km.Mocn -Some Grocmn -Others Sell1 With Wcmnt Ads Phone TR 8m2134 CAUSDO THANKS (Cen't) sfOI SA( OslU.d FOR SALE (Cni») FOR SALE contnu.d) FO SML (Cmtnisd> FOR SALE (Contnww) WANTID <CMuwod' CLASSIFIED b ADVERTISING RATES 01 s.n Mtaclg e Dest=n sala, cent. etc. - Sea Word. feca Con a fslle. BMRed 75. Bon No. t10 tisa oficec25e ad- ckoionl. Cosing eccenlo - 75C minimum fîrat fue ines, ecd adaiticeul line tO. Oard O lhanim 75ceotohe finst I5ines, ench adaihionai Uee 10. le Memoriams 75c, piýo 10e jer ise for versos. Ac tonolare t rendeceal Monc9ase ioUicsneg Insertion. LATEST INSERTION TIMEZ 28.68PH. WEDNRDAT BEAL ESTATE & CLASSIFIED DIUPLAT - à PXM. T87E6>AY PHONE TR 8-2341 Engagements cif Do e eEvelyn. daisgtete cds uns. L ndanle laie M. Amos Cd MinDenineanal Ose laIe Mo. Dend n sce Ecimard Islanal. Th.ewm.dis le 10aîte place eanty ta Jsety. Mr. anal Mes. Cal Cook o«a Horo-1 by ancosnce te engagement of Iir da<gter, Droky Mae, 10 Sasseael Jeeepk Sammil of Weton. Tisernarrivge le bo take place on1 35192 9 1060, ai Roty Ronney Reel- cr7. sLlon. ai three octocin. 1 Mc. anal Me. Cmbe Wisone aiof ikolee ish h t con e b esggeeîof teir deoglter Is- sCellecJac, le K. Wayne Tiamp- ic. smn ai M. Keneeth Tnenpbm.t analte lte Mes. Tomptinseof Neviburg, Ontaerio. The mrriagc i tuotaele'laeta St. Paote Uncted 'itheh. a os Salc<day, Jnty 9. 19M. a-Iseven clocklc n the« evenazng. Mr. analMre. William Vanc Gruneven, . R. 6, Milton, an- sosasmie the engagement of 00dmr dacagter. Jciena Jmhaoea, toMal- cerc Potoczek of Oatcviile, on ni M. and oMe. Feue Poekin 4 Salgios. The marriage is t10tube place at Hetsc Rooney Romae Cith- lle Okuerk. Mittan, on Satuentay. Jonc 25. 1060, nI 10 o*cloci n l the moroing. Born OPSTEEN - Mr. anal Mre. Frank Opalcenof nR-. R. t. Miton,ac Pleanent to aneounce thebehr'the of theeledatkhler i Millon Oie- ticlt Hospital on Jone 12, 1868). NADALIN - Me. and Nec. Louis Nadalin afILB R. 3, Mitn, are Pleaseal ta nnsonsce the bietb oi their dsa89lter, Letitha May. UI Milles District Hospital, o Frintay, <Pene 30, 1860. DALTON - M. anal Mes. Oorntcn DallesnifR. E. 3. Campbeltlie are sseascal 10 asnouxce te birth cdf ther son aI Milton Dcs- ticlt Honpital on June 13. 1960. ELLIS-a nd ntCarol anechap. tpy b nocuce te bîrth nI meingfinn ekil. a son. MIckart Robeet. 7 tas., S ens., on Jn 14 1960, aI Onkitile - Trafalgar Memoriat IHospital. CROSS - Bob mnt Boaleine Crccss cf qMain St. West arec leasot ennoiscete irth nifIoe n on. Kenne nAllas. t Milton 1Ds- trict HNnip<ll, os JeOe Il. 186. A brther for Gregnry anal Jeanette. DRM'W-RIROOK - GOnianal joco are bappy toanasounne tebit o their soe. Robhert Thomas,8 b..7onosScnaly Jucr . aS Osinville - Trafalgar MeV oio Hosptal.. Brother for GnoMrny anal Patricia. Our alocers Oaniksa tefriands endl ne4o*s8ore tor tIse ieant"ts gifla. cards and Siomera recoiehvaa on oar 600M mledéssganclveenary. Min. anal Mes. lihemas L. Milson. I