I .- Much, tLrgr T'i Ùsu: Ertry Rpre In Flower, Plant Ctue at Milton ai A much larger than sueol en- try was reported ln the fllawers1 and plants section at Hilton Pair on thse weekend wlth ex- hibits occupylng a large section1 of tise geandstand display build- ing. Gladiolus entries were down titis year. however. Gladioli, one shade, Mrs. G.à Coverdate, Mrs. N. R. Richard-t son. Silverwood W.. gladioti( mixcd caniettes, Silverwood W.I.,1 Mrs. N. R. Richardson; gladioliz arranged for effect, Mrs. F.1 Smith, Mrs. N. R. Richardson:1 gladioli nameai specimen, Mrs. GCoverdale.1 Dahlia display ose variety. Mrs. R. W. Dredge, Mrs. F.( Smiths, Hatton Chapter O.E.S.: dahlia display ns variety, Mrs.1 Fruit Entry Low Blame Season Officiats blame the pane 8mow- ing. scason for the tow nomber of entries in the fruit grunine class at the Miton Fair ns Sat- urday. Delicious apples, Mes. W. Clarksoh., R. R. , Miton, R. Bousfield, R. R. 2, Milton; Mets- tosh apples, Mrs. W. Clarkson. R. Bousfietd; Spy apples. Mes. W. Carksnn, R. Bousfietd; Grcening apples. Mes. W. Clark- son. R. Bousfictd; Wealthy ap- pIes. Mes. W. Ctarkson Snow appirs, R. Bousfictd; Caurtland apples, Mes. W. Ctarkson, R. Bousfietd. Show Fes Anu pears, Marilyn Sher- wnod. R. R. , Burlinglon, R. Bousfield; Sheldon p-ars, R. Bousfietd; Barttett pcaes. Mar- ilyn Shcrwaad. R. Bnusfield, T. J. Brownridgc; Keiffer pears. R. Bousfield, Marilyn Sherwond. Grapea, Plunas Prune ptums, Mes. W. Clark- son, R. Bousfield; Grand Doke ptums. Mes. W. Ctarkson, R. Bausfietd; Reine Claude pluma, Mes. W. Clarksas, R. Bnusficld, Mes. W. R. Norton. R. R. t, Georgetown: rcd grapes, R. Bnusfietd. Mes. H. Burkbotdcr. R. R. 2, Buringtnn, Mes. N. R. Richardson, R. R. 2 Buetîngton; whitc grapes, T. J. Brownridge. Mes. N. R. Richardson, Mes. B. Granger: blue geapes. R. Bous- field, Mec. N. Burkholdér, Mes. N. R. Richardson. G. Coverdale, Mrs. G. Balleyi Mrs. R. W. Dredge. Bakets, Vases Basket other than gladioili, Mrs. G. Bailey, Mrs. G. Cover- date. Halton Chapter OES.; pe- rennial basket tlsree colora, Mýs. G. Bailey, Mrs. N. R. Richar .d- son, Mrs. H. Burkholder; vase of blue and gota f lowers, Mrs. G. Coserdale, Mrs. J. Littycrop, Mr. N. R. Richardson; basket mixed annuats Iree varieties. Mrs. J. Uillycrop, Mrs. G. Caverdalç, Mrs. G. Bailey. Chrysanthcmums, Hatton Cha. pter O.E.S., Mrs. G. Coverdale, Mrs. N. R. Richardson; asters onec cotor. Mrs. N. R. Richardson, Mrs. G. Coverdale, Sitverwood W.. asters variety tof colors, Mrs. G. Coverdate, Mrs. F. Auck land, Mrs. N. R. Richardson; Winter bouquet for cnffee table, Haton Chapter O.E.S., Mrs. G. £overdale, John Milton IODE. Marlgolds, Zinnia African marigotds, Sitcerwnnd WlI., Mrs. W. R. Norton, Mrs. J. Littycrop: French marigotd. Mrs. G. Coverdate, Mrs. H. Burkhotd- e, John Hilton IODE.: zin- nias, T. ONeit, Mrs. J. Lilty- crnp, Mrs. N. R. Richardson; pompom zinnias. Sitverwood W. t., Halton Chapter O.E.S., Mrs. F. Smith; verbenas, birs. G. Mal- strom, Hatton