7 tt- T6h Gaitiailgahawpntpç, I(siumi.y, Gtoer 61h, ffle Wr are pirased ta repart Mrs. R. Marshall, King St., ha re- turned home from Hamilton boa- pitai ant isjerecoveriegfrtom ber leg oiperalion. Douglas Newton af RMM. 1, Mou-vhs-.fiesa 10Winnipeg last werk to he groorasman for bis brother, Harry C. Newton, raha mas briag maraiedt 1 Miss Helen Mark pf Winnipeg. He ralurned home Turstiuy evaniag. Ontario Ptoieg Match dir ai- or RItimes-L. Hial teft SoLiy for the International Ploinp Match ut Springfield, Elgie County, near Ayimer. On Tues- dus- George Smann of Mitov headed for the match 10 hegiv bis yeariy sig-painije chore. Match dates are Octoher hi bo 14 and ou the Wedarsduv, Haret Reid of Horahy iii compete en the furrora quean campatilion. M. and Mas. L. Barube and famits-, Elmmood Crs., ultendeti the silver edding unsiveasars- of M. Beruhes parents, Ma. anti Mes. A. Berube. Toronto, on Sue- day. There serre 12 grundehitti. ren and Ibrea great grandehilti- reu present, a fourt graI grand. chilti heing bore 1he same ays. It mas aiso Mr. A. Bruhes hiribday. The mues- friands of Mrs. A. Domnu, Bell St.. iii ha soras- 10 heur she is a patient in Milton District Hospital. Me. and Mrs. Frank Loomis sud famils-, Wrsîhiil, Ontario, viajîrd ut the home of Mes. Lao- mis' parants, Ma. anti Mas. Cor- don Farlora, Matie St., duiug the Mlton Fir meakenti. Mr. and Mes. Haras- Cool-con and fOnis-, Thomas Si., tteadeti the Fergos meddivg on Saluraos of their grantison, Gardon liaris- af Bramapton. The groomn'-,mc- ther mas Eus Caulsan, foameain- ,of Milton. AeV Pers U There is i Chiidren deight je the simple I gifts of nature and t asueursy age ihes- fied mter a monderfuly plus- materiai. Il bas great r cbarm, especialis- durieg thebe marr dus-s of summer but euen ha enjos-ed ans- ime of the s-aur.M Bath time is a jatis- time antia an aider brother or sistea can i ofte make attractive ftoativg boys of soap, moati or sponga f rubbrr for the vers-itulle chiti. s Pre-sebooi childrs iii enjos-d convertief sorar empis- mlvut huif-shetis mbt a fleet of bcîts. Fiesi glue a îooîhpick for maisp je an uprighl position, and usa a tins- triangle f rahitelappr c for a sit, If Ima chitdrav ara piayiug thes- eue c.or their mats iîh cruyos-outio differevi shades, anti have a race la sac raho cue blor alai the sailieg boats je their easy crosa the bath first. Ca Oeupy T Plus- mitb mater eue oflen ac- caps a yoaeg son or duugtcr rahile parents ara hus- mitb athea t tasks. If dati bas a painting job9 undermas- oudoors, Junior cn ea h handeti a plû t fmaier anti a big paint braah anti 6e iii br quile happis-"painting" a faner or thea haak stepa iih mater. On masb i maesieg, moiber eue suggrstc dllas cloîbes mas- 6e dirîs- taap anti she eue provide ber saui daughtar mith a basin, marra soapy muler andi a uitile scrub hourd. A lom lina of heaass string anti mieiture doit eiotb- ru pins ii deligbl a uitile girl raho mania la bang op ber douas mash. Bloiag buhhlas bas umuard chiltiren for mui es-srs. A drap of gis-arive beipa 16e peaces. anti if no bubble pipes are avait- able, driekiug strasmas- ha useti. On a marm dus- a group of childeen cas have a lot of fan je the baak yard mitb a hulilae blamlng competitian. The equip- ment je ineupeasive. a bomi of eaiaps- mater anti a driekieg sdram for each ahilt-the plastie kinti ast longer than the maxeti paper but muaI be