GRADE EIONT CLASS t Fairview public scisool, Lowville, max Anne Lewis, Sandra Luni, Marabel Martin, Sisaron Masos, Mer- isonored aItishe graduation banquet in tise sehool auditorium ivrie McCormack, John Metzinger, Aan Odorica, Larry Pellet- on Tussday evening. Above are lise graduates, wiiih teaciser tenuo, Doug Potier, Bonnie Powell, David Frudisam, Allen Reid, John Hodge et sf1t and principal Harold Speers ai righi. Tisey fou Rous, Patricia Surslrum, Breada Twixx, Brion Vivlas, James are Linda Barclay, Barbara Bock, James Coulson, Morley Crew- Waisea, Ana Weir, Ruth Wilson, Webster Yaks, tan Montgomery, son, Mary Jean Coulson, Marlene Curtis, Beverley Dames, Gary Jerry Knnney and Barbara Wilson. Seven of tise students mon Danielu, Stuart Doîbel, Terry Grant, William Gudgeon,' Susan awards for prof iciency. Hall, Betty Hume, Margaret Hume, Susan Joisnsion, Glen Kangat, Social aid Personal Notes.. Yuarc invited tsenad conetriuiouns is c lunnt uns txwrin does liOrsalaonpersaitiems aniddrap tiin aitîîthe hapinvofi,c or ici, pi be TR 8-2341. Miss Katîttys Tulard and Miss Joseptulse Baranill spend the sommer ai Lake Simcoc. Mc. aînd Mca. Bilt Krcss, Wendy and Katiscyn, Hleslap Ruant at-1 lcsded tise Kcesa tamily reuniani fiseld in Atanaod last weekend. Ruy Coulter, R.R. 3, Campbsell- aille, 11cm tioIn Maliîîn tI a meet- ing ini Ottawa un Wennesday ais a nvîniter ot te Provincial Wiseat Boar d. Mca. Margai et Tayloîr ttom Tu- renta is vi'iling lit tise home ci ber son and caoghtec in-law axd tamilv, Mir. asd Mrs. Jack Taylor, R.R. , Milton. Mc'.. A. Hlfitoan, R.R. 5. Mil- iota, i sa patient in Milton Distici Hoapital anni itienda hiope sise mail1 souin bc qaile- ancil attu ablet la relais home agaix. Frievds mut isc pleascd lui ktaua dluit Kennetis Neancli aniî ce- ceised a hadîn cru'.sed huit in an accident cecenilsy, bas nuan cc- ucned h oi iospital. Alteniîg te o000u,1 conven- tion ut Mas,îcs anni Renes% ci Ontario, fieldt ut Cornwaltl lhis anek, asre M. and Mca. Art Des- jardine and ianîily ut Milton. Miss Adla Tntnec ut Glanwortis, attended tise Tunre Reunion ait Salurdas andl s isiise uit tshe bouse ut bier cousins, Mc. and Mca. Clarence E. Hall ai Miltan. Aitong tise presen t .ît tie Turner leoitian in Milton on Sat- urdîy. anc -e Mc. annt Mca. Cecil Hall ut Niagara,>h wvece wieketini guesits ot M. and Mis. Ciacence- E. Hall. Wites anni lady tiiennis of th k.orxe Scat'. pipe'. aci dnist' lie isen inited ta an ooliîîg ai flite ig and Miistie Inn, Btunie ibis Saiticîlas eaening. Supper and dancixg are on tise pcogîam. Whiie sn Toraxtot os Satucclas eîesing, Mc. and Mca. Art Desar- dine af Mitoan isad a ceai isasor. Thse v eportnd tisev "cubbzd e- huais" ailit nase oiser [isan Gina L.1oisigida iii tise Bacclay Hotel. Franîk Waikec, Hamiltoîn, mita anas hagler hoc tise is4iis Battî- liox, isileci aid oniitiies ix Mii- tan on iis eitiitte tram a munihs vacationi in Kentucky. Mc. Waliuec liant Iorelt-rn isome teoentec Susnyhcaak Haspital. Mr. ansi ttc'. Sheicton A. Featis- el-siane. R.R. 1, Milton, spesi lisce davsa this wnek in Delamana Inn, Huxey Harhor oc tie annuai convnshitn ut monilipal ceecs antd financeuollicer'.. Mc. Featiser- silne is