wialn btutank felendo gand r-eltivea for cOrd. itsaenal ticaera reneivéd aluing my receet dtay i0 n ospial. A 9penal thanks tu ec.]Pnowel. De. W71r and te nurses oi Milton District Hosptal. c-54167 De MeMusSen. Wemwihtunexpessmonethancs to our nnany reativefrncl anal orýgiheors 'for the kîodnesanal mymourihy ohîiîon th 0e liaofu betoonal ocde and comther, Mai-y Freemon, also the donorsof ifloral cEferuee, conds ai sycsputhy anal toc ebo 'belpeal in any cay. Fred Freeman asnd famity. c-6-t6 In Memoriam WILSON-In mer toiing memoey of a dean son. Herbat Venoer Wilson. mbn mas <iroccet Jue 20. 1904. Foed mamnorien lioger enery day, Remeonbranee kesps hlmnar. Loccisîgle rmesobereal by Moth- e,brot9.sanal olelens. -5-127 EDEN-In loinug mamnocy ni my deac 'honbaed. Thomas W. Edn, whopcnmnd emay <Pne 19. 1963. Loig memoriesenever die, A yeasroll on anal dagnby Ie mny heaet a mcmoey .sUket, Of ose Itloved nd al iti oeven flor- 6aàly niccal by mile Obbie. c-5- 128 MITCHELL-In toing memory cof nsy dear bonansd. William R. Bittyt Milobnl. Who paaeed aweno June 18. 19. Il's tnneoe bere mithoul you. Anal sasi in every way. Foc fle se ote sanse tu mn, ince yo have goenay. Me keoet aubkes mith tosebnsa. My cye shedl maoy tInse Oniy God nsiows bowmumoobI mine Aflernne tlong, lonrtýy yeae. Wâle Jonnîn and alficly c-5-125 Coming Events Hoty Mcocery eboroh annual G-ar- den pacly, Saturdsy. Jnoe 25, 1960. Sopper eoved fiose 5 p. $560. lucky doam. -1-6-331 Acncn JunioreFoînees dance, Bronkeitte Hall. Frcday. Jîcn 17. Admilsimcci$100 prcouccpIe. 75e single. b-51-46102 I8ohy Bal Clubs anecat Gar- dero Prty. Satiiraay. Juty 16. ai HccmnhbyCommunty Park. Vandia King. fuc-î eoertainer. Futher pariluaes later. c-5-147 Spr ts Dane. Canadian Legico Bah lrnem. Frîday. June 24. 9 pr.m Tîoy Hopbcsocesetra. Refrnsb-« mcotc. Oooceprine. Cooptes $2. Perocalu fr Lngion bail leîm. -- 160 -, Nedeen Anelveî-onry Supec. Tu- e9day. Juse 31. 6 f.% - 7.30 P.M. Mibon dls' Pipe Banal ce ai- tendance. Etetaîsmeetl fcttng cn the cboroh. Anutttc $.25: Cbctd- resounder 12 ye-ai-n. ire. EverYoce wemem. b-5-158 St. Geo-rgee Anglicne cbch. Lowvitie. annuai Memooiaîanen Cametery Ocoratien Selvice muti be hel erot Sooday, June 19. 19W. ai 11.15 am. Ecerycfy sont. cm.Seecict învîlaîione tuasct memhrs and fends. n-5-169 Cirben Borber. Si. Gorgros Anglicn oChorchlame. lonmccctt. Salorday. Jonc 25. Seevingn 5.30, 8 c.m. Anlutlî$1.50. 00tudnto 6 le 12. 75c; Cilaoenoudee 6 ceai-s mîlO parents. free. <harlie Milies Bar- beceSereioe. Elîco. tIn case nof le dccvisinohreh hbail. c-3-3-31 Saroh Matin Chapter L1..E. are holding a Jucne supr paety. Wdneennay, Pince 22. t Oteeepny Fanon. Soasnee 6fluc 8p.m. Fashiecn shnm anal ancaisiec iiplay. Tickets 92.00 c10h acoilabte from memoc- bers. Icnce nf rlim. the «tippre iiila c hei thte foibooing nijzh1 c-5-t19 CrcîltcmîoiaI Servies Asbîgrcoe IS,î,Ind cbiîrnb. Sîîedy, Jooe .1 Died190. Il a.m.. Rer. Wcmîy David.