1T e 0tilole ris l, ~fys mbe. 15. 1960 hI 4FFRN_ __.. iM L site» Authr Gives ' W.M.S. Fis Vacancies at e.t;ng wMhligmlp*sM. n Three Papers Mrs. John Holli-ngsworth Hostess Miit.t i. * Bp Ms. Illim Walon Birthday greetings go t0 Siir- Stock car fans again journeyed Atinstrute iltaEM Usmiama, Seepo t e At %lle ocetyConerece The W.M.S. ispld tiseir Septem- ley Watson, Sue Pegg, Thelma o13an ete omet.Tise At #1*Soiet Cnfreceber meeting aItishe home of Mss. Inglis and Donna ColtIng. numi e a is 3.hs By Mes. P. AL Daveaport in Sin= a adiscussion took JohnMollngsworth wilh seven r car is 5X. Thcm e se Mrs. M. Stark was hocstess for l Ce I reievancy of the ladies preelst. Mrs. Joe Henry Sas-I Finals boys are daing weil sa lets ail gel tihe Septeexher meeting of Scotch sCrip4to i the situation in the ,rided. A hytsn seas read and Tise Kiliside Cuhs are startlqg out and see these boys sin. Block Women's tostitote. The far east. Sûeh phrases a~s "theMrs J. Pickell gave the devolion- tiseir finals on Wednesday ni gis ladies had thc pleasre of hear- o.qcns f Christ' and "the ai. A hymn seas rrad. agistseBrigoBav in Ms.Cîek f akvilr or- soperissrity of ChtitanitY" ~~ r.Hligwrharr 0Pogo Park in Borlinglon. These FREE BIBLE COURSES gave Ihreen papers from bier own reak o iese Asian Bible edo iepur r.Laasertes.I nîry fR..3,Mlln wsn ie rejain ndagaof te lend fhe rear rs b ntL lie oy ned oo spprt orIhs pen, "Noises inlthe Nighl", "Meal Sociey le adrs Lsen1 ime conflssior' ai ookieg Wsnts chairman of thecrrlz resigned as seceearv. Mrs. From Sudbur-y THE VOICE OF PROPHECY bac i gadness. meetinglise Ven. H. M. Arro~w Blad si-ai s -crearv M.ii ' Bchis i ni s brv.t- Sundays 10 a.m.-Dlal 1420 20 Brave Heat it W nr eCeayo ise hiisMis. McDonaid ansi Mrs înial iy ni l ________________ Mrs. Palicîson pî esided for lise Asralian Bible Society and aio sisles10los meeting wheîî aboot 20 ladies cliairman of thse general couricilth year. braved lise hitatu attend. Tise oflise United Bible Socielies CotiseS Nylons roll clt was answered isy giving askrd seby il sas lisoogisitisaI Mes. Wm. Picketi broogisl a DEPEND ON a verse fromt a scisool reader. Chîrist sat unique, tise Rev. J. S. box 10 ibe placed in lise S.S. for Ten dollars was donaled 10 lise Weerasingise, srcrelary of lise old nylons 10 ise ased in mission Jamaica peoJeel. Mes. J. Irving Bible Society in Colomiso, le- work in Korea. 1A E offered lier borme for a quiliing plied Christ is unique because Rednswr ises isy. Mrs. bueein Nosember. H ln nwr lfsulml rezand Mwr.Mcong d Finall plans vweremade for îithueslon nwr iesutmt t ands." conl. s A , " I" H e n ry W. iispiay for Milton fair and UltImal. Quutîbons Tise meeting closed wils lise lise asca convention delegales Tise abv.ius extension 10 tiis Mizpais iseediclion. A dainty were nominaled. repty vwsn ta asi tise question, lunch was served. Tise nesl comn- 440 MAIN ST. E. MILTON TR 82381 Tise meeting closed wilis lie "Bol whast are ifes limate miller for lise October meeting servno of a ios'ely lunch. questions?" Ms-. Weerasingise, ai- iii ibe Mrs. Cartwrrightl and Mes. To U.S.A. ter careil ttoogist, gave tise an- J. Colson. -stal sPhoo e Mes. S. J. Brown and son Dr. swer. "LIes ltimale questions -ALLUD TWICI la extnguis a shed f ire omned by Albeast Vander Fet of Robert St., Fiee John Brown eh o n Sanday for are, Wience have see come?, " n ,Chif AE Clament repos-led thal ch idran sec e sean