Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Jun 1960, p. 4

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The Cgnadiass ChamnOlon, flsuriday. June 16th, 1960 M 4 c é t r e Hitter ait Dwndas Youtisfut rigiss bander Tom strlkln usg 0f so men with rua- clalmed tise Miton b tss Lake, Thstrsday nsgbt tise Red' Sox n Wl T I BRUCE 110011 Marks, a SprsngilU NS. native, ners on second and third. Masiks Wilson, Bailey, i.ison and Ca- visit tise Bronte Braves. Coachsfi made bis initial start for tise gave op four mîlks and itrssck ruerain it safety for Dundas. Beans.r Serafîni w ilbave a mcll i Mlton Red Sos Sunclay arier out fosse Doug Cutty, fleet centre field- rested Nip Gervais for lb s fsm YWO YEILOWS namned Ton, one of miicis bas neyer played noon and threw a nsfty fîve-bît- Watson Geaeasua er for tise Red Sos, putted off tise portant tilt. Sunday aflernoon,w orgsnined bal before, coutd make a big difference in coacis ter astihe Dundas Merchants ai Ken Watson pltched eigist In- fielding gemt of tise ganse in tise Brampton Danforts tmakte tiseir T Beaner Serafinis Miton Red Sox hatl ctubs this sommer, tise Sos picked up i 5-2 win. Tise nings for tise lasers and his tack nintis inning. Cutty grabbed a first appearance bere mush Sam- If Tom Barrett, a 22 year otd cbap wbo hbuts frott Streetsvitte %win was tise second for lise Red of control kept bim in trouble sinking mier off tise bal of D. my Motbottand stateti to pitcb te and prior to this year hita onty tossed arounti a tasesaît astishe Sos in tise yoong season and tirougisout tise gamne. He was McPbait in igisi centre fieldi and for tise Danfortbs. Mitions ave s sandiols, bas joined tise ranks of tise Sos and atong sitb a moved tisem out of tise teague generous 10 tise igist iitting Red look a sure extra base blow letft ander Balcis Ritidett or i keen ce«vuaithtie bat (a place where tise citb aisaks sert bitlvi ellar. Sos, issuing inle watks, stîiking ascavfromt hini. E. Cttnvrot, Totm Marks welS likety toc tise vais caver a lot of grouon ustise defeosis'c side outftie diamunol. Marks gave up singtes in theise511igt smen and givingUp four Dundas t iglst lielder, culied oi t siasl) t lite Redi Sît. Tis otse To mntinei sTos Mrk, oiy20 eas oti seconsd. ttird, tilth, cigistisand i ts. Ron Piitips and Don Souths Souths ut a bit iln the cigistiss R H E f( and tisesane fettow miso pitebed Sunday against Dundas and sitsinos eptie io ii obesat tgann iigcti tafybaiI int u Mito 300 t00 100 5 4 2 a came up mils a top effort in attoisg tise ctuub ta gain onîy selt out of a jas in tise fifth,.and Art Melanson witis singes short rigist field, Dundas.001 010 000 2 5 41r tmo us. Trom is alto frro Streetsvitte but originatty came frons vîs' rv a,î usnqms. it'is ee~utc Springhitt. Nova Scotia miere be piviseti bail rigist up tisef tatider fromtihantnm,1t intermediate. Tbree ears of junior bait Lowville Win Streak Ea'.. Mets D r n s at mere is big semons, Tom dlaims, as tise ctub ment on ta otonDa k e s a tise Maritimes ille in ailthtree years. Slams Nelson 11 -3 -t~îa- A sigist rgistbander, holding a ncmv win, anc toss re- Lowvitte softbati dois sade i à W JW utJÏf s Ho n y S fb l cord in Intîrmediate bail in Springiitt tat year, Tom is jOSsmto sins in a row Friday nigist tise msmer to inotber gond