- ________ _____ n; 8coIp.m., Reo. George Lecr Llîrodt second at 0,10e. Att wel- AVISON-AI the Halono Cens-n coce. SP<oiat evrot of thekn- esal Monor. Miltono. on Wedns Mession mîlir Thrsay Yc ueg P 23pc da.Jone 8, 60. Goccrge ViMctor îîOTondy no 3 "son. ~ ~ ~ icc 0nhs7tf er .15 p.m. Pogrm byes.membaes ARvi. one bisha 7 c3,yn Mes Witber cour y guOet spei- thev Lonrlsre Oro th ncoted kee.Tcesday. Jioce 28 .38) .m.. 8ketsxra.. c c e ac. StrawerrStocia attp-hoe o day, <uce 10 t 7 p.m. lneert rga anln (odeiiIc mas n Evrgreen emntcy Mît.Puran n tonulîenîst. c-5-170) ton. PEACO6K-Ater a tengtby ilîneoc aîi ome, a= amay ai Milo For Sale Ditit osital. on Mcmday._______________ <Pene 13. 1960 Gceoe Peacorb. nle is, 77tk Yeac. belverd hico- F0E SALE - Stanaling Iar Ut, banal of Lillias Sloonn, deae fa- 4-2507. c-5-192 40cr of Mita (Mes. Ceit Patlcr- sec). R. S. 4. Miltoe; Arthur, R. FOR SALE--M.14. bter, P.T.O. R. 4 Miton; HarriolI <Mes. MeO- brcod newcondtione. Contant *Woc. ffort Pemtresst. R. . 1. Milton; Shinelos. TE 8-9167. r-4-104 Henry. at borne; anal Rhyî(M. - _____ ilnneas Jackson), itobcrgb; F01R SAL-Enycs bicycle, mcd- brather of Franceis oi Sout oans1njo TE 8-6507 afler 6 c.m. Wales, NY.; asan srviveal by 22 r-5- 162 Y-uneaervinc wae hetl o FOR SALE -- CcM îc clus',tatdb- Tlneoadaathe MeKersie (ocrent ige of< Wilsonirons. T A- hsomse M4toe. Istermeot in Ever. 2038 c_ _____ -4-2-89 green cenetnry, MiRton. FOR SAtE-Tcap moil delivered. Cati A. Lacuro, TE 8-9619. e-3-4-37 Cards of Thanks FRa~5 SAEFow o ait ne- Phone TE 8-6213. MiIton. e-tf Mty sincere thseke ta nue fricoals FOR SALF-2 bedreccr boogd- Ins Milon ifor tbe kiodeese te un tom. 79 King St., onY enlerac. descheg m Y inal hoelitlt. Scoa] Dccc in ana lobok t over. c-4-2116 tisska leYDr C. Hitta, ev. Loore_ Graln. ev. . Pomell analth FOR SALE-Gae noeb- 01,1e and cose anlsaf iMrtn J e w ater bcalnr; Coemao ovin,' 6roml ýn Italfo Mlo Dis kecler. large. TE 8-2166. -13 C-54175 Abertcisn làce FOR SA-LE - Sceoil mnet 2 Me wordo can exprene te deepi b rs anda oven. $1. TE g-0l23. artihade we <eceltlooarda oUr __________ c-5- 130 ftinds and nck*sbors toc their FOR SALE - Tradter amIe m800i seay ate o kicdces ben cticfl hels and tirco. TER 8-2230. eoMtrOscales aed 00ie ica"sees 558959 exteneda 10 lms ta oor rce SO5--144 snt mRd beevmn.FRSAL-(lood nseda clothre, Joan. BReta, Margaret and vaions olcea. reasonable. TE 8» GwynelIs aecy. c.5-1l43 9656. - c-5--186 -We w1681 ts emtel see geteisa FOR SALE-t onlide toilet. in thls< anda s6ecition fr the goed condition, $10. TE 8.6170. scass7 act et klcdese, messages of --8S mcpahyad beautitllul garaI tri- FOR SALE - Uffl eleetrle andl frs stovea. irons $20. Goodets kasceleare. Georgetowns. b-51-4827 FOR SALE-Caeecpe'a test, gond d5oedtien,$25. Z 1 Syd&ecy St., TE 8_2M. c-5--157 FOR SALE-Faet kit40 12 eint! l.H.C. corns planter. Phone T R 8- 9508. b-5-154 'FOR SAL-Beatty eleetnio 1- one. in exclletonedition. Mm.3- C. W. Clark. 