Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jul 1960, p. 10

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-~ . -.-~*-~- . v~~r'ea'~ V-v~ ~ i...' 'MpTletémoi Lasi weekeud me euj( ta the Pioneer Village eues fiorth ut Toconi, Bladk Creels Cunservati Tht Pioneer tissage( early humes, a grain bL house, blet ksmith sht store, Cstler Milsltandi se, buillings. Eatb unscou dingo is turnisbed as1 hava been ta the 1 many original pieces. A pioncer school is1 test ut heingeconstruet, sîndersianu a ebureb ai shop will alto bc part age. Dakring the tvetk peur in authent eostume baud tu demonsicate sc 'airtous equipmenl. Tht blindsftrAc alfu are wvosen on a toom ii tutmi. Tht tIns for thes, grown on tht grounds, harvested, then takent t-sm where ih s prce iit 50yarn, oliesi anti1 A herb garden bas e, les of herbs that os' aroand 1867. We ne plant like se base in garden, bits eulntfi For the conventente c ailu~ Clvéeesp owvmnans'vut~o n,!ianAyWily11h 6 RIGHT AROUND HOME by Shirley joed a trip ors pienle areas are pruvided both Soaki gelain in oar -and Mut- si tht museuad tht village ihen set in bot mater ani tu inthe ohere ibere is rtsh sring mater flidissolves. Mis geint ion Accu. and toves for eoukiag. (Yuu juice, hunes- and ginger consivt u.tiake vur osuc-hareoal). There is ring util outil biesded. n-ii sî-nîbe ituti .CNIB eiseshîneni bîîîth stsghîiy tbiekeued. op. Leiti .it t' tise gtoulids. S ir in ltiis.sasîni -vll lir It \tiiie lotLiiigiloi.asplace to ceesîîsuicis bas bees shese buit- eg oc srsii seouons tîtia ibis s(itf. Pour insu a 9 n 5 busy oouiti s an escellent spot which hs o(nitoutr pan and freeus i 880s iih i-su t ar na- yanti p-vide recrea- huldo iut shape. Unesu linas tutti as educa ion. suices and serve ou le n tht pro- RaspheriHele Maa stihsweeci dressing ans .ed and ose Fresh rasssserries bas-e madie sert irs- ibis une. Il's id printisîf tiseir annuat as-peuaace on thteueliciaus. ut tlisc s-ii- miarket. andsidsîe lu tht abund- Raspbarry Cramsa suite ut rssîatheys- ouattbc big- i baked pie oheli a )pie dresseti ger, beiter anti plentitul. cracker ohel es are on Rusperries sare dtticious plais., ~caps raspbrries ume ufthie r ihes eau hc serve i n a variets- I skg. raspbrrry jelie tif dse' 1e-'is.steifut salusis, saute, 1 tnp bot mater tht hontes tam or tests-. 1 cup benvy ereaes w in tht mut- Focrsi saisîsi rv ibis retupe using 3 tabiespouns iiug st se blinis is tîesh ruspherries anti gingur aie Disoluve raspberry je] suhece il is mhieb givse the ginger flanur. tep bot sater. Chili to the mos- Franen Glager-Frult Salati partaliysetm. Beat tl lootti. spuin i ibsp. unfiavorc-d geistin mhisk or rotary bes finaily suit s cup oruangc j uice ftutfv. 2 îbsp. euton joice Wis- the crenes ustil sc 30 spet- tests- iqoisi hunes- tutti n tht icisg ougar. -ere gron i c-tit ginger aite Foiti the creauito Issl titeet une i eus- fiesb rats-tic--ites Foisiin tht rass-herri inur rock t1tests diccît catteol peurs,wsuli havse been oasbed uni rid u tiil t s driîtîesiPour intu the pie so s esîs-sîssayonnaise sbursîughiv. Garutsh s ut the t-tit- t eus- suhispingccaut lieut eres anti mhnie1 I V - ~ Items toc ibis timn aic el oim- BY MRS. LIL HOUSTON ed. Caiti Mrs. Houston as TR 8-9294 Guesis visiiing toc a %teeti Mr. anti Mcv. Stan Fay and Jusi rturntd trom a meek ut with Mr. and Mes. Bilt Koshi famito of Montrea, tormerty iof tamping ai Saubte Beach Frovc are M. and Met. John Roseit- Miton, ar is iiting their Par- inetat Park are Mr. and Mrs. Mac botes ut Brooklyn, NY. Mrs. ents, Mr. andi Mro. Hestos-, Hugh Etioti and