sîartîng hurler se tise Milton tneup misen tbey slansmed Nelson 113 1 tu match ils iefty Buseis Ritideit. Nom Serafini isltoaded mush rigisi in Nelsos. On a reat streak o l s Tre pilvisers ils Wayne HIlton, Murray Whistler and Nipper Gier- atong tise ictory Irait nom tise A iS r & tbà 0 Lant Wednesday nigist a soft. vais iii avoulable in relief rotes, vues one a different type of Losovilters have scored se 29 The excutive of tise Nation w itisîsa club ibis year isecause bail ganse belmeen Hornby and pitriser ta reatty sake up tise opposition. runis in tisetastitisree gains Couttty basebati association met of nsovsng ta Burlinglon, mas Lomoîlis. sas balted afier onty SuIvis is stiti tise ismkione on tise staff tisough, anti was sisosing a uitile extra poswer ut in Dakvitte tasi nigisîin a general gives anuokat by tise ecerolire six innings ai play. Loitte mon instrumental in teading tise club tatise Ontario ille las( year lise bat, meeting, on tise grounds tai is playedth ie tilt 1l-10 mises tiseLumps isaci in tosing oniy ose of sesen ganses in tise playoff rn. Phi] Bock mas tise winning Ai-Sises Pay for Branle intise pasi lwo sea,lIo rail il qlus, but nsanager Jns Anotiser big addition ta tise squa i s a fetioso soo tise borler agait sous Dut Taylor Big item mas tise ansuat lea- sons. Hugises mos-rd 10 oning- ailionlo clainss tisatilliiiie theo bail fans arounti tomn iii recognize and tai is Doug Clly. Colv anti Sto Losgboal sbaring tise gue ait star ganse miicis is lu ise ton just afier i ast seasttsgput ast lime a bat]h s catieti on iv- mas lise nainssay sitîs Waterdomn in ils vears inlermediat e ions for Nelson in tise montibelot in Milton tiis year. Tise rottisg and tise Branle execttiiîe cosînl olttiarkness in tisai park. basebait anti bas nom foined tise Red Sos soiere hc bastroi doluies. nem grandstand anti pteniy of Ibougisi ice outd sot be ale tu Thte nese igiîs are jus( absout ingtocestrisgcîie n lis H pet inis ob Sicisaceursinga SoesTi-a 4 parking facilti is mere poinsed pay tisere Ibis sear. i itiisetiand sisoutllbe turord un ing a shostring ctch in te ninth ining whih accupdnasto Screactorseon protiuasibig actorsmasprstucignorancewsutus(bintestcesf' eis il> estik tised th arknesss Tons Marks, mas my ifesas-er. Big ratit lor Loweiite came ifinse cronstifor tise iuty 10 teasure rutes us aui- pairt,, saîidJîns îvioliem andcgise a lter sîarsisg Altoesrongastishe bat, atîougis ise honi t 00shwLO uris tise fons inning soben firsi anti strosg seten tuant loup fornsi Scarrots, Bt ste spokesmaîn, -l ise, m tu t h aIe ietigilof'plat- yet, Cutty ieass st mus tDon Souths ant ilcuer Prima Rikît oic Fred Hartisanti, tisesGord Harmisici tauvcose an ait star teans totti Gary isc roulin'tplay fur us ersainsitains atise. Tommy Burrets la give Miltas ils finest oulfietti protection in rssngai on base anti Bobibsya santepotwhcads cwn flOkvl opu, nasie years. Porky Glervais anti Dan Jayee are reserves in Ibis Wright came irougb tits ii ermsantsrpismsvs nis s1etso aeletipa In Relief m as tooketi upan wmus favor. boltmisen 1 gaI reading lise OB.A. PiitBock mas tise inning pit- deparîment misacvan be couniteol on la do a favoraisle jab issous ohnserus ta scre tise smo mes Campisetivite Merehants 1010f-masuat 1 ond il mais okat aindtri ntegt, aigutlth Gervais fairît strang at tiseiat as sorti, os base. For Nelsons roi iciailytyhie teague cisampion.