Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Sep 1960, p. 13

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W*meSeit Attracta- tUed î! rom, Mony Arec Cenftres w$.i casssetr aIl ladies' faacy teaspat Met. G. tockx, Mcx. N. Rabertson, Mcx. san; tErre piece. crochet buttet mefiel.1ad hatly cantexted, il Young, Mns. A. FalMrt. N. A. Cale. Mc&. A. Frantk; titne wuut st, Mcxs. L. Anderson, Mcx, V wua reparted thit year. nRies Robertaon. tockt wtell pattera. Mcx. N. Ru. hIcAcîhur R. R. 2. Milton, Mpei came tram, Guelph, Fergut. Ar- Ladies' waal cocdueoy ukict. bertsan, Mcx. G. Young, Mcx. L. Coultua; crocheted bedipreat, apM M t. Burliaglait, Camtp- Mcx. J. M. Morrix, Mcx. G. Anderson; plain tine teoot tockx, Mcx. H. P. Collins, R. R. 2, Bu;- bealyltie, Puxllxch, Bramptan, Young, Mci. Geo. Sutan, Pus- Mcx. J. S. MeLean, Stceetxville, linglax. Mcx. F. Miller, Kitchen- Stireatsille, Iaglewood and Kit- lunch; ladies' revertibte plaid Mcx. J. Satxdecxax, Mcx. N. Rab- er; îwa linea hand heinmed tea dieaer kict, Mcx. G. Young; ladiex' pyj- entait. lowels. Mcx. N. Robertson, Mrs Babyt knitled stl.Mc. A. Cole, Guelph, ORES., Mcx. G. Younig, Actait; babyt cracheled st, Mcx. Aritold, Miltaon, Mcx. G. Younig, Actai, Lenace Dentix, Brampton; babysà drexx kiit or cYlbrtet.Mcx. C. McGlllivery, Ilerjg, Mc. J. Sandertun, Mat. tat, Mcx. L. Berlasian, Milton; bapi tpuct ibirt. Mcx. G. Youitg, Mcxi Llayld Aiidecxan, Fergt bayi lmtted toit, Mcx. J at dectan, Mc. J. M. Marris, Aclan, Mc. A. Cle. Stnoeldng Childi tsmueked dcex, Mcx. L Adecson, Mc. J. Sadectait. ciîd't knitted tancy tackt. Mcx. N. Roberton, Actait, Mcx. G. Young, Mcx. C. McGillivery; fltitelelte pyjamas, Mcx. Shir- ley, Narval. Child't pulluver swater, Mcx. J. Sandectan, Mcx. A. Cle; childs sweaterccutI, Mcx. A. Frank, Campbellville, Mcx. G. Young, Actait. Mcx. E. E. Yalex, Milon; childx tfaicy matsx, Mcx. L. Andersan, Mcx. G. Young, M. Martingeil, Actai; gicî calttait drexx. Mc. L. Aniderson, Mcx. G. Younig, Mcx. W. Clarkxuit, Mil- luit; babyt xsmucked aighlgawn, Mc. Stuart MtFadden, R. R. 1, Milton, Mcx. Bryti Gcaixgec. R. R. 2, Bulingluri, Mcx. A. Cle; gicît xsuadcesx, Mcx. L. Ander- tan, Mcx. G. Yaung, Mcx. Mac- tingell. LatdIe' Work Cotton print praclical haute. dreit, Mc. C. McGillivecy, Mcx. J. Morris, Mc. G. Young; ladies' nylait duxler, Mcx. G. Young, Mc. F. Lakit, Bulinglax; lad- ies' kitchen aprait wth bib, Mcx. G. Youuig, Mcx. N. Robertsaon, 6, Brampton; ladies' nightgawn, Mcx. L. Anderson, Mcx. G. Young. Mrs. A. Fcank; ladies' tea aprait, nete idea, Mcx. G. Young, Mcx. L. Aitdersoit, Mcx. N. Robertxsit; auxs, Mcx. . Yaung, Mc. L Andecxon; ladiex' jumba knit curdigain, Mît. F. Lukin. Mcx. L. Andetrson, Lenace Deitnis, R. R. .Kit Gaudi Feitcy knitted glavex, Mcx. A. Cule', Mcx N. Roberton, Lenace Deittit; mmxx teaul sport thicl plaid.clar. Mcx. G. Young; cal- tait shoct tîceve xpoct