Chapter .E.S., Mes. G. Baitey. Annoat phlox, Mas. N. R. Ri- chardson, Nalton Chapter 0E. S.. Mes. G. Baitey; stocks, Mrs. F. Smith, Hrs. G. Bailey. Mes. G. Coverdate: pansies. Hatton Chapter O.E.S., Mrs. G. Cover- state, Mes. A. Frank; roses, Mes. G. Coserdate, Mrs N. R Richard- son, Mrs. S. Harrop; geranîumn bloom, Mrs. B. Granger. Mrs. N. Ramshasv,, Mrs. V. Wenover. Rosea, Petunlas Named roses, birs. G. Cover- date, Mrs. S. Harrnp. Mes. J. Littyceop; petunias, Nattas Chapter ORES., Sitserwood W.. Mrs. G. Baitey: sngle petonias, Hatton Chapter O.ES.. Mes. G. Baitey,- Silverwnod WlI.; calen- dotas, Mes. G. Baitey. Silver. wood W.. J. . Timbers; Christmsas arrangement, Natton Chapter O.E.S., birs. T. Ram- shaw, Mrs. B. Garanger: bonI nf roses, Hattnn Chapter O.E.S.. birs. G. Cnvcrdate, Mrs. S. Har. rop; bnwl of nastortions, Mrs. N. R. Richardson, Mrs. H. Bork- holder. Mrs. J. Lttycrop; bowI any variety, Mrs. H. Burkholder. Mes, A. Frank, Mes. G. Coer- new or rare plant, L. 0s~s date. Mes. R. Deedgg. Mes. G. 91a'y Arn eaats bouse plant in blooaHaton Bsuffet arrangement. Mes. G. CatrOSM. . R. Piela- ardn, Mrs. F. Laklag; decorat- Bailey, Mes. G. Coverdate, Mms. ive plant, Mms. Wendôver, 9e.. V. R. MuArthor; dinîng ennesM. MePhail, Mes.-G. UB .y f table arrangement, Hatton Chap-. ns;n ioet. es A Cte Ms tee .ES Me. T.RamsawG. Malstrom, Haiton Cliapter 0. Mes. N. R. Richardson; cnffee E.S. African violet, Mes. J. Rn- table arrangement, Mes. S. Har- bertson, Mes. A. Frank, Mes. M. top, Mes. G. Coverdate. birs. G. McPhail; coleos. Mrs. H. Bork- Bailey; antomn arrangement, hotder, Mes. F. Laklng. Mes. J. Mes. V. Wendovcr, Mes. L. And' Litlycrnp; fincat bloom, Mes. G. erson, Mes. N. R. Richardson; Caverdate; display of cut flow- miniatoee bouquets. Mes. V. E. crs and plants. John Hilton 1.0. McArthur, Halton Chapter O.E. D.E. baby arrangement, Mes. B. S., Mes. F. Smith; cactus gardes. Granger Nattas Clsapter ORES 5Mes. W. Clarkson. Mes, C. Mc- Mes. T. Ramshaw; mother'a7d Gillivary, Mes. J. Morrts. daughter arrangements, Mes. G. 1 Polted Plants Coverdale, Mes. G. Matsteom, Rex begonia. Mes G. Battey. Mas. O. Scoyne: nld-fashboned Mes. M. McFhait; baby tears. arrangement, Mes. T. Ramshaw, '4ns. G. Coverdate, Mes. A. Mes. H. Borkhnldce, Mes. V. Feank, Malton Chapter ORES.; Wendover. DUNDAS VISITORS tb Saturdays faie, Pare Bunting and Cheryl Coa nere impressed with the fiane show anîries, raporled the largesl for several pears. Floners, fruits, crafts, ouas and vegetalules werc housedl benealh the grandatanai et the agri. cultural grounds for the weekend show. TH-iE N E5,W P LYMO0UTH ÀNew. Thatas Plymouth. Not only new ln luxuey... .style... beauty. -'k But new ln fotal... -ln concept... ln feeling, flavour end eseence. Therea nover been anoiher Plymouth -... another car... quite like [IL. New. An exciing new klnd of eolidi beautyl Plymouth. The naw Plymouth. Ses. t at your Plymouth dealers nowi -N@W ON