174 Martn S. c-5-149 FOR SALE -Standing ofields of boY; aoScc b,,, uli. r-egisclor- ed. TE 8-9118 ar TR 8-6482. FOR SAE-Corooaàdo air con- ditiones ta ikeoe produet). I ton $279.; 2 Ion. $339.95, Cret Hard- ware. Milon. c-5-132 FOR SALE - Cabkoge plants, Ocijihldhnads and rcd. Bert Raincy, 43 Batan St., TR 8-9248. FOR SALE - Signe, showcards, bans ruRck eternfi ).preosa R nfj>ay Guoy, 132 elop Rd., FOR SALE -Brandsnew 1960 Moal mecwshing maocine, regular $15995, apeolel $9. Ooodlts Hand- mare, Georgetqmo. b-51-4825 FOR SALE-Used maclclog ma- chines, good choice, from $20. Goodlets Hardwoero, Georgeown. bc-51-48126 FOR SALE -Unoal Lrooa.,d rr- frigcralor. 1,0rslike no, . F19.,. Go,,dlt lrlwr,. iogt . h-5-I48 FOR SALE -A.C. sco-fflIlr. 10,11 fit model W.F.. C.A. anîd .0, In ecelcîlesslcndition. FPhone TR 8- 9508. Ib-5-153 FOR SALE - Sîdeb,card. dioocg rom haire t,, match. hardwood: anbm-ile top kilcbceo table; rhrome dhair: cabint; îahlcg mahicîr: bat rack. H. Olsarloun, 45 Miles SI. C-5- 150 FOR SALE-BooM&. 10 f. carto, FOR SALE - Side cake, Cocis- Fibergless, factory seconde, tram s8hutt. excellent condition, $125. $125. 1911 Martin Si. Miltun. Campkctlville IJL 4-ZW07. c-5-11 c-51.t55 FORSAL-lMbil bone,35 i., FOR SALE-Tourist tent. almost FORSAL-IMbîl hoe, 1 fI.,new,, GoS', pion canoy enclosure; flly nocî-ppeal. 2 bedrcaen per- aetc 2 steel framne cote. A sly bon ncondition. Farecd te-1011-soit.CîoîneaPaul, 75 Mites St., taM 8- $2.500. TR 8-2487. c-1-140 9516. c-5-173 FOR SALE-Elecoric refrigeral- FOR SALE-Custoeî 50111 ehes- orcr:topiane4-burner con soe; terild suies orneand se oan chroe kitche, sel; rrd Plastie csimples. Primce tart os tom an $150 caneolor set. breod hox te cmatch; 30008 Milto Uphoolerin.g. 358 cookbîoco tlgoand.pari.dpo ,.7l Mai,,lSto 1 TR -9094. c-3-133 9, w,0 1, l'a or ,o t o. îol rw sut;ltouni.TII8-69591 or FURNITURE TII -010! r--lot FACTORY-TO-Y0U FOR SALE Brdroom suites, d1reero, chiffon- Household Articles Nw4ctury ed ie Incluiîg brdo. roîoboard.s-w Ocg oacchîe rîr, Can br orrO Wcd Fabian Furniture Mfg. Co. aftrro.îcoîiror en, gJkior22.;i 15 Commercial SM. 78 VICTORIA AVE. MILTION Ercoloon and Saturdayn T'iI 8-6556 C-5, Milon TR 8-9032 -e44* g'aat,<e44 9a41e- CONSTRUCTION Etobicoke Construction & Paving Orioewcays. parking lido, ide- cralkc. aobaîtcrbs. toewcrk. cemntmrk, top soil.manure. Free ectioatms. TE 8-6149 c-If General Contractor Cccerce loo Ini mahin trcolledt Coocrete Driveways Caîcoro b Swisimiîcg pools A. J. McCARTHY TR 8-6167 c-lf CLEANERS RYERSON Window Cleaners AND Building Maintenance FI,îors, mallc b-Wicdows tclald c-5-4 DRAPIERIES CUSTOM MADE DRAPES " Delîveeed te yesr home. iaady te bang, in 2 meeke. * Eepertly made and iinisked. " Wîde aenay of patteras irons mkiek te ekoose. CAMPDELLU DEPARTMENT STORE 228 Main T -01 Miton CUSTOM MADE D RA PE S