clerk ai Trafalgar Tamn- ship. Fiexîfs ofi Clîiy Hilards, les- top Ruant, ietd a lui eaneil parts in ber isonor and pi esen ted bier mush a mllet on Miiday evex isg. Ciscryl li Tuesday esening t'oc Branken, Sask., aibece se wil spesd tise sommer ils hier aunt Mca, Belty Wisoîn. Mc. and Mrs. T. J. McOonîîugis have retarneni tram ibeir Incitr trip lu lise Gaspe Penissuta and lte Eaatern provinces. Mca. Me- Doogis eporled heautital mca- tier tisougisaut tie misîîe tip. and huis ejîîyed lise anîeleui secyancd pleasani dising. Mca. A. Neilson, Mms. Stella Par- las and Isaiseita Gorîdon are gcad- uaiiy ree.îaccing tiix injre and socb lisey eceivent tailoan- ing ait accident on June 2 ai lise Broute Jonction iii tise Oueex Elizabetis Highsnay. Mc. Parlas avasi crus sing tise higiîmay os a green ligisi avien isi isy an on- comisg car, and lise olcupatsuli bots caca xvcce ocionale en sol receisîng mure sciaus injuries. Jack Taylor ut Miltos, umner ufthlie Triangle Pet Bac, traveiicd la lise Viteo Bis plant in Si. Tisa- max un business lhis meb, and aili gu tram tisre lu Vineland, near Alantic City, Newi Jersey, and Norw-ichs, New Yack un a Velerinary Produel sales îcaining course. He elurns Juty 4. Doug Prizemnan ut Wnnipeg, o-ho visil- ed ilis lise Tayiors Salurday evening. ix travelling ailis Mr. Taylor. Mca. P. A. FrcemninzniiM.îîk- isai. Ont. (i amincis vAnntie Mn- CoaaitoaiMilton) andi Mis. A. Galbiraitis, aisu ut Markisoîîî. u lucned to Milton toc a short aii rceetly und cutilect on also relatiives Mca. Jim Gaisraitis and Tom Galbrcaitis iiitiis dis- trit. Whisie aisiieg ai lite Chant- pion oftice, Mc'.. Frcenti an li- cd many ut tise nanies. iiformer reiinsandi bucsinessa lth aiî 179 Kited Dancers Hiere Sut. la Ontario Dance Championships Tue OntaioiHiilandtiiuDanicing t aites ini tuîniîtîuutu ut ilustu Chitiioniit .iîp.luibchC einlt ,Illfe daniucing.thue Fling, Sasord Donne. Milto l,î ait- 'rouu,îîcta Suît.îa ili Suilor". Hocepipe-, trias Jig cand ciapia'. 179 kîltednt ,,ers iiinthe Ciatiieuae. Points aili hbc anard- '.%c-es l1i %,cars age bracket, .ie-ed inieaetci.ussuaxdlisetop paint ciiiding tlui atuCcuteiia. licual te- grute-r'. oiltic deeliured Ontario pueiit% linhe pîaa-iuîiai u-ims. p. Winners mili tater cuai- itight.uîîai Dantcing Assci,î hum - ete ai lie CNE. Al Day Shîo- A nuuîuu atienduiece is expecied Tîte big sho itiin uiii fron tt 9 .andla telreshinent huais vili bc a.n allaie ii in he lrn. puiup-atiîîg oui te gunat. Cum- Tise uaniecis ail icoittetc i tise linlitilulus mil1bche bed iifront 0ut lise nnav gruncsiuusd. 5f0 sa. iler fast Disturbed People aisit la Mii uit anas ailit e rm ufthlie Ceste nii a%,iotn sitoli- Common in Africa lended lise e-union. Mi'.. Fi-cc i'flic AtieiiiiiiiitAiiiia uit mas cemaked uaxtle gleai KiosW\.M.S.fieldntieiilfastnmeut- cisanges miicis hou taken place itn ingtouil Sepînnîhe,, îîîi Tucsci.v. Milton and mas antazeni lu hcai Jutîn 14. lhitetîeii-i. Mis. Bell.1 tisai iherc are snwtisie lrgne cis"se a sti t t eaage un puislie eisools aîîd a- iem higl i ,houigiii i, i ire-ni'. iii Ai, ici- scisoat isc. .1'. lier apciiiiig tnic.'le i nr t [ili' siiiie l lic iii i Laynd Use Sturdy ~;iiet'lite14iteil.s TeAiiiatnd a'.e-il eiii- I n Su i n g il[ it iens\peîî'.e uiid. antdIlie haie A detaitenbuilding an n d iiscrueieie,,linMSe ittuzii use stunyisis ibis aaek k ieîg MI'.. MeMiliiiic'.;ttccixeis. Ail eandueted tiscougogiaîtte iiii"."