SISPLAY AT VOUS LOCAL PLYMOUTM.VALIANT DBALES' JOHNSON BROTHERS GARAGE Main St. Milton, Ont. m8 TOUS DiALES ABOUTUSmCilSTIFIIS cAm CARS P- Volume 101-No. 20. MILTON, ONTARIO, TI4URSDAY, SEME R 29th, 1960 Bob M erry Champion Showmcan. At Priday Junior Livestock Show" For the first time this yrar. Hatons Janior Farmees staged their inter-ctub ivestock show- manship competitions as Mitton Fair on the Friday afîenoon in front nf the geandstand. Agicltorat officers and club leaders praised the nove, as it altnwed more tine for the showing and jodging of the cat- te, and lcf t more tine on the Satorday foe the ronning of the adoît shows je the cartons breeds. Athoogh only a sesatt crowd watched the fnue.eing show front the agriculttrat grounds grandstand, the aud- ieace appeeciatcd beingabale to sit and watch the entire show in Progress at the ose ime. Grand Champion Bob Merry was chosen grand ihampion sbuwvmaen ivestock, andi Hornby Deb-U-Terns had the best 4-H exhibit. Assistant -agricottural repres- üstative Douglas E. Jackson not- ed this year the ctubs showcd a higher pcrcentagr of projeet cumptetions. Foltowing arr bis ists of eesutts for the 4H clubs, achievenent days and the ise- stock rumpetitions. HALTON 4-H FORAGE CLUB Score out ni a possible 1000. Jady Wetts 930, Carotyn Gard- bouse 925, Sandy Hepburn 886, Margare~t Lawson 876, Ragene Coutter 786. Normas Wrtts 781, Eleanne Taytut 780, Harold Fat- tensun 750, Mary Lou Taytot 470. Don Taytor. HALTON 4H POTATO CLUB Carulyn Gardhoosc 935, Sandy Hepburn 901,. arry Gardhoosc 899, Margaret Lawson 894, Etea- noe Taylor 886, Johin Hepburn 881, Robert Hepbues 876, Earte Clagstos 8M, Arthur Lawsn 841, Grant Ctugston 678. HALTON 4-H SWINE CLUB Detmar Ford 941, Harold Fat- terson 908, Dwight May 905. Ar. -thor Lawson 892, Daniet Alas 890, Ken Witson 871, Rogene Coutter 841, Margare~t Lawson 812, Don Swackhamrr, Chartes Twjss. Acton Lady WinsJam,JellyTrophy In 1Mes. N non th, ian anti atornpvtiti( 'air by tl chens as ecetion. A anhibilurs racition i when the -d. Canned Cote, Me. caned s bertson,e Cote: car A. Cote,1 Cuverdale G. Cuvera Mes. J. Preserving Section Eshi-obrtson, Actun, Montnorency chertries, Mes. A. Canadian Champions Cule, Mes. G. Covertile; canned jclty teophy in the peurs, Mas. A. Cule. Mes. G. Ci- ionspussoraîd at Hilton veedate: canmentereen plums, the Gencrat Fonds Kit- Mes. G. Cocerdale, Mes. J. S. Mc- part of the presercisg Leans. Mis. A. Cle: canned bIne sn in se-d sunher ut planrs, Mes. A. Cule, Mes. G. C(- S nas sutcd is the con- cea dute. oser the presios eae lama. Jelly. Maranalade truphy was inaugura-t Strawheeey jan, Mes. N. Rob- ci tsun ' Mîs. G. Caîsrdate, Mes. Canned Fruit A. Frank; ruspbeery jam, Mes. A. 1triuit cocktail, Mes. A. Frank, Mes. F. Smith, Mes. N. S.