To ..iilace.nyear hkncinEoýpertly mcade and gcuarseterd. Att 196 deo- oralo o oîre. Fre c-home inr- ir decooiiogcsrie. FLOOR COVERINOS FULL RANGE Ai«coctr,,ccg Vicyilel Vîclyl 11,,gs Broidlooin, roa,,, cize u, l 0.1t,) ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILlEGS AAI) IRON WOEIC Milton Ornamental Iron BILL KELLY TE 8-9827 Frcetimatr and rinaiyoi hum RERIcRAIO Installation gt 1cmîdRFIGRTO Robt. Charles Furniture TE 8-2001 RUGS AND CARPETS Qîîalîty Bir,,adtý,,,, a Econ, irs e 0W-111tu Wall CAMPBELL'S OEIaARIVI$NT STORIE 111 8-0-111 228 Mai;cnS.I. E 0:-49-Il FLOORING FLOOR TILE - WALLTILE INIAIIS LINOLI.EtM Ai lOîcro o8l,-,m METAI. MOUIIItt'0.' VENETIAN RLINI2S hElI ,,i* domr- ,,, ,;,rllum,g K. WCLEMENT & SON 12:1 h t , ',,,t Stil,,,î GENERAL CONTRACTONS A C. CANNON &SON GENERAL CONTRACTOIIS Custom, Homes Repairi Altenatios Modern Cupboaîds Plasand freccelsimates. Veara nf copenînoce. Aleco dealcers frtaco," lm n inlm s.nete fîncsl on Robt. Charles Furniture Ike machol. Tif 8-2681l e-Lt TR 8-4424 DRIVINO SCNOOL HALTON DRI VING SCHOOL Geovvrninentirrccc-,!,otorl gaduaale ccl Onu t, ioSsuty to taii, nore focr driving intrucoru Dii- ai crlIs. TR 8-9047 T. E. Mitloy. Prîni. 350 Martin Mrent C-4-2 EQIPMENT RINTAL Sherwood Hume EQIJIPMENiT RENTAL Frentesnd leader anal Issldozer. FiEl Jobs a apenilt>-. M ancre lead- ed. Sandan ad gravel. Generat laocking. Tbabec beugkt. Free Estbnates PHONE TE 8-2621 C-t EXCAVJATINOD Excavating & Grading TeP Bil Sanal - Gravel - Stonce Sl C. CAT1ON TE 8-9313 c-lt *EXCAVATING *GRADING * SULLDOZING H. HERENSBERGER CatI cliet Goe. TE 7-3M2 04-4 lIAIR STYLISTS FASHION BEAUTY LOUNGE *QiatOmc-d haîir tyttots * tdiiidmat rylimg *C.,,kbLot oamtcccî * haie cocciltîicîfn Speciat tudet raIes TR 8-9533 171 miSreet Mîlîcîm INTERIOR DECORATING Expert Guidance 1IN INTEIlI O E<OIATIN(7 Caît clîc inemîmmr dca lmirî. fimm - orly mitc te Rîct. SimicyomiC,, Robt. Chnrles Furniture 9E R8-21001 n-Il JANITOR SERVICE CLEANINO OFFICES Wal3a andal Al Types of Fluera CatI Milton Janitor Service TE 8-6388 .437-t REFRIGERATION lv'm t-m o Z1Iî a it ,,mîbm ,, llrooildmg ,, ,mmm îl a] .ao, .1 1 'j ,aLiy. Ail worok . r, l.î BURLINOTON NE 7- 1018 TV end RADIO SERVICE (Cent.) WHY TAXE A CHANCE SEE US FIRST Central Radio, TV and Appliance Service PHONE TE 8-9741 We tio echat otherscasI. Oven Il yer'enpnneoce. Ocaeaeteed sec- vice. Asteooa installation and nepaîro. K BAILEY TRENCHING BACKHOE WORK TIiî,ch,î,i0and Wcepeg Bedc Sad - Gavl - Sone ____________________FIN CUIIRIE - TE 8-6211 SODING CLAIRENCE CATION TE 8.9313 SODDINGo-lt HORNBY SODDING C. W. SPECK & SONS TR 8-4840 EWING MACHINES diyclîo tir tlîr îr,-rb îlnm$19. Nmrî,.îr lîîcîo tr,, $900mach- OIc i a îmeî 0c., for 1.as1IlhMe ai SI.Za lir wcr, SINC1I-R IWINO CEýNtIRE 172 Kir St. N. Oaiîoii Vtir 5-1172 IN MILTON CALL TE O 9,41 216 MainStIL FR: ILLI OrcCal(, dîcca RO 5-2540 c,îliclt TV end RADIO SERVICE ANiTENN h IN'TILAITICiN AN[t )ltoII1liS RICHARDSON'S RADIO & TV REPAIRS KEITH DURNAN TV AND RADIO pit r ta 11ail inabîr 1of trl imoî ii ascit radio. 