Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Sep 1960, p. 3

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----------- 7--, ----------- ---------- IRE SWIPT through the bungalow of R. Bernadivi cf R.R. 2, mere carried ouI. Mrs. Bernadini and ber husband arrived Hornby on Tuesday to become Milton f ire brigades firsi of safeiy mhen the tire mas veariy out. Damage estimation mas torve clis mithin about six hours. A mother mus thouqht tol $3 500. The Bervadinis mere burned ouI aust a yeur ugo. be trapped in the smoke-fiiied boute and emergency measures 1 Study Safety Measuresm At Corners Near School Mîton's, Public Schoui iecem- ilsci hr b ieili h mcndcd that ilMtonveounicîl i-ad to heGrae8s(ith sestîgate the heavy hîglischaulLra sant lu Bruce S. seboultrlaffie ut Hesiop Rd. unît The huard repurtesi tuati misli Thomas St. intersection and in- ltaion utfunadditiuvat schootlel at suai a four may stop. They aisu ouliside te W. t. Dîck scitoot. l'he f urged investigation of the traffie single bell did viol ceaih a certainsi on Woodward St., the installai- section uotheIbashoot gruvnds. Fu ion ut sehoot igns au the road tuber mivur installations ssci edgs and the piacivg ut a stop ntud and pari ut the phasimîf M sign ut the Thomas and Qucen ficld svas icvchic d nvow 'secîW Sts. intersection. ivg unit tertilizatiue iii he car-ti The huard met Muvstay nighi ciesi out u prusvie acdidîl a( thc J. M. Devyes scitoul unît grounsi our the chitdcev. B tbcy agrec-il that lhay vhouud con- Ai tm aspailit pthiay Iemsimmg t tact the CNR for te future cuit-fmunitlima shool lu thipyarpcmy strctiovufanvudecpass lu keep iîeaslv dunecssilt picesasate ut W. t. Dick stiichcvs oi the trucks. gi ass in a vîsur partut (liea" Tha CNR rccev lty avvouvec-d the groundvs. Tsîu angi veers vicacati-M invcease ut irafliiion their fines ecinivtu cheik huilerltrouhle utaI isithin a fem years. the sehuol and the huard ssas The establishmet ofuasludent vutified Ihat combustion was N safety patrot auibe J. Nt. Dcvycs causivg the furnaci,-tuiimuseIli-t- sehoot mas approsc-d. Asu ap vestigatiouv mb a gos upcîetd prosed mas the seboul accident t ornas, iii ha carrie'd oui n insorance plan ut Mutuat of repurled lu the Cummile uofthelia Omagb mitb E. B. Clcments us Whote meeting Monsiîsv ighi. u agent. It mut uappty lu ait t 5ti The establishmen il-utrmi hcmv ' dents but is nul cumpulsory. huai-siormacech sclutimiv-s givei Rattty Teacher Appoîntrmlentsaupprusat. Ilu iiilisu bohuamla- Tbe appuiintenis uithlrcc-tic andi sehotastia acnievemetiîs. teachers Lu Mitoun public sehoots Mc. Poster unvouncev thelub aî-I were ratilied. Miss Shirley ic schoots' trask and fieldi day. Black ut Cothurne and Bruce The brcea schouus iii ha-se ti Cottriti ut Tis-cruon are ulficiuity competitious Seplembar 28 ands on the staffof the J. M. Deve., vosttdents frt eclUc scimîmmî schoot. Mcv. Javelle Ledilh i5 vsill enter each ai-n ami aIelitenai- music supers sr ur cMilton pub-scluîîîît matcht Octutter5. Timea lic scbots. hboardst ppmomed Iltabovin0 mît TS BlltBrus. hadl thir tenderai,- shiî lv. cu a duvî tihhmuvvfli-i he cepted tu suppîs tual il uit1Mil- svmpetlats vihiclit vil ha lita ion public sehoois. The prise ut'rleî u h etmm.Ta r fuel cit iv $15.10 for 100 gallons simuied luo