by mtressas playing in tise bas-n be- Gencna. U.S.A. Wby do mie persisl? Wisere are KEEP MINI) ON WORK fora tise baze broke out. lamaslI cked h ghin tise ais- from tisa small bas-n otil Multons Dr. John Brown rfi Motion we goine?" Keep pour mmnd on vour seoris speedy f se bi-gade as-s-ved. Damage estmai00 mas $100. Wdnesdziv evening on a three A profound silence follomed stien combining - espeially aI filamss'ek business trip respesenling ibis ansseer until a remark seasil oclocis in lise morning and n ~ i.if nhe Onario Fruit andi Vagelabie passed tisaI in tise sloey of Christ itlmen 4.30 andi 5 in lise ailtee- Grossees. Mss. Brownt accomrpan- as tld in lise sciplores me find non, suggesîs Hal Wright, safe ~ow Sp ke at H o nby P.. R ch rds n i lier iusisonî and tvili isil the explanalion s to why Christ ly expert wiîis lie Ontario De- %fo s S oke u H o nby P.C Rcha dso her milhe'r ondi olisr relatives in bias te ansseers. parîment of Agiculture. Tise prad ey, Belf rd arr W elome Home BrieemterMs. Weesasinghe hbas secentlY season: most combine accidents St St epiensAnica Ct rci doi buMa hI a shes. N orls alu OH. oesi Miss Back rom Japan teen released rom his Bible occs- tisen and Wrighti farts fat- s-by. wsathte memorabte scene and whte situes. Tise brîdesmaîds Dose Rchaîrdson came home to isome on Salaralav I rom an inter- pronmute tise use and ondesstand- peialiy tsars ni voue iands gel- for depe ndable, timely tise marriage of Piylis Ade- carried wehite carnations and lise f2 Martin St.,. Saîurday ees esting touir of Japon. Mrion is ing uithtie Bible in lise obole ni ling cougisi in beits and gears fefBradley t Peer John Bel- floseer gil and junior bridesmaid liesme tisp 10 neigihoritood enterief Victoria Collage. Tus-on- lhe east. ai itis imie of day. d lv r O. ed to s anains hiden wo met adt l)t* ot.SuggesSed Bible Readînga rdon Satordav. eripn car nain. csldesiofrma od 1thsmn. Sunday, Psalms 125: t-5; Mon- ýTie bride is ie daugiter of Groomsman mas te grooms selcome lisir iero borne, don. Mattises I0: 16-42: Tuesdoy. tRand Mrs. omard M. Brad- brother. Alan Belford and shers Cons. Richardson ssas released MARI) TO WALK Mollises Il: 1-30; Wednesday. tR.R ,Hrb. iegom HadHgRoger Spl ra ntGuelpht Gencral Hospital Alssavs lie -sure voue huatI s Mttisese15: t-2f; Tisrsday.S O U IN I itiefonr tM.ad ss Iee etad er a Vi. serelite underrssntan opraltinseamorlisv andi xuor oulttiard ai Mtties23: 1-24; Friday. Mat- theSaWb, depSfdable fl ¶tod of Dixie, Ontario. Go esîs numitered 104 aI tise for injuries sulfered in ltîrnii- noor iseii go'd mechanicaltsets 23: 2539; Saturday.' Micais * epaies te &Il Moas, Ilt a rafinedasMd pioc The Re. J. E. Maxmell per- evening reception in thte cisurcit ing tu stop on escaped costat.cnlltn anetrinit on a 6: tls modela for yowrh«Uat unit * rganist Mrs. Roy Coates o eeived dresed iv mosgreen lace aume Home. Do-a! tt iile usas biordlis>ts sa'elnce stga pion HIR u RbulinRhrIecal §preetsvitte ptaped tise Lords os-eetaffeta mt minis iromn oas-ad hiogs and plad lieir in- lu gît ana.l ,l.ing spore sisear Tmospinslcrs mere lisaussing aeled us à a peially. fralyu Le.The bride, gisen in mar- accetturies and a cors age ut struments. Bandsmen ides-eMoa, pins. îp.ttjkpiug aal, olki.rev &Ilake: Wiia mu ~gebyite- atiermasgoerdtanp oh ~nln. I sîhîlitl(wltt0k ts- ielp sîîu prefer mosi in a iusiand- ALL WORK GUARANTEOD petroleum n**ds AGENT fipore siti