- iielspiitieric nliid %ard tisecosectian oaiBBuilingîîn, iy.aitii i îtîiidic liobsîies'.'.aketi cigisi studenss caplayent hsflic cale 'of. Bulinglun aîîd Suhuchan Ai c. Padres Paper plannigisoard. Iltiisiped iiiiiiMi', M, M i iatn icarge'~l- sy te lalit, oi ciitpicic-ina,(i .i1 i',. l-.î ie l nt plan ai the asisle ta mît clin belsel ucaI olMaiiieîi, ifui 'e1cfap- pepared soinig rura anfuiiýer, aiiel iiuieiicad ai han tunt use aas wcii as shotppingfe. itccatic aiî,i iiiie,,its 1a caunie, reerca ional ond sociat lillial lie t A.C. i Otiietyt . l influtillac- rca.îtîle'.en , ei i , Farmers andnlt h Ah n s .cl i, ts,- M.M tise nartisec at-euaidve tteiiig 11-aPIIC\ i, insM tre d icsel s tis etssîs lle iiing ltmiiiiito.i582i-0 iieekmwitisuestios of iii ac M e515, if tl iiitce- iibey sitîp. îî.,k, lndmic ti,ilat- annd market tiscir irodtilcil'bTise "Dlslus-hed" Key Woîrd giaupiKs.oisst,vivg age g-iups. ll tft.Ctgt, i,, , schooiing ornas and types ofiflias'.-Th'iloAiiiisnietliîitîi ing tîrougo t h ie .ica. i i lii %iI-c i %iib c l tit li e-t ,, I CIci. lie-e-i Lctdiii lit icituflsubs\te cisincco1 itaris actalairge Union Keturns cilcs.Thechuche an m tan C. Hayes Prexy ""' Li'u axa lai li ut lusi aenbCiii,îîn ltses Cas iitic i'I11 i seiiînîînc. icturneui as iîaesideni ai hi Ccc1îisîîîiînie-l,, ffimte-ciMis.. Yaitc cali 4t70, Unitedi sielank, biaiiîDISTURBEI) t'. a f.ta,îttî of Amrica. ut P. L. Robe:i 'Ërseutci 'fGd l Mutas. - ~~~~~I jica. ielaite- iitt i Otiser aticcîs lite ine-piestît-1 ent Dits McLea,, f,"iaiteitl su- cîetacy J. L. Couc ,alt.lsOi, AI- liecd Huîeiey, guiden Ssd Cliiini'., guaîds Kex Lewis. andi G. C. Lcinglîîî. tas e ciIlod Harcy Saiihand Ma Bradbîury. TwoeCemmitteen Gricaancee enmmilîce- ui,,, ers arc- Ancly C.t,ves, chiel alc- adol aicehanicai utnd tîaitîles lînce; Rusa Atrnold, siipping - t-litry Smith, productioin;n beiers J. L. C use ond Ilugis McDonalai. Negotiaiisg caînaiuîee iein- tiers, arc Hucîy Smithî, Rob,ti McGinnsis, Jack ArnaoldMa Bradbury and presidesi Hayes. Okay Five Lots On Bell Street Mii i1i i,, .iiiuiittc lc ii Ailititi Ment T.uut litye ,io !,,g ty Ilhi L(.îîo,îu Itoite Bilcs ,lt lots' n Bell St. llise uiisuncee cunced flite svquare huit niiutcuuin ic i e - lîetîl hs 248 lf cin[liteorgn aîl 7,500 squar.,e lottiule, Il mcl,' n;It li l is. ciii, lui tet %ii a oiler rcltiiýeicri tutl lite tin i.ii' nid tise suisdiisiun mu,'. te- y'i'.eicd heisi re zlin ig it-tits amui1s lipuvect. 1860 1960 Cenntennial Services A4shgrove United Church SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 1960 1l AM.-REV. WRAY DAVIOSON -8 PM,-REV. GEORGE LECK LUNCH SERVED AT NOON a ALL WELCOME Roui fite irker A se-mMiltas rcaiestate hi-aber itegli in iiiness ibis mecb. tot- iiiuiig lise pussing ut bis exaze- tt.iitio-. ias eek. t'. iB îîcîî T. Mult.îit'. 