thicl,«Mcx. McGillivecy; longxsleeve knitted cardigan. Mcx. L. Anderxan, Len- are Dennix, Mcx. J. M. Morix; knilled tleeveletx pullaver swea- ter, Mc. A. Cale, M. Maclîngell, Mcx. J. M. Marri; tel wack Croeheting Cruchet tria ige c ldtte. Ixta E. Aritoid, Miltton, Mrx. C. Mc- Gittit'ecv. Mcx. G. Yountg; crochi- et tabteclth, Leitore Otniix Mabel Couaixuit Milton, Mct. L. Anderxon; ccacheled daily. Ida E. Arnold, Mcx. C. McGitlixecy, Mabel Cauttan; twoasputel cru. cheled doiliex. O.E.S., Ida E. Arnold, Mcx. Sylvia Kellur, R. R. 2. Mit; une talled doily. Mcx. C. McGillivecy. Lexace Deniix Mcx. N. Robcrtson; ccachete(d chexlectield stl.Mcx. G. Yaung, Mcx. A. Frank, Mcx. N. Robert- ret V. )el id, .n- Ca rs. tea exels. Mrs. H. P. Coltlits, Mix. N. Ruobertson, MIS. C. Me- Gittix ccv Eanbruldery Pillate taera lwack, Mcx. C. McGillivery, Mcx. H. P. Collinx, 0.E.5.; crochet lclmaed pillaw taxe. Ida E. Arnld, Mcx. C. Mc- Gillivecti, Mcx. A. Frank; cross titch pillaw cate, Mcx. A. Cale. Mcs. C. McGillixrcy, Mariait Fard, R. R. 4, Milan; embraid- ered pilluxu case, Mcx. Sylvia Kellar, O.E.S., Mcx. J. S. hcLean. Slceetxville; guexlttecîx ditter- Cn desilgna, Leaure Dennît, Mxi. McGhtx >,Mni.,N xera tatd h tdoc~fs~ c N. ftoer$aaa, 1kil en Mr. W. Rayle. Pieced m» ai <ll, m And nuxM MOlVej Mxi. mir,; miglq-quif, r. A. MrniM. A. Cole Mcx C. Mc- Ilit cay cor i4L quhît, Mxi. Mc Rlier, eL. Bluart Mc- Fadieti, Mc. N. Robertsoit; qtiltftg, Mci. L. Andersan; plain quîlt, maxI attractive clact. Mr-.. McGillivery. Huakeil Rugi Hankecl rug Eerih cug, Mrs. F. Lakix, Mcx. McGilllvery, . .. S.; liaked wuul beartI rull, Mrx. 1. M. Marri, Mri. L. At- dersaon, Mns. MrGllixery; hralded rag rus, Nancy Raxthat, R. R. 2, Milton, Mcx. McGillllvery; rug aty kind, Mrç. L. Andersonx, Mtxs. A. Frak; cracheted afghant, Hallon Manor; taxcy chester- field claihiait, Mcx. McOlIlvecy, Mrx. J. M. Marri, r. G. r~Rrrcicittr.,. n~sttrwt;~ ciwrsmxe-taru il HORNBY SOUTH 4-H CLUB exhibiîed the grand championxhip eittry ix the junior exhiblîx hall aI the weekend fair, wininig out axer dorent af entriex Abuse, Marie Curtixs and Caro- lne Haey ufthte club shhow the chaapionxhip ribboit on their prject. Catant May Be Sma rt. Club leaders aiEa arganized the dixplay wnre Mrx. Tam Boutfield and hec assistant, Met. C. Pattertoit. TEe Junior Fermer and 4-H Clubs exhibited their praject mark, aihile teveral aI the clubs xhowed their achievement day projecîx it the hall. WOMINI INWSTITUTSS frqm Haltan Caunty displayed their praject, 'Baby Shawer' in 1the first building aIt te fair grounds axer the weekend. Limehause WlI. wtt judged best display, and direclar Mirt. E.E. alet ix tlown placing the igx on the exhîbit. There were 16 entries in the clati. Junior Exhibit lot Fair Junior Fumer Bahille Actox, grade A. Junior lmttute EBiMbits Acton grade A, Narval grade A, Palermno grade A, Milton grade B. 4-H Ageeulturel Club Mihbiuts Halton 4-H