% me gai hisiu ans. Tise incidentchrnlsgaealiguitie Tise infieltipicture bani cisngeti Ina mues n ise as ers scîtret in tise trst innng.frtrm ast year attisougis tiet iniar i lJast toi>aises1il ts i55 siswen Jack Ring came fe par is smeig ony bilpsas iri asRoissn a eShebosecnsantr ifnish il f Bpîayoff cases, bots aifstisicisare iv Camp-0 ettsbnHîns-salt non ast second, Stu Hannans as isort and Art Me[înon (tise ol anol t is rss usas lise irsiihalagainst Dakvitl ielluet >ltise biet. Eaîri Cairns, totsises Ils sang tin sarseis, veteran ut 22) ai siirtibase. Pillips is one of tis eisaîve it- tbrutesin lise gainse. Tise unît hiîie of players front tise otaer is Barlingso aîndiJacrk Laking Fiai Horribt, Dits Ctrrîe starteot ters os the clubs titket as arc Hassant andl Melansos sciis olier Nelsîtn rus rame in tiseix teams, as choses bys tise uns suislires iii Milsas plaî thisstise ,islsascpselnts is Sanni hr ihteodlucbiaswl.T tp finialiisig. pires in lite teague. clubtistere. isif isiBill Rich,,rdîtssnd ît ies tubs in tise infietti ineup are files Dance asti ferrs- Hornesoos, T icae t isa as serrelart Tise pair base isatoleveral tcars thu s aeinstîfquaie Chenisg. bolt misons do a tsp'oh in tisefieldi isutare nul Issu rosi- Ts à r : & i ,,, us Wofthie eague for- alsons. siti Camnpisclilîr issotaarulitgiif ascatrni uetlsLo- tintent in tise iitting tieparînsent. Tsstisifs stalestisait i a plaserre- sî balii i rtiii ise t inisg The hap ho pays he psiton wich any eopl refr Tasalg.tr golf ladies beld aa ber of tise executite as ttc-l as l sitinatrus tiv ainplaes e e i %i h ia nig T sth eia miatas li o itlb n isicis mun eth efer is 1-%o-til toiuisomte ast scek andti iirti sice-president of tise paIresntbil sisere or isso -earsi v ci. NttniisHiv-Fil o 10u o t t.H satuarlers foriedaistsoiendil sosie tietclub Otite Hariier atndtiMiltie Sweevt- 1Ontario Basebaît Association. otisebcmat nisoeastait-anstil sutbc- te rsi mcenus g i)eiseen ihese Dou Hat yal ovei er at ea ati oiet lsenus main isounot up stiti top uroresot be bonoreti for bis maint sears tiises slssr. titsst s sss iss raes1 piaying sosîIy iv tise oulfieldtutastari svti, butlaking ote ieoas esnimieNîc a ieerrrretatie 1ag e, i ble al WaOayigis Isîr ,-adîsîle lsprîselsi tise calcbing teparîment ibis vear on a loit tise basin leecepi i lbels anso Jean eutil. Hiddten Isle dat of the atilt sar gaine. Min. oBlioter for mien be s on siift work andt ies Coacis Brave tls f iole innrscasMs. fPtter. Eigbîîîîy Qesiîd ITise enreitive gave ilistisole tieigss for a ganse or smo 10 galer a test aciing musclent. Heait is strong astishe bat ast is a reai bller guytlu rer sop tise cluisTtc girls are:scrking tsmaîrti Gary Hughes, ose of tise benti hearieti enti>rsemess iof tise ap misen il iits tise skids. teTatrisensi ropiseis tise vii pitrisers in tise vague wtio ban ieoming Minor Basebalsteein i mianrîtunod, ietot]eeery Tues- hurled haill for BrunIe for the nai roan iibsît Ifs1 cas jusîgel ibis club up 10 tise pihtises isas lst sesrc a salesosTitek'esspu ire ars. ani tnsent merS. Fete McMulten. Ifur- in tise ptayoffs anti titi tise addition a et it twToms and Cuitis, iraistaicnol oi. Thgis vcîo sn ps trcveai n dsigbte s t~5 