109 henliang in Miltonlfor thepat ___________ %a.Mr. MullaIlî s wor xii ing it ils iii frtise J. M. Hîipsoni Iiiiii in (>.kaille tor aboîutl iur O 0 . %clspliutu a taiting out un lus ci' Rotary Convention In Words, Pictures A ssîîid and pictute reporti14, atMiamii "lecisftll, muifI Maara club delegale Eairli WE CARE Mogai aa nis mec-i the. Miltons Ra tiv n Tucada v Building hiridges ut 1 ieicij FOR YOUR CAR hi- as Ile iconventionihermc lke it s aur ownl Wisether uillit LIleleatces tram counîiistiii. pcaizdlbia .,aiid ihe wo,, d altending tsatpcahedlarc elot drIfcîn îg tie size lit sthe ion job, tire or wasis job cliieeice, Mi. Mollgiawvnoted -you can put your car in Ill crtis îc,î,î uditii o iuld our hands with confidence. -,a 20.000. Drive in for prompt, cour- Rotary Goals teous service that pleasesi ild Il l te in0 .icii loiIle oilin i ai in. YORKE"S ESSO Dui il lie hi iciîv, nisilaeîof SERVICE STATION unvie urged t orui ia park %vark Corner Main and Ontariolis. pzitytucomlec mi-i lenop MILTON TR 8-6821 Tuesclaycdenlac CHICKEN BARBECUE Auspie ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH, LOWVIELE, ONTARIO SATURDAY, JUNE 25th, 1960 THE CHUR'CH LAWN (1, iteeutofi - in Cliicli Hall)f SERVINGS 5.30 P.M. TO 8.00 P.M. Aduits $1.50 - Situdents 6 te 12 years 75c Childien under 6 years with parent-r..t FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE SATURDAY IJNTIL 9 P.M. AND THIS SUNDAY 1.30 P.M. - TO 9 PM YOIJR PRESCRIPTION WILL BEs PROMPTLY FILLED BY A REGISTERED PHARMACIsT. EMERGENCY CALLS FOR PRESCRIPTIONS SHORJLD BE DIREC- TED THIS SIJNDAY TO TR 8-6971 HOME PHONE NUMBER TR 8-4475 .y,« Jufe rd,- 1960 Agi Coawecbe Seg ~Tise'Cena'dlan Champion, 7!huraei Toule Pe-tittea o09 Main St. lezeainu Afler' more titan ose heurs Prom pus-dp a planning stand- Law watald only permit tise es- discussion on Thuraday of lest peint, Mr. Deacon said, tises-s s tablishsment of a golf course or week, tise Milton Planning Board notlsing te justify tise major a park. tabled a petition asking for lise ameedment te tise hy-law. He rezoning et Main St. West loto a added, there hsart 10 e a demand Paver Plan C-I zone f(commercial) because for commercial development in The huard favored a plan uf tise board felt tisaI the signera of Ihat ares before any zoning Trafalgar plan~ning board le the petition did nor realize the change. Couneillor Pearce dis- straigisten ouI the borders of in- consequences of C-I planning. agreed hecause he said tisere are dustrial land behind Oakview Tise petitioners and tise huard persans in tise qea who want te Deveiopments and Halton Cen- aili have a public isearing ta dis- go commercial. Mr. Deacon re- lenniai Manor. casa lise malter. plied tisaI tiseisard commercial Tise plan calta for tise rezun- Board memisers exptained tlîev cure isas insefficient utt-street ing ut agricutturai land ta cîîm- ivere sut je favar ut cxlending parking and lise huard musi salve mercialtaportiontor ittdustî ai the pie-ses iC-i zita liecause outhtiiprubler i n advance ai any ta commerciotaltaiofagrieultur- insufficiesi parking'.paee. Count- exltsiuo. aila industrial. cillor Chartes Wilsonî remarbed ,He mentioried tise new sisop-a tisai tise people are nut awure of ping centre's parking lut would Round Table wisat they are asking for, wile create mure competition, because A number of huard memisers secretacy