starilizae eb ime after thes- are aseti. Relreahlng Pun On a vers-bol dus- ciideev mihi beg o be allomadti l rue througb the falliig draps feora a spray base sel up je the yard. If thes- are je hatisg suila anti there la a ime limit on this uc- tivits-lit can be refresbieg. Somne motheru keep tisjuau un occas- lonal treatjut befare mneal times andi combine washing bauds anti tare viîh cbanWgo ut of bath- hWs site Into chthes, ,aear mhdng pools matie et p csi for fiey tais have ha-, come 4uibé popuhar. Same am- bibi fate.-,have canstrueteti a ahahiawconcete wadingf poooh socàd /Vied EV MRS. LIL HOUSTON Congratulations 10 Me. anti Mra. A. MaTeur, Kiegsteigh Ct., rabocerlebratati their 21s1 meti- ding anniversars- Saturaus, Oct- aber . Mr. Frankt MaDuffe frora Osh- amu bus bren visiief for brcea raeeks autihe baome of bis bru- 16cr, Mr. anti Mes. Dicit Me- Daffe. Miii St., lso ritb bis brother. Haras- MeDuffe of the saine atidreva. Miss Fapacas Stevenson, a Un- itedi ahurdc missiovars- frora ha- dia stho bas bran on fuaiough, visitedti aibMa. anti Mas. K. Poster anti faraits- Charte-c St. Misv Sevenson aed Mra. Poster ulteudedtih1e WelaundAve. Unit- edi chuecb mbere Miss Sîteensoe wassguasi speaker. Cangratulatioes ta Mes. Erai;- Oliver, Brovie St., mho cerebrul- cd ber Sisi biritidas-September 24. Frientsi. n Miltonsisb bier Weil. A surprise biritidas-parts mas heitiin bancr of Mes. A. Grahamra aI bar honte. Maie St..lIn Soc-i ardu... Ocichar i. Ail enjosati a gooti lime. Congratultlions ta Ma. anti Mas. G. MacNab. King St..sshc calebratedti hir 451h tiasîdinju annisasrs Thuastiav, Saptera-1 bar 29. The mans- friand-c ut Mas. H. Hopkins, Thomas Su., seul bc pieusadti 0ora - he bsc e curneat home aller bing a pat- ient in Milice Distriet Hospitalt.i Congratu lations 10 Mr.a. nd Mes. M. Clore of Paras Sound. foameais- of Miton, ss io caieb- rateti thaira sus-ca sedtiivg anni- tarsars- Scturticu, Septeraber 30 Ma. anti Mes. Ken Teustiel anti sou of Toronto %i iteti )ver the su-ekensi ai the home cf M. anti Mas. K. Teastiel, Milec Su. @tsg aI M~agic in Water PIay by Nancy Cleavor far thLir pre-schoot ehilti hs-s apling i natrcrationfuir a bock yardi ssimmng pooli or cana mental pool. Bu ac cemaust ha 10kmn bat il i.. nul 100 deep anti provision muai ha matie lirtahe mater beivg changeti raguiscris anti if necs-sans- eeicats otiseci lo bcep il fresb. One famils- matie a tins goiti fisb pool in a shati sapotîunt tomne boshea s- a inkieg a suati dieep paeaervivg baIlle in the groueti. Stones anti ëanti r placati in on 16e hottora ci 16e brIlle anti a fe araasaea plants an- eborati thara. Haif astoen amati svaiis anti four saitgolstlisb asere the occupants cf chus pool. Goldfish Show Av ouldoor lap for a ho-cemac an the malt abave il andti ius it %a easy tladuttia ltta fresb matar as 16e maier esaporateti. The mater planta anti seuils kept the mater front beeomieg laivitid The lttae son anti stughter iv ibis famils- lovadtu 10 atch 1he goidfiab anti mearullamedtiul feadti16m traice a meait. Watar is peeciaus iv mues- parts of 16e moniti. Evan il il is abond- ant rabere me lice, ltls vol laka il fan granîrd. Il hasmonderfol chitti. Thare's magie iv mater plus-t Items for this social arma coi- uîmn arr st'ccm. cd. Cati Mcs. H-oston ut IR 8-9284 Saililg Ocioher 18 la make ihair home je England again are Mr. and hirs. J. Smith ad daughter Sheila of Main Si. Thrir frientis in Mittanmish ihem bon voyage. Mr. and Mas. W. Heymood anti famils-, Elmmood Crea.. ara sait- ieg for Engiand Toesday, Octob- ar 18. Their friands in Miltas msh thara avai. Misses Charan and Salis- jef- fanaes of Areprior visiied oser the meekeet i utihe home ai Mr. ansi Mas. C. Daileiah, Elmmoosl Crac. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Potier,' Charte.. Si.. hase raluraed home alter a ibrec day holiday last seeek. Mr. Jeff Ambroise ha.. ratorn- ed ta ise je Miltan fiar a montha bholistas- jeEngiand. Jeuf raiti mark in Haitoît Hcaith Clin- ic frontra Davitta. Res. and Mrs. George Kelly ai Toronto, farmerty af Lcmville, celebraîrd their 40th medsieg c.enisersury ai a dinnar in Man- tir Rcad Unted churcit gis-en hv chir family. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hci bottemaere guecîs. Mrs. Eva Bateh ai Simcce spent the mebaend riîh Mr. ansi Mrs. Robert McMotten St. saita attending the McMuiten Aition svadting on Saturtios. Miss Estelle Ford. Regu. N., ofl Toronto visileti miîh Miss irene Dcsvnc, attedtng Milton Fait and at-cc ssitiug relatives and irieads an the district. Mis.. Mona Price. sister ccl Mrc. MdaîJurai-,, R. R. t, bac re- officia] informatioin chat ,c h bawaon ber Master ci Art-c egîceaai the Unci%-t.it c iMîc igan. St. Paufs Auxiliary Urges Togetherness Mîcc M. Haime at.hcccess Io St. Faul.. Auxitisîrs-recels. M rc. G. MecNah opevad tha necîcug ith a proverh "God. uili aoc scek ihy raceanoiack hvb irfib, fHeonts- aili siemanci cl [liea sahat thau' bast dune o -arib." Mirs. Harboîta ercporîed %37755 etic ite Presbtteri,'tiTruccir- e r.Mrs. Mezis argedasi[mit t cars 10 reasi the -icdt hbooks. SePiembar 26h satset lic pack for Dsersi.. Reliai. Tua desotionat conccrvcs theb starc-of tha lama man asutha pîool cf Baibastia. and is nced. Togethernes Miss Hume gacve an interesîing introduction lu the studs- book, "Int ailtihe Woald Togelter." Christ calted the rabote chuacb co share the rabote task siîh Hira. The Itnastioneal Council cf Churche-cencouragecchuarchles lic (lo logeiber sebal vo one chars-b can do atone, iv tha lials i esangetism, healivg. helpinju the needs-. Mrs. MacNah ciosed the meel- ceg riih a hanadiclion. Retre..b- ment.. marc served and a sca baîf houe folomed. -Local rinisîcas J. L. Grahacm, J. K. L. McGome andi D. A. Pîcw- etl havaeha gun asligiaus insrc lice clu-c-c e-makiy Ion Milton public schocl grade cigbi dou- dents. -Thera mu.. ce ccv the puddles and indsbicttis Tuacdas- morv- ing. PROCLAMATION Whereav fi ne tovues are ivcreasivg yeantp anti raereas ecovamia anti horanvitarian coiieratiovu demand ihut improveti fire preenvion meesures be untiertaben to pavent Iis masie i berebju procla ra the raeek af Ociober 9 ta Ociaber 15 FIRE PREVEN1IQN WMI IN THE TOWN 0F MILTON anti urge ati reideuts to akie abatever pnecsuiioaus possible îa preveat fines befare they bappen. TOWN OF MILTON SYDNEY CMILPS Mayor Milton, Hornby Guests Present At Elliot Lake Vows Sept. 17 Miltonu andsiKstiîit restienis Don Mitchell. a fricesl cf the iavelicti cp tutha Hols Ttinity groom.' ,st..ha hast man -andt Unitedi chutrcb int Eli"Iit Lake ts.herscee .Ket Haggartandtît Lake. Septenîher 17, lftr the nttccctBtll Paltrott. wedding utl Marîtti s Kattlieen Dinner Rereption Bies- a icrmer Mitîtnian andt Robert Ceot f aPttcn. The dinnet receptisîn ws elbes ai the Towsîe sacîci Councty Uti Ttte Ras'. on Campbell pet- up Rîcco ctFaiul lLake.. Nîttdit fcrmied the cluube-ring cuet-îHoHutel. 