Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Sep 1960, p. 11

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WNEN IS JACK coeing dlown tise beansiaf k? Acully the lanky plant is a iolybocis grown by Jim White, 10 Main S., Milton. Mr. White measured lise plant 10 6e 1l feef ose inch, a rare heigisi for Iis plant. Ho would also like some expert tb tell hlm eshai type of cacus plant he ias polled. Friends tell hile hat tooc s rare. el diy lise gruotes emortier in a Suze te C ffen sireet icngih easy bloc lace user laffeta drcs iiss sish witeacces- S suries and a corsage olred W edsJohn Finn seeetheart roses. Yellow and Inadouble-ring ceemn istwite mnms dccoraîed lise hall Grace Anglican churcis, Sozette fo h ca i.Svetrum ie Cutten, daugisier of Mr. and grains wer reccied fu h Mes. Ruperi Coffen ot 221 Bell crd' ealions ite Eegtand. Si., Milton, became tise bride of Lesnonu eknd hey Juohn Robert Fins, son of M r. n ili 1u Wasaga Beach, lise iride mure a sireet lenglis beige anîd Mrs. Jack Fins ot 164 Miiilc lct it elwacs Si., Milton. Tise Res. D. A. Pots- sre' aî cl perturîîsed 16e cereîîîoey on svsectivccit roses. heualvingu hie eeîing o uv1 ut a 110 King St., Milisn. Yeloss aed vshile chrysanibe- Tire bridle is a studnt utlii mums decoralcd lise churcis for Brueu's Scisuol ul Hair Desigen tise cercînons, and Mis. A. Led- Hanillon, and tlie groum wurks sitb ssas organisi. piaying Han-a uyn PrdcsL.,Ml det's Largo and O Perfect Love,. iBuynt Pudcsn..,Mt Satin Gosen Many Gueste Gise in esarriage by ber ta- Wedding guesîs mere presen i tiser, lise bride wurc a fuît ienglh lrum Gergetowne, Ayr, Hamil- sais gosse ils ingcrtip si lusonand Toron, as w'cii as Mil- and sccd peari ieaddrcss. Sise tun. carried rcd roses and wmitie Prior 10tiste ceremony, imo carnationss te a spray bouquet miscelaîeous shomers hsonorc-d wiîb 1cmn. tise bride, gises July Il by Kay Mairon ot Soor mas Mrs. and Katisy Bell. Higissicle Drive, Gordon Wrigglesmortis ut Mil- and un July 12 by Mrs. G. Wrig- ton, tried outh1e bride, in a glesssortis, Mais St. pastel mauve knec e ngîh drcss of nylon urganza oser taffeta HE JOINED HIlM mith whitie accessories. Brides- A mtorist uppruaclsiîg a ilý maid was Miss Carole Cotte ut lage mas surpriscd tsi sec aîn c Torunto, cousis ut tise bride, ilecris mas running duntlIe îss.î a similar drcss in geen. Bolh ai 'ful speed. carricd bouquet sprays ut mmcd What are you îunsîisg loi? sweci peas. askediltIse siloii. Groomsivan scas Peler Diryden "Thereva circus inls s and and usies sere 16ebiicdus bru- the lins Nbas isokcillnove," tuer, Ruper t Coflen aiid tise g.ivpcd lie-tnnr gronms beoliser, Frecrick Fuse. "Whisiebwa ii5il[le gsi9 Mthers Receive Yon donnl 16mb l'i hý Recsiving 45 guesil tishe re- siln, du yoju*? ashed ltic sillages - relation entise Canadian Legion Hlai, Miltoîn, lise hridc's niothes' Wilhhulsr els laiingîsses- chose a sirecet length periwinkie humincini , Canada sils 19599 uis bluc sieath is mushitie acces- dueed iess cocuttIsas cii cm unie suries and a corsage utl yeltom in 50 'eai-s. The 1959 ligure: JO, ssvcsthcart roses, She mas assivi- 554,803 tons. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Excessive Drug Price Story Shows How Public is Swindled 328 Montais Viese Dr., Milton,! Augusi 29, 1960.11 Tise Edilor, The Canadiae Champion, Miltas, îst. Dcar Sir, Aboutol isuseks agi mv tam- ily viited tic denistsi molin Milon). He prescriheul cibe,îsd ot sodium luîîriule tables on a1 prescriptinsblank sslieis burei tise braed nainîe I pvesn sîably( supplied sy flits-tmanuactureruor1 wholesalerî. Tise cosi oftiiiv Ilcs Say X braed mas 13.00 for8laislets for 3.75 cents cas 6. Keowing tîtisodiums tinoride is a plesîlitol and ehcap shem- ical, i proies. ed t6e prise asd tise druggist (eut Milton) siefcer- toity said tisai isecîîuid gise me anotiser hrand, Le. sodium fluor- ide tableis - ilîsout a trade saune - ai $4.95 pcr lisosaed for 0.495 ot a cent caehl, Ovcr 7i Tmes This means tait ise branul saine talsîcsoi sevescies a haIftimes a s mlt as tilu n- hrandedtaleîcs. Tiis iv, pîupurtiisnallvy, tise same as being asked Ici puy $100,000 fur a small bungalow in. soy, Falingbrook or Mîutsain Viets; $13,00 for a Vîlkswagcs or $1.65 for a a at ofrcad, Tise receet avaiiabiiily ai so- dium fluoride tabiets should end the caetroversy of wiseiier or net ta, flueridale cis-he maler supplies, as anyone cas use thiss chemicai. sopposcdiy effective in diminishing lootisdecay, Howev- er, watcis ot for tie hraed namne siedle (wich applies Io maey oliser drogso ous) Needed by Sick Thse public is continually being swiîsdled inii îany ways by man- ulaclurers of evcry coimidiiy truiesosap f lakes tirîugb choe- ulale bars 10 mcîliinev neecfed 6v Ile sisk and ul*Isîleelpolir. Deceplise paeisagingc, îsiîuîcy specials and lilicîs arce suison placeeand stîunlutbc %it.iIuieîtl li - Coinplaini s siîuîîluIb (li luvtlis lise attentiounofIll e îî,îî fls i meris, rticiciss, prcvs, Mcmeuîlsu ofi Parliamneistansd lic oficeo tlise Attorney General ut filie Province. Yuurs truly, R A. Wooiand. Nassagaweya's First Log School Buil Consolidation, Closes S.S. No.-7's D S. S. No. 7, Nsssagaweya - scisonl was hniit on the southis Plnegrove-will very sooni close corner of lthe saine lot and ili ls douo and tlsere wlll be no hecame knnwn af er some yearsi mure leusons taught tisere. as No. 7 or Knowlcs' sehool. The Trsnsported ln modem buses, leachers were Mrs. Cnmmings the tudentas wil go to the and George Saunders. conuolldated uchool at Brook- The plot was houghlt ram ville sehen Il lu completed ln a William Knornles on Nosenher few seeka. 25, 1843. The document aj This Saturday, there sel be sigîscd hy Iive men, Alesander a gala reunien aitishe sehool McCann, John Gillies, Thosmas1 for ail [ts formier pupils. lvc sosRîsherItîtîtlchooni Fullowiog Is a hlstory of the Lti i îit MiAlpisse, and wi- school whlch may recaîl many nicseci yDv.sid Agness and Don-1 happy memnorles. aId Blac k. The sale price - 15 * * shillings! Thefist cholbuit n Ns-hjRegisters and cash recordsi The irs veoolboii nNa, hae heen dcslroyed. and most sagasseya towvnship, in aboulut i he lacis have heen gtcancd 1830, scas on tlie sesi cornr of 1,u1m te distitels oldest rcsid- lot 18, concession 6 and the cls. firsi Icacher ssas Miss Hopkins. Thîrd Sehuol Hardships cati nnly bu imgined, The tlanclfor tise ncvilog forlthelistslscilcislicssccca- choolinrlherclown the rad, ns iroilIhe loteis nnly 20 5vLtshvughi froni J. Easterhrook years ielore. andclthe scliool oas hili ahout Sceral veirs lsler ailhlci. 