rsoeitIls SA there mont be a team n i iis league isirlitons US,"Coinii the chairmas of lise mi tiirsserk 1 Ligion Balleons nsented Serafini, hisiseif a scieras ut Il seairs in ntermvesiisir mmitieceansirepoîrts a iiiisi FRI., JUNE 24 -.9 p basebait in Milton. We bave a big granistasdti iis vtrcansiduos respunse iiait assnc e%%triosCouples $2. M abetter LSuit club ils lots of goti teans spirit usait sisotîli stecuty pu us rigiss oser tise tap lissyeac, ise adoles. G iants Top.os tseciuttr. _______________ Attentiance isas been up arrucding ha Elmner Nornist galce-____________________________ keeper, misa vtaim tisaitishe opening season crosetis thi _______,______r_ hsave been as gond as tome of tise platoft ganses sn utîser _______________________Head___________________ Lion mithi tise club is Len Ste. Marie-misa- as presidt isvi - H1Mth P fyicassi. oe s Ksntar u ath ic D ousNu abie for any arguments miicis came up about tise clubs Opera- top ai0 cPs rge1 iemsssr hpt.îgeoe lias. Len bas morkedti msslie club for tise postsîirer tracs, Ltte League banebait standings tu gatiser the mss and it mas rggmimu e L aT Wg let MM î L6WAKI ant ba his istrmetalin ouise ofciasses isiis .ais iis mvvk iss Bill Wattaces Danny Et-ans misu mas the big 1A 4à boc10CUT OF ASCua4 OLOP liG aen mtis e dingtrmtin a yeors. caneswhchhi enutos atop the Major loup., stugger of lise nigisi gutttsg tisc Iu~~MUI 4 bemaedrn hs £r.Tise teagues bas-e heentisntOpera- bus s ntiscetiss utaIbat.N AHeN114 esNâ lion sirce seeks nom andt iereltoglliemnsn n msîb 5 J bu. SPORTOPICS are suit titve raiseti ouI ganses calme in the final nîing. Dossu AG Biggest proilem tise Red SOasarecisaving Ibis 5car lunule la ieremaseryp. ati n he or pati HobyRoso s urc ARG fronstise fart shey hate mon on]vt ss ganses ou( ot sixsl te) tain rer league ibis serk sous tise the tons. Nearn isangeti oui w is tise kits mhicb make a nusane of îiensers ai es-rtc homne Bicycle Rîaîtro on Suturtaît gis. triples anti mus.tef t un tird banc ganse . . . Masy fans have remurketi about tise ridieutous mas-itngrcassfor cavretiasion ut ai os bots occasiuns. ner in miicis shese fettoms carry uts, breakivg pop boulies anti ganes. MAJOR LEAGUE ptayisg tag misie tise ganse is in prugrs . . . Thi parents of PONY LEAGUE Onty une ganse mas phateot in R B T E S D C R tise ganses anti maybe gel tise piclure of mhat igueson ... -This Big garnse ii tise meek in ibis endeti in a 3-3 lie Munday nigbî And Rliabi. Automotive Repairs nonsense should hi slopped before saseisotiy gels hurt . . . teague %vas patedl Mosday sigisi ah Ontario Steel mith Redi Son -Suntiay, a lady ilh a baby carniage- mas aimos homietiover autlise bigis schoot taiesN eris anti Driates splttng ttlbt. mises a bunvis of tiesm ere runnis garount ... -Lrt go to the iggs' Brases upset Murray Tise gante tanteti for anby 55re You Can't Go Wrong At ganse asti make use of tise nem grastistand boys, il's bar sllliog Nootis Retis s0-i. timings bevaute of a lt ta ra on . . . Sa Wiseeber ast i unsSeetis joiseti Bon brother-is-lam Wayne Arnold wtenstishe raute asti tarksess set is asti anotiser cisap frons Kitchsenec os a flnhlng expidillon un the mousti for the Bravs GAllES THIS WEEK aver lise meekenti miicis carriedt ieuser the Agoquin Far k su dram tise in tebite il mas Pooy League