217 Maie Strert TE 8-4445 o-tf NICK'S RADIO - TV SERVICE lu OntioSt. Fi24 h ,,î,c lte 3 S mLîihc' gcaî anteiail al] SEELEN'S T.V. Radio and lApiaî,rr Seroice Car Radîio a sperrialty. TV aerials iectlitd milin10fiE. If yoii micckln insotiaeeiol ycs- self.mcgivc a redirion oo Ibis CAl .. TE 8-458 o 139 MAIN ST. PLASTERINO Lai ig Staccoing F-rece stimates Bon WATKI048 Phone TE 8-6581 motIon Milton Plastering l'ýii nacd Ornaccc-c li Al,,o -Ceftîcgs l'alrbîogn -Repairs Fî 'o Em.1matce TR 8-2516 VINC ENTF DAOTIRO PAINTING, DECORATING PAINTING C.Il Fei o TR 8-2033 PET SERVICE SPECIAL GOLDFISH BOWL ANIS 55C TRIANGLE PET BAR 158.11 st.îS. TII 8-9032 UPH'OLSTERING Milton Upholstering '11, y e- et, e rehîcîtl le11 mîii. ,y F rceetl,c,,rs. Fro IAN %MAIYI< 11 ;;-9094 i)rcarli ai 358 MaincSt. UNIFORMS 51 IUtM.N UElAIIiME-NT ITOIlE NURSES' UNIFORMS' (I,,, ' l -.,fI011 Iccm1in, (W '11. L W lec r II I ni l'1 l 'er î,oed frîîîîî 0..98 tIc NUIZSl-:S'W1ITE NYLONS. sice tu 1o Il. $1.39 Imlr. N IS 1110lIY WHIITE OX- 101111S, prc10 e.113, <~55484%%454~%1I55I4Miltons Departirent Store 1 1 200mtMin St. 511 8-9i261 DIRECTORY ADVERTISING IS AVAILABLE N THIS SECTION AT ECON- OMICAL RAtES. PHONE FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION TR 8-2341. WELL DRILLING WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R. R. 2, Milton. Oct. Pine Burloglan NElson 1-825 FOR SALE-Car. trtuck an traie- toc lices, seW and sseed, ail alces, tom Pnkcee. Milton Tire asd Radial0 on Service. 191,Milt St., TE 8-2711, asemas frocs OMilon LmmndremAnt. FOR SALE - 6 TOne 1Os eousinl Caaeabeîlville, heavy wineel, nean 401, lange lot. Ptsone Rockwood IIL 648l72. b-51-5124 FOR SALE-YOu mlt like buy- ing yoor buildtieng maleialo i Cnawforde. Camehlliltn. Quck service. high ssaatîty. Phlone Camp- hollîvilînULsIor 4-2232. -tl FOR SALE - 90 arro,, o, h "f Gunlph,. modern 4 00cm hocco, bath. furnaoe, buit,about 10 yrar-, ag0, farc eccenot condition, on hardtoo roail, drilled mcli ce iene l lac1g e aek banri. $22.500. MaeCooecll. HIllahuergts Phon En 68-R414. 6-51-480W FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL PHILISHAVE ELECTRIC SHA VER $21.95 KEITH DURNAN TV & RADIO 217 Main, SI. TR 8-4445 c-4.2 FOR SALE I 2-0,000c wier cnscreld td o, $35. I nbrolrrtietd olY. miin, $35. I red lnaûberette hocteco chair, mîlh arm, $95. I loopncrior tale, melal, draoor. I ch oweî,or cao. ,rîObmolo andl baccsercedi oy litîle, $19. 1lmoclcaarbcrite ccffoctable, $9. t t,,ced ,,ak arbcmjt, s'tcp table. $9. t Iratherette Shiar 0,hmlat,,r' ohai,, NEyER USEO , $4. Alc,, macy otlicr c,îmrllaco, PHONE TR 8-9531 For Rent F011 SENT -siegir roc,o,1 penclr,i. Tif18.0-914. 