eidren Margaret Rooenhulm is Mrs. Koskis tisser. St.and Mr. andi Mrs. Stan FaY, and Toîm, 285 Eimwood Crescent. Whist in Ontario, îhey sit alto Woodwtîard Aie. visit triendo ai Port Credit. Mrs. M. J. Carosof Haten We are pleasedtiat report Reg. Cessennial Manor spen t Sîsîstav Congratulatitons are ettendeti Marsitait io King Si. bas retoru- ai ber home heipint telebi-atie ta Dr. R. W. and Mrs. Douglas tif ucetbhrne totu boss-ual afier a ber hoshandos 87ihbirthdlas. Mr. Vancouver, forment uof Milton, srîous sîper,îtiîîn andtis doing asd Mrs. Deiberi Dio-nst secte un tht sale arrital ut thet r test Osait, alto prescrit, and brougti dagtrAnne, a tisser foc Cash- M.adMr.To btrtbday tube iîb tandies. Mrs. duiner r.îsiMs mTîeas Holm Carton mas marmly meteîîmed trft rom Rinhgobing, Denmark, are bath tu tht Manur by the statfi Mr. and Mro. luth Charlton ot tisitint îi the home uftiheir at h n ftedy Broute St. bave arrit-ed home daughîer anti sonin-iaw and tam- tttedutttdy feues their trip ta Winnipeg. iv. Mr. anti Mrs. Ken Jensen, i______________ Miii Si., Miltotn, for brcet NÉ~r and Mrs. C. L. Sipp anti monîths. famiy o Helop d. avear-POET'S CORNER ived hume atitropesding ibre We are sorrv Iu report Mrs . weeks with relatives ai Grand Stanley rite aut Campbctltc Me &y MOMENT WIT3t GO~ Lake, New Brunswvick. hast an accident aîndi rokc fier -hip. She isin St. Jost5ih's Hos ,Dcar Cod, hctt me 1.iii l hmo Miss Paaline Merkley ut Main pis.st, Hamilton. c hiren su pray wtith tlisir tises. Si. speus a os-eks holiday wtih mot jtt ih iheir uipu. Jiti Taylor ai their home, R.R. Shows me the wtuas shietot 6, Milton. h .iem [rom tht temp-iatton ofi the Rev.D. . Pwel, acoman Ml immer tornd. and to nss ruc(t them nut et. D.hs A.oPows ell uu ndAes tý %as matie aithetot' sander ftom tour te.scbiîgs. Dermyn, lso Jus-ce Arnold sand Cnda Chmpion otfice iis tvname1iplrYos Jean Wilson, art teaving Sudas mucek t[tit istispapes anti a Cen- 1 %hatl oui latter in myfors for a irip- ta tht North-West Ter ttnniat bookîûô bc sent tui Wiii knows-ng sou are cotstaintly oiih ritoies hereMr. owel istak haker tuho tels here in 1914. Mc. me. rniu)v ere r. Powl ello ub-Shuker mas n briek-tayer and t1osiii sus be atraid. ing fo tver n nih ofa uu but t vrlotti tthe homes i he Knie octhtmotbut ugt ,]sdersetinsuft o. Hetp me su fit-e mY ehilsiren Ruti MKersie ut Main Si. bus His address is Aston Si., Shitt- spiritual food iting tis their arrived hume ftttr opesding a ual, Engiansiand he wouud met neesis and nature. wteks vacation mitb is cousin, tome ans ueo-s trisseMitonians Anti tues thes bat-e griittn as Brian MKerit ut Muttut. -suo s-ny remember im. .traigt and tati as trees, 1 iltt Mrs. Alun Denmark, Hitisidu Drive, mas busteos to, a double hnby shomer hetd oc Mrs. Cashs- Bell and Mr. Carol Creseson. Mr. and Mrs. Vera Grenke and ibretebhidren ut Brusteis, toc- mens- ut Milton, mere visiting for imu meeko meith their tam- !lites, Mrs. Wriggtttmorth and Mrs. Grtnke. Mr. and Mro. H-arold John- stune and imo triends fom New- bars- paid a briet dosit lu Mrs. John Kennedy and tumils- ut Main Si. Mr. and Mrs. David Masun Jr. ut Halitax, NS.. istid iis week miîh Mc. and Mrs.' Med Pes-tress, R. R. 1, Milton, mhilei holiduying ta Hamiltosnsiîh bis parents. Mr. Masos bas bren a member ut Hec Majestys Royal Macs- for seven years. Relatives Attend Howard Reunion Tht Howuard familis heisi a re- union as Loositie Park on Sur- day, Juty 24, 1960. One hundresi relatives fros- West Virginia, To- unt, Gait. Miton, Loms il, Kit- bride and Cnmpheltvitte en joyeda piensuni atternoctu. A