'lltite " lol e ccussallitlatleccrc(It ittk andts Is.lle 6liguesî..ttîî bel whbtie glaisutoli. Mcs. Jeatn R stc.ell iascgbîr, sire:sestintt . tt piese %\a litIle ttpttt. .tppe green checksitessssitlita PubliaclIealth Nurser sulajue tf teds taeitlea.t The bride ltttm Ettici Lauke t.. The gructuni..motiet tecececilo he laccher ici Mr. ansI Mi.ut-..ri oîtjunes ina u n btîio Calvsin S. Baties ut Holtburitt catie dress aeib a i cajecti andti setrks a-,il cpublie beattbpinb Swaetbeari ruses,. lu ot Ile llltîtprctnent Dis- The bride'.. rautels-na sictaîtute rcI Rut liai Lake. The groom ae.i,.ttla ictndnia fram Ellict Lsake K .the sotn ofcourt u sîit at*br.cpia-ae su Mr. and Mrs. J. Mac-s n PatîctîtchcsuiiesTh eit secgreetacs of Aliston and wcks ;il Cvav itsi ThtîaetsstttcttIra% scgb.. Pbscumscs..ittc littLake. tht s\%L, kAlter t1iteir o The bride sscîe a futtit iitng mstîtîîMi. anti Mi. l'arîionitsilI lace, enriched wiib a scccop Lake. neeblitte ai ins' vseeti peais. A Ouri ongeý,amIot mathar of peccri liaa eliiheu ttci tt, Iýnftîecii..ctvelttr ecss i engîh %cil ci cheer nîin BiindsiNccuAJlicciciti d Tict ontc, n plae. Sbe cried ai bouquet lo h rd ,aeaitco utl triciing piccitansi tsiitescar- Minigi uScolandclia i natins. petii t a ic i Llio-i t.ke.ctlier Fîcensiofitha brisde, Mrs..Bei- jocli.elîiehuiidiat1-c 54Siî.ct tV Moor a a rron tc arrot ,c t cie uccI . cci T. ansi LitîclsBailestha brides, aicce, ws a.bridesmid. The brid- Cue't'.'iuta Milton tueeMi. ai attenanseismre goraned aubke -aci Mi..Georgec1i.. llittît. Mi. in calice baraw it tipeing 115 lin Fi Mri, ciF tanb Sî....îcîî.Irs ton oser tattit, siccentesi bv aJeo lil- ad - nkSý-i captivt aiaf bossin tha hacb. They carriaci yrlowand awhite -A choiti.. becnpicuisciis-alc 'mb ig hast aKit.cth i.i chbl END MEAT WEST EN MARKET WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN THE PRICE WE SERVE THE EAST END, TOO ROSS HOLMES,' PROPRIETOR DIAI. TR 8-6501 RIGHT AROUIMbI E Along the line of smaky hisi izatian ta, enJoy nature aitlits . . . the crimson forest stands hast. This year we stayed at a . . . and ait the day the blue jay iodge. It was manderful, no catis . . . throughoui the autumn meals ta prepare, no djshas ta lands . . . mati, the bluc juy dojual sit and eujoy all the didn' ut P in an appearance but service. Il cerrainiy makes sou cs'eeoriaiciy sc thie ceira-colt cppreciate coming itome ansi foret cin alils..laming beaut.v. doing housesvork again. Last weckend me spent a fet Spirits tindampeeed slavs je Muskoka naar Hunts- Sunday tl pourad raja but aur villa, a holiday umay from civil- spirits merenst dampenesi. We as-vdanned aur rajecualts and drave jasa Aganquie Park. The color Eiguio the park and in the Auxilary lans park itself (aven je the rai uxlular Plans u tiWr cauld imagine Bazaar Doul be like on a Ba a r D n e right, sonny day. Si. PauaisUited Church Wtt. The boys mare thrjlied wiih mue's Auiiiry bad ilis firsi tha deer mhich me sam in sevar- meting of tbe auuumn quartar ut places alang tbe yvay. The ast wcak in tha church bouse.. dear mare very tame and wauld Tha Goodwiil Groop mas tei corne right up lu yau toakieg charge ai the devotional and re- far food. fresbments. Park Museume The devotioîtai service mus Wr aiso vjsited the Museum je .:oaducted by Miss MYrîle