0-5-137 FOR RENT - 3 1,0,11,0 heatvd, ,ad Icdoal,, TE 8-6963. C-5-463 F010 RENT-Fornichral î,,,,cinc banîchl O Pamn, boamal ilyllon- ai. 242 Main, Si. -5--172 FOR MENT-7 r,,,m tarm m bcac woib ,iragr. Tcîonîo CH 4-85115. c-3-4 FOR EENT-Mojrro3 rnm p- amimeel. 416OGerge St,. TE 8-20. c-3-29 FOR SENT - 6tr,Ocd homie,. 2014 Mary SI. TR 8-L>138 atler 6 imil.0-4-2-91 FOR RENT - bfleOltc hot mater bealers cchlreecserce. Phono Mîlton Hydr.TE 0-23451 r-t FOR RENT-R.,c,i,, ad board foim l1 n-2,covkincg men.TR.9656. o-5-l87 F011 RENT-0,011 cy or illot Ilime pi*aptoleqî,,pnientl Y,, an ru0it it f,morMlton 1oyoy IloeTE 8-2353. c-5-130 FOR1 RENT-Qîmmît. r;,,,1 tbibl Il. 1,0. cîr;temal,,and00 garage. Waîîtd soit boclîcro, lady o gil,,,,.TII 8-0000l. o-5-14., FOR lIENT - Hr,,yd d.ocol;,;r av11,,0.ailibte Jone2.1. lamr l berln, liring roi,,,,.kîltcnandai ballr,,c,. Aîptly TE 8-2810. c-4-121 FOR REET-C,,cîlral.b ouira, hîlohec i rmogec or hoard, cuie- abler 1,rlady crocher 11r norse. cîl otiy tocated. TE 8-9545. c-.,.131l FOR1 IENT ( cOrm.6 om .tîit-irrrt b,,, r. , lrd clos,, z bmessctio. M13Fîit,,e Arr.j TE 8-0092 îor Bro,,lr VA 7-4479.1 Wanted WANlEIS- T.o et, tarnilicrc :i)i,,it inMiltonl. 3 mooine and b,1i,. TE 8-2230. c-5-1460 WSNTrED-To i,,, I 3 bcdr-n,, iî,cr inlity J. M. Orîîyes în,I.î fi ,Jîîly I. TE 00018.6w. -5-177 WANT'El)i3 10,4ta ,r,, , t c!-. Jîîly 4 - Aîo-îmlt 5.Moii,, lh, tllîre 4lîîî 0lOOir ,I80ail,, '11 3-6692. i-5-178 WANT5tî l" crlirrtî 1,k liv iiiy KeFr St. l,m,Mil- t,îî 7:11î.30 larr O.ibrillr O6torIl TR t-3ii c-11 -5-l8t; WANTEI) Pan,1,. olo cabe. solcorcondi tion., Pay oasl,,W.ît(, .slal,,,È hbeghl. seabe. prive. EBox 560. aecalian Camopion,. -2-10l-405 WANTED - Halton Poltry Pro- dues. deaereie lioe n cd drece oîlîîy 0ad fresh roce. Cîîetom bîliîng. Phcone Milton TE 8-4401. __________c-tf W-AN'rti îi'e: 41 NorflO ,,rmiîî,, , 1,,, pormîlcro PI,îe,, fir lorbîî, t,,,our9 tu 5.0. M,- 4;îy llcrmipîh Fridlay. TEf 8-61511 ,îf- 1,0 7 11.. -5-1901 WAT onSîîmrîoîe- 1, clIand! t1,îe lbliîî3t.îrreo fo,.,,y g,îî,d ha;y andrt el(Vrfor oiareof crop. Plucecor îkwrod UL 6-4362. r-5-4il09 WANTEI5 Tcacirbrs iccIll rdation,. Partiîe aig rmr ;'(ilOlcîoendhboard, :iîî.rtnicrîclor c 1ls t,, relI.c,,t .ihIr tf, Halt Scecct toccrrc ascf lot Seolocco blrrîcet. picecse 01011 fîcO artIr- olaS l ritîco IccA.ZE. Illso,e D'lx 684, MilIce. r-5-l40 TENDERS For Plumbing Sealcal tedere mlke eriorivd celil Jucer24.,1046. by bir le oalco- sgelonalfm tciicobing and finiccros forc Li'cey S. S. No. 1. Esqcscing. Lomenl or aey tendern ccclnsc- eeoily aeceped. MES S S. AMSH, Sec'y.-Ti cas, R.R.M 3, Maton, TE 86162. c-4-2 tri M ai H DA T T b VI a s 2n WANTED - Couple, 1 dinila, ne- quLres apanlment or asosail bouse inMilton, reaisosabie cent. BaX 590, Canadien Chnampion. c-4-106 WA06TED - Lioe ponescyl toua anal dnck teather1festner licha. Iliginest prices. We catI, Wrst kMoses Zeoner, 18 Ceoydon RoalI Toronto. R-UsaelI 2-5133 or Msilton. l'E 8-9m6. ctl TOWNSHIP 0F TRAF'ALGAR Trafalgar Board of Parks Management