cos(516. TieluetcIV and the stove oit sit cosI $1t9.65 silitbc h Iau thefair grocionss. " for 100 galions. Acconis pad wvic$21,682.13L Supersising Pritteipal E. W. c vadtutecitent acucout Poster mus granteli permission il' und $688.14 clîargad lu te e.pi- boy 'a Cupyriie dupiicalivg mu- lai accounit. chine Irom Nationali Statimaner utr[o .FBrhl lor $172.50 ivcludivg (rada inv. il Aoettne, fuuR. F t; imîmisie wiii bc used te ihe J. M. Denves burmr nsp e basr ivlumued lta seboot. Aiso 12 siacking chuair cits vei-in miî b veeded ut Broca St. Seboot itI ocald. cto i h bc urdieuad. Bad Schools Renovated Mc. McNait suluiied tae plan Dealing with the J. M. Denses ut a new substisisimîn ai Ontario sehul, Brian Bcst repîmcuesthIle Street andi ta Base LUe and asb-a staff rouir n d office hast heen cd the huard il ihav vxsited lui rcdecoca lad and extra cuplumai us buse sehum spcce iitae soit were ivstlied in une Gracie i divisioîn. Tua huantdvishecl vo clas.scomî - mumura seeuriiy such land. ighîs meme imstaltcd and ail se- mrity iglis hare heen putu un am SPECIAL PERMIT ime svish. Tue sidewahk Icast- Travelling muein aielus>.v wiitil ing lia the main evîrance ofuthle u latin selicie avec 110 inclues sehuol bas been blaclulmppesi ans ini widih? Vîma naed a speciat the stidewzilk armmînd te end of peurmit, savs the Ontarioi Depai t-x the kinîteuprien cii-m. Smeicrmuant uhttransport. Th uprnuil pusus hase sism hertinstaiteel iii voit huy nomuiiiluebc vlidtil the plavgrvued. Daîmber 14; aller Ilat date, yu Mc. BesI repmrteli ilut smmcer need a uem oaa- posîs iii be instalied ut ithe W. I. Dick schl ntem eek and e dvnrs iii race the enicani, u the Bruce Si. sehoumi. Tue tack o bot mater for the latter s hoo miii bc nu more iieesuse womss heaters have heen ivsîatted b Th domestairs ruum unit thehal mays hase been rcîecîuaîeî w PI pr<uemel of lmhse bhmmsrds o 1 a clusroum ai ithe sclmot is- cossed and il mas îtecived ta sabool couid lue transtmrrc tuPH J ibis room. 222 Mai Sali Old Denks About 70 iii fastîlmnedîlsk ai Brome SI. smiuuul iliibc ha n WILL i aauv ilh. Tlumyviti viii bc e OR VOUR CC siroyed, houseser. Parsuc of chool eild cmv ssilgai fîrsi SATURDAY UN1 chance fur ihese siusbsl rua- sonuble primas. Huf mot the ilasts arc the otd iftI seulty> paandi the T I others are the pull-ouni drumerTHS t type. Mr. Fîster voicd that Ibm 1.30 P.M. moeey raised tramt the suie mut these deshs mue be used for pur- YDUR PRESCRII* chaoe of îofihalis or other atbte- PROMPTLY FILLED tic eqoipmene. PHARMACIST. EMi] A conmmiltec iii checkh mb PRESCRIPTIONS SI the enrolmeni figpures uftihe W. 1. TED THIS SUNDAY Dtck sebool un Mc. Posters ne- quent for un addition lu the R8 school, building outwio ctuss- T roums and ove general porniose HOME PHONEN munlm. Sersine on the commitie will be Alec Cooke. H. P. John -_________ son. Mr. Fosier and Inspecior W. P. MeNeil who mas present. T>iey MOPPAT Area Residents V/isit Friends By Mrs. Lloyd Casuphell Mi.andc Mis. Dasisltcticiit ittevded tliîc aslclivg ut i gitaiclltiei - the tutiiei Miss Shat-on Hetîdelîsîn te Niagai-a F lie hnîatu îdas - Septeîîîiîcî -10. Mi*.Ia;ts Mis. W. A. Fi-iuse-ai( Mtr. a)(tî Misý. Dîtî McMilii aîîaîi tasîîc suc-t tii Sttdas isititg if lstpttsi Pulls. Mi,. W.Il. Biacktttîli mi..Johnt Bktck Lire 11ilinig