Field. the purk rahere the big attract- The major pttrtion ai the meet- ion mus tha puraupirte. Tbe ng mas citant in planning for the boys bad bren îtkieg about tbe unnua bazar on November 5. verdies and whaî bappened if Plans mare aiso compiaird for bhey îostcbed a parcupina. They caiering to the Mens Club dlin- mere inlaresird ta uec whut ana ner on Ociober 5 aed the sactor reals iaoked ljka. plansuper o Ocober26. Untes hera la a severe frosi Ait Unied cborch scomen marc, or a lui of raie. the cubar this cordiaily iet ted 10 jotin and meekcnd sbauld s5h11 ha 'beauti- scorh mtîb thts acttse and friand- fui. If yau enjay nature, a trip 1Y orgaication. ta Hliburtan ar Maskaka wauld, ha watt worthmbîle. Jurs RWW sou Th.kgiving this meakend a andi ailthoph ewitaturne Fetd ,,Dithwy to rat lurkey and pumpkjen Relaivs, nc.ghbours and pie. Irs- ibis pumpki hfo 1irie nd..stiied ai Mrs. Robert Big- gai s honte(on TIbsday, Septera- her 29, Iolit e.îed their hast t ihes oattheaocc asion of ber ittt;ist. She caceisesi a teeaam -ilcogrtuaton fom thlR i Jr Que-ilý <tlgrataiso ds m ha A R _,fotm Leslie M. Frtost, John Dtittltti).ket andi tom ihe Rec% ,)lTilaig.r Ttwnsltip. A tramed LMi your dortatiori pliaque isctg lt atioicnsan iotd sishes oas aso reccive fîctt Pt iatment Buildings, Tor-frteg Radia Tape A t ipeet,ît om the Oak- matde tat.tpc tsoîtirna utlhi..in- tciîwiîh Mrs. Biggar. Sbe ,cseitedltîcotltcen oses frmAT6.31 Vais.. Cciteeclitce ,tndl t beasa lt biitiî cake makebhv the Setîtit iBaker%, Otailie. O AY OC Mcc. Bigga rieceit-etimues' b au quel,.utc andi5t ct rdaîîd SUocardf. ~..a LAST WEUK OP REVIVAL SERVICES INTERNATIONAJ.EVANr»iUST REV. W. RQURKE Jr. SEPTEMBER 27 - OCTOBER 9 TUESDAY TNRO$JGH FRIDAY 8 P.M. SUNDAYS il A.M. - 7 P.M. FR16AY 8 P.M. DIVINE HEALING SERVICE HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH OPPOSITE OLD FOLKS HOME ON 25 HIGHWAY ALL WWELCOMI Only ygii will know it's fot from your onoe You'il be happy sers ng Jackseon a engredient. .. and take the camte ta s-aur gueule The fiavour r are ticat yau do ta your 0500 freshneu2 andi honesgoodnes ktchen. ____________ ouid please the fineut aaok. There'u nifatary.matiet That' eca - e stehR 2s . HOME by Shirley pie ln place of the conventianal pm 5~0chiffon Pie i baked 9-inch pie shahl 1 tahiespoon gelatine Vcap ettîti ater 1 3 cgg soiks test CLP sugar iV4/ caps cstnved pumpkin 7 ½V cap milk !/4 tsp, sait ci lsp. cienaman i/c lsp. nuteteg (aptianal) > 3 egg rahitas !14 tsp. sait ic cap sugar Souk getatine in cald wuter. Beat eilg yolks slighuly, Iben add nent 6 ingredients. Cook sud stie these ingredienîs over bat mater unîl they are thick. Stir je the saaked geltine util il is dis- satved. Chili. Whip the egg whites and !/4 lsp. sait until stiff. Whrn the pompkin miv- tuec beges ta set, sir in haîf ic=at sugar and fold in the egg ,,bites. Futl pie shaît. Chili pie f ur several hours. Serve it gar caished with whipped cream. Deadline Extend-ed In Scliool Coirses Officiais nf the Wetlton Night Sahoo have noted an error je an- plication forets for ibis minter's icourses. Twa tailaring classes arc tistect. and oe of these should bave bean a tathareraft claus. 1 Due 10 the error, applications ifar leathercruft wili sîjîl be re- 1ceived uutii October 12, secretary Mrs. tim Johnson raported. b. a Thank*sgtvinig if of sight IBLITZ 30 P.M. rOSER a241 1960 - ---------- - -- ---