committe cosistint ut Donna Pearson, Mary Howard,. Tom Homard, Mildred Thomas, Don MeLean, Russell Inglis and Eleanur Powell osu seleted tu plan nets year't reuntuon, mhich i% lu bu- held os the irsi Sunulay n Augusi. Il its oped ibut evers-- une wiii agais be srestarit s-akc nets yc-r's eunion ausucceso. More thanon un--iird tif Con- uduts surface is covered sith trees. ccst- but on]tcttau-s-ou.r hand tuas ta mine a Ilt icesuas. Sulîmitted bs- Mrs. A. Champagine. JULY CEREMCNY united intesarriage Laurte Douglas Ritcit, daughlar of Mr. andi Mus. HerbeutL. Ritchie, Acona, and Davidi Aexander Juhnson, son of Mu. and Mus. Fred Johnson, Milton, ut Kno Futobyttutan Chuuob, Acton. Tbey nre living n Acton. Orgoist ivstess te Cheisters At Pot Luck Picinc, Feiiowskip Kutx Preshterian Cbureh choir, tamiits sand trienols hetti a teitowship ps-lnte di suer un (i spattousou tnds ut their uegsîniss an'd choir tender Mrs. Roîî.îts Wrightszut Esnoitvie, ttrth ut Gutelph, uSundss. The spaciios teil kepi grotîntis sant thct%%cilhut tsile hotusse sucre a beautitl seitiaf tor tutu an ouoing. t Homebauk Farm mîr- ted uts 50th annîses-sars ibis s-neth, and prescrit stosu' bouse s 1110 years ldi Gamet Enjoyad Apsroxtmaiely 50 ont cdows to a delictous pot tack dinner, capahty otcgnnized hY tht thiirs soc-tai vous-tact, Miss Rita Na-t- er. Cimnestocrsoug and sot-sîtîîid. contesis and prizes toc the chitti ie ta r oeen cesiA sociallinme Rotary Tournamnent Wash Out Tuesday Miltotits Rîîî.sî s .îînu.îi Bowl- ng Tout îîsîîen t ws a t-sh otn on Tttesst.ttesensîîg tohc'ttain beat the Rtstisnssand guests tu Ite greens.. Members. guessutf the Lasun Bowsling Cub. cntîoyed stopeste the club bouse unît Outre pres-ar- iîsg 5btu tut shen tain begîn itu pour dots . Duîing the mtitng the Jttly Suit t the Month drasu mas s-asie oiih Jim Cotitgan hotsiing te winnsng ticket. WEST ENDMRE WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN THE PRICE WE SERVE THE EAST END, TOO ROSS HOLMES, PROPRIETOR DIAL TR 8-6501 ishuiscu re tif bu Mrs. D. Sîniltie. Mss. S. Lîtchie and Mis Mita Nsss- et ange juice. .dý heat un- Lin, temon er aie. otir- c.Chut tti nuaise anti sn whipped i x 3 inch il mixture ild. cuti in stute lent nd for des- 'ricb but cr grssham whipped augar -ll in une jello untit wiih mire iter untit ili s ttiif, he getatin. tes whteh id uirained. heit. ChisI sith mhip- berri es. Lst Weight, Fuils Yeu"g Aluin MAIDSTONE, ONT. «'I have bats usisg thetenatas fiasru about etehi weelts and have tantt 32 pnsnds. I teel twenty Oive yeatn ysunget and reeemmesd tht NarasPians ta anynne who withnstto e eneess seegt hand test anudtluth yongr." R. Leish- mas, RR t, Maidntone, DntL Tnt mueh wetght sapa ynne ttentth, maties yon tati tieed, tubes the tus onut lite. Dunt lut ecens weit maha yns luth and fmil older thas ynn ate. Tty tht Matas Fian indas-. ita aman- ite buse quiehiy ysuscast loe poustis of unsightls- fat ight in your oses hume. Cet tbe Matas Pians tees-yot druggist tnday, it is simple, inxesuse and attd en a mney bath guarastee. ST, LAWRENCE FRUIT & GROCIRY STORE FRESH GREEN IIOMEGROWN CABBAGE, .- .