bountiary on Cache Lake. . . Ho t(a veteras on the streamnj Trevur NHostoho iosuffereti is Slrit-Rtsv describes lins (a fairty semcosec lu bie art) an an avli pîtdler firnt setisavkos tise mounti for Docigers vs Braves; Gonsv anti daims Jins cas porage acasue as mehb us asyast. bise Retis. Cardinaîn. * * *Big iit of tise gainse came in Musîtay - Rets. vs fi ans tise final innisg toies Omen Cartiiast vs Pirates. Wrisllisig relus-ns ta, the armna for n ose nigisî stand sent Yemm smasised a tripbl- ta score Wetisestiay - fluants vs Brates; monts iss le isessisîatrti to appear taler sntise sunsmer ... tise fivaltwso runs ohttise ganse Cardinats vs Retis. Tise Redi Sos mere rained outlin tisir bi Iosplay a prevos n asid cises the vicions. Nous- Att garnses in tisis teague tube lU t1 raineti ouI escousiter is Dustias Tuesday night . . . The ganse tus also isat ose guo tît sbfor place aIlis e iigis scioul t airpcs- SEE o foc Tif NEW mas orsgisatiy sciseduteti for Juse 2 ast i mii nom isave lis be tise Redn, est. resceduled a biirdt ime . .. Avosiser smeepstakes bsurney Dodgers Geais Win Major Lefgue B mit be rus off Ibis Suîstay ah the Trafalgar Golf course as mitI a In tise ather ganse playeti in Saturtiay- Redi Sux vs. Yan. BOUSE PAINT TUAI miiedt so bail . . . Bath of tisese ac. items miich tise clubs ibis eague Mandat, Alan Par- kees, vast e maaiisrp han tise opportunity ta taise part sn as an tans Dutigers came tiscougis ils Masday- Redi Soit vs Ses-TM atiteti treat ... On June 25 Ihe qualfylng roundn for tise mess un 8-7 is ooer Sussv Heures tars, club vianpionsisip mutl begis ast ilu carry un Ibrouagiout the Pirates ho fisaihy gel sn the in Wednestiay - Oruotes vs Yan-vT R S I S T M surmaser . . . Tise ladies get stacteti os tieir quallfying rounds coumnalfer bhrce os n a kees liis Saturtiay ils tee off ise asinsu ort'ock ... Tise 401 tirvsg ra se For Piatesi.lt as thier AIt ganses in lis s tague Lake range mas popuhar on tise meekent ilmusosty one problemen- vsescond o sasti nom givesbhi.m place ai Ontario Steet halibad countereti ... Laurie Durnan dlaims Ibecei.-s as Invisible shild a mu m wn Imo ossrecord. mont ai presenit. avec tise buiseye ta no babis crus isi il asdtittie club teiier viais a frai buekel of baths . . . Tise igisus arc ins now anti should hi on for Iis meekenti, mneekise isais e ssrfslnswhonrv eiane yoalt'ig momentn Infilfe ruse my C RA W FO R D S5 0 . . . Il is vîrsainty o monderîsslibtrilI, * I 140W ABOUT THATs Les Nayhoc, a gent misa ias playeti mant I U got off ta a branci sta hrt siis yvar inbise focs of a s m B L C O A L giove anti a nem set of bath spikes . . Les pay outfiId l'or tise Legton essry in tise Industiio soflisaIt loop asti cIansise is reîdy nom for anather 20 years Oi il,. R E N W F R New C-I-L Aaaylic.Latex ~W Ott00tiIe/ W xtedor Paint Best Summer Wrestling Card e savon work, tise and ACRYLIC-LATEX Features Big U.S. Import Team SUM MIVEK ijt ufUxn PIN Mitoan fans are annuredth ie best A sonniraus pair of blond ILaoy other type of pait Iin mrestiing during tiese unmer bombuheits, Roc HunIer ant i Rp-~sdu-oa ih evk . siason according tla tiss eit- Namk, ure satedti et te s r 5oa ihvlvt knomn mîlcismaker, Frank Tus- Migisby Jumbo anti Frescie* L ney. Tise MiltasArena Board bas Vignat of France, is a tus