* Gordon Cocredale; Robetsun; upple jetly, Mes. N. ranherrirs, Mes. N. Ru- Robertson, Mes. J. S. McLcan, Mes. A. Frank, Mes. A. Mes. Doris Scuyne; re-d cueran t nncd raspherrics. Mes. julv. Mes. Flura Ircing, Mes. N. Mes. A. Frank, Mes. G. Roberson, Mes. A. Cote: grape c andpeaches. Mis. cls. Mis. A. Cote. Mes. J. S. tale, Mes. N. Robertson, MaLean, Mes. N. Robertson; S. McLuan; canneti peacît narmalade, Mes. G. Cos- .IAMS AND JELLIES arc a cincb for Iis Acton bousewife, Mes. Nornan Robertson, as she lopped several other enînies ibe Canadian Champion-General Food$s Ktchens compelilion aI Hilton Foir. Cha mpion managing editor Jin Dlls preseels the large îropby nbicb is available for yearly campesition, nhile Mes. Robeetson nilI elain the snall replica. Hecetey includeti vine pisîs of an, jelly anti marnalade. J.Ih OT Laen»dAuctioner REAL ESTATII PHIONE TR 8.92331 PHONE TR &46538 For the Finsa Cilles Servies Peiroleuna Peoducts MILTON FUEL SUPPLIÉS FRED ROSSBINS Sas Lino at Third Lina at Fair etiate, Mes. J. S. McLean, Mes. Irving O.E.S.; ehuhaeb marna- Iode, Mes. G. Conerdate, Mes. A. Cote, Mes N. Robertson; temn and grapefroit marnalade, Mes. F. Smith, Mes. G. Cocentiate, PlekIe Section hcicte pickles, Me-S. M. Addison, Mes. G. Coveedale; bhead and hutter pickles. Mes. N. Robert- son, Mas. G. Cosedale. Mes. M. Addison; nier day pickles, Mes. N. Robertsaon, Mes. G. Coedaîr: nied nustard pickles, Mes. G. Coverdate, Mes. M. Addison, Charlotte Turer; ditI pickles, Mes. G. Cuceedale, Mrs. N. Rob- ert.sue, Mes. A. CuIr; bot dog re- lish. Mes. G. Cvredaîr, Charlotte Tonner, Mes. J. S. Meeas; fruit chili sanie, Mes. G. Coceralale, Mes. A. Cote, Charlottc Tomner; ripe tornato chili sauce, Mes. A. Frank, Mes. G. Coserdale, Mes. J. S. McLean. Gre sauce for cold meat, Charlotte Turner. Mes. A. Cote, Mrs. G. Coverdate. The Canadian Champion's Grnerat Fods Kitchen jan and jetty competitios, Mes. N. Rob- ertson, Mes. G. Coverdate, Mes. F. Smith, Mes. J. S. McLean. Mes. Robertson receives a trophy and Mes. Cucendate a silcer ian spoon as watt as cash awards. Speciat chili sauce, Mes. J. S. McLean, Mes. Duris Scoyner: tu.î white breadi special, Mes. F. Smith, Mes. F. Lakis; special layer cake. Mes. J. S. Mcean, Mes. F. Snith; pie wilh speciat floue beand, Mes. J. S. MeLean. Mes. F. Snith, Me. F. Lakis. KBIlh ordl M'or Swine Show Winner Ralpb Punit andi Sosn ce eb n.aiur prizer n ereseinbte HALTON 4-H JERSEY.- GIJERNSEY CALF CLUB Erne.st Atesander 955, Margar- et Atexander 940, George Stuil 937, Don Swackhamer 937, Keltis Etta 935, Bill Alexander 928, Lamne Etta 928, Tom McDonald 926, Rd Van Hnekclen 926, Linda Swackhamer 918, Clarence Foee> stra 908, Ann King 907, Jeffrey Nurse 904, Margaret King 892, Joan Beatty 883, Richard Scot. tand 873, Joho Stutt 870, Hell Martin 867, Leonard Davies 798, Gim Watson 781, Nora Bcaty. Mike Jenkinson, George Home, HALTON 4-H BREF CALI' CLUB Bob Mcrry 959, Coorîncy Ag- sew 951, Jrffrey Agnew 947, Car. otyn Gardhousr 930, Sandy Hep- burn 925. John Hepburn 924, Et- canne Taylor 912, Harold Thnmp- son 910, Marityn Sberwood 904, Margaret Austin 901, Harotd Fat- tersun 898, Larry