iieit la ties iAttî ilttî.Micigani. Mi. andsi Mti. ttîîH Litttici lic tud l l itri il th la reit Mlr. JohntvCailiîliiKiitcuijItt oni Mtitlas. Miss iLne S,îuicî suri andl MitS. Dîtn McMiiian u i, russlac a tiveîîsiîîîsc-î liiMiss Put Hiichitv, a lit cic ot hea îîaî future. It wîsvlîclîjlivMitial uomîvunits Hall vvhc- sie te- c-s-ed a lot ut bcaufuiiu is Week-End Visitors In District Homes By Mms. Geo, Pelietierlu M'. and Mrs. Jack Loot,ttil Elit, îsl ýcîcsdiieî eucsls. iMi-. andc MINs. B. Oates uindi cl ioit Si ilzN s- vvitsisi1IýýitIt tIt. utu. MaîIîîii tîctle Mi. ands Mis. Rîttt. Maviîii ut Otîîagh ,andîiglandî siîg cî, Bilas Ruaieiilieo tutîtît, Mt-. ansi Mis%. LEdgar lclttitaiiltl n is. ntît l [nti Liîîdicy ail] ut But litoît. Ai Annlvcrsary MI%- andîsic. Wîî. Mcisittii atitencieci aîiveî'sîrs saisieNa Knoxi Sîicice Fîesluv ici-ian hi, and syclîl tirecs (iilte sîy sitl Mi-. andsi c.Feî,cy RKivg ci D,îksiile. Mr. andi Mrv. AliitiCliîk (il Tîîîuviî, îisýiîcl Piiasssiîi MI-. civi Mivs. W. McFuîdsicîî. Mr. zîtîsi Mi,. Stuat tmcFîiicl Mis. Rossa itcuteolCîîîieiii- ville. Vîsît Nemîwnairket Mi. andîlMisv. Guidonuttilan Liîils iiiNcîîîîîîî kct1 siaSuit- siv ( ilt i re l ic F lelutt-it5. MIs. Jîta IlMîtis Cutlits and Fîsînkic. andsiMMi. GitiuitCîîttîî tif Tîîîîîtîîsîeîi Mîtîtlî v illu lthe Fe1lcisi anits l le tics. BiIhiiiisPl-ettites ilu Mary luithluLy oit Tuesday. ÇCKETT'S ARMAÇY BE OPEN CONVENIENCE NEIL 9 P.M. AND UNDAY 4.- 9P.M. ITION WILL B3E I BY A REGISTERED iRGENCY CALLS FOR SHOULD BE DIREC rY TO 6-6971 OtIMBER TR 8-4475 Dies in Full Jantes A. Young, 73, Windsor, stîcît ollosnlng an accident Tuesstay et the farm home of is son Kennctb on the No, 10 sideroad ait the Bell Sehootllnc. Il la repsrted Mr. Young mes tîctplng lu repair a ehcm In the barn whcs the support oftihe bean topiled and Mr. Young fell. Coroner Dr. G. A. Syer sald Wednesalay It waas ot cspected an Inquest would he held, Burlington police Invesîlgat- cd and Dr. J. W, McCutcheon attended ai the scene, File Objections To Bus Systemn Objecctnlu theic îîî<cîîibus iîiîîîîî ion prîîsîstd AIcîs caricd IoI Traietc rTuswnship SLchuailBoîard lin Monti n~ iglit lus a cegatin of residvt.s in il m rittr-eat cornairiof Traliiît gac Townvship hîaundcd y ftiti vcvenih ftee, No. 5 sideroad, flit tiimvfine andi tic- pperr bsa Iiitienothlii tipier base,.in hlcen flic sisili und scsciiti Metîttiîs (ili flic boarit apîcai] lii cttsîievr tha piotptisis placet anil tisa te ciaegativitfit i dei stov Prom Hume M.ttitîtiîctfirteIicielçýito ,lita ciilîtiento iiansinusliaii hoiî,c-s. Pletas-tiN a lhi ssih lis-it lic1%, the d ctettis v, s hiicutil itîsiu vi tk up iiia vili anda itil tolutle bus siîp. The sîîîîi,îu ,îal-isîîie lt citili n an is v o lit n li itît ut s iîiitu a ndsion cho Il lits nitîtaî"ila ho iv waslîtîsd isl 1lb72 chiii te c- lt iz105 îii ,île i an %:l ts' motttoniofthe icbus" andc(lit ppitsIoiitle sicta requites tain lit lie vstcds ai tl iiiies andstei mntea tact. A peliitvictasign lus 42 peîpIt in (lieaici c-tiîitî ti ha actiti of il, ltaitaagliiti iii Paîîk Huit Bilt luit, Lca Ruîledge and Dou Muasi. WORST TYPE Soive cars tave ltîid di-ivse - ()fîlic[s ,saea î sitiputalu lc lc p OMASN The Canadien Champion, Thurs., Septepiber 15, 1960 Ladesof mah, osonW.A. Miss- ékLawrence