155 woyeurs aller the county iii Halloln ssas organized. There scese aboutn 40 pupils, a great ivani sslfinhm castefromt what -Scicietal changes have heecis i ns SS. No. 8. Theysatn mnaclein Ihe Ionsiese ccssOsiniIcslong svooden benches without r al i le Mairin st. hg ligh.îv sic-kv. scisool. TIhelansd wheî c ihis schnnil -When Brorsks le pulic ssav lscaIcd is nossosncd by scoloes in lice eksMr. Pivka. George Inglis wiîl hase Il ice bu', TIhe sclionîs were ponrly eqolo. totes rossi iîg 10 the vcllont pcd-hnl Ilises so ere the pin-i plas a ui lb bus bo Miluns High i ner homs. If ofien happenedl Schools. tbai assone williîîg tu tcach lor il ose figure seiild gel the pîîsi, à and qualifications couldni 6ec slîcvseîl. Ose leacher gui 50 cents pcr msîslh for cacis pupit and hbsard for himscii. Dihers $200 a Year Dise ofiIlle lirsti le -s fers ini ili cho is ailicriiicfloosds of Siescalitvl ss, sîlislaier ii ai'- sicclisohnîsBll, agraiininloflise lîssi Jîsîsî Bcell in h dsrit liser ieclerssseieiJshnîsCsol- e lis.Ms. McFaller, Rsîbeî Situii- durls,,.Mr. Lsîsrv, lter a discini, (.1806768). TIse ligurec- of Mi. SLtilliiIci.v salas v iv knowsn - he liiilerî Ill C i is ice$00a eii . lime sîciç JîsîsîsRichiardîssn and Iij.ii illvI lle' " 1 is u r et Ill coritro~il l t e litiri.' Y Sili5 llie se vl La gissi sucnou ive dîsl isol. New ~Educailusal Systern fn51840 Lanesstvem w55.or ginalcîl, anif schosîls wr tr cceîhubit&i n al lishe townsipsl. Dr. EgetlnnR%,soin %sas chosen tiîpurintcndlerit sol ecicatios for ____ ____ ____ Oniai ii. ln 1871 tise legistur ofI Diii- July Wedding ai iiipurl sesilausinto force Mr. and Mrs. John Fivo cunt , I l, RoîbertiLittlie ifAu- onii 5555appoiineiliiipeccssr ii iheiwedding colin lollonsg liheishlic s lssl sr Ile coln the Jnly 15 cnîemony. Sbn s%.sA sels piigaiilf ti( s the former Suzelîn Coliens. sud LI els iv ofi igiading dety wm.inter get ESSO -RAD permanent type antifreeze IN YOUR TRACTOR E. A. "'AI" Henry 440 MAIN ST. E. TR 8-2381 for mil your IPRA petroeum SSO> needs ~ Gi~~ BRAND NAME WORK BOOTS SISMAN *HYDRO *BROWN FROM $8.75 TO $17.95 PAIR canadian Paratroop Boots - $8.99 Pr. SCHOOL SHOES FOR THE CHILDREN THOS. DEAR SHOES pupils were institotud, wiîh a tsew standard l'or schoot build- ings, grounds and furnilure. Within sis years:, helore 1877, ail scisool #rounds wcre enclos- cd. Present School Pcrhaps il was duc 10 these regulations tisains 1872 a sec schoui on ficsnorih coiner iii lui 15, coneession 5, ssavsloud- ils biîlil v)î1 . TIse landsîl socaec rin J. Bell, ishuse grandsois, H-arold Bell, stlilwn tise adjuining larm. An nid document rescals tisai un Marcis 3, 1873, the plot ut 114 acres and lise former vchool on lot 18, concession 6, wcre sold lu Patrick Thumpsun. Tise trustees l S. S. No. 7 ihen scere William Dredge, Malculms McMif tan and George Kennedy. Wiiness for lisis sale scas James Hendersun and the price-41. Mr. Thompsun csnverîecl lise buiilding for aisibacksseithsisvlsp. lIn 