vans S A V- msenin inuat te ko ~ ting impresario ta provide tise pair matie their Canati an T four yeair or more hint vf met-knamn TV mat stars tiebut onty a mvek agoanI hati AND THE! LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS ta conte L10Milton during lise ses- tise fans on tise etige aI thier son. chsairs. - tisebottst ad mide t Dher featuret shommen swt P L l2 3 iTmoot o tts bdmd estleMike Vaentino (<m ilsioPHONE 42 3 rliompson Joins Hfornby ieu 1-mb Th= b twsp rday SIht and h sl aan thtie ghty Trafalr ck or hie letlm ila m s snound duties titis yeae. liowever, ail] was flot welI and tise Chicks waltzed off witb a 10-1 victory. rhompson is expected to be ln the Hornby lncup for at least a few of the games there this summer, and is a weleome asset in the pitching department. Zaiba Win$ Harry Zalba mas in bis usuat form on tise mound for Trafatgar ,ad added a home run to bis imowsd work to, pave the club's attack. At Brook also bomered for the Chicks in thse decisive win. A triple by Btake Inglis was thse big hit of the nigisî for H-ornby. wbich gos uts only run in the sixtinnssing. LAWN CHAIRS NAMMOCKS BARBECUES And othes- GardoFurnitus-a for fus in the sun. sAINTS-AWN1NGB ALUII&lP4 SPOOC ~mm~- Od maU là LED WITH'S ~oM UT - Primants - "MEET YOUR RED SOX" 1959 ni, 'V'Champions STU HANNANT Olu dlaims il's a lot vuier ta attraci attention mils a basebati bat tisas o 5asebatb glove. Since ioininf tise Red Sus a fem nea- st bck, Stu bas beys ans of their top nuggers, asd ti Iprenent Ohu i s sisurng tise short stop posi- tion iIb Glen Dasce. AIt araunti sportsma n,'5e golfs in tise tom h-n i santi spvnsthslie inier mosiisnecbasing pucks for tise M as erhansEnsotoyet bv "Mecs Youc Redi Son spansor, Mike Leîwtsih, Otu ueeigiss 160, stands 5,8, bats aindti iroms rigisi. NEXT HOME CAME - BRAMLPTON MERE Sundmy, lune 19, 2.30 psn. THIS M5 NOT HOT AIR! If itou masi îo gel ceai valuen for your $ $ $, c'mon« ovec t0 NORM HARE RAMBLE i SALES tîlok oa00r oac big neection of conspieiety re-condtiioned Usnd Cars, Youttl be so pleaseti ai the privant JST LOOKI 1959 RENAULT DAUPH-INE, black, gcey isaîser iris, radio, mliiewatit. 8,600 original mites.- --..........$1170. 1959 FIAT, 1200 serins, four door, short taein radio, tehite matin ie car goaranies ........ --------$1595. 1950 PLYMOUTHE SAVOY, îutomatic, rnadio, wietenuals, jet blacks, blue ininrior, 31,000 oiginal mites.-.....$1595. 1958 STUDOSAKER PRESIDENT four door sedan, auiomaîic transmission, radio, power teering, twmm grip tiff, Excellent tires--.........--......- --..........$1595. 1956 FORD TWO TONE inso door, customs une V-8. $1095. 1955 PLYMOUJTH SAVOY four dlotr gooti condition - $ 495. 1955 PONTIAC imo door, radio, Smo tone paint.i-...$ 795. 1956 NASH STATISMAfi, immacuisis- --............$ 795. 1947 DODGE CUSTOM ROYAL, 42,000 original mites, cons- pIsse hisîory on car,................ ------ $ 350. C H E A PI1 E S 1949 FORD, gooti moior, radio- - --...... ..... $ 100. 1951 CMIV. Smo cdoor...--------..........ý$ 150. 1951 CHEV. four donc- - - - --........... ..........$ 150. 1950 CHEV. four door ........... .......... $ 195. Nerm Htqure Ruinhier Suies. KILItILEMEN &Jro ly" WEJVLY A MJ£Et 8OCO V&Iàt CRora rai M.ris 7aepA«cTR 8.2328

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