SEEDING REQUIREMENTS Scaie tIendcerswilI bc receivel by thecsdeorgced on or betore the 121h dey cf JoiIy, 1960, for the suîaoy aed dctioery of upprosin- alcly 2,000 peunals nif gca secd. Spenificalions fon tItis grases mml are availabte Mit0te ofice oi the Soipoiinlecdcent af Paries <or the Tawanship of Trafalgar. Thr lomect or any tender mill ccl oreccsarity lhe accepel. WM. W. BATEMAN Sîaoec-îoendcen, TrafalganrBoaral of Parns Management, Township of Trafalga. C.4-2 HeIp Wanted HELP WANTEO - Sîrawkccry pickers, Omamqace area. TE 8- 2235. c-5-174 HEL? WANTEO -Womne 1 mahe drapec aod bedspnnad t a home. PooTE 8-20W1 for io- formation. c-5-152 HeIp Wanted FARM MACHINERY MECHANIC A,-rrialtrat backgrouniid denir- able. Permanent pîosition foc rigtt PHIONE TII 0-9on. MILTON fuor intrviewc h-5 Employment Wanted EMPLOYMENT WANTED - Mariid mac mîoh 9 dnpeedcent rreaîirecOeillor part-limce wore. Campbelie UL 4-2563._ c-5-164 EMPLOYMENT WAMTEO - Expei-îeorl aceaielast avait. able. loal mac. aoythîeg concid- rnd. Coeiidrotol. Measustabie. Ful or -parc liýme. Rocx5S3, Caead- inChamppion. -5-179 WANTED STUDENT JOBS STUDENT JOB - Bo ' yII1) miii do aoy î,dd ilîho. Sîkr. Roger Brownc. TE 8-6627. c-5.3-182 STUDENT JOB -Waiclrd, aoy hîcalof t orer for lm Oe sen- me.Kaîhy Cor,îrll TE 8-6303. c-5-3-183 STUDENT JOE-O,,ooa Pamell wouod ltu10 ormbin a etome dur- îcg sccemer hlîiday. Pieuse pholne TE 8-9482. c-5-3-184 STUOENT JOB - Hcgh echoot studrel. female. colohes ommsec 1h01 o an y kînd ieoluclin cyng Pcase phonc TE 8-9738.,Olaeipi Oollîe. c-5-3-180 OTUDENT JOB - Hdtc echeol 16mi >,cyras. grale 112. recriee suilîimccrmopllcrmrci, aey kinal. prirably t, omeai-.n using e)pcr- lio.. endvyPomor1, TE 8-9147. c-5-3-181 Lost and Found LOST Cdtîe.,mwcîte ccîth smn htback,.ouîe Lanoîr.eîrîelny base anod ith, ne. &cqîinsing. Gordon Eî,binon. TE 0-003. c-5.165 LOST - Or elraycd. fonxtoueid tcowmc and Itan. Acicurse it ýC,,îtj i'. Wîoai,ing citar withl R. Sh, linmc. Pho,îc D . A. Wrndevrr. Eraccl..s'A 7-3334. c-1-166 Miscellaneous I.AWN anidmo c liieippers shnicolircd. godsrmvice, relion. abhle îatio ýWzitdmrce'si,îbckmtb SO _16 J.cccec SI. e-5.2-i1 EXCHANGE. G('cîioy 4-buroor 20" gas mange. gmoud cocîdîtion. for ntilreeltiorang. DL 4-2654. SANITAEY Oisp;i.îcVend joaer ippleod ecomo, bcron, and eober faanimaoiscoîem-oved frkeeoe rffet T,,oonto EMpcrc 3-3636, ocrdmon YcungccLmmited, Toronto. We giiaianlrc that no animalo or ioicon cf accy animccc llectet by ecirr omipany w,11 bc rr-eold for humîaitcnsomnptionc r-38-483-lt Deadstock Service Wilpay M tb $11 per keant accord. ieg ta sie an4 condiîtion; korses and coms. Live hereseIhot cao maln Oc a lb. nt fero. 883> POLLAIW TE 8445 DEAD STOCK SER VICE IIIGIIEST CASH PEICES Fecraleant er disabeal bornes aed co. 014 borsn c a nlb. For prompt eervicc. nati long distance and ooh for Zenith 9-7950. No chargn ta you. PACONI Deadstock RemoVal HANfNON, ONT.