1912 luis building siasfoc dlswn isy Juhn Hendersusi, scis ussned tise landsclties. Lîsîviser huom il was uvecfin buildings un lui 18, concession 3.) The wofwork iiiflise scoise .scbuol sas ufline is Mr. Blacks. Tise ini-weaiiecred sîsîne bsuifl- ing iv stiattractiive iencalis uhe shliering trucs, lise play- grounnd sousi lu 6e ilenced. Fille Truateeu, Teacher Firsi trustees wcrc H. Cargili, William Dredge and Archie Bell. Whcn tise rouesy new scisoof op- escd, ils lirstIclachersoas Miss GrantoulAActun. In 1885J. S. Dacon loosklise r front iRsîic Little as csîuîly in- spcisîr. cis 1913 J. M. Dciives Issos lier flie pîssithit i iieli lic SusseoilÉlise (cacheris ii Ille odsehlîssl aseeriscnMs. Me- lsieri n (lise 1870v, scisilacer States, James Smniths, sslîsî miîiser, Mary Mooîre, iv a eci er menîioned c.îî lier, Mary Scottl, J. Stumes, Leliîi.î Mead in 1876, %shis, uer lccanse Di. Sui rs. l.iieîLiiiialsiii, Risisci1 Meadi, lisîgfî Meacl, Jasîîcs Bell diie ssoliI, Mis Siii.i svoý aldi visas. $2.0 ser ans Ajiisî 1996 Mi-v M. ,Iij,iici (allies iaiiglil itIl l e hsc 10 liiec v Jacik Sisscv,. -rlie Baiber, Mi-v K.îîe KesisIcils. Miss D.ssls,î Miss Maggic Mels,s,îtc, Billie MeGregur. Miss Em Mc Laugisliîs, Miss Mary Bai harec aîîd Miss Scîsinir. 3O Tise Canadien Champion, Thors.,S in 18l nId sîneshool seere Joseph lit in 18 30 Fransk,0 Wilfred- Kennedy andi Harold Bell. In Sehool Atea oors O on Il 1936 the sehool fair shield ýoors Soon as won peemanenlly, havingj hes wos three imes in suc- Up lu 1960 cession for the firsl lime in tise lu n,191 1-12 Miss Elsie Joncs hisiory niflise Sehool. lags, !ih is Jessie Living. Music was iniroduccd asa1 Stone cîîîvng in 1915, Miss J. Mc- vuhicel in 1933 isy Jonc Frank. Caufy 1916,' Miss S. Evans 1916- Thi« pupils were successfuilin 1919, Miss Belle McKinlay 1920, winning tise silver cup for the Miss Grace Phillips 1921, Miss choir in Aprit 1936, ai iheir firsi Nanscy Maison 1926, Miss May ailciopi ai te counny emusic tes- McPhedran 1930, Misv Mar iorii uval. Lawsun 1933, Miss Jonc Frank A ncwssslesot scsiiil masi- 1938, Miss Isablcle Alexainder iigciiicnl isgisin f939 ai l 19-Il, Miss lusse M,ILtiilliii Nztss.sgsscsa public e I olS 1943, Miss Massv l.lliiîss 1944, Mis. 1 wîscis îiscy ssci placec inia Joncî (Friank) Evans 1945, Mrs.'shoul arca wiîh fisc trustecs Annie Paul 1953, Miss Joyce Law 'ýclccd h ie peuple aI mus- vs wisî renîaincd until Jonc uI icipal cleclions. 1959 and was fuluowed by Miss Tise lirsi fisc irusces of Arca Mary Muns misu laugisi ontil Nu. I1scere T. iSnyder, Ross Car- June of 1960. beri, Dr. B. Youung, Josephs Tise ast lhrec troseces uf lise Frank and C. J. Van Guneen. September 1le, 1960 il The five trustees Ihis year are Cal McIntyre Horace Blyth, Stanley Robinson, Dr. CBiff Young and Art Gibson. 1Lieder tise new system musie, manual training and home econ- nmics were taught hy itinerant [cachers. Religions training was started during 1942 whcn the 1Rev. McNil ni* Sndnm Preshyt- Scrin church came each Friday imnrning. Bus Routes $tart leI 1948, schnnl buscs started -running tisrnugh ihe arca, tu transposrt pupils iii higis schnol. lIn 198 bueswee eeci l'or 1 Ipublic scl I cliiils ies, l kscinin g desperitelly vii crirossd- ad.c Thc'y had lu bc iranspîîrled tu niher schus where accnm- mnîlatincou Id bcs Inîd. 1 And euw, in 1960, the new .central schnul ai Brnnkville isas ibecs isîili ..