faigar Towsnship and et Usa s#l- A. manuel Baptist Vacation Iinai Ladies OJohnaRusseSOin Levs o Prs charge uf the Sudan ntd A- HoId Joint Meeting Wednesd M..AdeyfrLawrisne oi. Bey.l niRuted Misn Miss Aurey Larene ison Board under whons Apieey By Mes. Cecil Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Cccii Patterson, teave Canada on Wedinesdlay, Sep- served. witi conduct spcecia re- The ladies ut Omagh Presby- Joanne and Cecil Jr. werc guests tcmber 21, and fhence from New wetl services for lber on Sueatév, tcrian W.A. wt.rc guess of their lnAiu ast Sunday with Mr. York un Saturduy, aboad tbe Sepiember 18 ai Emmanuel Bap- sisier church Boston W.A. ai the and Mrs. Clifford Edmunson and Liberte' for Paris, Fiance, whcrc tist Church. hume ut Mis. C. Cation on Wed- aisu, hadt the pleasore ut attend- she will study French for once ______________ uesday afteritoon mitit a good at- îng the morning service in Si. ycar. tendanCe. Andrews Presbytcrian chorcit, Miss Lawrence mas formerty I Mrs. 1'. Snow was chairtady for Arthor, ai which ime rccenty in- icaching the chitdrcn ut mission- j the rogrm spplid byth stalied corunation beis wcre de- aries in Chad, Atrica, (French tjh prora sup p r. iie gyave dicated by Rev. N. D. MacDonald, isquatorial Africai and has jost thaeb rureap.Ms ein fl M "A., B.D., Ph.D. ut St. John's linishied her ove ycar luiough in rougi WEATI4B Sy6T.MS [)Y prayci liv Mis, R. Maitsl ili uit, Hamtno. Ctatd,. SPA4NKANO s'usai1 vuiiltatis tsc vial bv Juntior Day WhileIlcua Mi'ss t- lce sco O- dIrs. C. Maishail and Mis. Les Weicmjustd ail 4H cxhiibittis ai ,tugliti ai Siidei's Scitol in l't- AW[D SC RE/ i'cacock. Short readlines wecaiso Miton Pair Ihat Fîiday is Junior AWA'TIE f given by Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. pea- day ai the lait and ail calii.s andl~ ~ ,cm 'sAFI :ock and Mrs. Snuw. vîber ivcstock witi be exhbitcd uvnivcrsary services wîli hbcid COLO' - The meetine cioscd miii vive- and juuleed ibai day. Disptuys in Beihel Chorch. - eng a hyme anîd hevediclion. aller and exhibits for the hall vitusi hc Nesi Sunday. Scpicmhcr 18 i, L0~ ~ which a iovciy lunch mas serves Int place ou Thursday escuine. isu Ratly Day ai Dmagh Pi cshv i u> test a social lime enjoycd by ail. Sec you ai the lair,.ici ian Cliareh and ch ici antid Training Progrees First FPsu Mecl Sunday si.htiil serviscs ii hbu Theicestraining schl foi.r The timaglit Pîcshvtcîian etiminesadiicait10ticeck lic laitftiiayer ,slceping GlIi Young Pciîpic's Sucit vheld ibeir ,.m. tients mwasfiîeld in Miltonît ijitesl irsi mceting alter the svîîumcr Annvs srives 5511 hb .2hurch SS. rosies un Tuasdav lîolidla vs un Suvduy veiîig lu bliut)iti Sepiemiier 25 iii Oie ihh 0 mid Wcdvesdaiy ut this svcck. thc S.S. rmoins. Pasi pre.sidevt i Prshlci eian chiîich Ladies frosi luis districi, Dram- Miss Hc-icn Brucker wa.s chair Wcdding anvisersiiy clii ____ qtîin club, Mrs. McClicsncv, Mcv, lady for the meeting and ciecetin laîlîus lu ma'. unit Mis. LaritGa! l'red Lister; Hurvhy Soutb club, ut otticers. Aller singing a lîîn. braiih on Sept 15. Mrs. C. Patierson avd Mrs. j. prayer wsus iven by Rev. B. A. Simpsonî. Tee clubs froin att Nevin. Business ivsiudcd plans tor--- puits ufthie country aieC partieip- tbe lsersof last years team o Mr. and