Swixe Club grade A, Hatoit 4-H Pulatu Club grade A, Maait 4-H Holsten Club grade A, Halian 4-H Cra Club grade B, Actait 4H Forage Club grade B, Maltait 4-H Beet Club grade B, Halturi 4-H Fxretry Club grade C, Actait 4-H Caît Club grade C. 4-H leakilng Club Bahibita Cttunx May Be Smat Naxagaweya 4-H Humnernak- ing Club grade A, Haraby South 4-H Homemnaking Club grade A, Ahgrove 4-H Humemaklng Cub grade A, Scotch Bock 4-H Humne- makig Club grade B, Palermu 4-H Hbaiemaklng Club grade B, Hacaly North 4-H Humemaking Club grade B. The Milky Way Dubin 4-H ftoamnay~ng Club Vade A, Nebotn 4-1 teeiak. lnMlbgaeA aeiagaweya 4-H HamemmabIag- Club gr.ade A, eltugrae 4MA, ouiak, ïl ub grae A, c ul lkng Clatu gae B orby Sauth 4-1 <amemaklng ' Ceu be gd.-a8 i *tA 4-f Umenitng Club grade B9, Sctc 0191 A-M Mamemaklng Exibited byHabyCli Deb-l-Tees utf te Harity SautE 4-H Humeaaking Club. ST. LAWRENCE MMUT GROCIRY STORE FIRM GREEN LARGE SIZE CABBAGE ----lOcEach GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS - - - - 2 IL for 25c NO. I ONTARIO 10 LB. BAG NEW PO-TATOES - - - - 25c LIBBYS LG. 48 OZ. TIN ORANGE JUICE - - - 35c Each SUNBLEST BRAND PEAS- ------5oz. Tinllc SMALL IST GRADE E GG S - - - 4 Doz. for $1.00 JUBILER PURE PORK SAUSAGE - - - 39c SMOKED PICNIC SI4OULDER - - - 45c IL SLICED PEAMEAL BACON - - - 65c lb. MAPLE LEAF VACUUM PACKED COLD MEATS - - - 4 pks. 99c DlvRESTI VO'S Phone TR 84M4 ATTEND THE REVIVAL SERVICES HEAR INTERNATIONAL EVANGELIST REV. W. ROURKE Jr. SEPTEMBER 27 - OCTOBER 9 TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8 P.M. SUNDAYS il A.M. - 7 P.M. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH OPPOSITE OLO FOLKS HOME ON 25 HIGHWAY ALL WILCOMC Yaung; chesterfld cuablan, The Cinadlan Champioen, Thws., Sepýembar 29, 1960 rd". N. k1abertoMaa . M L -M. m. zr4 tntChristmas A1toa:t i V .rajists M.et S.Mller, Mcx. L And,.,an,.O.1 91t iaasa Award Green-thuiber Artig.et ndlwork hylal 70er , Mt. E. 1. bhaut, A t sa s ro , Trt 4.Malit, ca H. P. CoIBeRyA, t sa s i, turBn1t Mt. M. MePhtit, R IL %0eptemiber meeing ofth11e ModectaDM 11 , ni te ilre artiles 01 Umn and bistrict lartcuîturalWolad»eplg ug alieahe ~Mra. M. Mactla- Boulet>wat hait! alnte MUitnB0.Cteuhnts, Eaw M . .10rx G. yawg, Mî .R-Nat Seoalun Thursday Sept- Chthatixand 8. Tgra section. tM.he1î. hl n~e1iIa g l Bali aa pnal pair The prize winiterx ufthIe OH-A. hldandth shlow pepl childxs knilled miulx, Ballait Ma- Extay Canteslt erre axnauxced won prizes. Clats-i t, Mrs~-. nr; pair child's tacki knilled, and prizex were givexnoul. FirsI, Duwns; second, Mns. McMiIIan. HaltouîîMuxor tirsi uxd secound; Kucriir Sue Liarmant ut Hxrithy Ctaxx; 2- Mrs. Clemexet wn tirst Ferry Cama sweater kiited, lpciee donuted by the Toronta and Miss Tremsyne te In ed Mrs. J. Sânderxun; MarY Maximi Star), second:r Anne Bradley ut prize. sweateer, Ma. J. Sandertan, Mns. Harxhy, th"r: laie McEachern ______ C. Galbraih, Ilnglewoud, Mns. L. ut Milton, fuxrth r Checyl Brigh1- Anderon; cras it lch tlahiblitnutfSunixngdale, tltth, Raie- Inth11e poeriod 111113 ew*c- clalb, Ena Raxbeccy, Burlinglun. mary Rabertit ut Harby, atsut Canadien tcIlei situnli Linda Balley ut Hnrnby. were granted »,30,4 newCd LOMO SOIADMW Mcx. Dalglelxb ut Harxby laver. lant. But ane lhuait a 'sa Spred lerigîheex 1the hadaw cd Ihote nrtnlwilh îwa talai. tparaely sted leilata i lte ut danger taIt sretclxet ahead = ta fbWmsim ecanamile silnestote a. me ut every maving car. Slow dateit The netinder outh11e meeting markcetl Ilicait Itepoffl fed and licl wtt peuple acting oaith1e pantel: for mare uft hhee peupla. GIRLS 7 TO 14 OMON PULOVER AND CARDIGAN Hecexs autxandlg value un a fine uaiv ulu pulluver and cardigan Io atch. Chan ram a teide range ut colors: royal. poeder, teillaxu gld phîl ced, black or wiîte. Sirex lIa 14: PULLOVUR CAUN Pl$2.49 $2.98 M M BOYS' LINED - Reg. $2.98 CORDUROY JEANS ExeptinalIvalue t ihislow, Iaw pric. Fine. qualiv uîrduray hces' teaIns bhat are fultv lmcd foi- extra wacmîh. Chauve t .rom navo or broxtit Sires 4 to 6X. Reg.$298. NOW 1 $198 BOYS' 8 TO 16 Flannel Shirts A grand array ut boys' worm flanriel shirtx in bright plaids and checks. Long tîcevex, tome with battox dlown collarx. Stock ap nom for cool Pull and Wner dayx ahead. Ser t 16. $198 BOYS' LINED JEANS A good chutce ut colorx and materiaIt int hexe warw yli ned boys' jans. Choute from plaint, checks and nov- elty weanex. Site thexe today it aur boys' departaient. Sîzex 8 ta 16. $3.98 t. $4.98 SPECIAI REG. TO $7.93 WINDBREAKERS weight, wixdbreakersine ahoen t ze aitd calar range. EacE one t outxtanding value. oua must be early ex quantity lx île ctly I a led. eMi' LONG OR SHORT SUIVI IKOUSES A wîde chattce ut styles, cuîac aand lvprx in thix ecaup oft rirîs'blouses. Chante tram ctlon, tecylete, or bright prinix. Navrlîy triais, etc. Sec Ihexe loauyfur the Eext telectian. Sizes 7 ta 14. $1.59 and $1.98 36 INCH PUIINTUD FLANNILMTE A wide canger utcotant and desî%gts xinhig 3" prînird tlanneletr daItc lep mrar ut att kindx W Ilkeep van varm yd and c ov tilxx nier lait 5 PLAID AND STRIPES FLANNEL SHIRTING Vounîl tind a tavety seleciion ut uta t ,and deitits in this beavy quiiy tanit t sE c hue. Ideat tac bovs uo n's twank unr spart shirts. 36 ixches %vidte. See i iuday. 6 yd MEN'S REG. $1.50 AND $2.00 TU1E S Stoc opxwtrvaîî r ta nite as ties in ast aboutat unv oriv uccutorya xvunt. Neit destres.,titverkntt, or stripirs. Rie. $1.50 andv $200. 1.00 IDEAL FOR SCNOOL TOPCORD CASUALS Favoritesan theCanediait Campus teee arc hexe tnpcard casuaut Chante tronm greep bc or whSotorn aidruhhe upkon whtcraIut al u nvI v* xoles and wcappent Siart 5 ta 9 in mcd-3 4 unm w dte 1 »à MAIN VC TU 0r1*1A $199 In The Heart f Haton, .. Il iii -j : 1 - - 1 - - 1 - ---- ------ 1 1 -a 1

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