osganza, decoraled The grooms mother assisled iri isa m«.ila0nio lba k. iris th opou tsUI eeteat necisine deign drrssed sntesest green ils NE 7-1018 o apeaane? ilid a ciapet train. Tise bridaI matciing hat and sioes and -BRNOBUEpe on h o n h ieth t- Brigo NE71 8 c5se as composed of irrides- cream bag and atones and a el- BRINGoparoTa i toio r a ndtei Ie h ble. nI rystat mils a ingetip veil om mumi corsage. I o prt notor tpre sitis illusion. Site camred EasSes-n Onaro Tip up tu8iceia tî in ngiis. oid wmhite prayer btook and miite The hall mas decoratcd ils trîoisbleits obsarting k'riitrai *rdenias. shtiie gladicli and marms. Por tagiii.iiotn, and carOthe lsehit Siters ASended te trip 10 Eastern Onario tiseti st sala qoiinlitî t Sistcs- of tise bride. Mss. Witma itride chose t suit of ceeam btrou - p.ddies ii aiss , aî nd oi ! iwas matron of hionr An- cade sails patm acressorics. On htck,,. o isiling boa kal or bond a brides friend Trudy Sinclair Cooksvilte. lile s.îing aquipseent for eacb RTADOS E E Y O U 4e bridesmaids and Cheryt An honored gues ai tis e md- - possc'tgere.RTR ~ley mas junior bridesmaid. ding scas tise grooms grand-ST S AT THE endy Bradley, te brides niece mother. Ms. Moore. DIses- guests - 'Nawis- is C.înata's chief STP sstise fitimer girl. Tiseisrides- aîîesded fromt Hosnby, Miîîon, ert and sîînuiiciaîraa prmp - 1US 4ids wr dressed in periinkie aisille, Totenitam., rlon; utte .ahe estnml alting cces-iPots- la.Is-to, tJckomille, ejunior iridcamaid and flomer Cookîville, Georgeomn and Tor-AnGod-s Sua MsaitaTD E FR fr1moe mtie ttfla il pei-ont.lanice and Ken Ricarsdsoîn, Bti.an THIS NEW C .""e." ! - iMilloy. NonvsMoiain. -: EAY WA LOOK FOR THIS SPECIAL Wan,.Bs-to n Stee DeOEU Adcaording lu Ac O n tu7 - o.STOPS Consider Test DriIing . . A. Grrel's respor u W. keQuc uhBto Cmntlnsed fromnPage Ose of is pruperîs and a pruposed tnsîWnuoh lise NophaH Q plicaS-Bton *emtent mit Aeander Ambul- completion da te. nen, Dour lsta ToPrie ndFinshc - '> iince Service. Cers Costigan reporteat alie î11ac' ils plae TP dFns I)eed Satisatory had sot sel been able tui obtaint«, 111un _A traitl ded fromtlise soicitor any information on a proposed titIteits-mSel. aîlze n icirThree Reps Devcopmenl Ltd. cosement. M. Lalbams lettreoraibis pîid -n-iti a i sais Mîounsur about 12% ofe- OavaneC"rn! Rr tise tome's purahase of land ovas ied. lelssprîda as. home lires. $1,98 5~' idong Ontario St.. touts of tise Rfs-dSaCmiesFOCTsrtrtssa base ine. for reris improvement Realre tuComitte jWEM stuctraiste Iras s-ceved. Tise description of A leter fsom lise Onario Anti- SEASONAL CHANGE NEED MORE HOUSEPOWER? tan rai terresns -Islontos Ilise land mas fondt acceptable Dsrmiain omtîem s iSommesrain turc? LET US ciseak stur iisg mnetssquipmsnst.sv itd t mas 10 be rcluened 10 tise refeesed o tise efareecommit-dosfioalayfrollsre llbicitos-. tee tus- cunsidss-ation of tise ra- Indignant vi na: o01atturse svsslternfrsalis andlief- ýA lettes- feom R. . Latham ad-qesd endorsement of lise vol-m lise inia r il snnsss. ,est c'jy tsnlni .1etectricai ilmed that hie mas nol iv a pus- committees ideals.