- Icg. Head HIOMEGROWN NFW 10 LB. BAG POTATOES-------45c FULL ASI4ION $S.06iJc YORSK BRAND PORK & BEANS - 2 20 oz. tins 29c CHEERY MORN LG. h DZ. JAR INSTANT COFFEE - - - only 69c FRFSH FRYER CHICKENS - - - - 39c lb. CANADA PACKERS' COLD MEATS--- 3 pk. for 71 c Macaroni and Cheese, Chicen Loaf, Duuîch Loat, Etc. VACUUM PACKED COTTAGE ROLL - - - - 49c IL CANADA PACKERS RINDLESS SUCED SIDE BACON-- 39c lb. Free RET V S Phono Doli» RESTVOS TR 8-6043 't' Save on 1960 CO-OP VISCOUNT Appliances Co-Op Viscount Constant CoId Chout Frouers -Cul foodi cooto bus- foodu o-ben prtees are but-store ibes- safeis- ta a Viscouni Fretzer. Ail tbetu styles offer pients- of .7 sioragn spuce anti sans- ther exclusive 1960 fealures. *SAGPROOF FIBERGLASS * FLEXIBLE CDU N TE R INSULATION BALANCED UID *WELDED ALI STEEL CAB- * DOOR LATCH LOCKS NET WI"H KEYS *DUAL AUTOMATIC IN- SAFETY SIGNAL WARN- TERIOR LIGHTING ING LIGHT *PrRFECT SEAL LID GAS- * VINYL COVERED BAS- KET KETS CUstom 140 h 1.1du4i 5 fbts. SALE $234.95 Cusoi 180 hiids 595 fib.. SALE $274.00 Cusom 20 holds 735 lbs. SALE $32&,00 Halton Co-Operative Supplies IRONTI St. MILTON TE 8-2391 OR' ht'n smart te stock up onl cool now whiIo pricea are loseer ..and w. can delivet et your con- venience.. PhonoeTosar order now t. TR 8-4484 Rn S. ADAMS STORES Main St. LTD. Mitto The FLORA SHOPPE SOMMER FA SII IO N 125 --to --50% ---OF -F- DRESSES COATS SPORTS WEAR SKIRTS SLEEPWEAR BLOUSES HOUSECOATS IIANDBAGS SWIM SUITS HATS ALL SALES FINAL, PLEASE AIR CONOITIONED The FLORA SHOPPE 12' ma rt in street m 11t on , on t a r o e - - Ni- j, llt.~ FOR BETTERte LIGHTING, SEE US Wberever mors or btter illum-ination is desirnd, weill be giad ta advise on thtes-toper fitures and subesil a eus-piste estiieale ut cosi, iuciuding intallation. Wl INSTALL, REPAIR, ALL LIGOTINQ FIXTUXES. McPHAIL ELECTRIC 66 Charlens lt. TE 8-9513 ne MILTON 'ZZ ý 111111-- mil becorute Knox for ows Bouquets af pinli glads, Mue gntmssiater, »csJhnn, Kuo ... sran cuch t gowns in aummer shades of' ton, for the marriage of Laurie pink, blue and yéIow tIs bout- Douglas Ritchie and David Aies. fant shirts. emhrldre hdices, arder Johnson ai 3.30 on Satur- pieated cusmnecbtads and tials day atiernoon, July 23. The Rev. shoestrrng straps. White hands of PAsdrew H. McKenzie heard the flowers and velling and white vaus, whiie Ted Hansen piayed gloves campleied their ensembl- the wedding music. es. Ail three carriasi shasta dais- The bride is the daughter ot 'es witb trimming ta match the Mr, and Mr%. Herbert L. Ritchie dresses. ut 139 Cresens St. Acton, and Groomsman mas Fred Johnson, s emptoved ai Micro plîtslices Milton, brother uf the groom, Lsd., At ton. fice groom, son of whiie tiee ushers suc Brsuce Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnsson o1 Andrewms, Acton, a cousis of the Milton, is empioyed hy P. L. Ru- bertson Co. Lsd., Milton. Mms. Douglas Vickery wao Ihe soluisi, and sang The Lord' Prayer and lIli Never Walk Alune. In Tradidional White Tht bride, wearing traditional white, chuse nylon chiffon uver tuffeta toc hec oedding gomu a which tentured a fitted net baid ce timmed with seed pendls and sequins. A erown-sbnped head- piece, encrustcd mith penris and sequins, field ber elhow-length vei ut nylon net. Red roses torm. cd hec bouquet. Maid ut hssnor was the bride' sister, Btth Risehie, Acton, while tht hridestnstiss were lier si. er Isabelle Ritchie, Acton and the brdand ÊM=nth ToIta MU asabrother Cf thért*"M Namela OutrMi Dinner was served ln t#î church ta gitans tro am Olt, 1, teron laY" PordidSW1dI~U*t0 toW, MLian d Acten. Recelving, the bride', nsots wore a shantung dress -in gréeI and ailver peittwith salaite Aw cessorea. Thse groma loBg chose a pale blue lce. res 11l enavy and white accessaries. 0a, !_wore corsages of pink cantial eions. Amung tht guests was thé groom's grandesother, Mrs. W. Sheppard ut Milton. " The couple are making iheir "home ai 101 Wiitîîm Si., Acton. nd WISE BIRD! 1 - .-- ýr -- .. - -

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