Ross Pearen said "lisev people drive rattes- thsan walk to seere tu attend tise Trade and pruhaisly dont care sehal type it shop tisese days, be said. Industry Round Table in Hamil- ix, al l hey wanî ix commercial." Attractive Offeru Ian. George Purdy, Glyn Roberts Assessur Frank MeNiven dis- Tise planning consultant said and Bud Nicisuls reprzsnled tise agrzed wilh counicillor Wilson "nu reaaons were given on tise huard aibile Cauncillur Pearce sa9ing be ihaugist tisey are uware pétition for 11e change." Mt. Mc- reprexenird couancil. Assesaur and peuple huying tbexe proper. Niven said two or tisree attrac- Frank MeNiven max guing on i lies are alsu aware. Hz said sume tive offers for commercial pro- special invitation troze Mayor ufthiese pruperîy umnera bave re- perly have heen made in tisai Lloyd O. Jackson of Hamilttan. ceived 'lempling uffers". areu. :1 C-2 Esplalned Obu âv n d DeOzcun, puinied oui tisaI 50 per paraition plan wisigb wuuld per- cest ut a lut con he bus uou mit tis e cohu of a commerciai n a C-i area, but in a Ç-2, ao building on the Base Line. A 100 W E S commercial, unly 20 per cent uf foui wide slrip owned hy Edwin' the lut can becavercl hy a build- Harrop max lu he suld lu W i1 WHERE QUALITY Is HI ing, atilcis means tise priîperty liam Cook and Hayley Construct- amner aiulîd gel iess dolarsin Ca. Tise pruperly w Il hc' fu etig est uf Pyrofax Gos Lld. WE SERVE THE1 Har du retine. 2i% em s An application frum Douglas za okd v pledtsiCstre i endiersun for lise construction ROSHOLME. aiiu bluk ueveapment and tise of a carelakers bouse un, ,a III alluofhîz ix pe r y 150' lot un lisesuaishsde u aloal s40re. Parkway Drive extension mcx re. IA Cauncillur Norman uerce ask- fused, hecause lise zaning hy-ý I LT ed for acompromise beimeen au C-i and a C2. Hz xaid a lttou peuple cannaI afiard lu ereci a neo- building and thseîv woold bave tautîperute tram ibeir resid- ences. Tise huard ugceed lisey muaitibc caretul lu limil ibis type ut isusiness. Parking is tise major tirobleai. and Mc. Deacî s ai lise peuple ,arc prîtiabto iiinking, ofi C-i parking wisicis alluma abous lava cari. Hz added, "Tise C-i asas a barribte compromise in litai il didn'i pros ide lise parking il sisauld bave." Tise L.C.BO stotre as an exception heccuse tl bas prciviîted mitre parking tisas FOR COMFGRT Four doors open wide . .. ample room irside for five passengers even on trips. You get economny, too.. . up to 40 miles ta the gallon. That' Vauxali, wide open for pleasure. Counterbalanoed trunk lid lita eaaly.. reveala space wide enougis for galf clubs, deep eaaugh for ail the family luggage. ALL 111111FUTURES AT t RA 10111 Fresis air Heeler and Defrester. Sped Wvrs RutprofBody D.Level$i!de Ss4>mion. Fiee. Passes or Comfort. Four-Oser MILTO9N MOTOR SALES LI) TED exormâdn aira Former Milton isigh scisool-. student Norman A. Bird, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Miltos Bird,. R.R. 3, Georgetown, graduat- ed from O.A.C. in mecisanical-- engineering. He was active in' Iiterary and philisarmonic' activities, and plans ta do post-. rgraduate work at U of T tis ri fa Il. MDMEAT N MARKET GHER THAN THE PRICE EAST END, TOO S, PROPRIETOR R 8-6501