Mrs. Join Eves movcd ruas1 in it:ieur future. A i' n,ihiv in t,, o n tia lubc entwiuver o ii pas uurothfierliest elne oultewsthsntiiîettp iuulhincuilisck nim hcbrsîivitlicir muvie.frow Mr. and Mr..tHarold Ruilîcr- the district. toril cevjilout erîtîritnp oNeis The olticers lor vesi y' aae Liskcuîrd last weekeiîd sand ulîcu- president. Matiotn MaîsIallt ice dcd the Fuir thet e on Saiurday. presicîcul. Marie Curlis, seclrv, Regret Passing Heriha Brucker, lreasurc Dusid tbe passief ui Mirs . Fi-cd Jotyce Juane-Pullersun. Avn ePa ok 4 un Suvday lastinii Milton Disîjici Doenald Peaeock. Marie Ca mO NUIN Hospital. Mis. J tise lîad univ Bubbv Lawrene; social comit- heun iiihusîitiutlirai c seek hul tee, Jini McKec. Audrey Fred w. 5DaAT liait hee in plour litaitîtlur or îetie iksý, Mariev Curtis. Marpare lime. She mis the honier Kath.i Clark, Davsid Lawirence. Agne icenvMc-Dtugtii.Her liustîavd pre- FecckThe meeting citi d i deecasesi liirbfut vears ag'). a hvme an(i heîîcîictiiv.- Mrs. Jack Ti isihieer s î palîsut Ncst Sabhaîb. Ssptemhci 28.__ ;j Si. JusepIlis flspituil in ii iltt tciti. WC lope site iv siu itipios . Miis.Aio:yW:e:sbIVc ACCH LLTHURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY on Mhn Kcca 'slboais Concrete, Cinder, Siag and Silo tJîagh W.A. and 1=W 1s,.nti titeti BLOC K S eguiar Septembe r ccc lieu sîitili-ct 16 facdles aitendine. Mrs. A. Gai-1 -cl lit aîih and Mis. Turnter s iltopsît J. COOKE (Conceete DIcks> Ilîcit horne iii Duksille li Ile LD Olcthc-tneins--tii.A iîîscls ticlLD "'ialriil hiv Mis. Henv Peu. NE 4-7763 ,tsk ansi Mrs. J. Fnîîîîck. Mr. andtiMis%. Ribth l'av itti EVENINGS - ianîiitîîuîed tulHamiltluit ast MILTON TE 8Z365 [ FV500.,Fnt. tiius v tw a"s e ek.I - - , ac SATURDAY, SEPT 17TH CHICKEN BARBECUE ai the GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH MAIN ST. MILTON 5 P.M. - 8 P.M. $1.50 PER 1/2 CHICKEN .75c PER 1/A CHICKEN ROLLS, SALADS, COFFtt AND SOFT DRINKS VISIT THE TRADE FAIR THEN BRING THE FAMILY TO IENJOY A GOOD MEAL Tickets SoId et the Door Only For Home Delivery Order tariy TR 8-2411 OR TR 8-4480 new Colon-Magie patterns end coloars ... choose trom our stocks of do-it-yous-slf occessocies and Genuime Adborite compostas prodcts. WIN ONE 0F THREE COFFEE TABLES et the CHAS B. COPELAND LTD. DISPLAY GET YOUR PRtE TICKETS FOR THt ARBORtTE TABLES EtING MADt tURING THt TRADE PAIR. Drap is and sea aur new showroom eand building Supply Werehouse on Given Road just east of Canadien Tire. Every- thing for Home Repairs end Construction. OPEN MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7.30 A.M. TO 5.30 P.M. SATURDAY 8 A.M. TO 1 P.M. GIVEN ROAD EAST MILTON TR 8-2351 i OIIU L TO p n ul CI- ih )n 1 1, MI AGRICULTURAL GROUNDS SEPTEMBER 23 and 24 MIDWAY AND EXHIBIT HALL OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT * ENTERTAINMENT * MIDWAY Junior Club Work FRIDAY Afternoon ln Pront of Grandstand * EXHIBITS PAIR NIGHT Saturday, Sept. 24 MILTON TOWN HALL P000 ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 50c * POULTRY SHOW * CATTLE SHOWS * HORSE SHOWS *LORNE SCOTS PIPE BAND UN ATTENDANCE HARNESS RACES ADMISSIONS FRIDAY NIONT Public Sehool SATIJRDAY 25c Chlldren ree Soc SECRETARY-TREASURER, MRS. G. E. READHEAD w"""".,

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