fer fabrie Ooats Ltt-e bard lu telt tutt tbe teat ttîg. Cbose ttts)m ptain or persias type. Sonme tuti tur cuitais. A %svite range out r o cbouse t rîet -Sires 1tst20. 35.00 te 59.95 Utual 50e - 75c Voilu. MEN'S REG.2398 HandkerdIefs PYJAMS Hais fin quaiv S is Qait p raba o 50c ad 75 t k I SfM ( 3 r ice L e2 8 8 P r . -BOYS, bineqmenu ,Aýtftgrized beatier, Owner MILýTON, ONiTARIO TEi4OIýfl DUFFLE COATS Gel sel foi- Winirstee siîoîne utfIse stsetîs dut-ttc rîlis. MaeI eîm asti stîss tle> icls unîtl liiitestttlitttîtitirsising. Sttsnicolits. Some sutth spliti rollaîeisîsîss. A wsisteî,sss- ut' eutîes andssîtsî ts tIo ctsîs r tssi. Pick vîlees iodas. 14.95 tii 16.95 MEN'$ WARM FLANNEI. SHIRTS Heres acorltitn Ilennet shirt itiais extra wat-t. Made eotîs igosi quaîity c-lt tIl innel inca goouîleengeulîas andîPatterns. Stock up.1wai ihis lî pce. Stees Smalt, Mrît- ium and Laege. Sec ilsese toey in ftice Me'ss 2.98 EACH MAIN ST. 1K 8-9261 «In The Reort of Raitou' - MEN'S SWEATERS Oneir sets Peli stock ha, titi arhdandseltehath e sI test aned ts the exes 1in n ei's sweartees. Clissîse 5,11o, s tîtes iIeîaît Buikies, ssatgs csîd snisssllt knits. W,îîl, îorlosn, sîr B.în-lssî. Ptut-vrets-iesst-ith le t r necks. Psîpîlaseecar- dligsans in nîîsrtîv streses. Ail the seasllnslnsts Ieîstet ut utsrs Chsîsîse fîtîtt -Se-r he- utda ad ts vus 5les EU HOLIDAY WEEKEND SPECIALI Y 1 --W El Fr E, Iýs .rdý

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