- living. Frc c tmoles lursisis. M liion lu rets-adIerslier instImai- Coming meetings and recen t OUN SLIDES cd ouons istirk nradesl. M o e ,'f Ibns peoisiitng toms morismen decisions of lise Committee ni Tît assisl clubss and i nslruc-lors Z - fficiais fromt enîesing iis Adjusîment mes-c eferred o invîaocbing salfe gun hanating lii ndHexhndhemudr-cuatTiecmmittre also re soungîsîîaîd-te huniers under -- lre finIt a etter gîving fîttusned $75 itorromed fromt coun- lise Hunier Sal Prcgrom, lise M L O Claits of the mors panned for cil tu geltishe commitlestaretd. Ontarito Deparîment of Lands lise drainage dilcit a tise hacîs ise toloisg arcounts mere and Fi resus notm ias lis ce sels EL approsed for paymenh: eifare. ilci cuit raining sqides asailaiie H R W R $5iî 631.2; igisis and police, 2,23.- fra peritia up 1tuIot oeks lu2ýMnStF1I !4; properties and cuntingena- amp îrgniasion upn rc'tlesl toe Pertilze Tre icte, 5439.30; males-moeks, $1.051.- ibroughhisrrltcalt tond.s and 60; streets and maiki, 31327.72; Firsîs district olfklia Tisere are ra.s - ý emers and sanitalios, $1,27381; 140 sides su arra. tce1aI oi il- To Fight Disease industriai developmcnl, $3.6s5; lustrale telise s stns inv .. finance $1794353; capital, $19, lise oficiai inaîsual lur instruci- If pou fetilîze pour trees and 947,1.' ' -us- itruits this fait, pouhi be fgtîgi 941îsrs fee s-gsotismordpetItand aItnnett isease al in ose smoop, say t hosticuturisls ils tise Ontas-io RD AIV~~ 9epartment of Agriculture. A S A ilodlases fertilizer is alto the SILVER S R EiUII LUUNIJ . gsI lest bel for trees and ibrubi g Andthie bet ime tu apply Il hs IN PO. BUILDING, CAMPRELLVILLE 15 L F 'ihen the leases egin 10 fai. Pos- smatt trees and shsubs, f0 suar ted Spestievety LEPH NE O. U 4-295WORTH THE COSI 0F A Ikpply aI a rate of hait a cup pers- EEP O EN . L42 9 Orteasea coxeed tis tise NW RESIDENCE UL 42277 BRAKE TREATMENT? Seo how lîttie you pay f or a wholo ýfron oftheplan. Iftheplant Ibsas eo gas sci nb Openiag Heurs - Tues. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 5 p. qétre that the grass is dr efore a relcatonghisp ectIons, be ndTur.eenns il9 ..roomf ul of natural cane Pool furnituro - Lasgr Tesa 0PIsnnt tht price omozing? And thia furniture insa vessaie, yoo con For arg Ires, inttais tie _____________________use it ln your shore cottage, den, recreotion or rompus soom. Juil 4#ameter othlie trunis aI shouldi -M à think of the marvaious decoroting achemes cievts- young home. p ieigist. Tisen, use three or MILTON MILTON Bottes- driva ia îody ... - e fo tsIsTusraay ..-. aen w..smka- o mk ih I sfd h I'ur pounds of testitizes- for each a ueyeu'reet aI I, renember we elfes- cempilee kr o mk ihlt Iportd onu-wovtO cons pe. Iaci of teonis diameler. Some _________________________ilghtwelght, honcisome and comfortobit. Urdenars put fertilizes-in itolesSE VC Uses of the tree, Maise Imo or CECIL B. DEMILLES TECHNICOLOR GREAT ---------------- --- ree circles of tiese ioles f i/e HO E RT1 TUB SETTEE 2 TBiHAIS41TA L. ,ars,18" deep and 18" ap "THE GREAMI SHO ON E R H WIIEELS MUJST ROLL STRAIGHT 39-95ssv frt). Use about hait a cup per CHARLTON HESTON - JAMES STEWART Try iiars-Fs-oasEsd Algameal - Here are a fese ips t0 lessen NETTY HUTTON - GLORIA GRAHAME We raurB ie o oo e o ette a chances of fetilizes- hure on AND A CAST OP THOUSANOS là EASMR STOMNO 0 MORE TIRE MILES yo r S5 o e saseere tisa shsuhs and Shoran Twist Racis Evsnlng ai 630 and 9.10 p.m.10SA 111f#0 SMOOTH RIDINO -tr o a dW nFeePrxsNg ty are iocated, MATINEF SATURDAY 2 PM. - DOORS OPEN 1.30 DIIO SM seyM n< dW nF . rssN g ty (-t) Be sure tisaitishe grass lss o. us s.Sp.1 0-2 sinl ostosSriea - lumps - TePs.HUNTER . CNSANeOWRS l ndlM otoSrviSaestLd. C O O K E' S FURNITURE AND