-.and lise doors uf S. S. Nn. 7 wilt clnse. P E RU P AR K J U D 0 DANCING Tise meut effective way of self defence. TO THE TORKAYS Top nuich luisirurînru (rom iseheNul tknown Judo Club ln Toronto wlll teach you. FRIDAY 9 - 12 For ail ages boys end girls 8 years & eider. $1.50 ivens gon lwo bonrs instrnction os ALSO SUNDAY MIDNIGHT DANCE any night and imo hour proctice on second 12.05 to 3 ar. nigisi each week. CALL TR 86232 TO REGISTER. TOM MELANSON TARTANSj CANADIAN LEGION, BRANCH 136 POPPY FUND- WILI, HOLD A DANCE SAT. SEPT. 3rd - 9 P.M. LEGION HALL $2.00 PER COUPLE TINY HOPKINS ORCHESTRA Couples Only Changedl Velkswogter's engleasesMokle tht.. maoeIeepoemeets te the Welds Moest saoa*sti sMs.lOI a. Yen s. eltheît ets W m hy o osEs5, Yen hene t drie if. Allthie chantges hae h-em .end .iitis te cear, o epies Moe.pewetal origine: Engins opes îp 10-4. Nom bue Vlkiwaen esi no oay frlinsligis. Yoî leent ep hlbut itie rondnsds dandlfly don iboiayslfoer tison beoe. Andi nsertakitgis saler ho. casle thue's moeu esutvu poersine e-sy gant. Tise engines1ftialbvgis inet.eid fa 4n hotspowet, stisil tetin, isii o ecrnvn. A ple.ntsiiiusiî. Synchhsstued flssi gour:s Humsu scon sisu dnnn I i stiigentrcibuil stopsin th.s-. Ai lovmsp.nedoehn.g otiisno5 down wmhsan lîckofItho nit and oo nmsy. This seisifea ltfs i ip-ad- stasf t cintg. Fouf iyitcistnuaed îpeuds li a luiunp totsilensunesonintfhîentoe suponsive cats.,Btfta isveuIifit a ear ni Vllsagenss îlesand price i quit@ oazing. Thesutifos of al lenturneuf. hanseisseeiatgid tfan50e paient use evry ounse of exfta powet desispîti isy tise tiumengin@. thuetnw W i ni nnisiu as a nuedî n ts foic atinetsor fun than a fait, lsee.osed luggages pOie: Volksmagef i luggoges pece il tow a neple 10 cuic feet 5 behinidfthe bok sntand 5 p frotsf VWsuengise iitfheueanvliioie. Nous tiseVois-tges gee sasairk t rnns cllthe ay honnniih youfgfncetie undesftheisnsd. Ortokr, ong ocatssin witfis nilkitds nI lignus fuoily siowed awoy. W. F. CROSS SALES AND SERVICE R.R. 1, Milton Tel.: TR 8-6201 The VW Ia eoestostiy boIse Impreeedu Sissu 1948, fn eusthoan nre hunrded Impnnemenf s bais bien sade a fthes Volisicagits. Pst if stt tsroais si îally tisusaeuear cutis ties s ylutu. Tisofi cisp a 0W itiygrave nid butsif ohîlefi-and cisp if rtfin ilssolues. Tisu Vokecigen is an honetafprotnde. Mbits enoae ater istinpsomnfsin fite nwVW, if b Volkswnget'u philnenphy esttfa chatnge faf fies. ase of cisangu but ta sîeis chcnfnnallp frtic cocu te lepsoe .a oteat idea. Soeft nIsua Inpnoensinsth e Isue Vuksisagan oealuo ntheSustomeînodel. Miiesien yen isp, ce thisnk ynî gef fhe bîstfcnt sotuin f6. cofii. Tho sec Vothîcoges se a lni sure fuli toiven. Misy n55find ouiforet sioîlf today at yotneesiVW dealer. rode bfweientonlas ia tes. lntthis coutry heipsest .eutny, il»ofCund'. boit eutsa,% hiy ete Cunudian goadi. VOuîSWAsiN CANADA îL& British Army Boots $7.50 Pr. TOHW VALUIES

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