Garaihoose 894, Don Feacock 892, Lestie Feacock 092,,Engene Coulter 886, Mitdred Martin 867, Robert Hephues 865 Maurces neernan 842, Donald Harris, 037, Chartes Twiss 823, Bill Jackson 793, Chartes Martin 734, Richard Kee, Bilt Fatteeson. HALTON 4-H HOLSTEIN CLUB Ornnis Sinctair 904, Larry Pet- tetterin 902. Margaret Hunter &93, Altan Brownridgc 89J, Del- mur Ford 892, Gary Gowland 889, Doris Pichet 888, Dorcen Carney 887, Judy Wells 804, Lin- da Fellettero 883, Bitl Sinclair 880, Adrenne Nurse 878, Dwight May 878, Gar y Culingham 875, Sandra Carney 873, Marion Hun- ier 872, Bruce Fewtress 869, Mur- ray Dawson 868, Bryan Marshal 867, Jounse Sherwood 857, Rob- crt Beaty 850, Robert Fisher 841, Atrthur Lawsos 846, Don Sher- wood 845. Normas Welts 844, Wayne Hestop 843, Paul Fisher 843. Don Featheestone 842, Jean HunIer 835, Larry Pichet 833, Robert Denny. 827, Stephes Ma y 837. Chartes Vansickte 818. Ratp h Van DaImn 792, Kcncth Ne- antis 79t, Mary Lou Taylor 788, Karen Brigden, Atex Finnie, At. ten Feu-. Bryon Lawrence, Don Taytor. LIVESTOCK SHOW Fottowing arc the resultofa 4H Inter-Club livestock show- mnship, section e. Names are istet insordere utplacine. Beef Showananshlp Bob Merry. Chartes Martn, Carotyn Gardhouse. Cuurtney Agnew. Jellrey Agnew. Dah-y Showmanshlp Keith RIta. Ernest Atexander, Bruce Festress, Margaret Hast- tee, Margaret Atexander. Swlne Showasanshlp Delmar Ford, Harold Patter- son, Engene Coutter, Daniel At- Ian, Ken Wilson. Champion Champsion shoscîsan of thea thre classes ut tivcstock. Bob Merry; reserse, Detesar Ford. Saturda 'y, also havine the cham- pionisisaasdreverse. T Bacon type boannnterî1J w B e d r mntbs, Ratph Ford and Son Rd Snusv. D. R. Alas anal Son: bacon type sose hnspetin lu w eep Classes' Sept. t, 1959, Ratph Ford andl The doat pua-pose sbnrthopsa Son fiest and second, Rd Snose; classa(aIMilton Fair un Satoedky son hors brînees Sept. t, 1959 saas seept by tavo breedees, C. and Maech t, 1960, Ratph ForaI Feacock, R. R. 4. Hilton and W. anal Son. Rd Ssusssecoa ndti Sti mitht. tîird; son hors afîe Ma-ach t, ln tIse 22 classes, Mr. Pea- 1960. Ken R. Wilson, R. R. 3, cockas asimaas ctaimed 14 fiests, Milton, Rd Sen.owD. R. Atlan anti loue seconds, white Mr. Smit#'s Sos: bcst pes four bacon hugs, animaIs won secen fiests. 80 Rd Ston first and second. secunds and three lhieds. - ~..c.a, ~îna> -" ~ - -~. - AN IXCITINQ MIDWAY aI Satuetsy's fair lured the childeen ageti three tb 93, and il1 reporteti having a grand finme on the vsrlely of rides avsitable. Above seft. litle Kslhy Pearson, aged 11/2 of Milton, eejoya a kiddie car journey. Belon hili, the. erry-go-round weaa à patr spot for Lisa, 3, and Hesîher Osborne, 6, of Oakvilte. Top elghl sees local youngsteea Robïot Taylor, Kennelh Farone and John Speoal nhooplng l op at the loop-the-loop, whila in the lower right corner, Danny Desîsueter and Peler Schtcht, boîh 2, express their pleasure et the lwo-in-a-Iub, ride. 1 IL 7----